- /**
- * @version: 2.1.27
- * @author: Dan Grossman http://www.dangrossman.info/
- * @copyright: Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Dan Grossman. All rights reserved.
- * @license: Licensed under the MIT license. See http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
- * @website: http://www.daterangepicker.com/
- */
- // Follow the UMD template https://github.com/umdjs/umd/blob/master/templates/returnExportsGlobal.js
- (function (root, factory) {
- if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
- // AMD. Make globaly available as well
- define(['moment', 'jquery'], function (moment, jquery) {
- if (!jquery.fn) jquery.fn = {}; // webpack server rendering
- return factory(moment, jquery);
- });
- } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
- // Node / Browserify
- //isomorphic issue
- var jQuery = (typeof window != 'undefined') ? window.jQuery : undefined;
- if (!jQuery) {
- jQuery = require('jquery');
- if (!jQuery.fn) jQuery.fn = {};
- }
- var moment = (typeof window != 'undefined' && typeof window.moment != 'undefined') ? window.moment : require('moment');
- module.exports = factory(moment, jQuery);
- } else {
- // Browser globals
- root.daterangepicker = factory(root.moment, root.jQuery);
- }
- }(this, function(moment, $) {
- var DateRangePicker = function(element, options, cb) {
- //default settings for options
- this.parentEl = 'body';
- this.element = $(element);
- this.startDate = moment().startOf('day');
- this.endDate = moment().endOf('day');
- this.minDate = false;
- this.maxDate = false;
- this.dateLimit = false;
- this.autoApply = false;
- this.singleDatePicker = false;
- this.showDropdowns = false;
- this.showWeekNumbers = false;
- this.showISOWeekNumbers = false;
- this.showCustomRangeLabel = true;
- this.timePicker = false;
- this.timePicker24Hour = false;
- this.timePickerIncrement = 1;
- this.timePickerSeconds = false;
- this.linkedCalendars = true;
- this.autoUpdateInput = true;
- this.alwaysShowCalendars = false;
- this.ranges = {};
- this.opens = 'right';
- if (this.element.hasClass('pull-right'))
- this.opens = 'left';
- this.drops = 'down';
- if (this.element.hasClass('dropup'))
- this.drops = 'up';
- this.buttonClasses = 'btn btn-sm';
- this.applyClass = 'btn-success';
- this.cancelClass = 'btn-default';
- this.locale = {
- direction: 'ltr',
- format: moment.localeData().longDateFormat('L'),
- separator: ' - ',
- applyLabel: 'Apply',
- cancelLabel: 'Cancel',
- weekLabel: 'W',
- customRangeLabel: 'Custom Range',
- daysOfWeek: moment.weekdaysMin(),
- monthNames: moment.monthsShort(),
- firstDay: moment.localeData().firstDayOfWeek()
- };
- this.callback = function() { };
- //some state information
- this.isShowing = false;
- this.leftCalendar = {};
- this.rightCalendar = {};
- //custom options from user
- if (typeof options !== 'object' || options === null)
- options = {};
- //allow setting options with data attributes
- //data-api options will be overwritten with custom javascript options
- options = $.extend(this.element.data(), options);
- //html template for the picker UI
- if (typeof options.template !== 'string' && !(options.template instanceof $))
- options.template = '<div class="daterangepicker dropdown-menu">' +
- '<div class="calendar left">' +
- '<div class="daterangepicker_input">' +
- '<input class="input-mini form-control" type="text" name="daterangepicker_start" value="" />' +
- '<i class="fa fa-calendar glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i>' +
- '<div class="calendar-time">' +
- '<div></div>' +
- '<i class="fa fa-clock-o glyphicon glyphicon-time"></i>' +
- '</div>' +
- '</div>' +
- '<div class="calendar-table"></div>' +
- '</div>' +
- '<div class="calendar right">' +
- '<div class="daterangepicker_input">' +
- '<input class="input-mini form-control" type="text" name="daterangepicker_end" value="" />' +
- '<i class="fa fa-calendar glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i>' +
- '<div class="calendar-time">' +
- '<div></div>' +
- '<i class="fa fa-clock-o glyphicon glyphicon-time"></i>' +
- '</div>' +
- '</div>' +
- '<div class="calendar-table"></div>' +
- '</div>' +
- '<div class="ranges">' +
- '<div class="range_inputs">' +
- '<button class="applyBtn" disabled="disabled" type="button"></button> ' +
- '<button class="cancelBtn" type="button"></button>' +
- '</div>' +
- '</div>' +
- '</div>';
- this.parentEl = (options.parentEl && $(options.parentEl).length) ? $(options.parentEl) : $(this.parentEl);
- this.container = $(options.template).appendTo(this.parentEl);
- //
- // handle all the possible options overriding defaults
- //
- if (typeof options.locale === 'object') {
- if (typeof options.locale.direction === 'string')
- this.locale.direction = options.locale.direction;
- if (typeof options.locale.format === 'string')
- this.locale.format = options.locale.format;
- if (typeof options.locale.separator === 'string')
- this.locale.separator = options.locale.separator;
- if (typeof options.locale.daysOfWeek === 'object')
- this.locale.daysOfWeek = options.locale.daysOfWeek.slice();
- if (typeof options.locale.monthNames === 'object')
- this.locale.monthNames = options.locale.monthNames.slice();
- if (typeof options.locale.firstDay === 'number')
- this.locale.firstDay = options.locale.firstDay;
- if (typeof options.locale.applyLabel === 'string')
- this.locale.applyLabel = options.locale.applyLabel;
- if (typeof options.locale.cancelLabel === 'string')
- this.locale.cancelLabel = options.locale.cancelLabel;
- if (typeof options.locale.weekLabel === 'string')
- this.locale.weekLabel = options.locale.weekLabel;
- if (typeof options.locale.customRangeLabel === 'string'){
- //Support unicode chars in the custom range name.
