/** layui-v2.4.5 MIT License By https://www.layui.com */ ;!function (e) { "use strict"; var t = document, o = {modules: {}, status: {}, timeout: 10, event: {}}, n = function () { this.v = "2.4.5" }, r = function () { var e = t.currentScript ? t.currentScript.src : function () { for (var e, o = t.scripts, n = o.length - 1, r = n; r > 0; r--) if ("interactive" === o[r].readyState) { e = o[r].src; break } return e || o[n].src }(); return e.substring(0, e.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) }(), i = function (t) { e.console && console.error && console.error("Layui hint: " + t) }, a = "undefined" != typeof opera && "[object Opera]" === opera.toString(), u = { layer: "modules/layer", laydate: "modules/laydate", laypage: "modules/laypage", laytpl: "modules/laytpl", layim: "modules/layim", layedit: "modules/layedit", form: "modules/form", upload: "modules/upload", tree: "modules/tree", table: "modules/table", element: "modules/element", rate: "modules/rate", colorpicker: "modules/colorpicker", slider: "modules/slider", carousel: "modules/carousel", flow: "modules/flow", util: "modules/util", code: "modules/code", jquery: "modules/jquery", mobile: "modules/mobile", "layui.all": "../layui.all" }; n.prototype.cache = o, n.prototype.define = function (e, t) { var n = this, r = "function" == typeof e, i = function () { var e = function (e, t) { layui[e] = t, o.status[e] = !0 }; return "function" == typeof t && t(function (n, r) { e(n, r), o.callback[n] = function () { t(e) } }), this }; return r && (t = e, e = []), layui["layui.all"] || !layui["layui.all"] && layui["layui.mobile"] ? i.call(n) : (n.use(e, i), n) }, n.prototype.use = function (e, n, l) { function s(e, t) { var n = "PLaySTATION 3" === navigator.platform ? /^complete$/ : /^(complete|loaded)$/; ("load" === e.type || n.test((e.currentTarget || e.srcElement).readyState)) && (o.modules[f] = t, d.removeChild(v), function r() { return ++m > 1e3 * o.timeout / 4 ? i(f + " is not a valid module") : void (o.status[f] ? c() : setTimeout(r, 4)) }()) } function c() { l.push(layui[f]), e.length > 1 ? y.use(e.slice(1), n, l) : "function" == typeof n && n.apply(layui, l) } var y = this, p = o.dir = o.dir ? o.dir : r, d = t.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; e = "string" == typeof e ? [e] : e, window.jQuery && jQuery.fn.on && (y.each(e, function (t, o) { "jquery" === o && e.splice(t, 1) }), layui.jquery = layui.$ = jQuery); var f = e[0], m = 0; if (l = l || [], o.host = o.host || (p.match(/\/\/([\s\S]+?)\//) || ["//" + location.host + "/"])[0], 0 === e.length || layui["layui.all"] && u[f] || !layui["layui.all"] && layui["layui.mobile"] && u[f]) return c(), y; if (o.modules[f]) !function g() { return ++m > 1e3 * o.timeout / 4 ? i(f + " is not a valid module") : void ("string" == typeof o.modules[f] && o.status[f] ? c() : setTimeout(g, 4)) }(); else { var v = t.createElement("script"), h = (u[f] ? p + "lay/" : /^\{\/\}/.test(y.modules[f]) ? "" : o.base || "") + (y.modules[f] || f) + ".js"; h = h.replace(/^\{\/\}/, ""), v.async = !0, v.charset = "utf-8", v.src = h + function () { var e = o.version === !0 ? o.v || (new Date).getTime() : o.version || ""; return e ? "?v=" + e : "" }(), d.appendChild(v), !v.attachEvent || v.attachEvent.toString && v.attachEvent.toString().indexOf("[native code") < 0 || a ? v.addEventListener("load", function (e) { s(e, h) }, !1) : v.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function (e) { s(e, h) }), o.modules[f] = h } return y }, n.prototype.getStyle = function (t, o) { var n = t.currentStyle ? t.currentStyle : e.getComputedStyle(t, null); return n[n.getPropertyValue ? "getPropertyValue" : "getAttribute"](o) }, n.prototype.link = function (e, n, r) { var a = this, u = t.createElement("link"), l = t.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; "string" == typeof n && (r = n); var s = (r || e).replace(/\.|\//g, ""), c = u.id = "layuicss-" + s, y = 0; return u.rel = "stylesheet", u.href = e + (o.debug ? "?v=" + (new Date).getTime() : ""), u.media = "all", t.getElementById(c) || l.appendChild(u), "function" != typeof n ? a : (function p() { return ++y > 1e3 * o.timeout / 100 ? i(e + " timeout") : void (1989 === parseInt(a.getStyle(t.getElementById(c), "width")) ? function () { n() }() : setTimeout(p, 100)) }(), a) }, o.callback = {}, n.prototype.factory = function (e) { if (layui[e]) return "function" == typeof o.callback[e] ? o.callback[e] : null }, n.prototype.addcss = function (e, t, n) { return layui.link(o.dir + "css/" + e, t, n) }, n.prototype.img = function (e, t, o) { var n = new Image; return n.src = e, n.complete ? t(n) : (n.onload = function () { n.onload = null, "function" == typeof t && t(n) }, void (n.onerror = function (e) { n.onerror = null, "function" == typeof o && o(e) })) }, n.prototype.config = function (e) { e = e || {}; for (var t in e) o[t] = e[t]; return this }, n.prototype.modules = function () { var e = {}; for (var t in u) e[t] = u[t]; return e }(), n.prototype.extend = function (e) { var t = this; e = e || {}; for (var o in e) t[o] || t.modules[o] ? i("模块名 " + o + " 已被占用") : t.modules[o] = e[o]; return t }, n.prototype.router = function (e) { var t = this, e = e || location.hash, o = {path: [], search: {}, hash: (e.match(/[^#](#.*$)/) || [])[1] || ""}; return /^#\//.test(e) ? (e = e.replace(/^#\//, ""), o.href = "/" + e, e = e.replace(/([^#])(#.*$)/, "$1").split("/") || [], t.each(e, function (e, t) { /^\w+=/.test(t) ? function () { t = t.split("="), o.search[t[0]] = t[1] }() : o.path.push(t) }), o) : o }, n.prototype.data = function (t, o, n) { if (t = t || "layui", n = n || localStorage, e.JSON && e.JSON.parse) { if (null === o) return delete n[t]; o = "object" == typeof o ? o : {key: o}; try { var r = JSON.parse(n[t]) } catch (i) { var r = {} } return "value" in o && (r[o.key] = o.value), o.remove && delete r[o.key], n[t] = JSON.stringify(r), o.key ? r[o.key] : r } }, n.prototype.sessionData = function (e, t) { return this.data(e, t, sessionStorage) }, n.prototype.device = function (t) { var o = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), n = function (e) { var t = new RegExp(e + "/([^\\s\\_\\-]+)"); return e = (o.match(t) || [])[1], e || !1 }, r = { os: function () { return /windows/.test(o) ? "windows" : /linux/.test(o) ? "linux" : /iphone|ipod|ipad|ios/.test(o) ? "ios" : /mac/.test(o) ? "mac" : void 0 }(), ie: function () { return !!(e.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in e) && ((o.match(/msie\s(\d+)/) || [])[1] || "11") }(), weixin: n("micromessenger") }; return t && !r[t] && (r[t] = n(t)), r.android = /android/.test(o), r.ios = "ios" === r.os, r }, n.prototype.hint = function () { return {error: i} }, n.prototype.each = function (e, t) { var o, n = this; if ("function" != typeof t) return n; if (e = e || [], e.constructor === Object) { for (o in e) if (t.call(e[o], o, e[o])) break } else for (o = 0; o < e.length && !t.call(e[o], o, e[o]); o++) ; return n }, n.prototype.sort = function (e, t, o) { var n = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e || [])); return t ? (n.sort(function (e, o) { var n = /^-?\d+$/, r = e[t], i = o[t]; return n.test(r) && (r = parseFloat(r)), n.test(i) && (i = parseFloat(i)), r && !i ? 1 : !r && i ? -1 : r > i ? 1 : r < i ? -1 : 0 }), o && n.reverse(), n) : n }, n.prototype.stope = function (t) { t = t || e.event; try { t.stopPropagation() } catch (o) { t.cancelBubble = !0 } }, n.prototype.onevent = function (e, t, o) { return "string" != typeof e || "function" != typeof o ? this : n.event(e, t, null, o) }, n.prototype.event = n.event = function (e, t, n, r) { var i = this, a = null, u = t.match(/\((.*)\)$/) || [], l = (e + "." + t).replace(u[0], ""), s = u[1] || "", c = function (e, t) { var o = t && t.call(i, n); o === !1 && null === a && (a = !1) }; return r ? (o.event[l] = o.event[l] || {}, o.event[l][s] = [r], this) : (layui.each(o.event[l], function (e, t) { return "{*}" === s ? void layui.each(t, c) : ("" === e && layui.each(t, c), void (s && e === s && layui.each(t, c))) }), a) }, e.layui = new n }(window); layui.define(function (a) { var i = layui.cache; layui.config({dir: i.dir.replace(/lay\/dest\/$/, "")}), a("layui.all", layui.v) }); layui.define(function (e) { "use strict"; var r = {open: "{{", close: "}}"}, c = { exp: function (e) { return new RegExp(e, "g") }, query: function (e, c, t) { var o = ["#([\\s\\S])+?", "([^{#}])*?"][e || 0]; return n((c || "") + r.open + o + r.close + (t || "")) }, escape: function (e) { return String(e || "").replace(/&(?!#?[a-zA-Z0-9]+;)/g, "&").replace(//g, ">").replace(/'/g, "'").replace(/"/g, """) }, error: function (e, r) { var c = "Laytpl Error:"; return "object" == typeof console && console.error(c + e + "\n" + (r || "")), c + e } }, n = c.exp, t = function (e) { this.tpl = e }; t.pt = t.prototype, window.errors = 0, t.pt.parse = function (e, t) { var o = this, p = e, a = n("^" + r.open + "#", ""), l = n(r.close + "$", ""); e = e.replace(/\s+|\r|\t|\n/g, " ").replace(n(r.open + "#"), r.open + "# ").replace(n(r.close + "}"), "} " + r.close).replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(n(r.open + "!(.+?)!" + r.close), function (e) { return e = e.replace(n("^" + r.open + "!"), "").replace(n("!" + r.close), "").replace(n(r.open + "|" + r.close), function (e) { return e.replace(/(.)/g, "\\$1") }) }).replace(/(?="|')/g, "\\").replace(c.query(), function (e) { return e = e.replace(a, "").replace(l, ""), '";' + e.replace(/\\/g, "") + ';view+="' }).replace(c.query(1), function (e) { var c = '"+('; return e.replace(/\s/g, "") === r.open + r.close ? "" : (e = e.replace(n(r.open + "|" + r.close), ""), /^=/.test(e) && (e = e.replace(/^=/, ""), c = '"+_escape_('), c + e.replace(/\\/g, "") + ')+"') }), e = '"use strict";var view = "' + e + '";return view;'; try { return o.cache = e = new Function("d, _escape_", e), e(t, c.escape) } catch (u) { return delete o.cache, c.error(u, p) } }, t.pt.render = function (e, r) { var n, t = this; return e ? (n = t.cache ? t.cache(e, c.escape) : t.parse(t.tpl, e), r ? void r(n) : n) : c.error("no data") }; var o = function (e) { return "string" != typeof e ? c.error("Template not found") : new t(e) }; o.config = function (e) { e = e || {}; for (var c in e) r[c] = e[c] }, o.v = "1.2.0", e("laytpl", o) }); layui.define(function (e) { "use strict"; var a = document, t = "getElementById", n = "getElementsByTagName", i = "laypage", r = "layui-disabled", u = function (e) { var a = this; a.config = e || {}, a.config.index = ++s.index, a.render(!0) }; u.prototype.type = function () { var e = this.config; if ("object" == typeof e.elem) return void 0 === e.elem.length ? 2 : 3 }, u.prototype.view = function () { var e = this, a = e.config, t = a.groups = "groups" in a ? 0 | a.groups : 5; a.layout = "object" == typeof a.layout ? a.layout : ["prev", "page", "next"], a.count = 0 | a.count, a.curr = 0 | a.curr || 1, a.limits = "object" == typeof a.limits ? a.limits : [10, 20, 30, 40, 50], a.limit = 0 | a.limit || 10, a.pages = Math.ceil(a.count / a.limit) || 1, a.curr > a.pages && (a.curr = a.pages), t < 0 ? t = 1 : t > a.pages && (t = a.pages), a.prev = "prev" in a ? a.prev : "上一页", a.next = "next" in a ? a.next : "下一页"; var n = a.pages > t ? Math.ceil((a.curr + (t > 1 ? 1 : 0)) / (t > 0 ? t : 1)) : 1, i = { prev: function () { return a.prev ? '' + a.prev + "" : "" }(), page: function () { var e = []; if (a.count < 1) return ""; n > 1 && a.first !== !1 && 0 !== t && e.push('' + (a.first || 1) + ""); var i = Math.floor((t - 1) / 2), r = n > 1 ? a.curr - i : 1, u = n > 1 ? function () { var e = a.curr + (t - i - 1); return e > a.pages ? a.pages : e }() : t; for (u - r < t - 1 && (r = u - t + 1), a.first !== !1 && r > 2 && e.push(''); r <= u; r++) r === a.curr ? e.push('" + r + "") : e.push('' + r + ""); return a.pages > t && a.pages > u && a.last !== !1 && (u + 1 < a.pages && e.push(''), 0 !== t && e.push('' + (a.last || a.pages) + "")), e.join("") }(), next: function () { return a.next ? '' + a.next + "" : "" }(), count: '共 ' + a.count + " 条", limit: function () { var e = ['" }(), refresh: ['', '', ""].join(""), skip: function () { return ['到第', '', '页', ""].join("") }() }; return ['
', function () { var e = []; return layui.each(a.layout, function (a, t) { i[t] && e.push(i[t]) }), e.join("") }(), "
"].join("") }, u.prototype.jump = function (e, a) { if (e) { var t = this, i = t.config, r = e.children, u = e[n]("button")[0], l = e[n]("input")[0], p = e[n]("select")[0], c = function () { var e = 0 | l.value.replace(/\s|\D/g, ""); e && (i.curr = e, t.render()) }; if (a) return c(); for (var o = 0, y = r.length; o < y; o++) "a" === r[o].nodeName.toLowerCase() && s.on(r[o], "click", function () { var e = 0 | this.getAttribute("data-page"); e < 1 || e > i.pages || (i.curr = e, t.render()) }); p && s.on(p, "change", function () { var e = this.value; i.curr * e > i.count && (i.curr = Math.ceil(i.count / e)), i.limit = e, t.render() }), u && s.on(u, "click", function () { c() }) } }, u.prototype.skip = function (e) { if (e) { var a = this, t = e[n]("input")[0]; t && s.on(t, "keyup", function (t) { var n = this.value, i = t.keyCode; /^(37|38|39|40)$/.test(i) || (/\D/.test(n) && (this.value = n.replace(/\D/, "")), 13 === i && a.jump(e, !0)) }) } }, u.prototype.render = function (e) { var n = this, i = n.config, r = n.type(), u = n.view(); 2 === r ? i.elem && (i.elem.innerHTML = u) : 3 === r ? i.elem.html(u) : a[t](i.elem) && (a[t](i.elem).innerHTML = u), i.jump && i.jump(i, e); var s = a[t]("layui-laypage-" + i.index); n.jump(s), i.hash && !e && (location.hash = "!" + i.hash + "=" + i.curr), n.skip(s) }; var s = { render: function (e) { var a = new u(e); return a.index }, index: layui.laypage ? layui.laypage.index + 1e4 : 0, on: function (e, a, t) { return e.attachEvent ? e.attachEvent("on" + a, function (a) { a.target = a.srcElement, t.call(e, a) }) : e.addEventListener(a, t, !1), this } }; e(i, s) }); !function () { "use strict"; var e = window.layui && layui.define, t = { getPath: function () { var e = document.currentScript ? document.currentScript.src : function () { for (var e, t = document.scripts, n = t.length - 1, a = n; a > 0; a--) if ("interactive" === t[a].readyState) { e = t[a].src; break } return e || t[n].src }(); return e.substring(0, e.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) }(), getStyle: function (e, t) { var n = e.currentStyle ? e.currentStyle : window.getComputedStyle(e, null); return n[n.getPropertyValue ? "getPropertyValue" : "getAttribute"](t) }, link: function (e, a, i) { if (n.path) { var r = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], o = document.createElement("link"); "string" == typeof a && (i = a); var s = (i || e).replace(/\.|\//g, ""), l = "layuicss-" + s, d = 0; o.rel = "stylesheet", o.href = n.path + e, o.id = l, document.getElementById(l) || r.appendChild(o), "function" == typeof a && !function c() { return ++d > 80 ? window.console && console.error("laydate.css: Invalid") : void (1989 === parseInt(t.getStyle(document.getElementById(l), "width")) ? a() : setTimeout(c, 100)) }() } } }, n = { v: "5.0.9", config: {}, index: window.laydate && window.laydate.v ? 1e5 : 0, path: t.getPath, set: function (e) { var t = this; return t.config = w.extend({}, t.config, e), t }, ready: function (a) { var i = "laydate", r = "", o = (e ? "modules/laydate/" : "theme/") + "default/laydate.css?v=" + n.v + r; return e ? layui.addcss(o, a, i) : t.link(o, a, i), this } }, a = function () { var e = this; return { hint: function (t) { e.hint.call(e, t) }, config: e.config } }, i = "laydate", r = ".layui-laydate", o = "layui-this", s = "laydate-disabled", l = "开始日期超出了结束日期
建议重新选择", d = [100, 2e5], c = "layui-laydate-static", m = "layui-laydate-list", u = "laydate-selected", h = "layui-laydate-hint", y = "laydate-day-prev", f = "laydate-day-next", p = "layui-laydate-footer", g = ".laydate-btns-confirm", v = "laydate-time-text", D = ".laydate-btns-time", T = function (e) { var t = this; t.index = ++n.index, t.config = w.extend({}, t.config, n.config, e), n.ready(function () { t.init() }) }, w = function (e) { return new C(e) }, C = function (e) { for (var t = 0, n = "object" == typeof e ? [e] : (this.selector = e, document.querySelectorAll(e || null)); t < n.length; t++) this.push(n[t]) }; C.prototype = [], C.prototype.constructor = C, w.extend = function () { var e = 1, t = arguments, n = function (e, t) { e = e || (t.constructor === Array ? [] : {}); for (var a in t) e[a] = t[a] && t[a].constructor === Object ? n(e[a], t[a]) : t[a]; return e }; for (t[0] = "object" == typeof t[0] ? t[0] : {}; e < t.length; e++) "object" == typeof t[e] && n(t[0], t[e]); return t[0] }, w.ie = function () { var e = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); return !!(window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window) && ((e.match(/msie\s(\d+)/) || [])[1] || "11") }(), w.stope = function (e) { e = e || window.event, e.stopPropagation ? e.stopPropagation() : e.cancelBubble = !0 }, w.each = function (e, t) { var n, a = this; if ("function" != typeof t) return a; if (e = e || [], e.constructor === Object) { for (n in e) if (t.call(e[n], n, e[n])) break } else for (n = 0; n < e.length && !t.call(e[n], n, e[n]); n++) ; return a }, w.digit = function (e, t, n) { var a = ""; e = String(e), t = t || 2; for (var i = e.length; i < t; i++) a += "0"; return e < Math.pow(10, t) ? a + (0 | e) : e }, w.elem = function (e, t) { var n = document.createElement(e); return w.each(t || {}, function (e, t) { n.setAttribute(e, t) }), n }, C.addStr = function (e, t) { return e = e.replace(/\s+/, " "), t = t.replace(/\s+/, " ").split(" "), w.each(t, function (t, n) { new RegExp("\\b" + n + "\\b").test(e) || (e = e + " " + n) }), e.replace(/^\s|\s$/, "") }, C.removeStr = function (e, t) { return e = e.replace(/\s+/, " "), t = t.replace(/\s+/, " ").split(" "), w.each(t, function (t, n) { var a = new RegExp("\\b" + n + "\\b"); a.test(e) && (e = e.replace(a, "")) }), e.replace(/\s+/, " ").replace(/^\s|\s$/, "") }, C.prototype.find = function (e) { var t = this, n = 0, a = [], i = "object" == typeof e; return this.each(function (r, o) { for (var s = i ? [e] : o.querySelectorAll(e || null); n < s.length; n++) a.push(s[n]); t.shift() }), i || (t.selector = (t.selector ? t.selector + " " : "") + e), w.each(a, function (e, n) { t.push(n) }), t }, C.prototype.each = function (e) { return w.each.call(this, this, e) }, C.prototype.addClass = function (e, t) { return this.each(function (n, a) { a.className = C[t ? "removeStr" : "addStr"](a.className, e) }) }, C.prototype.removeClass = function (e) { return this.addClass(e, !0) }, C.prototype.hasClass = function (e) { var t = !1; return this.each(function (n, a) { new RegExp("\\b" + e + "\\b").test(a.className) && (t = !0) }), t }, C.prototype.attr = function (e, t) { var n = this; return void 0 === t ? function () { if (n.length > 0) return n[0].getAttribute(e) }() : n.each(function (n, a) { a.setAttribute(e, t) }) }, C.prototype.removeAttr = function (e) { return this.each(function (t, n) { n.removeAttribute(e) }) }, C.prototype.html = function (e) { return this.each(function (t, n) { n.innerHTML = e }) }, C.prototype.val = function (e) { return this.each(function (t, n) { n.value = e }) }, C.prototype.append = function (e) { return this.each(function (t, n) { "object" == typeof e ? n.appendChild(e) : n.innerHTML = n.innerHTML + e }) }, C.prototype.remove = function (e) { return this.each(function (t, n) { e ? n.removeChild(e) : n.parentNode.removeChild(n) }) }, C.prototype.on = function (e, t) { return this.each(function (n, a) { a.attachEvent ? a.attachEvent("on" + e, function (e) { e.target = e.srcElement, t.call(a, e) }) : a.addEventListener(e, t, !1) }) }, C.prototype.off = function (e, t) { return this.each(function (n, a) { a.detachEvent ? a.detachEvent("on" + e, t) : a.removeEventListener(e, t, !1) }) }, T.isLeapYear = function (e) { return e % 4 === 0 && e % 100 !