- /*
- Copyright 2012, KISSY UI Library v1.20
- MIT Licensed
- build time: Feb 8 17:28
- */
- /*
- * a seed where KISSY grows up from , KISS Yeah !
- * @author lifesinger@gmail.com,yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- (function (S, undefined) {
- /**
- * @namespace KISSY
- */
- var host = this,
- meta = {
- /**
- * Copies all the properties of s to r.
- * @param deep {boolean} whether recursive mix if encounter object
- * @return {Object} the augmented object
- */
- mix:function (r, s, ov, wl, deep) {
- if (!s || !r) {
- return r;
- }
- if (ov === undefined) {
- ov = true;
- }
- var i, p, len;
- if (wl && (len = wl.length)) {
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- p = wl[i];
- if (p in s) {
- _mix(p, r, s, ov, deep);
- }
- }
- } else {
- for (p in s) {
- _mix(p, r, s, ov, deep);
- }
- }
- return r;
- }
- },
- _mix = function (p, r, s, ov, deep) {
- if (ov || !(p in r)) {
- var target = r[p], src = s[p];
- // prevent never-end loop
- if (target === src) {
- return;
- }
- // 来源是数组和对象,并且要求深度 mix
- if (deep && src && (S.isArray(src) || S.isPlainObject(src))) {
- // 目标值为对象或数组,直接 mix
- // 否则 新建一个和源值类型一样的空数组/对象,递归 mix
- var clone = target && (S.isArray(target) || S.isPlainObject(target)) ?
- target :
- (S.isArray(src) ? [] : {});
- r[p] = S.mix(clone, src, ov, undefined, true);
- } else if (src !== undefined) {
- r[p] = s[p];
- }
- }
- },
- // If KISSY is already defined, the existing KISSY object will not
- // be overwritten so that defined namespaces are preserved.
- seed = (host && host[S]) || {},
- guid = 0,
- EMPTY = '';
- // The host of runtime environment. specify by user's seed or <this>,
- // compatibled for '<this> is null' in unknown engine.
- host = seed.__HOST || (seed.__HOST = host || {});
- // shortcut and meta for seed.
- // override previous kissy
- S = host[S] = meta.mix(seed, meta);
- S.mix(S, {
- configs:{},
- // S.app() with these members.
- __APP_MEMBERS:['namespace'],
- __APP_INIT_METHODS:['__init'],
- /**
- * The version of the library.
- * @type {String}
- */
- version:'1.20',
- buildTime:'20120208172832',
- /**
- * Returns a new object containing all of the properties of
- * all the supplied objects. The properties from later objects
- * will overwrite those in earlier objects. Passing in a
- * single object will create a shallow copy of it.
- * @return {Object} the new merged object
- */
- merge:function () {
- var o = {}, i, l = arguments.length;
- for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
- S.mix(o, arguments[i]);
- }
- return o;
- },
- /**
- * Applies prototype properties from the supplier to the receiver.
- * @return {Object} the augmented object
- */
- augment:function (/*r, s1, s2, ..., ov, wl*/) {
- var args = S.makeArray(arguments),
- len = args.length - 2,
- r = args[0],
- ov = args[len],
- wl = args[len + 1],
- i = 1;
- if (!S.isArray(wl)) {
- ov = wl;
- wl = undefined;
- len++;
- }
- if (!S.isBoolean(ov)) {
- ov = undefined;
- len++;
- }
- for (; i < len; i++) {
- S.mix(r.prototype, args[i].prototype || args[i], ov, wl);
- }
- return r;
- },
- /**
- * Utility to set up the prototype, constructor and superclass properties to
- * support an inheritance strategy that can chain constructors and methods.
- * Static members will not be inherited.
- * @param r {Function} the object to modify
- * @param s {Function} the object to inherit
- * @param px {Object} prototype properties to add/override
- * @param {Object} [sx] static properties to add/override
- * @return r {Object}
- */
- extend:function (r, s, px, sx) {
- if (!s || !r) {
- return r;
- }
- var create = Object.create ?
- function (proto, c) {
- return Object.create(proto, {
- constructor:{
- value:c
- }
- });
- } :
- function (proto, c) {
- function F() {
- }
- F.prototype = proto;
- var o = new F();
- o.constructor = c;
- return o;
- },
- sp = s.prototype,
- rp;
- // add prototype chain
- rp = create(sp, r);
- r.prototype = S.mix(rp, r.prototype);
- r.superclass = create(sp, s);
- // add prototype overrides
- if (px) {
- S.mix(rp, px);
- }
- // add object overrides
- if (sx) {
- S.mix(r, sx);
- }
- return r;
- },
- /****************************************************************************************
- * The KISSY System Framework *
- ****************************************************************************************/
- /**
- * Initializes KISSY
- */
- __init:function () {
- this.Config = this.Config || {};
- this.Env = this.Env || {};
- // NOTICE: '@DEBUG@' will replace with '' when compressing.
- // So, if loading source file, debug is on by default.
- // If loading min version, debug is turned off automatically.
- this.Config.debug = '@DEBUG@';
- },
- /**
- * Returns the namespace specified and creates it if it doesn't exist. Be careful
- * when naming packages. Reserved words may work in some browsers and not others.
- * <code>
- * S.namespace('KISSY.app'); // returns KISSY.app
- * S.namespace('app.Shop'); // returns KISSY.app.Shop
- * S.namespace('TB.app.Shop', true); // returns TB.app.Shop
- * </code>
- * @return {Object} A reference to the last namespace object created
- */
- namespace:function () {
- var args = S.makeArray(arguments),
- l = args.length,
- o = null, i, j, p,
- global = (args[l - 1] === true && l--);
- for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
- p = (EMPTY + args[i]).split('.');
- o = global ? host : this;
- for (j = (host[p[0]] === o) ? 1 : 0; j < p.length; ++j) {
- o = o[p[j]] = o[p[j]] || { };
- }
- }
- return o;
- },
- /**
- * create app based on KISSY.
- * @param name {String} the app name
- * @param sx {Object} static properties to add/override
- * <code>
- * S.app('TB');
- * TB.namespace('app'); // returns TB.app
- * </code>
- * @return {Object} A reference to the app global object
- */
- app:function (name, sx) {
- var isStr = S.isString(name),
- O = isStr ? host[name] || {} : name,
- i = 0,
- len = S.__APP_INIT_METHODS.length;
- S.mix(O, this, true, S.__APP_MEMBERS);
- for (; i < len; i++) {
- S[S.__APP_INIT_METHODS[i]].call(O);
- }
- S.mix(O, S.isFunction(sx) ? sx() : sx);
- isStr && (host[name] = O);
- return O;
- },
- config:function (c) {
- var configs, cfg, r;
- for (var p in c) {
- if (c.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
- if ((configs = this['configs']) &&
- (cfg = configs[p])) {
- r = cfg(c[p]);
- }
- }
- }
- return r;
- },
- /**
- * Prints debug info.
- * @param msg {String} the message to log.
- * @param {String} [cat] the log category for the message. Default
- * categories are "info", "warn", "error", "time" etc.
- * @param {String} [src] the source of the the message (opt)
- */
- log:function (msg, cat, src) {
- if (S.Config.debug) {
- if (src) {
- msg = src + ': ' + msg;
- }
- if (host['console'] !== undefined && console.log) {
- console[cat && console[cat] ? cat : 'log'](msg);
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * Throws error message.
- */
- error:function (msg) {
- if (S.Config.debug) {
- throw msg;
- }
- },
- /*
- * Generate a global unique id.
- * @param {String} [pre] guid prefix
- * @return {String} the guid
- */
- guid:function (pre) {
- return (pre || EMPTY) + guid++;
- }
- });
- S.__init();
- return S;
- })('KISSY', undefined);
- /**
- * @module lang
- * @author lifesinger@gmail.com,yiminghe@gmail.com
- * @description this code can run in any ecmascript compliant environment
- */
- (function (S, undefined) {
- var host = S.__HOST,
- TRUE = true,
- FALSE = false,
- OP = Object.prototype,
- toString = OP.toString,
- hasOwnProperty = OP.hasOwnProperty,
- AP = Array.prototype,
- indexOf = AP.indexOf,
- lastIndexOf = AP.lastIndexOf,
- filter = AP.filter,
- every = AP.every,
- some = AP.some,
- //reduce = AP.reduce,
- trim = String.prototype.trim,
- map = AP.map,
- EMPTY = '',
- HEX_BASE = 16,
- CLONE_MARKER = '__~ks_cloned',
- COMPARE_MARKER = '__~ks_compared',
- STAMP_MARKER = '__~ks_stamped',
- RE_TRIM = /^[\s\xa0]+|[\s\xa0]+$/g,
- encode = encodeURIComponent,
- decode = decodeURIComponent,
- SEP = '&',
- EQ = '=',
- // [[Class]] -> type pairs
- class2type = {},
- // http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XSS_(Cross_Site_Scripting)_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet
- htmlEntities = {
- '&':'&',
- '>':'>',
- '<':'<',
- '`':'`',
- '/':'/',
- '"':'"',
- ''':"'"
- },
- reverseEntities = {},
- escapeReg,
- unEscapeReg,
- // - # $ ^ * ( ) + [ ] { } | \ , . ?
- escapeRegExp = /[\-#$\^*()+\[\]{}|\\,.?\s]/g;
- (function () {
- for (var k in htmlEntities) {
- if (htmlEntities.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
- reverseEntities[htmlEntities[k]] = k;
- }
- }
- })();
- function getEscapeReg() {
- if (escapeReg) {
- return escapeReg
- }
- var str = EMPTY;
- S.each(htmlEntities, function (entity) {
- str += entity + '|';
- });
- str = str.slice(0, -1);
- return escapeReg = new RegExp(str, "g");
- }
- function getUnEscapeReg() {
- if (unEscapeReg) {
- return unEscapeReg
- }
- var str = EMPTY;
- S.each(reverseEntities, function (entity) {
- str += entity + '|';
- });
- str += '&#(\\d{1,5});';
- return unEscapeReg = new RegExp(str, "g");
- }
- function isValidParamValue(val) {
- var t = typeof val;
- // If the type of val is null, undefined, number, string, boolean, return true.
- return nullOrUndefined(val) || (t !== 'object' && t !== 'function');
- }
- S.mix(S, {
- /**
- * stamp a object by guid
- * @return guid associated with this object
- */
- stamp:function (o, readOnly, marker) {
- if (!o) {
- return o
- }
- marker = marker || STAMP_MARKER;
- var guid = o[marker];
- if (guid) {
- return guid;
- } else if (!readOnly) {
- try {
- guid = o[marker] = S.guid(marker);
- }
- catch (e) {
- guid = undefined;
- }
- }
- return guid;
- },
- noop:function () {
- },
- /**
- * Determine the internal JavaScript [[Class]] of an object.
- */
- type:function (o) {
- return nullOrUndefined(o) ?
- String(o) :
- class2type[toString.call(o)] || 'object';
- },
- isNullOrUndefined:nullOrUndefined,
- isNull:function (o) {
- return o === null;
- },
- isUndefined:function (o) {
- return o === undefined;
- },
- /**
- * Checks to see if an object is empty.
- */
- isEmptyObject:function (o) {
- for (var p in o) {
- if (p !== undefined) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- },
- /**
- * Checks to see if an object is a plain object (created using "{}"
- * or "new Object()" or "new FunctionClass()").
- * Ref: http://lifesinger.org/blog/2010/12/thinking-of-isplainobject/
- */
- isPlainObject:function (o) {
- /**
- * note by yiminghe
- * isPlainObject(node=document.getElementById("xx")) -> false
- * toString.call(node) : ie678 == '[object Object]',other =='[object HTMLElement]'
- * 'isPrototypeOf' in node : ie678 === false ,other === true
- */
- return o && toString.call(o) === '[object Object]' && 'isPrototypeOf' in o;
- },
- /**
- * 两个目标是否内容相同
- *
- * @param a 比较目标1
- * @param b 比较目标2
- * @param [mismatchKeys] internal use
- * @param [mismatchValues] internal use
- */
- equals:function (a, b, /*internal use*/mismatchKeys, /*internal use*/mismatchValues) {
- // inspired by jasmine
- mismatchKeys = mismatchKeys || [];
- mismatchValues = mismatchValues || [];
- if (a === b) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- if (a === undefined || a === null || b === undefined || b === null) {
- // need type coercion
- return nullOrUndefined(a) && nullOrUndefined(b);
- }
- if (a instanceof Date && b instanceof Date) {
- return a.getTime() == b.getTime();
- }
- if (S.isString(a) && S.isString(b)) {
- return (a == b);
- }
- if (S.isNumber(a) && S.isNumber(b)) {
- return (a == b);
- }
- if (typeof a === "object" && typeof b === "object") {
- return compareObjects(a, b, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues);
- }
- // Straight check
- return (a === b);
- },
- /**
- * Creates a deep copy of a plain object or array. Others are returned untouched.
- * 稍微改改就和规范一样了 :)
- * @param input
- * @param {Function} filter filter function
- * @refer http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/common-dom-interfaces.html#safe-passing-of-structured-data
- */
- clone:function (input, filter) {
- // Let memory be an association list of pairs of objects,
- // initially empty. This is used to handle duplicate references.
- // In each pair of objects, one is called the source object
- // and the other the destination object.
- var memory = {},
- ret = cloneInternal(input, filter, memory);
- S.each(memory, function (v) {
- // 清理在源对象上做的标记
- v = v.input;
- if (v[CLONE_MARKER]) {
- try {
- delete v[CLONE_MARKER];
- } catch (e) {
- S.log("delete CLONE_MARKER error : ");
- v[CLONE_MARKER] = undefined;
- }
- }
- });
- memory = null;
- return ret;
- },
- /**
- * Removes the whitespace from the beginning and end of a string.
- */
- trim:trim ?
- function (str) {
- return nullOrUndefined(str) ? EMPTY : trim.call(str);
- } :
- function (str) {
- return nullOrUndefined(str) ? EMPTY : str.toString().replace(RE_TRIM, EMPTY);
- },
- /**
- * Substitutes keywords in a string using an object/array.
- * Removes undefined keywords and ignores escaped keywords.
- */
- substitute:function (str, o, regexp) {
- if (!S.isString(str)
- || !S.isPlainObject(o)) {
- return str;
- }
- return str.replace(regexp || /\\?\{([^{}]+)\}/g, function (match, name) {
- if (match.charAt(0) === '\\') {
- return match.slice(1);
- }
- return (o[name] === undefined) ? EMPTY : o[name];
- });
- },
- /**
- * Executes the supplied function on each item in the array.
- * @param object {Object} the object to iterate
- * @param fn {Function} the function to execute on each item. The function
- * receives three arguments: the value, the index, the full array.
- * @param {Object} [context]
- */
- each:function (object, fn, context) {
- if (object) {
- var key,
- val,
- i = 0,
- length = object && object.length,
- isObj = length === undefined || S.type(object) === 'function';
- context = context || host;
- if (isObj) {
- for (key in object) {
- // can not use hasOwnProperty
- if (fn.call(context, object[key], key, object) === FALSE) {
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- for (val = object[0];
- i < length && fn.call(context, val, i, object) !== FALSE; val = object[++i]) {
- }
- }
- }
- return object;
- },
- /**
- * Search for a specified value within an array.
- */
- indexOf:indexOf ?
- function (item, arr) {
- return indexOf.call(arr, item);
- } :
- function (item, arr) {
- for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; ++i) {
- if (arr[i] === item) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- },
- /**
- * Returns the index of the last item in the array
- * that contains the specified value, -1 if the
- * value isn't found.
- */
- lastIndexOf:(lastIndexOf) ?
- function (item, arr) {
- return lastIndexOf.call(arr, item);
- } :
- function (item, arr) {
- for (var i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (arr[i] === item) {
- break;
- }
- }
- return i;
- },
- /**
- * Returns a copy of the array with the duplicate entries removed
- * @param a {Array} the array to find the subset of uniques for
- * @param override {Boolean}
- * if override is true, S.unique([a, b, a]) => [b, a]
- * if override is false, S.unique([a, b, a]) => [a, b]
- * @return {Array} a copy of the array with duplicate entries removed
- */
- unique:function (a, override) {
- var b = a.slice();
- if (override) {
- b.reverse();
- }
- var i = 0,
- n,
- item;
- while (i < b.length) {
- item = b[i];
- while ((n = S.lastIndexOf(item, b)) !== i) {
- b.splice(n, 1);
- }
- i += 1;
- }
- if (override) {
- b.reverse();
- }
- return b;
- },
- /**
- * Search for a specified value index within an array.
- */
- inArray:function (item, arr) {
- return S.indexOf(item, arr) > -1;
- },
- /**
- * Executes the supplied function on each item in the array.
- * Returns a new array containing the items that the supplied
- * function returned true for.
- * @param arr {Array} the array to iterate
- * @param fn {Function} the function to execute on each item
- * @param context {Object} optional context object
- * @return {Array} The items on which the supplied function
- * returned true. If no items matched an empty array is
- * returned.
- */
- filter:filter ?
- function (arr, fn, context) {
- return filter.call(arr, fn, context || this);
- } :
- function (arr, fn, context) {
- var ret = [];
- S.each(arr, function (item, i, arr) {
- if (fn.call(context || this, item, i, arr)) {
- ret.push(item);
- }
- });
- return ret;
- },
- // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/map
- map:map ?
- function (arr, fn, context) {
- return map.call(arr, fn, context || this);
- } :
- function (arr, fn, context) {
- var len = arr.length,
- res = new Array(len);
- for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- var el = S.isString(arr) ? arr.charAt(i) : arr[i];
- if (el
- ||
- //ie<9 in invalid when typeof arr == string
- i in arr) {
- res[i] = fn.call(context || this, el, i, arr);
- }
- }
- return res;
- },
- /**
- * @refer https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/array/reduce
- */
- reduce:/*
- NaN ?
- reduce ? function(arr, callback, initialValue) {
- return arr.reduce(callback, initialValue);
- } : */function (arr, callback, initialValue) {
- var len = arr.length;
- if (typeof callback !== "function") {
- throw new TypeError("callback is not function!");
- }
- // no value to return if no initial value and an empty array
- if (len === 0 && arguments.length == 2) {
- throw new TypeError("arguments invalid");
- }
- var k = 0;
- var accumulator;
- if (arguments.length >= 3) {
- accumulator = arguments[2];
- }
- else {
- do {
- if (k in arr) {
- accumulator = arr[k++];
- break;
- }
- // if array contains no values, no initial value to return
- k += 1;
- if (k >= len) {
- throw new TypeError();
- }
- }
- while (TRUE);
- }
- while (k < len) {
- if (k in arr) {
- accumulator = callback.call(undefined, accumulator, arr[k], k, arr);
- }
- k++;
- }
- return accumulator;
- },
- every:every ?
- function (arr, fn, context) {
- return every.call(arr, fn, context || this);
- } :
- function (arr, fn, context) {
- var len = arr && arr.length || 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- if (i in arr && !fn.call(context, arr[i], i, arr)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- },
- some:some ?
- function (arr, fn, context) {
- return some.call(arr, fn, context || this);
- } :
- function (arr, fn, context) {
- var len = arr && arr.length || 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- if (i in arr && fn.call(context, arr[i], i, arr)) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- },
- /**
- * it is not same with native bind
- * @refer https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function/bind
- */
- bind:function (fn, obj) {
- var slice = [].slice,
- args = slice.call(arguments, 2),
- fNOP = function () {
- },
- bound = function () {
- return fn.apply(this instanceof fNOP ? this : obj,
- args.concat(slice.call(arguments)));
- };
- fNOP.prototype = fn.prototype;
- bound.prototype = new fNOP();
- return bound;
- },
- /**
- * Gets current date in milliseconds.
- * @refer https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date/now
- * http://j-query.blogspot.com/2011/02/timing-ecmascript-5-datenow-function.html
- * http://kangax.github.com/es5-compat-table/
- */
- now:Date.now || function () {
- return +new Date();
- },
- /**
- * frequently used in taobao cookie about nick
- */
- fromUnicode:function (str) {
- return str.replace(/\\u([a-f\d]{4})/ig, function (m, u) {
- return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(u, HEX_BASE));
- });
- },
- /**
- * escape string to html
- * @refer http://yiminghe.javaeye.com/blog/788929
- * http://wonko.com/post/html-escaping
- * @param str {string} text2html show
- */
- escapeHTML:function (str) {
- return str.replace(getEscapeReg(), function (m) {
- return reverseEntities[m];
- });
- },
- escapeRegExp:function (str) {
- return str.replace(escapeRegExp, '\\$&');
- },
- /**
- * unescape html to string
- * @param str {string} html2text
- */
- unEscapeHTML:function (str) {
- return str.replace(getUnEscapeReg(), function (m, n) {
- return htmlEntities[m] || String.fromCharCode(+n);
- });
- },
- /**
- * Converts object to a true array.
- * @param o {object|Array} array like object or array
- * @return {Array}
- */
- makeArray:function (o) {
- if (nullOrUndefined(o)) {
- return [];
- }
- if (S.isArray(o)) {
- return o;
- }
- // The strings and functions also have 'length'
- if (typeof o.length !== 'number' || S.isString(o) || S.isFunction(o)) {
- return [o];
- }
- var ret = [];
- for (var i = 0, l = o.length; i < l; i++) {
- ret[i] = o[i];
- }
- return ret;
- },
- /**
- * Creates a serialized string of an array or object.
- * @return {String}
- * <code>
- * {foo: 1, bar: 2} // -> 'foo=1&bar=2'
- * {foo: 1, bar: [2, 3]} // -> 'foo=1&bar=2&bar=3'
- * {foo: '', bar: 2} // -> 'foo=&bar=2'
- * {foo: undefined, bar: 2} // -> 'foo=undefined&bar=2'
- * {foo: true, bar: 2} // -> 'foo=true&bar=2'
- * </code>
- */
- param:function (o, sep, eq, arr) {
- if (!S.isPlainObject(o)) {
- return EMPTY;
- }
- sep = sep || SEP;
- eq = eq || EQ;
- if (S.isUndefined(arr)) {
- arr = TRUE;
- }
- var buf = [], key, val;
- for (key in o) {
- if (o.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- val = o[key];
- key = encode(key);
- // val is valid non-array value
- if (isValidParamValue(val)) {
- buf.push(key, eq, encode(val + EMPTY), sep);
- }
- // val is not empty array
- else if (S.isArray(val) && val.length) {
- for (var i = 0, len = val.length; i < len; ++i) {
- if (isValidParamValue(val[i])) {
- buf.push(key,
- (arr ? encode("[]") : EMPTY),
- eq, encode(val[i] + EMPTY), sep);
- }
- }
- }
- // ignore other cases, including empty array, Function, RegExp, Date etc.
- }
- }
- buf.pop();
- return buf.join(EMPTY);
- },
- /**
- * Parses a URI-like query string and returns an object composed of parameter/value pairs.
- * <code>
- * 'section=blog&id=45' // -> {section: 'blog', id: '45'}
- * 'section=blog&tag=js&tag=doc' // -> {section: 'blog', tag: ['js', 'doc']}
- * 'tag=ruby%20on%20rails' // -> {tag: 'ruby on rails'}
- * 'id=45&raw' // -> {id: '45', raw: ''}
- * </code>
- */
- unparam:function (str, sep, eq) {
- if (typeof str !== 'string'
- || (str = S.trim(str)).length === 0) {
- return {};
- }
- sep = sep || SEP;
- eq = eq || EQ;
- var ret = {},
- pairs = str.split(sep),
- pair, key, val,
- i = 0, len = pairs.length;
- for (; i < len; ++i) {
- pair = pairs[i].split(eq);
- key = decode(pair[0]);
- try {
- val = decode(pair[1] || EMPTY);
- } catch (e) {
- S.log(e + "decodeURIComponent error : " + pair[1], "error");
- val = pair[1] || EMPTY;
- }
- if (S.endsWith(key, "[]")) {
- key = key.substring(0, key.length - 2);
- }
- if (hasOwnProperty.call(ret, key)) {
- if (S.isArray(ret[key])) {
- ret[key].push(val);
- } else {
- ret[key] = [ret[key], val];
- }
- } else {
- ret[key] = val;
- }
- }
- return ret;
- },
- /**
- * Executes the supplied function in the context of the supplied
- * object 'when' milliseconds later. Executes the function a
- * single time unless periodic is set to true.
- * @param fn {Function|String} the function to execute or the name of the method in
- * the 'o' object to execute.
- * @param when {Number} the number of milliseconds to wait until the fn is executed.
- * @param periodic {Boolean} if true, executes continuously at supplied interval
- * until canceled.
- * @param context {Object} the context object.
- * @param [data] that is provided to the function. This accepts either a single
- * item or an array. If an array is provided, the function is executed with
- * one parameter for each array item. If you need to pass a single array
- * parameter, it needs to be wrapped in an array [myarray].
- * @return {Object} a timer object. Call the cancel() method on this object to stop
- * the timer.
- */
- later:function (fn, when, periodic, context, data) {
- when = when || 0;
- var m = fn,
- d = S.makeArray(data),
- f,
- r;
- if (S.isString(fn)) {
- m = context[fn];
- }
- if (!m) {
- S.error('method undefined');
- }
- f = function () {
- m.apply(context, d);
- };
- r = (periodic) ? setInterval(f, when) : setTimeout(f, when);
- return {
- id:r,
- interval:periodic,
- cancel:function () {
- if (this.interval) {
- clearInterval(r);
- } else {
- clearTimeout(r);
- }
- }
- };
- },
- startsWith:function (str, prefix) {
- return str.lastIndexOf(prefix, 0) === 0;
- },
- endsWith:function (str, suffix) {
- var ind = str.length - suffix.length;
- return ind >= 0 && str.indexOf(suffix, ind) == ind;
- },
- /**
- * Based on YUI3
- * Throttles a call to a method based on the time between calls.
- * @param {function} fn The function call to throttle.
- * @param {object} context ontext fn to run
- * @param {Number} ms The number of milliseconds to throttle the method call.
- * Passing a -1 will disable the throttle. Defaults to 150.
- * @return {function} Returns a wrapped function that calls fn throttled.
- */
- throttle:function (fn, ms, context) {
- ms = ms || 150;
- if (ms === -1) {
- return (function () {
- fn.apply(context || this, arguments);
- });
- }
- var last = S.now();
- return (function () {
- var now = S.now();
- if (now - last > ms) {
- last = now;
- fn.apply(context || this, arguments);
- }
- });
- },
- /**
- * buffers a call between a fixed time
- * @param {function} fn
- * @param {object} [context]
- * @param {Number} ms
- */
- buffer:function (fn, ms, context) {
- ms = ms || 150;
- if (ms === -1) {
- return (function () {
- fn.apply(context || this, arguments);
- });
- }
- var bufferTimer = null;
- function f() {
- f.stop();
- bufferTimer = S.later(fn, ms, FALSE, context || this);
- }
- f.stop = function () {
- if (bufferTimer) {
- bufferTimer.cancel();
- bufferTimer = 0;
- }
- };
- return f;
- }
- });
- // for idea ..... auto-hint
- S.mix(S, {
- isBoolean:isValidParamValue,
- isNumber:isValidParamValue,
- isString:isValidParamValue,
- isFunction:isValidParamValue,
- isArray:isValidParamValue,
- isDate:isValidParamValue,
- isRegExp:isValidParamValue,
- isObject:isValidParamValue
- });
- S.each('Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object'.split(' '),
- function (name, lc) {
- // populate the class2type map
- class2type['[object ' + name + ']'] = (lc = name.toLowerCase());
- // add isBoolean/isNumber/...
- S['is' + name] = function (o) {
- return S.type(o) == lc;
- }
- });
- function nullOrUndefined(o) {
- return S.isNull(o) || S.isUndefined(o);
- }
- function cloneInternal(input, f, memory) {
- var destination = input,
- isArray,
- isPlainObject,
- k,
- stamp;
- if (!input) {
- return destination;
- }
- // If input is the source object of a pair of objects in memory,
- // then return the destination object in that pair of objects .
- // and abort these steps.
- if (input[CLONE_MARKER]) {
- // 对应的克隆后对象
- return memory[input[CLONE_MARKER]].destination;
- } else if (typeof input === "object") {
- // 引用类型要先记录
- var constructor = input.constructor;
- if (S.inArray(constructor, [Boolean, String, Number, Date, RegExp])) {
- destination = new constructor(input.valueOf());
- }
- // ImageData , File, Blob , FileList .. etc
- else if (isArray = S.isArray(input)) {
- destination = f ? S.filter(input, f) : input.concat();
- } else if (isPlainObject = S.isPlainObject(input)) {
- destination = {};
- }
- // Add a mapping from input (the source object)
- // to output (the destination object) to memory.
- // 做标记
- input[CLONE_MARKER] = (stamp = S.guid());
- // 存储源对象以及克隆后的对象
- memory[stamp] = {destination:destination, input:input};
- }
- // If input is an Array object or an Object object,
- // then, for each enumerable property in input,
- // add a new property to output having the same name,
- // and having a value created from invoking the internal structured cloning algorithm recursively
- // with the value of the property as the "input" argument and memory as the "memory" argument.
- // The order of the properties in the input and output objects must be the same.
- // clone it
- if (isArray) {
- for (var i = 0; i < destination.length; i++) {
- destination[i] = cloneInternal(destination[i], f, memory);
- }
- } else if (isPlainObject) {
- for (k in input) {
- if (input.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
- if (k !== CLONE_MARKER &&
- (!f || (f.call(input, input[k], k, input) !== FALSE))) {
- destination[k] = cloneInternal(input[k], f, memory);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return destination;
- }
- function compareObjects(a, b, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues) {
- // 两个比较过了,无需再比较,防止循环比较
- if (a[COMPARE_MARKER] === b && b[COMPARE_MARKER] === a) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- var hasKey = function (obj, keyName) {
- return (obj !== null && obj !== undefined) && obj[keyName] !== undefined;
- };
- for (var property in b) {
- if (b.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
- if (!hasKey(a, property) && hasKey(b, property)) {
- mismatchKeys.push("expected has key '" + property + "', but missing from actual.");
- }
- }
- }
- for (property in a) {
- if (a.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
- if (!hasKey(b, property) && hasKey(a, property)) {
- mismatchKeys.push("expected missing key '" + property + "', but present in actual.");
- }
- }
- }
- for (property in b) {
- if (b.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
- if (property == COMPARE_MARKER) {
- continue;
- }
- if (!S.equals(a[property], b[property], mismatchKeys, mismatchValues)) {
- mismatchValues.push("'" + property + "' was '" + (b[property] ? (b[property].toString()) : b[property])
- + "' in expected, but was '" +
- (a[property] ? (a[property].toString()) : a[property]) + "' in actual.");
- }
- }
- }
- if (S.isArray(a) && S.isArray(b) && a.length != b.length) {
- mismatchValues.push("arrays were not the same length");
- }
- delete a[COMPARE_MARKER];
- delete b[COMPARE_MARKER];
- return (mismatchKeys.length === 0 && mismatchValues.length === 0);
- }
- })(KISSY, undefined);
- /**
- * setup data structure for kissy loader
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- (function(S){
- if("require" in this) {
- return;
- }
- S.__loader={};
- S.__loaderUtils={};
- S.__loaderData={};
- })(KISSY);/**
- * map mechanism
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- (function (S, loader) {
- if ("require" in this) {
- return;
- }
- /**
- * modify current module path
- * @param rules
- * @example
- * [
- * [/(.+-)min(.js(\?t=\d+)?)$/,"$1$2"],
- * [/(.+-)min(.js(\?t=\d+)?)$/,function(_,m1,m2){
- * return m1+m2;
- * }]
- * ]
- */
- S.configs.map = function (rules) {
- S.Config.mappedRules = (S.Config.mappedRules || []).concat(rules);
- };
- S.mix(loader, {
- __getMappedPath:function (path) {
- var __mappedRules = S.Config.mappedRules || [];
- for (var i = 0; i < __mappedRules.length; i++) {
- var m, rule = __mappedRules[i];
- if (m = path.match(rule[0])) {
- return path.replace(rule[0], rule[1]);
- }
- }
- return path;
- }
- });
- })(KISSY, KISSY.__loader);/**
- * combine mechanism
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- (function (S, loader) {
- if ("require" in this) {
- return;
- }
- var combines;
- /**
- * compress 'from module' to 'to module'
- * {
- * core:['dom','ua','event','node','json','ajax','anim','base','cookie']
- * }
- */
- combines = S.configs.combines = function (from, to) {
- var cs;
- if (S.isObject(from)) {
- S.each(from, function (v, k) {
- S.each(v, function (v2) {
- combines(v2, k);
- });
- });
- return;
- }
- cs = S.Config.combines = S.Config.combines || {};
- if (to) {
- cs[from] = to;
- } else {
- return cs[from] || from;
- }
- };
- S.mix(loader, {
- __getCombinedMod:function (modName) {
- var cs;
- cs = S.Config.combines = S.Config.combines || {};
- return cs[modName] || modName;
- }
- });
- })(KISSY, KISSY.__loader);/**
- * status constants
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- (function(S, data) {
- if ("require" in this) {
- return;
- }
- // 脚本(loadQueue)/模块(mod) 公用状态
- S.mix(data, {
- "INIT":0,
- "LOADING" : 1,
- "LOADED" : 2,
- "ERROR" : 3,
- // 模块特有
- "ATTACHED" : 4
- });
- })(KISSY, KISSY.__loaderData);/**
- * utils for kissy loader
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- (function(S, loader, utils) {
- if ("require" in this) {
- return;
- }
- var ua = navigator.userAgent,doc = document;
- S.mix(utils, {
- docHead:function() {
- return doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || doc.documentElement;
- },
- isWebKit:!!ua.match(/AppleWebKit/),
- IE : !!ua.match(/MSIE/),
- isCss:function(url) {
- return /\.css(?:\?|$)/i.test(url);
- },
- isLinkNode:function(n) {
- return n.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'link';
- },
- /**
- * resolve relative part of path
- * x/../y/z -> y/z
- * x/./y/z -> x/y/z
- * @param path uri path
- * @return {string} resolved path
- * @description similar to path.normalize in nodejs
- */
- normalizePath:function(path) {
- var paths = path.split("/"),
- re = [],
- p;
- for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
- p = paths[i];
- if (p == ".") {
- } else if (p == "..") {
- re.pop();
- } else {
- re.push(p);
- }
- }
- return re.join("/");
- },
- /**
- * 根据当前模块以及依赖模块的相对路径,得到依赖模块的绝对路径
- * @param moduleName 当前模块
- * @param depName 依赖模块
- * @return {string|Array} 依赖模块的绝对路径
- * @description similar to path.resolve in nodejs
- */
- normalDepModuleName:function normalDepModuleName(moduleName, depName) {
- if (!depName) {
- return depName;
- }
- if (S.isArray(depName)) {
- for (var i = 0; i < depName.length; i++) {
- depName[i] = normalDepModuleName(moduleName, depName[i]);
- }
- return depName;
- }
- if (startsWith(depName, "../") || startsWith(depName, "./")) {
- var anchor = "",index;
- // x/y/z -> x/y/
- if ((index = moduleName.lastIndexOf("/")) != -1) {
- anchor = moduleName.substring(0, index + 1);
- }
- return normalizePath(anchor + depName);
- } else if (depName.indexOf("./") != -1
- || depName.indexOf("../") != -1) {
- return normalizePath(depName);
- } else {
- return depName;
- }
- },
- //去除后缀名,要考虑时间戳?
- removePostfix:function (path) {
- return path.replace(/(-min)?\.js[^/]*$/i, "");
- },
- /**
- * 路径正则化,不能是相对地址
- * 相对地址则转换成相对页面的绝对地址
- * 用途:
- * package path 相对地址则相对于当前页面获取绝对地址
- */
- normalBasePath:function (path) {
- path = S.trim(path);
- // path 为空时,不能变成 "/"
- if (path && path.charAt(path.length - 1) != '/') {
- path += "/";
- }
- /**
- * 一定要正则化,防止出现 ../ 等相对路径
- * 考虑本地路径
- */
- if (!path.match(/^(http(s)?)|(file):/i)
- && !startsWith(path, "/")) {
- path = loader.__pagePath + path;
- }
- return normalizePath(path);
- },
- /**
- * 相对路径文件名转换为绝对路径
- * @param path
- */
- absoluteFilePath:function(path) {
- path = utils.normalBasePath(path);
- return path.substring(0, path.length - 1);
- },
- //http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/Packages/Mappings/A
- //如果模块名以 / 结尾,自动加 index
- indexMapping:function (names) {
- for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
- if (names[i].match(/\/$/)) {
- names[i] += "index";
- }
- }
- return names;
- }
- });
- var startsWith = S.startsWith,normalizePath = utils.normalizePath;
- })(KISSY, KISSY.__loader, KISSY.__loaderUtils);/**
- * script/css load across browser
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- (function(S, utils) {
- if ("require" in this) {
- return;
- }
- /**
- * central poll for link node
- */
- timer = 0,
- monitors = {
- /**
- * node.id:[callback]
- */
- };
- function startCssTimer() {
- if (!timer) {
- S.log("start css polling");
- cssPoll();
- }
- }
- // single thread is ok
- function cssPoll() {
- for (var url in monitors) {
- var callbacks = monitors[url],
- node = callbacks.node,
- loaded = 0;
- if (utils.isWebKit) {
- if (node['sheet']) {
- S.log("webkit loaded : " + url);
- loaded = 1;
- }
- } else if (node['sheet']) {
- try {
- var cssRules;
- if (cssRules = node['sheet'].cssRules) {
- S.log('firefox ' + cssRules + ' loaded : ' + url);
- loaded = 1;
- }
- } catch(ex) {
- // S.log('firefox ' + ex.name + ' ' + ex.code + ' ' + url);
- // if (ex.name === 'NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR') {
- if (ex.code === 1000) {
- S.log('firefox ' + ex.name + ' loaded : ' + url);
- loaded = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if (loaded) {
- for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) {
- callbacks[i].call(node);
- }
- delete monitors[url];
- }
- }
- if (S.isEmptyObject(monitors)) {
- timer = 0;
- S.log("end css polling");
- } else {
- timer = setTimeout(cssPoll, CSS_POLL_INTERVAL);
- }
- }
- S.mix(utils, {
- scriptOnload:document.addEventListener ?
- function(node, callback) {
- if (utils.isLinkNode(node)) {
- return utils.styleOnload(node, callback);
- }
- node.addEventListener('load', callback, false);
- } :
- function(node, callback) {
- if (utils.isLinkNode(node)) {
- return utils.styleOnload(node, callback);
- }
- var oldCallback = node.onreadystatechange;
- node.onreadystatechange = function() {
- var rs = node.readyState;
- if (/loaded|complete/i.test(rs)) {
- node.onreadystatechange = null;
- oldCallback && oldCallback();
- callback.call(this);
- }
- };
- },
- /**
- * monitor css onload across browsers
- * 暂时不考虑如何判断失败,如 404 等
- * @refer
- * - firefox 不可行(结论4错误):
- * - http://yearofmoo.com/2011/03/cross-browser-stylesheet-preloading/
- * - 全浏览器兼容
- * - http://lifesinger.org/lab/2011/load-js-css/css-preload.html
- * - 其他
- * - http://www.zachleat.com/web/load-css-dynamically/
- */
- styleOnload:window.attachEvent ?
- // ie/opera
- function(node, callback) {
- // whether to detach using function wrapper?
- function t() {
- node.detachEvent('onload', t);
- S.log('ie/opera loaded : ' + node.href);
- callback.call(node);
- }
- node.attachEvent('onload', t);
- } :
- // refer : http://lifesinger.org/lab/2011/load-js-css/css-preload.html
- // 暂时不考虑如何判断失败,如 404 等
- function(node, callback) {
- var href = node.href,arr;
- arr = monitors[href] = monitors[href] || [];
- arr.node = node;
- arr.push(callback);
- startCssTimer();
- }
- });
- })(KISSY, KISSY.__loaderUtils);/**
- * getScript support for css and js callback after load
- * @author lifesinger@gmail.com,yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- (function(S, utils) {
- if ("require" in this) {
- return;
- }
- scriptOnload = utils.scriptOnload;
- S.mix(S, {
- /**
- * load a css file from server using http get ,after css file load ,execute success callback
- * @param url css file url
- * @param success callback
- * @param charset
- */
- getStyle:function(url, success, charset) {
- var doc = document,
- head = utils.docHead(),
- node = doc.createElement('link'),
- config = success;
- if (S.isPlainObject(config)) {
- success = config.success;
- charset = config.charset;
- }
- node.href = url;
- node.rel = 'stylesheet';
- if (charset) {
- node.charset = charset;
- }
- if (success) {
- utils.scriptOnload(node, success);
- }
- head.appendChild(node);
- return node;
- },
- /**
- * Load a JavaScript/Css file from the server using a GET HTTP request, then execute it.
- * <code>
- * getScript(url, success, charset);
- * or
- * getScript(url, {
- * charset: string
- * success: fn,
- * error: fn,
- * timeout: number
- * });
- * </code>
- */
- getScript:function(url, success, charset) {
- if (utils.isCss(url)) {
- return S.getStyle(url, success, charset);
- }
- var doc = document,
- head = doc.head || doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],
- node = doc.createElement('script'),
- config = success,
- error,
- timeout,
- timer;
- if (S.isPlainObject(config)) {
- success = config.success;
- error = config.error;
- timeout = config.timeout;
- charset = config.charset;
- }
- function clearTimer() {
- if (timer) {
- timer.cancel();
- timer = undefined;
- }
- }
- node.src = url;
- node.async = true;
- if (charset) {
- node.charset = charset;
- }
- if (success || error) {
- scriptOnload(node, function() {
- clearTimer();
- S.isFunction(success) && success.call(node);
- });
- if (S.isFunction(error)) {
- //标准浏览器
- if (doc.addEventListener) {
- node.addEventListener("error", function() {
- clearTimer();
- error.call(node);
- }, false);
- }
- timer = S.later(function() {
- timer = undefined;
- error();
- }, (timeout || this.Config.timeout) * MILLISECONDS_OF_SECOND);
- }
- }
- head.insertBefore(node, head.firstChild);
- return node;
- }
- });
- })(KISSY, KISSY.__loaderUtils);/**
- * add module definition
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com,lifesinger@gmail.com
- */
- (function(S, loader, utils, data) {
- if ("require" in this) {
- return;
- }
- var IE = utils.IE,
- mix = S.mix;
- mix(loader, {
- /**
- * Registers a module.
- * @param name {String} module name
- * @param def {Function|Object} entry point into the module that is used to bind module to KISSY
- * @param config {Object}
- * <code>
- * KISSY.add('module-name', function(S){ }, {requires: ['mod1']});
- * </code>
- * <code>
- * KISSY.add({
- * 'mod-name': {
- * fullpath: 'url',
- * requires: ['mod1','mod2']
- * }
- * });
- * </code>
- * @return {KISSY}
- */
- add: function(name, def, config) {
- var self = this,
- mods = self.Env.mods,
- o;
- // S.add(name, config) => S.add( { name: config } )
- if (S.isString(name)
- && !config
- && S.isPlainObject(def)) {
- o = {};
- o[name] = def;
- name = o;
- }
- // S.add( { name: config } )
- if (S.isPlainObject(name)) {
- S.each(name, function(v, k) {
- v.name = k;
- if (mods[k]) {
- // 保留之前添加的配置
- mix(v, mods[k], false);
- }
- });
- mix(mods, name);
- return self;
- }
- // S.add(name[, fn[, config]])
- if (S.isString(name)) {
- var host;
- if (config && ( host = config.host )) {
- var hostMod = mods[host];
- if (!hostMod) {
- S.log("module " + host + " can not be found !", "error");
- //S.error("module " + host + " can not be found !");
- return self;
- }
- if (self.__isAttached(host)) {
- def.call(self, self);
- } else {
- //该 host 模块纯虚!
