

3 lat temu
  2. =========
  3. 4.4.0
  4. -----
  5. * added support for connecting to Redis Sentinel clusters
  6. * added argument `$prefix` to `AdapterInterface::clear()`
  7. * improved `RedisTagAwareAdapter` to support Redis server >= 2.8 and up to 4B items per tag
  8. * added `TagAwareMarshaller` for optimized data storage when using `AbstractTagAwareAdapter`
  9. * added `DeflateMarshaller` to compress serialized values
  10. * removed support for phpredis 4 `compression`
  11. * [BC BREAK] `RedisTagAwareAdapter` is not compatible with `RedisCluster` from `Predis` anymore, use `phpredis` instead
  12. * Marked the `CacheDataCollector` class as `@final`.
  13. 4.3.0
  14. -----
  15. * removed `psr/simple-cache` dependency, run `composer require psr/simple-cache` if you need it
  16. * deprecated all PSR-16 adapters, use `Psr16Cache` or `Symfony\Contracts\Cache\CacheInterface` implementations instead
  17. * deprecated `SimpleCacheAdapter`, use `Psr16Adapter` instead
  18. 4.2.0
  19. -----
  20. * added support for connecting to Redis clusters via DSN
  21. * added support for configuring multiple Memcached servers via DSN
  22. * added `MarshallerInterface` and `DefaultMarshaller` to allow changing the serializer and provide one that automatically uses igbinary when available
  23. * implemented `CacheInterface`, which provides stampede protection via probabilistic early expiration and should become the preferred way to use a cache
  24. * added sub-second expiry accuracy for backends that support it
  25. * added support for phpredis 4 `compression` and `tcp_keepalive` options
  26. * added automatic table creation when using Doctrine DBAL with PDO-based backends
  27. * throw `LogicException` when `CacheItem::tag()` is called on an item coming from a non tag-aware pool
  28. * deprecated `CacheItem::getPreviousTags()`, use `CacheItem::getMetadata()` instead
  29. * deprecated the `AbstractAdapter::unserialize()` and `AbstractCache::unserialize()` methods
  30. * added `CacheCollectorPass` (originally in `FrameworkBundle`)
  31. * added `CachePoolClearerPass` (originally in `FrameworkBundle`)
  32. * added `CachePoolPass` (originally in `FrameworkBundle`)
  33. * added `CachePoolPrunerPass` (originally in `FrameworkBundle`)
  34. 3.4.0
  35. -----
  36. * added using options from Memcached DSN
  37. * added PruneableInterface so PSR-6 or PSR-16 cache implementations can declare support for manual stale cache pruning
  38. * added prune logic to FilesystemTrait, PhpFilesTrait, PdoTrait, TagAwareAdapter and ChainTrait
  39. * now FilesystemAdapter, PhpFilesAdapter, FilesystemCache, PhpFilesCache, PdoAdapter, PdoCache, ChainAdapter, and
  40. ChainCache implement PruneableInterface and support manual stale cache pruning
  41. 3.3.0
  42. -----
  43. * added CacheItem::getPreviousTags() to get bound tags coming from the pool storage if any
  44. * added PSR-16 "Simple Cache" implementations for all existing PSR-6 adapters
  45. * added Psr6Cache and SimpleCacheAdapter for bidirectional interoperability between PSR-6 and PSR-16
  46. * added MemcachedAdapter (PSR-6) and MemcachedCache (PSR-16)
  47. * added TraceableAdapter (PSR-6) and TraceableCache (PSR-16)
  48. 3.2.0
  49. -----
  50. * added TagAwareAdapter for tags-based invalidation
  51. * added PdoAdapter with PDO and Doctrine DBAL support
  52. * added PhpArrayAdapter and PhpFilesAdapter for OPcache-backed shared memory storage (PHP 7+ only)
  53. * added NullAdapter
  54. 3.1.0
  55. -----
  56. * added the component with strict PSR-6 implementations
  57. * added ApcuAdapter, ArrayAdapter, FilesystemAdapter and RedisAdapter
  58. * added AbstractAdapter, ChainAdapter and ProxyAdapter
  59. * added DoctrineAdapter and DoctrineProvider for bidirectional interoperability with Doctrine Cache