== 0 || e % 400 === 0 }, T.prototype.config = { type: "date", range: !1, format: "yyyy-MM-dd", value: null, isInitValue: !0, min: "1900-1-1", max: "2099-12-31", trigger: "focus", show: !1, showBottom: !0, btns: ["clear", "now", "confirm"], lang: "cn", theme: "default", position: null, calendar: !1, mark: {}, zIndex: null, done: null, change: null }, T.prototype.lang = function () { var e = this, t = e.config, n = { cn: { weeks: ["日", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六"], time: ["时", "分", "秒"], timeTips: "选择时间", startTime: "开始时间", endTime: "结束时间", dateTips: "返回日期", month: ["一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九", "十", "十一", "十二"], tools: {confirm: "确定", clear: "清空", now: "现在"} }, en: { weeks: ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"], time: ["Hours", "Minutes", "Seconds"], timeTips: "Select Time", startTime: "Start Time", endTime: "End Time", dateTips: "Select Date", month: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"], tools: {confirm: "Confirm", clear: "Clear", now: "Now"} } }; return n[t.lang] || n.cn }, T.prototype.init = function () { var e = this, t = e.config, n = "yyyy|y|MM|M|dd|d|HH|H|mm|m|ss|s", a = "static" === t.position, i = {year: "yyyy", month: "yyyy-MM", date: "yyyy-MM-dd", time: "HH:mm:ss", datetime: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"}; t.elem = w(t.elem), t.eventElem = w(t.eventElem), t.elem[0] && (t.range === !0 && (t.range = "-"), t.format === i.date && (t.format = i[t.type]), e.format = t.format.match(new RegExp(n + "|.", "g")) || [], e.EXP_IF = "", e.EXP_SPLIT = "", w.each(e.format, function (t, a) { var i = new RegExp(n).test(a) ? "\\d{" + function () { return new RegExp(n).test(e.format[0 === t ? t + 1 : t - 1] || "") ? /^yyyy|y$/.test(a) ? 4 : a.length : /^yyyy$/.test(a) ? "1,4" : /^y$/.test(a) ? "1,308" : "1,2" }() + "}" : "\\" + a; e.EXP_IF = e.EXP_IF + i, e.EXP_SPLIT = e.EXP_SPLIT + "(" + i + ")" }), e.EXP_IF = new RegExp("^" + (t.range ? e.EXP_IF + "\\s\\" + t.range + "\\s" + e.EXP_IF : e.EXP_IF) + "$"), e.EXP_SPLIT = new RegExp("^" + e.EXP_SPLIT + "$", ""), e.isInput(t.elem[0]) || "focus" === t.trigger && (t.trigger = "click"), t.elem.attr("lay-key") || (t.elem.attr("lay-key", e.index), t.eventElem.attr("lay-key", e.index)), t.mark = w.extend({}, t.calendar && "cn" === t.lang ? { "0-1-1": "元旦", "0-2-14": "情人", "0-3-8": "妇女", "0-3-12": "植树", "0-4-1": "愚人", "0-5-1": "劳动", "0-5-4": "青年", "0-6-1": "儿童", "0-9-10": "教师", "0-9-18": "国耻", "0-10-1": "国庆", "0-12-25": "圣诞" } : {}, t.mark), w.each(["min", "max"], function (e, n) { var a = [], i = []; if ("number" == typeof t[n]) { var r = t[n], o = (new Date).getTime(), s = 864e5, l = new Date(r ? r < s ? o + r * s : r : o); a = [l.getFullYear(), l.getMonth() + 1, l.getDate()], r < s || (i = [l.getHours(), l.getMinutes(), l.getSeconds()]) } else a = (t[n].match(/\d+-\d+-\d+/) || [""])[0].split("-"), i = (t[n].match(/\d+:\d+:\d+/) || [""])[0].split(":"); t[n] = { year: 0 | a[0] || (new Date).getFullYear(), month: a[1] ? (0 | a[1]) - 1 : (new Date).getMonth(), date: 0 | a[2] || (new Date).getDate(), hours: 0 | i[0], minutes: 0 | i[1], seconds: 0 | i[2] } }), e.elemID = "layui-laydate" + t.elem.attr("lay-key"), (t.show || a) && e.render(), a || e.events(), t.value && t.isInitValue && (t.value.constructor === Date ? e.setValue(e.parse(0, e.systemDate(t.value))) : e.setValue(t.value))) }, T.prototype.render = function () { var e = this, t = e.config, n = e.lang(), a = "static" === t.position, i = e.elem = w.elem("div", { id: e.elemID, "class": ["layui-laydate", t.range ? " layui-laydate-range" : "", a ? " " + c : "", t.theme && "default" !== t.theme && !/^#/.test(t.theme) ? " laydate-theme-" + t.theme : ""].join("") }), r = e.elemMain = [], o = e.elemHeader = [], s = e.elemCont = [], l = e.table = [], d = e.footer = w.elem("div", {"class": p}); if (t.zIndex && (i.style.zIndex = t.zIndex), w.each(new Array(2), function (e) { if (!t.range && e > 0) return !0; var a = w.elem("div", {"class": "layui-laydate-header"}), i = [function () { var e = w.elem("i", {"class": "layui-icon laydate-icon laydate-prev-y"}); return e.innerHTML = "", e }(), function () { var e = w.elem("i", {"class": "layui-icon laydate-icon laydate-prev-m"}); return e.innerHTML = "", e }(), function () { var e = w.elem("div", {"class": "laydate-set-ym"}), t = w.elem("span"), n = w.elem("span"); return e.appendChild(t), e.appendChild(n), e }(), function () { var e = w.elem("i", {"class": "layui-icon laydate-icon laydate-next-m"}); return e.innerHTML = "", e }(), function () { var e = w.elem("i", {"class": "layui-icon laydate-icon laydate-next-y"}); return e.innerHTML = "", e }()], d = w.elem("div", {"class": "layui-laydate-content"}), c = w.elem("table"), m = w.elem("thead"), u = w.elem("tr"); w.each(i, function (e, t) { a.appendChild(t) }), m.appendChild(u), w.each(new Array(6), function (e) { var t = c.insertRow(0); w.each(new Array(7), function (a) { if (0 === e) { var i = w.elem("th"); i.innerHTML = n.weeks[a], u.appendChild(i) } t.insertCell(a) }) }), c.insertBefore(m, c.children[0]), d.appendChild(c), r[e] = w.elem("div", {"class": "layui-laydate-main laydate-main-list-" + e}), r[e].appendChild(a), r[e].appendChild(d), o.push(i), s.push(d), l.push(c) }), w(d).html(function () { var e = [], i = []; return "datetime" === t.type && e.push('' + n.timeTips + ""), w.each(t.btns, function (e, r) { var o = n.tools[r] || "btn"; t.range && "now" === r || (a && "clear" === r && (o = "cn" === t.lang ? "重置" : "Reset"), i.push('' + o + "")) }), e.push('"), e.join("") }()), w.each(r, function (e, t) { i.appendChild(t) }), t.showBottom && i.appendChild(d), /^#/.test(t.theme)) { var m = w.elem("style"), u = ["#{{id}} .layui-laydate-header{background-color:{{theme}};}", "#{{id}} .layui-this{background-color:{{theme}} !important;}"].join("").replace(/{{id}}/g, e.elemID).replace(/{{theme}}/g, t.theme); "styleSheet" in m ? (m.setAttribute("type", "text/css"), m.styleSheet.cssText = u) : m.innerHTML = u, w(i).addClass("laydate-theme-molv"), i.appendChild(m) } e.remove(T.thisElemDate), a ? t.elem.append(i) : (document.body.appendChild(i), e.position()), e.checkDate().calendar(), e.changeEvent(), T.thisElemDate = e.elemID, "function" == typeof t.ready && t.ready(w.extend({}, t.dateTime, {month: t.dateTime.month + 1})) }, T.prototype.remove = function (e) { var t = this, n = (t.config, w("#" + (e || t.elemID))); return n.hasClass(c) || t.checkDate(function () { n.remove() }), t }, T.prototype.position = function () { var e = this, t = e.config, n = e.bindElem || t.elem[0], a = n.getBoundingClientRect(), i = e.elem.offsetWidth, r = e.elem.offsetHeight, o = function (e) { return e = e ? "scrollLeft" : "scrollTop", document.body[e] | document.documentElement[e] }, s = function (e) { return document.documentElement[e ? "clientWidth" : "clientHeight"] }, l = 5, d = a.left, c = a.bottom; d + i + l > s("width") && (d = s("width") - i - l), c + r + l > s() && (c = a.top > r ? a.top - r : s() - r, c -= 2 * l), t.position && (e.elem.style.position = t.position), e.elem.style.left = d + ("fixed" === t.position ? 0 : o(1)) + "px", e.elem.style.top = c + ("fixed" === t.position ? 0 : o()) + "px" }, T.prototype.hint = function (e) { var t = this, n = (t.config, w.elem("div", {"class": h})); t.elem && (n.innerHTML = e || "", w(t.elem).find("." + h).remove(), t.elem.appendChild(n), clearTimeout(t.hinTimer), t.hinTimer = setTimeout(function () { w(t.elem).find("." + h).remove() }, 3e3)) }, T.prototype.getAsYM = function (e, t, n) { return n ? t-- : t++, t < 0 && (t = 11, e--), t > 11 && (t = 0, e++), [e, t] }, T.prototype.systemDate = function (e) { var t = e || new Date; return { year: t.getFullYear(), month: t.getMonth(), date: t.getDate(), hours: e ? e.getHours() : 0, minutes: e ? e.getMinutes() : 0, seconds: e ? e.getSeconds() : 0 } }, T.prototype.checkDate = function (e) { var t, a, i = this, r = (new Date, i.config), o = r.dateTime = r.dateTime || i.systemDate(), s = i.bindElem || r.elem[0], l = (i.isInput(s) ? "val" : "html", i.isInput(s) ? s.value : "static" === r.position ? "" : s.innerHTML), c = function (e) { e.year > d[1] && (e.year = d[1], a = !0), e.month > 11 && (e.month = 11, a = !0), e.hours > 23 && (e.hours = 0, a = !0), e.minutes > 59 && (e.minutes = 0, e.hours++, a = !0), e.seconds > 59 && (e.seconds = 0, e.minutes++, a = !0), t = n.getEndDate(e.month + 1, e.year), e.date > t && (e.date = t, a = !0) }, m = function (e, t, n) { var o = ["startTime", "endTime"]; t = (t.match(i.EXP_SPLIT) || []).slice(1), n = n || 0, r.range && (i[o[n]] = i[o[n]] || {}), w.each(i.format, function (s, l) { var c = parseFloat(t[s]); t[s].length < l.length && (a = !0), /yyyy|y/.test(l) ? (c < d[0] && (c = d[0], a = !0), e.year = c) : /MM|M/.test(l) ? (c < 1 && (c = 1, a = !0), e.month = c - 1) : /dd|d/.test(l) ? (c < 1 && (c = 1, a = !0), e.date = c) : /HH|H/.test(l) ? (c < 1 && (c = 0, a = !0), e.hours = c, r.range && (i[o[n]].hours = c)) : /mm|m/.test(l) ? (c < 1 && (c = 0, a = !0), e.minutes = c, r.range && (i[o[n]].minutes = c)) : /ss|s/.test(l) && (c < 1 && (c = 0, a = !0), e.seconds = c, r.range && (i[o[n]].seconds = c)) }), c(e) }; return "limit" === e ? (c(o), i) : (l = l || r.value, "string" == typeof l && (l = l.replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/^\s|\s$/g, "")), i.startState && !i.endState && (delete i.startState, i.endState = !0), "string" == typeof l && l ? i.EXP_IF.test(l) ? r.range ? (l = l.split(" " + r.range + " "), i.startDate = i.startDate || i.systemDate(), i.endDate = i.endDate || i.systemDate(), r.dateTime = w.extend({}, i.startDate), w.each([i.startDate, i.endDate], function (e, t) { m(t, l[e], e) })) : m(o, l) : (i.hint("日期格式不合法
" + (r.range ? r.format + " " + r.range + " " + r.format : r.format) + "
已为你重置"), a = !0) : l && l.constructor === Date ? r.dateTime = i.systemDate(l) : (r.dateTime = i.systemDate(), delete i.startState, delete i.endState, delete i.startDate, delete i.endDate, delete i.startTime, delete i.endTime), c(o), a && l && i.setValue(r.range ? i.endDate ? i.parse() : "" : i.parse()), e && e(), i) }, T.prototype.mark = function (e, t) { var n, a = this, i = a.config; return w.each(i.mark, function (e, a) { var i = e.split("-"); i[0] != t[0] && 0 != i[0] || i[1] != t[1] && 0 != i[1] || i[2] != t[2] || (n = a || t[2]) }), n && e.html('' + n + ""), a }, T.prototype.limit = function (e, t, n, a) { var i, r = this, o = r.config, l = {}, d = o[n > 41 ? "endDate" : "dateTime"], c = w.extend({}, d, t || {}); return w.each({now: c, min: o.min, max: o.max}, function (e, t) { l[e] = r.newDate(w.extend({year: t.year, month: t.month, date: t.date}, function () { var e = {}; return w.each(a, function (n, a) { e[a] = t[a] }), e }())).getTime() }), i = l.now < l.min || l.now > l.max, e && e[i ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](s), i }, T.prototype.calendar = function (e) { var t, a, i, r = this, s = r.config, l = e || s.dateTime, c = new Date, m = r.lang(), u = "date" !== s.type && "datetime" !== s.type, h = e ? 1 : 0, y = w(r.table[h]).find("td"), f = w(r.elemHeader[h][2]).find("span"); if (l.year < d[0] && (l.year = d[0], r.hint("最低只能支持到公元" + d[0] + "年")), l.year > d[1] && (l.year = d[1], r.hint("最高只能支持到公元" + d[1] + "年")), r.firstDate || (r.firstDate = w.extend({}, l)), c.setFullYear(l.year, l.month, 1), t = c.getDay(), a = n.getEndDate(l.month || 12, l.year), i = n.getEndDate(l.month + 1, l.year), w.each(y, function (e, n) { var d = [l.year, l.month], c = 0; n = w(n), n.removeAttr("class"), e < t ? (c = a - t + e, n.addClass("laydate-day-prev"), d = r.getAsYM(l.year, l.month, "sub")) : e >= t && e < i + t ? (c = e - t, s.range || c + 1 === l.date && n.addClass(o)) : (c = e - i - t, n.addClass("laydate-day-next"), d = r.getAsYM(l.year, l.month)), d[1]++, d[2] = c + 1, n.attr("lay-ymd", d.join("-")).html(d[2]), r.mark(n, d).limit(n, { year: d[0], month: d[1] - 1, date: d[2] }, e) }), w(f[0]).attr("lay-ym", l.year + "-" + (l.month + 1)), w(f[1]).attr("lay-ym", l.year + "-" + (l.month + 1)), "cn" === s.lang ? (w(f[0]).attr("lay-type", "year").html(l.year + "年"), w(f[1]).attr("lay-type", "month").html(l.month + 1 + "月")) : (w(f[0]).attr("lay-type", "month").html(m.month[l.month]), w(f[1]).attr("lay-type", "year").html(l.year)), u && (s.range && (e ? r.endDate = r.endDate || { year: l.year + ("year" === s.type ? 1 : 0), month: l.month + ("month" === s.type ? 0 : -1) } : r.startDate = r.startDate || { year: l.year, month: l.month }, e && (r.listYM = [[r.startDate.year, r.startDate.month + 1], [r.endDate.year, r.endDate.month + 1]], r.list(s.type, 0).list(s.type, 1), "time" === s.type ? r.setBtnStatus("时间", w.extend({}, r.systemDate(), r.startTime), w.extend({}, r.systemDate(), r.endTime)) : r.setBtnStatus(!0))), s.range || (r.listYM = [[l.year, l.month + 1]], r.list(s.type, 0))), s.range && !e) { var p = r.getAsYM(l.year, l.month); r.calendar(w.extend({}, l, {year: p[0], month: p[1]})) } return s.range || r.limit(w(r.footer).find(g), null, 0, ["hours", "minutes", "seconds"]), s.range && e && !u && r.stampRange(), r }, T.prototype.list = function (e, t) { var n = this, a = n.config, i = a.dateTime, r = n.lang(), l = a.range && "date" !== a.type && "datetime" !== a.type, d = w.elem("ul", { "class": m + " " + { year: "laydate-year-list", month: "laydate-month-list", time: "laydate-time-list" }[e] }), c = n.elemHeader[t], u = w(c[2]).find("span"), h = n.elemCont[t || 0], y = w(h).find("." + m)[0], f = "cn" === a.lang, p = f ? "年" : "", T = n.listYM[t] || {}, C = ["hours", "minutes", "seconds"], x = ["startTime", "endTime"][t]; if (T[0] < 1 && (T[0] = 1), "year" === e) { var M, b = M = T[0] - 7; b < 1 && (b = M = 1), w.each(new Array(15), function (e) { var i = w.elem("li", {"lay-ym": M}), r = {year: M}; M == T[0] && w(i).addClass(o), i.innerHTML = M + p, d.appendChild(i), M < n.firstDate.year ? (r.month = a.min.month, r.date = a.min.date) : M >= n.firstDate.year && (r.month = a.max.month, r.date = a.max.date), n.limit(w(i), r, t), M++ }), w(u[f ? 0 : 1]).attr("lay-ym", M - 8 + "-" + T[1]).html(b + p + " - " + (M - 1 + p)) } else if ("month" === e) w.each(new Array(12), function (e) { var i = w.elem("li", {"lay-ym": e}), s = {year: T[0], month: e}; e + 1 == T[1] && w(i).addClass(o), i.innerHTML = r.month[e] + (f ? "月" : ""), d.appendChild(i), T[0] < n.firstDate.year ? s.date = a.min.date : T[0] >= n.firstDate.year && (s.date = a.max.date), n.limit(w(i), s, t) }), w(u[f ? 0 : 1]).attr("lay-ym", T[0] + "-" + T[1]).html(T[0] + p); else if ("time" === e) { var E = function () { w(d).find("ol").each(function (e, a) { w(a).find("li").each(function (a, i) { n.limit(w(i), [{hours: a}, {hours: n[x].hours, minutes: a}, { hours: n[x].hours, minutes: n[x].minutes, seconds: a }][e], t, [["hours"], ["hours", "minutes"], ["hours", "minutes", "seconds"]][e]) }) }), a.range || n.limit(w(n.footer).find(g), n[x], 0, ["hours", "minutes", "seconds"]) }; a.range ? n[x] || (n[x] = { hours: 0, minutes: 0, seconds: 0 }) : n[x] = i, w.each([24, 60, 60], function (e, t) { var a = w.elem("li"), i = ["

" + r.time[e] + "

    "]; w.each(new Array(t), function (t) { i.push("" + w.digit(t, 2) + "") }), a.innerHTML = i.join("") + "
", d.appendChild(a) }), E() } if (y && h.removeChild(y), h.appendChild(d), "year" === e || "month" === e) w(n.elemMain[t]).addClass("laydate-ym-show"), w(d).find("li").on("click", function () { var r = 0 | w(this).attr("lay-ym"); if (!w(this).hasClass(s)) { if (0 === t) i[e] = r, l && (n.startDate[e] = r), n.limit(w(n.footer).find(g), null, 0); else if (l) n.endDate[e] = r; else { var c = "year" === e ? n.getAsYM(r, T[1] - 1, "sub") : n.getAsYM(T[0], r, "sub"); w.extend(i, {year: c[0], month: c[1]}) } "year" === a.type || "month" === a.type ? (w(d).find("." + o).removeClass(o), w(this).addClass(o), "month" === a.type && "year" === e && (n.listYM[t][0] = r, l && (n[["startDate", "endDate"][t]].year = r), n.list("month", t))) : (n.checkDate("limit").calendar(), n.closeList()), n.setBtnStatus(), a.range || n.done(null, "change"), w(n.footer).find(D).removeClass(s) } }); else { var S = w.elem("span", {"class": v}), k = function () { w(d).find("ol").each(function (e) { var t = this, a = w(t).find("li"); t.scrollTop = 30 * (n[x][C[e]] - 2), t.scrollTop <= 0 && a.each(function (e, n) { if (!w(this).hasClass(s)) return t.scrollTop = 30 * (e - 2), !0 }) }) }, H = w(c[2]).find("." + v); k(), S.innerHTML = a.range ? [r.startTime, r.endTime][t] : r.timeTips, w(n.elemMain[t]).addClass("laydate-time-show"), H[0] && H.remove(), c[2].appendChild(S), w(d).find("ol").each(function (e) { var t = this; w(t).find("li").on("click", function () { var r = 0 | this.innerHTML; w(this).hasClass(s) || (a.range ? n[x][C[e]] = r : i[C[e]] = r, w(t).find("." + o).removeClass(o), w(this).addClass(o), E(), k(), (n.endDate || "time" === a.type) && n.done(null, "change"), n.setBtnStatus()) }) }) } return n }, T.prototype.listYM = [], T.prototype.closeList = function () { var e = this; e.config; w.each(e.elemCont, function (t, n) { w(this).find("." + m).remove(), w(e.elemMain[t]).removeClass("laydate-ym-show laydate-time-show") }), w(e.elem).find("." + v).remove() }, T.prototype.setBtnStatus = function (e, t, n) { var a, i = this, r = i.config, o = w(i.footer).find(g), d = r.range && "date" !== r.type && "time" !== r.type; d && (t = t || i.startDate, n = n || i.endDate, a = i.newDate(t).getTime() > i.newDate(n).getTime(), i.limit(null, t) || i.limit(null, n) ? o.addClass(s) : o[a ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](s), e && a && i.hint("string" == typeof e ? l.replace(/日期/g, e) : l)) }, T.prototype.parse = function (e, t) { var n = this, a = n.config, i = t || (e ? w.extend({}, n.endDate, n.endTime) : a.range ? w.extend({}, n.startDate, n.startTime) : a.dateTime), r = n.format.concat(); return w.each(r, function (e, t) { /yyyy|y/.test(t) ? r[e] = w.digit(i.year, t.length) : /MM|M/.test(t) ? r[e] = w.digit(i.month + 1, t.length) : /dd|d/.test(t) ? r[e] = w.digit(i.date, t.length) : /HH|H/.test(t) ? r[e] = w.digit(i.hours, t.length) : /mm|m/.test(t) ? r[e] = w.digit(i.minutes, t.length) : /ss|s/.test(t) && (r[e] = w.digit(i.seconds, t.length)) }), a.range && !e ? r.join("") + " " + a.range + " " + n.parse(1) : r.join("") }, T.prototype.newDate = function (e) { return e = e || {}, new Date(e.year || 1, e.month || 0, e.date || 1, e.hours || 0, e.minutes || 0, e.seconds || 0) }, T.prototype.setValue = function (e) { var t = this, n = t.config, a = t.bindElem || n.elem[0], i = t.isInput(a) ? "val" : "html"; return "static" === n.position || w(a)[i](e || ""), this }, T.prototype.stampRange = function () { var e, t, n = this, a = n.config, i = w(n.elem).find("td"); if (a.range && !n.endDate && w(n.footer).find(g).addClass(s), n.endDate) return e = n.newDate({ year: n.startDate.year, month: n.startDate.month, date: n.startDate.date }).getTime(), t = n.newDate({ year: n.endDate.year, month: n.endDate.month, date: n.endDate.date }).getTime(), e > t ? n.hint(l) : void w.each(i, function (a, i) { var r = w(i).attr("lay-ymd").split("-"), s = n.newDate({year: r[0], month: r[1] - 1, date: r[2]}).getTime(); w(i).removeClass(u + " " + o), s !== e && s !