- <?php
- /**
- * Created by PhpStorm.
- * User: zhengmingwei
- * Date: 2019/11/9
- * Time: 10:00 下午
- */
- namespace addons\unishop\controller;
- use addons\nzf\AliPay;
- use addons\nzf\PayService;
- use addons\unishop\extend\Hashids;
- use addons\unishop\extend\Redis;
- use addons\unishop\model\Area;
- use addons\unishop\model\Config;
- use addons\unishop\model\Evaluate;
- use addons\unishop\model\OrderProduct;
- use addons\unishop\model\Product;
- use app\admin\model\unishop\Coupon as CouponModel;
- use addons\unishop\model\DeliveryRule as DeliveryRuleModel;
- use addons\unishop\model\OrderRefund;
- use app\admin\model\unishop\OrderRefundProduct;
- use think\Db;
- use think\Exception;
- use addons\unishop\model\Address as AddressModel;
- use think\Hook;
- use think\Loader;
- /**
- * 订单相关接口
- * Class Order
- * @package addons\unishop\controller
- */
- class Order extends Base
- {
- /**
- * 允许频繁访问的接口
- * @var array
- */
- protected $frequently = ['getorders'];
- protected $noNeedLogin = ["addQRCode"];
- /**
- * 创建订单
- */
- public function create()
- {
- $activityTime=Config::getByName('activity_time')['value'];
- if (strtotime($activityTime)<time()){
- $this->error(__('Activity is end'));
- }
- $productId = $this->request->post('id', 0);
- try {
- $user_id = $this->auth->id;
- // 单个商品
- if ($productId) {
- $productId = \addons\unishop\extend\Hashids::decodeHex($productId);
- $product = (new Product)->where(['id' => $productId, 'switch' => Product::SWITCH_ON, 'deletetime' => null])->find();
- /** 产品基础数据 **/
- $spec = $this->request->post('spec', '');
- $productData[0] = $product->getDataOnCreateOrder($spec);
- } else {
- // 多个商品
- $cart = $this->request->post('cart');
- $carts = (new \addons\unishop\model\Cart)
- ->whereIn('id', $cart)
- ->with(['product'])
- ->order(['id' => 'desc'])
- ->select();
- foreach ($carts as $cart) {
- if ($cart->product instanceof Product) {
- $productData[] = $cart->product->getDataOnCreateOrder($cart->spec ? $cart->spec : '', $cart->number);
- }
- }
- }
- if (empty($productData) || !$productData) {
- $this->error(__('Product not exist'));
- }
- /** 默认地址 **/
- // $address = (new AddressModel)->where(['user_id' => $user_id, 'is_default' => AddressModel::IS_DEFAULT_YES])->find();
- // if ($address) {
- // $area = (new Area)->whereIn('id', [$address->province_id, $address->city_id, $address->area_id])->column('name', 'id');
- // $address = $address->toArray();
- // $address['province']['name'] = $area[$address['province_id']];
- // $address['city']['name'] = $area[$address['city_id']];
- // $address['area']['name'] = $area[$address['area_id']];
- // }
- /** 可用优惠券 **/
- $coupon = CouponModel::all(function ($query) {
- $time = time();
- $query
- ->where(['switch' => CouponModel::SWITCH_ON])
- ->where('starttime', '<', $time)
- ->where('endtime', '>', $time);
- });
- if ($coupon) {
- $coupon = collection($coupon)->toArray();
- }
- /** 运费数据 **/
- // $cityId = $address['city_id'] ? $address['city_id'] : 0;
- // $delivery = (new DeliveryRuleModel())->getDelivetyByArea($cityId);
- foreach ($productData as &$product) {
- $product['image'] = Config::getImagesFullUrl($product['image']);
- $product['sales_price'] = number_format($product['sales_price'], 2);
- $product['market_price'] = number_format($product['market_price'], 2);
- }
- $this->success('', [
- 'product' => $productData,
- // 'address' => $address,
- 'coupon' => $coupon,
- // 'delivery' => $delivery['list']
- ]);
- } catch (Exception $e) {
- $this->error($e->getMessage(), false);
- }
- }
- /**
- * 提交订单
