/** @license * RequireJS plugin for loading JSON files * - depends on Text plugin and it was HEAVILY "inspired" by it as well. * Author: Miller Medeiros * Version: 0.4.0 (2014/04/10) * Released under the MIT license */ define(['text'], function(text){ var CACHE_BUST_QUERY_PARAM = 'bust', CACHE_BUST_FLAG = '!bust', jsonParse = (typeof JSON !== 'undefined' && typeof JSON.parse === 'function')? JSON.parse : function(val){ return eval('('+ val +')'); //quick and dirty }, buildMap = {}; function cacheBust(url){ url = url.replace(CACHE_BUST_FLAG, ''); url += (url.indexOf('?') < 0)? '?' : '&'; return url + CACHE_BUST_QUERY_PARAM +'='+ Math.round(2147483647 * Math.random()); } //API return { load : function(name, req, onLoad, config) { if (( config.isBuild && (config.inlineJSON === false || name.indexOf(CACHE_BUST_QUERY_PARAM +'=') !== -1)) || (req.toUrl(name).indexOf('empty:') === 0)) { //avoid inlining cache busted JSON or if inlineJSON:false //and don't inline files marked as empty! onLoad(null); } else { text.get(req.toUrl(name), function(data){ if (config.isBuild) { buildMap[name] = data; onLoad(data); } else { onLoad(jsonParse(data)); } }, onLoad.error, { accept: 'application/json' } ); } }, normalize : function (name, normalize) { // used normalize to avoid caching references to a "cache busted" request if (name.indexOf(CACHE_BUST_FLAG) !== -1) { name = cacheBust(name); } // resolve any relative paths return normalize(name); }, //write method based on RequireJS official text plugin by James Burke //https://github.com/jrburke/requirejs/blob/master/text.js write : function(pluginName, moduleName, write){ if(moduleName in buildMap){ var content = buildMap[moduleName]; write('define("'+ pluginName +'!'+ moduleName +'", function(){ return '+ content +';});\n'); } } }; });