- var elem = document.createElement('textarea');
- elem.innerHTML = options.locale.customRangeLabel;
- var rangeHtml = elem.value;
- this.locale.customRangeLabel = rangeHtml;
- }
- }
- this.container.addClass(this.locale.direction);
- if (typeof options.startDate === 'string')
- this.startDate = moment(options.startDate, this.locale.format);
- if (typeof options.endDate === 'string')
- this.endDate = moment(options.endDate, this.locale.format);
- if (typeof options.minDate === 'string')
- this.minDate = moment(options.minDate, this.locale.format);
- if (typeof options.maxDate === 'string')
- this.maxDate = moment(options.maxDate, this.locale.format);
- if (typeof options.startDate === 'object')
- this.startDate = moment(options.startDate);
- if (typeof options.endDate === 'object')
- this.endDate = moment(options.endDate);
- if (typeof options.minDate === 'object')
- this.minDate = moment(options.minDate);
- if (typeof options.maxDate === 'object')
- this.maxDate = moment(options.maxDate);
- // sanity check for bad options
- if (this.minDate && this.startDate.isBefore(this.minDate))
- this.startDate = this.minDate.clone();
- // sanity check for bad options
- if (this.maxDate && this.endDate.isAfter(this.maxDate))
- this.endDate = this.maxDate.clone();
- if (typeof options.applyClass === 'string')
- this.applyClass = options.applyClass;
- if (typeof options.cancelClass === 'string')
- this.cancelClass = options.cancelClass;
- if (typeof options.dateLimit === 'object')
- this.dateLimit = options.dateLimit;
- if (typeof options.opens === 'string')
- this.opens = options.opens;
- if (typeof options.drops === 'string')
- this.drops = options.drops;
- if (typeof options.showWeekNumbers === 'boolean')
- this.showWeekNumbers = options.showWeekNumbers;
- if (typeof options.showISOWeekNumbers === 'boolean')
- this.showISOWeekNumbers = options.showISOWeekNumbers;
- if (typeof options.buttonClasses === 'string')
- this.buttonClasses = options.buttonClasses;
- if (typeof options.buttonClasses === 'object')
- this.buttonClasses = options.buttonClasses.join(' ');
- if (typeof options.showDropdowns === 'boolean')
- this.showDropdowns = options.showDropdowns;
- if (typeof options.showCustomRangeLabel === 'boolean')
- this.showCustomRangeLabel = options.showCustomRangeLabel;
- if (typeof options.singleDatePicker === 'boolean') {
- this.singleDatePicker = options.singleDatePicker;
- if (this.singleDatePicker)
- this.endDate = this.startDate.clone();
- }
- if (typeof options.timePicker === 'boolean')
- this.timePicker = options.timePicker;
- if (typeof options.timePickerSeconds === 'boolean')
- this.timePickerSeconds = options.timePickerSeconds;
- if (typeof options.timePickerIncrement === 'number')
- this.timePickerIncrement = options.timePickerIncrement;
- if (typeof options.timePicker24Hour === 'boolean')
- this.timePicker24Hour = options.timePicker24Hour;
- if (typeof options.autoApply === 'boolean')
- this.autoApply = options.autoApply;
- if (typeof options.autoUpdateInput === 'boolean')
- this.autoUpdateInput = options.autoUpdateInput;
- if (typeof options.linkedCalendars === 'boolean')
- this.linkedCalendars = options.linkedCalendars;
- if (typeof options.isInvalidDate === 'function')
- this.isInvalidDate = options.isInvalidDate;
- if (typeof options.isCustomDate === 'function')
- this.isCustomDate = options.isCustomDate;
- if (typeof options.alwaysShowCalendars === 'boolean')
- this.alwaysShowCalendars = options.alwaysShowCalendars;
- // update day names order to firstDay
- if (this.locale.firstDay != 0) {
- var iterator = this.locale.firstDay;
- while (iterator > 0) {
- this.locale.daysOfWeek.push(this.locale.daysOfWeek.shift());
- iterator--;
- }
- }
- var start, end, range;
- //if no start/end dates set, check if an input element contains initial values
- if (typeof options.startDate === 'undefined' && typeof options.endDate === 'undefined') {
- if ($(this.element).is('input[type=text]')) {
- var val = $(this.element).val(),
- split = val.split(this.locale.separator);
- start = end = null;
- if (split.length == 2) {
- start = moment(split[0], this.locale.format);
- end = moment(split[1], this.locale.format);
- } else if (this.singleDatePicker && val !== "") {
- start = moment(val, this.locale.format);
- end = moment(val, this.locale.format);
- }
- if (start !== null && end !== null) {
- this.setStartDate(start);
- this.setEndDate(end);
- }
- }
- }
- if (typeof options.ranges === 'object') {
- for (range in options.ranges) {
- if (typeof options.ranges[range][0] === 'string')
- start = moment(options.ranges[range][0], this.locale.format);
- else
- start = moment(options.ranges[range][0]);
- if (typeof options.ranges[range][1] === 'string')
- end = moment(options.ranges[range][1], this.locale.format);
- else
- end = moment(options.ranges[range][1]);
- // If the start or end date exceed those allowed by the minDate or dateLimit
- // options, shorten the range to the allowable period.
- if (this.minDate && start.isBefore(this.minDate))
- start = this.minDate.clone();
- var maxDate = this.maxDate;
- if (this.dateLimit && maxDate && start.clone().add(this.dateLimit).isAfter(maxDate))
- maxDate = start.clone().add(this.dateLimit);
- if (maxDate && end.isAfter(maxDate))
- end = maxDate.clone();
- // If the end of the range is before the minimum or the start of the range is
- // after the maximum, don't display this range option at all.
- if ((this.minDate && end.isBefore(this.minDate, this.timepicker ? 'minute' : 'day'))
- || (maxDate && start.isAfter(maxDate, this.timepicker ? 'minute' : 'day')))
- continue;
- //Support unicode chars in the range names.
- var elem = document.createElement('textarea');
- elem.innerHTML = range;
- var rangeHtml = elem.value;
- this.ranges[rangeHtml] = [start, end];
- }
- var list = '<ul>';
- for (range in this.ranges) {
- list += '<li data-range-key="' + range + '">' + range + '</li>';
- }
- if (this.showCustomRangeLabel) {
- list += '<li data-range-key="' + this.locale.customRangeLabel + '">' + this.locale.customRangeLabel + '</li>';
- }
- list += '</ul>';
- this.container.find('.ranges').prepend(list);
- }
- if (typeof cb === 'function') {
- this.callback = cb;
- }
- if (!this.timePicker) {
- this.startDate = this.startDate.startOf('day');
- this.endDate = this.endDate.endOf('day');
- this.container.find('.calendar-time').hide();
- }
- //can't be used together for now
- if (this.timePicker && this.autoApply)
- this.autoApply = false;
- if (this.autoApply && typeof options.ranges !== 'object') {
- this.container.find('.ranges').hide();
- } else if (this.autoApply) {
- this.container.find('.applyBtn, .cancelBtn').addClass('hide');
- }
- if (this.singleDatePicker) {
- this.container.addClass('single');
- this.container.find('.calendar.left').addClass('single');
- this.container.find('.calendar.left').show();
- this.container.find('.calendar.right').hide();
- this.container.find('.daterangepicker_input input, .daterangepicker_input > i').hide();
- if (this.timePicker) {
- this.container.find('.ranges ul').hide();