== t || w(i).addClass(w(i).hasClass(y) || w(i).hasClass(f) ? u : o), s > e && s < t && w(i).addClass(u) }) }, T.prototype.done = function (e, t) { var n = this, a = n.config, i = w.extend({}, n.startDate ? w.extend(n.startDate, n.startTime) : a.dateTime), r = w.extend({}, w.extend(n.endDate, n.endTime)); return w.each([i, r], function (e, t) { "month" in t && w.extend(t, {month: t.month + 1}) }), e = e || [n.parse(), i, r], "function" == typeof a[t || "done"] && a[t || "done"].apply(a, e), n }, T.prototype.choose = function (e) { var t = this, n = t.config, a = n.dateTime, i = w(t.elem).find("td"), r = e.attr("lay-ymd").split("-"), l = function (e) { new Date; e && w.extend(a, r), n.range && (t.startDate ? w.extend(t.startDate, r) : t.startDate = w.extend({}, r, t.startTime), t.startYMD = r) }; if (r = {year: 0 | r[0], month: (0 | r[1]) - 1, date: 0 | r[2]}, !e.hasClass(s)) if (n.range) { if (w.each(["startTime", "endTime"], function (e, n) { t[n] = t[n] || {hours: 0, minutes: 0, seconds: 0} }), t.endState) l(), delete t.endState, delete t.endDate, t.startState = !0, i.removeClass(o + " " + u), e.addClass(o); else if (t.startState) { if (e.addClass(o), t.endDate ? w.extend(t.endDate, r) : t.endDate = w.extend({}, r, t.endTime), t.newDate(r).getTime() < t.newDate(t.startYMD).getTime()) { var d = w.extend({}, t.endDate, { hours: t.startDate.hours, minutes: t.startDate.minutes, seconds: t.startDate.seconds }); w.extend(t.endDate, t.startDate, { hours: t.endDate.hours, minutes: t.endDate.minutes, seconds: t.endDate.seconds }), t.startDate = d } n.showBottom || t.done(), t.stampRange(), t.endState = !0, t.done(null, "change") } else e.addClass(o), l(), t.startState = !0; w(t.footer).find(g)[t.endDate ? "removeClass" : "addClass"](s) } else "static" === n.position ? (l(!0), t.calendar().done().done(null, "change")) : "date" === n.type ? (l(!0), t.setValue(t.parse()).remove().done()) : "datetime" === n.type && (l(!0), t.calendar().done(null, "change")) }, T.prototype.tool = function (e, t) { var n = this, a = n.config, i = a.dateTime, r = "static" === a.position, o = { datetime: function () { w(e).hasClass(s) || (n.list("time", 0), a.range && n.list("time", 1), w(e).attr("lay-type", "date").html(n.lang().dateTips)) }, date: function () { n.closeList(), w(e).attr("lay-type", "datetime").html(n.lang().timeTips) }, clear: function () { n.setValue("").remove(), r && (w.extend(i, n.firstDate), n.calendar()), a.range && (delete n.startState, delete n.endState, delete n.endDate, delete n.startTime, delete n.endTime), n.done(["", {}, {}]) }, now: function () { var e = new Date; w.extend(i, n.systemDate(), { hours: e.getHours(), minutes: e.getMinutes(), seconds: e.getSeconds() }), n.setValue(n.parse()).remove(), r && n.calendar(), n.done() }, confirm: function () { if (a.range) { if (!n.endDate) return n.hint("请先选择日期范围"); if (w(e).hasClass(s)) return n.hint("time" === a.type ? l.replace(/日期/g, "时间") : l) } else if (w(e).hasClass(s)) return n.hint("不在有效日期或时间范围内"); n.done(), n.setValue(n.parse()).remove() } }; o[t] && o[t]() }, T.prototype.change = function (e) { var t = this, n = t.config, a = n.dateTime, i = n.range && ("year" === n.type || "month" === n.type), r = t.elemCont[e || 0], o = t.listYM[e], s = function (s) { var l = ["startDate", "endDate"][e], d = w(r).find(".laydate-year-list")[0], c = w(r).find(".laydate-month-list")[0]; return d && (o[0] = s ? o[0] - 15 : o[0] + 15, t.list("year", e)), c && (s ? o[0]-- : o[0]++, t.list("month", e)), (d || c) && (w.extend(a, {year: o[0]}), i && (t[l].year = o[0]), n.range || t.done(null, "change"), t.setBtnStatus(), n.range || t.limit(w(t.footer).find(g), {year: o[0]})), d || c }; return { prevYear: function () { s("sub") || (a.year--, t.checkDate("limit").calendar(), n.range || t.done(null, "change")) }, prevMonth: function () { var e = t.getAsYM(a.year, a.month, "sub"); w.extend(a, { year: e[0], month: e[1] }), t.checkDate("limit").calendar(), n.range || t.done(null, "change") }, nextMonth: function () { var e = t.getAsYM(a.year, a.month); w.extend(a, { year: e[0], month: e[1] }), t.checkDate("limit").calendar(), n.range || t.done(null, "change") }, nextYear: function () { s() || (a.year++, t.checkDate("limit").calendar(), n.range || t.done(null, "change")) } } }, T.prototype.changeEvent = function () { var e = this; e.config; w(e.elem).on("click", function (e) { w.stope(e) }), w.each(e.elemHeader, function (t, n) { w(n[0]).on("click", function (n) { e.change(t).prevYear() }), w(n[1]).on("click", function (n) { e.change(t).prevMonth() }), w(n[2]).find("span").on("click", function (n) { var a = w(this), i = a.attr("lay-ym"), r = a.attr("lay-type"); i && (i = i.split("-"), e.listYM[t] = [0 | i[0], 0 | i[1]], e.list(r, t), w(e.footer).find(D).addClass(s)) }), w(n[3]).on("click", function (n) { e.change(t).nextMonth() }), w(n[4]).on("click", function (n) { e.change(t).nextYear() }) }), w.each(e.table, function (t, n) { var a = w(n).find("td"); a.on("click", function () { e.choose(w(this)) }) }), w(e.footer).find("span").on("click", function () { var t = w(this).attr("lay-type"); e.tool(this, t) }) }, T.prototype.isInput = function (e) { return /input|textarea/.test(e.tagName.toLocaleLowerCase()) }, T.prototype.events = function () { var e = this, t = e.config, n = function (n, a) { n.on(t.trigger, function () { a && (e.bindElem = this), e.render() }) }; t.elem[0] && !t.elem[0].eventHandler && (n(t.elem, "bind"), n(t.eventElem), w(document).on("click", function (n) { n.target !== t.elem[0] && n.target !== t.eventElem[0] && n.target !== w(t.closeStop)[0] && e.remove() }).on("keydown", function (t) { 13 === t.keyCode && w("#" + e.elemID)[0] && e.elemID === T.thisElem && (t.preventDefault(), w(e.footer).find(g)[0].click()) }), w(window).on("resize", function () { return !(!e.elem || !w(r)[0]) && void e.position() }), t.elem[0].eventHandler = !0) }, n.render = function (e) { var t = new T(e); return a.call(t) }, n.getEndDate = function (e, t) { var n = new Date; return n.setFullYear(t || n.getFullYear(), e || n.getMonth() + 1, 1), new Date(n.getTime() - 864e5).getDate() }, window.lay = window.lay || w, e ? (n.ready(), layui.define(function (e) { n.path = layui.cache.dir, e(i, n) })) : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(function () { return n }) : function () { n.ready(), window.laydate = n }() }(); !function (e, t) { "object" == typeof module && "object" == typeof module.exports ? module.exports = e.document ? t(e, !0) : function (e) { if (!e.document) throw new Error("jQuery requires a window with a document"); return t(e) } : t(e) }("undefined" != typeof window ? window : this, function (e, t) { function n(e) { var t = !!e && "length" in e && e.length, n = pe.type(e); return "function" !== n && !pe.isWindow(e) && ("array" === n || 0 === t || "number" == typeof t && t > 0 && t - 1 in e) } function r(e, t, n) { if (pe.isFunction(t)) return pe.grep(e, function (e, r) { return !!t.call(e, r, e) !== n }); if (t.nodeType) return pe.grep(e, function (e) { return e === t !== n }); if ("string" == typeof t) { if (Ce.test(t)) return pe.filter(t, e, n); t = pe.filter(t, e) } return pe.grep(e, function (e) { return pe.inArray(e, t) > -1 !== n }) } function i(e, t) { do e = e[t]; while (e && 1 !== e.nodeType); return e } function o(e) { var t = {}; return pe.each(e.match(De) || [], function (e, n) { t[n] = !0 }), t } function a() { re.addEventListener ? (re.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", s), e.removeEventListener("load", s)) : (re.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", s), e.detachEvent("onload", s)) } function s() { (re.addEventListener || "load" === e.event.type || "complete" === re.readyState) && (a(), pe.ready()) } function u(e, t, n) { if (void 0 === n && 1 === e.nodeType) { var r = "data-" + t.replace(_e, "-$1").toLowerCase(); if (n = e.getAttribute(r), "string" == typeof n) { try { n = "true" === n || "false" !== n && ("null" === n ? null : +n + "" === n ? +n : qe.test(n) ? pe.parseJSON(n) : n) } catch (i) { } pe.data(e, t, n) } else n = void 0 } return n } function l(e) { var t; for (t in e) if (("data" !== t || !pe.isEmptyObject(e[t])) && "toJSON" !== t) return !1; return !0 } function c(e, t, n, r) { if (He(e)) { var i, o, a = pe.expando, s = e.nodeType, u = s ? pe.cache : e, l = s ? e[a] : e[a] && a; if (l && u[l] && (r || u[l].data) || void 0 !== n || "string" != typeof t) return l || (l = s ? e[a] = ne.pop() || pe.guid++ : a), u[l] || (u[l] = s ? {} : {toJSON: pe.noop}), "object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t || (r ? u[l] = pe.extend(u[l], t) : u[l].data = pe.extend(u[l].data, t)), o = u[l], r || (o.data || (o.data = {}), o = o.data), void 0 !== n && (o[pe.camelCase(t)] = n), "string" == typeof t ? (i = o[t], null == i && (i = o[pe.camelCase(t)])) : i = o, i } } function f(e, t, n) { if (He(e)) { var r, i, o = e.nodeType, a = o ? pe.cache : e, s = o ? e[pe.expando] : pe.expando; if (a[s]) { if (t && (r = n ? a[s] : a[s].data)) { pe.isArray(t) ? t = t.concat(pe.map(t, pe.camelCase)) : t in r ? t = [t] : (t = pe.camelCase(t), t = t in r ? [t] : t.split(" ")), i = t.length; for (; i--;) delete r[t[i]]; if (n ? !l(r) : !pe.isEmptyObject(r)) return } (n || (delete a[s].data, l(a[s]))) && (o ? pe.cleanData([e], !0) : fe.deleteExpando || a != a.window ? delete a[s] : a[s] = void 0) } } } function d(e, t, n, r) { var i, o = 1, a = 20, s = r ? function () { return r.cur() } : function () { return pe.css(e, t, "") }, u = s(), l = n && n[3] || (pe.cssNumber[t] ? "" : "px"), c = (pe.cssNumber[t] || "px" !== l && +u) && Me.exec(pe.css(e, t)); if (c && c[3] !== l) { l = l || c[3], n = n || [], c = +u || 1; do o = o || ".5", c /= o, pe.style(e, t, c + l); while (o !== (o = s() / u) && 1 !== o && --a) } return n && (c = +c || +u || 0, i = n[1] ? c + (n[1] + 1) * n[2] : +n[2], r && (r.unit = l, r.start = c, r.end = i)), i } function p(e) { var t = ze.split("|"), n = e.createDocumentFragment(); if (n.createElement) for (; t.length;) n.createElement(t.pop()); return n } function h(e, t) { var n, r, i = 0, o = "undefined" != typeof e.getElementsByTagName ? e.getElementsByTagName(t || "*") : "undefined" != typeof e.querySelectorAll ? e.querySelectorAll(t || "*") : void 0; if (!o) for (o = [], n = e.childNodes || e; null != (r = n[i]); i++) !t || pe.nodeName(r, t) ? o.push(r) : pe.merge(o, h(r, t)); return void 0 === t || t && pe.nodeName(e, t) ? pe.merge([e], o) : o } function g(e, t) { for (var n, r = 0; null != (n = e[r]); r++) pe._data(n, "globalEval", !t || pe._data(t[r], "globalEval")) } function m(e) { Be.test(e.type) && (e.defaultChecked = e.checked) } function y(e, t, n, r, i) { for (var o, a, s, u, l, c, f, d = e.length, y = p(t), v = [], x = 0; x < d; x++) if (a = e[x], a || 0 === a) if ("object" === pe.type(a)) pe.merge(v, a.nodeType ? [a] : a); else if (Ue.test(a)) { for (u = u || y.appendChild(t.createElement("div")), l = (We.exec(a) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase(), f = Xe[l] || Xe._default, u.innerHTML = f[1] + pe.htmlPrefilter(a) + f[2], o = f[0]; o--;) u = u.lastChild; if (!fe.leadingWhitespace && $e.test(a) && v.push(t.createTextNode($e.exec(a)[0])), !fe.tbody) for (a = "table" !== l || Ve.test(a) ? "" !== f[1] || Ve.test(a) ? 0 : u : u.firstChild, o = a && a.childNodes.length; o--;) pe.nodeName(c = a.childNodes[o], "tbody") && !c.childNodes.length && a.removeChild(c); for (pe.merge(v, u.childNodes), u.textContent = ""; u.firstChild;) u.removeChild(u.firstChild); u = y.lastChild } else v.push(t.createTextNode(a)); for (u && y.removeChild(u), fe.appendChecked || pe.grep(h(v, "input"), m), x = 0; a = v[x++];) if (r && pe.inArray(a, r) > -1) i && i.push(a); else if (s = pe.contains(a.ownerDocument, a), u = h(y.appendChild(a), "script"), s && g(u), n) for (o = 0; a = u[o++];) Ie.test(a.type || "") && n.push(a); return u = null, y } function v() { return !0 } function x() { return !1 } function b() { try { return re.activeElement } catch (e) { } } function w(e, t, n, r, i, o) { var a, s; if ("object" == typeof t) { "string" != typeof n && (r = r || n, n = void 0); for (s in t) w(e, s, n, r, t[s], o); return e } if (null == r && null == i ? (i = n, r = n = void 0) : null == i && ("string" == typeof n ? (i = r, r = void 0) : (i = r, r = n, n = void 0)), i === !1) i = x; else if (!i) return e; return 1 === o && (a = i, i = function (e) { return pe().off(e), a.apply(this, arguments) }, i.guid = a.guid || (a.guid = pe.guid++)), e.each(function () { pe.event.add(this, t, i, r, n) }) } function T(e, t) { return pe.nodeName(e, "table") && pe.nodeName(11 !== t.nodeType ? t : t.firstChild, "tr") ? e.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0] || e.appendChild(e.ownerDocument.createElement("tbody")) : e } function C(e) { return e.type = (null !== pe.find.attr(e, "type")) + "/" + e.type, e } function E(e) { var t = it.exec(e.type); return t ? e.type = t[1] : e.removeAttribute("type"), e } function N(e, t) { if (1 === t.nodeType && pe.hasData(e)) { var n, r, i, o = pe._data(e), a = pe._data(t, o), s = o.events; if (s) { delete a.handle, a.events = {}; for (n in s) for (r = 0, i = s[n].length; r < i; r++) pe.event.add(t, n, s[n][r]) } a.data && (a.data = pe.extend({}, a.data)) } } function k(e, t) { var n, r, i; if (1 === t.nodeType) { if (n = t.nodeName.toLowerCase(), !fe.noCloneEvent && t[pe.expando]) { i = pe._data(t); for (r in i.events) pe.removeEvent(t, r, i.handle); t.removeAttribute(pe.expando) } "script" === n && t.text !== e.text ? (C(t).text = e.text, E(t)) : "object" === n ? (t.parentNode && (t.outerHTML = e.outerHTML), fe.html5Clone && e.innerHTML && !pe.trim(t.innerHTML) && (t.innerHTML = e.innerHTML)) : "input" === n && Be.test(e.type) ? (t.defaultChecked = t.checked = e.checked, t.value !== e.value && (t.value = e.value)) : "option" === n ? t.defaultSelected = t.selected = e.defaultSelected : "input" !== n && "textarea" !== n || (t.defaultValue = e.defaultValue) } } function S(e, t, n, r) { t = oe.apply([], t); var i, o, a, s, u, l, c = 0, f = e.length, d = f - 1, p = t[0], g = pe.isFunction(p); if (g || f > 1 && "string" == typeof p && !fe.checkClone && rt.test(p)) return e.each(function (i) { var o = e.eq(i); g && (t[0] = p.call(this, i, o.html())), S(o, t, n, r) }); if (f && (l = y(t, e[0].ownerDocument, !1, e, r), i = l.firstChild, 1 === l.childNodes.length && (l = i), i || r)) { for (s = pe.map(h(l, "script"), C), a = s.length; c < f; c++) o = l, c !== d && (o = pe.clone(o, !0, !0), a && pe.merge(s, h(o, "script"))), n.call(e[c], o, c); if (a) for (u = s[s.length - 1].ownerDocument, pe.map(s, E), c = 0; c < a; c++) o = s[c], Ie.test(o.type || "") && !pe._data(o, "globalEval") && pe.contains(u, o) && (o.src ? pe._evalUrl && pe._evalUrl(o.src) : pe.globalEval((o.text || o.textContent || o.innerHTML || "").replace(ot, ""))); l = i = null } return e } function A(e, t, n) { for (var r, i = t ? pe.filter(t, e) : e, o = 0; null != (r = i[o]); o++) n || 1 !== r.nodeType || pe.cleanData(h(r)), r.parentNode && (n && pe.contains(r.ownerDocument, r) && g(h(r, "script")), r.parentNode.removeChild(r)); return e } function D(e, t) { var n = pe(t.createElement(e)).appendTo(t.body), r = pe.css(n[0], "display"); return n.detach(), r } function j(e) { var t = re, n = lt[e]; return n || (n = D(e, t), "none" !== n && n || (ut = (ut || pe("'; break; case 3: delete t.title, delete t.closeBtn, t.icon === -1 && 0 === t.icon, r.closeAll("loading"); break; case 4: f || (t.content = [t.content, "body"]), t.follow = t.content[1], t.content = t.content[0] + '', delete t.title, t.tips = "object" == typeof t.tips ? t.tips : [t.tips, !0], t.tipsMore || r.closeAll("tips") } if (e.vessel(f, function (n, r, u) { c.append(n[0]), f ? function () { 2 == t.type || 4 == t.type ? function () { i("body").append(n[1]) }() : function () { s.parents("." + l[0])[0] || (s.data("display", s.css("display")).show().addClass("layui-layer-wrap").wrap(n[1]), i("#" + l[0] + a).find("." + l[5]).before(r)) }() }() : c.append(n[1]), i(".layui-layer-move")[0] || c.append(o.moveElem = u), e.layero = i("#" + l[0] + a), t.scrollbar || l.html.css("overflow", "hidden").attr("layer-full", a) }).auto(a), i("#layui-layer-shade" + e.index).css({ "background-color": t.shade[1] || "#000", opacity: t.shade[0] || t.shade }), 2 == t.type && 6 == r.ie && e.layero.find("iframe").attr("src", s[0]), 4 == t.type ? e.tips() : e.offset(), t.fixed && n.on("resize", function () { e.offset(), (/^\d+%$/.test(t.area[0]) || /^\d+%$/.test(t.area[1])) && e.auto(a), 4 == t.type && e.tips() }), t.time <= 0 || setTimeout(function () { r.close(e.index) }, t.time), e.move().callback(), l.anim[t.anim]) { var u = "layer-anim " + l.anim[t.anim]; e.layero.addClass(u).one("webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend", function () { i(this).removeClass(u) }) } t.isOutAnim && e.layero.data("isOutAnim", !0) } }, s.pt.auto = function (e) { var t = this, a = t.config, o = i("#" + l[0] + e); "" === a.area[0] && a.maxWidth > 0 && (r.ie && r.ie < 8 && a.btn && o.width(o.innerWidth()), o.outerWidth() > a.maxWidth && o.width(a.maxWidth)); var s = [o.innerWidth(), o.innerHeight()], f = o.find(l[1]).outerHeight() || 0, c = o.find("." + l[6]).outerHeight() || 0, u = function (e) { e = o.find(e), e.height(s[1] - f - c - 2 * (0 | parseFloat(e.css("padding-top")))) }; switch (a.type) { case 2: u("iframe"); break; default: "" === a.area[1] ? a.maxHeight > 0 && o.outerHeight() > a.maxHeight ? (s[1] = a.maxHeight, u("." + l[5])) : a.fixed && s[1] >= n.height() && (s[1] = n.height(), u("." + l[5])) : u("." + l[5]) } return t }, s.pt.offset = function () { var e = this, t = e.config, i = e.layero, a = [i.outerWidth(), i.outerHeight()], o = "object" == typeof t.offset; e.offsetTop = (n.height() - a[1]) / 2, e.offsetLeft = (n.width() - a[0]) / 2, o ? (e.offsetTop = t.offset[0], e.offsetLeft = t.offset[1] || e.offsetLeft) : "auto" !== t.offset && ("t" === t.offset ? e.offsetTop = 0 : "r" === t.offset ? e.offsetLeft = n.width() - a[0] : "b" === t.offset ? e.offsetTop = n.height() - a[1] : "l" === t.offset ? e.offsetLeft = 0 : "lt" === t.offset ? (e.offsetTop = 0, e.offsetLeft = 0) : "lb" === t.offset ? (e.offsetTop = n.height() - a[1], e.offsetLeft = 0) : "rt" === t.offset ? (e.offsetTop = 0, e.offsetLeft = n.width() - a[0]) : "rb" === t.offset ? (e.offsetTop = n.height() - a[1], e.offsetLeft = n.width() - a[0]) : e.offsetTop = t.offset), t.fixed || (e.offsetTop = /%$/.test(e.offsetTop) ? n.height() * parseFloat(e.offsetTop) / 100 : parseFloat(e.offsetTop), e.offsetLeft = /%$/.test(e.offsetLeft) ? n.width() * parseFloat(e.offsetLeft) / 100 : parseFloat(e.offsetLeft), e.offsetTop += n.scrollTop(), e.offsetLeft += n.scrollLeft()), i.attr("minLeft") && (e.offsetTop = n.height() - (i.find(l[1]).outerHeight() || 0), e.offsetLeft = i.css("left")), i.css({ top: e.offsetTop, left: e.offsetLeft }) }, s.pt.tips = function () { var e = this, t = e.config, a = e.layero, o = [a.outerWidth(), a.outerHeight()], r = i(t.follow); r[0] || (r = i("body")); var s = {width: r.outerWidth(), height: r.outerHeight(), top: r.offset().top, left: r.offset().left}, f = a.find(".layui-layer-TipsG"), c = t.tips[0]; t.tips[1] || f.remove(), s.autoLeft = function () { s.left + o[0] - n.width() > 0 ? (s.tipLeft = s.left + s.width - o[0], f.css({ right: 12, left: "auto" })) : s.tipLeft = s.left }, s.where = [function () { s.autoLeft(), s.tipTop = s.top - o[1] - 10, f.removeClass("layui-layer-TipsB").addClass("layui-layer-TipsT").css("border-right-color", t.tips[1]) }, function () { s.tipLeft = s.left + s.width + 10, s.tipTop = s.top, f.removeClass("layui-layer-TipsL").addClass("layui-layer-TipsR").css("border-bottom-color", t.tips[1]) }, function () { s.autoLeft(), s.tipTop = s.top + s.height + 10, f.removeClass("layui-layer-TipsT").addClass("layui-layer-TipsB").css("border-right-color", t.tips[1]) }, function () { s.tipLeft = s.left - o[0] - 10, s.tipTop = s.top, f.removeClass("layui-layer-TipsR").addClass("layui-layer-TipsL").css("border-bottom-color", t.tips[1]) }], s.where[c - 1](), 1 === c ? s.top - (n.scrollTop() + o[1] + 16) < 0 && s.where[2]() : 2 === c ? n.width() - (s.left + s.width + o[0] + 16) > 0 || s.where[3]() : 3 === c ? s.top - n.scrollTop() + s.height + o[1] + 16 - n.height() > 0 && s.where[0]() : 4 === c && o[0] + 16 - s.left > 0 && s.where[1](), a.find("." + l[5]).css({ "background-color": t.tips[1], "padding-right": t.closeBtn ? "30px" : "" }), a.css({left: s.tipLeft - (t.fixed ? n.scrollLeft() : 0), top: s.tipTop - (t.fixed ? n.scrollTop() : 0)}) }, s.pt.move = function () { var e = this, t = e.config, a = i(document), s = e.layero, l = s.find(t.move), f = s.find(".layui-layer-resize"), c = {}; return t.move && l.css("cursor", "move"), l.on("mousedown", function (e) { e.preventDefault(), t.move && (c.moveStart = !0, c.offset = [e.clientX - parseFloat(s.css("left")), e.clientY - parseFloat(s.css("top"))], o.moveElem.css("cursor", "move").show()) }), f.on("mousedown", function (e) { e.preventDefault(), c.resizeStart = !0, c.offset = [e.clientX, e.clientY], c.area = [s.outerWidth(), s.outerHeight()], o.moveElem.css("cursor", "se-resize").show() }), a.on("mousemove", function (i) { if (c.moveStart) { var a = i.clientX - c.offset[0], o = i.clientY - c.offset[1], l = "fixed" === s.css("position"); if (i.preventDefault(), c.stX = l ? 