- */
- public function submit()
- {
- $data = $this->request->post();
- try {
- $validate = Loader::validate('\\addons\\unishop\\validate\\Order');
- if (!$validate->check($data, [], 'submit')) {
- throw new Exception($validate->getError());
- }
- Db::startTrans();
- // 判断创建订单的条件
- if (empty(Hook::get('create_order_before'))) {
- Hook::add('create_order_before', 'addons\\unishop\\behavior\\Order');
- }
- // 减少商品库存,增加"已下单未支付数量"
- if (empty(Hook::get('create_order_after'))) {
- Hook::add('create_order_after', 'addons\\unishop\\behavior\\Order');
- }
- $orderModel = new \addons\unishop\model\Order();
- $result = $orderModel->createOrder($this->auth->id, $data);
- Db::commit();
- $this->success('', $result);
- } catch (Exception $e) {
- Db::rollback();
- $this->error($e->getMessage(), false);
- }
- }
- /**
- * 获取运费模板
- */
- public function getDelivery()
- {
- $cityId = $this->request->get('city_id', 0);
- $delivery = (new DeliveryRuleModel())->getDelivetyByArea($cityId);
- $this->success('', $delivery['list']);
- }
- /**
- * 获取订单信息
- */
- public function getOrders()
- {
- // 0=全部,1=待付款,2=待发货,3=待收货,4=待评价,5=售后
- $type = $this->request->get('type', 0);
- $page = $this->request->get('page', 1);
- $pagesize = $this->request->get('pagesize', 10);
- try {
- $orderModel = new \addons\unishop\model\Order();
- $result = $orderModel->getOrdersByType($this->auth->id, $type, $page, $pagesize);
- $this->success('', $result);
- } catch (Exception $e) {
- $this->error($e->getMessage());
- }
- }
- /**
- * 取消订单
- * 未支付的订单才叫取消,已支付的叫退货
- */
- public function cancel()
- {
- $order_id = $this->request->get('order_id', 0);
- $order_id = \addons\unishop\extend\Hashids::decodeHex($order_id);
- $orderModel = new \addons\unishop\model\Order();
- $order = $orderModel->where(['id' => $order_id, 'user_id' => $this->auth->id])->find();
- if (!$order) {
- $this->error(__('Order not exist'));
- }
- switch ($order['status']) {
- case \addons\unishop\model\Order::STATUS_REFUND:
- $this->error('此订单已退款,无法取消');
- break;
- case \addons\unishop\model\Order::STATUS_CANCEL:
- $this->error('此订单已取消, 无需再取消');
- break;
- }
- if ($order['have_paid'] != \addons\unishop\model\Order::PAID_NO) {
- $this->error('此订单已支付,无法取消');
- }
- // $redis = new Redis();
- // $flash = (new \addons\unishop\model\Order)->alias("o")->
- // join("unishop_order_product","unishop_order_product.order_id =o.id")
- // ->where(["o.id"=>(int)$order_id])
- // ->field("flash_id,product_id")->find();
- // if ($flash){
- // $redis->handler->hIncrBy('flash_sale_' . $flash->flash_id. '_' . $flash->product_id, 'sold', -1);
- // }
- $orderProduct = new OrderProduct();
- $list =$orderProduct->where([
- 'order_id' => $order_id
- ])->select();
- $list = collection($list)->toArray();
- print_r($list);die;
- $product = new \app\admin\model\unishop\Product();
- foreach ($list as $val){
- $product->where(["id"=>$val['product_id']])->setInc("stock",$val["number"])->setInc("real_sales",-$val["number"]);
- }
- if ($order['status'] == \addons\unishop\model\Order::STATUS_NORMAL && $order['have_paid'] == \addons\unishop\model\Order::PAID_NO) {
- $order->status = \addons\unishop\model\Order::STATUS_CANCEL;
- $order->save();
- $this->success('取消成功', true);
- }
- }
- /**
- * 删除订单
- * 只能删除已取消或已退货的订单
- */
- public function delete()
- {
- $order_id = $this->request->get('order_id', 0);
- $order_id = \addons\unishop\extend\Hashids::decodeHex($order_id);
- $orderModel = new \addons\unishop\model\Order();
- $order = $orderModel->where(['id' => $order_id, 'user_id' => $this->auth->id])->find();
