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  1. <!doctype html>
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  5. <title>数据统计 - 原创专区 - {$kx.config.sitename}</title>
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  50. height: 48px;
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  52. .body table tbody tr {
  53. border: 1px solid #E9E9E9;
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  55. .moneylist li{
  56. float: left;
  57. height: 50px;
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  59. border: 1px solid #E9E9E9;
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  67. background:rgba(255,85,85,0.2);
  68. border:1px solid #f55;
  69. color: #f55;
  70. }
  71. .moneyinput{
  72. margin-left: 100px;
  73. width: 300px;
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  75. line-height: 40px;
  76. }
  77. .moneyinput + a{
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  91. {include file="/author/system/header"}
  92. <div class="body">
  93. {include file="/author/system/left"}
  94. <div class="right h100">
  95. <ul class="label">
  96. <a href="{link=author.income.manage}"><li class="active">提现管理</li></a>
  97. <a href="{link=author.income.guarantee}"><li>收益保障</li></a>
  98. <a class="inline-block plr20 ptb10 bg-red color0 fr mt5 btn-withdraw" href="javascript:void(0);">
  99. <img class="mr10" style="vertical-align: middle;margin-top: -2px;" src="{$kx.config.resurl}/template/kxwebno1/author/images/icon-money-active.png" alt="我要提现">我要提现
  100. </a>
  101. </ul>
  102. <div class="bg-white" style="min-height: 695px;">
  103. <div class="border-b mb30 plr30 ptb30">
  104. <div class="size18 color32 bold">当前可提现(元)</div>
  105. <div class="color2 bold" style="font-size: 40px" title="{$stat.balance}{$kx.config.user.money_caption}">
  106. {if empty($stat.balance)}
  107. 0
  108. {else}
  109. {=$stat.balance/$}
  110. {/if}
  111. </div>
  112. <span class="color62 size14">累计获取稿酬{=$stat.redeemed+$stat.frozen+$stat.balance}{$kx.config.user.money_caption},已提现{=$stat.redeemed+$stat.frozen}{$kx.config.user.money_caption}</span>
  113. </div>
  114. <table class="mlr20" style="width: 950px;">
  115. <thead>
  116. <tr>
  117. <th>时间</th>
  118. <th>{$kx.config.user.money_caption}</th>
  119. <th>金额</th>
  120. <th>类型</th>
  121. <th>备注</th>
  122. <th>状态</th>
  123. </tr>
  124. </thead>
  125. <tbody>
  126. {loop=$records}
  127. <tr>
  128. <td>{$loop.create_time|date='Y-m-d'}</td>
  129. <td><span class="color2">{$}</span>{$kx.config.user.money_caption}</td>
  130. <td><span class="color2">{$loop.amount}</span>元</td>
  131. <td>提现</td>
  132. <td></td>
  133. <td>{$loop.status|default='未知','审核中','拒绝','通过'}</td>
  134. </tr>
  135. {/loop}
  136. </tbody>
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  138. {if $>1}
  139. <div class="pt-pages">
  140. <div class="pt30 color5">
  141. {if $paginate.prev}
  142. <a href="{link=author.income.record type=$type page=$paginate.prev}"><span><</span></a>
  143. {else}
  144. <span class="disable"><</span>
  145. {/if}
  146. {loop=paginate.items}
  147. <a href="{link=author.income.record type=$type page=$loop.num}">
  148. <span class="{$loop.status|default='','pt-pages-select'}">{$loop.num}</span>
  149. </a>
  150. {/loop}
  151. {if $}
  152. <a href="{link=author.income.record type=$type page=$}"><span>></span></a>
  153. {else}
  154. <span class="disable">></span>
  155. {/if}
  156. </div>
  157. </div>
  158. {/if}
  159. </div>
  160. </div>
  161. </div>
  162. <div class="pt-withdraw-model" data-type="moneylist" style="display: none;">
  163. {if empty($ || empty($}
  164. <h1 class="size18 color62 pl20 mb20" style="height: 50px;line-height:50px;background-color:#f5f5f7;">提示</h1>
  165. <p class="color32 size24 bold mtb40 ptb40 text-center">请先前往作者资料设置账户信息</p>
  166. <div class="text-center mt30"><a href="{}" class="plr20 ptb10 bg-red color1">立即前往</a></div>
  167. {else}
  168. <h1 class="size18 color62 pl20" style="height: 50px;line-height:50px;background-color:#f5f5f7;">我要提现</h1>
