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преди 3 години
  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2012/06/nuspec.xsd">
  3. <metadata>
  4. <id>bootstrap-select</id>
  5. <version>1.11.2</version>
  6. <title>bootstrap-select</title>
  7. <authors>Silvio Moreto,Ana Carolina,caseyjhol,Matt Bryson,and t0xicCode.</authors>
  8. <owners>Silvio Moreto</owners>
  9. <projectUrl>https://github.com/silviomoreto/bootstrap-select</projectUrl>
  10. <description>Bootstrap-select is a jQuery plugin that utilizes Bootstrap's dropdown.js to style and bring additional functionality to standard select elements.</description>
  11. <tags>bootstrap dropdown select</tags>
  12. <requireLicenseAcceptance>false</requireLicenseAcceptance>
  13. <dependencies>
  14. <dependency id="jQuery" version="1.8.0" />
  15. </dependencies>
  16. </metadata>
  17. <files>
  18. <file src="dist\js\bootstrap-select*.*" target="content\Scripts" />
  19. <file src="dist\js\i18n\*.*" target="content\Scripts\i18n" />
  20. <file src="dist\css\*.*" target="content\Content" />
  21. </files>
  22. </package>