- if (!$order) {
- $this->error(__('Order not exist'));
- }
- if ($order['status'] == \addons\unishop\model\Order::STATUS_NORMAL) {
- $this->error('只能删除已取消或已退货的订单');
- }
- if ($order['status'] == \addons\unishop\model\Order::STATUS_REFUND && $order['refund_status'] == \addons\unishop\model\Order::REFUND_STATUS_APPLY) {
- $this->error('订单退款中,不可删除订单');
- }
- $order->delete();
- $this->success('删除成功', true);
- }
- /**
- * 确认收货
- */
- public function received()
- {
- $order_id = $this->request->get('order_id', 0);
- $order_id = \addons\unishop\extend\Hashids::decodeHex($order_id);
- $orderModel = new \addons\unishop\model\Order();
- $order = $orderModel->where(['id' => $order_id, 'user_id' => $this->auth->id])->find();
- if (!$order) {
- $this->error(__('Order not exist'));
- }
- if ($order->have_delivered == 0) {
- $this->error('未发货,不能确认收货');
- }
- $order->have_received = time();
- $order->save();
- $this->success('已确认收货', true);
- }
- /**
- * 发表评论
- */
- public function comment()
- {
- $rate = $this->request->post('rate', 5);
- $anonymous = $this->request->post('anonymous', 0);
- $comment = $this->request->post('comment');
- $order_id = $this->request->post('order_id', 0);
- $order_id = \addons\unishop\extend\Hashids::decodeHex($order_id);
- $product_id = $this->request->post('product_id');
- $product_id = \addons\unishop\extend\Hashids::decodeHex($product_id);
- $orderProductModel = new \addons\unishop\model\OrderProduct();
- $orderProduct = $orderProductModel->where(['product_id' => $product_id, 'order_id' => $order_id, 'user_id' => $this->auth->id])->find();
- $orderModel = new \addons\unishop\model\Order();
- $order = $orderModel->where(['id' => $order_id, 'user_id' => $this->auth->id])->find();
- if (!$orderProduct || !$order) {
- $this->error(__('Order not exist'));
- }
- if ($order->have_received == $orderModel::RECEIVED_NO) {
- $this->error(__('未收货,不可评价'));
- }
- $result = false;
- try {
- $evaluate = new Evaluate();
- $evaluate->user_id = $this->auth->id;
- $evaluate->order_id = $order_id;
- $evaluate->product_id = $product_id;
- $evaluate->rate = $rate;
- $evaluate->anonymous = $anonymous;
- $evaluate->comment = $comment;
- $evaluate->spec = $orderProduct->spec;
- $result = $evaluate->save();
- if ($result) {
- $order->have_commented = time();
- $order->save();
- }
- } catch (Exception $e) {
- $this->error($e->getMessage());
- }
- if ($result !== false) {
- $this->success(__('Thanks for the evaluation'));
- } else {
- $this->error(__('Evaluation failure'));
- }
- }
- /**
- * 获取订单数量
- */
- public function count()
- {
- if (!$this->auth->isLogin()) {
- $this->error('');
- }
- $order = new \addons\unishop\model\Order();
- $list = $order
- ->where([
- 'user_id' => $this->auth->id,
- ])
- ->where('status', '<>', \addons\unishop\model\Order::STATUS_CANCEL)
- ->where(function ($query) {
- $query
- ->whereOr([
- 'have_paid' => \addons\unishop\model\Order::PAID_NO,
- 'have_delivered' => \addons\unishop\model\Order::DELIVERED_NO,
- 'have_received' => \addons\unishop\model\Order::RECEIVED_NO,
- 'have_commented' => \addons\unishop\model\Order::COMMENTED_NO
- ])
- ->whereOr('refund_status', '>', \addons\unishop\model\Order::REFUND_STATUS_NONE);
- })
- ->field('have_paid,have_delivered,have_received,have_commented,refund_status,had_refund')
- ->select();
- $data = [
- 'unpaid' => 0,
- 'undelivered' => 0,
- 'unreceived' => 0,
- 'uncomment' => 0,
- 'refund' => 0
- ];
- foreach ($list as $item) {
- switch (true) {