0 : n.scrollLeft(), c.stY = l ? 0 : n.scrollTop(), !t.moveOut) { var f = n.width() - s.outerWidth() + c.stX, u = n.height() - s.outerHeight() + c.stY; a < c.stX && (a = c.stX), a > f && (a = f), o < c.stY && (o = c.stY), o > u && (o = u) } s.css({left: a, top: o}) } if (t.resize && c.resizeStart) { var a = i.clientX - c.offset[0], o = i.clientY - c.offset[1]; i.preventDefault(), r.style(e.index, { width: c.area[0] + a, height: c.area[1] + o }), c.isResize = !0, t.resizing && t.resizing(s) } }).on("mouseup", function (e) { c.moveStart && (delete c.moveStart, o.moveElem.hide(), t.moveEnd && t.moveEnd(s)), c.resizeStart && (delete c.resizeStart, o.moveElem.hide()) }), e }, s.pt.callback = function () { function e() { var e = a.cancel && a.cancel(t.index, n); e === !1 || r.close(t.index) } var t = this, n = t.layero, a = t.config; t.openLayer(), a.success && (2 == a.type ? n.find("iframe").on("load", function () { a.success(n, t.index) }) : a.success(n, t.index)), 6 == r.ie && t.IE6(n), n.find("." + l[6]).children("a").on("click", function () { var e = i(this).index(); if (0 === e) a.yes ? a.yes(t.index, n) : a.btn1 ? a.btn1(t.index, n) : r.close(t.index); else { var o = a["btn" + (e + 1)] && a["btn" + (e + 1)](t.index, n); o === !1 || r.close(t.index) } }), n.find("." + l[7]).on("click", e), a.shadeClose && i("#layui-layer-shade" + t.index).on("click", function () { r.close(t.index) }), n.find(".layui-layer-min").on("click", function () { var e = a.min && a.min(n); e === !1 || r.min(t.index, a) }), n.find(".layui-layer-max").on("click", function () { i(this).hasClass("layui-layer-maxmin") ? (r.restore(t.index), a.restore && a.restore(n)) : (r.full(t.index, a), setTimeout(function () { a.full && a.full(n) }, 100)) }), a.end && (o.end[t.index] = a.end) }, o.reselect = function () { i.each(i("select"), function (e, t) { var n = i(this); n.parents("." + l[0])[0] || 1 == n.attr("layer") && i("." + l[0]).length < 1 && n.removeAttr("layer").show(), n = null }) }, s.pt.IE6 = function (e) { i("select").each(function (e, t) { var n = i(this); n.parents("." + l[0])[0] || "none" === n.css("display") || n.attr({layer: "1"}).hide(), n = null }) }, s.pt.openLayer = function () { var e = this; r.zIndex = e.config.zIndex, r.setTop = function (e) { var t = function () { r.zIndex++, e.css("z-index", r.zIndex + 1) }; return r.zIndex = parseInt(e[0].style.zIndex), e.on("mousedown", t), r.zIndex } }, o.record = function (e) { var t = [e.width(), e.height(), e.position().top, e.position().left + parseFloat(e.css("margin-left"))]; e.find(".layui-layer-max").addClass("layui-layer-maxmin"), e.attr({area: t}) }, o.rescollbar = function (e) { l.html.attr("layer-full") == e && (l.html[0].style.removeProperty ? l.html[0].style.removeProperty("overflow") : l.html[0].style.removeAttribute("overflow"), l.html.removeAttr("layer-full")) }, e.layer = r, r.getChildFrame = function (e, t) { return t = t || i("." + l[4]).attr("times"), i("#" + l[0] + t).find("iframe").contents().find(e) }, r.getFrameIndex = function (e) { return i("#" + e).parents("." + l[4]).attr("times") }, r.iframeAuto = function (e) { if (e) { var t = r.getChildFrame("html", e).outerHeight(), n = i("#" + l[0] + e), a = n.find(l[1]).outerHeight() || 0, o = n.find("." + l[6]).outerHeight() || 0; n.css({height: t + a + o}), n.find("iframe").css({height: t}) } }, r.iframeSrc = function (e, t) { i("#" + l[0] + e).find("iframe").attr("src", t) }, r.style = function (e, t, n) { var a = i("#" + l[0] + e), r = a.find(".layui-layer-content"), s = a.attr("type"), f = a.find(l[1]).outerHeight() || 0, c = a.find("." + l[6]).outerHeight() || 0; a.attr("minLeft"); s !== o.type[3] && s !== o.type[4] && (n || (parseFloat(t.width) <= 260 && (t.width = 260), parseFloat(t.height) - f - c <= 64 && (t.height = 64 + f + c)), a.css(t), c = a.find("." + l[6]).outerHeight(), s === o.type[2] ? a.find("iframe").css({height: parseFloat(t.height) - f - c}) : r.css({height: parseFloat(t.height) - f - c - parseFloat(r.css("padding-top")) - parseFloat(r.css("padding-bottom"))})) }, r.min = function (e, t) { var a = i("#" + l[0] + e), s = a.find(l[1]).outerHeight() || 0, f = a.attr("minLeft") || 181 * o.minIndex + "px", c = a.css("position"); o.record(a), o.minLeft[0] && (f = o.minLeft[0], o.minLeft.shift()), a.attr("position", c), r.style(e, { width: 180, height: s, left: f, top: n.height() - s, position: "fixed", overflow: "hidden" }, !0), a.find(".layui-layer-min").hide(), "page" === a.attr("type") && a.find(l[4]).hide(), o.rescollbar(e), a.attr("minLeft") || o.minIndex++, a.attr("minLeft", f) }, r.restore = function (e) { var t = i("#" + l[0] + e), n = t.attr("area").split(","); t.attr("type"); r.style(e, { width: parseFloat(n[0]), height: parseFloat(n[1]), top: parseFloat(n[2]), left: parseFloat(n[3]), position: t.attr("position"), overflow: "visible" }, !0), t.find(".layui-layer-max").removeClass("layui-layer-maxmin"), t.find(".layui-layer-min").show(), "page" === t.attr("type") && t.find(l[4]).show(), o.rescollbar(e) }, r.full = function (e) { var t, a = i("#" + l[0] + e); o.record(a), l.html.attr("layer-full") || l.html.css("overflow", "hidden").attr("layer-full", e), clearTimeout(t), t = setTimeout(function () { var t = "fixed" === a.css("position"); r.style(e, { top: t ? 0 : n.scrollTop(), left: t ? 0 : n.scrollLeft(), width: n.width(), height: n.height() }, !0), a.find(".layui-layer-min").hide() }, 100) }, r.title = function (e, t) { var n = i("#" + l[0] + (t || r.index)).find(l[1]); n.html(e) }, r.close = function (e) { var t = i("#" + l[0] + e), n = t.attr("type"), a = "layer-anim-close"; if (t[0]) { var s = "layui-layer-wrap", f = function () { if (n === o.type[1] && "object" === t.attr("conType")) { t.children(":not(." + l[5] + ")").remove(); for (var a = t.find("." + s), r = 0; r < 2; r++) a.unwrap(); a.css("display", a.data("display")).removeClass(s) } else { if (n === o.type[2]) try { var f = i("#" + l[4] + e)[0]; f.contentWindow.document.write(""), f.contentWindow.close(), t.find("." + l[5])[0].removeChild(f) } catch (c) { } t[0].innerHTML = "", t.remove() } "function" == typeof o.end[e] && o.end[e](), delete o.end[e] }; t.data("isOutAnim") && t.addClass("layer-anim " + a), i("#layui-layer-moves, #layui-layer-shade" + e).remove(), 6 == r.ie && o.reselect(), o.rescollbar(e), t.attr("minLeft") && (o.minIndex--, o.minLeft.push(t.attr("minLeft"))), r.ie && r.ie < 10 || !t.data("isOutAnim") ? f() : setTimeout(function () { f() }, 200) } }, r.closeAll = function (e) { i.each(i("." + l[0]), function () { var t = i(this), n = e ? t.attr("type") === e : 1; n && r.close(t.attr("times")), n = null }) }; var f = r.cache || {}, c = function (e) { return f.skin ? " " + f.skin + " " + f.skin + "-" + e : "" }; r.prompt = function (e, t) { var a = ""; if (e = e || {}, "function" == typeof e && (t = e), e.area) { var o = e.area; a = 'style="width: ' + o[0] + "; height: " + o[1] + ';"', delete e.area } var s, l = 2 == e.formType ? '" : function () { return '' }(), f = e.success; return delete e.success, r.open(i.extend({ type: 1, btn: ["确定", "取消"], content: l, skin: "layui-layer-prompt" + c("prompt"), maxWidth: n.width(), success: function (t) { s = t.find(".layui-layer-input"), s.val(e.value || "").focus(), "function" == typeof f && f(t) }, resize: !1, yes: function (i) { var n = s.val(); "" === n ? s.focus() : n.length > (e.maxlength || 500) ? r.tips("最多输入" + (e.maxlength || 500) + "个字数", s, {tips: 1}) : t && t(n, i, s) } }, e)) }, r.tab = function (e) { e = e || {}; var t = e.tab || {}, n = "layui-this", a = e.success; return delete e.success, r.open(i.extend({ type: 1, skin: "layui-layer-tab" + c("tab"), resize: !1, title: function () { var e = t.length, i = 1, a = ""; if (e > 0) for (a = '' + t[0].title + ""; i < e; i++) a += "" + t[i].title + ""; return a }(), content: '", success: function (t) { var o = t.find(".layui-layer-title").children(), r = t.find(".layui-layer-tabmain").children(); o.on("mousedown", function (t) { t.stopPropagation ? t.stopPropagation() : t.cancelBubble = !0; var a = i(this), o = a.index(); a.addClass(n).siblings().removeClass(n), r.eq(o).show().siblings().hide(), "function" == typeof e.change && e.change(o) }), "function" == typeof a && a(t) } }, e)) }, r.photos = function (t, n, a) { function o(e, t, i) { var n = new Image; return n.src = e, n.complete ? t(n) : (n.onload = function () { n.onload = null, t(n) }, void (n.onerror = function (e) { n.onerror = null, i(e) })) } var s = {}; if (t = t || {}, t.photos) { var l = t.photos.constructor === Object, f = l ? t.photos : {}, u = f.data || [], d = f.start || 0; s.imgIndex = (0 | d) + 1, t.img = t.img || "img"; var y = t.success; if (delete t.success, l) { if (0 === u.length) return r.msg("没有图片") } else { var p = i(t.photos), h = function () { u = [], p.find(t.img).each(function (e) { var t = i(this); t.attr("layer-index", e), u.push({ alt: t.attr("alt"), pid: t.attr("layer-pid"), src: t.attr("layer-src") || t.attr("src"), thumb: t.attr("src") }) }) }; if (h(), 0 === u.length) return; if (n || p.on("click", t.img, function () { var e = i(this), n = e.attr("layer-index"); r.photos(i.extend(t, {photos: {start: n, data: u, tab: t.tab}, full: t.full}), !0), h() }), !n) return } s.imgprev = function (e) { s.imgIndex--, s.imgIndex < 1 && (s.imgIndex = u.length), s.tabimg(e) }, s.imgnext = function (e, t) { s.imgIndex++, s.imgIndex > u.length && (s.imgIndex = 1, t) || s.tabimg(e) }, s.keyup = function (e) { if (!s.end) { var t = e.keyCode; e.preventDefault(), 37 === t ? s.imgprev(!0) : 39 === t ? s.imgnext(!0) : 27 === t && r.close(s.index) } }, s.tabimg = function (e) { if (!(u.length <= 1)) return f.start = s.imgIndex - 1, r.close(s.index), r.photos(t, !0, e) }, s.event = function () { s.bigimg.hover(function () { s.imgsee.show() }, function () { s.imgsee.hide() }), s.bigimg.find(".layui-layer-imgprev").on("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(), s.imgprev() }), s.bigimg.find(".layui-layer-imgnext").on("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(), s.imgnext() }), i(document).on("keyup", s.keyup) }, s.loadi = r.load(1, {shade: !("shade" in t) && .9, scrollbar: !1}), o(u[d].src, function (n) { r.close(s.loadi), s.index = r.open(i.extend({ type: 1, id: "layui-layer-photos", area: function () { var a = [n.width, n.height], o = [i(e).width() - 100, i(e).height() - 100]; if (!t.full && (a[0] > o[0] || a[1] > o[1])) { var r = [a[0] / o[0], a[1] / o[1]]; r[0] > r[1] ? (a[0] = a[0] / r[0], a[1] = a[1] / r[0]) : r[0] < r[1] && (a[0] = a[0] / r[1], a[1] = a[1] / r[1]) } return [a[0] + "px", a[1] + "px"] }(), title: !1, shade: .9, shadeClose: !0, closeBtn: !1, move: ".layui-layer-phimg img", moveType: 1, scrollbar: !1, moveOut: !0, isOutAnim: !1, skin: "layui-layer-photos" + c("photos"), content: '
' + (u[d].alt ||
' + (u.length > 1 ? '' : "") + '
' + (u[d].alt || "") + "" + s.imgIndex + "/" + u.length + "
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是否继续查看下一张?", { time: 3e4, btn: ["下一张", "不看了"], yes: function () { u.length > 1 && s.imgnext(!0, !0) } }) }) } }, o.run = function (t) { i = t, n = i(e), l.html = i("html"), r.open = function (e) { var t = new s(e); return t.index } }, e.layui && layui.define ? (r.ready(), layui.define("jquery", function (t) { r.path = layui.cache.dir, o.run(layui.$), e.layer = r, t("layer", r) })) : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], function () { return o.run(e.jQuery), r }) : function () { o.run(e.jQuery), r.ready() }() }(window); layui.define("jquery", function (t) { "use strict"; var a = layui.$, i = (layui.hint(), layui.device()), e = "element", l = "layui-this", n = "layui-show", s = function () { this.config = {} }; s.prototype.set = function (t) { var i = this; return a.extend(!0, i.config, t), i }, s.prototype.on = function (t, a) { return layui.onevent.call(this, e, t, a) }, s.prototype.tabAdd = function (t, i) { var e = ".layui-tab-title", l = a(".layui-tab[lay-filter=" + t + "]"), n = l.children(e), s = n.children(".layui-tab-bar"), o = l.children(".layui-tab-content"), r = '
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"removeClass" : "addClass"](t), this.title = this.title ? "" : "收缩" }) } else o.find("." + e).remove(), s.removeAttr("overflow") }) }, hideTabMore: function (t) { var i = a(".layui-tab-title"); t !== !0 && "tabmore" === a(t.target).attr("lay-stope") || (i.removeClass("layui-tab-more"), i.find(".layui-tab-bar").attr("title", "")) }, clickThis: function () { var t = a(this), i = t.parents(o), n = i.attr("lay-filter"), s = t.parent(), c = t.siblings("." + d), y = "string" == typeof s.attr("lay-unselect"); "javascript:;" !== t.attr("href") && "_blank" === t.attr("target") || y || c[0] || (i.find("." + l).removeClass(l), s.addClass(l)), i.hasClass(u) && (c.removeClass(h), c[0] && (s["none" === c.css("display") ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](r + "ed"), "all" === i.attr("lay-shrink") && s.siblings().removeClass(r + "ed"))), layui.event.call(this, e, "nav(" + n + ")", t) }, collapse: function () { var t = a(this), i = t.find(".layui-colla-icon"), l = t.siblings(".layui-colla-content"), s = t.parents(".layui-collapse").eq(0), o = s.attr("lay-filter"), r = "none" === l.css("display"); if ("string" == typeof s.attr("lay-accordion")) { var c = s.children(".layui-colla-item").children("." + n); c.siblings(".layui-colla-title").children(".layui-colla-icon").html(""), c.removeClass(n) } l[r ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](n), i.html(r ? "" : ""), layui.event.call(this, e, "collapse(" + o + ")", { title: t, content: l, show: r }) } }; s.prototype.init = function (t, e) { var l = function () { return e ? '[lay-filter="' + e + '"]' : "" }(), s = { tab: function () { f.tabAuto.call({}) }, nav: function () { var t = 200, e = {}, s = {}, p = {}, b = function (l, o, r) { var c = a(this), f = c.find("." + d); o.hasClass(u) ? l.css({ top: c.position().top, height: c.children("a").outerHeight(), opacity: 1 }) : (f.addClass(h), l.css({ left: c.position().left + parseFloat(c.css("marginLeft")), top: c.position().top + c.height() - l.height() }), e[r] = setTimeout(function () { l.css({width: c.width(), opacity: 1}) }, i.ie && i.ie < 10 ? 0 : t), clearTimeout(p[r]), "block" === f.css("display") && clearTimeout(s[r]), s[r] = setTimeout(function () { f.addClass(n), c.find("." + y).addClass(y + "d") }, 300)) }; a(o + l).each(function (i) { var l = a(this), o = a(''), h = l.find("." + r); l.find("." + c)[0] || (l.append(o), h.on("mouseenter", function () { b.call(this, o, l, i) }).on("mouseleave", function () { l.hasClass(u) || (clearTimeout(s[i]), s[i] = setTimeout(function () { l.find("." + d).removeClass(n), l.find("." + y).removeClass(y + "d") }, 300)) }), l.on("mouseleave", function () { clearTimeout(e[i]), p[i] = setTimeout(function () { l.hasClass(u) ? o.css({ height: 0, top: o.position().top + o.height() / 2, opacity: 0 }) : o.css({width: 0, left: o.position().left + o.width() / 2, opacity: 0}) }, t) })), h.find("a").each(function () { var t = a(this), i = (t.parent(), t.siblings("." + d)); i[0] && !t.children("." + y)[0] && t.append(''), t.off("click", f.clickThis).on("click", f.clickThis) }) }) }, breadcrumb: function () { var t = ".layui-breadcrumb"; a(t + l).each(function () { var t = a(this), i = "lay-separator", e = t.attr(i) || "/", l = t.find("a"); l.next("span[" + i + "]")[0] || (l.each(function (t) { t !== l.length - 1 && a(this).after("" + e + "") }), t.css("visibility", "visible")) }) }, progress: function () { var t = "layui-progress"; a("." + t + l).each(function () { var i = a(this), e = i.find(".layui-progress-bar"), l = e.attr("lay-percent"); e.css("width", function () { return /^.+\/.+$/.test(l) ? 100 * new Function("return " + l)() + "%" : l }()), i.attr("lay-showPercent") && setTimeout(function () { e.html('' + l + "") }, 350) }) }, collapse: function () { var t = "layui-collapse"; a("." + t + l).each(function () { var t = a(this).find(".layui-colla-item"); t.each(function () { var t = a(this), i = t.find(".layui-colla-title"), e = t.find(".layui-colla-content"), l = "none" === e.css("display"); i.find(".layui-colla-icon").remove(), i.append('' + (l ? "" : "") + ""), i.off("click", f.collapse).on("click", f.collapse) }) }) } }; return s[t] ? s[t]() : layui.each(s, function (t, a) { a() }) }, s.prototype.render = s.prototype.init; var p = new s, b = a(document); p.render(); var v = ".layui-tab-title li"; b.on("click", v, f.tabClick), b.on("click", f.hideTabMore), a(window).on("resize", f.tabAuto), t(e, p) }); layui.define("layer", function (e) { "use strict"; var i = layui.$, t = layui.layer, n = layui.hint(), a = layui.device(), o = { config: {}, set: function (e) { var t = this; return t.config = i.extend({}, t.config, e), t }, on: function (e, i) { return layui.onevent.call(this, r, e, i) } }, l = function () { var e = this; return { upload: function (i) { e.upload.call(e, i) }, config: e.config } }, r = "upload", u = "layui-upload-file", c = "layui-upload-form", f = "layui-upload-iframe", s = "layui-upload-choose", p = function (e) { var t = this; t.config = i.extend({}, t.config, o.config, e), t.render() }; p.prototype.config = { accept: "images", exts: "", auto: !0, bindAction: "", url: "", field: "file", method: "post", data: {}, drag: !0, size: 0, number: 0, multiple: !1 }, p.prototype.render = function (e) { var t = this, e = t.config; e.elem = i(e.elem), e.bindAction = i(e.bindAction), t.file(), t.events() }, p.prototype.file = function () { var e = this, t = e.config, n = e.elemFile = i(['"].join("")), o = t.elem.next(); (o.hasClass(u) || o.hasClass(c)) && o.remove(), a.ie && a.ie < 10 && t.elem.wrap('