- } else {
- this.container.find('.ranges').hide();
- }
- }
- if ((typeof options.ranges === 'undefined' && !this.singleDatePicker) || this.alwaysShowCalendars) {
- this.container.addClass('show-calendar');
- }
- this.container.addClass('opens' + this.opens);
- //swap the position of the predefined ranges if opens right
- if (typeof options.ranges !== 'undefined' && this.opens == 'right') {
- this.container.find('.ranges').prependTo( this.container.find('.calendar.left').parent() );
- }
- //apply CSS classes and labels to buttons
- this.container.find('.applyBtn, .cancelBtn').addClass(this.buttonClasses);
- if (this.applyClass.length)
- this.container.find('.applyBtn').addClass(this.applyClass);
- if (this.cancelClass.length)
- this.container.find('.cancelBtn').addClass(this.cancelClass);
- this.container.find('.applyBtn').html(this.locale.applyLabel);
- this.container.find('.cancelBtn').html(this.locale.cancelLabel);
- //
- // event listeners
- //
- this.container.find('.calendar')
- .on('click.daterangepicker', '.prev', $.proxy(this.clickPrev, this))
- .on('click.daterangepicker', '.next', $.proxy(this.clickNext, this))
- .on('mousedown.daterangepicker', 'td.available', $.proxy(this.clickDate, this))
- .on('mouseenter.daterangepicker', 'td.available', $.proxy(this.hoverDate, this))
- .on('mouseleave.daterangepicker', 'td.available', $.proxy(this.updateFormInputs, this))
- .on('change.daterangepicker', 'select.yearselect', $.proxy(this.monthOrYearChanged, this))
- .on('change.daterangepicker', 'select.monthselect', $.proxy(this.monthOrYearChanged, this))
- .on('change.daterangepicker', 'select.hourselect,select.minuteselect,select.secondselect,select.ampmselect', $.proxy(this.timeChanged, this))
- .on('click.daterangepicker', '.daterangepicker_input input', $.proxy(this.showCalendars, this))
- .on('focus.daterangepicker', '.daterangepicker_input input', $.proxy(this.formInputsFocused, this))
- .on('blur.daterangepicker', '.daterangepicker_input input', $.proxy(this.formInputsBlurred, this))
- .on('change.daterangepicker', '.daterangepicker_input input', $.proxy(this.formInputsChanged, this))
- .on('keydown.daterangepicker', '.daterangepicker_input input', $.proxy(this.formInputsKeydown, this));
- this.container.find('.ranges')
- .on('click.daterangepicker', 'button.applyBtn', $.proxy(this.clickApply, this))
- .on('click.daterangepicker', 'button.cancelBtn', $.proxy(this.clickCancel, this))
- .on('click.daterangepicker', 'li', $.proxy(this.clickRange, this))
- .on('mouseenter.daterangepicker', 'li', $.proxy(this.hoverRange, this))
- .on('mouseleave.daterangepicker', 'li', $.proxy(this.updateFormInputs, this));
- if (this.element.is('input') || this.element.is('button')) {
- this.element.on({
- 'click.daterangepicker': $.proxy(this.show, this),
- 'focus.daterangepicker': $.proxy(this.show, this),
- 'keyup.daterangepicker': $.proxy(this.elementChanged, this),
- 'keydown.daterangepicker': $.proxy(this.keydown, this) //IE 11 compatibility
- });
- } else {
- this.element.on('click.daterangepicker', $.proxy(this.toggle, this));
- this.element.on('keydown.daterangepicker', $.proxy(this.toggle, this));
- }
- //
- // if attached to a text input, set the initial value
- //
- if (this.element.is('input') && !this.singleDatePicker && this.autoUpdateInput) {
- this.element.val(this.startDate.format(this.locale.format) + this.locale.separator + this.endDate.format(this.locale.format));
- this.element.trigger('change');
- } else if (this.element.is('input') && this.autoUpdateInput) {
- this.element.val(this.startDate.format(this.locale.format));
- this.element.trigger('change');
- }
- };
- DateRangePicker.prototype = {
- constructor: DateRangePicker,
- setStartDate: function(startDate) {
- if (typeof startDate === 'string')
- this.startDate = moment(startDate, this.locale.format);
- if (typeof startDate === 'object')
- this.startDate = moment(startDate);
- if (!this.timePicker)
- this.startDate = this.startDate.startOf('day');
- if (this.timePicker && this.timePickerIncrement)
- this.startDate.minute(Math.round(this.startDate.minute() / this.timePickerIncrement) * this.timePickerIncrement);
- if (this.minDate && this.startDate.isBefore(this.minDate)) {
- this.startDate = this.minDate.clone();
- if (this.timePicker && this.timePickerIncrement)
- this.startDate.minute(Math.round(this.startDate.minute() / this.timePickerIncrement) * this.timePickerIncrement);
- }
- if (this.maxDate && this.startDate.isAfter(this.maxDate)) {
- this.startDate = this.maxDate.clone();
- if (this.timePicker && this.timePickerIncrement)
- this.startDate.minute(Math.floor(this.startDate.minute() / this.timePickerIncrement) * this.timePickerIncrement);
- }
- if (!this.isShowing)
- this.updateElement();
- this.updateMonthsInView();
- },
- setEndDate: function(endDate) {
- if (typeof endDate === 'string')
- this.endDate = moment(endDate, this.locale.format);
- if (typeof endDate === 'object')
- this.endDate = moment(endDate);
- if (!this.timePicker)
- this.endDate = this.endDate.add(1,'d').startOf('day').subtract(1,'second');
- if (this.timePicker && this.timePickerIncrement)
- this.endDate.minute(Math.round(this.endDate.minute() / this.timePickerIncrement) * this.timePickerIncrement);
- if (this.endDate.isBefore(this.startDate))
- this.endDate = this.startDate.clone();
- if (this.maxDate && this.endDate.isAfter(this.maxDate))
- this.endDate = this.maxDate.clone();
- if (this.dateLimit && this.startDate.clone().add(this.dateLimit).isBefore(this.endDate))
- this.endDate = this.startDate.clone().add(this.dateLimit);
- this.previousRightTime = this.endDate.clone();
- if (!this.isShowing)
- this.updateElement();
- this.updateMonthsInView();
- },
- isInvalidDate: function() {
- return false;
- },
- isCustomDate: function() {
- return false;
- },
- updateView: function() {
- if (this.timePicker) {
- this.renderTimePicker('left');
- this.renderTimePicker('right');
- if (!this.endDate) {
- this.container.find('.right .calendar-time select').attr('disabled', 'disabled').addClass('disabled');
- } else {
- this.container.find('.right .calendar-time select').removeAttr('disabled').removeClass('disabled');
- }
- }
- if (this.endDate) {
- this.container.find('input[name="daterangepicker_end"]').removeClass('active');
- this.container.find('input[name="daterangepicker_start"]').addClass('active');
- } else {
- this.container.find('input[name="daterangepicker_end"]').addClass('active');
- this.container.find('input[name="daterangepicker_start"]').removeClass('active');
- }
- this.updateMonthsInView();
- this.updateCalendars();
- this.updateFormInputs();
- },
- updateMonthsInView: function() {
- if (this.endDate) {
- //if both dates are visible already, do nothing
- if (!this.singleDatePicker && this.leftCalendar.month && this.rightCalendar.month &&
- (this.startDate.format('YYYY-MM') == this.leftCalendar.month.format('YYYY-MM') || this.startDate.format('YYYY-MM') == this.rightCalendar.month.format('YYYY-MM'))
- &&