- case $item['have_paid'] > 0 && $item['have_delivered'] > 0 && $item['have_received'] > 0 && $item['have_commented'] == 0 && $item['refund_status'] == 0:
- $data['uncomment']++;
- break;
- case $item['have_paid'] > 0 && $item['have_delivered'] > 0 && $item['have_received'] == 0 && $item['have_commented'] == 0 && $item['refund_status'] == 0:
- $data['unreceived']++;
- break;
- case $item['have_paid'] > 0 && $item['have_delivered'] == 0 && $item['have_received'] == 0 && $item['have_commented'] == 0 && $item['refund_status'] == 0:
- $data['undelivered']++;
- break;
- case $item['have_paid'] == 0 && $item['have_delivered'] == 0 && $item['have_received'] == 0 && $item['have_commented'] == 0 && $item['refund_status'] == 0:
- $data['unpaid']++;
- break;
- case $item['refund_status'] > 0 && $item['had_refund'] == 0 && $item['refund_status'] != 3:
- $data['refund']++;
- break;
- }
- }
- $this->success('', $data);
- }
- /**
- * 订单详情细节
- */
- public function detail()
- {
- $order_id = $this->request->get('order_id', 0);
- $order_id = \addons\unishop\extend\Hashids::decodeHex($order_id);
- try {
- $orderModel = new \addons\unishop\model\Order();
- $order = $orderModel
- ->with([
- 'products' => function ($query) {
- $query->field('id,order_id,image,number,price,spec,title,product_id');
- },
- 'extend' => function ($query) {
- $query->field('id,order_id,address_id,address_json,express_number');
- },
- 'evaluate' => function ($query) {
- $query->field('id,order_id,product_id');
- }
- ])
- ->where(['id' => $order_id, 'user_id' => $this->auth->id])->find();
- if ($order) {
- $order = $order->append(['state', 'paidtime', 'deliveredtime', 'receivedtime', 'commentedtime', 'pay_type_text', 'refund_status_text'])->toArray();
- // 快递单号
- $order['express_number'] = $order['extend']['express_number'];
- // 送货地址
- // $address = json_decode($order['extend']['address_json'], true);
- // $area = (new \addons\unishop\model\Area())
- // ->whereIn('id', [$address['province_id'], $address['city_id'], $address['area_id']])
- // ->column('name', 'id');
- // $delivery['username'] = $address['name'];
- // $delivery['mobile'] = $address['mobile'];
- // $delivery['address'] = $area[$address['province_id']] . ' ' . $area[$address['city_id']] . ' ' . $area[$address['area_id']] . ' ' . $address['address'];
- // $order['delivery'] = $delivery;
- // 是否已评论
- $evaluate = array_column($order['evaluate'], 'product_id');
- foreach ($order['products'] as &$product) {
- $product['image'] = Config::getImagesFullUrl($product['image']);
- if (in_array($product['id'], $evaluate)) {
- $product['evaluate'] = true;
- } else {
- $product['evaluate'] = false;
- }
- }
- unset($order['evaluate']);
- unset($order['extend']);
- }
- $this->success('', $order);
- } catch (Exception $e) {
- $this->error($e->getMessage());
- }
- }
- /**
- * 申请售后信息
- */
- public function refundInfo()
- {
- $order_id = $this->request->post('order_id');
- $order_id = \addons\unishop\extend\Hashids::decodeHex($order_id);
- $orderModel = new \addons\unishop\model\Order();
- $order = $orderModel
- ->with([
- 'products' => function ($query) {
- $query->field('id,order_id,image,number,price,spec,title,product_id,(1) as choose');
- },
- 'refund',
- 'refundProducts'
- ])
- ->field('id,status,total_price,delivery_price,have_commented,have_delivered,have_paid,have_received,refund_status')
- ->where(['id' => $order_id, 'user_id' => $this->auth->id])->find();
- if (!$order) {
- $this->error(__('Order not exist'));
- }
- $order = $order->append(['refund_status_text'])->toArray();
- foreach ($order['products'] as &$product) {
