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- # Table Jump-to
- ## Usage
- ```html
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="extensions/page-jumpto/bootstrap-table-jumpto.css"></style>
- <script src="extensions/page-jumpto/bootstrap-table-jumpto.js"></script>
- ```
- ## Options
- ### showJumpto
- * type: Boolean
- * description: Set true to enable show 'jump to page'. can be defined via `data-show-jumpto` HTML attributes.
- * default: `false`
- * button style: can be styled via bootstrap-table buttonsClass attributes.
- ````html
- <table id="my_table_id"
- data-url="data/url.json"
- data-id-field="id"
- data-show-jumpto="true">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th class="col-md-1" data-field="id" data-sortable="true" data-align="center">#</th>
- <th class="col-md-4" data-field="name" data-editable="true">Name</th>
- <th class="col-md-7" data-field="description" data-editable="true" data-editable-emptytext="Custom empty text.">Description</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- </table>
- ````