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<span>ID:</span> |
<el-input v-model="search.id" style="width: 120px;" placeholder="请输入内容"></el-input> |
<span>名称:</span> |
<el-input v-model="search.plan_name" style="width: 120px;" placeholder="请输入内容"></el-input> |
<span>酒店</span> |
<el-select v-model="search.hotel_id" placeholder="请选择" style="width: 120px;" clearable> |
<el-option |
v-for="item in hotelList" |
:key="item.id" |
:label="item.name" |
:value="item.id"> |
</el-option> |
</el-select> |
<span>房型</span> |
<el-select v-model="search.room_id" placeholder="请选择" style="width: 120px;" clearable> |
<el-option |
v-for="item in roomList" |
:key="item.id" |
:label="item.name" |
:value="item.id"> |
</el-option> |
</el-select> |
<span>采购负责人</span> |
<el-select v-model="search.purchase_user_id" placeholder="请选择" style="width: 120px;" clearable> |
<el-option |
v-for="item in userList" |
:key="item.id" |
:label="item.name" |
:value="item.id"> |
</el-option> |
</el-select> |
<el-button type="primary" icon="el-icon-search" @click="getData(1)">搜索</el-button> |
<el-button type="primary" icon="el-icon-plus" @click="edit(null)">新增</el-button> |
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<el-table ref="multipleTable" :data="tableData" border tooltip-effect="dark" |
style="font-size:12px;width: 100%;margin-top: 12px"> |
<el-table-column prop="id" label="ID" min-width="50"></el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="plan_name" label="名称" min-width="120"></el-table-column> |
<el-table-column label="酒店" :formatter="getHotelName" min-width="180"></el-table-column> |
<el-table-column label="房型" :formatter="getRoomName" min-width="180"></el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="breakfast_num" label="早餐数量" min-width="60"></el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="book_end_day" label="提前几天预定" min-width="60"></el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="book_end_hour" label="几点前预定" min-width="60"></el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="continuity_type" label="入住类型" :formatter="getTypeName" min-width="60"></el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="coutinuity_day" label="连续入住天数" min-width="60"></el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="plan_memo" label="方案说明" min-width="60"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-popover |
placement="top-start" |
title="" |
width="200" |
trigger="hover" |
:content="scope.row.plan_memo"> |
<div slot="reference" v-html="scope.row.plan_memo" style="overflow:hidden;white-space: nowrap;"></div> |
</el-popover> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="purchase_user_id" label="采购负责人" :formatter="getPurchaseName" min-width="90"></el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="create_time" label="创建时间" min-width="80"></el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="update_time" label="更新时间" min-width="80"></el-table-column> |
<el-table-column label="操作" min-width="180"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-button-group> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" @click="edit(scope.row)" icon="el-icon-edit">编辑</el-button> |
<el-button type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-delete" @click="delAll(scope.row.id)">删除</el-button> |
</el-button-group> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
<el-pagination |
:page-size="search.pageSize" |
:pager-count="11" |
layout="total, sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper" |
:total="total" |
:current-page="search.pageNum" |
:page-sizes="[10, 20, 30, 40, 50]" |
@size-change="sizeChange" |
@current-change="getData" |
@prev-click="getData" |
@next-click="getData" |
></el-pagination> |
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<transition name="bounce" v-if="editShow"> |
<el-dialog title="详情" :visible.sync="editShow" width="90%" top="15px"> |
<el-form ref="form" label-width="100px" style="width: 100%;padding-bottom: 20px"> |
<div style="display: flex;width: 100%"> |
<el-form-item v-if="editType" label="ID:" style="width: 80%"> |
<div v-html="editData.id"></div> |
</el-form-item> |
</div> |
<div> |
<el-form-item label="名称:" style="width: 80%"> |
<el-input v-model="editData.hotel_name" style="width: 280px;" placeholder="请输入内容"></el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</div> |
<div style="display: flex"> |
<el-form-item label="省:" > |
<el-select v-model="editData.province" placeholder="请选择" style="width: 120px;" clearable> |
<el-option v-for="item in province" :key="item.value" :label="item.name" :value="item.value"></el-option> |
</el-select> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="市:" > |
<el-select v-model="editData.city" placeholder="请选择" style="width: 120px;" clearable> |
<el-option v-for="item in edit_city" :key="item.value" :label="item.name" :value="item.value"></el-option> |
</el-select> |
</el-form-item> |
</div> |
<div> |
<el-form-item label="详细地址:" style="width: 80%"> |
<el-input v-model="editData.detail_address" style="width: 580px;" placeholder="请输入内容"></el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</div> |
<div> |
<el-button type="primary" @click="editDoing()" >保存</el-button> |
</div> |
</el-form> |
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<script> |
new Vue({ |
el: '#app', |
data: function () { |
return { |
search: { |
id:"", |
hotel_id: "", |
room_id: "", |
purchase_user_id:"", |
plan_name:"", |
pageSize:10, |
pageNum: 1 |
}, |
total: 0, |
tableData: [], |
editShow: false, |
editType: false, |
editData: { |
