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3 vuotta sitten
  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html>
  3. <head>
  4. <meta charset="UTF-8">
  5. <title>我的票夹 - 用户中心 - {$kx.config.sitename}</title>
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  18. <a href="{$kx.config.siteurl}">{$kx.config.sitename}</a> > <a href="{link=user.index.index}" class="color5">用户中心</a> > <a href="{}">我的推荐</a>
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  22. .pt-bar .pt-bar-item{
  23. float: left;
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  35. border-top: 4px solid #f55;
  36. color: #323237;
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  39. <!-- 一楼 -->
  40. <div class="pt-floor1">
  41. {include file="/system/userleft"}
  42. <div class="ml10 fl" style="width: 950px;">
  43. <ul class="pt-bar">
  44. <a href="{link=user.assets.index}"><li class="pt-bar-item pt-active">资产概览</li></a>
  45. <a href="{link=user.ticket.index}"><li class="pt-bar-item">我的票夹</li></a>
  46. <a href="{}" class="bg-red color1 fr ptb5 plr20 mt10 mr10">
  47. <img style="vertical-align: middle" src="{$kx.config.resurl}/template/kxwebno1/images/rmb.png" alt="充值">
  48. <span>充值</span>
  49. </a>
  50. </ul>
  51. <div class="clear"></div>
  52. <div class="bg-white plr20 ptb20">
  53. <div class="size18 color32 bold">当前账户可用余额({$kx.config.user.money_caption})</div>
  54. <div class="color2 bold" style="font-size: 35px;">{$stat.surplus}</div>
  55. <p>累计获得 {$} {$kx.config.user.money_caption},累计消费 {$stat.used} {$kx.config.user.money_caption}</p>
  56. </div>
  57. <div class="bg-white plr20 ptb20 mt20 pt-user-table" style="min-height: 415px;">
  58. <h1 class="color32 size18 bold mb20">历史记录</h1>
  59. {block method="pagination" name="paginate" page=$page limit=$pagesize count=$count maxpage=50 section=3}
  60. {block method="user.moneyList" name=moneylist userid=$ page=$page}
  61. <table>
  62. <thead>
  63. <tr>
  64. <th>时间</th>
  65. <th>数量</th>
  66. <th>类别</th>
  67. <th>详情</th>
  68. </tr>
  69. </thead>
  70. <tbody>
  71. {if empty($moneylist)}
  72. <tr>
  73. <td colspan="5">您似乎来到了没有数据存在的荒原~~~</td>
  74. </tr>
  75. {else}
  76. {section loop=$moneylist item=$loop}
  77. <tr>
  78. <td>{$loop.create_time|date="Y-m-d H:i:s"}</td>
  79. <td><span class="bold" style="color: #{$loop.type|default="","F55","F55","14B723"};">{$loop.type|default="","+","+","-"}{$loop.num}</span> {$kx.config.user.money_caption}</td>
  80. <td>
  81. {if $loop.ext.type == 'subscribe'}
  82. {block id=$loop.ext.novel_id name=$novelinfo}
  83. 订阅《{$}》共{=count($loop.chapters)}章
  84. {else if $loop.ext.type == 'reward'}
  85. {block id=$loop.ext.novel_id name=$novelinfo}
  86. 打赏《{$}》
  87. {else}
  88. {$loop.type|default="未知","充值","赠送","消费"}
  89. {/if}
  90. </td>
  91. <td>
  92. {if $loop.type == \App\Model\User\MoneyLog::TYPE_REWARD}
  93. {if $loop.ext.order_module == \App\Model\Order\Order::MODULE_RECHARGE}
  94. <a class="color2 showDetail" data-detail="邀请用户({$loop.ext.user_name})充值">查看</a>
  95. {elseif $loop.ext.order_module == \App\Model\Order\Order::MODULE_VIP}
  96. <a class="color2 showDetail" data-detail="邀请用户({$loop.ext.user_name})开通会员">查看</a>
  97. {/if}
  98. {elseif $loop.ext.type == 'subscribe'}
  99. <a class="color2 showDetail" data-detail="{=join("\n",array_column($loop.chapters,'name'))}">查看</a>
  100. {/if}
  101. </td>
  102. </tr>
  103. {/section}
  104. {/if}
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  106. </table>
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  108. {if !empty($moneylist) && $>1}
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  111. {if $paginate.prev}
  112. <a href="{link=user.assets.index page=$paginate.prev}"><span><</span></a>
  113. {else}
  114. <span class="disable"><</span>
  115. {/if}
  116. {loop=paginate.items}
  117. <a href="{link=user.assets.index page=$loop.num}">
  118. <span class="{$loop.status|default='','pt-pages-select'}">{$loop.num}</span>
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  120. {/loop}
  121. {if $}
  122. <a href="{link=user.assets.index page=$}"><span>></span></a>
  123. {else}
  124. <span class="disable">></span>
  125. {/if}
  126. </div>
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  128. {/if}
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  133. {include file="/system/footer"}
  134. <script>
  135. $('.showDetail').click(function () {
  136. var chapters = $(this).data('detail').split("\n");
  137.'<br>'), this, {
  138. tips: [4, '#000']
  139. });
  140. });
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  143. </html>