- hostMod.fns = hostMod.fns || [];
- hostMod.fns.push(def);
- }
- return self;
- }
- self.__registerModule(name, def, config);
- //显示指定 add 不 attach
- if (config && config['attach'] === false) {
- return self;
- }
- // 和 1.1.7 以前版本保持兼容,不得已而为之
- var mod = mods[name];
- var requires = utils.normalDepModuleName(name, mod.requires);
- if (self.__isAttached(requires)) {
- //S.log(mod.name + " is attached when add !");
- self.__attachMod(mod);
- }
- //调试用,为什么不在 add 时 attach
- else if (this.Config.debug && !mod) {
- var i,modNames;
- i = (modNames = S.makeArray(requires)).length - 1;
- for (; i >= 0; i--) {
- var requireName = modNames[i];
- var requireMod = mods[requireName] || {};
- if (requireMod.status !== ATTACHED) {
- S.log(mod.name + " not attached when added : depends " + requireName);
- }
- }
- }
- return self;
- }
- // S.add(fn,config);
- if (S.isFunction(name)) {
- config = def;
- def = name;
- if (IE) {
- /*
- Kris Zyp
- 2010年10月21日, 上午11时34分
- We actually had some discussions off-list, as it turns out the required
- technique is a little different than described in this thread. Briefly,
- to identify anonymous modules from scripts:
- * In non-IE browsers, the onload event is sufficient, it always fires
- immediately after the script is executed.
- * In IE, if the script is in the cache, it actually executes *during*
- the DOM insertion of the script tag, so you can keep track of which
- script is being requested in case define() is called during the DOM
- insertion.
- * In IE, if the script is not in the cache, when define() is called you
- can iterate through the script tags and the currently executing one will
- have a script.readyState == "interactive"
- See RequireJS source code if you need more hints.
- Anyway, the bottom line from a spec perspective is that it is
- implemented, it works, and it is possible. Hope that helps.
- Kris
- */
- // http://groups.google.com/group/commonjs/browse_thread/thread/5a3358ece35e688e/43145ceccfb1dc02#43145ceccfb1dc02
- // use onload to get module name is not right in ie
- name = self.__findModuleNameByInteractive();
- S.log("old_ie get modname by interactive : " + name);
- self.__registerModule(name, def, config);
- self.__startLoadModuleName = null;
- self.__startLoadTime = 0;
- } else {
- // 其他浏览器 onload 时,关联模块名与模块定义
- self.__currentModule = {
- def:def,
- config:config
- };
- }
- return self;
- }
- S.log("invalid format for KISSY.add !", "error");
- return self;
- }
- });
- })(KISSY, KISSY.__loader, KISSY.__loaderUtils, KISSY.__loaderData);
- /**
- * @refer
- * - https://github.com/amdjs/amdjs-api/wiki/AMD
- **//**
- * build full path from relative path and base path
- * @author lifesinger@gmail.com,yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- (function (S, loader, utils, data) {
- if ("require" in this) {
- return;
- }
- S.mix(loader, {
- __buildPath:function (mod, base) {
- var self = this,
- Config = self.Config;
- base = base || Config.base;
- build("fullpath", "path");
- if (mod["cssfullpath"] !== data.LOADED) {
- build("cssfullpath", "csspath");
- }
- function build(fullpath, path) {
- if (!mod[fullpath] && mod[path]) {
- //如果是 ./ 或 ../ 则相对当前模块路径
- mod[path] = utils.normalDepModuleName(mod.name, mod[path]);
- mod[fullpath] = base + mod[path];
- }
- // debug 模式下,加载非 min 版
- if (mod[fullpath] && Config.debug) {
- mod[fullpath] = mod[fullpath].replace(/-min/ig, "");
- }
- //刷新客户端缓存,加时间戳 tag
- if (mod[fullpath]
- && !(mod[fullpath].match(/\?t=/))
- && mod.tag) {
- mod[fullpath] += "?t=" + mod.tag;
- }
- if (mod[fullpath]) {
- mod[fullpath] = self.__getMappedPath(mod[fullpath]);
- }
- }
- }
- });
- })(KISSY, KISSY.__loader, KISSY.__loaderUtils, KISSY.__loaderData);/**
- * logic for config.global , mainly for kissy.editor
- * @author lifesinger@gmail.com,yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- (function(S, loader) {
- if ("require" in this) {
- return;
- }
- S.mix(loader, {
- // 按需从 global 迁移模块定义到当前 loader 实例,并根据 global 设置 fullpath
- __mixMod: function(name, global) {
- // 从 __mixMods 调用过来时,可能本实例没有该模块的数据结构
- var self = this,
- mods = self.Env.mods,
- gMods = global.Env.mods,
- mod = mods[name] || {},
- status = mod.status;
- if (gMods[name]) {
- S.mix(mod, S.clone(gMods[name]));
- // status 属于实例,当有值时,不能被覆盖。
- // 1. 只有没有初始值时,才从 global 上继承
- // 2. 初始值为 0 时,也从 global 上继承
- // 其他都保存自己的状态
- if (status) {
- mod.status = status;
- }
- }
- // 来自 global 的 mod, path 也应该基于 global
- self.__buildPath(mod, global.Config.base);
- mods[name] = mod;
- }
- });
- })(KISSY, KISSY.__loader);/**
- * for ie ,find current executive script ,then infer module name
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- (function (S, loader, utils) {
- if ("require" in this) {
- return;
- }
- S.mix(loader, {
- //ie 特有,找到当前正在交互的脚本,根据脚本名确定模块名
- // 如果找不到,返回发送前那个脚本
- __findModuleNameByInteractive:function () {
- var self = this,
- scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script"),
- re,
- script;
- for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
- script = scripts[i];
- if (script.readyState == "interactive") {
- re = script;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!re) {
- // sometimes when read module file from cache , interactive status is not triggered
- // module code is executed right after inserting into dom
- // i has to preserve module name before insert module script into dom , then get it back here
- S.log("can not find interactive script,time diff : " + (+new Date() - self.__startLoadTime), "error");
- S.log("old_ie get modname from cache : " + self.__startLoadModuleName);
- return self.__startLoadModuleName;
- //S.error("找不到 interactive 状态的 script");
- }
- // src 必定是绝对路径
- // or re.hasAttribute ? re.src : re.getAttribute('src', 4);
- // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms536429(VS.85).aspx
- var src = utils.absoluteFilePath(re.src);
- // S.log("interactive src :" + src);
- // 注意:模块名不包含后缀名以及参数,所以去除
- // 系统模块去除系统路径
- // 需要 base norm , 防止 base 被指定为相对路径
- self.Config.base = utils.normalBasePath(self.Config.base);
- if (src.lastIndexOf(self.Config.base, 0)
- === 0) {
- return utils.removePostfix(src.substring(self.Config.base.length));
- }
- var packages = self.Config.packages;
- //外部模块去除包路径,得到模块名
- for (var p in packages) {
- if (packages.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
- var p_path = packages[p].path;
- if (packages.hasOwnProperty(p) &&
- src.lastIndexOf(p_path, 0) === 0) {
- return utils.removePostfix(src.substring(p_path.length));
- }
- }
- }
- S.log("interactive script does not have package config :" + src, "error");
- }
- });
- })(KISSY, KISSY.__loader, KISSY.__loaderUtils);/**
- * load a single mod (js or css)
- * @author lifesinger@gmail.com,yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- (function(S, loader, utils, data) {
- if ("require" in this) {
- return;
- }
- var IE = utils.IE,
- ERROR = data.ERROR,
- S.mix(loader, {
- /**
- * Load a single module.
- */
- __load: function(mod, callback, cfg) {
- var self = this,
- url = mod['fullpath'],
- isCss = utils.isCss(url),
- // 这个是全局的,防止多实例对同一模块的重复下载
- loadQueque = S.Env._loadQueue,
- status = loadQueque[url],
- node = status;
- mod.status = mod.status || 0;
- // 可能已经由其它模块触发加载
- if (mod.status < LOADING && status) {
- // 该模块是否已经载入到 global ?
- mod.status = status === LOADED ? LOADED : LOADING;
- }
- // 1.20 兼容 1.1x 处理:加载 cssfullpath 配置的 css 文件
- // 仅发出请求,不做任何其它处理
- if (S.isString(mod["cssfullpath"])) {
- S.getScript(mod["cssfullpath"]);
- mod["cssfullpath"] = mod.csspath = LOADED;
- }
- if (mod.status < LOADING && url) {
- mod.status = LOADING;
- if (IE && !isCss) {
- self.__startLoadModuleName = mod.name;
- self.__startLoadTime = Number(+new Date());
- }
- node = S.getScript(url, {
- success: function() {
- if (isCss) {
- } else {
- //载入 css 不需要这步了
- //标准浏览器下:外部脚本执行后立即触发该脚本的 load 事件,ie9 还是不行
- if (self.__currentModule) {
- S.log("standard browser get modname after load : " + mod.name);
- self.__registerModule(mod.name, self.__currentModule.def,
- self.__currentModule.config);
- self.__currentModule = null;
- }
- // 模块载入后,如果需要也要混入对应 global 上模块定义
- mixGlobal();
- if (mod.fns && mod.fns.length > 0) {
- } else {
- _modError();
- }
- }
- if (mod.status != ERROR) {
- S.log(mod.name + ' is loaded.', 'info');
- }
- _scriptOnComplete();
- },
- error: function() {
- _modError();
- _scriptOnComplete();
- },
- charset: mod.charset
- });
- loadQueque[url] = node;
- }
- // 已经在加载中,需要添加回调到 script onload 中
- // 注意:没有考虑 error 情形
- else if (mod.status === LOADING) {
- utils.scriptOnload(node, function() {
- // 模块载入后,如果需要也要混入对应 global 上模块定义
- mixGlobal();
- _scriptOnComplete();
- });
- }
- // 是内嵌代码,或者已经 loaded
- else {
- // 也要混入对应 global 上模块定义
- mixGlobal();
- callback();
- }
- function _modError() {
- S.log(mod.name + ' is not loaded! can not find module in path : ' + mod['fullpath'], 'error');
- mod.status = ERROR;
- }
- function mixGlobal() {
- // 对于动态下载下来的模块,loaded 后,global 上有可能更新 mods 信息
- // 需要同步到 instance 上去
- // 注意:要求 mod 对应的文件里,仅修改该 mod 信息
- if (cfg.global) {
- self.__mixMod(mod.name, cfg.global);
- }
- }
- function _scriptOnComplete() {
- loadQueque[url] = LOADED;
- if (mod.status !== ERROR) {
- // 注意:当多个模块依赖同一个下载中的模块A下,模块A仅需 attach 一次
- // 因此要加上下面的 !== 判断,否则会出现重复 attach,
- // 比如编辑器里动态加载时,被依赖的模块会重复
- if (mod.status !== ATTACHED) {
- mod.status = LOADED;
- }
- callback();
- }
- }
- }
- });
- })(KISSY, KISSY.__loader, KISSY.__loaderUtils, KISSY.__loaderData);/**
- * @module loader
- * @author lifesinger@gmail.com,yiminghe@gmail.com,lijing00333@163.com
- * @description: constant member and common method holder
- */
- (function(S, loader, data) {
- if ("require" in this) {
- return;
- }
- mix = S.mix;
- mix(loader, {
- // 当前页面所在的目录
- // http://xx.com/y/z.htm#!/f/g
- // ->
- // http://xx.com/y/
- __pagePath:location.href.replace(location.hash, "").replace(/[^/]*$/i, ""),
- //firefox,ie9,chrome 如果add没有模块名,模块定义先暂存这里
- __currentModule:null,
- //ie6,7,8开始载入脚本的时间
- __startLoadTime:0,
- //ie6,7,8开始载入脚本对应的模块名
- __startLoadModuleName:null,
- __isAttached: function(modNames) {
- var mods = this.Env.mods,
- ret = true;
- S.each(modNames, function(name) {
- var mod = mods[name];
- if (!mod || mod.status !== ATTACHED) {
- ret = false;
- return ret;
- }
- });
- return ret;
- }
- });
- })(KISSY, KISSY.__loader, KISSY.__loaderData);
- /**
- * 2011-01-04 chengyu<yiminghe@gmail.com> refactor:
- *
- * adopt requirejs :
- *
- * 1. packages(cfg) , cfg :{
- * name : 包名,用于指定业务模块前缀
- * path: 前缀包名对应的路径
- * charset: 该包下所有文件的编码
- *
- * 2. add(moduleName,function(S,depModule){return function(){}},{requires:["depModuleName"]});
- * moduleName add 时可以不写
- * depModuleName 可以写相对地址 (./ , ../),相对于 moduleName
- *
- * 3. S.use(["dom"],function(S,DOM){
- * });
- * 依赖注入,发生于 add 和 use 时期
- *
- * 4. add,use 不支持 css loader ,getScript 仍然保留支持
- *
- * 5. 部分更新模块文件代码 x/y?t=2011 ,加载过程中注意去除事件戳,仅在载入文件时使用
- *
- * demo : http://lite-ext.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/lite-ext/playground/module_package/index.html
- *
- * 2011-03-01 yiminghe@gmail.com note:
- *
- * compatibility
- *
- * 1. 保持兼容性,不得已而为之
- * 支持 { host : }
- * 如果 requires 都已经 attached,支持 add 后立即 attach
- * 支持 { attach : false } 显示控制 add 时是否 attach
- * 支持 { global : Editor } 指明模块来源
- *
- *
- * 2011-05-04 初步拆分文件,tmd 乱了
- */
- /**
- * package mechanism
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- (function (S, loader, utils) {
- if ("require" in this) {
- return;
- }
- /**
- * 包声明
- * biz -> .
- * 表示遇到 biz/x
- * 在当前网页路径找 biz/x.js
- */
- S.configs.packages = function (cfgs) {
- var ps;
- ps = S.Config.packages = S.Config.packages || {};
- S.each(cfgs, function (cfg) {
- ps[cfg.name] = cfg;
- //注意正则化
- cfg.path = cfg.path && utils.normalBasePath(cfg.path);
- cfg.tag = cfg.tag && encodeURIComponent(cfg.tag);
- });
- };
- S.mix(loader, {
- __getPackagePath:function (mod) {
- //缓存包路径,未申明的包的模块都到核心模块中找
- if (mod.packagepath) {
- return mod.packagepath;
- }
- var self = this,
- //一个模块合并到了另一个模块文件中去
- modName = S.__getCombinedMod(mod.name),
- packages = self.Config.packages || {},
- pName = "",
- p_def;
- for (var p in packages) {
- if (packages.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
- if (S.startsWith(modName, p) &&
- p.length > pName) {
- pName = p;
- }
- }
- }
- p_def = packages[pName];
- mod.charset = p_def && p_def.charset || mod.charset;
- if (p_def) {
- mod.tag = p_def.tag;
- } else {
- // kissy 自身组件的事件戳后缀
- mod.tag = encodeURIComponent(S.Config.tag || S.buildTime);
- }
- return mod.packagepath = (p_def && p_def.path) || self.Config.base;
- }
- });
- })(KISSY, KISSY.__loader, KISSY.__loaderUtils);/**
- * register module ,associate module name with module factory(definition)
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com,lifesinger@gmail.com
- */
- (function(S, loader,data) {
- if ("require" in this) {
- return;
- }
- var LOADED = data.LOADED,
- mix = S.mix;
- mix(loader, {
- //注册模块,将模块和定义 factory 关联起来
- __registerModule:function(name, def, config) {
- config = config || {};
- var self = this,
- mods = self.Env.mods,
- mod = mods[name] || {};
- // 注意:通过 S.add(name[, fn[, config]]) 注册的代码,无论是页面中的代码,
- // 还是 js 文件里的代码,add 执行时,都意味着该模块已经 LOADED
- mix(mod, { name: name, status: LOADED });
- if (mod.fns && mod.fns.length) {
- S.log(name + " is defined more than once");
- //S.error(name + " is defined more than once");
- }
- //支持 host,一个模块多个 add factory
- mod.fns = mod.fns || [];
- mod.fns.push(def);
- mix((mods[name] = mod), config);
- }
- });
- })(KISSY, KISSY.__loader, KISSY.__loaderData);/**
- * use and attach mod
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com,lifesinger@gmail.com
- */
- (function (S, loader, utils, data) {
- if ("require" in this) {
- return;
- }
- var LOADED = data.LOADED,
- S.mix(loader, {
- /**
- * Start load specific mods, and fire callback when these mods and requires are attached.
- * <code>
- * S.use('mod-name', callback, config);
- * S.use('mod1,mod2', callback, config);
- * </code>
- */
- use:function (modNames, callback, cfg) {
- modNames = modNames.replace(/\s+/g, "").split(',');
- utils.indexMapping(modNames);
- cfg = cfg || {};
- var self = this,
- fired;
- // 已经全部 attached, 直接执行回调即可
- if (self.__isAttached(modNames)) {
- var mods = self.__getModules(modNames);
- callback && callback.apply(self, mods);
- return;
- }
- // 有尚未 attached 的模块
- S.each(modNames, function (modName) {
- // 从 name 开始调用,防止不存在模块
- self.__attachModByName(modName, function () {
- if (!fired &&
- self.__isAttached(modNames)) {
- fired = true;
- var mods = self.__getModules(modNames);
- callback && callback.apply(self, mods);
- }
- }, cfg);
- });
- return self;
- },
- __getModules:function (modNames) {
- var self = this,
- mods = [self];
- S.each(modNames, function (modName) {
- if (!utils.isCss(modName)) {
- mods.push(self.require(modName));
- }
- });
- return mods;
- },
- /**
- * get module's value defined by define function
- * @param {string} moduleName
- */
- require:function (moduleName) {
- var self = this,
- mods = self.Env.mods,
- mod = mods[moduleName],
- re = self['onRequire'] && self['onRequire'](mod);
- if (re !== undefined) {
- return re;
- }
- return mod && mod.value;
- },
- // 加载指定模块名模块,如果不存在定义默认定义为内部模块
- __attachModByName:function (modName, callback, cfg) {
- var self = this,
- mods = self.Env.mods;
- var mod = mods[modName];
- //没有模块定义
- if (!mod) {
- // 默认 js/css 名字
- // 不指定 .js 默认为 js
- // 指定为 css 载入 .css
- var componentJsName = self.Config['componentJsName'] ||
- function (m) {
- var suffix = "js", match;
- if (match = m.match(/(.+)\.(js|css)$/i)) {
- suffix = match[2];
- m = match[1];
- }
- return m + '-min.' + suffix;
- },
- path = componentJsName(S.__getCombinedMod(modName));
- mod = {
- path:path,
- charset:'utf-8'
- };
- //添加模块定义
- mods[modName] = mod;
- }
- mod.name = modName;
- if (mod && mod.status === ATTACHED) {
- return;
- }
- // 先从 global 里取
- if (cfg.global) {
- self.__mixMod(modName, cfg.global);
- }
- self.__attach(mod, callback, cfg);
- },
- /**
- * Attach a module and all required modules.
- */
- __attach:function (mod, callback, cfg) {
- var self = this,
- r,
- rMod,
- i,
- attached = 0,
- mods = self.Env.mods,
- //复制一份当前的依赖项出来,防止 add 后修改!
- requires = (mod['requires'] || []).concat();
- mod['requires'] = requires;
- /**
- * check cyclic dependency between mods
- */
- function cyclicCheck() {
- var __allRequires,
- myName = mod.name,
- r, r2, rmod,
- r__allRequires,
- requires = mod.requires;
- // one mod's all requires mods to run its callback
- __allRequires = mod.__allRequires = mod.__allRequires || {};
- for (var i = 0; i < requires.length; i++) {
- r = requires[i];
- rmod = mods[r];
- __allRequires[r] = 1;
- if (rmod && (r__allRequires = rmod.__allRequires)) {
- for (r2 in r__allRequires) {
- if (r__allRequires.hasOwnProperty(r2)) {
- __allRequires[r2] = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (__allRequires[myName]) {
- var t = [];
- for (r in __allRequires) {
- if (__allRequires.hasOwnProperty(r)) {
- t.push(r);
- }
- }
- S.error("find cyclic dependency by mod " + myName + " between mods : " + t.join(","));
- }
- }
- if (S.Config.debug) {
- cyclicCheck();
- }
- // attach all required modules
- for (i = 0; i < requires.length; i++) {
- r = requires[i] = utils.normalDepModuleName(mod.name, requires[i]);
- rMod = mods[r];
- if (rMod && rMod.status === ATTACHED) {
- //no need
- } else {
- self.__attachModByName(r, fn, cfg);
- }
- }
- // load and attach this module
- self.__buildPath(mod, self.__getPackagePath(mod));
- self.__load(mod, function () {
- // add 可能改了 config,这里重新取下
- mod['requires'] = mod['requires'] || [];
- var newRequires = mod['requires'],
- needToLoad = [];
- //本模块下载成功后串行下载 require
- for (i = 0; i < newRequires.length; i++) {
- r = newRequires[i] = utils.normalDepModuleName(mod.name, newRequires[i]);
- var rMod = mods[r],
- inA = S.inArray(r, requires);
- //已经处理过了或将要处理
- if (rMod &&
- rMod.status === ATTACHED
- //已经正在处理了
- || inA) {
- //no need
- } else {
- //新增的依赖项
- needToLoad.push(r);
- }
- }
- if (needToLoad.length) {
- for (i = 0; i < needToLoad.length; i++) {
- self.__attachModByName(needToLoad[i], fn, cfg);
- }
- } else {
- fn();
- }
- }, cfg);
- function fn() {
- if (!attached &&
- self.__isAttached(mod['requires'])) {
- if (mod.status === LOADED) {
- self.__attachMod(mod);
- }
- if (mod.status === ATTACHED) {
- attached = 1;
- callback();
- }
- }
- }
- },
- __attachMod:function (mod) {
- var self = this,
- fns = mod.fns;
- if (fns) {
- S.each(fns, function (fn) {
- var value;
- if (S.isFunction(fn)) {
- value = fn.apply(self, self.__getModules(mod['requires']));
- } else {
- value = fn;
- }
- mod.value = mod.value || value;
- });
- }
- mod.status = ATTACHED;
- }
- });
- })(KISSY, KISSY.__loader, KISSY.__loaderUtils, KISSY.__loaderData);/**
- * mix loader into S and infer KISSy baseUrl if not set
- * @author lifesinger@gmail.com,yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- (function (S, loader, utils) {
- if ("require" in this) {
- return;
- }
- S.mix(S, loader);
- /**
- * get base from src
- * @param src script source url
- * @return base for kissy
- * @example:
- * http://a.tbcdn.cn/s/kissy/1.1.6/??kissy-min.js,suggest/suggest-pkg-min.js
- * http://a.tbcdn.cn/??s/kissy/1.1.6/kissy-min.js,s/kissy/1.1.5/suggest/suggest-pkg-min.js
- * http://a.tbcdn.cn/??s/kissy/1.1.6/suggest/suggest-pkg-min.js,s/kissy/1.1.5/kissy-min.js
- * http://a.tbcdn.cn/s/kissy/1.1.6/kissy-min.js?t=20101215.js
- * @notice: custom combo rules, such as yui3:
- * <script src="path/to/kissy" data-combo-prefix="combo?" data-combo-sep="&"></script>
- */
- // notice: timestamp
- var baseReg = /^(.*)(seed|kissy)(-aio)?(-min)?\.js[^/]*/i,
- baseTestReg = /(seed|kissy)(-aio)?(-min)?\.js/i;
- function getBaseUrl(script) {
- var src = utils.absoluteFilePath(script.src),
- prefix = script.getAttribute('data-combo-prefix') || '??',
- sep = script.getAttribute('data-combo-sep') || ',',
- parts = src.split(sep),
- base,
- part0 = parts[0],
- index = part0.indexOf(prefix);
- // no combo
- if (index == -1) {
- base = src.replace(baseReg, '$1');
- } else {
- base = part0.substring(0, index);
- var part01 = part0.substring(index + 2, part0.length);
- // combo first
- // notice use match better than test
- if (part01.match(baseTestReg)) {
- base += part01.replace(baseReg, '$1');
- }
- // combo after first
- else {
- S.each(parts, function (part) {
- if (part.match(baseTestReg)) {
- base += part.replace(baseReg, '$1');
- return false;
- }
- });
- }
- }
- return base;
- }
- /**
- * Initializes loader.
- */
- S.__initLoader = function () {
- var self = this;
- self.Env.mods = self.Env.mods || {}; // all added mods
- };
- S.Env._loadQueue = {}; // information for loading and loaded mods
- S.__initLoader();
- (function () {
- // get base from current script file path
- var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'),
- currentScript = scripts[scripts.length - 1],
- base = getBaseUrl(currentScript);
- S.Config.base = utils.normalBasePath(base);
- // the default timeout for getScript
- S.Config.timeout = 10;
- })();
- S.mix(S.configs, {
- base:function (base) {
- S.Config.base = utils.normalBasePath(base);
- },
- timeout:function (v) {
- S.Config.timeout = v;
- },
- debug:function (v) {
- S.Config.debug = v;
- }
- });
- // for S.app working properly
- S.each(loader, function (v, k) {
- S.__APP_MEMBERS.push(k);
- });
- S.__APP_INIT_METHODS.push('__initLoader');
- })(KISSY, KISSY.__loader, KISSY.__loaderUtils);/**
- * @module web.js
- * @author lifesinger@gmail.com,yiminghe@gmail.com
- * @description this code can only run at browser environment
- */
- (function(S, undefined) {
- var win = S.__HOST,
- doc = win['document'],
- docElem = doc.documentElement,
- EMPTY = '',
- // Is the DOM ready to be used? Set to true once it occurs.
- isReady = false,
- // The functions to execute on DOM ready.
- readyList = [],
- // The number of poll times.
- POLL_RETRYS = 500,
- // The poll interval in milliseconds.
- // #id or id
- RE_IDSTR = /^#?([\w-]+)$/,
- RE_NOT_WHITE = /\S/;
- S.mix(S, {
- /**
- * A crude way of determining if an object is a window
- */
- isWindow: function(o) {
- return S.type(o) === 'object'
- && 'setInterval' in o
- && 'document' in o
- && o.document.nodeType == 9;
- },
- parseXML: function(data) {
- var xml;
- try {
- // Standard
- if (window.DOMParser) {
- xml = new DOMParser().parseFromString(data, "text/xml");
- } else { // IE
- xml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
- xml.async = "false";
- xml.loadXML(data);
- }
- } catch(e) {
- S.log("parseXML error : ");
- S.log(e);
- xml = undefined;
- }
- if (!xml || !xml.documentElement || xml.getElementsByTagName("parsererror").length) {
- S.error("Invalid XML: " + data);
- }
- return xml;
- },
- /**
- * Evalulates a script in a global context.
- */
- globalEval: function(data) {
- if (data && RE_NOT_WHITE.test(data)) {
- // http://weblogs.java.net/blog/driscoll/archive/2009/09/08/eval-javascript-global-context
- ( window.execScript || function(data) {
- window[ "eval" ].call(window, data);
- } )(data);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Specify a function to execute when the DOM is fully loaded.
- * @param fn {Function} A function to execute after the DOM is ready
- * <code>
- * KISSY.ready(function(S){ });
- * </code>
- * @return {KISSY}
- */
- ready: function(fn) {
- // If the DOM is already ready
- if (isReady) {
- // Execute the function immediately
- fn.call(win, this);
- } else {
- // Remember the function for later
- readyList.push(fn);
- }
- return this;
- },
- /**
- * Executes the supplied callback when the item with the supplied id is found.
- * @param id <String> The id of the element, or an array of ids to look for.
- * @param fn <Function> What to execute when the element is found.
- */
- available: function(id, fn) {
- id = (id + EMPTY).match(RE_IDSTR)[1];
- if (!id || !S.isFunction(fn)) {
- return;
- }
- var retryCount = 1,
- node,
- timer = S.later(function() {
- if ((node = doc.getElementById(id)) && (fn(node) || 1) ||
- ++retryCount > POLL_RETRYS) {
- timer.cancel();
- }
- }, POLL_INTERVAL, true);
- }
- });
- /**
- * Binds ready events.
- */
- function _bindReady() {
- var doScroll = docElem.doScroll,
- eventType = doScroll ? 'onreadystatechange' : 'DOMContentLoaded',
- COMPLETE = 'complete',
- fire = function() {
- _fireReady();
- };
- // Catch cases where ready() is called after the
- // browser event has already occurred.
- if (doc.readyState === COMPLETE) {
- return fire();
- }
- // w3c mode
- if (doc.addEventListener) {
- function domReady() {
- doc.removeEventListener(eventType, domReady, false);
- fire();
- }
- doc.addEventListener(eventType, domReady, false);
- // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
- win.addEventListener('load', fire, false);
- }
- // IE event model is used
- else {
- function stateChange() {
- if (doc.readyState === COMPLETE) {
- doc.detachEvent(eventType, stateChange);
- fire();
- }
- }
- // ensure firing before onload, maybe late but safe also for iframes
- doc.attachEvent(eventType, stateChange);
- // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work.
- win.attachEvent('onload', fire);
- // If IE and not a frame
- // continually check to see if the document is ready
- var notframe = false;
- try {
- notframe = (win['frameElement'] === null);
- } catch(e) {
- S.log("frameElement error : ");
- S.log(e);
- }
- if (doScroll && notframe) {
- function readyScroll() {
- try {
- // Ref: http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/
- doScroll('left');
- fire();
- } catch(ex) {
- //S.log("detect document ready : " + ex);
- setTimeout(readyScroll, POLL_INTERVAL);
- }
- }
- readyScroll();
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Executes functions bound to ready event.
- */
- function _fireReady() {
- if (isReady) {
- return;
- }
- // Remember that the DOM is ready
- isReady = true;
- // If there are functions bound, to execute
- if (readyList) {
- // Execute all of them
- var fn, i = 0;
- while (fn = readyList[i++]) {
- fn.call(win, S);
- }
- // Reset the list of functions
- readyList = null;
- }
- }
- // If url contains '?ks-debug', debug mode will turn on automatically.
- if (location && (location.search || EMPTY).indexOf('ks-debug') !== -1) {
- S.Config.debug = true;
- }
- /**
- * bind on start
- * in case when you bind but the DOMContentLoaded has triggered
- * then you has to wait onload
- * worst case no callback at all
- */
- _bindReady();
- })(KISSY, undefined);
- /**
- * 声明 kissy 核心中所包含的模块,动态加载时将直接从 core.js 中加载核心模块
- * @description: 为了和 1.1.7 及以前版本保持兼容,务实与创新,兼容与革新 !
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- (function (S) {
- S.config({
- 'combines':{
- 'core':['dom', 'ua', 'event', 'node', 'json', 'ajax', 'anim', 'base', 'cookie']
- }
- });
- })(KISSY);
- /**
- combined files :
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ua\base.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ua\extra.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ua.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\dom\base.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\dom\attr.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\dom\class.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\dom\create.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\dom\data.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\dom\insertion.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\dom\offset.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\dom\style.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\dom\selector.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\dom\style-ie.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\dom\traversal.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\dom.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event\keycodes.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event\object.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event\utils.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event\base.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event\target.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event\focusin.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event\hashchange.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event\valuechange.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event\delegate.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event\mouseenter.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event\submit.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event\change.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event\mousewheel.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\event.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\node\base.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\node\attach.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\node\override.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\anim\easing.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\anim\manager.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\anim\fx.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\anim\queue.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\anim\base.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\anim\color.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\anim.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\node\anim.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\node.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\json\json2.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\json.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ajax\form-serializer.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ajax\xhrobject.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ajax\base.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ajax\xhrbase.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ajax\subdomain.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ajax\xdr.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ajax\xhr.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ajax\script.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ajax\jsonp.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ajax\form.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ajax\iframe-upload.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\ajax.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\base\attribute.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\base\base.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\base.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\cookie\base.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\cookie.js
- D:\code\kissy_git\kissy1.2\src\core.js
- **/
- /**
- * @module ua
- * @author lifesinger@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add('ua/base', function() {
- var ua = navigator.userAgent,
- EMPTY = '', MOBILE = 'mobile',
- core = EMPTY, shell = EMPTY, m,
- IE_DETECT_RANGE = [6, 9], v, end,
- VERSION_PLACEHOLDER = '{{version}}',
- IE_DETECT_TPL = '<!--[if IE ' + VERSION_PLACEHOLDER + ']><s></s><![endif]-->',
- div = document.createElement('div'), s,
- o = {
- // browser core type
- //webkit: 0,
- //trident: 0,
- //gecko: 0,
- //presto: 0,
- // browser type
- //chrome: 0,
- //safari: 0,
- //firefox: 0,
- //ie: 0,
- //opera: 0
- //mobile: '',
- //core: '',
- //shell: ''
- },
- numberify = function(s) {
- var c = 0;
- // convert '' to 1.234
- return parseFloat(s.replace(/\./g, function() {
- return (c++ === 0) ? '.' : '';
- }));
- };
- // try to use IE-Conditional-Comment detect IE more accurately
- // IE10 doesn't support this method, @ref: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ie/archive/2011/07/06/html5-parsing-in-ie10.aspx
- s = div.getElementsByTagName('s');
- if (s.length > 0) {
- shell = 'ie';
- o[core = 'trident'] = 0.1; // Trident detected, look for revision
- // Get the Trident's accurate version
- if ((m = ua.match(/Trident\/([\d.]*)/)) && m[1]) {
- o[core] = numberify(m[1]);
- }
- // Detect the accurate version
- // 注意:
- // o.shell = ie, 表示外壳是 ie
- // 但 o.ie = 7, 并不代表外壳是 ie7, 还有可能是 ie8 的兼容模式
- // 对于 ie8 的兼容模式,还要通过 documentMode 去判断。但此处不能让 o.ie = 8, 否则
- // 很多脚本判断会失误。因为 ie8 的兼容模式表现行为和 ie7 相同,而不是和 ie8 相同
- for (v = IE_DETECT_RANGE[0],end = IE_DETECT_RANGE[1]; v <= end; v++) {
- if (s.length > 0) {
- o[shell] = v;
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- // WebKit
- if ((m = ua.match(/AppleWebKit\/([\d.]*)/)) && m[1]) {
- o[core = 'webkit'] = numberify(m[1]);
- // Chrome
- if ((m = ua.match(/Chrome\/([\d.]*)/)) && m[1]) {
- o[shell = 'chrome'] = numberify(m[1]);
- }
- // Safari
- else if ((m = ua.match(/\/([\d.]*) Safari/)) && m[1]) {
- o[shell = 'safari'] = numberify(m[1]);
- }
- // Apple Mobile
- if (/ Mobile\//.test(ua)) {
- o[MOBILE] = 'apple'; // iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch
- }
- // Other WebKit Mobile Browsers
- else if ((m = ua.match(/NokiaN[^\/]*|Android \d\.\d|webOS\/\d\.\d/))) {
- o[MOBILE] = m[0].toLowerCase(); // Nokia N-series, Android, webOS, ex: NokiaN95
- }
- }
- // NOT WebKit
- else {
- // Presto
- // ref: http://www.useragentstring.com/pages/useragentstring.php
- if ((m = ua.match(/Presto\/([\d.]*)/)) && m[1]) {
- o[core = 'presto'] = numberify(m[1]);
- // Opera
- if ((m = ua.match(/Opera\/([\d.]*)/)) && m[1]) {
- o[shell = 'opera'] = numberify(m[1]); // Opera detected, look for revision
- if ((m = ua.match(/Opera\/.* Version\/([\d.]*)/)) && m[1]) {
- o[shell] = numberify(m[1]);
- }
- // Opera Mini
- if ((m = ua.match(/Opera Mini[^;]*/)) && m) {
- o[MOBILE] = m[0].toLowerCase(); // ex: Opera Mini/2.0.4509/1316
- }
- // Opera Mobile
- // ex: Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.1; Opera Mobi/49; U; en) Presto/2.4.18 Version/10.00
- // issue: 由于 Opera Mobile 有 Version/ 字段,可能会与 Opera 混淆,同时对于 Opera Mobile 的版本号也比较混乱
- else if ((m = ua.match(/Opera Mobi[^;]*/)) && m) {
- o[MOBILE] = m[0];
- }
- }
- // NOT WebKit or Presto
- } else {
- // MSIE
- // 由于最开始已经使用了 IE 条件注释判断,因此落到这里的唯一可能性只有 IE10+
- if ((m = ua.match(/MSIE\s([^;]*)/)) && m[1]) {
- o[core = 'trident'] = 0.1; // Trident detected, look for revision
- o[shell = 'ie'] = numberify(m[1]);
- // Get the Trident's accurate version
- if ((m = ua.match(/Trident\/([\d.]*)/)) && m[1]) {
- o[core] = numberify(m[1]);
- }
- // NOT WebKit, Presto or IE
- } else {
- // Gecko
- if ((m = ua.match(/Gecko/))) {
- o[core = 'gecko'] = 0.1; // Gecko detected, look for revision
- if ((m = ua.match(/rv:([\d.]*)/)) && m[1]) {
- o[core] = numberify(m[1]);
- }
- // Firefox
- if ((m = ua.match(/Firefox\/([\d.]*)/)) && m[1]) {
- o[shell = 'firefox'] = numberify(m[1]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- o.core = core;
- o.shell = shell;
- o._numberify = numberify;
- return o;
- });
- /**
- * NOTES:
- *
- * 2011.11.08
- * - ie < 10 使用条件注释判断内核,更精确 by gonghaocn@gmail.com
- *
- * 2010.03
- * - jQuery, YUI 等类库都推荐用特性探测替代浏览器嗅探。特性探测的好处是能自动适应未来设备和未知设备,比如
- * if(document.addEventListener) 假设 IE9 支持标准事件,则代码不用修改,就自适应了“未来浏览器”。
- * 对于未知浏览器也是如此。但是,这并不意味着浏览器嗅探就得彻底抛弃。当代码很明确就是针对已知特定浏览器的,
- * 同时并非是某个特性探测可以解决时,用浏览器嗅探反而能带来代码的简洁,同时也也不会有什么后患。总之,一切
- * 皆权衡。
- * - UA.ie && UA.ie < 8 并不意味着浏览器就不是 IE8, 有可能是 IE8 的兼容模式。进一步的判断需要使用 documentMode.
- *
- * TODO:
- * - test mobile
- * - 3Q 大战后,360 去掉了 UA 信息中的 360 信息,需采用 res 方法去判断
- *
- */
- /**
- * @module ua-extra
- * @author gonghao<gonghao@ghsky.com>
- */
- KISSY.add('ua/extra', function(S, UA) {
- var ua = navigator.userAgent,
- m, external, shell,
- o = { },
- numberify = UA._numberify;
- /**
- * 说明:
- * @子涯总结的各国产浏览器的判断依据: http://spreadsheets0.google.com/ccc?key=tluod2VGe60_ceDrAaMrfMw&hl=zh_CN#gid=0
- * 根据 CNZZ 2009 年度浏览器占用率报告,优化了判断顺序:http://www.tanmi360.com/post/230.htm
- * 如果检测出浏览器,但是具体版本号未知用 0.1 作为标识
- * 世界之窗 & 360 浏览器,在 3.x 以下的版本都无法通过 UA 或者特性检测进行判断,所以目前只要检测到 UA 关键字就认为起版本号为 3
- */
- // 360Browser
- if (m = ua.match(/360SE/)) {
- o[shell = 'se360'] = 3; // issue: 360Browser 2.x cannot be recognised, so if recognised default set verstion number to 3
- }
- // Maxthon
- else if ((m = ua.match(/Maxthon/)) && (external = window.external)) {
- // issue: Maxthon 3.x in IE-Core cannot be recognised and it doesn't have exact version number
- // but other maxthon versions all have exact version number
- shell = 'maxthon';
- try {
- o[shell] = numberify(external['max_version']);
- } catch(ex) {
- o[shell] = 0.1;
- }
- }
- // TT
- else if (m = ua.match(/TencentTraveler\s([\d.]*)/)) {
- o[shell = 'tt'] = m[1] ? numberify(m[1]) : 0.1;
- }
- // TheWorld
- else if (m = ua.match(/TheWorld/)) {
- o[shell = 'theworld'] = 3; // issue: TheWorld 2.x cannot be recognised, so if recognised default set verstion number to 3
- }
- // Sougou
- else if (m = ua.match(/SE\s([\d.]*)/)) {
- o[shell = 'sougou'] = m[1] ? numberify(m[1]) : 0.1;
- }
- // If the browser has shell(no matter IE-core or Webkit-core or others), set the shell key
- shell && (o.shell = shell);
- S.mix(UA, o);
- return UA;
- }, {
- requires:["ua/base"]
- });
- KISSY.add("ua", function(S,UA) {
- return UA;
- }, {
- requires:["ua/extra"]
- });
- /**
- * @module dom
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com,lifesinger@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add('dom/base', function(S, UA, undefined) {
- function nodeTypeIs(node, val) {
- return node && node.nodeType === val;
- }
- var NODE_TYPE = {
- /**
- * enumeration of dom node type
- * @type Number
- */
- "ENTITY_NODE" : 6,
- };
- var DOM = {
- _isCustomDomain :function (win) {
- win = win || window;
- var domain = win.document.domain,
- hostname = win.location.hostname;
- return domain != hostname &&
- domain != ( '[' + hostname + ']' ); // IPv6 IP support
- },
- _genEmptyIframeSrc:function(win) {
- win = win || window;
- if (UA['ie'] && DOM._isCustomDomain(win)) {
- return 'javascript:void(function(){' + encodeURIComponent("" +
- "document.open();" +
- "document.domain='" +
- win.document.domain
- + "';" +
- "document.close();") + "}())";
- }
- },
- /**
- * 是不是 element node
- */
- _isElementNode: function(elem) {
- return nodeTypeIs(elem, DOM.ELEMENT_NODE);
- },
- /**
- * elem 为 window 时,直接返回
- * elem 为 document 时,返回关联的 window
- * elem 为 undefined 时,返回当前 window
- * 其它值,返回 false
- */
- _getWin: function(elem) {
- return (elem && ('scrollTo' in elem) && elem['document']) ?
- elem :
- nodeTypeIs(elem, DOM.DOCUMENT_NODE) ?
- elem.defaultView || elem.parentWindow :
- (elem === undefined || elem === null) ?
- window : false;
- },
- _nodeTypeIs: nodeTypeIs,
- // Ref: http://lifesinger.github.com/lab/2010/nodelist.html
- _isNodeList:function(o) {
- // 注1:ie 下,有 window.item, typeof node.item 在 ie 不同版本下,返回值不同
- // 注2:select 等元素也有 item, 要用 !node.nodeType 排除掉
- // 注3:通过 namedItem 来判断不可靠
- // 注4:getElementsByTagName 和 querySelectorAll 返回的集合不同
- // 注5: 考虑 iframe.contentWindow
- return o && !o.nodeType && o.item && !o.setTimeout;
- },
- _nodeName:function(e, name) {
- return e && e.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase();
- }
- };
- S.mix(DOM, NODE_TYPE);
- return DOM;
- }, {
- requires:['ua']
- });
- /**
- * 2011-08
- * - 添加键盘枚举值,方便依赖程序清晰
- */
- /**
- * @module dom-attr
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com,lifesinger@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add('dom/attr', function(S, DOM, UA, undefined) {
- var doc = document,
- docElement = doc.documentElement,
- oldIE = !docElement.hasAttribute,
- TEXT = docElement.textContent === undefined ?
