- /*
- ********** Juicer **********
- ${A Fast template engine}
- Project Home: http://juicer.name
- Author: Guokai
- Gtalk: badkaikai@gmail.com
- Blog: http://benben.cc
- Licence: MIT License
- Version: 0.4.0-dev
- */
- (function() {
- var juicer = function() {
- var args = [].slice.call(arguments);
- args.push(juicer.options);
- if(arguments.length == 1) {
- return juicer.compile.apply(juicer, args);
- }
- if(arguments.length >= 2) {
- return juicer.to_html.apply(juicer, args);
- }
- };
- var __escapehtml = {
- escapehash: {
- '<': '<',
- '>': '>',
- '&': '&',
- '"': '"',
- "'": ''',
- '/': '/'
- },
- escapereplace: function(k) {
- return __escapehtml.escapehash[k];
- },
- escaping: function(str) {
- return typeof(str) !== 'string' ? str : str.replace(/[&<>"]/igm, this.escapereplace);
- },
- detection: function(data) {
- return typeof(data) === 'undefined' ? '' : data;
- }
- };
- var __throw = function(error) {
- if(console) {
- if(console.warn) {
- console.warn(error);
- return;
- }
- if(console.log) {
- console.log(error);
- return;
- }
- }
- throw(error);
- };
- var __creator = function(o, proto) {
- o = o !== Object(o) ? {} : o;
- if(o.__proto__) {
- o.__proto__ = proto;
- return o;
- }
- var _Empty = function() {};
- var n = new((_Empty).prototype = proto, _Empty);
- for(var i in o) {
- if(o.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
- n[i] = o[i];
- }
- }
- return n;
- };
- juicer.__cache = {};
- juicer.version = '0.4.0-dev';
- juicer.settings = {
- forstart: /{@each\s*([\w\.]*?)\s*as\s*(\w*?)\s*(,\s*\w*?)?}/igm,
- forend: /{@\/each}/igm,
- ifstart: /{@if\s*([^}]*?)}/igm,
- ifend: /{@\/if}/igm,
- elsestart: /{@else}/igm,
- elseifstart: /{@else if\s*([^}]*?)}/igm,
- interpolate: /\${([\s\S]+?)}/igm,
- noneencode: /\$\${([\s\S]+?)}/igm,
- inlinecomment: /{#[^}]*?}/igm,
- rangestart: /{@each\s*(\w*?)\s*in\s*range\((\d+?),(\d+?)\)}/igm
- };
- juicer.options = {
- cache: true,
- strip: true,
- errorhandling: true,
- detection: true,
- _method: __creator({
- __escapehtml: __escapehtml,
- __throw: __throw
- }, this)
- };
- juicer.set = function(conf, value) {
- if(arguments.length === 2) {
- this.options[conf] = value;
- return;
- }
- if(conf === Object(conf)) {
- for(var i in conf) {
- if(conf.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
- this.options[i] = conf[i];
- }
- }
- }
- };
- juicer.register = function(fname, fn) {
- var _method = this.options._method;
- if(_method.hasOwnProperty(fname)) {
- return false;
- }
- return _method[fname] = fn;
- };
- juicer.unregister = function(fname) {
- var _method = this.options._method;
- if(_method.hasOwnProperty(fname)) {
- return delete _method[fname];
- }
- };
- juicer.template = function(options) {
- var that = this;
- this.options = options;
- this.__interpolate = function(_name, _escape, options) {
- var _define = _name.split('|'), _fn = '';
- if(_define.length > 1) {
- _name = _define.shift();
- _fn = '_method.' + _define.shift();
- }
- return '<%= ' + (_escape ? '_method.__escapehtml.escaping' : '') + '(' +
- (!options || options.detection !== false ? '_method.__escapehtml.detection' : '') + '(' +
- _fn + '(' +
- _name +
- ')' +
- ')' +
- ')' +
- ' %>';
- };
- this.__removeShell = function(tpl, options) {
- var _counter = 0;
- tpl = tpl
- //for expression
- .replace(juicer.settings.forstart, function($, _name, alias, key) {
- var alias = alias || 'value', key = key && key.substr(1);
- var _iterate = 'i' + _counter++;
- return '<% for(var ' + _iterate + '=0, l' + _iterate + '=' + _name + '.length;' + _iterate + '<l' + _iterate + ';' + _iterate + '++) {' +
- 'var ' + alias + '=' + _name + '[' + _iterate + '];' +
- (key ? ('var ' + key + '=' + _iterate + ';') : '') +
- ' %>';
- })
- .replace(juicer.settings.forend, '<% } %>')
- //if expression
- .replace(juicer.settings.ifstart, function($, condition) {
- return '<% if(' + condition + ') { %>';
- })
- .replace(juicer.settings.ifend, '<% } %>')
- //else expression
- .replace(juicer.settings.elsestart, function($) {
- return '<% } else { %>';
- })
- //else if expression