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(e.elemFile = t.elem, t.field = t.elem[0].name) : t.elem.after(n), a.ie && a.ie < 10 && e.initIE() }, p.prototype.initIE = function () { var e = this, t = e.config, n = i(''), a = i(['', ""].join("")); i("#" + f)[0] || i("body").append(n), t.elem.next().hasClass(c) || (e.elemFile.wrap(a), t.elem.next("." + c).append(function () { var e = []; return layui.each(t.data, function (i, t) { t = "function" == typeof t ? t() : t, e.push('') }), e.join("") }())) }, p.prototype.msg = function (e) { return t.msg(e, {icon: 2, shift: 6}) }, p.prototype.isFile = function () { var e = this.config.elem[0]; if (e) return "input" === e.tagName.toLocaleLowerCase() && "file" === e.type }, p.prototype.preview = function (e) { var i = this; window.FileReader && layui.each(i.chooseFiles, function (i, t) { var n = new FileReader; n.readAsDataURL(t), n.onload = function () { e && e(i, t, this.result) } }) }, p.prototype.upload = function (e, t) { var n, o = this, l = o.config, r = o.elemFile[0], u = function () { var t = 0, n = 0, a = e || o.files || o.chooseFiles || r.files, u = function () { l.multiple && t + n === o.fileLength && "function" == typeof l.allDone && l.allDone({ total: o.fileLength, successful: t, aborted: n }) }; layui.each(a, function (e, a) { var r = new FormData; r.append(l.field, a), layui.each(l.data, function (e, i) { i = "function" == typeof i ? i() : i, r.append(e, i) }), i.ajax({ url: l.url, type: "post", data: r, contentType: !1, processData: !1, dataType: "json", headers: l.headers || {}, success: function (i) { t++, d(e, i), u() }, error: function () { n++, o.msg("请求上传接口出现异常"), m(e), u() } }) }) }, c = function () { var e = i("#" + f); o.elemFile.parent().submit(), clearInterval(p.timer), p.timer = setInterval(function () { var i, t = e.contents().find("body"); try { i = t.text() } catch (n) { o.msg("获取上传后的响应信息出现异常"), clearInterval(p.timer), m() } i && (clearInterval(p.timer), t.html(""), d(0, i)) }, 30) }, d = function (e, i) { if (o.elemFile.next("." + s).remove(), r.value = "", "object" != typeof i) try { i = JSON.parse(i) } catch (t) { return i = {}, o.msg("请对上传接口返回有效JSON") } "function" == typeof l.done && l.done(i, e || 0, function (e) { o.upload(e) }) }, m = function (e) { l.auto && (r.value = ""), "function" == typeof l.error && l.error(e || 0, function (e) { o.upload(e) }) }, h = l.exts, v = function () { var i = []; return layui.each(e || o.chooseFiles, function (e, t) { i.push(t.name) }), i }(), g = { preview: function (e) { o.preview(e) }, upload: function (e, i) { var t = {}; t[e] = i, o.upload(t) }, pushFile: function () { return o.files = o.files || {}, layui.each(o.chooseFiles, function (e, i) { o.files[e] = i }), o.files }, resetFile: function (e, i, t) { var n = new File([i], t); o.files = o.files || {}, o.files[e] = n } }, y = function () { if ("choose" !== t && !l.auto || (l.choose && l.choose(g), "choose" !== t)) return l.before && l.before(g), a.ie ? a.ie > 9 ? u() : c() : void u() }; if (v = 0 === v.length ? r.value.match(/[^\/\\]+\..+/g) || [] || "" : v, 0 !== v.length) { switch (l.accept) { case"file": if (h && !RegExp("\\w\\.(" + h + ")$", "i").test(escape(v))) return o.msg("选择的文件中包含不支持的格式"), r.value = ""; break; case"video": if (!RegExp("\\w\\.(" + (h || "avi|mp4|wma|rmvb|rm|flash|3gp|flv") + ")$", "i").test(escape(v))) return o.msg("选择的视频中包含不支持的格式"), r.value = ""; break; case"audio": if (!RegExp("\\w\\.(" + (h || "mp3|wav|mid") + ")$", "i").test(escape(v))) return o.msg("选择的音频中包含不支持的格式"), r.value = ""; break; default: if (layui.each(v, function (e, i) { RegExp("\\w\\.(" + (h || "jpg|png|gif|bmp|jpeg$") + ")", "i").test(escape(i)) || (n = !0) }), n) return o.msg("选择的图片中包含不支持的格式"), r.value = "" } if (o.fileLength = function () { var i = 0, t = e || o.files || o.chooseFiles || r.files; return layui.each(t, function () { i++ }), i }(), l.number && o.fileLength > l.number) return o.msg("同时最多只能上传的数量为:" + l.number); if (l.size > 0 && !(a.ie && a.ie < 10)) { var F; if (layui.each(o.chooseFiles, function (e, i) { if (i.size > 1024 * l.size) { var t = l.size / 1024; t = t >= 1 ? t.toFixed(2) + "MB" : l.size + "KB", r.value = "", F = t } }), F) return o.msg("文件不能超过" + F) } y() } }, p.prototype.events = function () { var e = this, t = e.config, o = function (i) { e.chooseFiles = {}, layui.each(i, function (i, t) { var n = (new Date).getTime(); e.chooseFiles[n + "-" + i] = t }) }, l = function (i, n) { var a = e.elemFile, o = i.length > 1 ? i.length + "个文件" : (i[0] || {}).name || a[0].value.match(/[^\/\\]+\..+/g) || [] || ""; a.next().hasClass(s) && a.next().remove(), e.upload(null, "choose"), e.isFile() || t.choose || a.after('' + o + "") }; t.elem.off("upload.start").on("upload.start", function () { var a = i(this), o = a.attr("lay-data"); if (o) try { o = new Function("return " + o)(), e.config = i.extend({}, t, o) } catch (l) { n.error("Upload element property lay-data configuration item has a syntax error: " + o) } e.config.item = a, e.elemFile[0].click() }), a.ie && a.ie < 10 || t.elem.off("upload.over").on("upload.over", function () { var e = i(this); e.attr("lay-over", "") }).off("upload.leave").on("upload.leave", function () { var e = i(this); e.removeAttr("lay-over") }).off("upload.drop").on("upload.drop", function (n, a) { var r = i(this), u = a.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files || []; r.removeAttr("lay-over"), o(u), t.auto ? e.upload(u) : l(u) }), e.elemFile.off("upload.change").on("upload.change", function () { var i = this.files || []; o(i), t.auto ? e.upload() : l(i) }), t.bindAction.off("upload.action").on("upload.action", function () { e.upload() }), t.elem.data("haveEvents") || (e.elemFile.on("change", function () { i(this).trigger("upload.change") }), t.elem.on("click", function () { e.isFile() || i(this).trigger("upload.start") }), t.drag && t.elem.on("dragover", function (e) { e.preventDefault(), i(this).trigger("upload.over") }).on("dragleave", function (e) { i(this).trigger("upload.leave") }).on("drop", function (e) { e.preventDefault(), i(this).trigger("upload.drop", e) }), t.bindAction.on("click", function () { i(this).trigger("upload.action") }), t.elem.data("haveEvents", !0)) }, o.render = function (e) { var i = new p(e); return l.call(i) }, e(r, o) }); layui.define("jquery", function (e) { "use strict"; var i = layui.jquery, t = { config: {}, index: layui.slider ? layui.slider.index + 1e4 : 0, set: function (e) { var t = this; return t.config = i.extend({}, t.config, e), t }, on: function (e, i) { return layui.onevent.call(this, n, e, i) } }, a = function () { var e = this, i = e.config; return { setValue: function (i, t) { return e.slide("set", i, t || 0) }, config: i } }, n = "slider", l = "layui-disabled", s = "layui-slider", r = "layui-slider-bar", o = "layui-slider-wrap", u = "layui-slider-wrap-btn", d = "layui-slider-tips", v = "layui-slider-input", c = "layui-slider-input-txt", m = "layui-slider-input-btn", p = "layui-slider-hover", f = function (e) { var a = this; a.index = ++t.index, a.config = i.extend({}, a.config, t.config, e), a.render() }; f.prototype.config = { type: "default", min: 0, max: 100, value: 0, step: 1, showstep: !1, tips: !0, input: !1, range: !1, height: 200, disabled: !1, theme: "#009688" }, f.prototype.render = function () { var e = this, t = e.config; if (t.step < 1 && (t.step = 1), t.max < t.min && (t.max = t.min + t.step), t.range) { t.value = "object" == typeof t.value ? t.value : [t.min, t.value]; var a = Math.min(t.value[0], t.value[1]), n = Math.max(t.value[0], t.value[1]); t.value[0] = a > t.min ? a : t.min, t.value[1] = n > t.min ? n : t.min, t.value[0] = t.value[0] > t.max ? t.max : t.value[0], t.value[1] = t.value[1] > t.max ? t.max : t.value[1]; var r = Math.floor((t.value[0] - t.min) / (t.max - t.min) * 100), v = Math.floor((t.value[1] - t.min) / (t.max - t.min) * 100), m = v - r + "%"; r += "%", v += "%" } else { "object" == typeof t.value && (t.value = Math.min.apply(null, t.value)), t.value < t.min && (t.value = t.min), t.value > t.max && (t.value = t.max); var m = Math.floor((t.value - t.min) / (t.max - t.min) * 100) + "%" } var p = t.disabled ? "#c2c2c2" : t.theme, f = '
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    ", h = i(t.elem), y = h.next("." + s); if (y[0] && y.remove(), e.elemTemp = i(f), t.range ? (e.elemTemp.find("." + o).eq(0).data("value", t.value[0]), e.elemTemp.find("." + o).eq(1).data("value", t.value[1])) : e.elemTemp.find("." + o).data("value", t.value), h.html(e.elemTemp), "vertical" === t.type && e.elemTemp.height(t.height + "px"), t.showstep) { for (var g = (t.max - t.min) / t.step, b = "", x = 1; x < g + 1; x++) { var T = 100 * x / g; T < 100 && (b += '
    ') } e.elemTemp.append(b) } if (t.input && !t.range) { var w = i('
    '); h.css("position", "relative"), h.append(w), h.find("." + c).children("input").val(t.value), "vertical" === t.type ? w.css({ left: 0, top: -48 }) : e.elemTemp.css("margin-right", w.outerWidth() + 15) } t.disabled ? (e.elemTemp.addClass(l), e.elemTemp.find("." + u).addClass(l)) : e.slide(), e.elemTemp.find("." + u).on("mouseover", function () { var a = "vertical" === t.type ? t.height : e.elemTemp[0].offsetWidth, n = e.elemTemp.find("." + o), l = "vertical" === t.type ? a - i(this).parent()[0].offsetTop - n.height() : i(this).parent()[0].offsetLeft, s = l / a * 100, r = i(this).parent().data("value"), u = t.setTips ? t.setTips(r) : r; e.elemTemp.find("." + d).html(u), "vertical" === t.type ? e.elemTemp.find("." + d).css({ bottom: s + "%", "margin-bottom": "20px", display: "inline-block" }) : e.elemTemp.find("." + d).css({left: s + "%", display: "inline-block"}) }).on("mouseout", function () { e.elemTemp.find("." + d).css("display", "none") }) }, f.prototype.slide = function (e, t, a) { var n = this, l = n.config, s = n.elemTemp, f = function () { return "vertical" === l.type ? l.height : s[0].offsetWidth }, h = s.find("." + o), y = s.next("." + v), g = y.children("." + c).children("input").val(), b = 100 / ((l.max - l.min) / Math.ceil(l.step)), x = function (e, i) { e = Math.ceil(e) * b > 100 ? Math.ceil(e) * b : Math.round(e) * b, e = e > 100 ? 100 : e, h.eq(i).css("vertical" === l.type ? "bottom" : "left", e + "%"); var t = T(h[0].offsetLeft), a = l.range ? T(h[1].offsetLeft) : 0; "vertical" === l.type ? (s.find("." + d).css({ bottom: e + "%", "margin-bottom": "20px" }), t = T(f() - h[0].offsetTop - h.height()), a = l.range ? T(f() - h[1].offsetTop - h.height()) : 0) : s.find("." + d).css("left", e + "%"), t = t > 100 ? 100 : t, a = a > 100 ? 100 : a; var n = Math.min(t, a), o = Math.abs(t - a); "vertical" === l.type ? s.find("." + r).css({ height: o + "%", bottom: n + "%" }) : s.find("." + r).css({width: o + "%", left: n + "%"}); var u = l.min + Math.round((l.max - l.min) * e / 100); if (g = u, y.children("." + c).children("input").val(g), h.eq(i).data("value", u), u = l.setTips ? l.setTips(u) : u, s.find("." + d).html(u), l.range) { var v = [h.eq(0).data("value"), h.eq(1).data("value")]; v[0] > v[1] && v.reverse() } l.change && l.change(l.range ? v : u) }, T = function (e) { var i = e / f() * 100 / b, t = Math.round(i) * b; return e == f() && (t = Math.ceil(i) * b), t }, w = i(['
    f() && (r = f()); var o = r / f() * 100 / b; x(o, e), t.addClass(p), s.find("." + d).show(), i.preventDefault() }, o = function () { t.removeClass(p), s.find("." + d).hide() }; M(r, o) }) }), s.on("click", function (e) { var t = i("." + u); if (!t.is(event.target) && 0 === t.has(event.target).length && t.length) { var a, n = "vertical" === l.type ? f() - e.clientY + i(this).offset().top : e.clientX - i(this).offset().left; n < 0 && (n = 0), n > f() && (n = f()); var s = n / f() * 100 / b; a = l.range ? "vertical" === l.type ? Math.abs(n - parseInt(i(h[0]).css("bottom"))) > Math.abs(n - parseInt(i(h[1]).css("bottom"))) ? 1 : 0 : Math.abs(n - h[0].offsetLeft) > Math.abs(n - h[1].offsetLeft) ? 1 : 0 : 0, x(s, a), e.preventDefault() } }), y.hover(function () { var e = i(this); e.children("." + m).fadeIn("fast") }, function () { var e = i(this); e.children("." + m).fadeOut("fast") }), y.children("." + m).children("i").each(function (e) { i(this).on("click", function () { g = 1 == e ? g - l.step < l.min ? l.min : Number(g) - l.step : Number(g) + l.step > l.max ? l.max : Number(g) + l.step; var i = (g - l.min) / (l.max - l.min) * 100 / b; x(i, 0) }) }); var q = function () { var e = this.value; e = isNaN(e) ? 0 : e, e = e < l.min ? l.min : e, e = e > l.max ? l.max : e, this.value = e; var i = (e - l.min) / (l.max - l.min) * 100 / b; x(i, 0) }; y.children("." + c).children("input").on("keydown", function (e) { 13 === e.keyCode && (e.preventDefault(), q.call(this)) }).on("change", q) }, f.prototype.events = function () { var e = this; e.config }, t.render = function (e) { var i = new f(e); return a.call(i) }, e(n, t) }); layui.define("jquery", function (e) { "use strict"; var i = layui.jquery, o = { config: {}, index: layui.colorpicker ? layui.colorpicker.index + 1e4 : 0, set: function (e) { var o = this; return o.config = i.extend({}, o.config, e), o }, on: function (e, i) { return layui.onevent.call(this, "colorpicker", e, i) } }, r = function () { var e = this, i = e.config; return {config: i} }, t = "colorpicker", n = "layui-show", l = "layui-colorpicker", c = ".layui-colorpicker-main", a = "layui-icon-down", s = "layui-icon-close", f = "layui-colorpicker-trigger-span", d = "layui-colorpicker-trigger-i", u = "layui-colorpicker-side", p = "layui-colorpicker-side-slider", g = "layui-colorpicker-basis", v = "layui-colorpicker-alpha-bgcolor", h = "layui-colorpicker-alpha-slider", m = "layui-colorpicker-basis-cursor", b = "layui-colorpicker-main-input", k = function (e) { var i = {h: 0, s: 0, b: 0}, o = Math.min(e.r, e.g, e.b), r = Math.max(e.r, e.g, e.b), t = r - o; return i.b = r, i.s = 0 != r ? 255 * t / r : 0, 0 != i.s ? e.r == r ? i.h = (e.g - e.b) / t : e.g == r ? i.h = 2 + (e.b - e.r) / t : i.h = 4 + (e.r - e.g) / t : i.h = -1, r == o && (i.h = 0), i.h *= 60, i.h < 0 && (i.h += 360), i.s *= 100 / 255, i.b *= 100 / 255, i }, y = function (e) { var e = e.indexOf("#") > -1 ? e.substring(1) : e; if (3 == e.length) { var i = e.split(""); e = i[0] + i[0] + i[1] + i[1] + i[2] + i[2] } e = parseInt(e, 16); var o = {r: e >> 16, g: (65280 & e) >> 8, b: 255 & e}; return k(o) }, x = function (e) { var i = {}, o = e.h, r = 255 * e.s / 100, t = 255 * e.b / 100; if (0 == r) i.r = i.g = i.b = t; else { var n = t, l = (255 - r) * t / 255, c = (n - l) * (o % 60) / 60; 360 == o && (o = 0), o < 60 ? (i.r = n, i.b = l, i.g = l + c) : o < 120 ? (i.g = n, i.b = l, i.r = n - c) : o < 180 ? (i.g = n, i.r = l, i.b = l + c) : o < 240 ? (i.b = n, i.r = l, i.g = n - c) : o < 300 ? (i.b = n, i.g = l, i.r = l + c) : o < 360 ? (i.r = n, i.g = l, i.b = n - c) : (i.r = 0, i.g = 0, i.b = 0) } return {r: Math.round(i.r), g: Math.round(i.g), b: Math.round(i.b)} }, C = function (e) { var o = x(e), r = [o.r.toString(16), o.g.toString(16), o.b.toString(16)]; return i.each(r, function (e, i) { 1 == i.length && (r[e] = "0" + i) }), r.join("") }, P = function (e) { var i = /[0-9]{1,3}/g, o = e.match(i) || []; return {r: o[0], g: o[1], b: o[2]} }, B = i(window), w = i(document), D = function (e) { var r = this; r.index = ++o.index, r.config = i.extend({}, r.config, o.config, e), r.render() }; D.prototype.config = { color: "", size: null, alpha: !1, format: "hex", predefine: !1, colors: ["#009688", "#5FB878", "#1E9FFF", "#FF5722", "#FFB800", "#01AAED", "#999", "#c00", "#ff8c00", "#ffd700", "#90ee90", "#00ced1", "#1e90ff", "#c71585", "rgb(0, 186, 189)", "rgb(255, 120, 0)", "rgb(250, 212, 0)", "#393D49", "rgba(0,0,0,.5)", "rgba(255, 69, 0, 0.68)", "rgba(144, 240, 144, 0.5)", "rgba(31, 147, 255, 0.73)"] }, D.prototype.render = function () { var e = this, o = e.config, r = i(['
    ', "", ' 3 && (o.alpha && "rgb" == o.format || (e = "#" + C(k(P(o.color))))), "background: " + e) : e }() + '">', '', "", "", "
    "].join("")), t = i(o.elem); o.size && r.addClass("layui-colorpicker-" + o.size), t.addClass("layui-inline").html(e.elemColorBox = r), e.color = e.elemColorBox.find("." + f)[0].style.background, e.events() }, D.prototype.renderPicker = function () { var e = this, o = e.config, r = e.elemColorBox[0], t = e.elemPicker = i(['
    ', '
    ', '
    ', '
    ', '
    ', '
    ', "
    ", '
    ', '
    ', "
    ", "
    ", '
    ', '
    ', '
    ', "
    ", "
    ", function () { if (o.predefine) { var e = ['
    ']; return layui.each(o.colors, function (i, o) { e.push(['
    ', '
    ', "
    "].join("")) }), e.push("
    "), e.join("") } return "" }(), '
    ', '
    ', '', "
    ", '
    ', '', '', "", "
    "].join("")); e.elemColorBox.find("." + f)[0]; i(c)[0] && i(c).data("index") == e.index ? e.removePicker(D.thisElemInd) : (e.removePicker(D.thisElemInd), i("body").append(t)), D.thisElemInd = e.index, D.thisColor = r.style.background, e.position(), e.pickerEvents() }, D.prototype.removePicker = function (e) { var o = this; o.config; return i("#layui-colorpicker" + (e || o.index)).remove(), o }, D.prototype.position = function () { var e = this, i = e.config, o = e.bindElem || e.elemColorBox[0], r = e.elemPicker[0], t = o.getBoundingClientRect(), n = r.offsetWidth, l = r.offsetHeight, c = function (e) { return e = e ? "scrollLeft" : "scrollTop", document.body[e] | document.documentElement[e] }, a = function (e) { return document.documentElement[e ? "clientWidth" : "clientHeight"] }, s = 5, f = t.left, d = t.bottom; f -= (n - o.offsetWidth) / 2, d += s, f + n + s > a("width") ? f = a("width") - n - s : f < s && (f = s), d + l + s > a() && (d = t.top > l ? t.top - l : a() - l, d -= 2 * s), i.position && (r.style.position = i.position), r.style.left = f + ("fixed" === i.position ? 0 : c(1)) + "px", r.style.top = d + ("fixed" === i.position ? 0 : c()) + "px" }, D.prototype.val = function () { var e = this, i = (e.config, e.elemColorBox.find("." + f)), o = e.elemPicker.find("." + b), r = i[0], t = r.style.backgroundColor; if (t) { var n = k(P(t)), l = i.attr("lay-type"); if (e.select(n.h, n.s, n.b), "torgb" === l && o.find("input").val(t), "rgba" === l) { var c = P(t); if (3 == (t.match(/[0-9]{1,3}/g) || []).length) o.find("input").val("rgba(" + c.r + ", " + c.g + ", " + c.b + ", 1)"), e.elemPicker.find("." + h).css("left", 280); else { o.find("input").val(t); var a = 280 * t.slice(t.lastIndexOf(",") + 1, t.length - 1); e.elemPicker.find("." + h).css("left", a) } e.elemPicker.find("." + v)[0].style.background = "linear-gradient(to right, rgba(" + c.r + ", " + c.g + ", " + c.b + ", 0), rgb(" + c.r + ", " + c.g + ", " + c.b + "))" } } else e.select(0, 100, 100), o.find("input").val(""), e.elemPicker.find("." + v)[0].style.background = "", e.elemPicker.find("." + h).css("left", 280) }, D.prototype.side = function () { var e = this, o = e.config, r = e.elemColorBox.find("." + f), t = r.attr("lay-type"), n = e.elemPicker.find("." + u), l = e.elemPicker.find("." + p), c = e.elemPicker.find("." + g), y = e.elemPicker.find("." + m), C = e.elemPicker.find("." + v), w = e.elemPicker.find("." + h), D = l[0].offsetTop / 180 * 360, E = 100 - (y[0].offsetTop + 3) / 180 * 100, H = (y[0].offsetLeft + 3) / 260 * 100, W = Math.round(w[0].offsetLeft / 280 * 100) / 100, j = e.elemColorBox.find("." + d), F = e.elemPicker.find(".layui-colorpicker-pre").children("div"), L = function (i, n, l, c) { e.select(i, n, l); var f = x({h: i, s: n, b: l}); if (j.addClass(a).removeClass(s), r[0].style.background = "rgb(" + f.r + ", " + f.g + ", " + f.b + ")", "torgb" === t && e.elemPicker.find("." + b).find("input").val("rgb(" + f.r + ", " + f.g + ", " + f.b + ")"), "rgba" === t) { var d = 0; d = 280 * c, w.css("left", d), e.elemPicker.find("." + b).find("input").val("rgba(" + f.r + ", " + f.g + ", " + f.b + ", " + c + ")"), r[0].style.background = "rgba(" + f.r + ", " + f.g + ", " + f.b + ", " + c + ")", C[0].style.background = "linear-gradient(to right, rgba(" + f.r + ", " + f.g + ", " + f.b + ", 0), rgb(" + f.r + ", " + f.g + ", " + f.b + "))" } o.change && o.change(e.elemPicker.find("." + b).find("input").val()) }, M = i(['