- 'innerText' : 'textContent',
- EMPTY = '',
- nodeName = DOM._nodeName,
- isElementNode = DOM._isElementNode,
- rboolean = /^(?:autofocus|autoplay|async|checked|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped|selected)$/i,
- rfocusable = /^(?:button|input|object|select|textarea)$/i,
- rclickable = /^a(?:rea)?$/i,
- rinvalidChar = /:|^on/,
- rreturn = /\r/g,
- attrFix = {
- },
- attrFn = {
- val: 1,
- css: 1,
- html: 1,
- text: 1,
- data: 1,
- width: 1,
- height: 1,
- offset: 1,
- scrollTop:1,
- scrollLeft:1
- },
- attrHooks = {
- // http://fluidproject.org/blog/2008/01/09/getting-setting-and-removing-tabindex-values-with-javascript/
- tabindex:{
- get:function(el) {
- // elem.tabIndex doesn't always return the correct value when it hasn't been explicitly set
- var attributeNode = el.getAttributeNode("tabindex");
- return attributeNode && attributeNode.specified ?
- parseInt(attributeNode.value, 10) :
- rfocusable.test(el.nodeName) || rclickable.test(el.nodeName) && el.href ?
- 0 :
- undefined;
- }
- },
- // 在标准浏览器下,用 getAttribute 获取 style 值
- // IE7- 下,需要用 cssText 来获取
- // 统一使用 cssText
- style:{
- get:function(el) {
- return el.style.cssText;
- },
- set:function(el, val) {
- el.style.cssText = val;
- }
- }
- },
- propFix = {
- tabindex: "tabIndex",
- readonly: "readOnly",
- "for": "htmlFor",
- "class": "className",
- maxlength: "maxLength",
- cellspacing: "cellSpacing",
- "cellpadding": "cellPadding",
- rowspan: "rowSpan",
- colspan: "colSpan",
- usemap: "useMap",
- frameborder: "frameBorder",
- "contenteditable": "contentEditable"
- },
- // Hook for boolean attributes
- // if bool is false
- // - standard browser returns null
- // - ie<8 return false
- // - so norm to undefined
- boolHook = {
- get: function(elem, name) {
- // 转发到 prop 方法
- return DOM.prop(elem, name) ?
- // 根据 w3c attribute , true 时返回属性名字符串
- name.toLowerCase() :
- undefined;
- },
- set: function(elem, value, name) {
- var propName;
- if (value === false) {
- // Remove boolean attributes when set to false
- DOM.removeAttr(elem, name);
- } else {
- // 直接设置 true,因为这是 bool 类属性
- propName = propFix[ name ] || name;
- if (propName in elem) {
- // Only set the IDL specifically if it already exists on the element
- elem[ propName ] = true;
- }
- elem.setAttribute(name, name.toLowerCase());
- }
- return name;
- }
- },
- propHooks = {},
- // get attribute value from attribute node , only for ie
- attrNodeHook = {
- },
- valHooks = {
- option: {
- get: function(elem) {
- // 当没有设定 value 时,标准浏览器 option.value === option.text
- // ie7- 下,没有设定 value 时,option.value === '', 需要用 el.attributes.value 来判断是否有设定 value
- var val = elem.attributes.value;
- return !val || val.specified ? elem.value : elem.text;
- }
- },
- select: {
- // 对于 select, 特别是 multiple type, 存在很严重的兼容性问题
- get: function(elem) {
- var index = elem.selectedIndex,
- options = elem.options,
- one = elem.type === "select-one";
- // Nothing was selected
- if (index < 0) {
- return null;
- } else if (one) {
- return DOM.val(options[index]);
- }
- // Loop through all the selected options
- var ret = [], i = 0, len = options.length;
- for (; i < len; ++i) {
- if (options[i].selected) {
- ret.push(DOM.val(options[i]));
- }
- }
- // Multi-Selects return an array
- return ret;
- },
- set: function(elem, value) {
- var values = S.makeArray(value),
- opts = elem.options;
- S.each(opts, function(opt) {
- opt.selected = S.inArray(DOM.val(opt), values);
- });
- if (!values.length) {
- elem.selectedIndex = -1;
- }
- return values;
- }
- }};
- function isTextNode(elem) {
- return DOM._nodeTypeIs(elem, DOM.TEXT_NODE);
- }
- if (oldIE) {
- // get attribute value from attribute node for ie
- attrNodeHook = {
- get: function(elem, name) {
- var ret;
- ret = elem.getAttributeNode(name);
- // Return undefined if nodeValue is empty string
- return ret && ret.nodeValue !== "" ?
- ret.nodeValue :
- undefined;
- },
- set: function(elem, value, name) {
- // Check form objects in IE (multiple bugs related)
- // Only use nodeValue if the attribute node exists on the form
- var ret = elem.getAttributeNode(name);
- if (ret) {
- ret.nodeValue = value;
- } else {
- try {
- var attr = elem.ownerDocument.createAttribute(name);
- attr.value = value;
- elem.setAttributeNode(attr);
- }
- catch (e) {
- // It's a real failure only if setAttribute also fails.
- return elem.setAttribute(name, value, 0);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- // ie6,7 不区分 attribute 与 property
- attrFix = propFix;
- // http://fluidproject.org/blog/2008/01/09/getting-setting-and-removing-tabindex-values-with-javascript/
- attrHooks.tabIndex = attrHooks.tabindex;
- // fix ie bugs
- // 不光是 href, src, 还有 rowspan 等非 mapping 属性,也需要用第 2 个参数来获取原始值
- // 注意 colSpan rowSpan 已经由 propFix 转为大写
- S.each([ "href", "src", "width", "height","colSpan","rowSpan" ], function(name) {
- attrHooks[ name ] = {
- get: function(elem) {
- var ret = elem.getAttribute(name, 2);
- return ret === null ? undefined : ret;
- }
- };
- });
- // button 元素的 value 属性和其内容冲突
- // <button value='xx'>zzz</button>
- valHooks.button = attrHooks.value = attrNodeHook;
- }
- // Radios and checkboxes getter/setter
- S.each([ "radio", "checkbox" ], function(r) {
- valHooks[ r ] = {
- get: function(elem) {
- // Handle the case where in Webkit "" is returned instead of "on" if a value isn't specified
- return elem.getAttribute("value") === null ? "on" : elem.value;
- },
- set: function(elem, value) {
- if (S.isArray(value)) {
- return elem.checked = S.inArray(DOM.val(elem), value);
- }
- }
- };
- });
- function getProp(elem, name) {
- name = propFix[ name ] || name;
- var hook = propHooks[ name ];
- if (hook && hook.get) {
- return hook.get(elem, name);
- } else {
- return elem[ name ];
- }
- }
- S.mix(DOM, {
- /**
- * 自定义属性不推荐使用,使用 .data
- * @param selector
- * @param name
- * @param value
- */
- prop: function(selector, name, value) {
- // suports hash
- if (S.isPlainObject(name)) {
- for (var k in name) {
- DOM.prop(selector, k, name[k]);
- }
- return;
- }
- var elems = DOM.query(selector);
- // Try to normalize/fix the name
- name = propFix[ name ] || name;
- var hook = propHooks[ name ];
- if (value !== undefined) {
- elems.each(function(elem) {
- if (hook && hook.set) {
- hook.set(elem, value, name);
- } else {
- elem[ name ] = value;
- }
- });
- } else {
- if (elems.length) {
- return getProp(elems[0], name);
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * 是否其中一个元素包含指定 property
- * @param selector
- * @param name
- */
- hasProp:function(selector, name) {
- var elems = DOM.query(selector);
- for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
- var el = elems[i];
- if (getProp(el, name) !== undefined) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- /**
- * 不推荐使用,使用 .data .removeData
- * @param selector
- * @param name
- */
- removeProp:function(selector, name) {
- name = propFix[ name ] || name;
- DOM.query(selector).each(function(el) {
- try {
- el[ name ] = undefined;
- delete el[ name ];
- } catch(e) {
- S.log("delete el property error : ");
- S.log(e);
- }
- });
- },
- /**
- * Gets the value of an attribute for the first element in the set of matched elements or
- * Sets an attribute for the set of matched elements.
- */
- attr:function(selector, name, val, pass) {
- /*
- Hazards From Caja Note:
- - In IE[67], el.setAttribute doesn't work for attributes like
- 'class' or 'for'. IE[67] expects you to set 'className' or
- 'htmlFor'. Caja use setAttributeNode solves this problem.
- - In IE[67], <input> elements can shadow attributes. If el is a
- form that contains an <input> named x, then el.setAttribute(x, y)
- will set x's value rather than setting el's attribute. Using
- setAttributeNode solves this problem.
- - In IE[67], the style attribute can only be modified by setting
- el.style.cssText. Neither setAttribute nor setAttributeNode will
- work. el.style.cssText isn't bullet-proof, since it can be
- shadowed by <input> elements.
- - In IE[67], you can never change the type of an <button> element.
- setAttribute('type') silently fails, but setAttributeNode
- throws an exception. caja : the silent failure. KISSY throws error.
- - In IE[67], you can never change the type of an <input> element.
- setAttribute('type') throws an exception. We want the exception.
- - In IE[67], setAttribute is case-sensitive, unless you pass 0 as a
- 3rd argument. setAttributeNode is case-insensitive.
- - Trying to set an invalid name like ":" is supposed to throw an
- error. In IE[678] and Opera 10, it fails without an error.
- */
- // suports hash
- if (S.isPlainObject(name)) {
- pass = val;
- for (var k in name) {
- DOM.attr(selector, k, name[k], pass);
- }
- return;
- }
- if (!(name = S.trim(name))) {
- return;
- }
- // attr functions
- if (pass && attrFn[name]) {
- return DOM[name](selector, val);
- }
- // scrollLeft
- name = name.toLowerCase();
- if (pass && attrFn[name]) {
- return DOM[name](selector, val);
- }
- var els = DOM.query(selector);
- if (val === undefined) {
- return DOM.__attr(els[0], name);
- } else {
- els.each(function(el) {
- DOM.__attr(el, name, val);
- });
- }
- },
- __attr:function(el, name, val) {
- if (!isElementNode(el)) {
- return;
- }
- // custom attrs
- name = attrFix[name] || name;
- var attrNormalizer,
- ret;
- // browsers index elements by id/name on forms, give priority to attributes.
- if (nodeName(el, "form")) {
- attrNormalizer = attrNodeHook;
- }
- else if (rboolean.test(name)) {
- attrNormalizer = boolHook;
- }
- // only old ie?
- else if (rinvalidChar.test(name)) {
- attrNormalizer = attrNodeHook;
- } else {
- attrNormalizer = attrHooks[name];
- }
- // getter
- if (val === undefined) {
- if (attrNormalizer && attrNormalizer.get) {
- return attrNormalizer.get(el, name);
- }
- ret = el.getAttribute(name);
- // standard browser non-existing attribute return null
- // ie<8 will return undefined , because it return property
- // so norm to undefined
- return ret === null ? undefined : ret;
- } else {
- if (attrNormalizer && attrNormalizer.set) {
- attrNormalizer.set(el, val, name);
- } else {
- // convert the value to a string (all browsers do this but IE)
- el.setAttribute(name, EMPTY + val);
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * Removes the attribute of the matched elements.
- */
- removeAttr: function(selector, name) {
- name = name.toLowerCase();
- name = attrFix[name] || name;
- DOM.query(selector).each(function(el) {
- if (isElementNode(el)) {
- var propName;
- el.removeAttribute(name);
- // Set corresponding property to false for boolean attributes
- if (rboolean.test(name) && (propName = propFix[ name ] || name) in el) {
- el[ propName ] = false;
- }
- }
- });
- },
- /**
- * 是否其中一个元素包含指定属性
- */
- hasAttr: oldIE ?
- function(selector, name) {
- name = name.toLowerCase();
- var elems = DOM.query(selector);
- // from ppk :http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/w3c_core.html
- // IE5-7 doesn't return the value of a style attribute.
- // var $attr = el.attributes[name];
- for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
- var el = elems[i];
- var $attr = el.getAttributeNode(name);
- if ($attr && $attr.specified) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- :
- function(selector, name) {
- var elems = DOM.query(selector);
- for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
- var el = elems[i];
- //使用原生实现
- if (el.hasAttribute(name)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- /**
- * Gets the current value of the first element in the set of matched or
- * Sets the value of each element in the set of matched elements.
- */
- val : function(selector, value) {
- var hook, ret;
- //getter
- if (value === undefined) {
- var elem = DOM.get(selector);
- if (elem) {
- hook = valHooks[ elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() ] || valHooks[ elem.type ];
- if (hook && "get" in hook && (ret = hook.get(elem, "value")) !== undefined) {
- return ret;
- }
- ret = elem.value;
- return typeof ret === "string" ?
- // handle most common string cases
- ret.replace(rreturn, "") :
- // handle cases where value is null/undefined or number
- S.isNullOrUndefined(ret) ? "" : ret;
- }
- return;
- }
- DOM.query(selector).each(function(elem) {
- if (elem.nodeType !== 1) {
- return;
- }
- var val = value;
- // Treat null/undefined as ""; convert numbers to string
- if (S.isNullOrUndefined(val)) {
- val = "";
- } else if (typeof val === "number") {
- val += "";
- } else if (S.isArray(val)) {
- val = S.map(val, function (value) {
- return S.isNullOrUndefined(val) ? "" : value + "";
- });
- }
- hook = valHooks[ elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() ] || valHooks[ elem.type ];
- // If set returns undefined, fall back to normal setting
- if (!hook || !("set" in hook) || hook.set(elem, val, "value") === undefined) {
- elem.value = val;
- }
- });
- },
- /**
- * Gets the text context of the first element in the set of matched elements or
- * Sets the text content of the matched elements.
- */
- text: function(selector, val) {
- // getter
- if (val === undefined) {
- // supports css selector/Node/NodeList
- var el = DOM.get(selector);
- // only gets value on supported nodes
- if (isElementNode(el)) {
- return el[TEXT] || EMPTY;
- }
- else if (isTextNode(el)) {
- return el.nodeValue;
- }
- return undefined;
- }
- // setter
- else {
- DOM.query(selector).each(function(el) {
- if (isElementNode(el)) {
- el[TEXT] = val;
- }
- else if (isTextNode(el)) {
- el.nodeValue = val;
- }
- });
- }
- }
- });
- return DOM;
- }, {
- requires:["./base","ua"]
- }
- );
- /**
- * NOTES:
- * 承玉:2011-06-03
- * - 借鉴 jquery 1.6,理清 attribute 与 property
- *
- * 承玉:2011-01-28
- * - 处理 tabindex,顺便重构
- *
- * 2010.03
- * - 在 jquery/support.js 中,special attrs 里还有 maxlength, cellspacing,
- * rowspan, colspan, useap, frameboder, 但测试发现,在 Grade-A 级浏览器中
- * 并无兼容性问题。
- * - 当 colspan/rowspan 属性值设置有误时,ie7- 会自动纠正,和 href 一样,需要传递
- * 第 2 个参数来解决。jQuery 未考虑,存在兼容性 bug.
- * - jQuery 考虑了未显式设定 tabindex 时引发的兼容问题,kissy 里忽略(太不常用了)
- * - jquery/attributes.js: Safari mis-reports the default selected
- * property of an option 在 Safari 4 中已修复。
- *
- */
- /**
- * @module dom-class
- * @author lifesinger@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add('dom/class', function(S, DOM, undefined) {
- var SPACE = ' ',
- REG_SPLIT = /[\.\s]\s*\.?/,
- REG_CLASS = /[\n\t]/g;
- function norm(elemClass) {
- return (SPACE + elemClass + SPACE).replace(REG_CLASS, SPACE);
- }
- S.mix(DOM, {
- __hasClass:function(el, cls) {
- var className = el.className;
- if (className) {
- className = norm(className);
- return className.indexOf(SPACE + cls + SPACE) > -1;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- },
- /**
- * Determine whether any of the matched elements are assigned the given class.
- */
- hasClass: function(selector, value) {
- return batch(selector, value, function(elem, classNames, cl) {
- var elemClass = elem.className;
- if (elemClass) {
- var className = norm(elemClass),
- j = 0,
- ret = true;
- for (; j < cl; j++) {
- if (className.indexOf(SPACE + classNames[j] + SPACE) < 0) {
- ret = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (ret) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }, true);
- },
- /**
- * Adds the specified class(es) to each of the set of matched elements.
- */
- addClass: function(selector, value) {
- batch(selector, value, function(elem, classNames, cl) {
- var elemClass = elem.className;
- if (!elemClass) {
- elem.className = value;
- } else {
- var className = norm(elemClass),
- setClass = elemClass,
- j = 0;
- for (; j < cl; j++) {
- if (className.indexOf(SPACE + classNames[j] + SPACE) < 0) {
- setClass += SPACE + classNames[j];
- }
- }
- elem.className = S.trim(setClass);
- }
- }, undefined);
- },
- /**
- * Remove a single class, multiple classes, or all classes from each element in the set of matched elements.
- */
- removeClass: function(selector, value) {
- batch(selector, value, function(elem, classNames, cl) {
- var elemClass = elem.className;
- if (elemClass) {
- if (!cl) {
- elem.className = '';
- } else {
- var className = norm(elemClass),
- j = 0,
- needle;
- for (; j < cl; j++) {
- needle = SPACE + classNames[j] + SPACE;
- // 一个 cls 有可能多次出现:'link link2 link link3 link'
- while (className.indexOf(needle) >= 0) {
- className = className.replace(needle, SPACE);
- }
- }
- elem.className = S.trim(className);
- }
- }
- }, undefined);
- },
- /**
- * Replace a class with another class for matched elements.
- * If no oldClassName is present, the newClassName is simply added.
- */
- replaceClass: function(selector, oldClassName, newClassName) {
- DOM.removeClass(selector, oldClassName);
- DOM.addClass(selector, newClassName);
- },
- /**
- * Add or remove one or more classes from each element in the set of
- * matched elements, depending on either the class's presence or the
- * value of the switch argument.
- * @param state {Boolean} optional boolean to indicate whether class
- * should be added or removed regardless of current state.
- */
- toggleClass: function(selector, value, state) {
- var isBool = S.isBoolean(state), has;
- batch(selector, value, function(elem, classNames, cl) {
- var j = 0, className;
- for (; j < cl; j++) {
- className = classNames[j];
- has = isBool ? !state : DOM.hasClass(elem, className);
- DOM[has ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass'](elem, className);
- }
- }, undefined);
- }
- });
- function batch(selector, value, fn, resultIsBool) {
- if (!(value = S.trim(value))) {
- return resultIsBool ? false : undefined;
- }
- var elems = DOM.query(selector),
- len = elems.length,
- tmp = value.split(REG_SPLIT),
- elem,
- ret;
- var classNames = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) {
- var t = S.trim(tmp[i]);
- if (t) {
- classNames.push(t);
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- elem = elems[i];
- if (DOM._isElementNode(elem)) {
- ret = fn(elem, classNames, classNames.length);
- if (ret !== undefined) {
- return ret;
- }
- }
- }
- if (resultIsBool) {
- return false;
- }
- return undefined;
- }
- return DOM;
- }, {
- requires:["dom/base"]
- });
- /**
- * NOTES:
- * - hasClass/addClass/removeClass 的逻辑和 jQuery 保持一致
- * - toggleClass 不支持 value 为 undefined 的情形(jQuery 支持)
- */
- /**
- * @module dom-create
- * @author lifesinger@gmail.com,yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add('dom/create', function(S, DOM, UA, undefined) {
- var doc = document,
- ie = UA['ie'],
- nodeTypeIs = DOM._nodeTypeIs,
- isElementNode = DOM._isElementNode,
- isString = S.isString,
- DIV = 'div',
- PARENT_NODE = 'parentNode',
- DEFAULT_DIV = doc.createElement(DIV),
- rxhtmlTag = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/ig,
- RE_TAG = /<([\w:]+)/,
- rleadingWhitespace = /^\s+/,
- lostLeadingWhitespace = ie && ie < 9,
- rhtml = /<|&#?\w+;/,
- RE_SIMPLE_TAG = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>)?$/;
- // help compression
- function getElementsByTagName(el, tag) {
- return el.getElementsByTagName(tag);
- }
- function cleanData(els) {
- var Event = S.require("event");
- if (Event) {
- Event.detach(els);
- }
- DOM.removeData(els);
- }
- S.mix(DOM, {
- /**
- * Creates a new HTMLElement using the provided html string.
- */
- create: function(html, props, ownerDoc, _trim/*internal*/) {
- if (isElementNode(html)
- || nodeTypeIs(html, DOM.TEXT_NODE)) {
- return DOM.clone(html);
- }
- var ret = null;
- if (!isString(html)) {
- return ret;
- }
- if (_trim === undefined) {
- _trim = true;
- }
- if (_trim) {
- html = S.trim(html);
- }
- if (!html) {
- return ret;
- }
- var creators = DOM._creators,
- holder,
- whitespaceMatch,
- context = ownerDoc || doc,
- m,
- tag = DIV,
- k,
- nodes;
- if (!rhtml.test(html)) {
- ret = context.createTextNode(html);
- }
- // 简单 tag, 比如 DOM.create('<p>')
- else if ((m = RE_SIMPLE_TAG.exec(html))) {
- ret = context.createElement(m[1]);
- }
- // 复杂情况,比如 DOM.create('<img src="sprite.png" />')
- else {
- // Fix "XHTML"-style tags in all browsers
- html = html.replace(rxhtmlTag, "<$1><" + "/$2>");
- if ((m = RE_TAG.exec(html)) && (k = m[1])) {
- tag = k.toLowerCase();
- }
- holder = (creators[tag] || creators[DIV])(html, context);
- // ie 把前缀空白吃掉了
- if (lostLeadingWhitespace && (whitespaceMatch = html.match(rleadingWhitespace))) {
- holder.insertBefore(context.createTextNode(whitespaceMatch[0]), holder.firstChild);
- }
- nodes = holder.childNodes;
- if (nodes.length === 1) {
- // return single node, breaking parentNode ref from "fragment"
- ret = nodes[0][PARENT_NODE].removeChild(nodes[0]);
- }
- else if (nodes.length) {
- // return multiple nodes as a fragment
- ret = nl2frag(nodes, context);
- } else {
- S.error(html + " : create node error");
- }
- }
- return attachProps(ret, props);
- },
- _creators: {
- div: function(html, ownerDoc) {
- var frag = ownerDoc && ownerDoc != doc ? ownerDoc.createElement(DIV) : DEFAULT_DIV;
- // html 为 <style></style> 时不行,必须有其他元素?
- frag['innerHTML'] = "m<div>" + html + "<" + "/div>";
- return frag.lastChild;
- }
- },
- /**
- * Gets/Sets the HTML contents of the HTMLElement.
- * @param {Boolean} loadScripts (optional) True to look for and process scripts (defaults to false).
- * @param {Function} callback (optional) For async script loading you can be notified when the update completes.
- */
- html: function(selector, val, loadScripts, callback) {
- // supports css selector/Node/NodeList
- var els = DOM.query(selector),el = els[0];
- if (!el) {
- return
- }
- // getter
- if (val === undefined) {
- // only gets value on the first of element nodes
- if (isElementNode(el)) {
- return el['innerHTML'];
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- // setter
- else {
- var success = false;
- val += "";
- // faster
- if (! val.match(/<(?:script|style)/i) &&
- (!lostLeadingWhitespace || !val.match(rleadingWhitespace)) &&
- !creatorsMap[ (val.match(RE_TAG) || ["",""])[1].toLowerCase() ]) {
- try {
- els.each(function(elem) {
- if (isElementNode(elem)) {
- cleanData(getElementsByTagName(elem, "*"));
- elem.innerHTML = val;
- }
- });
- success = true;
- } catch(e) {
- // a <= "<a>"
- // a.innerHTML='<p>1</p>';
- }
- }
- if (!success) {
- val = DOM.create(val, 0, el.ownerDocument, false);
- els.each(function(elem) {
- if (isElementNode(elem)) {
- DOM.empty(elem);
- DOM.append(val, elem, loadScripts);
- }
- });
- }
- callback && callback();
- }
- },
- /**
- * Remove the set of matched elements from the DOM.
- * 不要使用 innerHTML='' 来清除元素,可能会造成内存泄露,要使用 DOM.remove()
- * @param selector 选择器或元素集合
- * @param {Boolean} keepData 删除元素时是否保留其上的数据,用于离线操作,提高性能
- */
- remove: function(selector, keepData) {
- DOM.query(selector).each(function(el) {
- if (!keepData && isElementNode(el)) {
- // 清楚数据
- var elChildren = getElementsByTagName(el, "*");
- cleanData(elChildren);
- cleanData(el);
- }
- if (el.parentNode) {
- el.parentNode.removeChild(el);
- }
- });
- },
- /**
- * clone node across browsers for the first node in selector
- * @param selector 选择器或单个元素
- * @param {Boolean} withDataAndEvent 复制节点是否包括和源节点同样的数据和事件
- * @param {Boolean} deepWithDataAndEvent 复制节点的子孙节点是否包括和源节点子孙节点同样的数据和事件
- * @refer https://developer.mozilla.org/En/DOM/Node.cloneNode
- * @returns 复制后的节点
- */
- clone:function(selector, deep, withDataAndEvent, deepWithDataAndEvent) {
- var elem = DOM.get(selector);
- if (!elem) {
- return null;
- }
- // TODO
- // ie bug :
- // 1. ie<9 <script>xx</script> => <script></script>
- // 2. ie will execute external script
- var clone = elem.cloneNode(deep);
- if (isElementNode(elem) ||
- // IE copies events bound via attachEvent when using cloneNode.
- // Calling detachEvent on the clone will also remove the events
- // from the original. In order to get around this, we use some
- // proprietary methods to clear the events. Thanks to MooTools
- // guys for this hotness.
- if (isElementNode(elem)) {
- fixAttributes(elem, clone);
- }
- if (deep) {
- processAll(fixAttributes, elem, clone);
- }
- }
- // runtime 获得事件模块
- if (withDataAndEvent) {
- cloneWidthDataAndEvent(elem, clone);
- if (deep && deepWithDataAndEvent) {
- processAll(cloneWidthDataAndEvent, elem, clone);
- }
- }
- return clone;
- },
- empty:function(selector) {
- DOM.query(selector).each(function(el) {
- DOM.remove(el.childNodes);
- });
- },
- _nl2frag:nl2frag
- });
- function processAll(fn, elem, clone) {
- if (nodeTypeIs(elem, DOM.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE)) {
- var eCs = elem.childNodes,
- cloneCs = clone.childNodes,
- fIndex = 0;
- while (eCs[fIndex]) {
- if (cloneCs[fIndex]) {
- processAll(fn, eCs[fIndex], cloneCs[fIndex]);
- }
- fIndex++;
- }
- } else if (isElementNode(elem)) {
- var elemChildren = getElementsByTagName(elem, "*"),
- cloneChildren = getElementsByTagName(clone, "*"),
- cIndex = 0;
- while (elemChildren[cIndex]) {
- if (cloneChildren[cIndex]) {
- fn(elemChildren[cIndex], cloneChildren[cIndex]);
- }
- cIndex++;
- }
- }
- }
- // 克隆除了事件的 data
- function cloneWidthDataAndEvent(src, dest) {
- var Event = S.require('event');
- if (isElementNode(dest) && !DOM.hasData(src)) {
- return;
- }
- var srcData = DOM.data(src);
- // 浅克隆,data 也放在克隆节点上
- for (var d in srcData) {
- DOM.data(dest, d, srcData[d]);
- }
- // 事件要特殊点
- if (Event) {
- // _removeData 不需要?刚克隆出来本来就没
- Event._removeData(dest);
- Event._clone(src, dest);
- }
- }
- // wierd ie cloneNode fix from jq
- function fixAttributes(src, dest) {
- // clearAttributes removes the attributes, which we don't want,
- // but also removes the attachEvent events, which we *do* want
- if (dest.clearAttributes) {
- dest.clearAttributes();
- }
- // mergeAttributes, in contrast, only merges back on the
- // original attributes, not the events
- if (dest.mergeAttributes) {
- dest.mergeAttributes(src);
- }
- var nodeName = dest.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
- srcChilds = src.childNodes;
- // IE6-8 fail to clone children inside object elements that use
- // the proprietary classid attribute value (rather than the type
- // attribute) to identify the type of content to display
- if (nodeName === "object" && !dest.childNodes.length) {
- for (var i = 0; i < srcChilds.length; i++) {
- dest.appendChild(srcChilds[i].cloneNode(true));
- }
- // dest.outerHTML = src.outerHTML;
- } else if (nodeName === "input" && (src.type === "checkbox" || src.type === "radio")) {
- // IE6-8 fails to persist the checked state of a cloned checkbox
- // or radio button. Worse, IE6-7 fail to give the cloned element
- // a checked appearance if the defaultChecked value isn't also set
- if (src.checked) {
- dest['defaultChecked'] = dest.checked = src.checked;
- }
- // IE6-7 get confused and end up setting the value of a cloned
- // checkbox/radio button to an empty string instead of "on"
- if (dest.value !== src.value) {
- dest.value = src.value;
- }
- // IE6-8 fails to return the selected option to the default selected
- // state when cloning options
- } else if (nodeName === "option") {
- dest.selected = src.defaultSelected;
- // IE6-8 fails to set the defaultValue to the correct value when
- // cloning other types of input fields
- } else if (nodeName === "input" || nodeName === "textarea") {
- dest.defaultValue = src.defaultValue;
- }
- // Event data gets referenced instead of copied if the expando
- // gets copied too
- // 自定义 data 根据参数特殊处理,expando 只是个用于引用的属性
- dest.removeAttribute(DOM.__EXPANDO);
- }
- // 添加成员到元素中
- function attachProps(elem, props) {
- if (S.isPlainObject(props)) {
- if (isElementNode(elem)) {
- DOM.attr(elem, props, true);
- }
- // document fragment
- else if (nodeTypeIs(elem, DOM.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE)) {
- DOM.attr(elem.childNodes, props, true);
- }
- }
- return elem;
- }
- // 将 nodeList 转换为 fragment
- function nl2frag(nodes, ownerDoc) {
- var ret = null, i, len;
- if (nodes
- && (nodes.push || nodes.item)
- && nodes[0]) {
- ownerDoc = ownerDoc || nodes[0].ownerDocument;
- ret = ownerDoc.createDocumentFragment();
- nodes = S.makeArray(nodes);
- for (i = 0,len = nodes.length; i < len; i++) {
- ret.appendChild(nodes[i]);
- }
- }
- else {
- S.log('Unable to convert ' + nodes + ' to fragment.');
- }
- return ret;
- }
- // only for gecko and ie
- // 2010-10-22: 发现 chrome 也与 gecko 的处理一致了
- //if (ie || UA['gecko'] || UA['webkit']) {
- // 定义 creators, 处理浏览器兼容
- var creators = DOM._creators,
- create = DOM.create,
- TABLE_OPEN = '<table>',
- TABLE_CLOSE = '<' + '/table>',
- RE_TBODY = /(?:\/(?:thead|tfoot|caption|col|colgroup)>)+\s*<tbody/,
- creatorsMap = {
- option: 'select',
- optgroup:'select',
- area:'map',
- thead:'table',
- td: 'tr',
- th:'tr',
- tr: 'tbody',
- tbody: 'table',
- tfoot:'table',
- caption:'table',
- colgroup:'table',
- col: 'colgroup',
- legend: 'fieldset' // ie 支持,但 gecko 不支持
- };
- for (var p in creatorsMap) {
- (function(tag) {
- creators[p] = function(html, ownerDoc) {
- return create('<' + tag + '>' + html + '<' + '/' + tag + '>', null, ownerDoc);
- }
- })(creatorsMap[p]);
- }
- // IE7- adds TBODY when creating thead/tfoot/caption/col/colgroup elements
- if (ie < 8) {
- creators.tbody = function(html, ownerDoc) {
- var frag = create(TABLE_OPEN + html + TABLE_CLOSE, null, ownerDoc),
- tbody = frag.children['tags']('tbody')[0];
- if (frag.children.length > 1 && tbody && !RE_TBODY.test(html)) {
- tbody[PARENT_NODE].removeChild(tbody); // strip extraneous tbody
- }
- return frag;
- };
- }
- // fix table elements
- S.mix(creators, {
- thead: creators.tbody,
- tfoot: creators.tbody,
- caption: creators.tbody,
- colgroup: creators.tbody
- });
- //}
- return DOM;
- },
- {
- requires:["./base","ua"]
- });
- /**
- * 2011-10-13
- * empty , html refactor
- *
- * 2011-08-22
- * clone 实现,参考 jq
- *
- * 2011-08
- * remove 需要对子孙节点以及自身清除事件以及自定义 data
- * create 修改,支持 <style></style> ie 下直接创建
- * TODO: jquery clone ,clean 实现
- *
- * TODO:
- * - 研究 jQuery 的 buildFragment 和 clean
- * - 增加 cache, 完善 test cases
- * - 支持更多 props
- * - remove 时,是否需要移除事件,以避免内存泄漏?需要详细的测试。
- */
- /**
- * @fileOverview dom-data
- * @author lifesinger@gmail.com,yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add('dom/data', function (S, DOM, undefined) {
- var win = window,
- EXPANDO = '_ks_data_' + S.now(), // 让每一份 kissy 的 expando 都不同
- dataCache = { }, // 存储 node 节点的 data
- winDataCache = { }; // 避免污染全局
- // The following elements throw uncatchable exceptions if you
- // attempt to add expando properties to them.
- var noData = {
- };
- noData['applet'] = 1;
- noData['object'] = 1;
- noData['embed'] = 1;
- var commonOps = {
- hasData:function (cache, name) {
- if (cache) {
- if (name !== undefined) {
- if (name in cache) {
- return true;
- }
- } else if (!S.isEmptyObject(cache)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- };
- var objectOps = {
- hasData:function (ob, name) {
- // 只判断当前窗口,iframe 窗口内数据直接放入全局变量
- if (ob == win) {
- return objectOps.hasData(winDataCache, name);
- }
- // 直接建立在对象内
- var thisCache = ob[EXPANDO];
- return commonOps.hasData(thisCache, name);
- },
- data:function (ob, name, value) {
- if (ob == win) {
- return objectOps.data(winDataCache, name, value);
- }
- var cache = ob[EXPANDO];
- if (value !== undefined) {
- cache = ob[EXPANDO] = ob[EXPANDO] || {};
- cache[name] = value;
- } else {
- if (name !== undefined) {
- return cache && cache[name];
- } else {
- cache = ob[EXPANDO] = ob[EXPANDO] || {};
- return cache;
- }
- }
- },
- removeData:function (ob, name) {
- if (ob == win) {
- return objectOps.removeData(winDataCache, name);
- }
- var cache = ob[EXPANDO];
- if (name !== undefined) {
- delete cache[name];
- if (S.isEmptyObject(cache)) {
- objectOps.removeData(ob);
- }
- } else {
- try {
- // ob maybe window in iframe
- // ie will throw error
- delete ob[EXPANDO];
- } catch (e) {
- ob[EXPANDO] = undefined;
- }
- }
- }
- };
- var domOps = {
- hasData:function (elem, name) {
- var key = elem[EXPANDO];
- if (!key) {
- return false;
- }
- var thisCache = dataCache[key];
- return commonOps.hasData(thisCache, name);
- },
- data:function (elem, name, value) {
- if (noData[elem.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) {
- return undefined;
- }
- var key = elem[EXPANDO], cache;
- if (!key) {
- // 根本不用附加属性
- if (name !== undefined &&
- value === undefined) {
- return undefined;
- }
- // 节点上关联键值也可以
- key = elem[EXPANDO] = S.guid();
- }
- cache = dataCache[key];
- if (value !== undefined) {
- // 需要新建
- cache = dataCache[key] = dataCache[key] || {};
- cache[name] = value;
- } else {
- if (name !== undefined) {
- return cache && cache[name];
- } else {
- // 需要新建
- cache = dataCache[key] = dataCache[key] || {};
- return cache;
- }
- }
- },
- removeData:function (elem, name) {
- var key = elem[EXPANDO], cache;
- if (!key) {
- return;
- }
- cache = dataCache[key];
- if (name !== undefined) {
- delete cache[name];
- if (S.isEmptyObject(cache)) {
- domOps.removeData(elem);
- }
- } else {
- delete dataCache[key];
- try {
- delete elem[EXPANDO];
- } catch (e) {
- elem[EXPANDO] = undefined;
- //S.log("delete expando error : ");
- //S.log(e);
- }
- if (elem.removeAttribute) {
- elem.removeAttribute(EXPANDO);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- S.mix(DOM,
- /**
- * @lends DOM
- */
- {
- /**
- * whether any node has data
- * @param {HTMLElement[]|String} selector 选择器或节点数组
- * @param {String} name 数据键名
- * @returns {boolean} 节点是否有关联数据键名的值
- */
- hasData:function (selector, name) {
- var ret = false, elems = DOM.query(selector);
- for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
- var elem = elems[i];
- if (checkIsNode(elem)) {
- ret = domOps.hasData(elem, name);
- } else {
- ret = objectOps.hasData(elem, name);
- }
- if (ret) {
- return ret;
- }
- }
- return ret;
- },
- /**
- * Store arbitrary data associated with the matched elements.
- * @param {HTMLElement[]|String} selector 选择器或节点数组
- * @param {String} [name] 数据键名
- * @param {String} [data] 数据键值
- * @returns 当不设置 data,设置 name 那么返回: 节点是否有关联数据键名的值
- * 当不设置 data, name 那么返回: 节点的存储空间对象
- * 当设置 data, name 那么进行设置操作,返回 undefined
- */
- data:function (selector, name, data) {
- // suports hash
- if (S.isPlainObject(name)) {
- for (var k in name) {
- DOM.data(selector, k, name[k]);
- }
- return undefined;
- }
- // getter
- if (data === undefined) {
- var elem = DOM.get(selector);
- if (checkIsNode(elem)) {
- return domOps.data(elem, name, data);
- } else if (elem) {
- return objectOps.data(elem, name, data);
- }
- }
- // setter
- else {
- DOM.query(selector).each(function (elem) {
- if (checkIsNode(elem)) {
- domOps.data(elem, name, data);
- } else {
- objectOps.data(elem, name, data);
- }
- });
- }
- return undefined;
- },
- /**
- * Remove a previously-stored piece of data.
- * @param {HTMLElement[]|String} selector 选择器或节点数组
- * @param {String} [name] 数据键名,不设置时删除关联节点的所有键值对
- */
- removeData:function (selector, name) {
- DOM.query(selector).each(function (elem) {
- if (checkIsNode(elem)) {
- domOps.removeData(elem, name);
- } else {
- objectOps.removeData(elem, name);
- }
- });
- }
- });
- function checkIsNode(elem) {
- // note : 普通对象不要定义 nodeType 这种特殊属性!
- return elem && elem.nodeType;
- }
- return DOM;
- }, {
- requires:["./base"]
- });
- /**
- * 承玉:2011-05-31
- * - 分层 ,节点和普通对象分开处理
- **/
- /**
- * @module dom-insertion
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com,lifesinger@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add('dom/insertion', function(S, UA, DOM) {
- var PARENT_NODE = 'parentNode',
- rformEls = /^(?:button|input|object|select|textarea)$/i,
- nodeName = DOM._nodeName,
- makeArray = S.makeArray,
- _isElementNode = DOM._isElementNode,
- NEXT_SIBLING = 'nextSibling';
- /**
- ie 6,7 lose checked status when append to dom
- var c=S.all("<input />");
- c.attr("type","radio");
- c.attr("checked",true);
- S.all("#t").append(c);
- alert(c[0].checked);
- */
- function fixChecked(ret) {
- for (var i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) {
- var el = ret[i];
- if (el.nodeType == DOM.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
- fixChecked(el.childNodes);
- } else if (nodeName(el, "input")) {
- fixCheckedInternal(el);
- } else if (_isElementNode(el)) {
- var cs = el.getElementsByTagName("input");
- for (var j = 0; j < cs.length; j++) {
- fixChecked(cs[j]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function fixCheckedInternal(el) {
- if (el.type === "checkbox" || el.type === "radio") {
- // after insert , in ie6/7 checked is decided by defaultChecked !
- el.defaultChecked = el.checked;
- }
- }
- var rscriptType = /\/(java|ecma)script/i;
- function isJs(el) {
- return !el.type || rscriptType.test(el.type);
- }
- // extract script nodes and execute alone later
- function filterScripts(nodes, scripts) {
- var ret = [],i,el,nodeName;
- for (i = 0; nodes[i]; i++) {
- el = nodes[i];
- nodeName = el.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- if (el.nodeType == DOM.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
- ret.push.apply(ret, filterScripts(makeArray(el.childNodes), scripts));
- } else if (nodeName === "script" && isJs(el)) {
- // remove script to make sure ie9 does not invoke when append
- if (el.parentNode) {
- el.parentNode.removeChild(el)
- }
- if (scripts) {
- scripts.push(el);
- }
- } else {
- if (_isElementNode(el) &&
- // ie checkbox getElementsByTagName 后造成 checked 丢失
- !rformEls.test(nodeName)) {
- var tmp = [],
- s,
- j,
- ss = el.getElementsByTagName("script");
- for (j = 0; j < ss.length; j++) {
- s = ss[j];
- if (isJs(s)) {
- tmp.push(s);
- }
- }
- nodes.splice.apply(nodes, [i + 1,0].concat(tmp));
- }
- ret.push(el);
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
- // execute script
- function evalScript(el) {
- if (el.src) {
- S.getScript(el.src);
- } else {
- var code = S.trim(el.text || el.textContent || el.innerHTML || "");
- if (code) {
- S.globalEval(code);
- }
- }
- }
- // fragment is easier than nodelist
- function insertion(newNodes, refNodes, fn, scripts) {
- newNodes = DOM.query(newNodes);
- if (scripts) {
- scripts = [];
- }
- // filter script nodes ,process script separately if needed
- newNodes = filterScripts(newNodes, scripts);
- // Resets defaultChecked for any radios and checkboxes
- // about to be appended to the DOM in IE 6/7
- if (UA['ie'] < 8) {
- fixChecked(newNodes);
- }
- refNodes = DOM.query(refNodes);
- var newNodesLength = newNodes.length,
- refNodesLength = refNodes.length;
- if ((!newNodesLength &&
- (!scripts || !scripts.length)) ||
- !refNodesLength) {
- return;
- }
- // fragment 插入速度快点
- var newNode = DOM._nl2frag(newNodes),
- clonedNode;
- //fragment 一旦插入里面就空了,先复制下
- if (refNodesLength > 1) {
- clonedNode = DOM.clone(newNode, true);
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < refNodesLength; i++) {
- var refNode = refNodes[i];
- if (newNodesLength) {
- //refNodes 超过一个,clone
- var node = i > 0 ? DOM.clone(clonedNode, true) : newNode;
- fn(node, refNode);
- }
- if (scripts && scripts.length) {
- S.each(scripts, evalScript);
- }
- }
- }
- // loadScripts default to false to prevent xss
- S.mix(DOM, {
- /**
- * Inserts the new node as the previous sibling of the reference node.
- */
- insertBefore: function(newNodes, refNodes, loadScripts) {
- insertion(newNodes, refNodes, function(newNode, refNode) {
- if (refNode[PARENT_NODE]) {
- refNode[PARENT_NODE].insertBefore(newNode, refNode);
- }
- }, loadScripts);
- },
- /**
- * Inserts the new node as the next sibling of the reference node.
- */
- insertAfter: function(newNodes, refNodes, loadScripts) {
- insertion(newNodes, refNodes, function(newNode, refNode) {
- if (refNode[PARENT_NODE]) {
- refNode[PARENT_NODE].insertBefore(newNode, refNode[NEXT_SIBLING]);
- }
- }, loadScripts);
- },
- /**
- * Inserts the new node as the last child.
- */
- appendTo: function(newNodes, parents, loadScripts) {
- insertion(newNodes, parents, function(newNode, parent) {
- parent.appendChild(newNode);
- }, loadScripts);
- },
- /**
- * Inserts the new node as the first child.