- .replace(juicer.settings.elseifstart, function($, condition) {
- return '<% } else if(' + condition + ') { %>';
- })
- //interpolate without escape
- .replace(juicer.settings.noneencode, function($, _name) {
- return that.__interpolate(_name, false, options);
- })
- //interpolate with escape
- .replace(juicer.settings.interpolate, function($, _name) {
- return that.__interpolate(_name, true, options);
- })
- //clean up comments
- .replace(juicer.settings.inlinecomment, '')
- //range expression
- .replace(juicer.settings.rangestart, function($, _name, start, end) {
- var _iterate = 'j' + _counter++;
- return '<% for(var ' + _iterate + '=0;' + _iterate + '<' + (end - start) + ';' + _iterate + '++) {' +
- 'var ' + _name + '=' + _iterate + ';' +
- ' %>';
- });
- //exception handling
- if(!options || options.errorhandling !== false) {
- tpl = '<% try { %>' + tpl;
- tpl += '<% } catch(e) {_method.__throw("Juicer Render Exception: "+e.message);} %>';
- }
- return tpl;
- };
- this.__toNative = function(tpl, options) {
- return this.__convert(tpl, !options || options.strip);
- };
- this.__lexicalAnalyze = function(tpl) {
- var buffer = [];
- var prefix = '';
- var indexOf = function(array, item) {
- if (Array.prototype.indexOf && array.indexOf === Array.prototype.indexOf) {
- return array.indexOf(item);
- }
- for(var i=0; i < array.length; i++) {
- if(array[i] === item) return i;
- }
- return -1;
- };
- var variableAnalyze = function($, statement) {
- statement = statement.match(/\w+/igm)[0];
- if(indexOf(buffer, statement) === -1) {
- buffer.push(statement); //fuck ie
- }
- };
- tpl.replace(juicer.settings.forstart, variableAnalyze).
- replace(juicer.settings.interpolate, variableAnalyze).
- replace(juicer.settings.ifstart, variableAnalyze);
- for(var i = 0;i < buffer.length; i++) {
- prefix += 'var ' + buffer[i] + '=_.' + buffer[i] + ';';
- }
- return '<% ' + prefix + ' %>';
- };
- this.__convert=function(tpl, strip) {
- var buffer = [].join('');
- buffer += "'use strict';"; //use strict mode
- buffer += "var _=_||{};";
- buffer += "var _out='';_out+='";
- if(strip !== false) {
- buffer += tpl
- .replace(/\\/g, "\\\\")
- .replace(/[\r\t\n]/g, " ")
- .replace(/'(?=[^%]*%>)/g, "\t")
- .split("'").join("\\'")
- .split("\t").join("'")
- .replace(/<%=(.+?)%>/g, "';_out+=$1;_out+='")
- .split("<%").join("';")
- .split("%>").join("_out+='")+
- "';return _out;";
- return buffer;
- }
- buffer += tpl
- .replace(/\\/g, "\\\\")
- .replace(/[\r]/g, "\\r")
- .replace(/[\t]/g, "\\t")
- .replace(/[\n]/g, "\\n")
- .replace(/'(?=[^%]*%>)/g, "\t")
- .split("'").join("\\'")
- .split("\t").join("'")
- .replace(/<%=(.+?)%>/g, "';_out+=$1;_out+='")
- .split("<%").join("';")
- .split("%>").join("_out+='")+
- "';return _out.replace(/[\\r\\n]\\s+[\\r\\n]/g, '\\r\\n');";
- return buffer;
- };
- this.parse = function(tpl, options) {
- var _that = this;
- if(!options || options.loose !== false) {
- tpl = this.__lexicalAnalyze(tpl) + tpl;
- }
- tpl = this.__removeShell(tpl, options);
- tpl = this.__toNative(tpl, options);
- this._render = new Function('_, _method', tpl);
- this.render = function(_, _method) {
- if(!_method || _method !== that.options._method) {
- _method = __creator(_method, that.options._method);
- }
- return _that._render.call(this, _, _method);
- };
- return this;
- };
- };
- juicer.compile = function(tpl, options) {
- if(!options || options !== this.options) {
- options = __creator(options, this.options);
- }
- try {
- var engine = this.__cache[tpl] ?
- this.__cache[tpl] :
- new this.template(this.options).parse(tpl, options);
- if(!options || options.cache !== false) {
- this.__cache[tpl] = engine;
- }
- return engine;
- } catch(e) {
- __throw('Juicer Compile Exception: ' + e.message);
- return {
- render: function() {} //noop
- };
- }
- };
- juicer.to_html = function(tpl, data, options) {
- if(!options || options !== this.options) {
- options = __creator(options, this.options);
- }
- return this.compile(tpl, options).render(data, options._method);
- };
- typeof(module) !== 'undefined' && module.exports ? module.exports = juicer : this.juicer = juicer;
- })();