Nevar pievienot vairāk kā 25 tēmas
Tēmai ir jāsākas ar burtu vai ciparu, tā var saturēt domu zīmes ('-') un var būt līdz 35 simboliem gara.
- language: php
- sudo: false
- cache:
- directories:
- - $HOME/.composer/cache/files
- - $HOME/symfony-bridge/.phpunit
- env:
- global:
- - SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_DIR="$HOME/symfony-bridge/.phpunit"
- matrix:
- fast_finish: true
- include:
- # Minimum supported dependencies with the latest and oldest PHP version
- - php: 7.2
- env: COMPOSER_FLAGS="--prefer-stable --prefer-lowest" SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER="weak_vendors"
- - php: 7.1
- - php: 7.2
- env: COVERAGE=true PHPUNIT_FLAGS="-v --coverage-text"
- # Latest commit to master
- - php: 7.2
- env: STABILITY="dev"
- allow_failures:
- # Dev-master is allowed to fail.
- - env: STABILITY="dev"
- before_install:
- - if [[ $COVERAGE != true ]]; then phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini || true; fi
- - if ! [ -z "$STABILITY" ]; then composer config minimum-stability ${STABILITY}; fi;
- - if ! [ -v "$DEPENDENCIES" ]; then composer require --no-update ${DEPENDENCIES}; fi;
- install:
- # To be removed when this issue will be resolved:
- - if [[ "$COMPOSER_FLAGS" == *"--prefer-lowest"* ]]; then composer update --prefer-dist --no-interaction --prefer-stable --quiet; fi
- - composer update ${COMPOSER_FLAGS} --prefer-dist --no-interaction
- - ./vendor/bin/simple-phpunit install
- script:
- - composer validate --strict --no-check-lock
- # simple-phpunit is the PHPUnit wrapper provided by the PHPUnit Bridge component and
- # it helps with testing legacy code and deprecations (composer require symfony/phpunit-bridge)
- - ./vendor/bin/simple-phpunit $PHPUNIT_FLAGS