    t && (r = t); var l = r / 180 * 360; D = l, L(l, H, E, W), e.preventDefault() }; Y(r), e.preventDefault() }), n.on("click", function (e) { var o = e.clientY - i(this).offset().top; o < 0 && (o = 0), o > this.offsetHeight && (o = this.offsetHeight); var r = o / 180 * 360; D = r, L(r, H, E, W), e.preventDefault() }), y.on("mousedown", function (e) { var i = this.offsetTop, o = this.offsetLeft, r = e.clientY, t = e.clientX, n = function (e) { var n = i + (e.clientY - r), l = o + (e.clientX - t), a = c[0].offsetHeight - 3, s = c[0].offsetWidth - 3; n < -3 && (n = -3), n > a && (n = a), l < -3 && (l = -3), l > s && (l = s); var f = (l + 3) / 260 * 100, d = 100 - (n + 3) / 180 * 100; E = d, H = f, L(D, f, d, W), e.preventDefault() }; layui.stope(e), Y(n), e.preventDefault() }), c.on("mousedown", function (e) { var o = e.clientY - i(this).offset().top - 3 + B.scrollTop(), r = e.clientX - i(this).offset().left - 3 + B.scrollLeft(); o < -3 && (o = -3), o > this.offsetHeight - 3 && (o = this.offsetHeight - 3), r < -3 && (r = -3), r > this.offsetWidth - 3 && (r = this.offsetWidth - 3); var t = (r + 3) / 260 * 100, n = 100 - (o + 3) / 180 * 100; E = n, H = t, L(D, t, n, W), e.preventDefault(), y.trigger(e, "mousedown") }), w.on("mousedown", function (e) { var i = this.offsetLeft, o = e.clientX, r = function (e) { var r = i + (e.clientX - o), t = C[0].offsetWidth; r < 0 && (r = 0), r > t && (r = t); var n = Math.round(r / 280 * 100) / 100; W = n, L(D, H, E, n), e.preventDefault() }; Y(r), e.preventDefault() }), C.on("click", function (e) { var o = e.clientX - i(this).offset().left; o < 0 && (o = 0), o > this.offsetWidth && (o = this.offsetWidth); var r = Math.round(o / 280 * 100) / 100; W = r, L(D, H, E, r), e.preventDefault() }), F.each(function () { i(this).on("click", function () { i(this).parent(".layui-colorpicker-pre").addClass("selected").siblings().removeClass("selected"); var e, o = this.style.backgroundColor, r = k(P(o)), t = o.slice(o.lastIndexOf(",") + 1, o.length - 1); D = r.h, H = r.s, E = r.b, 3 == (o.match(/[0-9]{1,3}/g) || []).length && (t = 1), W = t, e = 280 * t, L(r.h, r.s, r.b, t) }) }) }, D.prototype.select = function (e, i, o, r) { var t = this, n = (t.config, C({h: e, s: 100, b: 100})), l = C({h: e, s: i, b: o}), c = e / 360 * 180, a = 180 - o / 100 * 180 - 3, s = i / 100 * 260 - 3; t.elemPicker.find("." + p).css("top", c), t.elemPicker.find("." + g)[0].style.background = "#" + n, t.elemPicker.find("." + m).css({ top: a, left: s }), "change" !== r && t.elemPicker.find("." + b).find("input").val("#" + l) }, D.prototype.pickerEvents = function () { var e = this, o = e.config, r = e.elemColorBox.find("." + f), t = e.elemPicker.find("." + b + " input"), n = { clear: function (i) { r[0].style.background = "", e.elemColorBox.find("." + d).removeClass(a).addClass(s), e.color = "", o.done && o.done(""), e.removePicker() }, confirm: function (i, n) { var l = t.val(), c = l, f = {}; if (l.indexOf(",") > -1) { if (f = k(P(l)), e.select(f.h, f.s, f.b), r[0].style.background = c = "#" + C(f), (l.match(/[0-9]{1,3}/g) || []).length > 3 && "rgba" === r.attr("lay-type")) { var u = 280 * l.slice(l.lastIndexOf(",") + 1, l.length - 1); e.elemPicker.find("." + h).css("left", u), r[0].style.background = l, c = l } } else f = y(l), r[0].style.background = c = "#" + C(f), e.elemColorBox.find("." + d).removeClass(s).addClass(a); return "change" === n ? (e.select(f.h, f.s, f.b, n), void (o.change && o.change(c))) : (e.color = l, o.done && o.done(l), void e.removePicker()) } }; e.elemPicker.on("click", "*[colorpicker-events]", function () { var e = i(this), o = e.attr("colorpicker-events"); n[o] && n[o].call(this, e) }), t.on("keyup", function (e) { var o = i(this); n.confirm.call(this, o, 13 === e.keyCode ? null : "change") }) }, D.prototype.events = function () { var e = this, o = e.config, r = e.elemColorBox.find("." + f); e.elemColorBox.on("click", function () { e.renderPicker(), i(c)[0] && (e.val(), e.side()) }), o.elem[0] && !e.elemColorBox[0].eventHandler && (w.on("click", function (o) { if (!i(o.target).hasClass(l) && !i(o.target).parents("." + l)[0] && !i(o.target).hasClass(c.replace(/\./g, "")) && !i(o.target).parents(c)[0] && e.elemPicker) { if (e.color) { var t = k(P(e.color)); e.select(t.h, t.s, t.b) } else e.elemColorBox.find("." + d).removeClass(a).addClass(s); r[0].style.background = e.color || "", e.removePicker() } }), B.on("resize", function () { return !(!e.elemPicker || !i(c)[0]) && void e.position() }), e.elemColorBox[0].eventHandler = !0) }, o.render = function (e) { var i = new D(e); return r.call(i) }, e(t, o) }); layui.define("layer", function (e) { "use strict"; var t = layui.$, i = layui.layer, a = layui.hint(), n = layui.device(), l = "form", r = ".layui-form", s = "layui-this", o = "layui-hide", c = "layui-disabled", u = function () { this.config = { verify: { required: [/[\S]+/, "必填项不能为空"], phone: [/^1\d{10}$/, "请输入正确的手机号"], email: [/^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+(\@|\(at\))(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/, "邮箱格式不正确"], url: [/(^#)|(^http(s*):\/\/[^\s]+\.[^\s]+)/, "链接格式不正确"], number: function (e) { if (!e || isNaN(e)) return "只能填写数字" }, date: [/^(\d{4})[-\/](\d{1}|0\d{1}|1[0-2])([-\/](\d{1}|0\d{1}|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1]))*$/, "日期格式不正确"], identity: [/(^\d{15}$)|(^\d{17}(x|X|\d)$)/, "请输入正确的身份证号"] } } }; u.prototype.set = function (e) { var i = this; return t.extend(!0, i.config, e), i }, u.prototype.verify = function (e) { var i = this; return t.extend(!0, i.config.verify, e), i }, u.prototype.on = function (e, t) { return layui.onevent.call(this, l, e, t) }, u.prototype.val = function (e, i) { var a = t(r + '[lay-filter="' + e + '"]'); a.each(function (e, a) { var n = t(this); layui.each(i, function (e, t) { var i, a = n.find('[name="' + e + '"]'); a[0] && (i = a[0].type, "checkbox" === i ? a[0].checked = t : "radio" === i ? a.each(function () { this.value === t && (this.checked = !0) }) : a.val(t)) }) }), f.render(null, e) }, u.prototype.render = function (e, i) { var n = this, u = t(r + function () { return i ? '[lay-filter="' + i + '"]' : "" }()), d = { select: function () { var e, i = "请选择", a = "layui-form-select", n = "layui-select-title", r = "layui-select-none", d = "", f = u.find("select"), v = function (i, l) { t(i.target).parent().hasClass(n) && !l || (t("." + a).removeClass(a + "ed " + a + "up"), e && d && e.val(d)), e = null }, y = function (i, u, f) { var y, p = t(this), m = i.find("." + n), k = m.find("input"), x = i.find("dl"), g = x.children("dd"), b = this.selectedIndex; if (!u) { var C = function () { var e = i.offset().top + i.outerHeight() + 5 - h.scrollTop(), t = x.outerHeight(); b = p[0].selectedIndex, i.addClass(a + "ed"), g.removeClass(o), y = null, g.eq(b).addClass(s).siblings().removeClass(s), e + t > h.height() && e >= t && i.addClass(a + "up"), $() }, w = function (e) { i.removeClass(a + "ed " + a + "up"), k.blur(), y = null, e || T(k.val(), function (e) { var i = p[0].selectedIndex; e && (d = t(p[0].options[i]).html(), 0 === i && d === k.attr("placeholder") && (d = ""), k.val(d || "")) }) }, $ = function () { var e = x.children("dd." + s); if (e[0]) { var t = e.position().top, i = x.height(), a = e.height(); t > i && x.scrollTop(t + x.scrollTop() - i + a - 5), t < 0 && x.scrollTop(t + x.scrollTop() - 5) } }; m.on("click", function (e) { i.hasClass(a + "ed") ? w() : (v(e, !0), C()), x.find("." + r).remove() }), m.find(".layui-edge").on("click", function () { k.focus() }), k.on("keyup", function (e) { var t = e.keyCode; 9 === t && C() }).on("keydown", function (e) { var t = e.keyCode; 9 === t && w(); var i = function (t, a) { var n, l; e.preventDefault(); var r = function () { var e = x.children("dd." + s); if (x.children("dd." + o)[0] && "next" === t) { var i = x.children("dd:not(." + o + ",." + c + ")"), n = i.eq(0).index(); if (n >= 0 && n < e.index() && !i.hasClass(s)) return i.eq(0).prev()[0] ? i.eq(0).prev() : x.children(":last") } return a && a[0] ? a : y && y[0] ? y : e }(); return l = r[t](), n = r[t]("dd:not(." + o + ")"), l[0] ? (y = r[t](), n[0] && !n.hasClass(c) || !y[0] ? (n.addClass(s).siblings().removeClass(s), void $()) : i(t, y)) : y = null }; 38 === t && i("prev"), 40 === t && i("next"), 13 === t && (e.preventDefault(), x.children("dd." + s).trigger("click")) }); var T = function (e, i, a) { var n = 0; layui.each(g, function () { var i = t(this), l = i.text(), r = l.indexOf(e) === -1; ("" === e || "blur" === a ? e !== l : r) && n++, "keyup" === a && i[r ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](o) }); var l = n === g.length; return i(l), l }, j = function (e) { var t = this.value, i = e.keyCode; return 9 !== i && 13 !== i && 37 !== i && 38 !== i && 39 !== i && 40 !== i && (T(t, function (e) { e ? x.find("." + r)[0] || x.append('


    ') : x.find("." + r).remove() }, "keyup"), "" === t && x.find("." + r).remove(), void $()) }; f && k.on("keyup", j).on("blur", function (i) { var a = p[0].selectedIndex; e = k, d = t(p[0].options[a]).html(), 0 === a && d === k.attr("placeholder") && (d = ""), setTimeout(function () { T(k.val(), function (e) { d || k.val("") }, "blur") }, 200) }), g.on("click", function () { var e = t(this), a = e.attr("lay-value"), n = p.attr("lay-filter"); return !e.hasClass(c) && (e.hasClass("layui-select-tips") ? k.val("") : (k.val(e.text()), e.addClass(s)), e.siblings().removeClass(s), p.val(a).removeClass("layui-form-danger"), layui.event.call(this, l, "select(" + n + ")", { elem: p[0], value: a, othis: i }), w(!0), !1) }), i.find("dl>dt").on("click", function (e) { return !1 }), t(document).off("click", v).on("click", v) } }; f.each(function (e, l) { var r = t(this), o = r.next("." + a), u = this.disabled, d = l.value, f = t(l.options[l.selectedIndex]), v = l.options[0]; if ("string" == typeof r.attr("lay-ignore")) return r.show(); var h = "string" == typeof r.attr("lay-search"), p = v ? v.value ? i : v.innerHTML || i : i, m = t(['
    ', '
    ', '', '
    ', '
    ', function (e) { var t = []; return layui.each(e, function (e, a) { 0 !== e || a.value ? "optgroup" === a.tagName.toLowerCase() ? t.push("
    " + a.label + "
    ") : t.push('
    ' + a.innerHTML + "
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    ' + (a.innerHTML || i) + "
    ") }), 0 === t.length && t.push('
    '), t.join("") }(r.find("*")) + "
    ", "
    "].join("")); o[0] && o.remove(), r.after(m), y.call(this, m, u, h) }) }, checkbox: function () { var e = { checkbox: ["layui-form-checkbox", "layui-form-checked", "checkbox"], _switch: ["layui-form-switch", "layui-form-onswitch", "switch"] }, i = u.find("input[type=checkbox]"), a = function (e, i) { var a = t(this); e.on("click", function () { var t = a.attr("lay-filter"), n = (a.attr("lay-text") || "").split("|"); a[0].disabled || (a[0].checked ? (a[0].checked = !1, e.removeClass(i[1]).find("em").text(n[1])) : (a[0].checked = !0, e.addClass(i[1]).find("em").text(n[0])), layui.event.call(a[0], l, i[2] + "(" + t + ")", { elem: a[0], value: a[0].value, othis: e })) }) }; i.each(function (i, n) { var l = t(this), r = l.attr("lay-skin"), s = (l.attr("lay-text") || "").split("|"), o = this.disabled; "switch" === r && (r = "_" + r); var u = e[r] || e.checkbox; if ("string" == typeof l.attr("lay-ignore")) return l.show(); var d = l.next("." + u[0]), f = t(['
    ", function () { var e = n.title.replace(/\s/g, ""), t = { checkbox: [e ? "" + n.title + "" : "", ''].join(""), _switch: "" + ((n.checked ? s[0] : s[1]) || "") + "" }; return t[r] || t.checkbox }(), "
    "].join("")); d[0] && d.remove(), l.after(f), a.call(this, f, u) }) }, radio: function () { var e = "layui-form-radio", i = ["", ""], a = u.find("input[type=radio]"), n = function (a) { var n = t(this), s = "layui-anim-scaleSpring"; a.on("click", function () { var o = n[0].name, c = n.parents(r), u = n.attr("lay-filter"), d = c.find("input[name=" + o.replace(/(\.|#|\[|\])/g, "\\$1") + "]"); n[0].disabled || (layui.each(d, function () { var a = t(this).next("." + e); this.checked = !1, a.removeClass(e + "ed"), a.find(".layui-icon").removeClass(s).html(i[1]) }), n[0].checked = !0, a.addClass(e + "ed"), a.find(".layui-icon").addClass(s).html(i[0]), layui.event.call(n[0], l, "radio(" + u + ")", { elem: n[0], value: n[0].value, othis: a })) }) }; a.each(function (a, l) { var r = t(this), s = r.next("." + e), o = this.disabled; if ("string" == typeof r.attr("lay-ignore")) return r.show(); s[0] && s.remove(); var u = t(['
    ', '' + i[l.checked ? 0 : 1] + "", "
    " + function () { var e = l.title || ""; return "string" == typeof r.next().attr("lay-radio") && (e = r.next().html(), r.next().remove()), e }() + "
    ", "
    "].join("")); r.after(u), n.call(this, u) }) } }; return e ? d[e] ? d[e]() : a.error("不支持的" + e + "表单渲染") : layui.each(d, function (e, t) { t() }), n }; var d = function () { var e = t(this), a = f.config.verify, s = null, o = "layui-form-danger", c = {}, u = e.parents(r), d = u.find("*[lay-verify]"), v = e.parents("form")[0], h = u.find("input,select,textarea"), y = e.attr("lay-filter"); if (layui.each(d, function (e, l) { var r = t(this), c = r.attr("lay-verify").split("|"), u = r.attr("lay-verType"), d = r.val(); if (r.removeClass(o), layui.each(c, function (e, t) { var c, f = "", v = "function" == typeof a[t]; if (a[t]) { var c = v ? f = a[t](d, l) : !a[t][0].test(d); if (f = f || a[t][1], c) return "tips" === u ? i.tips(f, function () { return "string" == typeof r.attr("lay-ignore") || "select" !== l.tagName.toLowerCase() && !/^checkbox|radio$/.test(l.type) ? r : r.next() }(), {tips: 1}) : "alert" === u ? i.alert(f, {title: "提示", shadeClose: !0}) : i.msg(f, { icon: 5, shift: 6 }), n.android || n.ios || l.focus(), r.addClass(o), s = !0 } }), s) return s }), s) return !1; var p = {}; return layui.each(h, function (e, t) { if (t.name = (t.name || "").replace(/^\s*|\s*&/, ""), t.name) { if (/^.*\[\]$/.test(t.name)) { var i = t.name.match(/^(.*)\[\]$/g)[0]; p[i] = 0 | p[i], t.name = t.name.replace(/^(.*)\[\]$/, "$1[" + p[i]++ + "]") } /^checkbox|radio$/.test(t.type) && !t.checked || (c[t.name] = t.value) } }), layui.event.call(this, l, "submit(" + y + ")", {elem: this, form: v, field: c}) }, f = new u, v = t(document), h = t(window); f.render(), v.on("reset", r, function () { var e = t(this).attr("lay-filter"); setTimeout(function () { f.render(null, e) }, 50) }), v.on("submit", r, d).on("click", "*[lay-submit]", d), e(l, f) }); layui.define("jquery", function (e) { "use strict"; var o = layui.$, a = layui.hint(), i = "layui-tree-enter", r = function (e) { this.options = e }, t = { arrow: ["", ""], checkbox: ["", ""], radio: ["", ""], branch: ["", ""], leaf: "" }; r.prototype.init = function (e) { var o = this; e.addClass("layui-box layui-tree"), o.options.skin && e.addClass("layui-tree-skin-" + o.options.skin), o.tree(e), o.on(e) }, r.prototype.tree = function (e, a) { var i = this, r = i.options, n = a || r.nodes; layui.each(n, function (a, n) { var l = n.children && n.children.length > 0, c = o('
      '), s = o(["
    • ", function () { return l ? '' + (n.spread ? t.arrow[1] : t.arrow[0]) + "" : "" }(), function () { return r.check ? '' + ("checkbox" === r.check ? t.checkbox[0] : "radio" === r.check ? t.radio[0] : "") + "" : "" }(), function () { return '" + ('' + (l ? n.spread ? t.branch[1] : t.branch[0] : t.leaf) + "") + ("" + (n.name || "未命名") + "") }(), "
    • "].join("")); l && (s.append(c), i.tree(c, n.children)), e.append(s), "function" == typeof r.click && i.click(s, n), i.spread(s, n), r.drag && i.drag(s, n) }) }, r.prototype.click = function (e, o) { var a = this, i = a.options; e.children("a").on("click", function (e) { layui.stope(e), i.click(o) }) }, r.prototype.spread = function (e, o) { var a = this, i = (a.options, e.children(".layui-tree-spread")), r = e.children("ul"), n = e.children("a"), l = function () { e.data("spread") ? (e.data("spread", null), r.removeClass("layui-show"), i.html(t.arrow[0]), n.find(".layui-icon").html(t.branch[0])) : (e.data("spread", !0), r.addClass("layui-show"), i.html(t.arrow[1]), n.find(".layui-icon").html(t.branch[1])) }; r[0] && (i.on("click", l), n.on("dblclick", l)) }, r.prototype.on = function (e) { var a = this, r = a.options, t = "layui-tree-drag"; e.find("i").on("selectstart", function (e) { return !1 }), r.drag && o(document).on("mousemove", function (e) { var i = a.move; if (i.from) { var r = (i.to, o('
      ')); e.preventDefault(), o("." + t)[0] || o("body").append(r); var n = o("." + t)[0] ? o("." + t) : r; n.addClass("layui-show").html(i.from.elem.children("a").html()), n.css({ left: e.pageX + 10, top: e.pageY + 10 }) } }).on("mouseup", function () { var e = a.move; e.from && (e.from.elem.children("a").removeClass(i), e.to && e.to.elem.children("a").removeClass(i), a.move = {}, o("." + t).remove()) }) }, r.prototype.move = {}, r.prototype.drag = function (e, a) { var r = this, t = (r.options, e.children("a")), n = function () { var t = o(this), n = r.move; n.from && (n.to = {item: a, elem: e}, t.addClass(i)) }; t.on("mousedown", function () { var o = r.move; o.from = {item: a, elem: e} }), t.on("mouseenter", n).on("mousemove", n).on("mouseleave", function () { var e = o(this), a = r.move; a.from && (delete a.to, e.removeClass(i)) }) }, e("tree", function (e) { var i = new r(e = e || {}), t = o(e.elem); return t[0] ? void i.init(t) : a.error("layui.tree 没有找到" + e.elem + "元素") }) }); layui.define(["laytpl", "laypage", "layer", "form", "util"], function (e) { "use strict"; var t = layui.$, i = layui.laytpl, a = layui.laypage, l = layui.layer, n = layui.form, o = (layui.util, layui.hint()), r = layui.device(), d = { config: {checkName: "LAY_CHECKED", indexName: "LAY_TABLE_INDEX"}, cache: {}, index: layui.table ? layui.table.index + 1e4 : 0, set: function (e) { var i = this; return i.config = t.extend({}, i.config, e), i }, on: function (e, t) { return layui.onevent.call(this, u, e, t) } }, c = function () { var e = this, t = e.config, i = t.id || t.index; return i && (c.that[i] = e, c.config[i] = t), { reload: function (t) { e.reload.call(e, t) }, setColsWidth: function () { e.setColsWidth.call(e) }, resize: function () { e.resize.call(e) }, config: t } }, s = function (e) { var t = c.config[e]; return t || o.error("The ID option was not found in the table instance"), t || null }, u = "table", h = ".layui-table", y = "layui-hide", f = "layui-none", p = "layui-table-view", v = ".layui-table-tool", m = ".layui-table-box", g = ".layui-table-init", b = ".layui-table-header", x = ".layui-table-body", k = ".layui-table-main", C = ".layui-table-fixed", w = ".layui-table-fixed-l", T = ".layui-table-fixed-r", A = ".layui-table-total", L = ".layui-table-page", S = ".layui-table-sort", N = "layui-table-edit", W = "layui-table-hover", _ = function (e) { var t = '{{#if(item2.colspan){}} colspan="{{item2.colspan}}"{{#} if(item2.rowspan){}} rowspan="{{item2.rowspan}}"{{#}}}'; return e = e || {}, ['
      ', "", "{{# layui.each(d.data.cols, function(i1, item1){ }}", "", "{{# layui.each(item1, function(i2, item2){ }}", '{{# if(item2.fixed && item2.fixed !== "right"){ left = true; } }}', '{{# if(item2.fixed === "right"){ right = true; } }}', function () { return e.fixed && "right" !== e.fixed ? '{{# if(item2.fixed && item2.fixed !== "right"){ }}' : "right" === e.fixed ? '{{# if(item2.fixed === "right"){ }}' : "" }(), "{{# var isSort = !(item2.colGroup) && item2.sort; }}", '", e.fixed ? "{{# }; }}" : "", "{{# }); }}", "", "{{# }); }}", "", "
      ', '
      ', '{{# if(item2.type === "checkbox"){ }}', '', "{{# } else { }}", '{{item2.title||""}}', "{{# if(isSort){ }}", '', "{{# } }}", "{{# } }}", "
      ", "
      "].join("") }, E = ['', "", "
      "].join(""), z = ['
      ', "{{# if(d.data.toolbar){ }}", '
      ', '
      ', '
      ', "
      ", "{{# } }}", '
      ', "{{# if(d.data.loading){ }}", '
      ', '', "
      ", "{{# } }}", "{{# var left, right; }}", '