- $product['image'] = Config::getImagesFullUrl($product['image']);
- $product['choose'] = 0;
- // 如果是已提交退货的全选
- if ($order['status'] == \addons\unishop\model\Order::STATUS_REFUND) {
- foreach ($order['refund_products'] as $refundProduct) {
- if ($product['order_product_id'] == $refundProduct['order_product_id']) {
- $product['choose'] = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- unset($order['refund_products']);
- $this->success('', $order);
- }
- /**
- * 申请售后
- * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
- * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
- * @throws \think\exception\DbException
- */
- public function refund()
- {
- $order_id = $this->request->post('order_id');
- $order_id = Hashids::decodeHex($order_id);
- $orderModel = new \addons\unishop\model\Order();
- $order = $orderModel->where(['id' => $order_id, 'user_id' => $this->auth->id])->find();
- if (!$order) {
- $this->error(__('Order not exist'));
- }
- if ($order['have_paid'] == 0) {
- $this->error(__('订单未支付,可直接取消,无需申请售后'));
- }
- $amount = $this->request->post('amount', 0);
- $serviceType = $this->request->post('service_type');
- $receivingStatus = $this->request->post('receiving_status');
- $reasonType = $this->request->post('reason_type');
- $refundExplain = $this->request->post('refund_explain');
- $orderProductId = $this->request->post('order_product_id');
- if (!$orderProductId) {
- $this->error(__('Please select goods'));
- }
- if (!in_array($receivingStatus, [OrderRefund::UNRECEIVED, OrderRefund::RECEIVED])) {
- $this->error(__('Please select goods status'));
- }
- if (!in_array($serviceType, [OrderRefund::TYPE_REFUND_NORETURN, OrderRefund::TYPE_REFUND_RETURN, OrderRefund::TYPE_EXCHANGE])) {
- $this->error(__('Please select service type'));
- }
- if (in_array($serviceType, [OrderRefund::TYPE_REFUND_NORETURN, OrderRefund::TYPE_REFUND_RETURN]) && $order['total_price'] > 0) {
- if (!$amount) {
- $this->error(__('Please fill in the refund amount'));
- }
- }
- try {
- Db::startTrans();
- $orderRefund = new OrderRefund();
- $orderRefund->user_id = $this->auth->id;
- $orderRefund->order_id = $order_id;
- $orderRefund->receiving_status = $receivingStatus;
- $orderRefund->service_type = $serviceType;
- $orderRefund->reason_type = $reasonType;
- $orderRefund->amount = $amount;
- $orderRefund->refund_explain = $refundExplain;
- $orderRefund->save();
- $productIdArr = explode(',', $orderProductId);
- $refundProduct = [];
- foreach ($productIdArr as $orderProductId) {
- $tmp['order_product_id'] = $orderProductId;
- $tmp['order_id'] = $order_id;
- $tmp['user_id'] = $this->auth->id;
- $tmp['refund_id'] = $orderRefund['id'];
- $tmp['createtime'] = time();
- $refundProduct[] = $tmp;
- }
- (new OrderRefundProduct)->insertAll($refundProduct);
- $order->status = \addons\unishop\model\Order::STATUS_REFUND;
- $order->refund_status = \addons\unishop\model\Order::REFUND_STATUS_APPLY;
- $order->save();
- Db::commit();
- $this->success(__('Commit'), 1);
- } catch (Exception $e) {
- Db::rollback();
- $this->error($e->getMessage());
- }
- }
- public function doRefund(){
- $this->error("暂不支持");
- $order_id = $this->request->post('order_id');
- $order_id = Hashids::decodeHex($order_id);
- $orderModel = new \addons\unishop\model\Order();
- $order = $orderModel->where([
- 'id' => $order_id,
- 'user_id' => $this->auth->id,
- 'status'=>1,//订单状态正常
- 'have_paid'=>[">",0],//已支付
- 'have_received'=>0,//订单完成前
- 'had_refund'=>0
- ])->find();
- if (!$order){
- $this->error("订单信息错误");
- }
- // $redis = new Redis();