}, |
hotelList:[], |
roomList:[], |
roomAllList:[], |
userList: [], |
//连续入住类型 0无限制 1连住几晚 2连住几晚及以上 3连住几晚及其倍数 |
typeList:[ |
{id:0,name:"无限制"}, |
{id:1,name:"连住几晚"}, |
{id:2,name:"连住几晚及以上"}, |
{id:3,name:"连住几晚及其倍数"} |
] |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getHotelList(); |
this.getRoomAllList(); |
this.getAdminUser(); |
this.getData(1) |
}, |
watch: { |
"search.hotel_id" : function (newVal,oldVal){ |
this.roomList = [] |
axios.post("/hotel.php/cf_room_info/getRoomList?hotelId="+newVal, {}).then((response) => { |
let data = response.data; |
this.roomList = data.list; |
}).catch(function (error) { |
console.log(error); |
}); |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
getPurchaseName(info) { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.userList.length; i++) { |
if (this.userList[i].id == info.purchase_user_id) { |
return this.userList[i].name |
} |
} |
return "-" |
}, |
getTypeName(info) { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.typeList.length; i++) { |
if (this.typeList[i].id == info.continuity_type) { |
return this.typeList[i].name |
} |
} |
return "-" |
}, |
getHotelName(info) { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.hotelList.length; i++) { |
if (this.hotelList[i].id == info.hotel_id) { |
return this.hotelList[i].name |
} |
} |
return "-" |
}, |
getRoomName(info) { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.roomAllList.length; i++) { |
if (this.roomAllList[i].id == info.room_id) { |
return this.roomAllList[i].name |
} |
} |
return "-" |
}, |
getRoomAllList(){ |
axios.post("/hotel.php/cf_room_info/getList", this.search).then((response) => { |
this.roomAllList = response.data.list; |
}).catch(function (error) { |
console.log(error); |
}); |
}, |
getAdminUser() { |
axios.post("/hotel.php/auth/admin/getList", this.search).then((response) => { |
this.userList = response.data.list; |
}).catch(function (error) { |
console.log(error); |
}); |
}, |
getHotelList(){ |
axios.post("/hotel.php/cf_hotel_info/getHotelList", {}).then((response) => { |
let data = response.data; |
this.hotelList = data.list; |
}).catch(function (error) { |
console.log(error); |
}); |
}, |
sizeChange(pageSize) { |
this.search.pageSize = pageSize; |
this.getData(this.search.pageNum) |
}, |
//獲取列表 |
getData(page) { |
this.search.pageNum = page; |
axios.post("/hotel.php/cf_room_plan/list", this.search).then((response) => { |
let data = response.data; |
if (data.flag) { |
this.tableData = data.data.list; |
this.total = data.data.total; |
} else { |
this.$message.error(response.msg); |
} |
}).catch(function (error) { |
console.log(error); |
}); |
}, |
edit(info) { |
this.$message.error("功能待完善"); |
return false |
if (info == null) { |
this.editType = false; |
this.editData = { |
hotel_id:"", |
room_id:"", |
plan_name:"", |
breakfast_num:"", |
book_end_day:"", |
book_end_hour:"", |
continuity_type:0, |
coutinuity_day:"", |
plan_memo:"", |
purchase_user_id:"", |
} |
} else { |
this.edit_city_set = 1; |
this.editType = true; |
this.editData = { |
hotel_id:info.hotel_id, |
room_id:info.room_id, |
plan_name:info.plan_name, |
breakfast_num:info.breakfast_num, |
book_end_day:info.book_end_day, |
book_end_hour:info.book_end_hour, |
continuity_type:info.continuity_type, |
coutinuity_day:info.coutinuity_day, |
plan_memo:info.plan_memo, |
purchase_user_id:info.purchase_user_id, |
} |
} |
this.editShow = true; |
}, |
editDoing(){ |
if (this.editData.hotel_id==''){ |
this.$message.error("请选择酒店");return false; |
} |
if (this.editData.room_id==''){ |
this.$message.error("请选择房型");return false; |
} |
if (this.editData.plan_name==''){ |
this.$message.error("名称不能为空");return false; |
} |
if (this.editData.breakfast_num==''){ |
this.$message.error("早餐数量不能为空");return false; |
} |
if (this.editData.book_end_day==''){ |
this.$message.error("提前几天预定不能为空");return false; |
} |
if (this.editData.book_end_hour==''){ |
this.$message.error("几点前预定不能为空");return false; |
} |
if (this.editData.continuity_type==''){ |
this.$message.error("选择入住类型不能");return false; |
} |
if (this.editData.coutinuity_day==''){ |
this.$message.error("连续入住天数不能为空");return false; |
} |
if (this.editData.plan_memo==''){ |
this.$message.error("方案说明不能为空");return false; |
} |
if (this.editData.purchase_user_id==''){ |
this.$message.error("请选择采购负责人");return false; |
} |
this.setAreaName(); |
axios.post("/hotel.php/cf_room_plan/save", this.editData).then( (response)=> { |
let data = response.data; |
console.log(this.tableData); |
if (data.flag) { |
this.$message({ |
message: '保存成功!', |
type: 'success' |
}); |
this.editShow = false; |
this.getData(1); |
} else { |
this.$message.error(data.msg); |
} |
}).catch(function (error) { |
this.$message.error("保存失败"); |
console.log(error); |
}); |
}, |
delAll(id){ |
this.$confirm('确定删除?', '提示', { |
confirmButtonText: '确定', |
cancelButtonText: '取消', |
type: 'warning' |
}).then(() => { |
let param = { |
id: id |
} |
axios.post("/hotel.php/cf_room_plan/delAll", param).then((response) => { |
let data = response.data; |
if (data.flag) { |
this.getData(this.search.pageNum) |
this.$message.success("保存成功"); |
} else { |
this.$message.error(response.msg); |
} |
}).catch(function (error) { |
console.log(error); |
}); |
}).catch(() => { |
this.$message({ |
type: 'info', |
message: '已取消' |
}); |
this.getData(this.search.pageNum) |
}) |
} |
} |
}) |
</script> |
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body { |
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margin-bottom: 5px !important; |
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