- */
- prependTo:function(newNodes, parents, loadScripts) {
- insertion(newNodes, parents, function(newNode, parent) {
- parent.insertBefore(newNode, parent.firstChild);
- }, loadScripts);
- }
- });
- var alias = {
- "prepend":"prependTo",
- "append":"appendTo",
- "before":"insertBefore",
- "after":"insertAfter"
- };
- for (var a in alias) {
- DOM[a] = DOM[alias[a]];
- }
- return DOM;
- }, {
- requires:["ua","./create"]
- });
- /**
- * 2011-05-25
- * - 承玉:参考 jquery 处理多对多的情形 :http://api.jquery.com/append/
- * DOM.append(".multi1",".multi2");
- *
- */
- /**
- * @module dom-offset
- * @author lifesinger@gmail.com,yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add('dom/offset', function(S, DOM, UA, undefined) {
- var win = window,
- doc = document,
- isIE = UA['ie'],
- docElem = doc.documentElement,
- isElementNode = DOM._isElementNode,
- nodeTypeIs = DOM._nodeTypeIs,
- getWin = DOM._getWin,
- CSS1Compat = "CSS1Compat",
- compatMode = "compatMode",
- isStrict = doc[compatMode] === CSS1Compat,
- MAX = Math.max,
- PARSEINT = parseInt,
- POSITION = 'position',
- RELATIVE = 'relative',
- DOCUMENT = 'document',
- BODY = 'body',
- DOC_ELEMENT = 'documentElement',
- OWNER_DOCUMENT = 'ownerDocument',
- VIEWPORT = 'viewport',
- SCROLL = 'scroll',
- CLIENT = 'client',
- LEFT = 'left',
- TOP = 'top',
- isNumber = S.isNumber,
- GET_BOUNDING_CLIENT_RECT = 'getBoundingClientRect';
- // ownerDocument 的判断不保证 elem 没有游离在 document 之外(比如 fragment)
- // function inDocument(elem) {
- // if (!elem) {
- // return 0;
- // }
- // var doc = elem.ownerDocument;
- // if (!doc) {
- // return 0;
- // }
- // var html = doc.documentElement;
- // if (html === elem) {
- // return true;
- // }
- // else if (DOM.__contains(html, elem)) {
- // return true;
- // }
- // return false;
- // }
- S.mix(DOM, {
- /**
- * Gets the current coordinates of the element, relative to the document.
- * @param relativeWin The window to measure relative to. If relativeWin
- * is not in the ancestor frame chain of the element, we measure relative to
- * the top-most window.
- */
- offset: function(selector, val, relativeWin) {
- // getter
- if (val === undefined) {
- var elem = DOM.get(selector),ret;
- if (elem) {
- ret = getOffset(elem, relativeWin);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- // setter
- DOM.query(selector).each(function(elem) {
- setOffset(elem, val);
- });
- },
- /**
- * Makes elem visible in the container
- * @param elem
- * @param container
- * @param top
- * @param hscroll
- * @param {Boolean} auto whether adjust element automatically
- * (it only scrollIntoView when element is out of view)
- * @refer http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-html5-20090423/editing.html#scrollIntoView
- * http://www.sencha.com/deploy/dev/docs/source/Element.scroll-more.html#scrollIntoView
- * http://yiminghe.javaeye.com/blog/390732
- */
- scrollIntoView: function(elem, container, top, hscroll, auto) {
- if (!(elem = DOM.get(elem))) {
- return;
- }
- if (container) {
- container = DOM.get(container);
- }
- if (!container) {
- container = elem.ownerDocument;
- }
- if (auto !== true) {
- hscroll = hscroll === undefined ? true : !!hscroll;
- top = top === undefined ? true : !!top;
- }
- // document 归一化到 window
- if (nodeTypeIs(container, DOM.DOCUMENT_NODE)) {
- container = getWin(container);
- }
- var isWin = !!getWin(container),
- elemOffset = DOM.offset(elem),
- eh = DOM.outerHeight(elem),
- ew = DOM.outerWidth(elem),
- containerOffset,
- ch,
- cw,
- containerScroll,
- diffTop,
- diffBottom,
- win,
- winScroll,
- ww,
- wh;
- if (isWin) {
- win = container;
- wh = DOM.height(win);
- ww = DOM.width(win);
- winScroll = {
- left:DOM.scrollLeft(win),
- top:DOM.scrollTop(win)
- };
- // elem 相对 container 可视视窗的距离
- diffTop = {
- left: elemOffset[LEFT] - winScroll[LEFT],
- top: elemOffset[TOP] - winScroll[TOP]
- };
- diffBottom = {
- left: elemOffset[LEFT] + ew - (winScroll[LEFT] + ww),
- top:elemOffset[TOP] + eh - (winScroll[TOP] + wh)
- };
- containerScroll = winScroll;
- }
- else {
- containerOffset = DOM.offset(container);
- ch = container.clientHeight;
- cw = container.clientWidth;
- containerScroll = {
- left:DOM.scrollLeft(container),
- top:DOM.scrollTop(container)
- };
- // elem 相对 container 可视视窗的距离
- // 注意边框 , offset 是边框到根节点
- diffTop = {
- left: elemOffset[LEFT] - containerOffset[LEFT] -
- (PARSEINT(DOM.css(container, 'borderLeftWidth')) || 0),
- top: elemOffset[TOP] - containerOffset[TOP] -
- (PARSEINT(DOM.css(container, 'borderTopWidth')) || 0)
- };
- diffBottom = {
- left: elemOffset[LEFT] + ew -
- (containerOffset[LEFT] + cw +
- (PARSEINT(DOM.css(container, 'borderRightWidth')) || 0)) ,
- top:elemOffset[TOP] + eh -
- (containerOffset[TOP] + ch +
- (PARSEINT(DOM.css(container, 'borderBottomWidth')) || 0))
- };
- }
- if (diffTop.top < 0 || diffBottom.top > 0) {
- // 强制向上
- if (top === true) {
- DOM.scrollTop(container, containerScroll.top + diffTop.top);
- } else if (top === false) {
- DOM.scrollTop(container, containerScroll.top + diffBottom.top);
- } else {
- // 自动调整
- if (diffTop.top < 0) {
- DOM.scrollTop(container, containerScroll.top + diffTop.top);
- } else {
- DOM.scrollTop(container, containerScroll.top + diffBottom.top);
- }
- }
- }
- if (hscroll) {
- if (diffTop.left < 0 || diffBottom.left > 0) {
- // 强制向上
- if (top === true) {
- DOM.scrollLeft(container, containerScroll.left + diffTop.left);
- } else if (top === false) {
- DOM.scrollLeft(container, containerScroll.left + diffBottom.left);
- } else {
- // 自动调整
- if (diffTop.left < 0) {
- DOM.scrollLeft(container, containerScroll.left + diffTop.left);
- } else {
- DOM.scrollLeft(container, containerScroll.left + diffBottom.left);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * for idea autocomplete
- */
- docWidth:0,
- docHeight:0,
- viewportHeight:0,
- viewportWidth:0
- });
- // http://old.jr.pl/www.quirksmode.org/viewport/compatibility.html
- // http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/w3c_cssom.html
- // add ScrollLeft/ScrollTop getter/setter methods
- S.each(['Left', 'Top'], function(name, i) {
- var method = SCROLL + name;
- DOM[method] = function(elem, v) {
- if (isNumber(elem)) {
- return arguments.callee(win, elem);
- }
- elem = DOM.get(elem);
- var ret,
- w = getWin(elem),
- d;
- if (w) {
- if (v !== undefined) {
- v = parseFloat(v);
- // 注意多 windw 情况,不能简单取 win
- var left = name == "Left" ? v : DOM.scrollLeft(w),
- top = name == "Top" ? v : DOM.scrollTop(w);
- w['scrollTo'](left, top);
- } else {
- //标准
- //chrome == body.scrollTop
- //firefox/ie9 == documentElement.scrollTop
- ret = w[ 'page' + (i ? 'Y' : 'X') + 'Offset'];
- if (!isNumber(ret)) {
- d = w[DOCUMENT];
- //ie6,7,8 standard mode
- ret = d[DOC_ELEMENT][method];
- if (!isNumber(ret)) {
- //quirks mode
- ret = d[BODY][method];
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (isElementNode(elem)) {
- if (v !== undefined) {
- elem[method] = parseFloat(v)
- } else {
- ret = elem[method];
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
- });
- // add docWidth/Height, viewportWidth/Height getter methods
- S.each(['Width', 'Height'], function(name) {
- DOM['doc' + name] = function(refWin) {
- refWin = DOM.get(refWin);
- var w = getWin(refWin),
- d = w[DOCUMENT];
- return MAX(
- //firefox chrome documentElement.scrollHeight< body.scrollHeight
- //ie standard mode : documentElement.scrollHeight> body.scrollHeight
- d[DOC_ELEMENT][SCROLL + name],
- //quirks : documentElement.scrollHeight 最大等于可视窗口多一点?
- d[BODY][SCROLL + name],
- DOM[VIEWPORT + name](d));
- };
- DOM[VIEWPORT + name] = function(refWin) {
- refWin = DOM.get(refWin);
- var prop = CLIENT + name,
- win = getWin(refWin),
- doc = win[DOCUMENT],
- body = doc[BODY],
- documentElement = doc[DOC_ELEMENT],
- documentElementProp = documentElement[prop];
- // 标准模式取 documentElement
- // backcompat 取 body
- return doc[compatMode] === CSS1Compat
- && documentElementProp ||
- body && body[ prop ] || documentElementProp;
- // return (prop in w) ?
- // // 标准 = documentElement.clientHeight
- // w[prop] :
- // // ie 标准 documentElement.clientHeight , 在 documentElement.clientHeight 上滚动?
- // // ie quirks body.clientHeight: 在 body 上?
- // (isStrict ? d[DOC_ELEMENT][CLIENT + name] : d[BODY][CLIENT + name]);
- }
- });
- function getClientPosition(elem) {
- var box, x = 0, y = 0,
- body = doc.body,
- w = getWin(elem[OWNER_DOCUMENT]);
- // 根据 GBS 最新数据,A-Grade Browsers 都已支持 getBoundingClientRect 方法,不用再考虑传统的实现方式
- // 注:jQuery 还考虑减去 docElem.clientLeft/clientTop
- // 但测试发现,这样反而会导致当 html 和 body 有边距/边框样式时,获取的值不正确
- // 此外,ie6 会忽略 html 的 margin 值,幸运地是没有谁会去设置 html 的 margin
- x = box[LEFT];
- y = box[TOP];
- // ie 下应该减去窗口的边框吧,毕竟默认 absolute 都是相对窗口定位的
- // 窗口边框标准是设 documentElement ,quirks 时设置 body
- // 最好禁止在 body 和 html 上边框 ,但 ie < 9 html 默认有 2px ,减去
- // 但是非 ie 不可能设置窗口边框,body html 也不是窗口 ,ie 可以通过 html,body 设置
- // 标准 ie 下 docElem.clientTop 就是 border-top
- // ie7 html 即窗口边框改变不了。永远为 2
- // 但标准 firefox/chrome/ie9 下 docElem.clientTop 是窗口边框,即使设了 border-top 也为 0
- var clientTop = isIE && doc['documentMode'] != 9
- && (isStrict ? docElem.clientTop : body.clientTop)
- || 0,
- clientLeft = isIE && doc['documentMode'] != 9
- && (isStrict ? docElem.clientLeft : body.clientLeft)
- || 0;
- if (1 > 2) {
- }
- x -= clientLeft;
- y -= clientTop;
- // iphone/ipad/itouch 下的 Safari 获取 getBoundingClientRect 时,已经加入 scrollTop
- if (UA.mobile == 'apple') {
- x -= DOM[SCROLL_LEFT](w);
- y -= DOM[SCROLL_TOP](w);
- }
- }
- return { left: x, top: y };
- }
- function getPageOffset(el) {
- var pos = getClientPosition(el);
- var w = getWin(el[OWNER_DOCUMENT]);
- pos.left += DOM[SCROLL_LEFT](w);
- pos.top += DOM[SCROLL_TOP](w);
- return pos;
- }
- // 获取 elem 相对 elem.ownerDocument 的坐标
- function getOffset(el, relativeWin) {
- var position = {left:0,top:0};
- // Iterate up the ancestor frame chain, keeping track of the current window
- // and the current element in that window.
- var currentWin = getWin(el[OWNER_DOCUMENT]);
- var currentEl = el;
- relativeWin = relativeWin || currentWin;
- do {
- // if we're at the top window, we want to get the page offset.
- // if we're at an inner frame, we only want to get the window position
- // so that we can determine the actual page offset in the context of
- // the outer window.
- var offset = currentWin == relativeWin ?
- getPageOffset(currentEl) :
- getClientPosition(currentEl);
- position.left += offset.left;
- position.top += offset.top;
- } while (currentWin && currentWin != relativeWin &&
- (currentEl = currentWin['frameElement']) &&
- (currentWin = currentWin.parent));
- return position;
- }
- // 设置 elem 相对 elem.ownerDocument 的坐标
- function setOffset(elem, offset) {
- // set position first, in-case top/left are set even on static elem
- if (DOM.css(elem, POSITION) === 'static') {
- elem.style[POSITION] = RELATIVE;
- }
- var old = getOffset(elem), ret = { }, current, key;
- for (key in offset) {
- current = PARSEINT(DOM.css(elem, key), 10) || 0;
- ret[key] = current + offset[key] - old[key];
- }
- DOM.css(elem, ret);
- }
- return DOM;
- }, {
- requires:["./base","ua"]
- });
- /**
- * 2011-05-24
- * - 承玉:
- * - 调整 docWidth , docHeight ,
- * viewportHeight , viewportWidth ,scrollLeft,scrollTop 参数,
- * 便于放置到 Node 中去,可以完全摆脱 DOM,完全使用 Node
- *
- *
- *
- * TODO:
- * - 考虑是否实现 jQuery 的 position, offsetParent 等功能
- * - 更详细的测试用例(比如:测试 position 为 fixed 的情况)
- */
- /**
- * @module dom
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com,lifesinger@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add('dom/style', function(S, DOM, UA, undefined) {
- var doc = document,
- docElem = doc.documentElement,
- isIE = UA['ie'],
- STYLE = 'style',
- FLOAT = 'float',
- CSS_FLOAT = 'cssFloat',
- STYLE_FLOAT = 'styleFloat',
- WIDTH = 'width',
- HEIGHT = 'height',
- AUTO = 'auto',
- DISPLAY = 'display',
- NONE = 'none',
- PARSEINT = parseInt,
- RE_NUMPX = /^-?\d+(?:px)?$/i,
- cssNumber = {
- "fillOpacity": 1,
- "fontWeight": 1,
- "lineHeight": 1,
- "opacity": 1,
- "orphans": 1,
- "widows": 1,
- "zIndex": 1,
- "zoom": 1
- },
- RE_DASH = /-([a-z])/ig,
- CAMELCASE_FN = function(all, letter) {
- return letter.toUpperCase();
- },
- // 考虑 ie9 ...
- rupper = /([A-Z]|^ms)/g,
- EMPTY = '',
- DEFAULT_UNIT = 'px',
- cssProps = {},
- defaultDisplay = {};
- // normalize reserved word float alternatives ("cssFloat" or "styleFloat")
- if (docElem[STYLE][CSS_FLOAT] !== undefined) {
- cssProps[FLOAT] = CSS_FLOAT;
- }
- else if (docElem[STYLE][STYLE_FLOAT] !== undefined) {
- cssProps[FLOAT] = STYLE_FLOAT;
- }
- function camelCase(name) {
- return name.replace(RE_DASH, CAMELCASE_FN);
- }
- var defaultDisplayDetectIframe,
- defaultDisplayDetectIframeDoc;
- // modified from jquery : bullet-proof method of getting default display
- // fix domain problem in ie>6 , ie6 still access denied
- function getDefaultDisplay(tagName) {
- var body,
- elem;
- if (!defaultDisplay[ tagName ]) {
- body = doc.body || doc.documentElement;
- elem = doc.createElement(tagName);
- DOM.prepend(elem, body);
- var oldDisplay = DOM.css(elem, "display");
- body.removeChild(elem);
- // If the simple way fails,
- // get element's real default display by attaching it to a temp iframe
- if (oldDisplay === "none" || oldDisplay === "") {
- // No iframe to use yet, so create it
- if (!defaultDisplayDetectIframe) {
- defaultDisplayDetectIframe = doc.createElement("iframe");
- defaultDisplayDetectIframe.frameBorder =
- defaultDisplayDetectIframe.width =
- defaultDisplayDetectIframe.height = 0;
- DOM.prepend(defaultDisplayDetectIframe, body);
- var iframeSrc;
- if (iframeSrc = DOM._genEmptyIframeSrc()) {
- defaultDisplayDetectIframe.src = iframeSrc;
- }
- } else {
- DOM.prepend(defaultDisplayDetectIframe, body);
- }
- // Create a cacheable copy of the iframe document on first call.
- // IE and Opera will allow us to reuse the iframeDoc without re-writing the fake HTML
- // document to it; WebKit & Firefox won't allow reusing the iframe document.
- if (!defaultDisplayDetectIframeDoc || !defaultDisplayDetectIframe.createElement) {
- try {
- defaultDisplayDetectIframeDoc = defaultDisplayDetectIframe.contentWindow.document;
- defaultDisplayDetectIframeDoc.write(( doc.compatMode === "CSS1Compat" ? "<!doctype html>" : "" )
- + "<html><head>" +
- (UA['ie'] && DOM._isCustomDomain() ?
- "<script>document.domain = '" +
- doc.domain
- + "';</script>" : "")
- +
- "</head><body>");
- defaultDisplayDetectIframeDoc.close();
- } catch(e) {
- // ie6 need a breath , such as alert(8) or setTimeout;
- // 同时需要同步,所以无解,勉强返回
- return "block";
- }
- }
- elem = defaultDisplayDetectIframeDoc.createElement(tagName);
- defaultDisplayDetectIframeDoc.body.appendChild(elem);
- oldDisplay = DOM.css(elem, "display");
- body.removeChild(defaultDisplayDetectIframe);
- }
- // Store the correct default display
- defaultDisplay[ tagName ] = oldDisplay;
- }
- return defaultDisplay[ tagName ];
- }
- S.mix(DOM, {
- _camelCase:camelCase,
- _cssNumber:cssNumber,
- _cssProps:cssProps,
- _getComputedStyle: function(elem, name) {
- var val = "",
- computedStyle = {},
- d = elem.ownerDocument;
- name = name.replace(rupper, "-$1").toLowerCase();
- // https://github.com/kissyteam/kissy/issues/61
- if (computedStyle = d.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null)) {
- val = computedStyle.getPropertyValue(name) || computedStyle[name];
- }
- // 还没有加入到 document,就取行内
- if (val == "" && !DOM.__contains(d.documentElement, elem)) {
- name = cssProps[name] || name;
- val = elem[STYLE][name];
- }
- return val;
- },
- /**
- * Get and set the style property on a DOM Node
- */
- style:function(selector, name, val) {
- // suports hash
- if (S.isPlainObject(name)) {
- for (var k in name) {
- DOM.style(selector, k, name[k]);
- }
- return;
- }
- if (val === undefined) {
- var elem = DOM.get(selector),ret = '';
- if (elem) {
- ret = style(elem, name, val);
- }
- return ret;
- } else {
- DOM.query(selector).each(function(elem) {
- style(elem, name, val);
- });
- }
- },
- /**
- * (Gets computed style) or (sets styles) on the matches elements.
- */
- css: function(selector, name, val) {
- // suports hash
- if (S.isPlainObject(name)) {
- for (var k in name) {
- DOM.css(selector, k, name[k]);
- }
- return;
- }
- name = camelCase(name);
- var hook = CUSTOM_STYLES[name];
- // getter
- if (val === undefined) {
- // supports css selector/Node/NodeList
- var elem = DOM.get(selector), ret = '';
- if (elem) {
- // If a hook was provided get the computed value from there
- if (hook && "get" in hook && (ret = hook.get(elem, true)) !== undefined) {
- } else {
- ret = DOM._getComputedStyle(elem, name);
- }
- }
- return ret === undefined ? '' : ret;
- }
- // setter
- else {
- DOM.style(selector, name, val);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Show the matched elements.
- */
- show: function(selector) {
- DOM.query(selector).each(function(elem) {
- elem[STYLE][DISPLAY] = DOM.data(elem, OLD_DISPLAY) || EMPTY;
- // 可能元素还处于隐藏状态,比如 css 里设置了 display: none
- if (DOM.css(elem, DISPLAY) === NONE) {
- var tagName = elem.tagName.toLowerCase(),
- old = getDefaultDisplay(tagName);
- DOM.data(elem, OLD_DISPLAY, old);
- elem[STYLE][DISPLAY] = old;
- }
- });
- },
- /**
- * Hide the matched elements.
- */
- hide: function(selector) {
- DOM.query(selector).each(function(elem) {
- var style = elem[STYLE], old = style[DISPLAY];
- if (old !== NONE) {
- if (old) {
- DOM.data(elem, OLD_DISPLAY, old);
- }
- style[DISPLAY] = NONE;
- }
- });
- },
- /**
- * Display or hide the matched elements.
- */
- toggle: function(selector) {
- DOM.query(selector).each(function(elem) {
- if (DOM.css(elem, DISPLAY) === NONE) {
- DOM.show(elem);
- } else {
- DOM.hide(elem);
- }
- });
- },
- /**
- * Creates a stylesheet from a text blob of rules.
- * These rules will be wrapped in a STYLE tag and appended to the HEAD of the document.
- * @param {String} cssText The text containing the css rules
- * @param {String} id An id to add to the stylesheet for later removal
- */
- addStyleSheet: function(refWin, cssText, id) {
- if (S.isString(refWin)) {
- id = cssText;
- cssText = refWin;
- refWin = window;
- }
- refWin = DOM.get(refWin);
- var win = DOM._getWin(refWin),doc = win.document;
- var elem;
- if (id && (id = id.replace('#', EMPTY))) {
- elem = DOM.get('#' + id, doc);
- }
- // 仅添加一次,不重复添加
- if (elem) {
- return;
- }
- elem = DOM.create('<style>', { id: id }, doc);
- // 先添加到 DOM 树中,再给 cssText 赋值,否则 css hack 会失效
- DOM.get('head', doc).appendChild(elem);
- if (elem.styleSheet) { // IE
- elem.styleSheet.cssText = cssText;
- } else { // W3C
- elem.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(cssText));
- }
- },
- unselectable:function(selector) {
- DOM.query(selector).each(function(elem) {
- if (UA['gecko']) {
- elem[STYLE]['MozUserSelect'] = 'none';
- }
- else if (UA['webkit']) {
- elem[STYLE]['KhtmlUserSelect'] = 'none';
- } else {
- if (UA['ie'] || UA['opera']) {
- var e,i = 0,
- els = elem.getElementsByTagName("*");
- elem.setAttribute("unselectable", 'on');
- while (( e = els[ i++ ] )) {
- switch (e.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
- case 'iframe' :
- case 'textarea' :
- case 'input' :
- case 'select' :
- /* Ignore the above tags */
- break;
- default :
- e.setAttribute("unselectable", 'on');
- }
- }
- }
- }
- });
- },
- innerWidth:0,
- innerHeight:0,
- outerWidth:0,
- outerHeight:0,
- width:0,
- height:0
- });
- function capital(str) {
- return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1);
- }
- S.each([WIDTH,HEIGHT], function(name) {
- DOM["inner" + capital(name)] = function(selector) {
- var el = DOM.get(selector);
- if (el) {
- return getWH(el, name, "padding");
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- };
- DOM["outer" + capital(name)] = function(selector, includeMargin) {
- var el = DOM.get(selector);
- if (el) {
- return getWH(el, name, includeMargin ? "margin" : "border");
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- };
- DOM[name] = function(selector, val) {
- var ret = DOM.css(selector, name, val);
- if (ret) {
- ret = parseFloat(ret);
- }
- return ret;
- };
- });
- var cssShow = { position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", display: "block" };
- /**
- * css height,width 永远都是计算值
- */
- S.each(["height", "width"], function(name) {
- CUSTOM_STYLES[ name ] = {
- get: function(elem, computed) {
- var val;
- if (computed) {
- if (elem.offsetWidth !== 0) {
- val = getWH(elem, name);
- } else {
- swap(elem, cssShow, function() {
- val = getWH(elem, name);
- });
- }
- return val + "px";
- }
- },
- set: function(elem, value) {
- if (RE_NUMPX.test(value)) {
- value = parseFloat(value);
- if (value >= 0) {
- return value + "px";
- }
- } else {
- return value;
- }
- }
- };
- });
- S.each(["left", "top"], function(name) {
- CUSTOM_STYLES[ name ] = {
- get: function(elem, computed) {
- if (computed) {
- var val = DOM._getComputedStyle(elem, name),offset;
- // 1. 当没有设置 style.left 时,getComputedStyle 在不同浏览器下,返回值不同
- // 比如:firefox 返回 0, webkit/ie 返回 auto
- // 2. style.left 设置为百分比时,返回值为百分比
- // 对于第一种情况,如果是 relative 元素,值为 0. 如果是 absolute 元素,值为 offsetLeft - marginLeft
- // 对于第二种情况,大部分类库都未做处理,属于“明之而不 fix”的保留 bug
- if (val === AUTO) {
- val = 0;
- if (S.inArray(DOM.css(elem, 'position'), ['absolute','fixed'])) {
- offset = elem[name === 'left' ? 'offsetLeft' : 'offsetTop'];
- // old-ie 下,elem.offsetLeft 包含 offsetParent 的 border 宽度,需要减掉
- if (isIE && document['documentMode'] != 9 || UA['opera']) {
- // 类似 offset ie 下的边框处理
- // 如果 offsetParent 为 html ,需要减去默认 2 px == documentElement.clientTop
- // 否则减去 borderTop 其实也是 clientTop
- // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa752288%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
- // ie<9 注意有时候 elem.offsetParent 为 null ...
- // 比如 DOM.append(DOM.create("<div class='position:absolute'></div>"),document.body)
- offset -= elem.offsetParent && elem.offsetParent['client' + (name == 'left' ? 'Left' : 'Top')]
- || 0;
- }
- val = offset - (PARSEINT(DOM.css(elem, 'margin-' + name)) || 0);
- }
- val += "px";
- }
- return val;
- }
- }
- };
- });
- function swap(elem, options, callback) {
- var old = {};
- // Remember the old values, and insert the new ones
- for (var name in options) {
- old[ name ] = elem[STYLE][ name ];
- elem[STYLE][ name ] = options[ name ];
- }
- callback.call(elem);
- // Revert the old values
- for (name in options) {
- elem[STYLE][ name ] = old[ name ];
- }
- }
- function style(elem, name, val) {
- var style;
- if (elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 || !(style = elem[STYLE])) {
- return undefined;
- }
- name = camelCase(name);
- var ret,hook = CUSTOM_STYLES[name];
- name = cssProps[name] || name;
- // setter
- if (val !== undefined) {
- // normalize unsetting
- if (val === null || val === EMPTY) {
- val = EMPTY;
- }
- // number values may need a unit
- else if (!isNaN(Number(val)) && !cssNumber[name]) {
- val += DEFAULT_UNIT;
- }
- if (hook && hook.set) {
- val = hook.set(elem, val);
- }
- if (val !== undefined) {
- // ie 无效值报错
- try {
- elem[STYLE][name] = val;
- } catch(e) {
- S.log("css set error :" + e);
- }
- }
- return undefined;
- }
- //getter
- else {
- // If a hook was provided get the non-computed value from there
- if (hook && "get" in hook && (ret = hook.get(elem, false)) !== undefined) {
- } else {
- // Otherwise just get the value from the style object
- ret = style[ name ];
- }
- return ret === undefined ? "" : ret;
- }
- }
- /**
- * 得到元素的大小信息
- * @param elem
- * @param name
- * @param {String} extra "padding" : (css width) + padding
- * "border" : (css width) + padding + border
- * "margin" : (css width) + padding + border + margin
- */
- function getWH(elem, name, extra) {
- if (S.isWindow(elem)) {
- return name == WIDTH ? DOM.viewportWidth(elem) : DOM.viewportHeight(elem);
- } else if (elem.nodeType == 9) {
- return name == WIDTH ? DOM.docWidth(elem) : DOM.docHeight(elem);
- }
- var which = name === WIDTH ? ['Left', 'Right'] : ['Top', 'Bottom'],
- val = name === WIDTH ? elem.offsetWidth : elem.offsetHeight;
- if (val > 0) {
- if (extra !== "border") {
- S.each(which, function(w) {
- if (!extra) {
- val -= parseFloat(DOM.css(elem, "padding" + w)) || 0;
- }
- if (extra === "margin") {
- val += parseFloat(DOM.css(elem, extra + w)) || 0;
- } else {
- val -= parseFloat(DOM.css(elem, "border" + w + "Width")) || 0;
- }
- });
- }
- return val
- }
- // Fall back to computed then uncomputed css if necessary
- val = DOM._getComputedStyle(elem, name);
- if (val < 0 || S.isNullOrUndefined(val)) {
- val = elem.style[ name ] || 0;
- }
- // Normalize "", auto, and prepare for extra
- val = parseFloat(val) || 0;
- // Add padding, border, margin
- if (extra) {
- S.each(which, function(w) {
- val += parseFloat(DOM.css(elem, "padding" + w)) || 0;
- if (extra !== "padding") {
- val += parseFloat(DOM.css(elem, "border" + w + "Width")) || 0;
- }
- if (extra === "margin") {
- val += parseFloat(DOM.css(elem, extra + w)) || 0;
- }
- });
- }
- return val;
- }
- return DOM;
- }, {
- requires:["dom/base","ua"]
- });
- /**
- *
- * 2011-08-19
- * - 调整结构,减少耦合
- * - fix css("height") == auto
- *
- * NOTES:
- * - Opera 下,color 默认返回 #XXYYZZ, 非 rgb(). 目前 jQuery 等类库均忽略此差异,KISSY 也忽略。
- * - Safari 低版本,transparent 会返回为 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), 考虑低版本才有此 bug, 亦忽略。
- *
- *
- * - getComputedStyle 在 webkit 下,会舍弃小数部分,ie 下会四舍五入,gecko 下直接输出 float 值。
- *
- * - color: blue 继承值,getComputedStyle, 在 ie 下返回 blue, opera 返回 #0000ff, 其它浏览器
- * 返回 rgb(0, 0, 255)
- *
- * - 总之:要使得返回值完全一致是不大可能的,jQuery/ExtJS/KISSY 未“追求完美”。YUI3 做了部分完美处理,但
- * 依旧存在浏览器差异。
- */
- /**
- * @module selector
- * @author lifesinger@gmail.com , yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add('dom/selector', function(S, DOM, undefined) {
- var doc = document,
- filter = S.filter,
- require = function(selector) {
- return S.require(selector);
- },
- isArray = S.isArray,
- makeArray = S.makeArray,
- isNodeList = DOM._isNodeList,
- nodeName = DOM._nodeName,
- push = Array.prototype.push,
- SPACE = ' ',
- COMMA = ',',
- trim = S.trim,
- ANY = '*',
- REG_ID = /^#[\w-]+$/,
- REG_QUERY = /^(?:#([\w-]+))?\s*([\w-]+|\*)?\.?([\w-]+)?$/;
- /**
- * Retrieves an Array of HTMLElement based on the given CSS selector.
- * @param {String|Array} selector
- * @param {String|Array<HTMLElement>|NodeList} context find elements matching selector under context
- * @return {Array} The array of found HTMLElement
- */
- function query(selector, context) {
- var ret,
- i,
- isSelectorString = typeof selector === 'string',
- // optimize common usage
- contexts = context === undefined ? [doc] : tuneContext(context);
- if (isSelectorString) {
- selector = trim(selector);
- if (contexts.length == 1 && selector) {
- ret = quickFindBySelectorStr(selector, contexts[0]);
- }
- }
- if (!ret) {
- ret = [];
- if (selector) {
- for (i = 0; i < contexts.length; i++) {
- push.apply(ret, queryByContexts(selector, contexts[i]));
- }
- //必要时去重排序
- if (ret.length > 1 &&
- // multiple contexts
- (contexts.length > 1 ||
- (isSelectorString &&
- // multiple selector
- selector.indexOf(COMMA) > -1))) {
- unique(ret);
- }
- }
- }
- // attach each method
- ret.each = function(f) {
- var self = this,el,i;
- for (i = 0; i < self.length; i++) {
- el = self[i];
- if (f(el, i) === false) {
- break;
- }
- }
- };
- return ret;
- }
- function queryByContexts(selector, context) {
- var ret = [],
- isSelectorString = typeof selector === 'string';
- if (isSelectorString && selector.match(REG_QUERY) ||
- !isSelectorString) {
- // 简单选择器自己处理
- ret = queryBySimple(selector, context);
- }
- // 如果选择器有 , 分开递归一部分一部分来
- else if (isSelectorString && selector.indexOf(COMMA) > -1) {
- ret = queryBySelectors(selector, context);
- }
- else {
- // 复杂了,交给 sizzle
- ret = queryBySizzle(selector, context);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- // 交给 sizzle 模块处理
- function queryBySizzle(selector, context) {
- var ret = [],
- sizzle = require("sizzle");
- if (sizzle) {
- sizzle(selector, context, ret);
- } else {
- // 原生不支持
- error(selector);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- // 处理 selector 的每个部分
- function queryBySelectors(selector, context) {
- var ret = [],
- i,
- selectors = selector.split(/\s*,\s*/);
- for (i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++) {
- push.apply(ret, queryByContexts(selectors[i], context));
- }
- // 多部分选择器可能得到重复结果
- return ret;
- }
- function quickFindBySelectorStr(selector, context) {
- var ret,t,match,id,tag,cls;
- // selector 为 #id 是最常见的情况,特殊优化处理
- if (REG_ID.test(selector)) {
- t = getElementById(selector.slice(1), context);
- if (t) {
- // #id 无效时,返回空数组
- ret = [t];
- } else {
- ret = [];
- }
- }
- // selector 为支持列表中的其它 6 种
- else {
- match = REG_QUERY.exec(selector);
- if (match) {
- // 获取匹配出的信息
- id = match[1];
- tag = match[2];
- cls = match[3];
- // 空白前只能有 id ,取出来作为 context
- context = (id ? getElementById(id, context) : context);
- if (context) {
- // #id .cls | #id tag.cls | .cls | tag.cls | #id.cls
- if (cls) {
- if (!id || selector.indexOf(SPACE) != -1) { // 排除 #id.cls
- ret = [].concat(getElementsByClassName(cls, tag, context));
- }
- // 处理 #id.cls
- else {
- t = getElementById(id, context);
- if (t && hasClass(t, cls)) {
- ret = [t];
- }
- }
- }
- // #id tag | tag
- else if (tag) { // 排除空白字符串
- ret = getElementsByTagName(tag, context);
- }
- }
- ret = ret || [];
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
- // 最简单情况了,单个选择器部分,单个上下文
- function queryBySimple(selector, context) {
- var ret,
- isSelectorString = typeof selector === 'string';
- if (isSelectorString) {
- ret = quickFindBySelectorStr(selector, context) || [];
- }
- // 传入的 selector 是 NodeList 或已是 Array
- else if (selector && (isArray(selector) || isNodeList(selector))) {
- // 只能包含在 context 里面
- ret = filter(selector, function(s) {
- return testByContext(s, context);
- });
- }
- // 传入的 selector 是 HTMLNode 查看约束
- // 否则 window/document,原样返回
- else if (selector && testByContext(selector, context)) {
- ret = [selector];
- }
- return ret;
- }
- function testByContext(element, context) {
- if (!element) {
- return false;
- }
- // 防止 element 节点还没添加到 document ,但是也可以获取到 query(element) => [element]
- // document 的上下文一律放行
- // context == doc 意味着没有提供第二个参数,到这里只是想单纯包装原生节点,则不检测
- if (context == doc) {
- return true;
- }
- // 节点受上下文约束
- return DOM.__contains(context, element);
- }
- var unique;
- (function() {
- var sortOrder,
- t,
- hasDuplicate,
- baseHasDuplicate = true;
- // Here we check if the JavaScript engine is using some sort of
- // optimization where it does not always call our comparision
- // function. If that is the case, discard the hasDuplicate value.
- // Thus far that includes Google Chrome.
- [0, 0].sort(function() {
- baseHasDuplicate = false;
- return 0;
- });
- // 排序去重
- unique = function (elements) {
- if (sortOrder) {
- hasDuplicate = baseHasDuplicate;
- elements.sort(sortOrder);
- if (hasDuplicate) {
- var i = 1,len = elements.length;
- while (i < len) {
- if (elements[i] === elements[ i - 1 ]) {
- elements.splice(i, 1);
- } else {
- i++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return elements;
- };
- // 貌似除了 ie 都有了...
- if (doc.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition) {
- sortOrder = t = function(a, b) {
- if (a == b) {
- hasDuplicate = true;
- return 0;
- }
- if (!a.compareDocumentPosition || !b.compareDocumentPosition) {
- return a.compareDocumentPosition ? -1 : 1;
- }
- return a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 4 ? -1 : 1;
- };
- } else {
- sortOrder = t = function(a, b) {
- // The nodes are identical, we can exit early
- if (a == b) {
- hasDuplicate = true;
- return 0;
- // Fallback to using sourceIndex (in IE) if it's available on both nodes
- } else if (a.sourceIndex && b.sourceIndex) {
- return a.sourceIndex - b.sourceIndex;
- }
- };
- }
- })();
- // 调整 context 为合理值
- function tuneContext(context) {
- // context 为 undefined 是最常见的情况,优先考虑
- if (context === undefined) {
- return [doc];
- }
- // 其他直接使用 query
- return query(context, undefined);
- }
- // query #id
- function getElementById(id, context) {
- var doc = context,
- el;
- if (context.nodeType !== DOM.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
- doc = context.ownerDocument;
- }
- el = doc.getElementById(id);
- if (el && el.id === id) {
- // optimize for common usage
- }
- else if (el && el.parentNode) {
- // ie opera confuse name with id
- // https://github.com/kissyteam/kissy/issues/67
- // 不能直接 el.id ,否则 input shadow form attribute
- if (DOM.__attr(el, "id") !== id) {
- // 直接在 context 下的所有节点找
- el = DOM.filter(ANY, "#" + id, context)[0] || null;
- }
- // ie 特殊情况下以及指明在 context 下找了,不需要再判断
- // 如果指定了 context node , 还要判断 id 是否处于 context 内
- else if (!testByContext(el, context)) {
- el = null;
- }
- } else {
- el = null;
- }
- return el;
- }
- // query tag
- function getElementsByTagName(tag, context) {
- return context && makeArray(context.getElementsByTagName(tag)) || [];
- }
- (function() {
- // Check to see if the browser returns only elements
- // when doing getElementsByTagName('*')
- // Create a fake element
- var div = doc.createElement('div');
- div.appendChild(doc.createComment(''));
- // Make sure no comments are found
- if (div.getElementsByTagName(ANY).length > 0) {
- getElementsByTagName = function(tag, context) {
- var ret = makeArray(context.getElementsByTagName(tag));
- if (tag === ANY) {
- var t = [], i = 0,node;
- while ((node = ret[i++])) {
- // Filter out possible comments
- if (node.nodeType === 1) {
- t.push(node);
- }
- }
- ret = t;
- }
- return ret;
- };
- }
- })();
- // query .cls
- var getElementsByClassName = doc.getElementsByClassName ? function(cls, tag, context) {
- // query("#id1 xx","#id2")
- // #id2 内没有 #id1 , context 为 null , 这里防御下
- if (!context) {
- return [];
- }
- var els = context.getElementsByClassName(cls),
- ret,
- i = 0,
- len = els.length,
- el;
- if (tag && tag !== ANY) {
- ret = [];
- for (; i < len; ++i) {
- el = els[i];
- if (nodeName(el, tag)) {
- ret.push(el);
- }
- }
- } else {
- ret = makeArray(els);
- }
- return ret;
- } : ( doc.querySelectorAll ? function(cls, tag, context) {
- // ie8 return staticNodeList 对象,[].concat 会形成 [ staticNodeList ] ,手动转化为普通数组
- return context && makeArray(context.querySelectorAll((tag ? tag : '') + '.' + cls)) || [];
- } : function(cls, tag, context) {
- if (!context) {
- return [];
- }
- var els = context.getElementsByTagName(tag || ANY),
- ret = [],
- i = 0,
- len = els.length,
- el;
- for (; i < len; ++i) {
- el = els[i];
- if (hasClass(el, cls)) {
- ret.push(el);
- }
- }
- return ret;
- });
- function hasClass(el, cls) {
- return DOM.__hasClass(el, cls);
- }
- // throw exception
- function error(msg) {
- S.error('Unsupported selector: ' + msg);
- }
- S.mix(DOM, {
- query: query,
- get: function(selector, context) {
- return query(selector, context)[0] || null;
- },
- unique:unique,
- /**
- * Filters an array of elements to only include matches of a filter.
- * @param filter selector or fn
- */
- filter: function(selector, filter, context) {
- var elems = query(selector, context),
- sizzle = require("sizzle"),
- match,
- tag,
- id,
- cls,
- ret = [];
- // 默认仅支持最简单的 tag.cls 或 #id 形式
- if (typeof filter === 'string' &&
- (filter = trim(filter)) &&
- (match = REG_QUERY.exec(filter))) {
- id = match[1];
- tag = match[2];
- cls = match[3];
- if (!id) {
- filter = function(elem) {
- var tagRe = true,clsRe = true;
- // 指定 tag 才进行判断
- if (tag) {
- tagRe = nodeName(elem, tag);
- }
- // 指定 cls 才进行判断
- if (cls) {
- clsRe = hasClass(elem, cls);
- }
- return clsRe && tagRe;
- }
- } else if (id && !tag && !cls) {
- filter = function(elem) {
- return DOM.__attr(elem, "id") === id;
- };
- }
- }
- if (S.isFunction(filter)) {
- ret = S.filter(elems, filter);
- }
- // 其它复杂 filter, 采用外部选择器
- else if (filter && sizzle) {
- ret = sizzle.matches(filter, elems);
- }
- // filter 为空或不支持的 selector
- else {
- error(filter);
- }
- return ret;
- },
- /**
- * Returns true if the passed element(s) match the passed filter
- */
- test: function(selector, filter, context) {
- var elements = query(selector, context);
- return elements.length && (DOM.filter(elements, filter, context).length === elements.length);
- }
- });
- return DOM;
- }, {
- requires:["./base"]
- });
- /**
- * NOTES:
- *
- * 2011.08.02
- * - 利用 sizzle 重构选择器
- * - 1.1.6 修正,原来 context 只支持 #id 以及 document
- * 1.2 context 支持任意,和 selector 格式一致
- * - 简单选择器也和 jquery 保持一致 DOM.query("xx","yy") 支持
- * - context 不提供则为当前 document ,否则通过 query 递归取得
- * - 保证选择出来的节点(除了 document window)都是位于 context 范围内
- *
- *
- * 2010.01
- * - 对 reg exec 的结果(id, tag, className)做 cache, 发现对性能影响很小,去掉。
- * - getElementById 使用频率最高,使用直达通道优化。
- * - getElementsByClassName 性能优于 querySelectorAll, 但 IE 系列不支持。
- * - instanceof 对性能有影响。
- * - 内部方法的参数,比如 cls, context 等的异常情况,已经在 query 方法中有保证,无需冗余“防卫”。
- * - query 方法中的条件判断考虑了“频率优先”原则。最有可能出现的情况放在前面。
- * - Array 的 push 方法可以用 j++ 来替代,性能有提升。
- * - 返回值策略和 Sizzle 一致,正常时,返回数组;其它所有情况,返回空数组。
- *
- * - 从压缩角度考虑,还可以将 getElmentsByTagName 和 getElementsByClassName 定义为常量,
- * 不过感觉这样做太“压缩控”,还是保留不替换的好。
- *
- * - 调整 getElementsByClassName 的降级写法,性能最差的放最后。
- *
- * 2010.02
- * - 添加对分组选择器的支持(主要参考 Sizzle 的代码,代去除了对非 Grade A 级浏览器的支持)
- *
- * 2010.03
- * - 基于原生 dom 的两个 api: S.query 返回数组; S.get 返回第一个。
- * 基于 Node 的 api: S.one, 在 Node 中实现。
- * 基于 NodeList 的 api: S.all, 在 NodeList 中实现。
- * 通过 api 的分层,同时满足初级用户和高级用户的需求。
- *
- * 2010.05
- * - 去掉给 S.query 返回值默认添加的 each 方法,保持纯净。
- * - 对于不支持的 selector, 采用外部耦合进来的 Selector.
