<?php return [ 'Order not exist' => '订单不存在', 'Thanks for the evaluation' => '感谢评价', 'Evaluation failure' => '评价失败', 'Address not exist' => '地址不存在', 'Product not exist' => '商品不存在', 'Online' => '在线支付', 'Offline' => '到货付款', 'wxPay' => '微信付款', 'aliPay' => '支付宝付', 'Please fill in the refund amount' => '请填写退款金额', 'Please select goods status' => '请选择商品状态', 'Please select goods' => '请选择商品', 'Please select service type' => '请选择服务类型', 'Please fill in the express number' => '请填写快递编号', 'Operation failed' => '操作失败!', 'Your receiving address is not within the scope of delivery' => '你的收货地址不在配送范围内', 'You must purchase at least %s item to use this shipping method' => '你必须至少购买%s件商品才能使用此配送方式', 'Insufficient inventory,%s pieces left' => '库存不足,剩%s件', 'There are offline products' => '存在已下架的商品', 'There are not exist or Offline' => '其中有商品已下架的', 'Parameter error' => '参数错误', 'Please login first' => '请先登录' ];