- (this.endDate.format('YYYY-MM') == this.leftCalendar.month.format('YYYY-MM') || this.endDate.format('YYYY-MM') == this.rightCalendar.month.format('YYYY-MM'))
- ) {
- return;
- }
- this.leftCalendar.month = this.startDate.clone().date(2);
- if (!this.linkedCalendars && (this.endDate.month() != this.startDate.month() || this.endDate.year() != this.startDate.year())) {
- this.rightCalendar.month = this.endDate.clone().date(2);
- } else {
- this.rightCalendar.month = this.startDate.clone().date(2).add(1, 'month');
- }
- } else {
- if (this.leftCalendar.month.format('YYYY-MM') != this.startDate.format('YYYY-MM') && this.rightCalendar.month.format('YYYY-MM') != this.startDate.format('YYYY-MM')) {
- this.leftCalendar.month = this.startDate.clone().date(2);
- this.rightCalendar.month = this.startDate.clone().date(2).add(1, 'month');
- }
- }
- if (this.maxDate && this.linkedCalendars && !this.singleDatePicker && this.rightCalendar.month > this.maxDate) {
- this.rightCalendar.month = this.maxDate.clone().date(2);
- this.leftCalendar.month = this.maxDate.clone().date(2).subtract(1, 'month');
- }
- },
- updateCalendars: function() {
- if (this.timePicker) {
- var hour, minute, second;
- if (this.endDate) {
- hour = parseInt(this.container.find('.left .hourselect').val(), 10);
- minute = parseInt(this.container.find('.left .minuteselect').val(), 10);
- second = this.timePickerSeconds ? parseInt(this.container.find('.left .secondselect').val(), 10) : 0;
- if (!this.timePicker24Hour) {
- var ampm = this.container.find('.left .ampmselect').val();
- if (ampm === 'PM' && hour < 12)
- hour += 12;
- if (ampm === 'AM' && hour === 12)
- hour = 0;
- }
- } else {
- hour = parseInt(this.container.find('.right .hourselect').val(), 10);
- minute = parseInt(this.container.find('.right .minuteselect').val(), 10);
- second = this.timePickerSeconds ? parseInt(this.container.find('.right .secondselect').val(), 10) : 0;
- if (!this.timePicker24Hour) {
- var ampm = this.container.find('.right .ampmselect').val();
- if (ampm === 'PM' && hour < 12)
- hour += 12;
- if (ampm === 'AM' && hour === 12)
- hour = 0;
- }
- }
- this.leftCalendar.month.hour(hour).minute(minute).second(second);
- this.rightCalendar.month.hour(hour).minute(minute).second(second);
- }
- this.renderCalendar('left');
- this.renderCalendar('right');
- //highlight any predefined range matching the current start and end dates
- this.container.find('.ranges li').removeClass('active');
- if (this.endDate == null) return;
- this.calculateChosenLabel();
- },
- renderCalendar: function(side) {
- //
- // Build the matrix of dates that will populate the calendar
- //
- var calendar = side == 'left' ? this.leftCalendar : this.rightCalendar;
- var month = calendar.month.month();
- var year = calendar.month.year();
- var hour = calendar.month.hour();
- var minute = calendar.month.minute();
- var second = calendar.month.second();
- var daysInMonth = moment([year, month]).daysInMonth();
- var firstDay = moment([year, month, 1]);
- var lastDay = moment([year, month, daysInMonth]);
- var lastMonth = moment(firstDay).subtract(1, 'month').month();
- var lastYear = moment(firstDay).subtract(1, 'month').year();
- var daysInLastMonth = moment([lastYear, lastMonth]).daysInMonth();
- var dayOfWeek = firstDay.day();
- //initialize a 6 rows x 7 columns array for the calendar
- var calendar = [];
- calendar.firstDay = firstDay;
- calendar.lastDay = lastDay;
- for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- calendar[i] = [];
- }
- //populate the calendar with date objects
- var startDay = daysInLastMonth - dayOfWeek + this.locale.firstDay + 1;
- if (startDay > daysInLastMonth)
- startDay -= 7;
- if (dayOfWeek == this.locale.firstDay)
- startDay = daysInLastMonth - 6;
- var curDate = moment([lastYear, lastMonth, startDay, 12, minute, second]);
- var col, row;
- for (var i = 0, col = 0, row = 0; i < 42; i++, col++, curDate = moment(curDate).add(24, 'hour')) {
- if (i > 0 && col % 7 === 0) {
- col = 0;
- row++;
- }
- calendar[row][col] = curDate.clone().hour(hour).minute(minute).second(second);
- curDate.hour(12);
- if (this.minDate && calendar[row][col].format('YYYY-MM-DD') == this.minDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD') && calendar[row][col].isBefore(this.minDate) && side == 'left') {
- calendar[row][col] = this.minDate.clone();
- }
- if (this.maxDate && calendar[row][col].format('YYYY-MM-DD') == this.maxDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD') && calendar[row][col].isAfter(this.maxDate) && side == 'right') {
- calendar[row][col] = this.maxDate.clone();
- }
- }
- //make the calendar object available to hoverDate/clickDate
- if (side == 'left') {
- this.leftCalendar.calendar = calendar;
- } else {
- this.rightCalendar.calendar = calendar;
- }
- //
- // Display the calendar
- //
- var minDate = side == 'left' ? this.minDate : this.startDate;
- var maxDate = this.maxDate;
- var selected = side == 'left' ? this.startDate : this.endDate;
- var arrow = this.locale.direction == 'ltr' ? {left: 'chevron-left', right: 'chevron-right'} : {left: 'chevron-right', right: 'chevron-left'};
- var html = '<table class="table-condensed">';
- html += '<thead>';
- html += '<tr>';
- // add empty cell for week number
- if (this.showWeekNumbers || this.showISOWeekNumbers)
- html += '<th></th>';
- if ((!minDate || minDate.isBefore(calendar.firstDay)) && (!this.linkedCalendars || side == 'left')) {
- html += '<th class="prev available"><i class="fa fa-' + arrow.left + ' glyphicon glyphicon-' + arrow.left + '"></i></th>';
- } else {
- html += '<th></th>';
- }
- var dateHtml = this.locale.monthNames[calendar[1][1].month()] + calendar[1][1].format(" YYYY");
- if (this.showDropdowns) {
- var currentMonth = calendar[1][1].month();
- var currentYear = calendar[1][1].year();
- var maxYear = (maxDate && maxDate.year()) || (currentYear + 5);
- var minYear = (minDate && minDate.year()) || (currentYear - 50);
- var inMinYear = currentYear == minYear;
- var inMaxYear = currentYear == maxYear;
- var monthHtml = '<select class="monthselect">';
- for (var m = 0; m < 12; m++) {
- if ((!inMinYear || m >= minDate.month()) && (!inMaxYear || m <= maxDate.month())) {
- monthHtml += "<option value='" + m + "'" +
- (m === currentMonth ? " selected='selected'" : "") +
- ">" + this.locale.monthNames[m] + "</option>";
- } else {
- monthHtml += "<option value='" + m + "'" +
- (m === currentMonth ? " selected='selected'" : "") +
- " disabled='disabled'>" + this.locale.monthNames[m] + "</option>";
- }
- }
- monthHtml += "</select>";
- var yearHtml = '<select class="yearselect">';
- for (var y = minYear; y <= maxYear; y++) {
- yearHtml += '<option value="' + y + '"' +
- (y === currentYear ? ' selected="selected"' : '') +
- '>' + y + '</option>';
- }
- yearHtml += '</select>';
- dateHtml = monthHtml + yearHtml;
- }
- html += '<th colspan="5" class="month">' + dateHtml + '</th>';
- if ((!maxDate || maxDate.isAfter(calendar.lastDay)) && (!this.linkedCalendars || side == 'right' || this.singleDatePicker)) {
- html += '<th class="next available"><i class="fa fa-' + arrow.right + ' glyphicon glyphicon-' + arrow.right + '"></i></th>';