      ', _(), "
      ", '
      ', E, "
      ", "{{# if(left){ }}", '
      ', '
      ', _({fixed: !0}), "
      ", '
      ', E, "
      ", "
      ", "{{# }; }}", "{{# if(right){ }}", '
      ', '
      ', _({fixed: "right"}), '
      ', "
      ", '
      ', E, "
      ", "
      ", "{{# }; }}", "
      ", "{{# if(d.data.totalRow){ }}", '
      ', '', '', "
      ", "
      ", "{{# } }}", "{{# if(d.data.page){ }}", '
      ', '
      ', "
      ", "{{# } }}", "", "
      "].join(""), H = t(window), R = t(document), F = function (e) { var i = this; i.index = ++d.index, i.config = t.extend({}, i.config, d.config, e), i.render() }; F.prototype.config = { limit: 10, loading: !0, cellMinWidth: 60, defaultToolbar: ["filter", "exports", "print"], autoSort: !0, text: {none: "无数据"} }, F.prototype.render = function () { var e = this, a = e.config; if (a.elem = t(a.elem), a.where = a.where || {}, a.id = a.id || a.elem.attr("id") || e.index, a.request = t.extend({ pageName: "page", limitName: "limit" }, a.request), a.response = t.extend({ statusName: "code", statusCode: 0, msgName: "msg", dataName: "data", countName: "count" }, a.response), "object" == typeof a.page && (a.limit = a.page.limit || a.limit, a.limits = a.page.limits || a.limits, e.page = a.page.curr = a.page.curr || 1, delete a.page.elem, delete a.page.jump), !a.elem[0]) return e; a.height && /^full-\d+$/.test(a.height) && (e.fullHeightGap = a.height.split("-")[1], a.height = H.height() - e.fullHeightGap), e.setInit(); var l = a.elem, n = l.next("." + p), o = e.elem = t(i(z).render({VIEW_CLASS: p, data: a, index: e.index})); if (a.index = e.index, n[0] && n.remove(), l.after(o), e.layTool = o.find(v), e.layBox = o.find(m), e.layHeader = o.find(b), e.layMain = o.find(k), e.layBody = o.find(x), e.layFixed = o.find(C), e.layFixLeft = o.find(w), e.layFixRight = o.find(T), e.layTotal = o.find(A), e.layPage = o.find(L), e.renderToolbar(), e.fullSize(), a.cols.length > 1) { var r = e.layFixed.find(b).find("th"); r.height(e.layHeader.height() - 1 - parseFloat(r.css("padding-top")) - parseFloat(r.css("padding-bottom"))) } e.pullData(e.page), e.events() }, F.prototype.initOpts = function (e) { var t = this, i = (t.config, {checkbox: 48, radio: 48, space: 15, numbers: 40}); e.checkbox && (e.type = "checkbox"), e.space && (e.type = "space"), e.type || (e.type = "normal"), "normal" !== e.type && (e.unresize = !0, e.width = e.width || i[e.type]) }, F.prototype.setInit = function (e) { var t = this, i = t.config; return i.clientWidth = i.width || function () { var e = function (t) { var a, l; t = t || i.elem.parent(), a = t.width(); try { l = "none" === t.css("display") } catch (n) { } return !t[0] || a && !l ? a : e(t.parent()) }; return e() }(), "width" === e ? i.clientWidth : void layui.each(i.cols, function (e, a) { layui.each(a, function (l, n) { if (!n) return void a.splice(l, 1); if (n.key = e + "-" + l, n.hide = n.hide || !1, n.colGroup || n.colspan > 1) { var o = 0; layui.each(i.cols[e + 1], function (t, i) { i.HAS_PARENT || o > 1 && o == n.colspan || (i.HAS_PARENT = !0, i.parentKey = e + "-" + l, o += parseInt(i.colspan > 1 ? i.colspan : 1)) }), n.colGroup = !0 } t.initOpts(n) }) }) }, F.prototype.renderToolbar = function () { var e = this, a = e.config, l = ['
      ', '
      ', '
      '].join(""), n = e.layTool.find(".layui-table-tool-temp"); if ("default" === a.toolbar) n.html(l); else if ("string" == typeof a.toolbar) { var o = t(a.toolbar).html() || ""; o && n.html(i(o).render(a)) } var r = { filter: {title: "筛选列", layEvent: "LAYTABLE_COLS", icon: "layui-icon-cols"}, exports: {title: "导出", layEvent: "LAYTABLE_EXPORT", icon: "layui-icon-export"}, print: {title: "打印", layEvent: "LAYTABLE_PRINT", icon: "layui-icon-print"} }, d = []; "object" == typeof a.defaultToolbar && layui.each(a.defaultToolbar, function (e, t) { var i = r[t]; i && d.push('
      ') }), e.layTool.find(".layui-table-tool-self").html(d.join("")) }, F.prototype.setParentCol = function (e, t) { var i = this, a = i.config, l = i.layHeader.find('th[data-key="' + a.index + "-" + t + '"]'), n = parseInt(l.attr("colspan")) || 0; if (l[0]) { var o = t.split("-"), r = a.cols[o[0]][o[1]]; e ? n-- : n++, l.attr("colspan", n), l[n < 1 ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](y), r.colspan = n, r.hide = n < 1; var d = l.data("parentkey"); d && i.setParentCol(e, d) } }, F.prototype.setColsPatch = function () { var e = this, t = e.config; layui.each(t.cols, function (t, i) { layui.each(i, function (t, i) { i.hide && e.setParentCol(i.hide, i.parentKey) }) }) }, F.prototype.setColsWidth = function () { var e = this, t = e.config, i = 0, a = 0, l = 0, n = 0, o = e.setInit("width"); e.eachCols(function (e, t) { t.hide || i++ }), o = o - function () { return "line" === t.skin || "nob" === t.skin ? 2 : i + 1 }() - e.getScrollWidth(e.layMain[0]) - 1; var r = function (e) { layui.each(t.cols, function (i, r) { layui.each(r, function (i, d) { var c = 0, s = d.minWidth || t.cellMinWidth; return d ? void (d.colGroup || d.hide || (e ? l && l < s && (a--, c = s) : (c = d.width || 0, /\d+%$/.test(c) ? (c = Math.floor(parseFloat(c) / 100 * o), c < s && (c = s)) : c || (d.width = c = 0, a++)), d.hide && (c = 0), n += c)) : void r.splice(i, 1) }) }), o > n && a && (l = (o - n) / a) }; r(), r(!0), e.autoColNums = a, e.eachCols(function (i, a) { var n = a.minWidth || t.cellMinWidth; a.colGroup || a.hide || (0 === a.width ? e.getCssRule(t.index + "-" + a.key, function (e) { e.style.width = Math.floor(l >= n ? l : n) + "px" }) : /\d+%$/.test(a.width) && e.getCssRule(t.index + "-" + a.key, function (e) { e.style.width = Math.floor(parseFloat(a.width) / 100 * o) + "px" })) }); var d = e.layMain.width() - e.getScrollWidth(e.layMain[0]) - e.layMain.children("table").outerWidth(); if (e.autoColNums && d >= -i && d <= i) { var c = function (t) { var i; return t = t || e.layHeader.eq(0).find("thead th:last-child"), i = t.data("field"), !i && t.prev()[0] ? c(t.prev()) : t }, s = c(), u = s.data("key"); e.getCssRule(u, function (t) { var i = t.style.width || s.outerWidth(); t.style.width = parseFloat(i) + d + "px", e.layMain.height() - e.layMain.prop("clientHeight") > 0 && (t.style.width = parseFloat(t.style.width) - 1 + "px") }) } e.loading(!0) }, F.prototype.resize = function () { var e = this; e.fullSize(), e.setColsWidth(), e.scrollPatch() }, F.prototype.reload = function (e) { var i = this; i.config.data && i.config.data.constructor === Array && delete i.config.data, i.config = t.extend({}, i.config, e), i.render() }, F.prototype.page = 1, F.prototype.pullData = function (e) { var i = this, a = i.config, l = a.request, n = a.response, o = function () { "object" == typeof a.initSort && i.sort(a.initSort.field, a.initSort.type) }; if (i.startTime = (new Date).getTime(), a.url) { var r = {}; r[l.pageName] = e, r[l.limitName] = a.limit; var d = t.extend(r, a.where); a.contentType && 0 == a.contentType.indexOf("application/json") && (d = JSON.stringify(d)), t.ajax({ type: a.method || "get", url: a.url, contentType: a.contentType, data: d, dataType: "json", headers: a.headers || {}, success: function (t) { "function" == typeof a.parseData && (t = a.parseData(t) || t), t[n.statusName] != n.statusCode ? (i.renderForm(), i.layMain.html('
      ' + (t[n.msgName] || "返回的数据不符合规范,正确的成功状态码 (" + n.statusName + ") 应为:" + n.statusCode) + "
      ")) : (i.renderData(t, e, t[n.countName]), o(), a.time = (new Date).getTime() - i.startTime + " ms"), i.setColsWidth(), "function" == typeof a.done && a.done(t, e, t[n.countName]) }, error: function (e, t) { i.layMain.html('
      数据接口请求异常:' + t + "
      "), i.renderForm(), i.setColsWidth() } }) } else if (a.data && a.data.constructor === Array) { var c = {}, s = e * a.limit - a.limit; c[n.dataName] = a.data.concat().splice(s, a.limit), c[n.countName] = a.data.length, i.renderData(c, e, a.data.length), o(), i.setColsWidth(), "function" == typeof a.done && a.done(c, e, c[n.countName]) } }, F.prototype.eachCols = function (e) { var t = this; return d.eachCols(null, e, t.config.cols), t }, F.prototype.renderData = function (e, n, o, r) { var c = this, s = c.config, u = e[s.response.dataName] || [], h = [], p = [], v = [], m = function () { var e; return !r && c.sortKey ? c.sort(c.sortKey.field, c.sortKey.sort, !0) : (layui.each(u, function (a, l) { var o = [], u = [], f = [], m = a + s.limit * (n - 1) + 1; 0 !== l.length && (r || (l[d.config.indexName] = a), c.eachCols(function (n, r) { var c = r.field || n, h = s.index + "-" + r.key, p = l[c]; if (void 0 !== p && null !== p || (p = ""), !r.colGroup) { var v = ['', '
      ' + function () { var n = t.extend(!0, {LAY_INDEX: m}, l), o = d.config.checkName; switch (r.type) { case"checkbox": return '"; case"radio": return n[o] && (e = a), ''; case"numbers": return m } return r.toolbar ? i(t(r.toolbar).html() || "").render(n) : r.templet ? function () { return "function" == typeof r.templet ? r.templet(n) : i(t(r.templet).html() || String(p)).render(n) }() : p }(), "
      "].join(""); o.push(v), r.fixed && "right" !== r.fixed && u.push(v), "right" === r.fixed && f.push(v) } }), h.push('' + o.join("") + ""), p.push('' + u.join("") + ""), v.push('' + f.join("") + "")) }), c.layBody.scrollTop(0), c.layMain.find("." + f).remove(), c.layMain.find("tbody").html(h.join("")), c.layFixLeft.find("tbody").html(p.join("")), c.layFixRight.find("tbody").html(v.join("")), c.renderForm(), "number" == typeof e && c.setThisRowChecked(e), c.syncCheckAll(), c.haveInit ? c.scrollPatch() : setTimeout(function () { c.scrollPatch() }, 50), c.haveInit = !0, l.close(c.tipsIndex), s.HAS_SET_COLS_PATCH || c.setColsPatch(), void (s.HAS_SET_COLS_PATCH = !0)) }; return c.key = s.id || s.index, d.cache[c.key] = u, c.layPage[0 == o || 0 === u.length && 1 == n ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](y), r ? m() : 0 === u.length ? (c.renderForm(), c.layFixed.remove(), c.layMain.find("tbody").html(""), c.layMain.find("." + f).remove(), c.layMain.append('
      ' + s.text.none + "
      ")) : (m(), c.renderTotal(u), void (s.page && (s.page = t.extend({ elem: "layui-table-page" + s.index, count: o, limit: s.limit, limits: s.limits || [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90], groups: 3, layout: ["prev", "page", "next", "skip", "count", "limit"], prev: '', next: '', jump: function (e, t) { t || (c.page = e.curr, s.limit = e.limit, c.loading(), c.pullData(e.curr)) } }, s.page), s.page.count = o, a.render(s.page)))) }, F.prototype.renderTotal = function (e) { var t = this, i = t.config, a = {}; if (i.totalRow) { layui.each(e, function (e, i) { 0 !== i.length && t.eachCols(function (e, t) { var l = t.field || e, n = i[l]; t.totalRow && (a[l] = (a[l] || 0) + (parseFloat(n) || 0)) }) }); var l = []; t.eachCols(function (e, t) { var n = t.field || e, o = ['', '
      ' + function () { var e = t.totalRowText || ""; return t.totalRow ? parseFloat(a[n]).toFixed(2) || e : e }(), "
      "].join(""); l.push(o) }), t.layTotal.find("tbody").html("" + l.join("") + "") } }, F.prototype.getColElem = function (e, t) { var i = this, a = i.config; return e.eq(0).find(".laytable-cell-" + (a.index + "-" + t) + ":eq(0)") }, F.prototype.renderForm = function (e) { n.render(e, "LAY-table-" + this.index) }, F.prototype.setThisRowChecked = function (e) { var t = this, i = (t.config, "layui-table-click"), a = t.layBody.find('tr[data-index="' + e + '"]'); a.addClass(i).siblings("tr").removeClass(i) }, F.prototype.sort = function (e, i, a, l) { var n, r, c = this, s = {}, h = c.config, y = h.elem.attr("lay-filter"), f = d.cache[c.key]; "string" == typeof e && c.layHeader.find("th").each(function (i, a) { var l = t(this), o = l.data("field"); if (o === e) return e = l, n = o, !1 }); try { var n = n || e.data("field"), p = e.data("key"); if (c.sortKey && !a && n === c.sortKey.field && i === c.sortKey.sort) return; var v = c.layHeader.find("th .laytable-cell-" + p).find(S); c.layHeader.find("th").find(S).removeAttr("lay-sort"), v.attr("lay-sort", i || null), c.layFixed.find("th") } catch (m) { return o.error("Table modules: Did not match to field") } c.sortKey = { field: n, sort: i }, h.autoSort && ("asc" === i ? r = layui.sort(f, n) : "desc" === i ? r = layui.sort(f, n, !0) : (r = layui.sort(f, d.config.indexName), delete c.sortKey)), s[h.response.dataName] = r || f, c.renderData(s, c.page, c.count, !0), l && layui.event.call(e, u, "sort(" + y + ")", { field: n, type: i }) }, F.prototype.loading = function (e) { var i = this, a = i.config; a.loading && (e ? (i.layInit && i.layInit.remove(), delete i.layInit, i.layBox.find(g).remove()) : (i.layInit = t(['
      ', '', "
      "].join("")), i.layBox.append(i.layInit))) }, F.prototype.setCheckData = function (e, t) { var i = this, a = i.config, l = d.cache[i.key]; l[e] && l[e].constructor !== Array && (l[e][a.checkName] = t) }, F.prototype.syncCheckAll = function () { var e = this, t = e.config, i = e.layHeader.find('input[name="layTableCheckbox"]'), a = function (i) { return e.eachCols(function (e, a) { "checkbox" === a.type && (a[t.checkName] = i) }), i }; i[0] && (d.checkStatus(e.key).isAll ? (i[0].checked || (i.prop("checked", !0), e.renderForm("checkbox")), a(!0)) : (i[0].checked && (i.prop("checked", !1), e.renderForm("checkbox")), a(!1))) }, F.prototype.getCssRule = function (e, t) { var i = this, a = i.elem.find("style")[0], l = a.sheet || a.styleSheet || {}, n = l.cssRules || l.rules; layui.each(n, function (i, a) { if (a.selectorText === ".laytable-cell-" + e) return t(a), !0 }) }, F.prototype.fullSize = function () { var e, t = this, i = t.config, a = i.height; t.fullHeightGap && (a = H.height() - t.fullHeightGap, a < 135 && (a = 135), t.elem.css("height", a)), a && (e = parseFloat(a) - (t.layHeader.outerHeight() || 38), i.toolbar && (e -= t.layTool.outerHeight() || 50), i.totalRow && (e -= t.layTotal.outerHeight() || 40), i.page && (e = e - (t.layPage.outerHeight() || 41) - 2), t.layMain.css("height", e)) }, F.prototype.getScrollWidth = function (e) { var t = 0; return e ? t = e.offsetWidth - e.clientWidth : (e = document.createElement("div"), e.style.width = "100px", e.style.height = "100px", e.style.overflowY = "scroll", document.body.appendChild(e), t = e.offsetWidth - e.clientWidth, document.body.removeChild(e)), t }, F.prototype.scrollPatch = function () { var e = this, i = e.layMain.children("table"), a = e.layMain.width() - e.layMain.prop("clientWidth"), l = e.layMain.height() - e.layMain.prop("clientHeight"), n = (e.getScrollWidth(e.layMain[0]), i.outerWidth() - e.layMain.width()), o = function (e) { if (a && l) { if (e = e.eq(0), !e.find(".layui-table-patch")[0]) { var i = t('
      '); i.find("div").css({width: a}), e.find("tr").append(i) } } else e.find(".layui-table-patch").remove() }; o(e.layHeader), o(e.layTotal); var r = e.layMain.height(), d = r - l; e.layFixed.find(x).css("height", i.height() >= d ? d : "auto"), e.layFixRight[n > 0 ? "removeClass" : "addClass"](y), e.layFixRight.css("right", a - 1) }, F.prototype.events = function () { var e, a = this, o = a.config, c = t("body"), s = {}, h = a.layHeader.find("th"), f = ".layui-table-cell", p = o.elem.attr("lay-filter"); a.layTool.on("click", "*[lay-event]", function (e) { var i = t(this), c = i.attr("lay-event"), s = function (e) { var l = t(e.list), n = t(''); n.html(l), o.height && n.css("max-height", o.height - (a.layTool.outerHeight() || 50)), i.find(".layui-table-tool-panel")[0] || i.append(n), a.renderForm(), n.on("click", function (e) { layui.stope(e) }), e.done && e.done(n, l) }; switch (layui.stope(e), R.trigger("table.tool.panel.remove"), l.close(a.tipsIndex), c) { case"LAYTABLE_COLS": s({ list: function () { var e = []; return a.eachCols(function (t, i) { i.field && "normal" == i.type && e.push('
    • ') }), e.join("") }(), done: function () { n.on("checkbox(LAY_TABLE_TOOL_COLS)", function (e) { var i = t(e.elem), l = this.checked, n = i.data("key"), r = i.data("parentkey"); layui.each(o.cols, function (e, t) { layui.each(t, function (t, i) { if (e + "-" + t === n) { var d = i.hide; i.hide = !l, a.elem.find('*[data-key="' + o.index + "-" + n + '"]')[l ? "removeClass" : "addClass"](y), d != i.hide && a.setParentCol(!l, r), a.resize() } }) }) }) } }); break; case"LAYTABLE_EXPORT": r.ie ? l.tips("导出功能不支持 IE,请用 Chrome 等高级浏览器导出", this, {tips: 3}) : s({ list: function () { return ['
    • 导出到 Csv 文件
    • ', '
    • 导出到 Excel 文件
    • '].join("") }(), done: function (e, i) { i.on("click", function () { var e = t(this).data("type"); d.exportFile(o.id, null, e) }) } }); break; case"LAYTABLE_PRINT": var h = window.open("打印窗口", "_blank"), f = [""].join(""), v = t(a.layHeader.html()); v.append(a.layMain.find("table").html()), v.find("th.layui-table-patch").remove(), v.find(".layui-table-col-special").remove(), h.document.write(f + v.prop("outerHTML")), h.document.close(), h.print(), h.close() } layui.event.call(this, u, "toolbar(" + p + ")", t.extend({event: c, config: o}, {})) }), h.on("mousemove", function (e) { var i = t(this), a = i.offset().left, l = e.clientX - a; i.data("unresize") || s.resizeStart || (s.allowResize = i.width() - l <= 10, c.css("cursor", s.allowResize ? "col-resize" : "")) }).on("mouseleave", function () { t(this); s.resizeStart || c.css("cursor", "") }).on("mousedown", function (e) { var i = t(this); if (s.allowResize) { var l = i.data("key"); e.preventDefault(), s.resizeStart = !0, s.offset = [e.clientX, e.clientY], a.getCssRule(l, function (e) { var t = e.style.width || i.outerWidth(); s.rule = e, s.ruleWidth = parseFloat(t), s.minWidth = i.data("minwidth") || o.cellMinWidth }) } }), R.on("mousemove", function (t) { if (s.resizeStart) { if (t.preventDefault(), s.rule) { var i = s.ruleWidth + t.clientX - s.offset[0]; i < s.minWidth && (i = s.minWidth), s.rule.style.width = i + "px", l.close(a.tipsIndex) } e = 1 } }).on("mouseup", function (t) { s.resizeStart && (s = {}, c.css("cursor", ""), a.scrollPatch()), 2 === e && (e = null) }), h.on("click", function (i) { var l, n = t(this), o = n.find(S), r = o.attr("lay-sort"); return o[0] && 1 !== e ? (l = "asc" === r ? "desc" : "desc" === r ? null : "asc", void a.sort(n, l, null, !0)) : e = 2 }).find(S + " .layui-edge ").on("click", function (e) { var i = t(this), l = i.index(), n = i.parents("th").eq(0).data("field"); layui.stope(e), 0 === l ? a.sort(n, "asc", null, !0) : a.sort(n, "desc", null, !0) }); var v = function (e) { var l = t(this), n = l.parents("tr").eq(0).data("index"), o = a.layBody.find('tr[data-index="' + n + '"]'), r = d.cache[a.key][n]; return t.extend({ tr: o, data: d.clearCacheKey(r), del: function () { d.cache[a.key][n] = [], o.remove(), a.scrollPatch() }, update: function (e) { e = e || {}, layui.each(e, function (e, l) { if (e in r) { var n, d = o.children('td[data-field="' + e + '"]'); r[e] = l, a.eachCols(function (t, i) { i.field == e && i.templet && (n = i.templet) }), d.children(f).html(function () { return n ? function () { return "function" == typeof n ? n(r) : i(t(n).html() || l).render(r) }() : l }()), d.data("content", l) } }) } }, e) }; a.elem.on("click", 'input[name="layTableCheckbox"]+', function () { var e = t(this).prev(), i = a.layBody.find('input[name="layTableCheckbox"]'), l = e.parents("tr").eq(0).data("index"), n = e[0].checked, o = "layTableAllChoose" === e.attr("lay-filter"); o ? (i.each(function (e, t) { t.checked = n, a.setCheckData(e, n) }), a.syncCheckAll(), a.renderForm("checkbox")) : (a.setCheckData(l, n), a.syncCheckAll()), layui.event.call(e[0], u, "checkbox(" + p + ")", v.call(e[0], { checked: n, type: o ? "all" : "one" })) }), a.elem.on("click", 'input[lay-type="layTableRadio"]+', function () { var e = t(this).prev(), i = e[0].checked, l = d.cache[a.key], n = e.parents("tr").eq(0).data("index"); layui.each(l, function (e, t) { n === e ? t.LAY_CHECKED = !0 : delete t.LAY_CHECKED }), a.setThisRowChecked(n), layui.event.call(this, u, "radio(" + p + ")", v.call(this, {checked: i})) }), a.layBody.on("mouseenter", "tr", function () { var e = t(this), i = e.index(); a.layBody.find("tr:eq(" + i + ")").addClass(W) }).on("mouseleave", "tr", function () { var e = t(this), i = e.index(); a.layBody.find("tr:eq(" + i + ")").removeClass(W) }).on("click", "tr", function () { m.call(this, "row") }).on("dblclick", "tr", function () { m.call(this, "rowDouble") }); var m = function (e) { var i = t(this); layui.event.call(this, u, e + "(" + p + ")", v.call(i.children("td")[0])) }; a.layBody.on("change", "." + N, function () { var e = t(this), i = this.value, l = e.parent().data("field"), n = e.parents("tr").eq(0).data("index"), o = d.cache[a.key][n]; o[l] = i, layui.event.call(this, u, "edit(" + p + ")", v.call(this, {value: i, field: l})) }).on("blur", "." + N, function () { var e, l = t(this), n = l.parent().data("field"), o = l.parents("tr").eq(0).data("index"), r = d.cache[a.key][o]; a.eachCols(function (t, i) { i.field == n && i.templet && (e = i.templet) }), l.siblings(f).html(function (a) { return e ? function () { return "function" == typeof e ? e(r) : i(t(e).html() || this.value).render(r) }() : a }(this.value)), l.parent().data("content", this.value), l.remove() }), a.layBody.on("click", "td", function (e) { var i = t(this), a = (i.data("field"), i.data("edit")), l = i.children(f); if (!i.data("off") && a) { var n = t(''); return n[0].value = i.data("content") || l.text(), i.find("." + N)[0] || i.append(n), n.focus(), void layui.stope(e) } }).on("mouseenter", "td", function () { b.call(this) }).on("mouseleave", "td", function () { b.call(this, "hide") }); var g = "layui-table-grid-down", b = function (e) { var i = t(this), a = i.children(f); if (e) i.find(".layui-table-grid-down").remove(); else if (a.prop("scrollWidth") > a.outerWidth()) { if (a.find("." + g)[0]) return; i.append('