- *
- * 2010.06
- * - 增加 filter 和 test 方法
- *
- * 2010.07
- * - 取消对 , 分组的支持,group 直接用 Sizzle
- *
- * 2010.08
- * - 给 S.query 的结果 attach each 方法
- *
- * 2011.05
- * - 承玉:恢复对简单分组支持
- *
- * Ref: http://ejohn.org/blog/selectors-that-people-actually-use/
- * 考虑 2/8 原则,仅支持以下选择器:
- * #id
- * tag
- * .cls
- * #id tag
- * #id .cls
- * tag.cls
- * #id tag.cls
- * 注 1:REG_QUERY 还会匹配 #id.cls
- * 注 2:tag 可以为 * 字符
- * 注 3: 支持 , 号分组
- *
- *
- * Bugs:
- * - S.query('#test-data *') 等带 * 号的选择器,在 IE6 下返回的值不对。jQuery 等类库也有此 bug, 诡异。
- *
- * References:
- * - http://ejohn.org/blog/selectors-that-people-actually-use/
- * - http://ejohn.org/blog/thoughts-on-queryselectorall/
- * - MDC: querySelector, querySelectorAll, getElementsByClassName
- * - Sizzle: http://github.com/jeresig/sizzle
- * - MINI: http://james.padolsey.com/javascript/mini/
- * - Peppy: http://jamesdonaghue.com/?p=40
- * - Sly: http://github.com/digitarald/sly
- * - XPath, TreeWalker:http://www.cnblogs.com/rubylouvre/archive/2009/07/24/1529640.html
- *
- * - http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2006/01/contains_for_mo.html
- * - http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/getElementsByTagNames.html
- * - http://ejohn.org/blog/comparing-document-position/
- * - http://github.com/jeresig/sizzle/blob/master/sizzle.js
- */
- /**
- * @module dom
- * @author lifesinger@gmail.com,yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add('dom/style-ie', function(S, DOM, UA, Style) {
- var HUNDRED = 100;
- // only for ie
- if (!UA['ie']) {
- return DOM;
- }
- var doc = document,
- docElem = doc.documentElement,
- OPACITY = 'opacity',
- STYLE = 'style',
- FILTER = "filter",
- CURRENT_STYLE = 'currentStyle',
- RUNTIME_STYLE = 'runtimeStyle',
- LEFT = 'left',
- PX = 'px',
- RE_NUMPX = /^-?\d+(?:px)?$/i,
- RE_NUM = /^-?\d/,
- ropacity = /opacity=([^)]*)/,
- ralpha = /alpha\([^)]*\)/i;
- // use alpha filter for IE opacity
- try {
- if (S.isNullOrUndefined(docElem.style[OPACITY])) {
- get: function(elem, computed) {
- // 没有设置过 opacity 时会报错,这时返回 1 即可
- // 如果该节点没有添加到 dom ,取不到 filters 结构
- // val = elem[FILTERS]['DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha'][OPACITY];
- return ropacity.test((
- computed && elem[CURRENT_STYLE] ?
- elem[STYLE][FILTER]) || "") ?
- ( parseFloat(RegExp.$1) / HUNDRED ) + "" :
- computed ? "1" : "";
- },
- set: function(elem, val) {
- val = parseFloat(val);
- var style = elem[STYLE],
- currentStyle = elem[CURRENT_STYLE],
- opacity = isNaN(val) ? "" : "alpha(" + OPACITY + "=" + val * HUNDRED + ")",
- filter = S.trim(currentStyle && currentStyle[FILTER] || style[FILTER] || "");
- // ie has layout
- style.zoom = 1;
- // if setting opacity to 1, and no other filters exist - attempt to remove filter attribute
- if (val >= 1 && S.trim(filter.replace(ralpha, "")) === "") {
- // Setting style.filter to null, "" & " " still leave "filter:" in the cssText
- // if "filter:" is present at all, clearType is disabled, we want to avoid this
- // style.removeAttribute is IE Only, but so apparently is this code path...
- style.removeAttribute(FILTER);
- // if there there is no filter style applied in a css rule, we are done
- if (currentStyle && !currentStyle[FILTER]) {
- return;
- }
- }
- // otherwise, set new filter values
- // 如果 >=1 就不设,就不能覆盖外部样式表定义的样式,一定要设
- style.filter = ralpha.test(filter) ?
- filter.replace(ralpha, opacity) :
- filter + (filter ? ", " : "") + opacity;
- }
- };
- }
- }
- catch(ex) {
- S.log('IE filters ActiveX is disabled. ex = ' + ex);
- }
- /**
- * border fix
- * ie 不设置数值,则 computed style 不返回数值,只返回 thick? medium ...
- * (default is "medium")
- */
- var IE8 = UA['ie'] == 8,
- },
- BORDERS = ["","Top","Left","Right","Bottom"];
- BORDER_MAP['thin'] = IE8 ? '1px' : '2px';
- BORDER_MAP['medium'] = IE8 ? '3px' : '4px';
- BORDER_MAP['thick'] = IE8 ? '5px' : '6px';
- S.each(BORDERS, function(b) {
- var name = "border" + b + "Width",
- styleName = "border" + b + "Style";
- CUSTOM_STYLES[name] = {
- get: function(elem, computed) {
- // 只有需要计算样式的时候才转换,否则取原值
- var currentStyle = computed ? elem[CURRENT_STYLE] : 0,
- current = currentStyle && String(currentStyle[name]) || undefined;
- // look up keywords if a border exists
- if (current && current.indexOf("px") < 0) {
- // 边框没有隐藏
- if (BORDER_MAP[current] && currentStyle[styleName] !== "none") {
- current = BORDER_MAP[current];
- } else {
- // otherwise no border
- current = 0;
- }
- }
- return current;
- }
- };
- });
- // getComputedStyle for IE
- if (!(doc.defaultView || { }).getComputedStyle && docElem[CURRENT_STYLE]) {
- DOM._getComputedStyle = function(elem, name) {
- name = DOM._cssProps[name] || name;
- var ret = elem[CURRENT_STYLE] && elem[CURRENT_STYLE][name];
- // 当 width/height 设置为百分比时,通过 pixelLeft 方式转换的 width/height 值
- // 一开始就处理了! CUSTOM_STYLE["height"],CUSTOM_STYLE["width"] ,cssHook 解决@2011-08-19
- // 在 ie 下不对,需要直接用 offset 方式
- // borderWidth 等值也有问题,但考虑到 borderWidth 设为百分比的概率很小,这里就不考虑了
- // From the awesome hack by Dean Edwards
- // http://erik.eae.net/archives/2007/07/27/18.54.15/#comment-102291
- // If we're not dealing with a regular pixel number
- // but a number that has a weird ending, we need to convert it to pixels
- if ((!RE_NUMPX.test(ret) && RE_NUM.test(ret))) {
- // Remember the original values
- var style = elem[STYLE],
- left = style[LEFT],
- rsLeft = elem[RUNTIME_STYLE] && elem[RUNTIME_STYLE][LEFT];
- // Put in the new values to get a computed value out
- if (rsLeft) {
- }
- style[LEFT] = name === 'fontSize' ? '1em' : (ret || 0);
- ret = style['pixelLeft'] + PX;
- // Revert the changed values
- style[LEFT] = left;
- if (rsLeft) {
- elem[RUNTIME_STYLE][LEFT] = rsLeft;
- }
- }
- return ret === "" ? "auto" : ret;
- };
- }
- return DOM;
- },
- {
- requires:["./base","ua","./style"]
- }
- );
- /**
- * NOTES:
- * 承玉: 2011.05.19 opacity in ie
- * - 如果节点是动态创建,设置opacity,没有加到 dom 前,取不到 opacity 值
- * - 兼容:border-width 值,ie 下有可能返回 medium/thin/thick 等值,其它浏览器返回 px 值。
- *
- * - opacity 的实现,参考自 jquery
- *
- */
- /**
- * @module dom-traversal
- * @author lifesinger@gmail.com,yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add('dom/traversal', function(S, DOM, undefined) {
- var isElementNode = DOM._isElementNode,
- S.mix(DOM, {
- closest:function(selector, filter, context) {
- return nth(selector, filter, 'parentNode', function(elem) {
- return elem.nodeType != DOM.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE;
- }, context, true);
- },
- /**
- * Gets the parent node of the first matched element.
- */
- parent: function(selector, filter, context) {
- return nth(selector, filter, 'parentNode', function(elem) {
- return elem.nodeType != DOM.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE;
- }, context);
- },
- first:function(selector, filter) {
- var elem = DOM.get(selector);
- return nth(elem && elem.firstChild, filter, 'nextSibling',
- undefined, undefined, true);
- },
- last:function(selector, filter) {
- var elem = DOM.get(selector);
- return nth(elem && elem.lastChild, filter, 'previousSibling',
- undefined, undefined, true);
- },
- /**
- * Gets the following sibling of the first matched element.
- */
- next: function(selector, filter) {
- return nth(selector, filter, 'nextSibling', undefined);
- },
- /**
- * Gets the preceding sibling of the first matched element.
- */
- prev: function(selector, filter) {
- return nth(selector, filter, 'previousSibling', undefined);
- },
- /**
- * Gets the siblings of the first matched element.
- */
- siblings: function(selector, filter) {
- return getSiblings(selector, filter, true);
- },
- /**
- * Gets the children of the first matched element.
- */
- children: function(selector, filter) {
- return getSiblings(selector, filter, undefined);
- },
- __contains:document.documentElement.contains ?
- function(a, b) {
- if (a.nodeType == DOM.TEXT_NODE) {
- return false;
- }
- var precondition;
- if (b.nodeType == DOM.TEXT_NODE) {
- b = b.parentNode;
- // a 和 b父亲相等也就是返回 true
- precondition = true;
- } else if (b.nodeType == DOM.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
- // b === document
- // 没有任何元素能包含 document
- return false;
- } else {
- // a 和 b 相等返回 false
- precondition = a !== b;
- }
- // !a.contains => a===document
- // 注意原生 contains 判断时 a===b 也返回 true
- return precondition && (a.contains ? a.contains(b) : true);
- } : (
- document.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition ?
- function(a, b) {
- return !!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & CONTAIN_MASK);
- } :
- // it can not be true , pathetic browser
- 0
- ),
- /**
- * Check to see if a DOM node is within another DOM node.
- */
- contains:
- function(a, b) {
- a = DOM.get(a);
- b = DOM.get(b);
- if (a && b) {
- return DOM.__contains(a, b);
- }
- },
- equals:function(n1, n2) {
- n1 = DOM.query(n1);
- n2 = DOM.query(n2);
- if (n1.length != n2.length) {
- return false;
- }
- for (var i = n1.length; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (n1[i] != n2[i]) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- });
- // 获取元素 elem 在 direction 方向上满足 filter 的第一个元素
- // filter 可为 number, selector, fn array ,为数组时返回多个
- // direction 可为 parentNode, nextSibling, previousSibling
- // context : 到某个阶段不再查找直接返回
- function nth(elem, filter, direction, extraFilter, context, includeSef) {
- if (!(elem = DOM.get(elem))) {
- return null;
- }
- if (filter === 0) {
- return elem;
- }
- if (!includeSef) {
- elem = elem[direction];
- }
- if (!elem) {
- return null;
- }
- context = (context && DOM.get(context)) || null;
- if (filter === undefined) {
- // 默认取 1
- filter = 1;
- }
- var ret = [],
- isArray = S.isArray(filter),
- fi,
- flen;
- if (S.isNumber(filter)) {
- fi = 0;
- flen = filter;
- filter = function() {
- return ++fi === flen;
- };
- }
- // 概念统一,都是 context 上下文,只过滤子孙节点,自己不管
- while (elem && elem != context) {
- if (isElementNode(elem)
- && testFilter(elem, filter)
- && (!extraFilter || extraFilter(elem))) {
- ret.push(elem);
- if (!isArray) {
- break;
- }
- }
- elem = elem[direction];
- }
- return isArray ? ret : ret[0] || null;
- }
- function testFilter(elem, filter) {
- if (!filter) {
- return true;
- }
- if (S.isArray(filter)) {
- for (var i = 0; i < filter.length; i++) {
- if (DOM.test(elem, filter[i])) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- } else if (DOM.test(elem, filter)) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- // 获取元素 elem 的 siblings, 不包括自身
- function getSiblings(selector, filter, parent) {
- var ret = [],
- elem = DOM.get(selector),
- j,
- parentNode = elem,
- next;
- if (elem && parent) {
- parentNode = elem.parentNode;
- }
- if (parentNode) {
- for (j = 0,next = parentNode.firstChild;
- next;
- next = next.nextSibling) {
- if (isElementNode(next)
- && next !== elem
- && (!filter || DOM.test(next, filter))) {
- ret[j++] = next;
- }
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
- return DOM;
- }, {
- requires:["./base"]
- });
- /**
- * 2011-08
- * - 添加 closest , first ,last 完全摆脱原生属性
- *
- * NOTES:
- * - jquery does not return null ,it only returns empty array , but kissy does.
- *
- * - api 的设计上,没有跟随 jQuery. 一是为了和其他 api 一致,保持 first-all 原则。二是
- * 遵循 8/2 原则,用尽可能少的代码满足用户最常用的功能。
- *
- */
- KISSY.add("dom", function(S,DOM) {
- return DOM;
- }, {
- requires:["dom/attr",
- "dom/class",
- "dom/create",
- "dom/data",
- "dom/insertion",
- "dom/offset",
- "dom/style",
- "dom/selector",
- "dom/style-ie",
- "dom/traversal"]
- });
- /**
- * @fileOverview some keycodes definition and utils from closure-library
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add("event/keycodes", function() {
- var KeyCodes = {
- TAB: 9,
- NUM_CENTER: 12, // NUMLOCK on FF/Safari Mac
- ENTER: 13,
- SHIFT: 16,
- CTRL: 17,
- ALT: 18,
- PAUSE: 19,
- CAPS_LOCK: 20,
- ESC: 27,
- SPACE: 32,
- PAGE_UP: 33, // also NUM_NORTH_EAST
- END: 35, // also NUM_SOUTH_WEST
- HOME: 36, // also NUM_NORTH_WEST
- LEFT: 37, // also NUM_WEST
- UP: 38, // also NUM_NORTH
- RIGHT: 39, // also NUM_EAST
- DOWN: 40, // also NUM_SOUTH
- INSERT: 45, // also NUM_INSERT
- DELETE: 46, // also NUM_DELETE
- ZERO: 48,
- ONE: 49,
- TWO: 50,
- THREE: 51,
- FOUR: 52,
- FIVE: 53,
- SIX: 54,
- SEVEN: 55,
- EIGHT: 56,
- NINE: 57,
- QUESTION_MARK: 63, // needs localization
- A: 65,
- B: 66,
- C: 67,
- D: 68,
- E: 69,
- F: 70,
- G: 71,
- H: 72,
- I: 73,
- J: 74,
- K: 75,
- L: 76,
- M: 77,
- N: 78,
- O: 79,
- P: 80,
- Q: 81,
- R: 82,
- S: 83,
- T: 84,
- U: 85,
- V: 86,
- W: 87,
- X: 88,
- Y: 89,
- Z: 90,
- NUM_ZERO: 96,
- NUM_ONE: 97,
- NUM_TWO: 98,
- NUM_THREE: 99,
- NUM_FOUR: 100,
- NUM_FIVE: 101,
- NUM_SIX: 102,
- NUM_SEVEN: 103,
- NUM_EIGHT: 104,
- NUM_NINE: 105,
- NUM_PLUS: 107,
- NUM_MINUS: 109,
- NUM_PERIOD: 110,
- F1: 112,
- F2: 113,
- F3: 114,
- F4: 115,
- F5: 116,
- F6: 117,
- F7: 118,
- F8: 119,
- F9: 120,
- F10: 121,
- F11: 122,
- F12: 123,
- NUMLOCK: 144,
- SEMICOLON: 186, // needs localization
- DASH: 189, // needs localization
- EQUALS: 187, // needs localization
- COMMA: 188, // needs localization
- PERIOD: 190, // needs localization
- SLASH: 191, // needs localization
- APOSTROPHE: 192, // needs localization
- SINGLE_QUOTE: 222, // needs localization
- OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET: 219, // needs localization
- BACKSLASH: 220, // needs localization
- CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET: 221, // needs localization
- WIN_KEY: 224,
- MAC_FF_META: 224, // Firefox (Gecko) fires this for the meta key instead of 91
- WIN_IME: 229
- };
- KeyCodes.isTextModifyingKeyEvent = function(e) {
- if (e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey ||
- e.metaKey ||
- // Function keys don't generate text
- e.keyCode >= KeyCodes.F1 &&
- e.keyCode <= KeyCodes.F12) {
- return false;
- }
- // The following keys are quite harmless, even in combination with
- // CTRL, ALT or SHIFT.
- switch (e.keyCode) {
- case KeyCodes.ALT:
- case KeyCodes.CAPS_LOCK:
- case KeyCodes.CONTEXT_MENU:
- case KeyCodes.CTRL:
- case KeyCodes.DOWN:
- case KeyCodes.END:
- case KeyCodes.ESC:
- case KeyCodes.HOME:
- case KeyCodes.INSERT:
- case KeyCodes.LEFT:
- case KeyCodes.MAC_FF_META:
- case KeyCodes.META:
- case KeyCodes.NUMLOCK:
- case KeyCodes.NUM_CENTER:
- case KeyCodes.PAGE_DOWN:
- case KeyCodes.PAGE_UP:
- case KeyCodes.PAUSE:
- case KeyCodes.PHANTOM:
- case KeyCodes.PRINT_SCREEN:
- case KeyCodes.RIGHT:
- case KeyCodes.SHIFT:
- case KeyCodes.UP:
- case KeyCodes.WIN_KEY:
- case KeyCodes.WIN_KEY_RIGHT:
- return false;
- default:
- return true;
- }
- };
- KeyCodes.isCharacterKey = function(keyCode) {
- if (keyCode >= KeyCodes.ZERO &&
- keyCode <= KeyCodes.NINE) {
- return true;
- }
- if (keyCode >= KeyCodes.NUM_ZERO &&
- keyCode <= KeyCodes.NUM_MULTIPLY) {
- return true;
- }
- if (keyCode >= KeyCodes.A &&
- keyCode <= KeyCodes.Z) {
- return true;
- }
- // Safari sends zero key code for non-latin characters.
- if (goog.userAgent.WEBKIT && keyCode == 0) {
- return true;
- }
- switch (keyCode) {
- case KeyCodes.SPACE:
- case KeyCodes.QUESTION_MARK:
- case KeyCodes.NUM_PLUS:
- case KeyCodes.NUM_MINUS:
- case KeyCodes.NUM_PERIOD:
- case KeyCodes.NUM_DIVISION:
- case KeyCodes.SEMICOLON:
- case KeyCodes.DASH:
- case KeyCodes.EQUALS:
- case KeyCodes.COMMA:
- case KeyCodes.PERIOD:
- case KeyCodes.SLASH:
- case KeyCodes.APOSTROPHE:
- case KeyCodes.SINGLE_QUOTE:
- case KeyCodes.BACKSLASH:
- return true;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- };
- return KeyCodes;
- });
- /**
- * @module EventObject
- * @author lifesinger@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add('event/object', function(S, undefined) {
- var doc = document,
- props = ('altKey attrChange attrName bubbles button cancelable ' +
- 'charCode clientX clientY ctrlKey currentTarget data detail ' +
- 'eventPhase fromElement handler keyCode metaKey ' +
- 'newValue offsetX offsetY originalTarget pageX pageY prevValue ' +
- 'relatedNode relatedTarget screenX screenY shiftKey srcElement ' +
- 'target toElement view wheelDelta which axis').split(' ');
- /**
- * KISSY's event system normalizes the event object according to
- * W3C standards. The event object is guaranteed to be passed to
- * the event handler. Most properties from the original event are
- * copied over and normalized to the new event object.
- */
- function EventObject(currentTarget, domEvent, type) {
- var self = this;
- self.currentTarget = currentTarget;
- self.originalEvent = domEvent || { };
- if (domEvent) { // html element
- self.type = domEvent.type;
- self._fix();
- }
- else { // custom
- self.type = type;
- self.target = currentTarget;
- }
- // bug fix: in _fix() method, ie maybe reset currentTarget to undefined.
- self.currentTarget = currentTarget;
- self.fixed = true;
- }
- S.augment(EventObject, {
- _fix: function() {
- var self = this,
- originalEvent = self.originalEvent,
- l = props.length, prop,
- ct = self.currentTarget,
- ownerDoc = (ct.nodeType === 9) ? ct : (ct.ownerDocument || doc); // support iframe
- // clone properties of the original event object
- while (l) {
- prop = props[--l];
- self[prop] = originalEvent[prop];
- }
- // fix target property, if necessary
- if (!self.target) {
- self.target = self.srcElement || doc; // srcElement might not be defined either
- }
- // check if target is a textnode (safari)
- if (self.target.nodeType === 3) {
- self.target = self.target.parentNode;
- }
- // add relatedTarget, if necessary
- if (!self.relatedTarget && self.fromElement) {
- self.relatedTarget = (self.fromElement === self.target) ? self.toElement : self.fromElement;
- }
- // calculate pageX/Y if missing and clientX/Y available
- if (self.pageX === undefined && self.clientX !== undefined) {
- var docEl = ownerDoc.documentElement, bd = ownerDoc.body;
- self.pageX = self.clientX + (docEl && docEl.scrollLeft || bd && bd.scrollLeft || 0) - (docEl && docEl.clientLeft || bd && bd.clientLeft || 0);
- self.pageY = self.clientY + (docEl && docEl.scrollTop || bd && bd.scrollTop || 0) - (docEl && docEl.clientTop || bd && bd.clientTop || 0);
- }
- // add which for key events
- if (self.which === undefined) {
- self.which = (self.charCode === undefined) ? self.keyCode : self.charCode;
- }
- // add metaKey to non-Mac browsers (use ctrl for PC's and Meta for Macs)
- if (self.metaKey === undefined) {
- self.metaKey = self.ctrlKey;
- }
- // add which for click: 1 === left; 2 === middle; 3 === right
- // Note: button is not normalized, so don't use it
- if (!self.which && self.button !== undefined) {
- self.which = (self.button & 1 ? 1 : (self.button & 2 ? 3 : ( self.button & 4 ? 2 : 0)));
- }
- },
- /**
- * Prevents the event's default behavior
- */
- preventDefault: function() {
- var e = this.originalEvent;
- // if preventDefault exists run it on the original event
- if (e.preventDefault) {
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- // otherwise set the returnValue property of the original event to false (IE)
- else {
- e.returnValue = false;
- }
- this.isDefaultPrevented = true;
- },
- /**
- * Stops the propagation to the next bubble target
- */
- stopPropagation: function() {
- var e = this.originalEvent;
- // if stopPropagation exists run it on the original event
- if (e.stopPropagation) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- }
- // otherwise set the cancelBubble property of the original event to true (IE)
- else {
- e.cancelBubble = true;
- }
- this.isPropagationStopped = true;
- },
- /**
- * Stops the propagation to the next bubble target and
- * prevents any additional listeners from being exectued
- * on the current target.
- */
- stopImmediatePropagation: function() {
- var self = this;
- self.isImmediatePropagationStopped = true;
- // fixed 1.2
- // call stopPropagation implicitly
- self.stopPropagation();
- },
- /**
- * Stops the event propagation and prevents the default
- * event behavior.
- * @param immediate {boolean} if true additional listeners
- * on the current target will not be executed
- */
- halt: function(immediate) {
- if (immediate) {
- this.stopImmediatePropagation();
- } else {
- this.stopPropagation();
- }
- this.preventDefault();
- }
- });
- if (1 > 2) {
- alert(S.cancelBubble);
- }
- return EventObject;
- });
- /**
- * NOTES:
- *
- * 2010.04
- * - http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-DOM-Level-3-Events-20030331/ecma-script-binding.html
- *
- * TODO:
- * - pageX, clientX, scrollLeft, clientLeft 的详细测试
- */
- /**
- * utils for event
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add("event/utils", function(S, DOM) {
- /**
- * whether two event listens are the same
- * @param h1 已有的 handler 描述
- * @param h2 用户提供的 handler 描述
- */
- function isIdenticalHandler(h1, h2, el) {
- var scope1 = h1.scope || el,
- ret = 1,
- d1,
- d2,
- scope2 = h2.scope || el;
- if (h1.fn !== h2.fn
- || scope1 !== scope2) {
- ret = 0;
- } else if ((d1 = h1.data) !== (d2 = h2.data)) {
- // undelgate 不能 remove 普通 on 的 handler
- // remove 不能 remove delegate 的 handler
- if (!d1 && d2
- || d1 && !d2
- ) {
- ret = 0;
- } else if (d1 && d2) {
- if (!d1.equals || !d2.equals) {
- S.error("no equals in data");
- } else if (!d1.equals(d2,el)) {
- ret = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
- function isValidTarget(target) {
- // 3 - is text node
- // 8 - is comment node
- return target &&
- target.nodeType !== DOM.TEXT_NODE &&
- target.nodeType !== DOM.COMMENT_NODE;
- }
- function batchForType(obj, methodName, targets, types) {
- // on(target, 'click focus', fn)
- if (types && types.indexOf(" ") > 0) {
- var args = S.makeArray(arguments);
- S.each(types.split(/\s+/), function(type) {
- var args2 = [].concat(args);
- args2.splice(0, 4, targets, type);
- obj[methodName].apply(obj, args2);
- });
- return true;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- function splitAndRun(type, fn) {
- S.each(type.split(/\s+/), fn);
- }
- var doc = document,
- simpleAdd = doc.addEventListener ?
- function(el, type, fn, capture) {
- if (el.addEventListener) {
- el.addEventListener(type, fn, !!capture);
- }
- } :
- function(el, type, fn) {
- if (el.attachEvent) {
- el.attachEvent('on' + type, fn);
- }
- },
- simpleRemove = doc.removeEventListener ?
- function(el, type, fn, capture) {
- if (el.removeEventListener) {
- el.removeEventListener(type, fn, !!capture);
- }
- } :
- function(el, type, fn) {
- if (el.detachEvent) {
- el.detachEvent('on' + type, fn);
- }
- };
- return {
- splitAndRun:splitAndRun,
- batchForType:batchForType,
- isValidTarget:isValidTarget,
- isIdenticalHandler:isIdenticalHandler,
- simpleAdd:simpleAdd,
- simpleRemove:simpleRemove
- };
- }, {
- requires:['dom']
- });
- /**
- * scalable event framework for kissy (refer DOM3 Events)
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com,lifesinger@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add('event/base', function(S, DOM, EventObject, Utils, undefined) {
- var isValidTarget = Utils.isValidTarget,
- isIdenticalHandler = Utils.isIdenticalHandler,
- batchForType = Utils.batchForType,
- simpleRemove = Utils.simpleRemove,
- simpleAdd = Utils.simpleAdd,
- splitAndRun = Utils.splitAndRun,
- nodeName = DOM._nodeName,
- makeArray = S.makeArray,
- each = S.each,
- trim = S.trim,
- // 记录手工 fire(domElement,type) 时的 type
- // 再在浏览器通知的系统 eventHandler 中检查
- // 如果相同,那么证明已经 fire 过了,不要再次触发了
- Event_Triggered = "",
- TRIGGERED_NONE = "trigger-none-" + S.now(),
- // 事件存储位置 key
- // { handler: eventHandler, events: {type:[{scope:scope,fn:fn}]} } }
- EVENT_GUID = 'ksEventTargetId' + S.now();
- /**
- * @name Event
- * @namespace
- */
- var Event = {
- _clone:function(src, dest) {
- if (dest.nodeType !== DOM.ELEMENT_NODE ||
- !Event._hasData(src)) {
- return;
- }
- var eventDesc = Event._data(src),
- events = eventDesc.events;
- each(events, function(handlers, type) {
- each(handlers, function(handler) {
- // scope undefined 时不能写死在 handlers 中,否则不能保证 clone 时的 this
- Event.on(dest, type, handler.fn, handler.scope, handler.data);
- });
- });
- },
- _hasData:function(elem) {
- return DOM.hasData(elem, EVENT_GUID);
- },
- _data:function(elem) {
- var args = makeArray(arguments);
- args.splice(1, 0, EVENT_GUID);
- return DOM.data.apply(DOM, args);
- },
- _removeData:function(elem) {
- var args = makeArray(arguments);
- args.splice(1, 0, EVENT_GUID);
- return DOM.removeData.apply(DOM, args);
- },
- // such as: { 'mouseenter' : { setup:fn ,tearDown:fn} }
- special: EVENT_SPECIAL,
- // single type , single target , fixed native
- __add:function(isNativeTarget, target, type, fn, scope, data) {
- var eventDesc;
- // 不是有效的 target 或 参数不对
- if (!target ||
- !S.isFunction(fn) ||
- (isNativeTarget && !isValidTarget(target))) {
- return;
- }
- // 获取事件描述
- eventDesc = Event._data(target);
- if (!eventDesc) {
- Event._data(target, eventDesc = {});
- }
- //事件 listeners , similar to eventListeners in DOM3 Events
- var events = eventDesc.events = eventDesc.events || {},
- handlers = events[type] = events[type] || [],
- handleObj = {
- fn: fn,
- scope: scope,
- data:data
- },
- eventHandler = eventDesc.handler;
- // 该元素没有 handler ,并且该元素是 dom 节点时才需要注册 dom 事件
- if (!eventHandler) {
- eventHandler = eventDesc.handler = function(event, data) {
- // 是经过 fire 手动调用而浏览器同步触发导致的,就不要再次触发了,
- // 已经在 fire 中 bubble 过一次了
- if (event && event.type == Event_Triggered) {
- return;
- }
- var currentTarget = eventHandler.target;
- if (!event || !event.fixed) {
- event = new EventObject(currentTarget, event);
- }
- var type = event.type;
- if (S.isPlainObject(data)) {
- S.mix(event, data);
- }
- // protect type
- if (type) {
- event.type = type;
- }
- return _handle(currentTarget, event);
- };
- // as for native dom event , this represents currentTarget !
- eventHandler.target = target;
- }
- for (var i = handlers.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- /**
- * If multiple identical EventListeners are registered on the same EventTarget
- * with the same parameters the duplicate instances are discarded.
- * They do not cause the EventListener to be called twice
- * and since they are discarded
- * they do not need to be removed with the removeEventListener method.
- */
- if (isIdenticalHandler(handlers[i], handleObj, target)) {
- return;
- }
- }
- if (isNativeTarget) {
- addDomEvent(target, type, eventHandler, handlers, handleObj);
- //nullify to prevent memory leak in ie ?
- target = null;
- }
- // 增加 listener
- handlers.push(handleObj);
- },
- /**
- * Adds an event listener.similar to addEventListener in DOM3 Events
- * @param targets KISSY selector
- * @param type {String} The type of event to append.
- * @param fn {Function} The event handler/listener.
- * @param scope {Object} (optional) The scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed.
- */
- add: function(targets, type, fn, scope /* optional */, data/*internal usage*/) {
- type = trim(type);
- // data : 附加在回调后面的数据,delegate 检查使用
- // remove 时 data 相等(指向同一对象或者定义了 equals 比较函数)
- if (batchForType(Event, 'add', targets, type, fn, scope, data)) {
- return targets;
- }
- DOM.query(targets).each(function(target) {
- Event.__add(true, target, type, fn, scope, data);
- });
- return targets;
- },
- // single target, single type, fixed native
- __remove:function(isNativeTarget, target, type, fn, scope, data) {
- if (
- !target ||
- (isNativeTarget && !isValidTarget(target))
- ) {
- return;
- }
- var eventDesc = Event._data(target),
- events = eventDesc && eventDesc.events,
- handlers,
- len,
- i,
- j,
- t,
- special = (isNativeTarget && EVENT_SPECIAL[type]) || { };
- if (!events) {
- return;
- }
- // remove all types of event
- if (!type) {
- for (type in events) {
- Event.__remove(isNativeTarget, target, type);
- }
- return;
- }
- if ((handlers = events[type])) {
- len = handlers.length;
- // 移除 fn
- if (fn && len) {
- var currentHandler = {
- data:data,
- fn:fn,
- scope:scope
- },handler;
- for (i = 0,j = 0,t = []; i < len; ++i) {
- handler = handlers[i];
- // 注意顺序,用户提供的 handler 在第二个参数
- if (!isIdenticalHandler(handler, currentHandler, target)) {
- t[j++] = handler;
- } else if (special.remove) {
- special.remove.call(target, handler);
- }
- }
- events[type] = t;
- len = t.length;
- }
- // remove(el, type) or fn 已移除光
- if (fn === undefined || len === 0) {
- // dom node need to detach handler from dom node
- if (isNativeTarget &&
- (!special['tearDown'] ||
- special['tearDown'].call(target) === false)) {
- simpleRemove(target, type, eventDesc.handler);
- }
- // remove target's single event description
- delete events[type];
- }
- }
- // remove target's all events description
- if (S.isEmptyObject(events)) {
- eventDesc.handler.target = null;
- delete eventDesc.handler;
- delete eventDesc.events;
- Event._removeData(target);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Detach an event or set of events from an element. similar to removeEventListener in DOM3 Events
- * @param targets KISSY selector
- * @param type {String} The type of event to append.
- * @param fn {Function} The event handler/listener.
- * @param scope {Object} (optional) The scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed.
- */
- remove: function(targets, type /* optional */, fn /* optional */, scope /* optional */, data/*internal usage*/) {
- type = trim(type);
- if (batchForType(Event, 'remove', targets, type, fn, scope)) {
- return targets;
- }
- DOM.query(targets).each(function(target) {
- Event.__remove(true, target, type, fn, scope, data);
- });
- return targets;
- },
- _handle:_handle,
- /**
- * fire event , simulate bubble in browser. similar to dispatchEvent in DOM3 Events
- * @return boolean The return value of fire/dispatchEvent indicates
- * whether any of the listeners which handled the event called preventDefault.
- * If preventDefault was called the value is false, else the value is true.
- */
- fire: function(targets, eventType, eventData, onlyHandlers) {
- var ret = true;
- eventType = trim(eventType);
- if (eventType.indexOf(" ") > -1) {
- splitAndRun(eventType, function(t) {
- ret = Event.fire(targets, t, eventData, onlyHandlers) && ret;
- });
- return ret;
- }
- // custom event firing moved to target.js
- eventData = eventData || {};
- // protect event type
- eventData.type = eventType;
- DOM.query(targets).each(function(target) {
- ret = fireDOMEvent(target, eventType, eventData, onlyHandlers) && ret;
- });
- return ret;
- }
- };
- // for compatibility
- Event['__getListeners'] = getListeners
- // shorthand
- Event.on = Event.add;
- Event.detach = Event.remove;
- function getListeners(target, type) {
- var events = getEvents(target) || {};
- return events[type] || [];
- }
- function _handle(target, event) {
- /* As some listeners may remove themselves from the
- event, the original array length is dynamic. So,
- let's make a copy of all listeners, so we are
- sure we'll call all of them.*/
- /**
- * DOM3 Events: EventListenerList objects in the DOM are live. ??
- */
- var listeners = getListeners(target, event.type).slice(0),
- ret,
- gRet,
- i = 0,
- len = listeners.length,
- listener;
- for (; i < len; ++i) {
- listener = listeners[i];
- // 传入附件参数data,目前用于委托
- // scope undefined 时不能写死在 listener 中,否则不能保证 clone 时的 this
- ret = listener.fn.call(listener.scope || target,
- event, listener.data);
- // 和 jQuery 逻辑保持一致
- if (ret !== undefined) {
- // 有一个 false,最终结果就是 false
- // 否则等于最后一个返回值
- if (gRet !== false) {
- gRet = ret;
- }
- // return false 等价 preventDefault + stopProgation
- if (ret === false) {
- event.halt();
- }
- }
- if (event.isImmediatePropagationStopped) {
- break;
- }
- }
- // fire 时判断如果 preventDefault,则返回 false 否则返回 true
- // 这里返回值意义不同
- return gRet;
- }
- function getEvents(target) {
- // 获取事件描述
- var eventDesc = Event._data(target);
- return eventDesc && eventDesc.events;
- }
- /**
- * dom node need eventHandler attached to dom node
- */
- function addDomEvent(target, type, eventHandler, handlers, handleObj) {
- var special = EVENT_SPECIAL[type] || {};
- // 第一次注册该事件,dom 节点才需要注册 dom 事件
- if (!handlers.length &&
- (!special.setup || special.setup.call(target) === false)) {
- simpleAdd(target, type, eventHandler)
- }
- if (special.add) {
- special.add.call(target, handleObj);
- }
- }
- /**
- * fire dom event from bottom to up , emulate dispatchEvent in DOM3 Events
- * @return boolean The return value of dispatchEvent indicates
- * whether any of the listeners which handled the event called preventDefault.
- * If preventDefault was called the value is false, else the value is true.
- */
- function fireDOMEvent(target, eventType, eventData, onlyHandlers) {
- if (!isValidTarget(target)) {
- return false;
- }
- var event,
- ret = true;
- if (eventData instanceof EventObject) {
- event = eventData;
- } else {
- event = new EventObject(target, undefined, eventType);
- S.mix(event, eventData);
- }
- /*
- The target of the event is the EventTarget on which dispatchEvent is called.
- */
- // TODO: protect target , but incompatible
- // event.target=target;
- // protect type
- event.type = eventType;
- // 只运行自己的绑定函数,不冒泡也不触发默认行为
- if (onlyHandlers) {
- event.halt();
- }
- var cur = target,
- ontype = "on" + eventType;
- //bubble up dom tree
- do{
- event.currentTarget = cur;
- _handle(cur, event);
- // Trigger an inline bound script
- if (cur[ ontype ] &&
- cur[ ontype ].call(cur) === false) {
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- // Bubble up to document, then to window
- cur = cur.parentNode ||
- cur.ownerDocument ||
- cur === target.ownerDocument && window;
- } while (cur && !event.isPropagationStopped);
- if (!event.isDefaultPrevented) {
- if (!(eventType === "click" &&
- nodeName(target, "a"))) {
- var old;
- try {
- if (ontype && target[ eventType ]) {
- // Don't re-trigger an onFOO event when we call its FOO() method
- old = target[ ontype ];
- if (old) {
- target[ ontype ] = null;
- }
- // 记录当前 trigger 触发
- Event_Triggered = eventType;
- // 只触发默认事件,而不要执行绑定的用户回调
- // 同步触发
- target[ eventType ]();
- }
- } catch (ieError) {
- S.log("trigger action error : ");
- S.log(ieError);
- }
- if (old) {
- target[ ontype ] = old;
- }
- Event_Triggered = TRIGGERED_NONE;
- }
- } else {
- ret = false;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- return Event;
- }, {
- requires:["dom","./object","./utils"]
- });
- /**
- * 2011-11-24
- * - 自定义事件和 dom 事件操作彻底分离
- * - TODO: group event from DOM3 Event
- *
- * 2011-06-07
- * - refer : http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/WD-DOM-Level-3-Events-20010823/events.html
- * - 重构
- * - eventHandler 一个元素一个而不是一个元素一个事件一个,节省内存
- * - 减少闭包使用,prevent ie 内存泄露?
- * - 增加 fire ,模拟冒泡处理 dom 事件
- */
- /**
- * @module EventTarget
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add('event/target', function(S, Event, EventObject, Utils, undefined) {
- var KS_PUBLISH = "__~ks_publish",
- trim = S.trim,
- splitAndRun = Utils.splitAndRun,
- KS_BUBBLE_TARGETS = "__~ks_bubble_targets",
- ALL_EVENT = "*";
- function getCustomEvent(self, type, eventData) {
- if (eventData instanceof EventObject) {
- // set currentTarget in the process of bubbling
- eventData.currentTarget = self;
- return eventData;
- }
- var customEvent = new EventObject(self, undefined, type);
- if (S.isPlainObject(eventData)) {
- S.mix(customEvent, eventData);
- }
- // protect type
- customEvent.type = type;
- return customEvent
- }
- function getEventPublishObj(self) {
- self[KS_PUBLISH] = self[KS_PUBLISH] || {};
- return self[KS_PUBLISH];
- }
- function getBubbleTargetsObj(self) {
- return self[KS_BUBBLE_TARGETS];
- }
- function isBubblable(self, eventType) {
- var publish = getEventPublishObj(self);
- return publish[eventType] && publish[eventType].bubbles || publish[ALL_EVENT] && publish[ALL_EVENT].bubbles
- }
- function attach(method) {
- return function(type, fn, scope) {
- var self = this;
- type = trim(type);
- splitAndRun(type, function(t) {
- Event["__" + method](false, self, t, fn, scope);
- });
- return self; // chain
- };
- }
- /**
- * 提供事件发布和订阅机制
- * @name Target
- * @memberOf Event
- */
- var Target =
- /**
- * @lends Event.Target
- */
- {
- /**
- * 触发事件
- * @param {String} type 事件名
- * @param {Object} eventData 事件附加信息对象
- * @returns 如果一个 listener 返回false,则返回 false ,否则返回最后一个 listener 的值.