- } else {
- html += '<th></th>';
- }
- html += '</tr>';
- html += '<tr>';
- // add week number label
- if (this.showWeekNumbers || this.showISOWeekNumbers)
- html += '<th class="week">' + this.locale.weekLabel + '</th>';
- $.each(this.locale.daysOfWeek, function(index, dayOfWeek) {
- html += '<th>' + dayOfWeek + '</th>';
- });
- html += '</tr>';
- html += '</thead>';
- html += '<tbody>';
- //adjust maxDate to reflect the dateLimit setting in order to
- //grey out end dates beyond the dateLimit
- if (this.endDate == null && this.dateLimit) {
- var maxLimit = this.startDate.clone().add(this.dateLimit).endOf('day');
- if (!maxDate || maxLimit.isBefore(maxDate)) {
- maxDate = maxLimit;
- }
- }
- for (var row = 0; row < 6; row++) {
- html += '<tr>';
- // add week number
- if (this.showWeekNumbers)
- html += '<td class="week">' + calendar[row][0].week() + '</td>';
- else if (this.showISOWeekNumbers)
- html += '<td class="week">' + calendar[row][0].isoWeek() + '</td>';
- for (var col = 0; col < 7; col++) {
- var classes = [];
- //highlight today's date
- if (calendar[row][col].isSame(new Date(), "day"))
- classes.push('today');
- //highlight weekends
- if (calendar[row][col].isoWeekday() > 5)
- classes.push('weekend');
- //grey out the dates in other months displayed at beginning and end of this calendar
- if (calendar[row][col].month() != calendar[1][1].month())
- classes.push('off');
- //don't allow selection of dates before the minimum date
- if (this.minDate && calendar[row][col].isBefore(this.minDate, 'day'))
- classes.push('off', 'disabled');
- //don't allow selection of dates after the maximum date
- if (maxDate && calendar[row][col].isAfter(maxDate, 'day'))
- classes.push('off', 'disabled');
- //don't allow selection of date if a custom function decides it's invalid
- if (this.isInvalidDate(calendar[row][col]))
- classes.push('off', 'disabled');
- //highlight the currently selected start date
- if (calendar[row][col].format('YYYY-MM-DD') == this.startDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD'))
- classes.push('active', 'start-date');
- //highlight the currently selected end date
- if (this.endDate != null && calendar[row][col].format('YYYY-MM-DD') == this.endDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD'))
- classes.push('active', 'end-date');
- //highlight dates in-between the selected dates
- if (this.endDate != null && calendar[row][col] > this.startDate && calendar[row][col] < this.endDate)
- classes.push('in-range');
- //apply custom classes for this date
- var isCustom = this.isCustomDate(calendar[row][col]);
- if (isCustom !== false) {
- if (typeof isCustom === 'string')
- classes.push(isCustom);
- else
- Array.prototype.push.apply(classes, isCustom);
- }
- var cname = '', disabled = false;
- for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
- cname += classes[i] + ' ';
- if (classes[i] == 'disabled')
- disabled = true;
- }
- if (!disabled)
- cname += 'available';
- html += '<td class="' + cname.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') + '" data-title="' + 'r' + row + 'c' + col + '">' + calendar[row][col].date() + '</td>';
- }
- html += '</tr>';
- }
- html += '</tbody>';
- html += '</table>';
- this.container.find('.calendar.' + side + ' .calendar-table').html(html);
- },
- renderTimePicker: function(side) {
- // Don't bother updating the time picker if it's currently disabled
- // because an end date hasn't been clicked yet
- if (side == 'right' && !this.endDate) return;
- var html, selected, minDate, maxDate = this.maxDate;
- if (this.dateLimit && (!this.maxDate || this.startDate.clone().add(this.dateLimit).isAfter(this.maxDate)))
- maxDate = this.startDate.clone().add(this.dateLimit);
- if (side == 'left') {
- selected = this.startDate.clone();
- minDate = this.minDate;
- } else if (side == 'right') {
- selected = this.endDate.clone();
- minDate = this.startDate;
- //Preserve the time already selected
- var timeSelector = this.container.find('.calendar.right .calendar-time div');
- if (timeSelector.html() != '') {
- selected.hour(timeSelector.find('.hourselect option:selected').val() || selected.hour());
- selected.minute(timeSelector.find('.minuteselect option:selected').val() || selected.minute());
- selected.second(timeSelector.find('.secondselect option:selected').val() || selected.second());
- if (!this.timePicker24Hour) {
- var ampm = timeSelector.find('.ampmselect option:selected').val();
- if (ampm === 'PM' && selected.hour() < 12)
- selected.hour(selected.hour() + 12);
- if (ampm === 'AM' && selected.hour() === 12)
- selected.hour(0);
- }
- }
- if (selected.isBefore(this.startDate))
- selected = this.startDate.clone();
- if (maxDate && selected.isAfter(maxDate))
- selected = maxDate.clone();
- }
- //
- // hours
- //
- html = '<select class="hourselect">';
- var start = this.timePicker24Hour ? 0 : 1;
- var end = this.timePicker24Hour ? 23 : 12;
- for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) {
- var i_in_24 = i;
- if (!this.timePicker24Hour)
- i_in_24 = selected.hour() >= 12 ? (i == 12 ? 12 : i + 12) : (i == 12 ? 0 : i);
- var time = selected.clone().hour(i_in_24);
- var disabled = false;
- if (minDate && time.minute(59).isBefore(minDate))
- disabled = true;
- if (maxDate && time.minute(0).isAfter(maxDate))
- disabled = true;
- if (i_in_24 == selected.hour() && !disabled) {
- html += '<option value="' + i + '" selected="selected">' + i + '</option>';
- } else if (disabled) {
- html += '<option value="' + i + '" disabled="disabled" class="disabled">' + i + '</option>';
- } else {
- html += '<option value="' + i + '">' + i + '</option>';
- }
- }
- html += '</select> ';
- //
- // minutes
- //
- html += ': <select class="minuteselect">';
- for (var i = 0; i < 60; i += this.timePickerIncrement) {
- var padded = i < 10 ? '0' + i : i;
- var time = selected.clone().minute(i);
- var disabled = false;
- if (minDate && time.second(59).isBefore(minDate))
- disabled = true;
- if (maxDate && time.second(0).isAfter(maxDate))
- disabled = true;
- if (selected.minute() == i && !disabled) {
- html += '<option value="' + i + '" selected="selected">' + padded + '</option>';
- } else if (disabled) {
- html += '<option value="' + i + '" disabled="disabled" class="disabled">' + padded + '</option>';
- } else {
- html += '<option value="' + i + '">' + padded + '</option>';
- }
- }
- html += '</select> ';
- //
- // seconds
- //
- if (this.timePickerSeconds) {
- html += ': <select class="secondselect">';
- for (var i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
- var padded = i < 10 ? '0' + i : i;
- var time = selected.clone().second(i);
- var disabled = false;
- if (minDate && time.isBefore(minDate))
- disabled = true;
- if (maxDate && time.isAfter(maxDate))
- disabled = true;
- if (selected.second() == i && !disabled) {
- html += '<option value="' + i + '" selected="selected">' + padded + '</option>';
- } else if (disabled) {
- html += '<option value="' + i + '" disabled="disabled" class="disabled">' + padded + '</option>';
- } else {