- // $flash = $orderModel->alias("o")->
- // join("unishop_order_product","unishop_order_product.order_id =o.id")
- // ->join("unishop_flash_sale","unishop_order_product.flash_id=unishop_flash_sale.id")
- // ->where(["o.id"=>(int)$order_id,"unishop_flash_sale.status"=>0,"unishop_flash_sale.switch"=>1,"unishop_flash_sale.deletetime"=>0])
- // ->field("flash_id,product_id,endtime")->find();
- // if (!$flash || $flash->endtime < time()){
- // $this->error("活动已结束,不支持退款");
- // }
- // $sold = $redis->handler->hIncrBy('flash_sale_' . $flash->flash_id. '_' . $flash->product_id, 'sold', -1);
- $order->status = \addons\unishop\model\Order::STATUS_REFUND;
- $order->refund_status = \addons\unishop\model\Order::REFUND_STATUS_AGREE;
- $result = $order->save();
- if ($result !== false){
- //order_id:订单ID name:订单名称 total_fee:总金额-元 refund_fee退款金额
- $param = [
- "order_id"=>$order['out_trade_no'],
- "total_fee"=>$order['total_price'],
- "refund_fee"=>$order['total_price'],
- "memo"=>'订单退款',
- ];
- PayService::cancel($param,$order["pay_type"]);
- $this->success("success",[]);
- }
- $this->error("订单信息错误");
- }
- /**
- * 售后发货
- */
- public function refundDelivery()
- {
- $orderId = $this->request->post('order_id');
- $expressNumber = $this->request->post('express_number');
- if (!$expressNumber) {
- $this->error(__('Please fill in the express number'));
- }
- $orderId = Hashids::decodeHex($orderId);
- $orderModel = new \addons\unishop\model\Order();
- $order = $orderModel
- ->where(['id' => $orderId, 'user_id' => $this->auth->id])
- ->with(['refund'])->find();
- if (!$order || !$order->refund) {
- $this->error(__('Order not exist'));
- }
- try {
- Db::startTrans();
- $order->refund->express_number = $expressNumber;
- $order->refund_status = \addons\unishop\model\Order::REFUND_STATUS_APPLY;
- if ($order->refund->save() && $order->save()) {
- Db::commit();
- $this->success('', 1);
- } else {
- throw new Exception(__('Operation failed'));
- }
- } catch (Exception $e) {
- Db::rollback();
- $this->success($e->getMessage());
- }
- }
- /**
- * Des: 生成二维码
- * Name: addQRCode
- * @param $qCode string 生成的内容
- * @param $QRFile string 二维码图片路径
- * @param int $reType 1:返回成功或失败 2 返回图片数据流
- * @param bool|false $isCreate 生成的图片是否保留 当$reType=2才会有效
- * @param bool $logo 是否添加logo图
- * @param string $logoUrl logo图地址
- * @return array
- * @author 倪宗锋
- */
- public function addQRCode()
- {
- include ROOT_PATH . '/addons/unishop/library/phpqrcode/phpqrcode.php';
- $value = $this->request->request('url');//二维码内容
- $value = str_replace("&","&",$value);
- $errorCorrectionLevel = 'H';//容错级别
- $matrixPointSize = 6;//生成图片大小
- $QRFile = ROOT_PATH . '/addons/unishop/library/phpqrcode/' . time().rand(1000,9999) . '.png';
- //生成二维码图片
- \QRcode::png($value, $QRFile, $errorCorrectionLevel, $matrixPointSize, 2);
- $QR = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($QRFile));
- //二维码
- $logoUrl = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents(ROOT_PATH . '/addons/unishop/library/phpqrcode/logo.png'));
- $QR_width = imagesx($QR);//二维码图片宽度
- $logo_width = imagesx($logoUrl);//logo图片宽度
- $logo_height = imagesy($logoUrl);//logo图片高度
- $logo_qr_width = $QR_width / 5;
- $scale = $logo_width / $logo_qr_width;
- $logo_qr_height = $logo_height / $scale;
- $from_width = ($QR_width - $logo_qr_width) / 2;
- //重新组合图片并调整大小
- imagecopyresampled($QR, $logoUrl, $from_width, $from_width, 0, 0, $logo_qr_width,
- $logo_qr_height, $logo_width, $logo_height);
- //输出图片
- Header("Content-type: image/png");
- ImagePng($QR);
- @unlink($QRFile);
- die;
- }
- }