- */
- fire: function(type, eventData) {
- var self = this,
- ret,
- r2,
- customEvent;
- type = trim(type);
- if (type.indexOf(" ") > 0) {
- splitAndRun(type, function(t) {
- r2 = self.fire(t, eventData);
- if (r2 === false) {
- ret = false;
- }
- });
- return ret;
- }
- customEvent = getCustomEvent(self, type, eventData);
- ret = Event._handle(self, customEvent);
- if (!customEvent.isPropagationStopped &&
- isBubblable(self, type)) {
- r2 = self.bubble(type, customEvent);
- // false 优先返回
- if (ret !== false) {
- ret = r2;
- }
- }
- return ret
- },
- /**
- * defined event config
- * @param type
- * @param cfg
- * example { bubbles: true}
- * default bubbles: false
- */
- publish: function(type, cfg) {
- var self = this,
- publish = getEventPublishObj(self);
- type = trim(type);
- if (type) {
- publish[type] = cfg;
- }
- },
- /**
- * bubble event to its targets
- * @param type
- * @param eventData
- */
- bubble: function(type, eventData) {
- var self = this,
- ret,
- targets = getBubbleTargetsObj(self);
- S.each(targets, function(t) {
- var r2 = t.fire(type, eventData);
- if (ret !== false) {
- ret = r2;
- }
- });
- return ret;
- },
- /**
- * add target which bubblable event bubbles towards
- * @param target another EventTarget instance
- */
- addTarget: function(target) {
- var self = this,
- targets = getBubbleTargetsObj(self);
- targets[S.stamp(target)] = target;
- },
- removeTarget:function(target) {
- var self = this,
- targets = getBubbleTargetsObj(self);
- delete targets[S.stamp(target)];
- },
- /**
- * 监听事件
- * @param {String} type 事件名
- * @param {Function} fn 事件处理器
- * @param {Object} scope 事件处理器内的 this 值,默认当前实例
- * @returns 当前实例
- */
- on: attach("add")
- };
- /**
- * 取消监听事件
- * @param {String} type 事件名
- * @param {Function} fn 事件处理器
- * @param {Object} scope 事件处理器内的 this 值,默认当前实例
- * @returns 当前实例
- */
- Target.detach = attach("remove");
- return Target;
- }, {
- /*
- 实际上只需要 dom/data ,但是不要跨模块引用另一模块的子模块,
- 否则会导致build打包文件 dom 和 dom-data 重复载入
- */
- requires:["./base",'./object','./utils']
- });
- /**
- * yiminghe:2011-10-17
- * - implement bubble for custom event
- **/
- /**
- * @module event-focusin
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add('event/focusin', function(S, UA, Event) {
- // 让非 IE 浏览器支持 focusin/focusout
- if (!UA['ie']) {
- S.each([
- { name: 'focusin', fix: 'focus' },
- { name: 'focusout', fix: 'blur' }
- ], function(o) {
- var attaches = 0;
- Event.special[o.name] = {
- // 统一在 document 上 capture focus/blur 事件,然后模拟冒泡 fire 出来
- // 达到和 focusin 一样的效果 focusin -> focus
- // refer: http://yiminghe.iteye.com/blog/813255
- setup: function() {
- if (attaches++ === 0) {
- document.addEventListener(o.fix, handler, true);
- }
- },
- tearDown:function() {
- if (--attaches === 0) {
- document.removeEventListener(o.fix, handler, true);
- }
- }
- };
- function handler(event) {
- var target = event.target;
- return Event.fire(target, o.name);
- }
- });
- }
- return Event;
- }, {
- requires:["ua","./base"]
- });
- /**
- * 承玉:2011-06-07
- * - refactor to jquery , 更加合理的模拟冒泡顺序,子元素先出触发,父元素后触发
- *
- * NOTES:
- * - webkit 和 opera 已支持 DOMFocusIn/DOMFocusOut 事件,但上面的写法已经能达到预期效果,暂时不考虑原生支持。
- */
- /**
- * @module event-hashchange
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com , xiaomacji@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add('event/hashchange', function(S, Event, DOM, UA) {
- var doc = document,
- docMode = doc['documentMode'],
- ie = docMode || UA['ie'],
- HASH_CHANGE = 'hashchange';
- // ie8 支持 hashchange
- // 但IE8以上切换浏览器模式到IE7(兼容模式),会导致 'onhashchange' in window === true,但是不触发事件
- // 1. 不支持 hashchange 事件,支持 hash 导航(opera??):定时器监控
- // 2. 不支持 hashchange 事件,不支持 hash 导航(ie67) : iframe + 定时器
- if ((!( 'on' + HASH_CHANGE in window)) || ie && ie < 8) {
- function getIframeDoc(iframe) {
- return iframe.contentWindow.document;
- }
- var POLL_INTERVAL = 50,
- win = window,
- IFRAME_TEMPLATE = "<html><head><title>" + (doc.title || "") +
- " - {hash}</title>{head}</head><body>{hash}</body></html>",
- getHash = function() {
- // 不能 location.hash
- // http://xx.com/#yy?z=1
- // ie6 => location.hash = #yy
- // 其他浏览器 => location.hash = #yy?z=1
- var url = location.href;
- return '#' + url.replace(/^[^#]*#?(.*)$/, '$1');
- },
- timer,
- // 用于定时器检测,上次定时器记录的 hash 值
- lastHash,
- poll = function () {
- var hash = getHash();
- if (hash !== lastHash) {
- // S.log("poll success :" + hash + " :" + lastHash);
- // 通知完调用者 hashchange 事件前设置 lastHash
- lastHash = hash;
- // ie<8 同步 : hashChange -> onIframeLoad
- hashChange(hash);
- }
- timer = setTimeout(poll, POLL_INTERVAL);
- },
- hashChange = ie && ie < 8 ? function(hash) {
- // S.log("set iframe html :" + hash);
- var html = S.substitute(IFRAME_TEMPLATE, {
- hash: hash,
- // 一定要加哦
- head:DOM._isCustomDomain() ? "<script>document.domain = '" +
- doc.domain
- + "';</script>" : ""
- }),
- iframeDoc = getIframeDoc(iframe);
- try {
- // 写入历史 hash
- iframeDoc.open();
- // 取时要用 innerText !!
- // 否则取 innerHtml 会因为 escapeHtml 导置 body.innerHTMl != hash
- iframeDoc.write(html);
- iframeDoc.close();
- // 立刻同步调用 onIframeLoad !!!!
- } catch (e) {
- // S.log('doc write error : ', 'error');
- // S.log(e, 'error');
- }
- } : function () {
- notifyHashChange();
- },
- notifyHashChange = function () {
- // S.log("hash changed : " + getHash());
- Event.fire(win, HASH_CHANGE);
- },
- setup = function () {
- if (!timer) {
- poll();
- }
- },
- tearDown = function () {
- timer && clearTimeout(timer);
- timer = 0;
- },
- iframe;
- // ie6, 7, 覆盖一些function
- if (ie < 8) {
- /**
- * 前进后退 : start -> notifyHashChange
- * 直接输入 : poll -> hashChange -> start
- * iframe 内容和 url 同步
- */
- setup = function() {
- if (!iframe) {
- var iframeSrc = DOM._genEmptyIframeSrc();
- //http://www.paciellogroup.com/blog/?p=604
- iframe = DOM.create('<iframe ' +
- (iframeSrc ? 'src="' + iframeSrc + '"' : '') +
- ' style="display: none" ' +
- 'height="0" ' +
- 'width="0" ' +
- 'tabindex="-1" ' +
- 'title="empty"/>');
- // Append the iframe to the documentElement rather than the body.
- // Keeping it outside the body prevents scrolling on the initial
- // page load
- DOM.prepend(iframe, doc.documentElement);
- // init,第一次触发,以后都是 onIframeLoad
- Event.add(iframe, "load", function() {
- Event.remove(iframe, "load");
- // Update the iframe with the initial location hash, if any. This
- // will create an initial history entry that the user can return to
- // after the state has changed.
- hashChange(getHash());
- Event.add(iframe, "load", onIframeLoad);
- poll();
- });
- // Whenever `document.title` changes, update the Iframe's title to
- // prettify the back/next history menu entries. Since IE sometimes
- // errors with "Unspecified error" the very first time this is set
- // (yes, very useful) wrap this with a try/catch block.
- doc.onpropertychange = function() {
- try {
- if (event.propertyName === 'title') {
- getIframeDoc(iframe).title =
- doc.title + " - " + getHash();
- }
- } catch(e) {
- }
- };
- /**
- * 前进后退 : onIframeLoad -> 触发
- * 直接输入 : timer -> hashChange -> onIframeLoad -> 触发
- * 触发统一在 start(load)
- * iframe 内容和 url 同步
- */
- function onIframeLoad() {
- // S.log('iframe start load..');
- // 2011.11.02 note: 不能用 innerHtml 会自动转义!!
- // #/x?z=1&y=2 => #/x?z=1&y=2
- var c = S.trim(getIframeDoc(iframe).body.innerText),
- ch = getHash();
- // 后退时不等
- // 定时器调用 hashChange() 修改 iframe 同步调用过来的(手动改变 location)则相等
- if (c != ch) {
- S.log("set loc hash :" + c);
- location.hash = c;
- // 使lasthash为 iframe 历史, 不然重新写iframe,
- // 会导致最新状态(丢失前进状态)
- // 后退则立即触发 hashchange,
- // 并更新定时器记录的上个 hash 值
- lastHash = c;
- }
- notifyHashChange();
- }
- }
- };
- tearDown = function() {
- timer && clearTimeout(timer);
- timer = 0;
- Event.detach(iframe);
- DOM.remove(iframe);
- iframe = 0;
- };
- }
- Event.special[HASH_CHANGE] = {
- setup: function() {
- if (this !== win) {
- return;
- }
- // 第一次启动 hashchange 时取一下,不能类库载入后立即取
- // 防止类库嵌入后,手动修改过 hash,
- lastHash = getHash();
- // 不用注册 dom 事件
- setup();
- },
- tearDown: function() {
- if (this !== win) {
- return;
- }
- tearDown();
- }
- };
- }
- }, {
- requires:["./base","dom","ua"]
- });
- /**
- * 已知 bug :
- * - ie67 有时后退后取得的 location.hash 不和地址栏一致,导致必须后退两次才能触发 hashchange
- *
- * v1 : 2010-12-29
- * v1.1: 支持非IE,但不支持onhashchange事件的浏览器(例如低版本的firefox、safari)
- * refer : http://yiminghe.javaeye.com/blog/377867
- * https://github.com/cowboy/jquery-hashchange
- */
- /**
- * inspired by yui3 :
- *
- * Synthetic event that fires when the <code>value</code> property of an input
- * field or textarea changes as a result of a keystroke, mouse operation, or
- * input method editor (IME) input event.
- *
- * Unlike the <code>onchange</code> event, this event fires when the value
- * actually changes and not when the element loses focus. This event also
- * reports IME and multi-stroke input more reliably than <code>oninput</code> or
- * the various key events across browsers.
- *
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add('event/valuechange', function (S, Event, DOM) {
- var VALUE_CHANGE = "valuechange",
- nodeName = DOM._nodeName,
- KEY = "event/valuechange",
- HISTORY_KEY = KEY + "/history",
- POLL_KEY = KEY + "/poll",
- interval = 50;
- function stopPoll(target) {
- DOM.removeData(target, HISTORY_KEY);
- if (DOM.hasData(target, POLL_KEY)) {
- var poll = DOM.data(target, POLL_KEY);
- clearTimeout(poll);
- DOM.removeData(target, POLL_KEY);
- }
- }
- function stopPollHandler(ev) {
- var target = ev.target;
- stopPoll(target);
- }
- function startPoll(target) {
- if (DOM.hasData(target, POLL_KEY)) return;
- DOM.data(target, POLL_KEY, setTimeout(function () {
- var v = target.value, h = DOM.data(target, HISTORY_KEY);
- if (v !== h) {
- // 只触发自己绑定的 handler
- Event.fire(target, VALUE_CHANGE, {
- prevVal:h,
- newVal:v
- }, true);
- DOM.data(target, HISTORY_KEY, v);
- }
- DOM.data(target, POLL_KEY, setTimeout(arguments.callee, interval));
- }, interval));
- }
- function startPollHandler(ev) {
- var target = ev.target;
- // when focus ,record its current value immediately
- if (ev.type == "focus") {
- DOM.data(target, HISTORY_KEY, target.value);
- }
- startPoll(target);
- }
- function monitor(target) {
- unmonitored(target);
- Event.on(target, "blur", stopPollHandler);
- Event.on(target, "mousedown keyup keydown focus", startPollHandler);
- }
- function unmonitored(target) {
- stopPoll(target);
- Event.remove(target, "blur", stopPollHandler);
- Event.remove(target, "mousedown keyup keydown focus", startPollHandler);
- }
- Event.special[VALUE_CHANGE] = {
- setup:function () {
- var target = this;
- if (nodeName(target, "input")
- || nodeName(target, "textarea")) {
- monitor(target);
- }
- },
- tearDown:function () {
- var target = this;
- unmonitored(target);
- }
- };
- return Event;
- }, {
- requires:["./base", "dom"]
- });
- /**
- * kissy delegate for event module
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add("event/delegate", function(S, DOM, Event, Utils) {
- var batchForType = Utils.batchForType,
- delegateMap = {
- "focus":{
- type:"focusin"
- },
- "blur":{
- type:"focusout"
- },
- "mouseenter":{
- type:"mouseover",
- handler:mouseHandler
- },
- "mouseleave":{
- type:"mouseout",
- handler:mouseHandler
- }
- };
- S.mix(Event, {
- delegate:function(targets, type, selector, fn, scope) {
- if (batchForType(Event, 'delegate', targets, type, selector, fn, scope)) {
- return targets;
- }
- DOM.query(targets).each(function(target) {
- var preType = type,handler = delegateHandler;
- if (delegateMap[type]) {
- type = delegateMap[preType].type;
- handler = delegateMap[preType].handler || handler;
- }
- Event.on(target, type, handler, target, {
- fn:fn,
- selector:selector,
- preType:preType,
- scope:scope,
- equals:equals
- });
- });
- return targets;
- },
- undelegate:function(targets, type, selector, fn, scope) {
- if (batchForType(Event, 'undelegate', targets, type, selector, fn, scope)) {
- return targets;
- }
- DOM.query(targets).each(function(target) {
- var preType = type,
- handler = delegateHandler;
- if (delegateMap[type]) {
- type = delegateMap[preType].type;
- handler = delegateMap[preType].handler || handler;
- }
- Event.remove(target, type, handler, target, {
- fn:fn,
- selector:selector,
- preType:preType,
- scope:scope,
- equals:equals
- });
- });
- return targets;
- }
- });
- // 比较函数,两个 delegate 描述对象比较
- // 注意顺序: 已有data 和 用户提供的 data 比较
- function equals(d, el) {
- // 用户不提供 fn selector 那么肯定成功
- if (d.fn === undefined && d.selector === undefined) {
- return true;
- }
- // 用户不提供 fn 则只比较 selector
- else if (d.fn === undefined) {
- return this.selector == d.selector;
- } else {
- var scope = this.scope || el,
- dScope = d.scope || el;
- return this.fn == d.fn && this.selector == d.selector && scope == dScope;
- }
- }
- // 根据 selector ,从事件源得到对应节点
- function delegateHandler(event, data) {
- var delegateTarget = this,
- target = event.target,
- invokeds = DOM.closest(target, [data.selector], delegateTarget);
- // 找到了符合 selector 的元素,可能并不是事件源
- return invokes.call(delegateTarget, invokeds, event, data);
- }
- // mouseenter/leave 特殊处理
- function mouseHandler(event, data) {
- var delegateTarget = this,
- ret,
- target = event.target,
- relatedTarget = event.relatedTarget;
- // 恢复为用户想要的 mouseenter/leave 类型
- event.type = data.preType;
- // mouseenter/leave 不会冒泡,只选择最近一个
- target = DOM.closest(target, data.selector, delegateTarget);
- if (target) {
- if (target !== relatedTarget &&
- (!relatedTarget || !DOM.contains(target, relatedTarget))
- ) {
- var currentTarget = event.currentTarget;
- event.currentTarget = target;
- ret = data.fn.call(data.scope || delegateTarget, event);
- event.currentTarget = currentTarget;
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
- function invokes(invokeds, event, data) {
- var self = this;
- if (invokeds) {
- // 保护 currentTarget
- // 否则 fire 影响 delegated listener 之后正常的 listener 事件
- var currentTarget = event.currentTarget;
- for (var i = 0; i < invokeds.length; i++) {
- event.currentTarget = invokeds[i];
- var ret = data.fn.call(data.scope || self, event);
- // delegate 的 handler 操作事件和根元素本身操作事件效果一致
- if (ret === false) {
- event.halt();
- }
- if (event.isPropagationStopped) {
- break;
- }
- }
- event.currentTarget = currentTarget;
- }
- }
- return Event;
- }, {
- requires:["dom","./base","./utils"]
- });
- /**
- * focusin/out 的特殊之处 , delegate 只能在容器上注册 focusin/out ,
- * 1.其实非 ie 都是注册 focus capture=true,然后注册到 focusin 对应 handlers
- * 1.1 当 Event.fire("focus"),没有 focus 对应的 handlers 数组,然后调用元素 focus 方法,
- * focusin.js 调用 Event.fire("focusin") 进而执行 focusin 对应的 handlers 数组
- * 1.2 当调用 Event.fire("focusin"),直接执行 focusin 对应的 handlers 数组,但不会真正聚焦
- *
- * 2.ie 直接注册 focusin , focusin handlers 也有对应用户回调
- * 2.1 当 Event.fire("focus") , 同 1.1
- * 2.2 当 Event.fire("focusin"),直接执行 focusin 对应的 handlers 数组,但不会真正聚焦
- *
- * mouseenter/leave delegate 特殊处理, mouseenter 没有冒泡的概念,只能替换为 mouseover/out
- *
- * form submit 事件 ie<9 不会冒泡
- *
- **/
- /**
- * @module event-mouseenter
- * @author lifesinger@gmail.com , yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add('event/mouseenter', function(S, Event, DOM, UA) {
- if (!UA['ie']) {
- S.each([
- { name: 'mouseenter', fix: 'mouseover' },
- { name: 'mouseleave', fix: 'mouseout' }
- ], function(o) {
- // 元素内触发的 mouseover/out 不能算 mouseenter/leave
- function withinElement(event) {
- var self = this,
- parent = event.relatedTarget;
- // 设置用户实际注册的事件名,触发该事件所对应的 listener 数组
- event.type = o.name;
- // Firefox sometimes assigns relatedTarget a XUL element
- // which we cannot access the parentNode property of
- try {
- // Chrome does something similar, the parentNode property
- // can be accessed but is null.
- if (parent && parent !== document && !parent.parentNode) {
- return;
- }
- // 在自身外边就触发
- if (parent !== self &&
- // self==document , parent==null
- (!parent || !DOM.contains(self, parent))
- ) {
- // handle event if we actually just moused on to a non sub-element
- Event._handle(self, event);
- }
- // assuming we've left the element since we most likely mousedover a xul element
- } catch(e) {
- S.log("withinElement error : ", "error");
- S.log(e, "error");
- }
- }
- Event.special[o.name] = {
- // 第一次 mouseenter 时注册下
- // 以后都直接放到 listener 数组里, 由 mouseover 读取触发
- setup: function() {
- Event.add(this, o.fix, withinElement);
- },
- //当 listener 数组为空时,也清掉 mouseover 注册,不再读取
- tearDown:function() {
- Event.remove(this, o.fix, withinElement);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- return Event;
- }, {
- requires:["./base","dom","ua"]
- });
- /**
- * 承玉:2011-06-07
- * - 根据新结构,调整 mouseenter 兼容处理
- * - fire('mouseenter') 可以的,直接执行 mouseenter 的 handlers 用户回调数组
- *
- *
- * TODO:
- * - ie6 下,原生的 mouseenter/leave 貌似也有 bug, 比如 <div><div /><div /><div /></div>
- * jQuery 也异常,需要进一步研究
- */
- /**
- * patch for ie<9 submit : does not bubble !
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add("event/submit", function(S, UA, Event, DOM) {
- var mode = document['documentMode'];
- if (UA['ie'] && (UA['ie'] < 9 || (mode && mode < 9))) {
- var nodeName = DOM._nodeName;
- Event.special['submit'] = {
- setup: function() {
- var el = this;
- // form use native
- if (nodeName(el, "form")) {
- return false;
- }
- // lazy add submit for inside forms
- // note event order : click/keypress -> submit
- // keypoint : find the forms
- Event.on(el, "click keypress", detector);
- },
- tearDown:function() {
- var el = this;
- // form use native
- if (nodeName(el, "form")) {
- return false;
- }
- Event.remove(el, "click keypress", detector);
- DOM.query("form", el).each(function(form) {
- if (form.__submit__fix) {
- form.__submit__fix = 0;
- Event.remove(form, "submit", submitBubble);
- }
- });
- }
- };
- function detector(e) {
- var t = e.target,
- form = nodeName(t, "input") || nodeName(t, "button") ? t.form : null;
- if (form && !form.__submit__fix) {
- form.__submit__fix = 1;
- Event.on(form, "submit", submitBubble);
- }
- }
- function submitBubble(e) {
- var form = this;
- if (form.parentNode) {
- // simulated bubble for submit
- // fire from parentNode. if form.on("submit") , this logic is never run!
- Event.fire(form.parentNode, "submit", e);
- }
- }
- }
- }, {
- requires:["ua","./base","dom"]
- });
- /**
- * modified from jq ,fix submit in ie<9
- **/
- /**
- * change bubble and checkbox/radio fix patch for ie<9
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add("event/change", function(S, UA, Event, DOM) {
- var mode = document['documentMode'];
- if (UA['ie'] && (UA['ie'] < 9 || (mode && mode < 9))) {
- var rformElems = /^(?:textarea|input|select)$/i;
- function isFormElement(n) {
- return rformElems.test(n.nodeName);
- }
- function isCheckBoxOrRadio(el) {
- var type = el.type;
- return type == "checkbox" || type == "radio";
- }
- Event.special['change'] = {
- setup: function() {
- var el = this;
- if (isFormElement(el)) {
- // checkbox/radio only fires change when blur in ie<9
- // so use another technique from jquery
- if (isCheckBoxOrRadio(el)) {
- // change in ie<9
- // change = propertychange -> click
- Event.on(el, "propertychange", propertyChange);
- Event.on(el, "click", onClick);
- } else {
- // other form elements use native , do not bubble
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- // if bind on parentNode ,lazy bind change event to its form elements
- // note event order : beforeactivate -> change
- // note 2: checkbox/radio is exceptional
- Event.on(el, "beforeactivate", beforeActivate);
- }
- },
- tearDown:function() {
- var el = this;
- if (isFormElement(el)) {
- if (isCheckBoxOrRadio(el)) {
- Event.remove(el, "propertychange", propertyChange);
- Event.remove(el, "click", onClick);
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- Event.remove(el, "beforeactivate", beforeActivate);
- DOM.query("textarea,input,select", el).each(function(fel) {
- if (fel.__changeHandler) {
- fel.__changeHandler = 0;
- Event.remove(fel, "change", changeHandler);
- }
- });
- }
- }
- };
- function propertyChange(e) {
- if (e.originalEvent.propertyName == "checked") {
- this.__changed = 1;
- }
- }
- function onClick(e) {
- if (this.__changed) {
- this.__changed = 0;
- // fire from itself
- Event.fire(this, "change", e);
- }
- }
- function beforeActivate(e) {
- var t = e.target;
- if (isFormElement(t) && !t.__changeHandler) {
- t.__changeHandler = 1;
- // lazy bind change
- Event.on(t, "change", changeHandler);
- }
- }
- function changeHandler(e) {
- var fel = this;
- // checkbox/radio already bubble using another technique
- if (isCheckBoxOrRadio(fel)) {
- return;
- }
- var p;
- if (p = fel.parentNode) {
- // fire from parent , itself is handled natively
- Event.fire(p, "change", e);
- }
- }
- }
- }, {
- requires:["ua","./base","dom"]
- });
- /**
- * normalize mousewheel in gecko
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add("event/mousewheel", function(S, Event, UA, Utils, EventObject) {
- var MOUSE_WHEEL = UA.gecko ? 'DOMMouseScroll' : 'mousewheel',
- simpleRemove = Utils.simpleRemove,
- simpleAdd = Utils.simpleAdd,
- mousewheelHandler = "mousewheelHandler";
- function handler(e) {
- var deltaX,
- currentTarget = this,
- deltaY,
- delta,
- detail = e.detail;
- if (e.wheelDelta) {
- delta = e.wheelDelta / 120;
- }
- if (e.detail) {
- // press control e.detail == 1 else e.detail == 3
- delta = -(detail % 3 == 0 ? detail / 3 : detail);
- }
- // Gecko
- if (e.axis !== undefined) {
- if (e.axis === e['HORIZONTAL_AXIS']) {
- deltaY = 0;
- deltaX = -1 * delta;
- } else if (e.axis === e['VERTICAL_AXIS']) {
- deltaX = 0;
- deltaY = delta;
- }
- }
- // Webkit
- if (e['wheelDeltaY'] !== undefined) {
- deltaY = e['wheelDeltaY'] / 120;
- }
- if (e['wheelDeltaX'] !== undefined) {
- deltaX = -1 * e['wheelDeltaX'] / 120;
- }
- // 默认 deltaY ( ie )
- if (!deltaX && !deltaY) {
- deltaY = delta;
- }
- // can not invoke eventDesc.handler , it will protect type
- // but here in firefox , we want to change type really
- e = new EventObject(currentTarget, e);
- S.mix(e, {
- deltaY:deltaY,
- delta:delta,
- deltaX:deltaX,
- type:'mousewheel'
- });
- return Event._handle(currentTarget, e);
- }
- Event.special['mousewheel'] = {
- setup: function() {
- var el = this,
- mousewheelHandler,
- eventDesc = Event._data(el);
- // solve this in ie
- mousewheelHandler = eventDesc[mousewheelHandler] = S.bind(handler, el);
- simpleAdd(this, MOUSE_WHEEL, mousewheelHandler);
- },
- tearDown:function() {
- var el = this,
- mousewheelHandler,
- eventDesc = Event._data(el);
- mousewheelHandler = eventDesc[mousewheelHandler];
- simpleRemove(this, MOUSE_WHEEL, mousewheelHandler);
- delete eventDesc[mousewheelHandler];
- }
- };
- }, {
- requires:['./base','ua','./utils','./object']
- });
- /**
- note:
- not perfect in osx : accelerated scroll
- refer:
- https://github.com/brandonaaron/jquery-mousewheel/blob/master/jquery.mousewheel.js
- http://www.planabc.net/2010/08/12/mousewheel_event_in_javascript/
- http://www.switchonthecode.com/tutorials/javascript-tutorial-the-scroll-wheel
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5527601/normalizing-mousewheel-speed-across-browsers/5542105#5542105
- http://www.javascriptkit.com/javatutors/onmousewheel.shtml
- http://www.adomas.org/javascript-mouse-wheel/
- http://plugins.jquery.com/project/mousewheel
- http://www.cnblogs.com/aiyuchen/archive/2011/04/19/2020843.html
- http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/#events-mousewheelevents
- **/
- /**
- * KISSY Scalable Event Framework
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add("event", function(S, KeyCodes, Event, Target, Object) {
- Event.KeyCodes = KeyCodes;
- Event.Target = Target;
- Event.Object = Object;
- return Event;
- }, {
- requires:[
- "event/keycodes",
- "event/base",
- "event/target",
- "event/object",
- "event/focusin",
- "event/hashchange",
- "event/valuechange",
- "event/delegate",
- "event/mouseenter",
- "event/submit",
- "event/change",
- "event/mousewheel"
- ]
- });
- /**
- * definition for node and nodelist
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com,lifesinger@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add("node/base", function(S, DOM, undefined) {
- var AP = Array.prototype,
- makeArray = S.makeArray,
- isNodeList = DOM._isNodeList;
- /**
- * The NodeList class provides a wrapper for manipulating DOM Node.
- * @constructor
- */
- function NodeList(html, props, ownerDocument) {
- var self = this,
- domNode;
- if (!(self instanceof NodeList)) {
- return new NodeList(html, props, ownerDocument);
- }
- // handle NodeList(''), NodeList(null), or NodeList(undefined)
- if (!html) {
- return undefined;
- }
- else if (S.isString(html)) {
- // create from html
- domNode = DOM.create(html, props, ownerDocument);
- // ('<p>1</p><p>2</p>') 转换为 NodeList
- if (domNode.nodeType === DOM.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) { // fragment
- AP.push.apply(this, makeArray(domNode.childNodes));
- return undefined;
- }
- }
- else if (S.isArray(html) || isNodeList(html)) {
- AP.push.apply(this, makeArray(html));
- return undefined;
- }
- else {
- // node, document, window
- domNode = html;
- }
- self[0] = domNode;
- self.length = 1;
- return undefined;
- }
- S.augment(NodeList, {
- /**
- * 默认长度为 0
- */
- length: 0,
- item: function(index) {
- var self = this;
- if (S.isNumber(index)) {
- if (index >= self.length) {
- return null;
- } else {
- return new NodeList(self[index]);
- }
- } else {
- return new NodeList(index);
- }
- },
- add:function(selector, context, index) {
- if (S.isNumber(context)) {
- index = context;
- context = undefined;
- }
- var list = NodeList.all(selector, context).getDOMNodes(),
- ret = new NodeList(this);
- if (index === undefined) {
- AP.push.apply(ret, list);
- } else {
- var args = [index,0];
- args.push.apply(args, list);
- AP.splice.apply(ret, args);
- }
- return ret;
- },
- slice:function(start, end) {
- return new NodeList(AP.slice.call(this, start, end));
- },
- /**
- * Retrieves the DOMNodes.
- */
- getDOMNodes: function() {
- return AP.slice.call(this);
- },
- /**
- * Applies the given function to each Node in the NodeList.
- * @param fn The function to apply. It receives 3 arguments: the current node instance, the node's index, and the NodeList instance
- * @param context An optional context to apply the function with Default context is the current NodeList instance
- */
- each: function(fn, context) {
- var self = this;
- S.each(self, function(n, i) {
- n = new NodeList(n);
- return fn.call(context || n, n, i, self);
- });
- return self;
- },
- /**
- * Retrieves the DOMNode.
- */
- getDOMNode: function() {
- return this[0];
- },
- /**
- * stack sub query
- */
- end:function() {
- var self = this;
- return self.__parent || self;
- },
- all:function(selector) {
- var ret,self = this;
- if (self.length > 0) {
- ret = NodeList.all(selector, self);
- } else {
- ret = new NodeList();
- }
- ret.__parent = self;
- return ret;
- },
- one:function(selector) {
- var self = this,all = self.all(selector),
- ret = all.length ? all.slice(0, 1) : null;
- if (ret) {
- ret.__parent = self;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- });
- S.mix(NodeList, {
- /**
- * 查找位于上下文中并且符合选择器定义的节点列表或根据 html 生成新节点
- * @param {String|HTMLElement[]|NodeList} selector html 字符串或<a href='http://docs.kissyui.com/docs/html/api/core/dom/selector.html'>选择器</a>或节点列表
- * @param {String|Array<HTMLElement>|NodeList|HTMLElement|Document} [context] 上下文定义
- * @returns {NodeList} 节点列表对象
- */
- all:function(selector, context) {
- // are we dealing with html string ?
- // TextNode 仍需要自己 new Node
- if (S.isString(selector)
- && (selector = S.trim(selector))
- && selector.length >= 3
- && S.startsWith(selector, "<")
- && S.endsWith(selector, ">")
- ) {
- if (context) {
- if (context.getDOMNode) {
- context = context.getDOMNode();
- }
- if (context.ownerDocument) {
- context = context.ownerDocument;
- }
- }
- return new NodeList(selector, undefined, context);
- }
- return new NodeList(DOM.query(selector, context));
- },
- one:function(selector, context) {
- var all = NodeList.all(selector, context);
- return all.length ? all.slice(0, 1) : null;
- }
- });
- S.mix(NodeList, DOM._NODE_TYPE);
- return NodeList;
- }, {
- requires:["dom"]
- });
- /**
- * Notes:
- * 2011-05-25
- * - 承玉:参考 jquery,只有一个 NodeList 对象,Node 就是 NodeList 的别名
- *
- * 2010.04
- * - each 方法传给 fn 的 this, 在 jQuery 里指向原生对象,这样可以避免性能问题。
- * 但从用户角度讲,this 的第一直觉是 $(this), kissy 和 yui3 保持一致,牺牲
- * 性能,以易用为首。
- * - 有了 each 方法,似乎不再需要 import 所有 dom 方法,意义不大。
- * - dom 是低级 api, node 是中级 api, 这是分层的一个原因。还有一个原因是,如果
- * 直接在 node 里实现 dom 方法,则不大好将 dom 的方法耦合到 nodelist 里。可
- * 以说,技术成本会制约 api 设计。
- */
- /**
- * import methods from DOM to NodeList.prototype
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add('node/attach', function(S, DOM, Event, NodeList, undefined) {
- var NLP = NodeList.prototype,
- makeArray = S.makeArray,
- // DOM 添加到 NP 上的方法
- // if DOM methods return undefined , Node methods need to transform result to itself
- "equals",
- "contains",
- "scrollTop",
- "scrollLeft",
- "height",
- "width",
- "innerHeight",
- "innerWidth",
- "outerHeight",
- "outerWidth",
- "addStyleSheet",
- // "append" will be overridden
- "appendTo",
- // "prepend" will be overridden
- "prependTo",
- "insertBefore",
- "before",
- "after",
- "insertAfter",
- "test",
- "hasClass",
- "addClass",
- "removeClass",
- "replaceClass",
- "toggleClass",
- "removeAttr",
- "hasAttr",
- "hasProp",
- // anim override
- // "show",
- // "hide",
- // "toggle",
- "scrollIntoView",
- "remove",
- "empty",
- "removeData",
- "hasData",
- "unselectable"
- ],
- // if return array ,need transform to nodelist
- "filter",
- "first",
- "last",
- "parent",
- "closest",
- "next",
- "prev",
- "clone",
- "siblings",
- "children"
- ],
- // if set return this else if get return true value ,no nodelist transform
- // dom method : set parameter index
- "attr":1,
- "text":0,
- "css":1,
- "style":1,
- "val":0,
- "prop":1,
- "offset":0,
- "html":0,
- "data":1
- },
- // Event 添加到 NP 上的方法
- EVENT_INCLUDES = ["on","detach","fire","delegate","undelegate"];
- function accessNorm(fn, self, args) {
- args.unshift(self);
- var ret = DOM[fn].apply(DOM, args);
- if (ret === undefined) {
- return self;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- function accessNormList(fn, self, args) {
- args.unshift(self);
- var ret = DOM[fn].apply(DOM, args);
- if (ret === undefined) {
- return self;
- }
- else if (ret === null) {
- return null;
- }
- return new NodeList(ret);
- }
- function accessNormIf(fn, self, index, args) {
- // get
- if (args[index] === undefined
- // 并且第一个参数不是对象,否则可能是批量设置写
- && !S.isObject(args[0])) {
- args.unshift(self);
- return DOM[fn].apply(DOM, args);
- }
- // set
- return accessNorm(fn, self, args);
- }
- S.each(DOM_INCLUDES_NORM, function(k) {
- NLP[k] = function() {
- var args = makeArray(arguments);
- return accessNorm(k, this, args);
- };
- });
- S.each(DOM_INCLUDES_NORM_NODE_LIST, function(k) {
- NLP[k] = function() {
- var args = makeArray(arguments);
- return accessNormList(k, this, args);
- };
- });
- S.each(DOM_INCLUDES_NORM_IF, function(index, k) {
- NLP[k] = function() {
- var args = makeArray(arguments);
- return accessNormIf(k, this, index, args);
- };
- });
- S.each(EVENT_INCLUDES, function(k) {
- NLP[k] = function() {
- var self=this,
- args = makeArray(arguments);
- args.unshift(self);
- Event[k].apply(Event, args);
- return self;
- }
- });
- }, {
- requires:["dom","event","./base"]
- });
- /**
- * 2011-05-24
- * - 承玉:
- * - 将 DOM 中的方法包装成 NodeList 方法
- * - Node 方法调用参数中的 KISSY NodeList 要转换成第一个 HTML Node
- * - 要注意链式调用,如果 DOM 方法返回 undefined (无返回值),则 NodeList 对应方法返回 this
- * - 实际上可以完全使用 NodeList 来代替 DOM,不和节点关联的方法如:viewportHeight 等,在 window,document 上调用
- * - 存在 window/document 虚节点,通过 S.one(window)/new Node(window) ,S.one(document)/new NodeList(document) 获得
- */
- /**
- * overrides methods in NodeList.prototype
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add("node/override", function(S, DOM, Event, NodeList) {
- /**
- * append(node ,parent) : 参数顺序反过来了
- * appendTo(parent,node) : 才是正常
- *
- */
- S.each(['append', 'prepend','before','after'], function(insertType) {
- NodeList.prototype[insertType] = function(html) {
- var newNode = html,self = this;
- // 创建
- if (S.isString(newNode)) {
- newNode = DOM.create(newNode);
- }
- if (newNode) {
- DOM[insertType](newNode, self);
- }
- return self;
- };
- });
- }, {
- requires:["dom","event","./base","./attach"]
- });
- /**
- * 2011-05-24
- * - 承玉:
- * - 重写 NodeList 的某些方法
- * - 添加 one ,all ,从当前 NodeList 往下开始选择节点
- * - 处理 append ,prepend 和 DOM 的参数实际上是反过来的
- * - append/prepend 参数是节点时,如果当前 NodeList 数量 > 1 需要经过 clone,因为同一节点不可能被添加到多个节点中去(NodeList)
- */
- /**
- * @module anim-easing
- */
- KISSY.add('anim/easing', function() {
- // Based on Easing Equations (c) 2003 Robert Penner, all rights reserved.
- // This work is subject to the terms in http://www.robertpenner.com/easing_terms_of_use.html
- // Preview: http://www.robertpenner.com/easing/easing_demo.html
- /**
- * 和 YUI 的 Easing 相比,S.Easing 进行了归一化处理,参数调整为:
- * @param {Number} t Time value used to compute current value 保留 0 =< t <= 1
- * @param {Number} b Starting value b = 0
- * @param {Number} c Delta between start and end values c = 1
- * @param {Number} d Total length of animation d = 1
- */
- var PI = Math.PI,
- pow = Math.pow,
- sin = Math.sin,
- BACK_CONST = 1.70158,
- Easing = {
- swing:function(t) {
- return ( -Math.cos(t * PI) / 2 ) + 0.5;
- },
- /**
- * Uniform speed between points.
- */
- easeNone: function (t) {
- return t;
- },
- /**
- * Begins slowly and accelerates towards end. (quadratic)
- */
- easeIn: function (t) {
- return t * t;
- },
- /**
- * Begins quickly and decelerates towards end. (quadratic)
- */
- easeOut: function (t) {
- return ( 2 - t) * t;
- },
- /**
- * Begins slowly and decelerates towards end. (quadratic)
- */
- easeBoth: function (t) {
- return (t *= 2) < 1 ?
- .5 * t * t :
- .5 * (1 - (--t) * (t - 2));
- },
- /**
- * Begins slowly and accelerates towards end. (quartic)
- */
- easeInStrong: function (t) {
- return t * t * t * t;
- },
- /**
- * Begins quickly and decelerates towards end. (quartic)
- */
- easeOutStrong: function (t) {
- return 1 - (--t) * t * t * t;
- },
- /**
- * Begins slowly and decelerates towards end. (quartic)
- */
- easeBothStrong: function (t) {
- return (t *= 2) < 1 ?
- .5 * t * t * t * t :
- .5 * (2 - (t -= 2) * t * t * t);
- },
- /**
- * Snap in elastic effect.
- */
- elasticIn: function (t) {
- var p = .3, s = p / 4;
- if (t === 0 || t === 1) return t;
- return -(pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * sin((t - s) * (2 * PI) / p));
- },
- /**
- * Snap out elastic effect.
- */
- elasticOut: function (t) {
- var p = .3, s = p / 4;
- if (t === 0 || t === 1) return t;
- return pow(2, -10 * t) * sin((t - s) * (2 * PI) / p) + 1;
- },
- /**
- * Snap both elastic effect.
- */
- elasticBoth: function (t) {
- var p = .45, s = p / 4;
- if (t === 0 || (t *= 2) === 2) return t;
- if (t < 1) {
- return -.5 * (pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) *
- sin((t - s) * (2 * PI) / p));
- }
- return pow(2, -10 * (t -= 1)) *
- sin((t - s) * (2 * PI) / p) * .5 + 1;
- },
- /**
- * Backtracks slightly, then reverses direction and moves to end.
- */
- backIn: function (t) {
- if (t === 1) t -= .001;
- return t * t * ((BACK_CONST + 1) * t - BACK_CONST);
- },
- /**
- * Overshoots end, then reverses and comes back to end.
- */
- backOut: function (t) {
- return (t -= 1) * t * ((BACK_CONST + 1) * t + BACK_CONST) + 1;
- },
- /**
- * Backtracks slightly, then reverses direction, overshoots end,
- * then reverses and comes back to end.
- */
- backBoth: function (t) {
- if ((t *= 2 ) < 1) {
- return .5 * (t * t * (((BACK_CONST *= (1.525)) + 1) * t - BACK_CONST));
- }
- return .5 * ((t -= 2) * t * (((BACK_CONST *= (1.525)) + 1) * t + BACK_CONST) + 2);
- },
- /**
- * Bounce off of start.
- */
- bounceIn: function (t) {
- return 1 - Easing.bounceOut(1 - t);
- },
- /**
- * Bounces off end.
- */
- bounceOut: function (t) {
- var s = 7.5625, r;
- if (t < (1 / 2.75)) {
- r = s * t * t;
- }
- else if (t < (2 / 2.75)) {
- r = s * (t -= (1.5 / 2.75)) * t + .75;
- }
- else if (t < (2.5 / 2.75)) {
- r = s * (t -= (2.25 / 2.75)) * t + .9375;
- }
- else {
- r = s * (t -= (2.625 / 2.75)) * t + .984375;
- }
- return r;
- },
- /**
- * Bounces off start and end.
- */
- bounceBoth: function (t) {
- if (t < .5) {
- return Easing.bounceIn(t * 2) * .5;
- }
- return Easing.bounceOut(t * 2 - 1) * .5 + .5;
- }
- };
- Easing.NativeTimeFunction = {
- easeNone: 'linear',
- ease: 'ease',
- easeIn: 'ease-in',
- easeOut: 'ease-out',
- easeBoth: 'ease-in-out',
- // Ref:
- // 1. http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transitions/#transition-timing-function_tag
- // 2. http://www.robertpenner.com/easing/easing_demo.html
- // 3. assets/cubic-bezier-timing-function.html
- // 注:是模拟值,非精确推导值
- easeInStrong: 'cubic-bezier(0.9, 0.0, 0.9, 0.5)',
- easeOutStrong: 'cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.5, 0.1, 1.0)',
- easeBothStrong: 'cubic-bezier(0.9, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0)'
- };
- return Easing;
- });
- /**
- * TODO:
- * - test-easing.html 详细的测试 + 曲线可视化
- *
- * NOTES:
- * - 综合比较 jQuery UI/scripty2/YUI 的 easing 命名,还是觉得 YUI 的对用户
- * 最友好。因此这次完全照搬 YUI 的 Easing, 只是代码上做了点压缩优化。
- *
- */
- /**
- * single timer for the whole anim module
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add("anim/manager", function(S) {
- var stamp = S.stamp;
- return {
- interval:15,
- runnings:{},
- timer:null,
- start:function(anim) {
- var self = this,
- kv = stamp(anim);
- if (self.runnings[kv]) {
- return;
- }
- self.runnings[kv] = anim;
- self.startTimer();
- },
- stop:function(anim) {
- this.notRun(anim);
- },
- notRun:function(anim) {
- var self = this,
- kv = stamp(anim);
- delete self.runnings[kv];
- if (S.isEmptyObject(self.runnings)) {
- self.stopTimer();
- }
- },
- pause:function(anim) {
- this.notRun(anim);
- },
- resume:function(anim) {
- this.start(anim);
- },
- startTimer:function() {
- var self = this;
- if (!self.timer) {
- self.timer = setTimeout(function() {
- if (!self.runFrames()) {
- self.timer = 0;
- self.startTimer();
- } else {
- self.stopTimer();
- }
- }, self.interval);
- }
- },
- stopTimer:function() {
- var self = this,
- t = self.timer;
- if (t) {
- clearTimeout(t);
- self.timer = 0;
- }
- },
- runFrames:function() {
- var self = this,
- done = 1,
- runnings = self.runnings;
- for (var r in runnings) {
- if (runnings.hasOwnProperty(r)) {
- done = 0;
- runnings[r]._frame();
- }
- }
- return done;
- }
- };
- });
- /**
- * animate on single property
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add("anim/fx", function(S, DOM, undefined) {
- /**
- * basic animation about single css property or element attribute
- * @param cfg
- */
- function Fx(cfg) {
- this.load(cfg);
- }
- S.augment(Fx, {
- load:function(cfg) {
- var self = this;
- S.mix(self, cfg);
- self.startTime = S.now();
- self.pos = 0;
- self.unit = self.unit || "";
- },
- frame:function(end) {
- var self = this,
- endFlag = 0,
- elapsedTime,
- t = S.now();
- if (end || t >= self.duration + self.startTime) {
- self.pos = 1;
- endFlag = 1;
- } else {
- elapsedTime = t - self.startTime;
- self.pos = self.easing(elapsedTime / self.duration);
- }
- self.update();
- return endFlag;
- },
- /**
- * 数值插值函数
- * @param {Number} from 源值
- * @param {Number} to 目的值
- * @param {Number} pos 当前位置,从 easing 得到 0~1
- * @return {Number} 当前值
- */
- interpolate:function (from, to, pos) {
- // 默认只对数字进行 easing
- if (S.isNumber(from) &&
- S.isNumber(to)) {
- return (from + (to - from) * pos).toFixed(3);
- } else {
- return undefined;
- }
- },
- update:function() {
- var self = this,
- prop = self.prop,
- elem = self.elem,
- from = self.from,
- to = self.to,
- val = self.interpolate(from, to, self.pos);
- if (val === undefined) {
- // 插值出错,直接设置为最终值
- if (!self.finished) {
- self.finished = 1;
- DOM.css(elem, prop, to);
- S.log(self.prop + " update directly ! : " + val + " : " + from + " : " + to);
- }
- } else {
- val += self.unit;
- if (isAttr(elem, prop)) {
- DOM.attr(elem, prop, val, 1);
- } else {
- DOM.css(elem, prop, val);
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * current value
- */
- cur:function() {
- var self = this,
- prop = self.prop,
- elem = self.elem;
- if (isAttr(elem, prop)) {
- return DOM.attr(elem, prop, undefined, 1);
- }
- var parsed,
- r = DOM.css(elem, prop);
- // Empty strings, null, undefined and "auto" are converted to 0,
- // complex values such as "rotate(1rad)" are returned as is,
- // simple values such as "10px" are parsed to Float.