- html += '<option value="' + i + '">' + padded + '</option>';
- }
- }
- html += '</select> ';
- }
- //
- // AM/PM
- //
- if (!this.timePicker24Hour) {
- html += '<select class="ampmselect">';
- var am_html = '';
- var pm_html = '';
- if (minDate && selected.clone().hour(12).minute(0).second(0).isBefore(minDate))
- am_html = ' disabled="disabled" class="disabled"';
- if (maxDate && selected.clone().hour(0).minute(0).second(0).isAfter(maxDate))
- pm_html = ' disabled="disabled" class="disabled"';
- if (selected.hour() >= 12) {
- html += '<option value="AM"' + am_html + '>AM</option><option value="PM" selected="selected"' + pm_html + '>PM</option>';
- } else {
- html += '<option value="AM" selected="selected"' + am_html + '>AM</option><option value="PM"' + pm_html + '>PM</option>';
- }
- html += '</select>';
- }
- this.container.find('.calendar.' + side + ' .calendar-time div').html(html);
- },
- updateFormInputs: function() {
- //ignore mouse movements while an above-calendar text input has focus
- if (this.container.find('input[name=daterangepicker_start]').is(":focus") || this.container.find('input[name=daterangepicker_end]').is(":focus"))
- return;
- this.container.find('input[name=daterangepicker_start]').val(this.startDate.format(this.locale.format));
- if (this.endDate)
- this.container.find('input[name=daterangepicker_end]').val(this.endDate.format(this.locale.format));
- if (this.singleDatePicker || (this.endDate && (this.startDate.isBefore(this.endDate) || this.startDate.isSame(this.endDate)))) {
- this.container.find('button.applyBtn').removeAttr('disabled');
- } else {
- this.container.find('button.applyBtn').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
- }
- },
- move: function() {
- var parentOffset = { top: 0, left: 0 },
- containerTop;
- var parentRightEdge = $(window).width();
- if (!this.parentEl.is('body')) {
- parentOffset = {
- top: this.parentEl.offset().top - this.parentEl.scrollTop(),
- left: this.parentEl.offset().left - this.parentEl.scrollLeft()
- };
- parentRightEdge = this.parentEl[0].clientWidth + this.parentEl.offset().left;
- }
- if (this.drops == 'up')
- containerTop = this.element.offset().top - this.container.outerHeight() - parentOffset.top;
- else
- containerTop = this.element.offset().top + this.element.outerHeight() - parentOffset.top;
- this.container[this.drops == 'up' ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('dropup');
- if (this.opens == 'left') {
- this.container.css({
- top: containerTop,
- right: parentRightEdge - this.element.offset().left - this.element.outerWidth(),
- left: 'auto'
- });
- if (this.container.offset().left < 0) {
- this.container.css({
- right: 'auto',
- left: 9
- });
- }
- } else if (this.opens == 'center') {
- this.container.css({
- top: containerTop,
- left: this.element.offset().left - parentOffset.left + this.element.outerWidth() / 2
- - this.container.outerWidth() / 2,
- right: 'auto'
- });
- if (this.container.offset().left < 0) {
- this.container.css({
- right: 'auto',
- left: 9
- });
- }
- } else {
- this.container.css({
- top: containerTop,
- left: this.element.offset().left - parentOffset.left,
- right: 'auto'
- });
- if (this.container.offset().left + this.container.outerWidth() > $(window).width()) {
- this.container.css({
- left: 'auto',
- right: 0
- });
- }
- }
- },
- show: function(e) {
- if (this.isShowing) return;
- // Create a click proxy that is private to this instance of datepicker, for unbinding
- this._outsideClickProxy = $.proxy(function(e) { this.outsideClick(e); }, this);
- // Bind global datepicker mousedown for hiding and
- $(document)
- .on('mousedown.daterangepicker', this._outsideClickProxy)
- // also support mobile devices
- .on('touchend.daterangepicker', this._outsideClickProxy)
- // also explicitly play nice with Bootstrap dropdowns, which stopPropagation when clicking them
- .on('click.daterangepicker', '[data-toggle=dropdown]', this._outsideClickProxy)
- // and also close when focus changes to outside the picker (eg. tabbing between controls)
- .on('focusin.daterangepicker', this._outsideClickProxy);
- // Reposition the picker if the window is resized while it's open
- $(window).on('resize.daterangepicker', $.proxy(function(e) { this.move(e); }, this));
- this.oldStartDate = this.startDate.clone();
- this.oldEndDate = this.endDate.clone();
- this.previousRightTime = this.endDate.clone();
- this.updateView();
- this.container.show();
- this.move();
- this.element.trigger('show.daterangepicker', this);
- this.isShowing = true;
- },
- hide: function(e) {
- if (!this.isShowing) return;
- //incomplete date selection, revert to last values
- if (!this.endDate) {
- this.startDate = this.oldStartDate.clone();
- this.endDate = this.oldEndDate.clone();
- }
- //if a new date range was selected, invoke the user callback function
- if (!this.startDate.isSame(this.oldStartDate) || !this.endDate.isSame(this.oldEndDate))
- this.callback(this.startDate, this.endDate, this.chosenLabel);
- //if picker is attached to a text input, update it
- this.updateElement();
- $(document).off('.daterangepicker');
- $(window).off('.daterangepicker');
- this.container.hide();
- this.element.trigger('hide.daterangepicker', this);
- this.isShowing = false;
- },
- toggle: function(e) {
- if (this.isShowing) {
- this.hide();
- } else {
- this.show();
- }
- },
- outsideClick: function(e) {
- var target = $(e.target);
- // if the page is clicked anywhere except within the daterangerpicker/button
- // itself then call this.hide()
- if (
- // ie modal dialog fix
- e.type == "focusin" ||
- target.closest(this.element).length ||
- target.closest(this.container).length ||
- target.closest('.calendar-table').length
- ) return;
- this.hide();
- this.element.trigger('outsideClick.daterangepicker', this);
- },
- showCalendars: function() {
- this.container.addClass('show-calendar');
- this.move();
- this.element.trigger('showCalendar.daterangepicker', this);
- },
- hideCalendars: function() {
- this.container.removeClass('show-calendar');
- this.element.trigger('hideCalendar.daterangepicker', this);
- },
- hoverRange: function(e) {
- //ignore mouse movements while an above-calendar text input has focus
- if (this.container.find('input[name=daterangepicker_start]').is(":focus") || this.container.find('input[name=daterangepicker_end]').is(":focus"))
- return;
- var label = e.target.getAttribute('data-range-key');
- if (label == this.locale.customRangeLabel) {
- this.updateView();
- } else {
- var dates = this.ranges[label];
- this.container.find('input[name=daterangepicker_start]').val(dates[0].format(this.locale.format));
- this.container.find('input[name=daterangepicker_end]').val(dates[1].format(this.locale.format));
- }
- },
- clickRange: function(e) {
- var label = e.target.getAttribute('data-range-key');
- this.chosenLabel = label;
- if (label == this.locale.customRangeLabel) {
- this.showCalendars();
- } else {
- var dates = this.ranges[label];
- this.startDate = dates[0];
- this.endDate = dates[1];
- if (!this.timePicker) {
- this.startDate.startOf('day');
