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- # Change Log
- ## [1.2.0] - 2017-01-22
- ### Added
- - Added IDE, CodeSniffer, and StyleCI.IO support
- ### Changed
- - Switched to PSR-4 Autoloading
- ### Fixed
- - 0 step expressions are handled better
- - Fixed `DayOfMonth` validation to be more strict
- - Typos
- ## [1.1.0] - 2016-01-26
- ### Added
- - Support for non-hourly offset timezones
- - Checks for valid expressions
- ### Changed
- - Max Iterations no longer hardcoded for `getRunDate()`
- - Supports DateTimeImmutable for newer PHP verions
- ### Fixed
- - Fixed looping bug for PHP 7 when determining the last specified weekday of a month
- ## [1.0.3] - 2013-11-23
- ### Added
- - Now supports expressions with any number of extra spaces, tabs, or newlines
- ### Changed
- - Using static instead of self in `CronExpression::factory`
- ### Fixed
- - Fixes issue [#28](https://github.com/mtdowling/cron-expression/issues/28) where PHP increments of ranges were failing due to PHP casting hyphens to 0
- - Only set default timezone if the given $currentTime is not a DateTime instance ([#34](https://github.com/mtdowling/cron-expression/issues/34))