- return isNaN(parsed = parseFloat(r)) ?
- !r || r === "auto" ? 0 : r
- : parsed;
- }
- });
- function isAttr(elem, prop) {
- // support scrollTop/Left now!
- if ((!elem.style || elem.style[ prop ] == null) &&
- DOM.attr(elem, prop, undefined, 1) != null) {
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- Fx.Factories = {};
- Fx.getFx = function(cfg) {
- var Constructor = Fx.Factories[cfg.prop] || Fx;
- return new Constructor(cfg);
- };
- return Fx;
- }, {
- requires:['dom']
- });
- /**
- * TODO
- * 支持 transform ,ie 使用 matrix
- * - http://shawphy.com/2011/01/transformation-matrix-in-front-end.html
- * - http://www.cnblogs.com/winter-cn/archive/2010/12/29/1919266.html
- * - 标准:http://www.zenelements.com/blog/css3-transform/
- * - ie: http://www.useragentman.com/IETransformsTranslator/
- * - wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transformation_matrix
- * - jq 插件: http://plugins.jquery.com/project/2d-transform
- **/
- /**
- * queue of anim objects
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add("anim/queue", function(S, DOM) {
- var /*队列集合容器*/
- queueCollectionKey = S.guid("ks-queue-" + S.now() + "-"),
- /*默认队列*/
- queueKey = S.guid("ks-queue-" + S.now() + "-"),
- // 当前队列是否有动画正在执行
- processing = "...";
- function getQueue(elem, name, readOnly) {
- name = name || queueKey;
- var qu,
- quCollection = DOM.data(elem, queueCollectionKey);
- if (!quCollection && !readOnly) {
- DOM.data(elem, queueCollectionKey, quCollection = {});
- }
- if (quCollection) {
- qu = quCollection[name];
- if (!qu && !readOnly) {
- qu = quCollection[name] = [];
- }
- }
- return qu;
- }
- function removeQueue(elem, name) {
- name = name || queueKey;
- var quCollection = DOM.data(elem, queueCollectionKey);
- if (quCollection) {
- delete quCollection[name];
- }
- if (S.isEmptyObject(quCollection)) {
- DOM.removeData(elem, queueCollectionKey);
- }
- }
- var q = {
- queueCollectionKey:queueCollectionKey,
- queue:function(anim) {
- var elem = anim.elem,
- name = anim.config.queue,
- qu = getQueue(elem, name);
- qu.push(anim);
- if (qu[0] !== processing) {
- q.dequeue(anim);
- }
- return qu;
- },
- remove:function(anim) {
- var elem = anim.elem,
- name = anim.config.queue,
- qu = getQueue(elem, name, 1),index;
- if (qu) {
- index = S.indexOf(anim, qu);
- if (index > -1) {
- qu.splice(index, 1);
- }
- }
- },
- removeQueues:function(elem) {
- DOM.removeData(elem, queueCollectionKey);
- },
- removeQueue:removeQueue,
- dequeue:function(anim) {
- var elem = anim.elem,
- name = anim.config.queue,
- qu = getQueue(elem, name, 1),
- nextAnim = qu && qu.shift();
- if (nextAnim == processing) {
- nextAnim = qu.shift();
- }
- if (nextAnim) {
- qu.unshift(processing);
- nextAnim._runInternal();
- } else {
- // remove queue data
- removeQueue(elem, name);
- }
- }
- };
- return q;
- }, {
- requires:['dom']
- });
- /**
- * animation framework for KISSY
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com,lifesinger@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add('anim/base', function(S, DOM, Event, Easing, UA, AM, Fx, Q) {
- var camelCase = DOM._camelCase,
- _isElementNode = DOM._isElementNode,
- specialVals = ["hide","show","toggle"],
- // shorthand css properties
- border:[
- "borderBottomWidth",
- "borderLeftWidth",
- 'borderRightWidth',
- // 'borderSpacing', 组合属性?
- 'borderTopWidth'
- ],
- "borderBottom":["borderBottomWidth"],
- "borderLeft":["borderLeftWidth"],
- borderTop:["borderTopWidth"],
- borderRight:["borderRightWidth"],
- font:[
- 'fontSize',
- 'fontWeight'
- ],
- margin:[
- 'marginBottom',
- 'marginLeft',
- 'marginRight',
- 'marginTop'
- ],
- padding:[
- 'paddingBottom',
- 'paddingLeft',
- 'paddingRight',
- 'paddingTop'
- ]
- },
- defaultConfig = {
- duration: 1,
- easing: 'easeNone'
- },
- rfxnum = /^([+\-]=)?([\d+.\-]+)([a-z%]*)$/i;
- /**
- * get a anim instance associate
- * @param elem 元素或者 window ( window 时只能动画 scrollTop/scrollLeft )
- * @param props
- * @param duration
- * @param easing
- * @param callback
- */
- function Anim(elem, props, duration, easing, callback) {
- var self = this,config;
- // ignore non-exist element
- if (!(elem = DOM.get(elem))) {
- return;
- }
- // factory or constructor
- if (!(self instanceof Anim)) {
- return new Anim(elem, props, duration, easing, callback);
- }
- /**
- * the transition properties
- */
- if (S.isString(props)) {
- props = S.unparam(props, ";", ":");
- } else {
- // clone to prevent collision within multiple instance
- props = S.clone(props);
- }
- /**
- * 驼峰属性名
- */
- for (var prop in props) {
- var camelProp = camelCase(S.trim(prop));
- if (prop != camelProp) {
- props[camelProp] = props[prop];
- delete props[prop];
- }
- }
- /**
- * animation config
- */
- if (S.isPlainObject(duration)) {
- config = S.clone(duration);
- } else {
- config = {
- duration:parseFloat(duration) || undefined,
- easing:easing,
- complete:callback
- };
- }
- config = S.merge(defaultConfig, config);
- self.config = config;
- config.duration *= 1000;
- // domEl deprecated!
- self.elem = self['domEl'] = elem;
- self.props = props;
- // 实例属性
- self._backupProps = {};
- self._fxs = {};
- // register callback
- self.on("complete", onComplete);
- }
- function onComplete(e) {
- var self = this,
- _backupProps = self._backupProps,
- config = self.config;
- // only recover after complete anim
- if (!S.isEmptyObject(_backupProps = self._backupProps)) {
- DOM.css(self.elem, _backupProps);
- }
- if (config.complete) {
- config.complete.call(self, e);
- }
- }
- function runInternal() {
- var self = this,
- config = self.config,
- _backupProps = self._backupProps,
- elem = self.elem,
- hidden,
- val,
- prop,
- specialEasing = (config['specialEasing'] || {}),
- fxs = self._fxs,
- props = self.props;
- // 进入该函数即代表执行(q[0] 已经是 ...)
- saveRunning(self);
- if (self.fire("start") === false) {
- // no need to invoke complete
- self.stop(0);
- return;
- }
- if (_isElementNode(elem)) {
- hidden = DOM.css(elem, "display") == "none";
- for (prop in props) {
- val = props[prop];
- // 直接结束
- if (val == "hide" && hidden || val == 'show' && !hidden) {
- // need to invoke complete
- self.stop(1);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- // 分离 easing
- S.each(props, function(val, prop) {
- if (!props.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
- return;
- }
- var easing;
- if (S.isArray(val)) {
- easing = specialEasing[prop] = val[1];
- props[prop] = val[0];
- } else {
- easing = specialEasing[prop] = (specialEasing[prop] || config.easing);
- }
- if (S.isString(easing)) {
- easing = specialEasing[prop] = Easing[easing];
- }
- specialEasing[prop] = easing || Easing.easeNone;
- });
- // 扩展分属性
- S.each(SHORT_HANDS, function(shortHands, p) {
- var sh,
- origin,
- val;
- if (val = props[p]) {
- origin = {};
- S.each(shortHands, function(sh) {
- // 得到原始分属性之前值
- origin[sh] = DOM.css(elem, sh);
- specialEasing[sh] = specialEasing[p];
- });
- DOM.css(elem, p, val);
- for (sh in origin) {
- // 得到期待的分属性最后值
- props[sh] = DOM.css(elem, sh);
- // 还原
- DOM.css(elem, sh, origin[sh]);
- }
- // 删除复合属性
- delete props[p];
- }
- });
- // 取得单位,并对单个属性构建 Fx 对象
- for (prop in props) {
- if (!props.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
- continue;
- }
- val = S.trim(props[prop]);
- var to,
- from,
- propCfg = {
- elem:elem,
- prop:prop,
- duration:config.duration,
- easing:specialEasing[prop]
- },
- fx = Fx.getFx(propCfg);
- // hide/show/toggle : special treat!
- if (S.inArray(val, specialVals)) {
- // backup original value
- _backupProps[prop] = DOM.style(elem, prop);
- if (val == "toggle") {
- val = hidden ? "show" : "hide";
- }
- if (val == "hide") {
- to = 0;
- from = fx.cur();
- // 执行完后隐藏
- _backupProps.display = 'none';
- } else {
- from = 0;
- to = fx.cur();
- // prevent flash of content
- DOM.css(elem, prop, from);
- DOM.show(elem);
- }
- val = to;
- } else {
- to = val;
- from = fx.cur();
- }
- val += "";
- var unit = "",
- parts = val.match(rfxnum);
- if (parts) {
- to = parseFloat(parts[2]);
- unit = parts[3];
- // 有单位但单位不是 px
- if (unit && unit !== "px") {
- DOM.css(elem, prop, val);
- from = (to / fx.cur()) * from;
- DOM.css(elem, prop, from + unit);
- }
- // 相对
- if (parts[1]) {
- to = ( (parts[ 1 ] === "-=" ? -1 : 1) * to ) + from;
- }
- }
- propCfg.from = from;
- propCfg.to = to;
- propCfg.unit = unit;
- fx.load(propCfg);
- fxs[prop] = fx;
- }
- if (_isElementNode(elem) &&
- (props.width || props.height)) {
- // Make sure that nothing sneaks out
- // Record all 3 overflow attributes because IE does not
- // change the overflow attribute when overflowX and
- // overflowY are set to the same value
- S.mix(_backupProps, {
- overflow:DOM.style(elem, "overflow"),
- "overflow-x":DOM.style(elem, "overflowX"),
- "overflow-y":DOM.style(elem, "overflowY")
- });
- DOM.css(elem, "overflow", "hidden");
- // inline element should has layout/inline-block
- if (DOM.css(elem, "display") === "inline" &&
- DOM.css(elem, "float") === "none") {
- if (UA['ie']) {
- DOM.css(elem, "zoom", 1);
- } else {
- DOM.css(elem, "display", "inline-block");
- }
- }
- }
- AM.start(self);
- }
- S.augment(Anim, Event.Target, {
- /**
- * @type {boolean} 是否在运行
- */
- isRunning:function() {
- return isRunning(this);
- },
- _runInternal:runInternal,
- /**
- * 开始动画
- */
- run: function() {
- var self = this,
- queueName = self.config.queue;
- if (queueName === false) {
- runInternal.call(self);
- } else {
- // 当前动画对象加入队列
- Q.queue(self);
- }
- return self;
- },
- _frame:function() {
- var self = this,
- prop,
- end = 1,
- fxs = self._fxs;
- for (prop in fxs) {
- if (fxs.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
- end &= fxs[prop].frame();
- }
- }
- if ((self.fire("step") === false) ||
- end) {
- // complete 事件只在动画到达最后一帧时才触发
- self.stop(end);
- }
- },
- stop: function(finish) {
- var self = this,
- config = self.config,
- queueName = config.queue,
- prop,
- fxs = self._fxs;
- // already stopped
- if (!self.isRunning()) {
- // 从自己的队列中移除
- if (queueName !== false) {
- Q.remove(self);
- }
- return;
- }
- if (finish) {
- for (prop in fxs) {
- if (fxs.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
- fxs[prop].frame(1);
- }
- }
- self.fire("complete");
- }
- AM.stop(self);
- removeRunning(self);
- if (queueName !== false) {
- // notify next anim to run in the same queue
- Q.dequeue(self);
- }
- return self;
- }
- });
- var runningKey = S.guid("ks-anim-unqueued-" + S.now() + "-");
- function saveRunning(anim) {
- var elem = anim.elem,
- allRunning = DOM.data(elem, runningKey);
- if (!allRunning) {
- DOM.data(elem, runningKey, allRunning = {});
- }
- allRunning[S.stamp(anim)] = anim;
- }
- function removeRunning(anim) {
- var elem = anim.elem,
- allRunning = DOM.data(elem, runningKey);
- if (allRunning) {
- delete allRunning[S.stamp(anim)];
- if (S.isEmptyObject(allRunning)) {
- DOM.removeData(elem, runningKey);
- }
- }
- }
- function isRunning(anim) {
- var elem = anim.elem,
- allRunning = DOM.data(elem, runningKey);
- if (allRunning) {
- return !!allRunning[S.stamp(anim)];
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * stop all the anims currently running
- * @param elem element which anim belongs to
- * @param end
- * @param clearQueue
- */
- Anim.stop = function(elem, end, clearQueue, queueName) {
- if (
- // default queue
- queueName === null ||
- // name of specified queue
- S.isString(queueName) ||
- // anims not belong to any queue
- queueName === false
- ) {
- return stopQueue.apply(undefined, arguments);
- }
- // first stop first anim in queues
- if (clearQueue) {
- Q.removeQueues(elem);
- }
- var allRunning = DOM.data(elem, runningKey),
- // can not stop in for/in , stop will modified allRunning too
- anims = S.merge(allRunning);
- for (var k in anims) {
- anims[k].stop(end);
- }
- };
- /**
- *
- * @param elem element which anim belongs to
- * @param queueName queue'name if set to false only remove
- * @param end
- * @param clearQueue
- */
- function stopQueue(elem, end, clearQueue, queueName) {
- if (clearQueue && queueName !== false) {
- Q.removeQueue(elem, queueName);
- }
- var allRunning = DOM.data(elem, runningKey),
- anims = S.merge(allRunning);
- for (var k in anims) {
- var anim = anims[k];
- if (anim.config.queue == queueName) {
- anim.stop(end);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * whether elem is running anim
- * @param elem
- */
- Anim['isRunning'] = function(elem) {
- var allRunning = DOM.data(elem, runningKey);
- return allRunning && !S.isEmptyObject(allRunning);
- };
- Anim.Q = Q;
- if (SHORT_HANDS) {
- }
- return Anim;
- }, {
- requires:["dom","event","./easing","ua","./manager","./fx","./queue"]
- });
- /**
- * 2011-11
- * - 重构,抛弃 emile,优化性能,只对需要的属性进行动画
- * - 添加 stop/stopQueue/isRunning,支持队列管理
- *
- * 2011-04
- * - 借鉴 yui3 ,中央定时器,否则 ie6 内存泄露?
- * - 支持配置 scrollTop/scrollLeft
- *
- *
- * TODO:
- * - 效率需要提升,当使用 nativeSupport 时仍做了过多动作
- * - opera nativeSupport 存在 bug ,浏览器自身 bug ?
- * - 实现 jQuery Effects 的 queue / specialEasing / += / 等特性
- *
- * NOTES:
- * - 与 emile 相比,增加了 borderStyle, 使得 border: 5px solid #ccc 能从无到有,正确显示
- * - api 借鉴了 YUI, jQuery 以及 http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transitions/
- * - 代码实现了借鉴了 Emile.js: http://github.com/madrobby/emile *
- */
- /**
- * special patch for making color gradual change
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add("anim/color", function(S, DOM, Anim, Fx) {
- var HEX_BASE = 16,
- floor = Math.floor,
- "black":[0,0,0],
- "silver":[192,192,192],
- "gray":[128,128,128],
- "white":[255,255,255],
- "maroon":[128,0,0],
- "red":[255,0,0],
- "purple":[128,0,128],
- "fuchsia":[255,0,255],
- "green":[0,128,0],
- "lime":[0,255,0],
- "olive":[128,128,0],
- "yellow":[255,255,0],
- "navy":[0,0,128],
- "blue":[0,0,255],
- "teal":[0,128,128],
- "aqua":[0,255,255]
- },
- re_RGB = /^rgb\(([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\)$/i,
- re_RGBA = /^rgba\(([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+),\s*([0-9]+)\)$/i,
- re_hex = /^#?([0-9A-F]{1,2})([0-9A-F]{1,2})([0-9A-F]{1,2})$/i,
- COLORS = [
- 'backgroundColor' ,
- 'borderBottomColor' ,
- 'borderLeftColor' ,
- 'borderRightColor' ,
- 'borderTopColor' ,
- 'color' ,
- 'outlineColor'
- ];
- SHORT_HANDS['background'] = ['backgroundColor'];
- SHORT_HANDS['borderColor'] = [
- 'borderBottomColor',
- 'borderLeftColor',
- 'borderRightColor',
- 'borderTopColor'
- ];
- SHORT_HANDS['border'].push(
- 'borderBottomColor',
- 'borderLeftColor',
- 'borderRightColor',
- 'borderTopColor'
- );
- SHORT_HANDS['borderBottom'].push(
- 'borderBottomColor'
- );
- SHORT_HANDS['borderLeft'].push(
- 'borderLeftColor'
- );
- SHORT_HANDS['borderRight'].push(
- 'borderRightColor'
- );
- SHORT_HANDS['borderTop'].push(
- 'borderTopColor'
- );
- //得到颜色的数值表示,红绿蓝数字数组
- function numericColor(val) {
- val = (val + "");
- var match;
- if (match = val.match(re_RGB)) {
- return [
- parseInt(match[1]),
- parseInt(match[2]),
- parseInt(match[3])
- ];
- }
- else if (match = val.match(re_RGBA)) {
- return [
- parseInt(match[1]),
- parseInt(match[2]),
- parseInt(match[3]),
- parseInt(match[4])
- ];
- }
- else if (match = val.match(re_hex)) {
- for (var i = 1; i < match.length; i++) {
- if (match[i].length < 2) {
- match[i] += match[i];
- }
- }
- return [
- parseInt(match[1], HEX_BASE),
- parseInt(match[2], HEX_BASE),
- parseInt(match[3], HEX_BASE)
- ];
- }
- if (KEYWORDS[val = val.toLowerCase()]) {
- return KEYWORDS[val];
- }
- //transparent 或者 颜色字符串返回
- S.log("only allow rgb or hex color string : " + val, "warn");
- return [255,255,255];
- }
- function ColorFx() {
- ColorFx.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- S.extend(ColorFx, Fx, {
- load:function() {
- var self = this;
- ColorFx.superclass.load.apply(self, arguments);
- if (self.from) {
- self.from = numericColor(self.from);
- }
- if (self.to) {
- self.to = numericColor(self.to);
- }
- },
- interpolate:function (from, to, pos) {
- var interpolate = ColorFx.superclass.interpolate;
- if (from.length == 3 && to.length == 3) {
- return 'rgb(' + [
- floor(interpolate(from[0], to[0], pos)),
- floor(interpolate(from[1], to[1], pos)),
- floor(interpolate(from[2], to[2], pos))
- ].join(', ') + ')';
- } else if (from.length == 4 || to.length == 4) {
- return 'rgba(' + [
- floor(interpolate(from[0], to[0], pos)),
- floor(interpolate(from[1], to[1], pos)),
- floor(interpolate(from[2], to[2], pos)),
- // 透明度默认 1
- floor(interpolate(from[3] || 1, to[3] || 1, pos))
- ].join(', ') + ')';
- } else {
- S.log("anim/color unknown value : " + from);
- }
- }
- });
- S.each(COLORS, function(color) {
- Fx.Factories[color] = ColorFx;
- });
- return ColorFx;
- }, {
- requires:["dom","./base","./fx"]
- });
- /**
- * TODO
- * 支持 hsla
- * - https://github.com/jquery/jquery-color/blob/master/jquery.color.js
- **/
- KISSY.add("anim", function(S, Anim,Easing) {
- Anim.Easing=Easing;
- return Anim;
- }, {
- requires:["anim/base","anim/easing","anim/color"]
- });
- /**
- * @module anim-node-plugin
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com,
- * lifesinger@gmail.com,
- * qiaohua@taobao.com,
- *
- */
- KISSY.add('node/anim', function(S, DOM, Anim, Node, undefined) {
- var FX = [
- // height animations
- [ "height", "marginTop", "marginBottom", "paddingTop", "paddingBottom" ],
- // width animations
- [ "width", "marginLeft", "marginRight", "paddingLeft", "paddingRight" ],
- // opacity animations
- [ "opacity" ]
- ];
- function getFxs(type, num, from) {
- var ret = [],
- obj = {};
- for (var i = from || 0; i < num; i++) {
- ret.push.apply(ret, FX[i]);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) {
- obj[ret[i]] = type;
- }
- return obj;
- }
- S.augment(Node, {
- animate:function() {
- var self = this,
- args = S.makeArray(arguments);
- S.each(self, function(elem) {
- Anim.apply(undefined, [elem].concat(args)).run();
- });
- return self;
- },
- stop:function(end, clearQueue, queue) {
- var self = this;
- S.each(self, function(elem) {
- Anim.stop(elem, end, clearQueue, queue);
- });
- return self;
- },
- isRunning:function() {
- var self = this;
- for (var i = 0; i < self.length; i++) {
- if (Anim.isRunning(self[i])) {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- });
- S.each({
- show: getFxs("show", 3),
- hide: getFxs("hide", 3),
- toggle:getFxs("toggle", 3),
- fadeIn: getFxs("show", 3, 2),
- fadeOut: getFxs("hide", 3, 2),
- fadeToggle:getFxs("toggle", 3, 2),
- slideDown: getFxs("show", 1),
- slideUp: getFxs("hide", 1),
- slideToggle:getFxs("toggle", 1)
- },
- function(v, k) {
- Node.prototype[k] = function(speed, callback, easing) {
- var self = this;
- // 没有参数时,调用 DOM 中的对应方法
- if (DOM[k] && !speed) {
- DOM[k](self);
- } else {
- S.each(self, function(elem) {
- Anim(elem, v, speed, easing || 'easeOut', callback).run();
- });
- }
- return self;
- };
- });
- }, {
- requires:["dom","anim","./base"]
- });
- /**
- * 2011-11-10
- * - 重写,逻辑放到 Anim 模块,这边只进行转发
- *
- * 2011-05-17
- * - 承玉:添加 stop ,随时停止动画
- *
- * TODO
- * - anim needs queue mechanism ?
- */
- KISSY.add("node", function(S, Event, Node) {
- Node.KeyCodes = Event.KeyCodes;
- return Node;
- }, {
- requires:[
- "event",
- "node/base",
- "node/attach",
- "node/override",
- "node/anim"]
- });
- /*
- http://www.JSON.org/json2.js
- 2010-08-25
- Public Domain.
- See http://www.JSON.org/js.html
- This code should be minified before deployment.
- See http://javascript.crockford.com/jsmin.html
- This file creates a global JSON object containing two methods: stringify
- and parse.
- JSON.stringify(value, replacer, space)
- value any JavaScript value, usually an object or array.
- replacer an optional parameter that determines how object
- values are stringified for objects. It can be a
- function or an array of strings.
- space an optional parameter that specifies the indentation
- of nested structures. If it is omitted, the text will
- be packed without extra whitespace. If it is a number,
- it will specify the number of spaces to indent at each
- level. If it is a string (such as '\t' or ' '),
- it contains the characters used to indent at each level.
- This method produces a JSON text from a JavaScript value.
- When an object value is found, if the object contains a toJSON
- method, its toJSON method will be called and the result will be
- stringified. A toJSON method does not serialize: it returns the
- value represented by the name/value pair that should be serialized,
- or undefined if nothing should be serialized. The toJSON method
- will be passed the key associated with the value, and this will be
- bound to the value
- For example, this would serialize Dates as ISO strings.
- Date.prototype.toJSON = function (key) {
- function f(n) {
- // Format integers to have at least two digits.
- return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;
- }
- return this.getUTCFullYear() + '-' +
- f(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' +
- f(this.getUTCDate()) + 'T' +
- f(this.getUTCHours()) + ':' +
- f(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ':' +
- f(this.getUTCSeconds()) + 'Z';
- };
- You can provide an optional replacer method. It will be passed the
- key and value of each member, with this bound to the containing
- object. The value that is returned from your method will be
- serialized. If your method returns undefined, then the member will
- be excluded from the serialization.
- If the replacer parameter is an array of strings, then it will be
- used to select the members to be serialized. It filters the results
- such that only members with keys listed in the replacer array are
- stringified.
- Values that do not have JSON representations, such as undefined or
- functions, will not be serialized. Such values in objects will be
- dropped; in arrays they will be replaced with null. You can use
- a replacer function to replace those with JSON values.
- JSON.stringify(undefined) returns undefined.
- The optional space parameter produces a stringification of the
- value that is filled with line breaks and indentation to make it
- easier to read.
- If the space parameter is a non-empty string, then that string will
- be used for indentation. If the space parameter is a number, then
- the indentation will be that many spaces.
- Example:
- text = JSON.stringify(['e', {pluribus: 'unum'}]);
- // text is '["e",{"pluribus":"unum"}]'
- text = JSON.stringify(['e', {pluribus: 'unum'}], null, '\t');
- // text is '[\n\t"e",\n\t{\n\t\t"pluribus": "unum"\n\t}\n]'
- text = JSON.stringify([new Date()], function (key, value) {
- return this[key] instanceof Date ?
- 'Date(' + this[key] + ')' : value;
- });
- // text is '["Date(---current time---)"]'
- JSON.parse(text, reviver)
- This method parses a JSON text to produce an object or array.
- It can throw a SyntaxError exception.
- The optional reviver parameter is a function that can filter and
- transform the results. It receives each of the keys and values,
- and its return value is used instead of the original value.
- If it returns what it received, then the structure is not modified.
- If it returns undefined then the member is deleted.
- Example:
- // Parse the text. Values that look like ISO date strings will
- // be converted to Date objects.
- myData = JSON.parse(text, function (key, value) {
- var a;
- if (typeof value === 'string') {
- a =
- /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}(?:\.\d*)?)Z$/.exec(value);
- if (a) {
- return new Date(Date.UTC(+a[1], +a[2] - 1, +a[3], +a[4],
- +a[5], +a[6]));
- }
- }
- return value;
- });
- myData = JSON.parse('["Date(09/09/2001)"]', function (key, value) {
- var d;
- if (typeof value === 'string' &&
- value.slice(0, 5) === 'Date(' &&
- value.slice(-1) === ')') {
- d = new Date(value.slice(5, -1));
- if (d) {
- return d;
- }
- }
- return value;
- });
- This is a reference implementation. You are free to copy, modify, or
- redistribute.
- */
- /*jslint evil: true, strict: false */
- /*members "", "\b", "\t", "\n", "\f", "\r", "\"", JSON, "\\", apply,
- call, charCodeAt, getUTCDate, getUTCFullYear, getUTCHours,
- getUTCMinutes, getUTCMonth, getUTCSeconds, hasOwnProperty, join,
- lastIndex, length, parse, prototype, push, replace, slice, stringify,
- test, toJSON, toString, valueOf
- */
- // Create a JSON object only if one does not already exist. We create the
- // methods in a closure to avoid creating global variables.
- KISSY.add("json/json2", function(S, UA) {
- var win = window,JSON = win.JSON;
- // ie 8.0.7600.16315@win7 json 有问题
- if (!JSON || UA['ie'] < 9) {
- JSON = win.JSON = {};
- }
- function f(n) {
- // Format integers to have at least two digits.
- return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;
- }
- if (typeof Date.prototype.toJSON !== 'function') {
- Date.prototype.toJSON = function (key) {
- return isFinite(this.valueOf()) ?
- this.getUTCFullYear() + '-' +
- f(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' +
- f(this.getUTCDate()) + 'T' +
- f(this.getUTCHours()) + ':' +
- f(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ':' +
- f(this.getUTCSeconds()) + 'Z' : null;
- };
- String.prototype.toJSON =
- Number.prototype.toJSON =
- Boolean.prototype.toJSON = function (key) {
- return this.valueOf();
- };
- }
- var cx = /[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
- escapable = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
- gap,
- indent,
- meta = { // table of character substitutions
- '\b': '\\b',
- '\t': '\\t',
- '\n': '\\n',
- '\f': '\\f',
- '\r': '\\r',
- '"' : '\\"',
- '\\': '\\\\'
- },
- rep;
- function quote(string) {
- // If the string contains no control characters, no quote characters, and no
- // backslash characters, then we can safely slap some quotes around it.
- // Otherwise we must also replace the offending characters with safe escape
- // sequences.
- escapable['lastIndex'] = 0;
- return escapable.test(string) ?
- '"' + string.replace(escapable, function (a) {
- var c = meta[a];
- return typeof c === 'string' ? c :
- '\\u' + ('0000' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);
- }) + '"' :
- '"' + string + '"';
- }
- function str(key, holder) {
- // Produce a string from holder[key].
- var i, // The loop counter.
- k, // The member key.
- v, // The member value.
- length,
- mind = gap,
- partial,
- value = holder[key];
- // If the value has a toJSON method, call it to obtain a replacement value.
- if (value && typeof value === 'object' &&
- typeof value.toJSON === 'function') {
- value = value.toJSON(key);
- }
- // If we were called with a replacer function, then call the replacer to
- // obtain a replacement value.
- if (typeof rep === 'function') {
- value = rep.call(holder, key, value);
- }
- // What happens next depends on the value's type.
- switch (typeof value) {
- case 'string':
- return quote(value);
- case 'number':
- // JSON numbers must be finite. Encode non-finite numbers as null.
- return isFinite(value) ? String(value) : 'null';
- case 'boolean':
- case 'null':
- // If the value is a boolean or null, convert it to a string. Note:
- // typeof null does not produce 'null'. The case is included here in
- // the remote chance that this gets fixed someday.
- return String(value);
- // If the type is 'object', we might be dealing with an object or an array or
- // null.
- case 'object':
- // Due to a specification blunder in ECMAScript, typeof null is 'object',
- // so watch out for that case.
- if (!value) {
- return 'null';
- }
- // Make an array to hold the partial results of stringifying this object value.
- gap += indent;
- partial = [];
- // Is the value an array?
- if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(value) === '[object Array]') {
- // The value is an array. Stringify every element. Use null as a placeholder
- // for non-JSON values.
- length = value.length;
- for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
- partial[i] = str(i, value) || 'null';
- }
- // Join all of the elements together, separated with commas, and wrap them in
- // brackets.
- v = partial.length === 0 ? '[]' :
- gap ? '[\n' + gap +
- partial.join(',\n' + gap) + '\n' +
- mind + ']' :
- '[' + partial.join(',') + ']';
- gap = mind;
- return v;
- }
- // If the replacer is an array, use it to select the members to be stringified.
- if (rep && typeof rep === 'object') {
- length = rep.length;
- for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
- k = rep[i];
- if (typeof k === 'string') {
- v = str(k, value);
- if (v) {
- partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ': ' : ':') + v);
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- // Otherwise, iterate through all of the keys in the object.
- for (k in value) {
- if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(value, k)) {
- v = str(k, value);
- if (v) {
- partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ': ' : ':') + v);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Join all of the member texts together, separated with commas,
- // and wrap them in braces.
- v = partial.length === 0 ? '{}' :
- gap ? '{\n' + gap + partial.join(',\n' + gap) + '\n' +
- mind + '}' : '{' + partial.join(',') + '}';
- gap = mind;
- return v;
- }
- }
- // If the JSON object does not yet have a stringify method, give it one.
- if (typeof JSON.stringify !== 'function') {
- JSON.stringify = function (value, replacer, space) {
- // The stringify method takes a value and an optional replacer, and an optional
- // space parameter, and returns a JSON text. The replacer can be a function
- // that can replace values, or an array of strings that will select the keys.
- // A default replacer method can be provided. Use of the space parameter can
- // produce text that is more easily readable.
- var i;
- gap = '';
- indent = '';
- // If the space parameter is a number, make an indent string containing that
- // many spaces.
- if (typeof space === 'number') {
- for (i = 0; i < space; i += 1) {
- indent += ' ';
- }
- // If the space parameter is a string, it will be used as the indent string.
- } else if (typeof space === 'string') {
- indent = space;
- }
- // If there is a replacer, it must be a function or an array.
- // Otherwise, throw an error.
- rep = replacer;
- if (replacer && typeof replacer !== 'function' &&
- (typeof replacer !== 'object' ||
- typeof replacer.length !== 'number')) {
- throw new Error('JSON.stringify');
- }
- // Make a fake root object containing our value under the key of ''.
- // Return the result of stringifying the value.
- return str('', {'': value});
- };
- }
- // If the JSON object does not yet have a parse method, give it one.
- if (typeof JSON.parse !== 'function') {
- JSON.parse = function (text, reviver) {
- // The parse method takes a text and an optional reviver function, and returns
- // a JavaScript value if the text is a valid JSON text.
- var j;
- function walk(holder, key) {
- // The walk method is used to recursively walk the resulting structure so
- // that modifications can be made.
- var k, v, value = holder[key];
- if (value && typeof value === 'object') {
- for (k in value) {
- if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(value, k)) {
- v = walk(value, k);
- if (v !== undefined) {
- value[k] = v;
- } else {
- delete value[k];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return reviver.call(holder, key, value);
- }
- // Parsing happens in four stages. In the first stage, we replace certain
- // Unicode characters with escape sequences. JavaScript handles many characters
- // incorrectly, either silently deleting them, or treating them as line endings.
- text = String(text);
- cx['lastIndex'] = 0;
- if (cx.test(text)) {
- text = text.replace(cx, function (a) {
- return '\\u' +
- ('0000' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);
- });
- }
- // In the second stage, we run the text against regular expressions that look
- // for non-JSON patterns. We are especially concerned with '()' and 'new'
- // because they can cause invocation, and '=' because it can cause mutation.
- // But just to be safe, we want to reject all unexpected forms.
- // We split the second stage into 4 regexp operations in order to work around
- // crippling inefficiencies in IE's and Safari's regexp engines. First we
- // replace the JSON backslash pairs with '@' (a non-JSON character). Second, we
- // replace all simple value tokens with ']' characters. Third, we delete all
- // open brackets that follow a colon or comma or that begin the text. Finally,
- // we look to see that the remaining characters are only whitespace or ']' or
- // ',' or ':' or '{' or '}'. If that is so, then the text is safe for eval.
- if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/
- .test(text.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, '@')
- .replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, ']')
- .replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ''))) {
- // In the third stage we use the eval function to compile the text into a
- // JavaScript structure. The '{' operator is subject to a syntactic ambiguity
- // in JavaScript: it can begin a block or an object literal. We wrap the text
- // in parens to eliminate the ambiguity.
- j = eval('(' + text + ')');
- // In the optional fourth stage, we recursively walk the new structure, passing
- // each name/value pair to a reviver function for possible transformation.
- return typeof reviver === 'function' ?
- walk({'': j}, '') : j;
- }
- // If the text is not JSON parseable, then a SyntaxError is thrown.
- throw new SyntaxError('JSON.parse');
- };
- }
- return JSON;
- }, {requires:['ua']});
- /**
- * adapt json2 to kissy
- * @author lifesinger@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add('json', function (S, JSON) {
- return {
- parse: function(text) {
- // 当输入为 undefined / null / '' 时,返回 null
- if (S.isNullOrUndefined(text) || text === '') {
- return null;
- }
- return JSON.parse(text);
- },
- stringify: JSON.stringify
- };
- }, {
- requires:["json/json2"]
- });
- /**
- * form data serialization util
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add("ajax/form-serializer", function(S, DOM) {
- var rselectTextarea = /^(?:select|textarea)/i,
- rCRLF = /\r?\n/g,
- rinput = /^(?:color|date|datetime|email|hidden|month|number|password|range|search|tel|text|time|url|week)$/i;
- return {
- /**
- * 序列化表单元素
- * @param {String|HTMLElement[]|HTMLElement|Node} forms
- */
- serialize:function(forms) {
- var elements = [],data = {};
- DOM.query(forms).each(function(el) {
- // form 取其表单元素集合
- // 其他直接取自身
- var subs = el.elements ? S.makeArray(el.elements) : [el];
- elements.push.apply(elements, subs);
- });
- // 对表单元素进行过滤,具备有效值的才保留
- elements = S.filter(elements, function(el) {
- // 有名字
- return el.name &&
- // 不被禁用
- !el.disabled &&
- (
- // radio,checkbox 被选择了
- el.checked ||
- // select 或者 textarea
- rselectTextarea.test(el.nodeName) ||
- // input 类型
- rinput.test(el.type)
- );
- // 这样子才取值
- });
- S.each(elements, function(el) {
- var val = DOM.val(el),vs;
- // 字符串换行平台归一化
- val = S.map(S.makeArray(val), function(v) {
- return v.replace(rCRLF, "\r\n");
- });
- // 全部搞成数组,防止同名
- vs = data[el.name] = data[el.name] || [];
- vs.push.apply(vs, val);
- });
- // 名值键值对序列化,数组元素名字前不加 []
- return S.param(data, undefined, undefined, false);
- }
- };
- }, {
- requires:['dom']
- });
- /**
- * encapsulation of io object . as transaction object in yui3
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add("ajax/xhrobject", function(S, Event) {
- var OK_CODE = 200,
- // get individual response header from responseheader str
- rheaders = /^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)\r?$/mg;
- function handleResponseData(xhr) {
- // text xml 是否原生转化支持
- var text = xhr.responseText,
- xml = xhr.responseXML,
- c = xhr.config,
- cConverts = c.converters,
- xConverts = xhr.converters || {},
- type,
- responseData,
- contents = c.contents,
- dataType = c.dataType;
- // 例如 script 直接是js引擎执行,没有返回值,不需要自己处理初始返回值
- // jsonp 时还需要把 script 转换成 json,后面还得自己来
- if (text || xml) {
- var contentType = xhr.mimeType || xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type");
- // 去除无用的通用格式
- while (dataType[0] == "*") {
- dataType.shift();
- }
- if (!dataType.length) {
- // 获取源数据格式,放在第一个
- for (type in contents) {
- if (contents[type].test(contentType)) {
- if (dataType[0] != type) {
- dataType.unshift(type);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // 服务器端没有告知(并且客户端没有mimetype)默认 text 类型
- dataType[0] = dataType[0] || "text";
- //获得合适的初始数据
- if (dataType[0] == "text" && text !== undefined) {
- responseData = text;
- }
- // 有 xml 值才直接取,否则可能还要从 xml 转
- else if (dataType[0] == "xml" && xml !== undefined) {
- responseData = xml;
- } else {
- // 看能否从 text xml 转换到合适数据
- S.each(["text","xml"], function(prevType) {
- var type = dataType[0],
- converter = xConverts[prevType] && xConverts[prevType][type] ||
- cConverts[prevType] && cConverts[prevType][type];
- if (converter) {
- dataType.unshift(prevType);
- responseData = prevType == "text" ? text : xml;
- return false;
- }
- });
- }
- }
- var prevType = dataType[0];
- // 按照转化链把初始数据转换成我们想要的数据类型
- for (var i = 1; i < dataType.length; i++) {
- type = dataType[i];
- var converter = xConverts[prevType] && xConverts[prevType][type] ||
- cConverts[prevType] && cConverts[prevType][type];
- if (!converter) {
- throw "no covert for " + prevType + " => " + type;
- }
- responseData = converter(responseData);
- prevType = type;
- }
- xhr.responseData = responseData;
- }
- function XhrObject(c) {
- S.mix(this, {
- // 结构化数据,如 json
- responseData:null,
- config:c || {},
- timeoutTimer:null,
- responseText:null,
- responseXML:null,
- responseHeadersString:"",
- responseHeaders:null,
- requestHeaders:{},
- readyState:0,
- //internal state
- state:0,
- statusText:null,
- status:0,
- transport:null
- });
- }
- S.augment(XhrObject, Event.Target, {
- // Caches the header
- setRequestHeader: function(name, value) {
- this.requestHeaders[ name ] = value;
- return this;
- },
- // Raw string
- getAllResponseHeaders: function() {
- return this.state === 2 ? this.responseHeadersString : null;
- },
- // Builds headers hashtable if needed
- getResponseHeader: function(key) {
- var match;
- if (this.state === 2) {
- if (!this.responseHeaders) {
- this.responseHeaders = {};
- while (( match = rheaders.exec(this.responseHeadersString) )) {
- this.responseHeaders[ match[1] ] = match[ 2 ];
- }
- }
- match = this.responseHeaders[ key];
- }
- return match === undefined ? null : match;
- },
- // Overrides response content-type header
- overrideMimeType: function(type) {
- if (!this.state) {
- this.mimeType = type;
- }
- return this;
- },
- // Cancel the request
- abort: function(statusText) {
- statusText = statusText || "abort";
- if (this.transport) {
- this.transport.abort(statusText);
- }
- this.callback(0, statusText);
- return this;
- },
- callback:function(status, statusText) {
- //debugger
- var xhr = this;
- // 只能执行一次,防止重复执行
- // 例如完成后,调用 abort
- // 到这要么成功,调用success
- // 要么失败,调用 error
- // 最终都会调用 complete
- if (xhr.state == 2) {
- return;
- }
- xhr.state = 2;
- xhr.readyState = 4;
- var isSuccess;
- if (status >= OK_CODE && status < MULTIPLE_CHOICES || status == NOT_MODIFIED) {
- if (status == NOT_MODIFIED) {
- statusText = "notmodified";
- isSuccess = true;
- } else {
- try {
- handleResponseData(xhr);
- statusText = "success";
- isSuccess = true;
- } catch(e) {
- statusText = "parsererror : " + e;
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (status < 0) {
- status = 0;
- }
- }
- xhr.status = status;
- xhr.statusText = statusText;
- if (isSuccess) {
- xhr.fire("success");
- } else {
- xhr.fire("error");
- }
- xhr.fire("complete");
- xhr.transport = undefined;
- }
- }
- );
- return XhrObject;
- }, {
- requires:["event"]
- });
- /**
- * a scalable client io framework
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com , lijing00333@163.com
- */
- KISSY.add("ajax/base", function(S, JSON, Event, XhrObject) {
- var rlocalProtocol = /^(?:about|app|app\-storage|.+\-extension|file|widget):$/,
- rspace = /\s+/,
- rurl = /^([\w\+\.\-]+:)(?:\/\/([^\/?#:]*)(?::(\d+))?)?/,
- mirror = function(s) {
- return s;
- },
- HTTP_PORT = 80,
- HTTPS_PORT = 443,
- rnoContent = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/,
- curLocation,
- curLocationParts;
- try {
- curLocation = location.href;
- } catch(e) {
- S.log("ajax/base get curLocation error : ");
- S.log(e);
- // Use the href attribute of an A element
- // since IE will modify it given document.location
- curLocation = document.createElement("a");
- curLocation.href = "";
- curLocation = curLocation.href;
- }
- curLocationParts = rurl.exec(curLocation);
- var isLocal = rlocalProtocol.test(curLocationParts[1]),
- transports = {},
- defaultConfig = {
- // isLocal:isLocal,
- type:"GET",
- // only support utf-8 when post, encoding can not be changed actually
- contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
- async:true,
- // whether add []
- serializeArray:true,
- // whether param data
- processData:true,
- /*
- url:"",
- context:null,
- // 单位秒!!