- this.endDate.endOf('day');
- }
- if (!this.alwaysShowCalendars)
- this.hideCalendars();
- this.clickApply();
- }
- },
- clickPrev: function(e) {
- var cal = $(e.target).parents('.calendar');
- if (cal.hasClass('left')) {
- this.leftCalendar.month.subtract(1, 'month');
- if (this.linkedCalendars)
- this.rightCalendar.month.subtract(1, 'month');
- } else {
- this.rightCalendar.month.subtract(1, 'month');
- }
- this.updateCalendars();
- },
- clickNext: function(e) {
- var cal = $(e.target).parents('.calendar');
- if (cal.hasClass('left')) {
- this.leftCalendar.month.add(1, 'month');
- } else {
- this.rightCalendar.month.add(1, 'month');
- if (this.linkedCalendars)
- this.leftCalendar.month.add(1, 'month');
- }
- this.updateCalendars();
- },
- hoverDate: function(e) {
- //ignore mouse movements while an above-calendar text input has focus
- //if (this.container.find('input[name=daterangepicker_start]').is(":focus") || this.container.find('input[name=daterangepicker_end]').is(":focus"))
- // return;
- //ignore dates that can't be selected
- if (!$(e.target).hasClass('available')) return;
- //have the text inputs above calendars reflect the date being hovered over
- var title = $(e.target).attr('data-title');
- var row = title.substr(1, 1);
- var col = title.substr(3, 1);
- var cal = $(e.target).parents('.calendar');
- var date = cal.hasClass('left') ? this.leftCalendar.calendar[row][col] : this.rightCalendar.calendar[row][col];
- if (this.endDate && !this.container.find('input[name=daterangepicker_start]').is(":focus")) {
- this.container.find('input[name=daterangepicker_start]').val(date.format(this.locale.format));
- } else if (!this.endDate && !this.container.find('input[name=daterangepicker_end]').is(":focus")) {
- this.container.find('input[name=daterangepicker_end]').val(date.format(this.locale.format));
- }
- //highlight the dates between the start date and the date being hovered as a potential end date
- var leftCalendar = this.leftCalendar;
- var rightCalendar = this.rightCalendar;
- var startDate = this.startDate;
- if (!this.endDate) {
- this.container.find('.calendar tbody td').each(function(index, el) {
- //skip week numbers, only look at dates
- if ($(el).hasClass('week')) return;
- var title = $(el).attr('data-title');
- var row = title.substr(1, 1);
- var col = title.substr(3, 1);
- var cal = $(el).parents('.calendar');
- var dt = cal.hasClass('left') ? leftCalendar.calendar[row][col] : rightCalendar.calendar[row][col];
- if ((dt.isAfter(startDate) && dt.isBefore(date)) || dt.isSame(date, 'day')) {
- $(el).addClass('in-range');
- } else {
- $(el).removeClass('in-range');
- }
- });
- }
- },
- clickDate: function(e) {
- if (!$(e.target).hasClass('available')) return;
- var title = $(e.target).attr('data-title');
- var row = title.substr(1, 1);
- var col = title.substr(3, 1);
- var cal = $(e.target).parents('.calendar');
- var date = cal.hasClass('left') ? this.leftCalendar.calendar[row][col] : this.rightCalendar.calendar[row][col];
- //
- // this function needs to do a few things:
- // * alternate between selecting a start and end date for the range,
- // * if the time picker is enabled, apply the hour/minute/second from the select boxes to the clicked date
- // * if autoapply is enabled, and an end date was chosen, apply the selection
- // * if single date picker mode, and time picker isn't enabled, apply the selection immediately
- // * if one of the inputs above the calendars was focused, cancel that manual input
- //
- if (this.endDate || date.isBefore(this.startDate, 'day')) { //picking start
- if (this.timePicker) {
- var hour = parseInt(this.container.find('.left .hourselect').val(), 10);
- if (!this.timePicker24Hour) {
- var ampm = this.container.find('.left .ampmselect').val();
- if (ampm === 'PM' && hour < 12)
- hour += 12;
- if (ampm === 'AM' && hour === 12)
- hour = 0;
- }
- var minute = parseInt(this.container.find('.left .minuteselect').val(), 10);
- var second = this.timePickerSeconds ? parseInt(this.container.find('.left .secondselect').val(), 10) : 0;
- date = date.clone().hour(hour).minute(minute).second(second);
- }
- this.endDate = null;
- this.setStartDate(date.clone());
- } else if (!this.endDate && date.isBefore(this.startDate)) {
- //special case: clicking the same date for start/end,
- //but the time of the end date is before the start date
- this.setEndDate(this.startDate.clone());
- } else { // picking end
- if (this.timePicker) {
- var hour = parseInt(this.container.find('.right .hourselect').val(), 10);
- if (!this.timePicker24Hour) {
- var ampm = this.container.find('.right .ampmselect').val();
- if (ampm === 'PM' && hour < 12)
- hour += 12;
- if (ampm === 'AM' && hour === 12)
- hour = 0;
- }
- var minute = parseInt(this.container.find('.right .minuteselect').val(), 10);
- var second = this.timePickerSeconds ? parseInt(this.container.find('.right .secondselect').val(), 10) : 0;
- date = date.clone().hour(hour).minute(minute).second(second);
- }
- this.setEndDate(date.clone());
- if (this.autoApply) {
- this.calculateChosenLabel();
- this.clickApply();
- }
- }
- if (this.singleDatePicker) {
- this.setEndDate(this.startDate);
- if (!this.timePicker)
- this.clickApply();
- }
- this.updateView();
- //This is to cancel the blur event handler if the mouse was in one of the inputs
- e.stopPropagation();
- },
- calculateChosenLabel: function () {
- var customRange = true;
- var i = 0;
- for (var range in this.ranges) {
- if (this.timePicker) {
- var format = this.timePickerSeconds ? "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" : "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm";
- //ignore times when comparing dates if time picker seconds is not enabled
- if (this.startDate.format(format) == this.ranges[range][0].format(format) && this.endDate.format(format) == this.ranges[range][1].format(format)) {
- customRange = false;
- this.chosenLabel = this.container.find('.ranges li:eq(' + i + ')').addClass('active').html();
- break;
- }
- } else {
- //ignore times when comparing dates if time picker is not enabled
- if (this.startDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD') == this.ranges[range][0].format('YYYY-MM-DD') && this.endDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD') == this.ranges[range][1].format('YYYY-MM-DD')) {
- customRange = false;
- this.chosenLabel = this.container.find('.ranges li:eq(' + i + ')').addClass('active').html();
- break;
- }
- }
- i++;
- }
- if (customRange) {
- if (this.showCustomRangeLabel) {
- this.chosenLabel = this.container.find('.ranges li:last').addClass('active').html();
- } else {
- this.chosenLabel = null;
- }
- this.showCalendars();
- }
- },
- clickApply: function(e) {
- this.hide();
- this.element.trigger('apply.daterangepicker', this);
- },
- clickCancel: function(e) {
- this.startDate = this.oldStartDate;
- this.endDate = this.oldEndDate;
- this.hide();
- this.element.trigger('cancel.daterangepicker', this);
- },
- monthOrYearChanged: function(e) {
- var isLeft = $(e.target).closest('.calendar').hasClass('left'),