      ') } }; a.layBody.on("click", "." + g, function (e) { var i = t(this), n = i.parent(), d = n.children(f); a.tipsIndex = l.tips(['
      ', d.html(), "
      ", ''].join(""), d[0], { tips: [3, ""], time: -1, anim: -1, maxWidth: r.ios || r.android ? 300 : a.elem.width() / 2, isOutAnim: !1, skin: "layui-table-tips", success: function (e, t) { e.find(".layui-table-tips-c").on("click", function () { l.close(t) }) } }), layui.stope(e) }), a.layBody.on("click", "*[lay-event]", function () { var e = t(this), i = e.parents("tr").eq(0).data("index"); layui.event.call(this, u, "tool(" + p + ")", v.call(this, {event: e.attr("lay-event")})), a.setThisRowChecked(i) }), a.layMain.on("scroll", function () { var e = t(this), i = e.scrollLeft(), n = e.scrollTop(); a.layHeader.scrollLeft(i), a.layTotal.scrollLeft(i), a.layFixed.find(x).scrollTop(n), l.close(a.tipsIndex) }), R.on("click", function () { R.trigger("table.remove.tool.panel") }), R.on("table.remove.tool.panel", function () { t(".layui-table-tool-panel").remove() }), H.on("resize", function () { a.resize() }) }, d.init = function (e, i) { i = i || {}; var a = this, l = t(e ? 'table[lay-filter="' + e + '"]' : h + "[lay-data]"), n = "Table element property lay-data configuration item has a syntax error: "; return l.each(function () { var a = t(this), l = a.attr("lay-data"); try { l = new Function("return " + l)() } catch (r) { o.error(n + l) } var c = [], s = t.extend({ elem: this, cols: [], data: [], skin: a.attr("lay-skin"), size: a.attr("lay-size"), even: "string" == typeof a.attr("lay-even") }, d.config, i, l); e && a.hide(), a.find("thead>tr").each(function (e) { s.cols[e] = [], t(this).children().each(function (i) { var a = t(this), l = a.attr("lay-data"); try { l = new Function("return " + l)() } catch (r) { return o.error(n + l) } var d = t.extend({ title: a.text(), colspan: a.attr("colspan") || 0, rowspan: a.attr("rowspan") || 0 }, l); d.colspan < 2 && c.push(d), s.cols[e].push(d) }) }), a.find("tbody>tr").each(function (e) { var i = t(this), a = {}; i.children("td").each(function (e, i) { var l = t(this), n = l.data("field"); if (n) return a[n] = l.html() }), layui.each(c, function (e, t) { var l = i.children("td").eq(e); a[t.field] = l.html() }), s.data[e] = a }), d.render(s) }), a }, c.that = {}, c.config = {}, d.eachCols = function (e, i, a) { var l = c.config[e] || {}, n = [], o = 0; a = t.extend(!0, [], a || l.cols), layui.each(a, function (e, t) { layui.each(t, function (t, i) { if (i.colGroup) { var l = 0; o++, i.CHILD_COLS = [], layui.each(a[e + 1], function (e, t) { t.PARENT_COL_INDEX || l > 1 && l == i.colspan || (t.PARENT_COL_INDEX = o, i.CHILD_COLS.push(t), l += parseInt(t.colspan > 1 ? t.colspan : 1)) }) } i.PARENT_COL_INDEX || n.push(i) }) }); var r = function (e) { layui.each(e || n, function (e, t) { return t.CHILD_COLS ? r(t.CHILD_COLS) : void ("function" == typeof i && i(e, t)) }) }; r() }, d.checkStatus = function (e) { var t = 0, i = 0, a = [], l = d.cache[e] || []; return layui.each(l, function (e, l) { return l.constructor === Array ? void i++ : void (l[d.config.checkName] && (t++, a.push(d.clearCacheKey(l)))) }), {data: a, isAll: !!l.length && t === l.length - i} }, d.exportFile = function (e, t, i) { t = t || d.clearCacheKey(d.cache[e]), i = i || "csv"; var a = c.config[e] || {}, l = {csv: "text/csv", xls: "application/vnd.ms-excel"}[i], n = document.createElement("a"); return r.ie ? o.error("IE_NOT_SUPPORT_EXPORTS") : (n.href = "data:" + l + ";charset=utf-8,\ufeff" + encodeURIComponent(function () { var i = [], a = []; return layui.each(t, function (t, l) { var n = []; "object" == typeof e ? (layui.each(e, function (e, a) { 0 == t && i.push(a || "") }), layui.each(d.clearCacheKey(l), function (e, t) { n.push(t) })) : d.eachCols(e, function (e, a) { a.field && "normal" == a.type && !a.hide && (0 == t && i.push(a.title || ""), n.push(l[a.field])) }), a.push(n.join(",")) }), i.join(",") + "\r\n" + a.join("\r\n") }()), n.download = (a.title || "table_" + (a.index || "")) + "." + i, document.body.appendChild(n), n.click(), void document.body.removeChild(n)) }, d.resize = function (e) { if (e) { var t = s(e); if (!t) return; c.that[e].resize() } else layui.each(c.that, function () { this.resize() }) }, d.reload = function (e, i) { i = i || {}; var a = s(e); if (a) return i.data && i.data.constructor === Array && delete a.data, d.render(t.extend(!0, {}, a, i)) }, d.render = function (e) { var t = new F(e); return c.call(t) }, d.clearCacheKey = function (e) { return e = t.extend({}, e), delete e[d.config.checkName], delete e[d.config.indexName], e }, d.init(), e(u, d) }); layui.define("jquery", function (e) { "use strict"; var i = layui.$, n = (layui.hint(), layui.device(), { config: {}, set: function (e) { var n = this; return n.config = i.extend({}, n.config, e), n }, on: function (e, i) { return layui.onevent.call(this, t, e, i) } }), t = "carousel", a = "layui-this", l = ">*[carousel-item]>*", o = "layui-carousel-left", r = "layui-carousel-right", d = "layui-carousel-prev", s = "layui-carousel-next", u = "layui-carousel-arrow", c = "layui-carousel-ind", m = function (e) { var t = this; t.config = i.extend({}, t.config, n.config, e), t.render() }; m.prototype.config = { width: "600px", height: "280px", full: !1, arrow: "hover", indicator: "inside", autoplay: !0, interval: 3e3, anim: "", trigger: "click", index: 0 }, m.prototype.render = function () { var e = this, n = e.config; n.elem = i(n.elem), n.elem[0] && (e.elemItem = n.elem.find(l), n.index < 0 && (n.index = 0), n.index >= e.elemItem.length && (n.index = e.elemItem.length - 1), n.interval < 800 && (n.interval = 800), n.full ? n.elem.css({ position: "fixed", width: "100%", height: "100%", zIndex: 9999 }) : n.elem.css({ width: n.width, height: n.height }), n.elem.attr("lay-anim", n.anim), e.elemItem.eq(n.index).addClass(a), e.elemItem.length <= 1 || (e.indicator(), e.arrow(), e.autoplay(), e.events())) }, m.prototype.reload = function (e) { var n = this; clearInterval(n.timer), n.config = i.extend({}, n.config, e), n.render() }, m.prototype.prevIndex = function () { var e = this, i = e.config, n = i.index - 1; return n < 0 && (n = e.elemItem.length - 1), n }, m.prototype.nextIndex = function () { var e = this, i = e.config, n = i.index + 1; return n >= e.elemItem.length && (n = 0), n }, m.prototype.addIndex = function (e) { var i = this, n = i.config; e = e || 1, n.index = n.index + e, n.index >= i.elemItem.length && (n.index = 0) }, m.prototype.subIndex = function (e) { var i = this, n = i.config; e = e || 1, n.index = n.index - e, n.index < 0 && (n.index = i.elemItem.length - 1) }, m.prototype.autoplay = function () { var e = this, i = e.config; i.autoplay && (e.timer = setInterval(function () { e.slide() }, i.interval)) }, m.prototype.arrow = function () { var e = this, n = e.config, t = i(['", '"].join("")); n.elem.attr("lay-arrow", n.arrow), n.elem.find("." + u)[0] && n.elem.find("." + u).remove(), n.elem.append(t), t.on("click", function () { var n = i(this), t = n.attr("lay-type"); e.slide(t) }) }, m.prototype.indicator = function () { var e = this, n = e.config, t = e.elemInd = i(['
      "].join("")); n.elem.attr("lay-indicator", n.indicator), n.elem.find("." + c)[0] && n.elem.find("." + c).remove(), n.elem.append(t), "updown" === n.anim && t.css("margin-top", -(t.height() / 2)), t.find("li").on("hover" === n.trigger ? "mouseover" : n.trigger, function () { var t = i(this), a = t.index(); a > n.index ? e.slide("add", a - n.index) : a < n.index && e.slide("sub", n.index - a) }) }, m.prototype.slide = function (e, i) { var n = this, l = n.elemItem, u = n.config, c = u.index, m = u.elem.attr("lay-filter"); n.haveSlide || ("sub" === e ? (n.subIndex(i), l.eq(u.index).addClass(d), setTimeout(function () { l.eq(c).addClass(r), l.eq(u.index).addClass(r) }, 50)) : (n.addIndex(i), l.eq(u.index).addClass(s), setTimeout(function () { l.eq(c).addClass(o), l.eq(u.index).addClass(o) }, 50)), setTimeout(function () { l.removeClass(a + " " + d + " " + s + " " + o + " " + r), l.eq(u.index).addClass(a), n.haveSlide = !1 }, 300), n.elemInd.find("li").eq(u.index).addClass(a).siblings().removeClass(a), n.haveSlide = !0, layui.event.call(this, t, "change(" + m + ")", { index: u.index, prevIndex: c, item: l.eq(u.index) })) }, m.prototype.events = function () { var e = this, i = e.config; i.elem.data("haveEvents") || (i.elem.on("mouseenter", function () { clearInterval(e.timer) }).on("mouseleave", function () { e.autoplay() }), i.elem.data("haveEvents", !0)) }, n.render = function (e) { var i = new m(e); return i }, e(t, n) }); layui.define("jquery", function (e) { "use strict"; var a = layui.jquery, i = { config: {}, index: layui.rate ? layui.rate.index + 1e4 : 0, set: function (e) { var i = this; return i.config = a.extend({}, i.config, e), i }, on: function (e, a) { return layui.onevent.call(this, n, e, a) } }, l = function () { var e = this, a = e.config; return { setvalue: function (a) { e.setvalue.call(e, a) }, config: a } }, n = "rate", t = "layui-rate", o = "layui-icon-rate", s = "layui-icon-rate-solid", u = "layui-icon-rate-half", r = "layui-icon-rate-solid layui-icon-rate-half", c = "layui-icon-rate-solid layui-icon-rate", f = "layui-icon-rate layui-icon-rate-half", v = function (e) { var l = this; l.index = ++i.index, l.config = a.extend({}, l.config, i.config, e), l.render() }; v.prototype.config = { length: 5, text: !1, readonly: !1, half: !1, value: 0, theme: "" }, v.prototype.render = function () { var e = this, i = e.config, l = i.theme ? 'style="color: ' + i.theme + ';"' : ""; i.elem = a(i.elem), parseInt(i.value) !== i.value && (i.half || (i.value = Math.ceil(i.value) - i.value < .5 ? Math.ceil(i.value) : Math.floor(i.value))); for (var n = '" + (i.text ? '' + i.value + "星" : "") + ""; var c = i.elem, f = c.next("." + t); f[0] && f.remove(), e.elemTemp = a(n), i.span = e.elemTemp.next("span"), i.setText && i.setText(i.value), c.html(e.elemTemp), c.addClass("layui-inline"), i.readonly || e.action() }, v.prototype.setvalue = function (e) { var a = this, i = a.config; i.value = e, a.render() }, v.prototype.action = function () { var e = this, i = e.config, l = e.elemTemp, n = l.find("i").width(); l.children("li").each(function (e) { var t = e + 1, v = a(this); v.on("click", function (e) { if (i.value = t, i.half) { var o = e.pageX - a(this).offset().left; o <= n / 2 && (i.value = i.value - .5) } i.text && l.next("span").text(i.value + "星"), i.choose && i.choose(i.value), i.setText && i.setText(i.value) }), v.on("mousemove", function (e) { if (l.find("i").each(function () { a(this).addClass(o).removeClass(r) }), l.find("i:lt(" + t + ")").each(function () { a(this).addClass(s).removeClass(f) }), i.half) { var c = e.pageX - a(this).offset().left; c <= n / 2 && v.children("i").addClass(u).removeClass(s) } }), v.on("mouseleave", function () { l.find("i").each(function () { a(this).addClass(o).removeClass(r) }), l.find("i:lt(" + Math.floor(i.value) + ")").each(function () { a(this).addClass(s).removeClass(f) }), i.half && parseInt(i.value) !== i.value && l.children("li:eq(" + Math.floor(i.value) + ")").children("i").addClass(u).removeClass(c) }) }) }, v.prototype.events = function () { var e = this; e.config }, i.render = function (e) { var a = new v(e); return l.call(a) }, e(n, i) }); layui.define("jquery", function (t) { "use strict"; var e = layui.$, i = { fixbar: function (t) { var i, a, n = "layui-fixbar", r = "layui-fixbar-top", o = e(document), l = e("body"); t = e.extend({showHeight: 200}, t), t.bar1 = t.bar1 === !0 ? "" : t.bar1, t.bar2 = t.bar2 === !0 ? "" : t.bar2, t.bgcolor = t.bgcolor ? "background-color:" + t.bgcolor : ""; var c = [t.bar1, t.bar2, ""], g = e(['"].join("")), s = g.find("." + r), u = function () { var e = o.scrollTop(); e >= t.showHeight ? i || (s.show(), i = 1) : i && (s.hide(), i = 0) }; e("." + n)[0] || ("object" == typeof t.css && g.css(t.css), l.append(g), u(), g.find("li").on("click", function () { var i = e(this), a = i.attr("lay-type"); "top" === a && e("html,body").animate({scrollTop: 0}, 200), t.click && t.click.call(this, a) }), o.on("scroll", function () { clearTimeout(a), a = setTimeout(function () { u() }, 100) })) }, countdown: function (t, e, i) { var a = this, n = "function" == typeof e, r = new Date(t).getTime(), o = new Date(!e || n ? (new Date).getTime() : e).getTime(), l = r - o, c = [Math.floor(l / 864e5), Math.floor(l / 36e5) % 24, Math.floor(l / 6e4) % 60, Math.floor(l / 1e3) % 60]; n && (i = e); var g = setTimeout(function () { a.countdown(t, o + 1e3, i) }, 1e3); return i && i(l > 0 ? c : [0, 0, 0, 0], e, g), l <= 0 && clearTimeout(g), g }, timeAgo: function (t, e) { var i = this, a = [[], []], n = (new Date).getTime() - new Date(t).getTime(); return n > 6912e5 ? (n = new Date(t), a[0][0] = i.digit(n.getFullYear(), 4), a[0][1] = i.digit(n.getMonth() + 1), a[0][2] = i.digit(n.getDate()), e || (a[1][0] = i.digit(n.getHours()), a[1][1] = i.digit(n.getMinutes()), a[1][2] = i.digit(n.getSeconds())), a[0].join("-") + " " + a[1].join(":")) : n >= 864e5 ? (n / 1e3 / 60 / 60 / 24 | 0) + "天前" : n >= 36e5 ? (n / 1e3 / 60 / 60 | 0) + "小时前" : n >= 12e4 ? (n / 1e3 / 60 | 0) + "分钟前" : n < 0 ? "未来" : "刚刚" }, digit: function (t, e) { var i = ""; t = String(t), e = e || 2; for (var a = t.length; a < e; a++) i += "0"; return t < Math.pow(10, e) ? i + (0 | t) : t }, toDateString: function (t, e) { var i = this, a = new Date(t || new Date), n = [i.digit(a.getFullYear(), 4), i.digit(a.getMonth() + 1), i.digit(a.getDate())], r = [i.digit(a.getHours()), i.digit(a.getMinutes()), i.digit(a.getSeconds())]; return e = e || "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", e.replace(/yyyy/g, n[0]).replace(/MM/g, n[1]).replace(/dd/g, n[2]).replace(/HH/g, r[0]).replace(/mm/g, r[1]).replace(/ss/g, r[2]) }, escape: function (t) { return String(t || "").replace(/&(?!#?[a-zA-Z0-9]+;)/g, "&").replace(//g, ">").replace(/'/g, "'").replace(/"/g, """) } }; !function (t, e, i) { "$:nomunge"; function a() { n = e[l](function () { r.each(function () { var e = t(this), i = e.width(), a = e.height(), n = t.data(this, g); (i !== n.w || a !== n.h) && e.trigger(c, [n.w = i, n.h = a]) }), a() }, o[s]) } var n, r = t([]), o = t.resize = t.extend(t.resize, {}), l = "setTimeout", c = "resize", g = c + "-special-event", s = "delay", u = "throttleWindow"; o[s] = 250, o[u] = !0, t.event.special[c] = { setup: function () { if (!o[u] && this[l]) return !1; var e = t(this); r = r.add(e), t.data(this, g, {w: e.width(), h: e.height()}), 1 === r.length && a() }, teardown: function () { if (!o[u] && this[l]) return !1; var e = t(this); r = r.not(e), e.removeData(g), r.length || clearTimeout(n) }, add: function (e) { function a(e, a, r) { var o = t(this), l = t.data(this, g) || {}; l.w = a !== i ? a : o.width(), l.h = r !== i ? r : o.height(), n.apply(this, arguments) } if (!o[u] && this[l]) return !1; var n; return t.isFunction(e) ? (n = e, a) : (n = e.handler, void (e.handler = a)) } } }(e, window), t("util", i) }); layui.define("jquery", function (e) { "use strict"; var l = layui.$, o = function (e) { }, t = ''; o.prototype.load = function (e) { var o, i, n, r, a = this, c = 0; e = e || {}; var f = l(e.elem); if (f[0]) { var m = l(e.scrollElem || document), u = e.mb || 50, s = !("isAuto" in e) || e.isAuto, v = e.end || "没有更多了", y = e.scrollElem && e.scrollElem !== document, d = "加载更多", h = l('
      ' + d + "
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      "), setTimeout(function () { o.focus() }, 10)) : c[a] && c[a].call(this, u), h.call(t, s, i) } }, d = /image/; s.find(">i").on("mousedown", function () { var t = e(this), i = t.attr("layedit-event"); d.test(i) || u.call(this) }).on("click", function () { var t = e(this), i = t.attr("layedit-event"); d.test(i) && u.call(this) }), o.on("click", function () { h.call(t, s), i.close(x.index) }) }, b = function (t, e) { var l = this, n = i.open({ type: 1, id: "LAY_layedit_link", area: "350px", shade: .05, shadeClose: !0, moveType: 1, title: "超链接", skin: "layui-layer-msg", content: ['

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    • ' + e + '
    • ') }), '" }(), this, { tips: 1, time: 0, skin: "layui-box layui-util-face", maxWidth: 500, success: function (l, n) { l.css({marginTop: -4, marginLeft: -10}).find(".layui-clear>li").on("click", function () { t && t({src: a[this.title], alt: this.title}), i.close(n) }), e(document).off("click", x.hide).on("click", x.hide) } }) }, k = function (t) { var e = this, l = i.open({ type: 1, id: "LAY_layedit_code", area: "550px", shade: .05, shadeClose: !0, moveType: 1, title: "插入代码", skin: "layui-layer-msg", content: ['"].join(""), success: function (l, n) { var o = "submit(layedit-code-yes)"; a.render("select"), l.find(".layui-btn-primary").on("click", function () { i.close(n), e.focus() }), a.on(o, function (e) { i.close(k.index), t && t(e.field) }) } }); k.index = l }, C = { html: '', strong: '', italic: '', underline: '', del: '', "|": '', left: '', center: '', right: '', link: '', unlink: '', face: '', image: '', code: '', help: '' }, w = new c; t(n, w) }); layui.define("jquery", function (e) { "use strict"; var a = layui.$, l = "http://www.layui.com/doc/modules/code.html"; e("code", function (e) { var t = []; e = e || {}, e.elem = a(e.elem || ".layui-code"), e.about = !("about" in e) || e.about, e.elem.each(function () { t.push(this) }), layui.each(t.reverse(), function (t, i) { var c = a(i), o = c.html(); (c.attr("lay-encode") || e.encode) && (o = o.replace(/&(?!#?[a-zA-Z0-9]+;)/g, "&").replace(//g, ">").replace(/'/g, "'").replace(/"/g, """)), c.html('
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