- // Jcrop static functions
- $.extend(Jcrop,{
- component: { },
- filter: { },
- stage: { },
- registerComponent: function(name,component){
- Jcrop.component[name] = component;
- },
- registerFilter: function(name,filter){
- Jcrop.filter[name] = filter;
- },
- registerStageType: function(name,stage){
- Jcrop.stage[name] = stage;
- },
- // attach: function(element,opt){{{
- attach: function(element,opt){
- var obj = new $.Jcrop(element,opt);
- return obj;
- },
- // }}}
- // imgCopy: function(imgel){{{
- imgCopy: function(imgel){
- var img = new Image;
- img.src = imgel.src;
- return img;
- },
- // }}}
- // imageClone: function(imgel){{{
- imageClone: function(imgel){
- return $.Jcrop.supportsCanvas?
- Jcrop.canvasClone(imgel):
- Jcrop.imgCopy(imgel);
- },
- // }}}
- // canvasClone: function(imgel){{{
- canvasClone: function(imgel){
- var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
- ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
- $(canvas).width(imgel.width).height(imgel.height),
- canvas.width = imgel.naturalWidth;
- canvas.height = imgel.naturalHeight;
- ctx.drawImage(imgel,0,0,imgel.naturalWidth,imgel.naturalHeight);
- return canvas;
- },
- // }}}
- // propagate: function(plist,config,obj){{{
- propagate: function(plist,config,obj){
- for(var i=0,l=plist.length;i<l;i++)
- if (config.hasOwnProperty(plist[i]))
- obj[plist[i]] = config[plist[i]];
- },
- // }}}
- // getLargestBox: function(ratio,w,h){{{
- getLargestBox: function(ratio,w,h){
- if ((w/h) > ratio)
- return [ h * ratio, h ];
- else return [ w, w / ratio ];
- },
- // }}}
- // stageConstructor: function(el,options,callback){{{
- stageConstructor: function(el,options,callback){
- // Get a priority-ordered list of available stages
- var stages = [];
- $.each(Jcrop.stage,function(i,e){
- stages.push(e);
- });
- stages.sort(function(a,b){ return a.priority - b.priority; });
- // Find the first one that supports this element
- for(var i=0,l=stages.length;i<l;i++){
- if (stages[i].isSupported(el,options)){
- stages[i].create(el,options,function(obj,opt){
- if (typeof callback == 'function') callback(obj,opt);
- });
- break;
- }
- }
- },
- // }}}
- // supportsColorFade: function(){{{
- supportsColorFade: function(){
- return $.fx.step.hasOwnProperty('backgroundColor');
- },
- // }}}
- // wrapFromXywh: function(xywh){{{
- wrapFromXywh: function(xywh){
- var b = { x: xywh[0], y: xywh[1], w: xywh[2], h: xywh[3] };
- b.x2 = b.x + b.w;
- b.y2 = b.y + b.h;
- return b;
- }
- // }}}
- });