  169. <input type="number" class="moneyinput mt40 color2 bold size24 pl20" style="display: none" value="100"><a style="display:none;cursor: pointer">取消</a>
  170. <ul class="moneylist mt20" style="margin-left: 100px;">
  171. <li data-money="100">100元</li>
  172. <li data-money="300">300元</li>
  173. <li data-money="500">500元</li>
  174. <li data-money="1000">1000元</li>
  175. <li data-money="3000">3000元</li>
  176. <li data-money="other">其他金额</li>
  177. </ul>
  178. <div style="clear: both"></div>
  179. <p class="color62 mt40" style="margin-left: 100px;">您的账户余额为 <span class="color2">{if empty($stat.balance)}0{else}{=$stat.balance/$}{/if}</span> 元,请选择您要提现金额</p>
  180. <div class="text-center mt30">
  181. <button class="plr20 ptb10 bg-red color1 btn-withdraw-submit">立即提交</button>
  182. </div>
  183. {/if}
  184. </div>
  185. {include file="/author/system/footer"}
  186. <script>
  187. $('.btn-withdraw').click(function () {
  188. var othis = $(this);
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  191. title: false,
  192. closeBtn: 0,
  193. shadeClose: true,
  194. area: ['640px', '400px'],
  195. content: $('.pt-withdraw-model'),
  196. success: function (layero, index) {
  197. layero.find('.label li').removeClass('pt-active');
  198. if (othis.hasClass('btn-interactive-reward')) {
  199. layero.find('.label li[data-type=reward]').addClass('pt-active');
  200. } else if (othis.hasClass('btn-interactive-vote')) {
  201. layero.find('.label li[data-type=vote]').addClass('pt-active');
  202. }
  203. if (parseInt('{$islogin}')) {
  204. if (othis.hasClass('btn-interactive-reward')) {
  205. layero.find('.container li').removeClass('pt-active').siblings('.reward').addClass('pt-active');
  206. } else if (othis.hasClass('btn-interactive-vote')) {
  207. layero.find('.container li').removeClass('pt-active').siblings('.vote').addClass('pt-active');
  208. }
  209. }
  210. }
  211. });
  212. });
  213. $('.pt-withdraw-model').on('click', '.moneylist li', function () {
  214. $(this).addClass('active').siblings().removeClass('active');
  215. if ($(this).data('money') === 'other') {
  216. $(this).parents('.pt-withdraw-model').data('type', 'moneyinput').find('.moneylist').hide().find('li').removeClass('active');
  217. $(this).parents('.pt-withdraw-model').find('.moneyinput,.moneyinput + a').show();
  218. }
  219. }).on('click', '.moneyinput + a', function () {
  220. $(this).parents('.pt-withdraw-model').data('type', 'moneylist').find('.moneylist').show().find('li').removeClass('active');
  221. $(this).parents('.pt-withdraw-model').find('.moneyinput,.moneyinput + a').hide();
  222. }).on('click', '.btn-withdraw-submit', function () {
  223. var parent = $(this).parents('.pt-withdraw-model'), money = 0, loading = null;
  224. if ('type') === 'moneyinput') {
  225. money = parent.find('.moneyinput').val();
  226. if (money === '') {
  227. return layer.msg('请输入提现金额');
  228. }
  229. } else {
  230. money = parent.find('.moneylist').data('money');
  231. if (typeof money === 'undefined') {
  232. return layer.msg('请选择提现金额');
  233. }
  234. }
  235. $.ajax('{link=author.income.withdraw}', {
  236. type: 'post',
  237. dataType: 'json',
  238. data: {'money': parseInt(money)},
  239. beforeSend: function () {
  240. if (loading == null) {
  241. loading = layer.load(1, {shade: [0.1, '#000']});
  242. }
  243. },
  244. complete: function () {
  245. if (loading != null) {
  246. layer.close(loading);
  247. loading = null;
  248. }
  249. },
  250. success: function (res) {
  251. if (res.code) {
  252. layer.alert(res.msg, {icon: 2,}, function (index) {
  253. if ( {
  254. window.location.href =;
  255. } else {
  256. layer.close(index);
  257. }
  258. });
  259. } else {
  260. layer.msg('操作成功!');
  261. window.location.reload();
  262. }
  263. },
  264. error: function () {
  265. layer.alert('提现失败,请稍后重试!', {icon: 2,});
  266. }
  267. });
  268. });
  269. </script>
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