- leftOrRight = isLeft ? 'left' : 'right',
- cal = this.container.find('.calendar.'+leftOrRight);
- // Month must be Number for new moment versions
- var month = parseInt(cal.find('.monthselect').val(), 10);
- var year = cal.find('.yearselect').val();
- if (!isLeft) {
- if (year < this.startDate.year() || (year == this.startDate.year() && month < this.startDate.month())) {
- month = this.startDate.month();
- year = this.startDate.year();
- }
- }
- if (this.minDate) {
- if (year < this.minDate.year() || (year == this.minDate.year() && month < this.minDate.month())) {
- month = this.minDate.month();
- year = this.minDate.year();
- }
- }
- if (this.maxDate) {
- if (year > this.maxDate.year() || (year == this.maxDate.year() && month > this.maxDate.month())) {
- month = this.maxDate.month();
- year = this.maxDate.year();
- }
- }
- if (isLeft) {
- this.leftCalendar.month.month(month).year(year);
- if (this.linkedCalendars)
- this.rightCalendar.month = this.leftCalendar.month.clone().add(1, 'month');
- } else {
- this.rightCalendar.month.month(month).year(year);
- if (this.linkedCalendars)
- this.leftCalendar.month = this.rightCalendar.month.clone().subtract(1, 'month');
- }
- this.updateCalendars();
- },
- timeChanged: function(e) {
- var cal = $(e.target).closest('.calendar'),
- isLeft = cal.hasClass('left');
- var hour = parseInt(cal.find('.hourselect').val(), 10);
- var minute = parseInt(cal.find('.minuteselect').val(), 10);
- var second = this.timePickerSeconds ? parseInt(cal.find('.secondselect').val(), 10) : 0;
- if (!this.timePicker24Hour) {
- var ampm = cal.find('.ampmselect').val();
- if (ampm === 'PM' && hour < 12)
- hour += 12;
- if (ampm === 'AM' && hour === 12)
- hour = 0;
- }
- if (isLeft) {
- var start = this.startDate.clone();
- start.hour(hour);
- start.minute(minute);
- start.second(second);
- this.setStartDate(start);
- if (this.singleDatePicker) {
- this.endDate = this.startDate.clone();
- } else if (this.endDate && this.endDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD') == start.format('YYYY-MM-DD') && this.endDate.isBefore(start)) {
- this.setEndDate(start.clone());
- }
- } else if (this.endDate) {
- var end = this.endDate.clone();
- end.hour(hour);
- end.minute(minute);
- end.second(second);
- this.setEndDate(end);
- }
- //update the calendars so all clickable dates reflect the new time component
- this.updateCalendars();
- //update the form inputs above the calendars with the new time
- this.updateFormInputs();
- //re-render the time pickers because changing one selection can affect what's enabled in another
- this.renderTimePicker('left');
- this.renderTimePicker('right');
- },
- formInputsChanged: function(e) {
- var isRight = $(e.target).closest('.calendar').hasClass('right');
- var start = moment(this.container.find('input[name="daterangepicker_start"]').val(), this.locale.format);
- var end = moment(this.container.find('input[name="daterangepicker_end"]').val(), this.locale.format);
- if (start.isValid() && end.isValid()) {
- if (isRight && end.isBefore(start))
- start = end.clone();
- this.setStartDate(start);
- this.setEndDate(end);
- if (isRight) {
- this.container.find('input[name="daterangepicker_start"]').val(this.startDate.format(this.locale.format));
- } else {
- this.container.find('input[name="daterangepicker_end"]').val(this.endDate.format(this.locale.format));
- }
- }
- this.updateView();
- },
- formInputsFocused: function(e) {
- // Highlight the focused input
- this.container.find('input[name="daterangepicker_start"], input[name="daterangepicker_end"]').removeClass('active');
- $(e.target).addClass('active');
- // Set the state such that if the user goes back to using a mouse,
- // the calendars are aware we're selecting the end of the range, not
- // the start. This allows someone to edit the end of a date range without
- // re-selecting the beginning, by clicking on the end date input then
- // using the calendar.
- var isRight = $(e.target).closest('.calendar').hasClass('right');
- if (isRight) {
- this.endDate = null;
- this.setStartDate(this.startDate.clone());
- this.updateView();
- }
- },
- formInputsBlurred: function(e) {
- // this function has one purpose right now: if you tab from the first
- // text input to the second in the UI, the endDate is nulled so that
- // you can click another, but if you tab out without clicking anything
- // or changing the input value, the old endDate should be retained
- if (!this.endDate) {
- var val = this.container.find('input[name="daterangepicker_end"]').val();
- var end = moment(val, this.locale.format);
- if (end.isValid()) {
- this.setEndDate(end);
- this.updateView();
- }
- }
- },
- formInputsKeydown: function(e) {
- // This function ensures that if the 'enter' key was pressed in the input, then the calendars
- // are updated with the startDate and endDate.
- // This behaviour is automatic in Chrome/Firefox/Edge but not in IE 11 hence why this exists.
- // Other browsers and versions of IE are untested and the behaviour is unknown.
- if (e.keyCode === 13) {
- // Prevent the calendar from being updated twice on Chrome/Firefox/Edge
- e.preventDefault();
- this.formInputsChanged(e);
- }
- },
- elementChanged: function() {
- if (!this.element.is('input')) return;
- if (!this.element.val().length) return;
- var dateString = this.element.val().split(this.locale.separator),
- start = null,
- end = null;
- if (dateString.length === 2) {
- start = moment(dateString[0], this.locale.format);
- end = moment(dateString[1], this.locale.format);
- }
- if (this.singleDatePicker || start === null || end === null) {
- start = moment(this.element.val(), this.locale.format);
- end = start;
- }
- if (!start.isValid() || !end.isValid()) return;
- this.setStartDate(start);
- this.setEndDate(end);
- this.updateView();
- },
- keydown: function(e) {
- //hide on tab or enter
- if ((e.keyCode === 9) || (e.keyCode === 13)) {
- this.hide();
- }
- //hide on esc and prevent propagation
- if (e.keyCode === 27) {
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- this.hide();
- }
- },
- updateElement: function() {
- if (this.element.is('input') && !this.singleDatePicker && this.autoUpdateInput) {
- this.element.val(this.startDate.format(this.locale.format) + this.locale.separator + this.endDate.format(this.locale.format));
- this.element.trigger('change');
- } else if (this.element.is('input') && this.autoUpdateInput) {
- this.element.val(this.startDate.format(this.locale.format));
- this.element.trigger('change');
- }
- },
- remove: function() {
- this.container.remove();
- this.element.off('.daterangepicker');
- this.element.removeData();
- }
- };
- $.fn.daterangepicker = function(options, callback) {
- var implementOptions = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.daterangepicker.defaultOptions, options);
- this.each(function() {
- var el = $(this);
- if (el.data('daterangepicker'))
- el.data('daterangepicker').remove();
- el.data('daterangepicker', new DateRangePicker(el, implementOptions, callback));
- });
- return this;
- };
- return DateRangePicker;
- }));