- timeout: 0,
- data: null,
- // 可取json | jsonp | script | xml | html | text | null | undefined
- dataType: null,
- username: null,
- password: null,
- cache: null,
- mimeType:null,
- xdr:{
- subDomain:{
- proxy:'http://xx.t.com/proxy.html'
- },
- src:''
- },
- headers: {},
- xhrFields:{},
- // jsonp script charset
- scriptCharset:null,
- crossdomain:false,
- forceScript:false,
- */
- accepts: {
- xml: "application/xml, text/xml",
- html: "text/html",
- text: "text/plain",
- json: "application/json, text/javascript",
- "*": "*/*"
- },
- converters:{
- text:{
- json:JSON.parse,
- html:mirror,
- text:mirror,
- xml:S.parseXML
- }
- },
- contents:{
- xml:/xml/,
- html:/html/,
- json:/json/
- }
- };
- defaultConfig.converters.html = defaultConfig.converters.text;
- function setUpConfig(c) {
- // deep mix
- c = S.mix(S.clone(defaultConfig), c || {}, undefined, undefined, true);
- if (!S.isBoolean(c.crossDomain)) {
- var parts = rurl.exec(c.url.toLowerCase());
- c.crossDomain = !!( parts &&
- ( parts[ 1 ] != curLocationParts[ 1 ] || parts[ 2 ] != curLocationParts[ 2 ] ||
- ( parts[ 3 ] || ( parts[ 1 ] === "http:" ? HTTP_PORT : HTTPS_PORT ) )
- !=
- ( curLocationParts[ 3 ] || ( curLocationParts[ 1 ] === "http:" ? HTTP_PORT : HTTPS_PORT ) ) )
- );
- }
- if (c.processData && c.data && !S.isString(c.data)) {
- // 必须 encodeURIComponent 编码 utf-8
- c.data = S.param(c.data, undefined, undefined, c.serializeArray);
- }
- c.type = c.type.toUpperCase();
- c.hasContent = !rnoContent.test(c.type);
- if (!c.hasContent) {
- if (c.data) {
- c.url += ( /\?/.test(c.url) ? "&" : "?" ) + c.data;
- }
- if (c.cache === false) {
- c.url += ( /\?/.test(c.url) ? "&" : "?" ) + "_ksTS=" + (S.now() + "_" + S.guid());
- }
- }
- // 数据类型处理链,一步步将前面的数据类型转化成最后一个
- c.dataType = S.trim(c.dataType || "*").split(rspace);
- c.context = c.context || c;
- return c;
- }
- function fire(eventType, xhr) {
- io.fire(eventType, { ajaxConfig: xhr.config ,xhr:xhr});
- }
- function handleXhrEvent(e) {
- var xhr = this,
- c = xhr.config,
- type = e.type;
- if (this.timeoutTimer) {
- clearTimeout(this.timeoutTimer);
- }
- if (c[type]) {
- c[type].call(c.context, xhr.responseData, xhr.statusText, xhr);
- }
- fire(type, xhr);
- }
- function io(c) {
- if (!c.url) {
- return undefined;
- }
- c = setUpConfig(c);
- var xhr = new XhrObject(c);
- fire("start", xhr);
- var transportContructor = transports[c.dataType[0]] || transports["*"],
- transport = new transportContructor(xhr);
- xhr.transport = transport;
- if (c.contentType) {
- xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", c.contentType);
- }
- var dataType = c.dataType[0],
- accepts = c.accepts;
- // Set the Accepts header for the server, depending on the dataType
- xhr.setRequestHeader(
- "Accept",
- dataType && accepts[dataType] ?
- accepts[ dataType ] + (dataType === "*" ? "" : ", */*; q=0.01" ) :
- accepts[ "*" ]
- );
- // Check for headers option
- for (var i in c.headers) {
- xhr.setRequestHeader(i, c.headers[ i ]);
- }
- xhr.on("complete success error", handleXhrEvent);
- xhr.readyState = 1;
- fire("send", xhr);
- // Timeout
- if (c.async && c.timeout > 0) {
- xhr.timeoutTimer = setTimeout(function() {
- xhr.abort("timeout");
- }, c.timeout * 1000);
- }
- try {
- // flag as sending
- xhr.state = 1;
- transport.send();
- } catch (e) {
- // Propagate exception as error if not done
- if (xhr.status < 2) {
- xhr.callback(-1, e);
- // Simply rethrow otherwise
- } else {
- S.error(e);
- }
- }
- return xhr;
- }
- S.mix(io, Event.Target);
- S.mix(io, {
- isLocal:isLocal,
- setupConfig:function(setting) {
- S.mix(defaultConfig, setting, undefined, undefined, true);
- },
- setupTransport:function(name, fn) {
- transports[name] = fn;
- },
- getTransport:function(name) {
- return transports[name];
- },
- getConfig:function() {
- return defaultConfig;
- }
- });
- return io;
- },
- {
- requires:["json","event","./xhrobject"]
- });
- /**
- * 借鉴 jquery,优化减少闭包使用
- *
- * TODO:
- * ifModified mode 是否需要?
- * 优点:
- * 不依赖浏览器处理,ajax 请求浏览不会自动加 If-Modified-Since If-None-Match ??
- * 缺点:
- * 内存占用
- **/
- /**
- * base for xhr and subdomain
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add("ajax/xhrbase", function(S, io) {
- var OK_CODE = 200,
- win = window,
- // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc288060(v=vs.85).aspx
- _XDomainRequest = win['XDomainRequest'],
- NO_CONTENT_CODE2 = 1223,
- XhrBase = {
- proto:{}
- };
- function createStandardXHR(_, refWin) {
- try {
- return new (refWin || win)['XMLHttpRequest']();
- } catch(e) {
- //S.log("createStandardXHR error");
- }
- return undefined;
- }
- function createActiveXHR(_, refWin) {
- try {
- return new (refWin || win)['ActiveXObject']("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
- } catch(e) {
- S.log("createActiveXHR error");
- }
- return undefined;
- }
- XhrBase.xhr = win.ActiveXObject ? function(crossDomain, refWin) {
- if (crossDomain && _XDomainRequest) {
- return new _XDomainRequest();
- }
- // ie7 XMLHttpRequest 不能访问本地文件
- return !io.isLocal && createStandardXHR(crossDomain, refWin) || createActiveXHR(crossDomain, refWin);
- } : createStandardXHR;
- function isInstanceOfXDomainRequest(xhr) {
- return _XDomainRequest && (xhr instanceof _XDomainRequest);
- }
- S.mix(XhrBase.proto, {
- sendInternal:function() {
- var self = this,
- xhrObj = self.xhrObj,
- c = xhrObj.config;
- var xhr = self.xhr,
- xhrFields,
- i;
- if (c['username']) {
- xhr.open(c.type, c.url, c.async, c['username'], c.password)
- } else {
- xhr.open(c.type, c.url, c.async);
- }
- if (xhrFields = c['xhrFields']) {
- for (i in xhrFields) {
- xhr[ i ] = xhrFields[ i ];
- }
- }
- // Override mime type if supported
- if (xhrObj.mimeType && xhr.overrideMimeType) {
- xhr.overrideMimeType(xhrObj.mimeType);
- }
- // yui3 and jquery both have
- if (!c.crossDomain && !xhrObj.requestHeaders["X-Requested-With"]) {
- xhrObj.requestHeaders[ "X-Requested-With" ] = "XMLHttpRequest";
- }
- try {
- // 跨域时,不能设,否则请求变成
- // OPTIONS /xhr/r.php HTTP/1.1
- if (!c.crossDomain) {
- for (i in xhrObj.requestHeaders) {
- xhr.setRequestHeader(i, xhrObj.requestHeaders[ i ]);
- }
- }
- } catch(e) {
- S.log("setRequestHeader in xhr error : ");
- S.log(e);
- }
- xhr.send(c.hasContent && c.data || null);
- if (!c.async || xhr.readyState == 4) {
- self._callback();
- } else {
- // _XDomainRequest 单独的回调机制
- if (isInstanceOfXDomainRequest(xhr)) {
- xhr.onload = function() {
- xhr.readyState = 4;
- xhr.status = 200;
- self._callback();
- };
- xhr.onerror = function() {
- xhr.readyState = 4;
- xhr.status = 500;
- self._callback();
- };
- } else {
- xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
- self._callback();
- };
- }
- }
- },
- // 由 xhrObj.abort 调用,自己不可以调用 xhrObj.abort
- abort:function() {
- this._callback(0, 1);
- },
- _callback:function(event, abort) {
- // Firefox throws exceptions when accessing properties
- // of an xhr when a network error occured
- // http://helpful.knobs-dials.com/index.php/Component_returned_failure_code:_0x80040111_(NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE)
- try {
- var self = this,
- xhr = self.xhr,
- xhrObj = self.xhrObj,
- c = xhrObj.config;
- //abort or complete
- if (abort || xhr.readyState == 4) {
- // ie6 ActiveObject 设置不恰当属性导致出错
- if (isInstanceOfXDomainRequest(xhr)) {
- xhr.onerror = S.noop;
- xhr.onload = S.noop;
- } else {
- // ie6 ActiveObject 只能设置,不能读取这个属性,否则出错!
- xhr.onreadystatechange = S.noop;
- }
- if (abort) {
- // 完成以后 abort 不要调用
- if (xhr.readyState !== 4) {
- xhr.abort();
- }
- } else {
- var status = xhr.status;
- // _XDomainRequest 不能获取响应头
- if (!isInstanceOfXDomainRequest(xhr)) {
- xhrObj.responseHeadersString = xhr.getAllResponseHeaders();
- }
- var xml = xhr.responseXML;
- // Construct response list
- if (xml && xml.documentElement /* #4958 */) {
- xhrObj.responseXML = xml;
- }
- xhrObj.responseText = xhr.responseText;
- // Firefox throws an exception when accessing
- // statusText for faulty cross-domain requests
- try {
- var statusText = xhr.statusText;
- } catch(e) {
- S.log("xhr statustext error : ");
- S.log(e);
- // We normalize with Webkit giving an empty statusText
- statusText = "";
- }
- // Filter status for non standard behaviors
- // If the request is local and we have data: assume a success
- // (success with no data won't get notified, that's the best we
- // can do given current implementations)
- if (!status && io.isLocal && !c.crossDomain) {
- status = xhrObj.responseText ? OK_CODE : NOT_FOUND_CODE;
- // IE - #1450: sometimes returns 1223 when it should be 204
- } else if (status === NO_CONTENT_CODE2) {
- status = NO_CONTENT_CODE;
- }
- xhrObj.callback(status, statusText);
- }
- }
- } catch (firefoxAccessException) {
- xhr.onreadystatechange = S.noop;
- if (!abort) {
- xhrObj.callback(-1, firefoxAccessException);
- }
- }
- }
- });
- return XhrBase;
- }, {
- requires:['./base']
- });
- /**
- * solve io between sub domains using proxy page
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add("ajax/subdomain", function(S, XhrBase, Event, DOM) {
- var rurl = /^([\w\+\.\-]+:)(?:\/\/([^\/?#:]*)(?::(\d+))?)?/,
- PROXY_PAGE = "/sub_domain_proxy.html",
- doc = document,
- iframeMap = {
- // hostname:{iframe: , ready:}
- };
- function SubDomain(xhrObj) {
- var self = this,
- c = xhrObj.config;
- self.xhrObj = xhrObj;
- var m = c.url.match(rurl);
- self.__hostname = m[2];
- self.__protocol = m[1];
- c.crossDomain = false;
- }
- S.augment(SubDomain, XhrBase.proto, {
- send:function() {
- var self = this,
- c = self.xhrObj.config,
- hostname = self.__hostname,
- iframe,
- iframeDesc = iframeMap[hostname];
- var proxy = PROXY_PAGE;
- if (c['xdr'] && c['xdr']['subDomain'] && c['xdr']['subDomain'].proxy) {
- proxy = c['xdr']['subDomain'].proxy;
- }
- if (iframeDesc && iframeDesc.ready) {
- self.xhr = XhrBase.xhr(0, iframeDesc.iframe.contentWindow);
- if (self.xhr) {
- self.sendInternal();
- } else {
- S.error("document.domain not set correctly!");
- }
- return;
- }
- if (!iframeDesc) {
- iframeDesc = iframeMap[hostname] = {};
- iframe = iframeDesc.iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
- DOM.css(iframe, {
- position:'absolute',
- left:'-9999px',
- top:'-9999px'
- });
- DOM.prepend(iframe, doc.body || doc.documentElement);
- iframe.src = self.__protocol + "//" + hostname + proxy;
- } else {
- iframe = iframeDesc.iframe;
- }
- Event.on(iframe, "load", _onLoad, self);
- }
- });
- function _onLoad() {
- var self = this,
- hostname = self.__hostname,
- iframeDesc = iframeMap[hostname];
- iframeDesc.ready = 1;
- Event.detach(iframeDesc.iframe, "load", _onLoad, self);
- self.send();
- }
- return SubDomain;
- }, {
- requires:['./xhrbase','event','dom']
- });
- /**
- * use flash to accomplish cross domain request , usage scenario ? why not jsonp ?
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add("ajax/xdr", function(S, io, DOM) {
- var // current running request instances
- maps = {},
- ID = "io_swf",
- // flash transporter
- flash,
- doc = document,
- // whether create the flash transporter
- init = false;
- // create the flash transporter
- function _swf(uri, _, uid) {
- if (init) {
- return;
- }
- init = true;
- var o = '<object id="' + ID +
- '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="' +
- uri + '" width="0" height="0">' +
- '<param name="movie" value="' +
- uri + '" />' +
- '<param name="FlashVars" value="yid=' +
- _ + '&uid=' +
- uid +
- '&host=KISSY.io" />' +
- '<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" />' +
- '</object>',
- c = doc.createElement('div');
- DOM.prepend(c, doc.body || doc.documentElement);
- c.innerHTML = o;
- }
- function XdrTransport(xhrObj) {
- S.log("use flash xdr");
- this.xhrObj = xhrObj;
- }
- S.augment(XdrTransport, {
- // rewrite send to support flash xdr
- send:function() {
- var self = this,
- xhrObj = self.xhrObj,
- c = xhrObj.config;
- var xdr = c['xdr'] || {};
- // 不提供则使用 cdn 默认的 flash
- _swf(xdr.src || (S.Config.base + "ajax/io.swf"), 1, 1);
- // 简便起见,用轮训
- if (!flash) {
- // S.log("detect xdr flash");
- setTimeout(function() {
- self.send();
- }, 200);
- return;
- }
- self._uid = S.guid();
- maps[self._uid] = self;
- // ie67 send 出错?
- flash.send(c.url, {
- id:self._uid,
- uid:self._uid,
- method:c.type,
- data:c.hasContent && c.data || {}
- });
- },
- abort:function() {
- flash.abort(this._uid);
- },
- _xdrResponse:function(e, o) {
- // S.log(e);
- var self = this,
- ret,
- xhrObj = self.xhrObj;
- // need decodeURI to get real value from flash returned value
- xhrObj.responseText = decodeURI(o.c.responseText);
- switch (e) {
- case 'success':
- ret = { status: 200, statusText: "success" };
- delete maps[o.id];
- break;
- case 'abort':
- delete maps[o.id];
- break;
- case 'timeout':
- case 'transport error':
- case 'failure':
- delete maps[o.id];
- ret = { status: 500, statusText: e };
- break;
- }
- if (ret) {
- xhrObj.callback(ret.status, ret.statusText);
- }
- }
- });
- /*called by flash*/
- io['applyTo'] = function(_, cmd, args) {
- // S.log(cmd + " execute");
- var cmds = cmd.split("."),
- func = S;
- S.each(cmds, function(c) {
- func = func[c];
- });
- func.apply(null, args);
- };
- // when flash is loaded
- io['xdrReady'] = function() {
- flash = doc.getElementById(ID);
- };
- /**
- * when response is returned from server
- * @param e response status
- * @param o internal data
- * @param c internal data
- */
- io['xdrResponse'] = function(e, o, c) {
- var xhr = maps[o.uid];
- xhr && xhr._xdrResponse(e, o, c);
- };
- // export io for flash to call
- S.io = io;
- return XdrTransport;
- }, {
- requires:["./base",'dom']
- });
- /**
- * ajax xhr transport class , route subdomain , xdr
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add("ajax/xhr", function(S, io, XhrBase, SubDomain, XdrTransport) {
- var rurl = /^([\w\+\.\-]+:)(?:\/\/([^\/?#:]*)(?::(\d+))?)?/;
- var _XDomainRequest = window['XDomainRequest'];
- var detectXhr = XhrBase.xhr();
- if (detectXhr) {
- // slice last two pars
- // xx.taobao.com => taobao.com
- function getMainDomain(host) {
- var t = host.split('.');
- if (t.length < 2) {
- return t.join(".");
- } else {
- return t.reverse().slice(0, 2).reverse().join('.');
- }
- }
- function XhrTransport(xhrObj) {
- var c = xhrObj.config,
- xdrCfg = c['xdr'] || {};
- if (c.crossDomain) {
- var parts = c.url.match(rurl);
- // 跨子域
- if (getMainDomain(location.hostname) == getMainDomain(parts[2])) {
- return new SubDomain(xhrObj);
- }
- /**
- * ie>7 强制使用 flash xdr
- */
- if (!("withCredentials" in detectXhr) &&
- (String(xdrCfg.use) === "flash" || !_XDomainRequest)) {
- return new XdrTransport(xhrObj);
- }
- }
- this.xhrObj = xhrObj;
- return undefined;
- }
- S.augment(XhrTransport, XhrBase.proto, {
- send:function() {
- var self = this,
- xhrObj = self.xhrObj,
- c = xhrObj.config;
- self.xhr = XhrBase.xhr(c.crossDomain);
- self.sendInternal();
- }
- });
- io.setupTransport("*", XhrTransport);
- }
- return io;
- }, {
- requires:["./base",'./xhrbase','./subdomain',"./xdr"]
- });
- /**
- * 借鉴 jquery,优化使用原型替代闭包
- **/
- /**
- * script transport for kissy io
- * @description: modified version of S.getScript , add abort ability
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add("ajax/script", function(S, io) {
- var doc = document;
- var OK_CODE = 200,ERROR_CODE = 500;
- io.setupConfig({
- accepts:{
- script:"text/javascript, " +
- "application/javascript, " +
- "application/ecmascript, " +
- "application/x-ecmascript"
- },
- contents:{
- script:/javascript|ecmascript/
- },
- converters:{
- text:{
- // 如果以 xhr+eval 需要下面的,
- // 否则直接 script node 不需要,引擎自己执行了,
- // 不需要手动 eval
- script:function(text) {
- S.globalEval(text);
- return text;
- }
- }
- }
- });
- function ScriptTransport(xhrObj) {
- // 优先使用 xhr+eval 来执行脚本, ie 下可以探测到(更多)失败状态
- if (!xhrObj.config.crossDomain &&
- !xhrObj.config['forceScript']) {
- return new (io.getTransport("*"))(xhrObj);
- }
- this.xhrObj = xhrObj;
- return 0;
- }
- S.augment(ScriptTransport, {
- send:function() {
- var self = this,
- script,
- xhrObj = this.xhrObj,
- c = xhrObj.config,
- head = doc['head'] ||
- doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] ||
- doc.documentElement;
- self.head = head;
- script = doc.createElement("script");
- self.script = script;
- script.async = "async";
- if (c['scriptCharset']) {
- script.charset = c['scriptCharset'];
- }
- script.src = c.url;
- script.onerror =
- script.onload =
- script.onreadystatechange = function(e) {
- e = e || window.event;
- // firefox onerror 没有 type ?!
- self._callback((e.type || "error").toLowerCase());
- };
- head.insertBefore(script, head.firstChild);
- },
- _callback:function(event, abort) {
- var script = this.script,
- xhrObj = this.xhrObj,
- head = this.head;
- // 防止重复调用,成功后 abort
- if (!script) {
- return;
- }
- if (abort ||
- !script.readyState ||
- /loaded|complete/.test(script.readyState)
- || event == "error"
- ) {
- script['onerror'] = script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null;
- // Remove the script
- if (head && script.parentNode) {
- // ie 报错载入无效 js
- // 怎么 abort ??
- // script.src = "#";
- head.removeChild(script);
- }
- this.script = undefined;
- this.head = undefined;
- // Callback if not abort
- if (!abort && event != "error") {
- xhrObj.callback(OK_CODE, "success");
- }
- // 非 ie<9 可以判断出来
- else if (event == "error") {
- xhrObj.callback(ERROR_CODE, "scripterror");
- }
- }
- },
- abort:function() {
- this._callback(0, 1);
- }
- });
- io.setupTransport("script", ScriptTransport);
- return io;
- }, {
- requires:['./base','./xhr']
- });
- /**
- * jsonp transport based on script transport
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add("ajax/jsonp", function(S, io) {
- io.setupConfig({
- jsonp:"callback",
- jsonpCallback:function() {
- //不使用 now() ,极端情况下可能重复
- return S.guid("jsonp");
- }
- });
- io.on("start", function(e) {
- var xhr = e.xhr,c = xhr.config;
- if (c.dataType[0] == "jsonp") {
- var response,
- cJsonpCallback = c.jsonpCallback,
- jsonpCallback = S.isFunction(cJsonpCallback) ?
- cJsonpCallback() :
- cJsonpCallback,
- previous = window[ jsonpCallback ];
- c.url += ( /\?/.test(c.url) ? "&" : "?" ) + c.jsonp + "=" + jsonpCallback;
- // build temporary JSONP function
- window[jsonpCallback] = function(r) {
- // 使用数组,区别:故意调用了 jsonpCallback(undefined) 与 根本没有调用
- // jsonp 返回了数组
- if (arguments.length > 1) {
- r = S.makeArray(arguments);
- }
- response = [r];
- };
- // cleanup whether success or failure
- xhr.on("complete", function() {
- window[ jsonpCallback ] = previous;
- if (previous === undefined) {
- try {
- delete window[ jsonpCallback ];
- } catch(e) {
- //S.log("delete window variable error : ");
- //S.log(e);
- }
- } else if (response) {
- // after io success handler called
- // then call original existed jsonpcallback
- previous(response[0]);
- }
- });
- xhr.converters = xhr.converters || {};
- xhr.converters.script = xhr.converters.script || {};
- // script -> jsonp ,jsonp need to see json not as script
- xhr.converters.script.json = function() {
- if (!response) {
- S.error(" not call jsonpCallback : " + jsonpCallback)
- }
- return response[0];
- };
- c.dataType.length = 2;
- // 利用 script transport 发送 script 请求
- c.dataType[0] = 'script';
- c.dataType[1] = 'json';
- }
- });
- return io;
- }, {
- requires:['./base']
- });
- KISSY.add("ajax/form", function(S, io, DOM, FormSerializer) {
- io.on("start", function(e) {
- var xhr = e.xhr,
- c = xhr.config;
- // serialize form if needed
- if (c.form) {
- var form = DOM.get(c.form),
- enctype = form['encoding'] || form.enctype;
- // 上传有其他方法
- if (enctype.toLowerCase() != "multipart/form-data") {
- // when get need encode
- var formParam = FormSerializer.serialize(form);
- if (formParam) {
- if (c.hasContent) {
- // post 加到 data 中
- c.data = c.data || "";
- if (c.data) {
- c.data += "&";
- }
- c.data += formParam;
- } else {
- // get 直接加到 url
- c.url += ( /\?/.test(c.url) ? "&" : "?" ) + formParam;
- }
- }
- } else {
- var d = c.dataType[0];
- if (d == "*") {
- d = "text";
- }
- c.dataType.length = 2;
- c.dataType[0] = "iframe";
- c.dataType[1] = d;
- }
- }
- });
- return io;
- }, {
- requires:['./base',"dom","./form-serializer"]
- });
- /**
- * non-refresh upload file with form by iframe
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add("ajax/iframe-upload", function(S, DOM, Event, io) {
- var doc = document;
- var OK_CODE = 200,ERROR_CODE = 500,BREATH_INTERVAL = 30;
- // iframe 内的内容就是 body.innerText
- io.setupConfig({
- converters:{
- // iframe 到其他类型的转化和 text 一样
- iframe:io.getConfig().converters.text,
- text:{
- iframe:function(text) {
- return text;
- }
- }}});
- function createIframe(xhr) {
- var id = S.guid("ajax-iframe");
- xhr.iframe = DOM.create("<iframe " +
- " id='" + id + "'" +
- // need name for target of form
- " name='" + id + "'" +
- " style='position:absolute;left:-9999px;top:-9999px;'/>");
- xhr.iframeId = id;
- DOM.prepend(xhr.iframe, doc.body || doc.documentElement);
- }
- function addDataToForm(data, form, serializeArray) {
- data = S.unparam(data);
- var ret = [];
- for (var d in data) {
- var isArray = S.isArray(data[d]),
- vs = S.makeArray(data[d]);
- // 数组和原生一样对待,创建多个同名输入域
- for (var i = 0; i < vs.length; i++) {
- var e = doc.createElement("input");
- e.type = 'hidden';
- e.name = d + (isArray && serializeArray ? "[]" : "");
- e.value = vs[i];
- DOM.append(e, form);
- ret.push(e);
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
- function removeFieldsFromData(fields) {
- DOM.remove(fields);
- }
- function IframeTransport(xhr) {
- this.xhr = xhr;
- }
- S.augment(IframeTransport, {
- send:function() {
- //debugger
- var xhr = this.xhr,
- c = xhr.config,
- fields,
- form = DOM.get(c.form);
- this.attrs = {
- target:DOM.attr(form, "target") || "",
- action:DOM.attr(form, "action") || ""
- };
- this.form = form;
- createIframe(xhr);
- // set target to iframe to avoid main page refresh
- DOM.attr(form, {"target": xhr.iframeId,"action": c.url});
- if (c.data) {
- fields = addDataToForm(c.data, form, c.serializeArray);
- }
- this.fields = fields;
- var iframe = xhr.iframe;
- Event.on(iframe, "load error", this._callback, this);
- form.submit();
- },
- _callback:function(event
- //, abort
- ) {
- //debugger
- var form = this.form,
- xhr = this.xhr,
- eventType = event.type,
- iframe = xhr.iframe;
- // 防止重复调用 , 成功后 abort
- if (!iframe) {
- return;
- }
- DOM.attr(form, this.attrs);
- if (eventType == "load") {
- var iframeDoc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
- xhr.responseXML = iframeDoc;
- xhr.responseText = DOM.text(iframeDoc.body);
- xhr.callback(OK_CODE, "success");
- } else if (eventType == 'error') {
- xhr.callback(ERROR_CODE, "error");
- }
- removeFieldsFromData(this.fields);
- Event.detach(iframe);
- setTimeout(function() {
- // firefox will keep loading if not settimeout
- DOM.remove(iframe);
- // nullify to prevent memory leak?
- xhr.iframe = null;
- },
- abort:function() {
- this._callback(0, 1);
- }
- });
- io.setupTransport("iframe", IframeTransport);
- return io;
- }, {
- requires:["dom","event","./base"]
- });
- KISSY.add("ajax", function(S, serializer, io) {
- var undef = undefined;
- // some shortcut
- S.mix(io, {
- /**
- * form 序列化
- * @param formElement {HTMLFormElement} 将要序列化的 form 元素
- */
- serialize:serializer.serialize,
- get: function(url, data, callback, dataType, _t) {
- // data 参数可省略
- if (S.isFunction(data)) {
- dataType = callback;
- callback = data;
- data = undef;
- }
- return io({
- type: _t || "get",
- url: url,
- data: data,
- success: callback,
- dataType: dataType
- });
- },
- post: function(url, data, callback, dataType) {
- if (S.isFunction(data)) {
- dataType = callback;
- callback = data;
- data = undef;
- }
- return io.get(url, data, callback, dataType, "post");
- },
- jsonp: function(url, data, callback) {
- if (S.isFunction(data)) {
- callback = data;
- data = undef;
- }
- return io.get(url, data, callback, "jsonp");
- },
- // 和 S.getScript 保持一致
- // 更好的 getScript 可以用
- /*
- io({
- dataType:'script'
- });
- */
- getScript:S.getScript,
- getJSON: function(url, data, callback) {
- if (S.isFunction(data)) {
- callback = data;
- data = undef;
- }
- return io.get(url, data, callback, "json");
- },
- upload:function(url, form, data, callback, dataType) {
- if (S.isFunction(data)) {
- dataType = callback;
- callback = data;
- data = undef;
- }
- return io({
- url:url,
- type:'post',
- dataType:dataType,
- form:form,
- data:data,
- success:callback
- });
- }
- });
- return io;
- }, {
- requires:[
- "ajax/form-serializer",
- "ajax/base",
- "ajax/xhrobject",
- "ajax/xhr",
- "ajax/script",
- "ajax/jsonp",
- "ajax/form",
- "ajax/iframe-upload"]
- });
- /**
- * @module Attribute
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com, lifesinger@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add('base/attribute', function(S, undef) {
- // atomic flag
- Attribute.INVALID = {};
- var INVALID = Attribute.INVALID;
- /**
- *
- * @param host
- * @param method
- * @return method if fn or host[method]
- */
- function normalFn(host, method) {
- if (S.isString(method)) {
- return host[method];
- }
- return method;
- }
- /**
- * fire attribute value change
- */
- function __fireAttrChange(self, when, name, prevVal, newVal, subAttrName, attrName) {
- attrName = attrName || name;
- return self.fire(when + capitalFirst(name) + 'Change', {
- attrName: attrName,
- subAttrName:subAttrName,
- prevVal: prevVal,
- newVal: newVal
- });
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param obj
- * @param name
- * @param create
- * @return non-empty property value of obj
- */
- function ensureNonEmpty(obj, name, create) {
- var ret = obj[name] || {};
- if (create) {
- obj[name] = ret;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param self
- * @return non-empty attr config holder
- */
- function getAttrs(self) {
- /**
- * attribute meta information
- {
- attrName: {
- getter: function,
- setter: function,
- // 注意:只能是普通对象以及系统内置类型,而不能是 new Xx(),否则用 valueFn 替代
- value: v, // default value
- valueFn: function
- }
- }
- */
- return ensureNonEmpty(self, "__attrs", true);
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param self
- * @return non-empty attr value holder
- */
- function getAttrVals(self) {
- /**
- * attribute value
- {
- attrName: attrVal
- }
- */
- return ensureNonEmpty(self, "__attrVals", true);
- }
- /**
- * o, [x,y,z] => o[x][y][z]
- * @param o
- * @param path
- */
- function getValueByPath(o, path) {
- for (var i = 0,len = path.length;
- o != undef && i < len;
- i++) {
- o = o[path[i]];
- }
- return o;
- }
- /**
- * o, [x,y,z], val => o[x][y][z]=val
- * @param o
- * @param path
- * @param val
- */
- function setValueByPath(o, path, val) {
- var rlen = path.length - 1,
- s = o;
- if (rlen >= 0) {
- for (var i = 0; i < rlen; i++) {
- o = o[path[i]];
- }
- if (o != undef) {
- o[path[i]] = val;
- } else {
- s = undef;
- }
- }
- return s;
- }
- function setInternal(self, name, value, opts, attrs) {
- var ret;
- opts = opts || {};
- var dot = ".",
- path,
- subVal,
- prevVal,
- fullName = name;
- if (name.indexOf(dot) !== -1) {
- path = name.split(dot);
- name = path.shift();
- }
- prevVal = self.get(name);
- if (path) {
- subVal = getValueByPath(prevVal, path);
- }
- // if no change, just return
- if (!path && prevVal === value) {
- return undefined;
- } else if (path && subVal === value) {
- return undefined;
- }
- if (path) {
- var tmp = S.clone(prevVal);
- setValueByPath(tmp, path, value);
- value = tmp;
- }
- // check before event
- if (!opts['silent']) {
- if (false === __fireAttrChange(self, 'before', name, prevVal, value, fullName)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- // set it
- ret = self.__set(name, value);
- if (ret === false) {
- return ret;
- }
- // fire after event
- if (!opts['silent']) {
- value = getAttrVals(self)[name];
- __fireAttrChange(self, 'after', name, prevVal, value, fullName);
- if (!attrs) {
- __fireAttrChange(self,
- '', '*',
- [prevVal], [value],
- [fullName], [name]);
- } else {
- attrs.push({
- prevVal:prevVal,
- newVal:value,
- attrName:name,
- subAttrName:fullName
- });
- }
- }
- return self;
- }
- /**
- * 提供属性管理机制
- * @name Attribute
- * @class
- */
- function Attribute() {
- }
- S.augment(Attribute, {
- /**
- * @return un-cloned attr config collections
- */
- getAttrs: function() {
- return getAttrs(this);
- },
- /**
- * @return un-cloned attr value collections
- */
- getAttrVals:function() {
- var self = this,
- o = {},
- a,
- attrs = getAttrs(self);
- for (a in attrs) {
- o[a] = self.get(a);
- }
- return o;
- },
- /**
- * Adds an attribute with the provided configuration to the host object.
- * @param {String} name attrName
- * @param {Object} attrConfig The config supports the following properties:
- * {
- * value: 'the default value', // 最好不要使用自定义类生成的对象,这时使用 valueFn
- * valueFn: function //
- * setter: function
- * getter: function
- * }
- * @param {boolean} override whether override existing attribute config ,default true
- */
- addAttr: function(name, attrConfig, override) {
- var self = this,
- attrs = getAttrs(self),
- cfg = S.clone(attrConfig);
- if (!attrs[name]) {
- attrs[name] = cfg;
- } else {
- S.mix(attrs[name], cfg, override);
- }
- return self;
- },
- /**
- * Configures a group of attributes, and sets initial values.
- * @param {Object} attrConfigs An object with attribute name/configuration pairs.
- * @param {Object} initialValues user defined initial values
- */
- addAttrs: function(attrConfigs, initialValues) {
- var self = this;
- S.each(attrConfigs, function(attrConfig, name) {
- self.addAttr(name, attrConfig);
- });
- if (initialValues) {
- self.set(initialValues);
- }
- return self;
- },
- /**
- * Checks if the given attribute has been added to the host.
- */
- hasAttr: function(name) {
- return name && getAttrs(this).hasOwnProperty(name);
- },
- /**
- * Removes an attribute from the host object.
- */
- removeAttr: function(name) {
- var self = this;
- if (self.hasAttr(name)) {
- delete getAttrs(self)[name];
- delete getAttrVals(self)[name];
- }
- return self;
- },
- /**
- * Sets the value of an attribute.
- */
- set: function(name, value, opts) {
- var ret,self = this;
- if (S.isPlainObject(name)) {
- var all = name;
- name = 0;
- ret = true;
- opts = value;
- var attrs = [];
- for (name in all) {
- ret = setInternal(self, name, all[name], opts, attrs);
- if (ret === false) {
- break;
- }
- }
- var attrNames = [],
- prevVals = [],
- newVals = [],
- subAttrNames = [];
- S.each(attrs, function(attr) {
- prevVals.push(attr.prevVal);
- newVals.push(attr.newVal);
- attrNames.push(attr.attrName);
- subAttrNames.push(attr.subAttrName);
- });
- if (attrNames.length) {
- __fireAttrChange(self,
- '',
- '*',
- prevVals,
- newVals,
- subAttrNames,
- attrNames);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- return setInternal(self, name, value, opts);
- },
- /**
- * internal use, no event involved, just set.
- * @protected overriden by mvc/model
- */
- __set: function(name, value) {
- var self = this,
- setValue,
- // if host does not have meta info corresponding to (name,value)
- // then register on demand in order to collect all data meta info
- // 一定要注册属性元数据,否则其他模块通过 _attrs 不能枚举到所有有效属性
- // 因为属性在声明注册前可以直接设置值
- attrConfig = ensureNonEmpty(getAttrs(self), name, true),
- validator = attrConfig['validator'],
- setter = attrConfig['setter'];
- // validator check
- if (validator = normalFn(self, validator)) {
- if (validator.call(self, value, name) === false) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- // if setter has effect
- if (setter = normalFn(self, setter)) {
- setValue = setter.call(self, value, name);
- }
- if (setValue === INVALID) {
- return false;
- }
- if (setValue !== undef) {
- value = setValue;
- }
- // finally set
- getAttrVals(self)[name] = value;
- },
- /**
- * Gets the current value of the attribute.
- */
- get: function(name) {
- var self = this,
- dot = ".",
- path,
- attrConfig,
- getter, ret;
- if (name.indexOf(dot) !== -1) {
- path = name.split(dot);
- name = path.shift();
- }
- attrConfig = ensureNonEmpty(getAttrs(self), name);
- getter = attrConfig['getter'];
- // get user-set value or default value
- //user-set value takes privilege
- ret = name in getAttrVals(self) ?
- getAttrVals(self)[name] :
- self.__getDefAttrVal(name);
- // invoke getter for this attribute
- if (getter = normalFn(self, getter)) {
- ret = getter.call(self, ret, name);
- }
- if (path) {
- ret = getValueByPath(ret, path);
- }
- return ret;
- },
- /**
- * get default attribute value from valueFn/value
- * @private
- * @param name
- */
- __getDefAttrVal: function(name) {
- var self = this,
- attrConfig = ensureNonEmpty(getAttrs(self), name),
- valFn,
- val;
- if ((valFn = normalFn(self, attrConfig.valueFn))) {
- val = valFn.call(self);
- if (val !== undef) {
- attrConfig.value = val;
- }
- delete attrConfig.valueFn;
- getAttrs(self)[name] = attrConfig;
- }
- return attrConfig.value;
- },
- /**
- * Resets the value of an attribute.just reset what addAttr set (not what invoker set when call new Xx(cfg))
- * @param {String} name name of attribute
- */
- reset: function (name, opts) {
- var self = this;
- if (S.isString(name)) {
- if (self.hasAttr(name)) {
- // if attribute does not have default value, then set to undefined.
- return self.set(name, self.__getDefAttrVal(name), opts);
- }
- else {
- return self;
- }
- }
- opts = name;
- var attrs = getAttrs(self),
- values = {};
- // reset all
- for (name in attrs) {
- values[name] = self.__getDefAttrVal(name);
- }
- self.set(values, opts);
- return self;
- }
- });
- function capitalFirst(s) {
- return s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1);
- }
- if (undef) {
- Attribute.prototype.addAttrs = undef;
- }
- return Attribute;
- });
- /**
- * 2011-10-18
- * get/set sub attribute value ,set("x.y",val) x 最好为 {} ,不要是 new Clz() 出来的
- * add validator
- */
- /**
- * @module Base
- * @author yiminghe@gmail.com,lifesinger@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add('base/base', function (S, Attribute, Event) {
- /**
- * Base for class-based component
- * @name Base
- * @extends Event.Target
- * @extends Attribute
- * @class
- */
- function Base(config) {
- var c = this.constructor;
- // define
- while (c) {
- addAttrs(this, c['ATTRS']);
- c = c.superclass ? c.superclass.constructor : null;
- }
- // initial
- initAttrs(this, config);
- }
- function addAttrs(host, attrs) {
- if (attrs) {
- for (var attr in attrs) {
- // 子类上的 ATTRS 配置优先
- if (attrs.hasOwnProperty(attr)) {
- // 父类后加,父类不覆盖子类的相同设置
- // 属性对象会 merge a: {y:{getter:fn}}, b:{y:{value:3}}, b extends a => b {y:{value:3}}
- host.addAttr(attr, attrs[attr], false);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function initAttrs(host, config) {
- if (config) {
- for (var attr in config) {
- if (config.hasOwnProperty(attr)) {
- //用户设置会调用 setter/validator 的,但不会触发属性变化事件
- host.__set(attr, config[attr]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- S.augment(Base, Event.Target, Attribute);
- return Base;
- }, {
- requires:["./attribute","event"]
- });
- KISSY.add("base", function(S, Base, Attribute) {
- Base.Attribute = Attribute;
- return Base;
- }, {
- requires:["base/base","base/attribute"]
- });
- /**
- * @module cookie
- * @author lifesinger@gmail.com
- */
- KISSY.add('cookie/base', function(S) {
- var doc = document,
- MILLISECONDS_OF_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
- encode = encodeURIComponent,
- decode = decodeURIComponent;
- function isNotEmptyString(val) {
- return S.isString(val) && val !== '';
- }
- return {
- /**
- * 获取 cookie 值
- * @return {string} 如果 name 不存在,返回 undefined
- */
- get: function(name) {
- var ret, m;
- if (isNotEmptyString(name)) {
- if ((m = String(doc.cookie).match(
- new RegExp('(?:^| )' + name + '(?:(?:=([^;]*))|;|$)')))) {
- ret = m[1] ? decode(m[1]) : '';
- }
- }
- return ret;
- },
- set: function(name, val, expires, domain, path, secure) {
- var text = String(encode(val)), date = expires;
- // 从当前时间开始,多少天后过期
- if (typeof date === 'number') {
- date = new Date();
- date.setTime(date.getTime() + expires * MILLISECONDS_OF_DAY);
- }
- // expiration date
- if (date instanceof Date) {
- text += '; expires=' + date.toUTCString();
- }
- // domain
- if (isNotEmptyString(domain)) {
- text += '; domain=' + domain;
- }
- // path
- if (isNotEmptyString(path)) {
- text += '; path=' + path;
- }
- // secure
- if (secure) {
- text += '; secure';
- }
- //S.log(text);
- doc.cookie = name + '=' + text;
- },
- remove: function(name, domain, path, secure) {
- // 置空,并立刻过期
- this.set(name, '', -1, domain, path, secure);
- }
- };
- });
- /**
- * NOTES:
- *
- * 2010.04
- * - get 方法要考虑 ie 下,
- * 值为空的 cookie 为 'test3; test3=3; test3tt=2; test1=t1test3; test3', 没有等于号。
- * 除了正则获取,还可以 split 字符串的方式来获取。
- * - api 设计上,原本想借鉴 jQuery 的简明风格:S.cookie(name, ...), 但考虑到可扩展性,目前
- * 独立成静态工具类的方式更优。
- */
- KISSY.add("cookie", function(S,C) {
- return C;
- }, {
- requires:["cookie/base"]
- });
- KISSY.add("core", function(S, UA, DOM, Event, Node, JSON, Ajax, Anim, Base, Cookie) {
- var re = {
- UA:UA,
- Event:Event,
- EventTarget:Event.Target,
- "EventObject":Event.Object,
- Node:Node,
- NodeList:Node,
- "Ajax":Ajax,
- "IO":Ajax,
- ajax:Ajax,
- io:Ajax,
- jsonp:Ajax.jsonp,
- Anim:Anim,
- Easing:Anim.Easing,
- Base:Base,
- "Cookie":Cookie,
- one:Node.one,
- all:Node.all,
- get:DOM.get,
- query:DOM.query
- };
- S.mix(S, re);
- return re;
- }, {
- requires:[
- "ua",
- "dom",
- "event",
- "node",
- "json",
- "ajax",
- "anim",
- "base",
- "cookie"
- ]
- });
- KISSY.use('core');