You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
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  49. .select2-results__options li{
  50. display: inline-block;
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  53. .select2-container--default .select2-results__option[aria-selected=true]{
  54. background-color: #f55;
  55. color:#fff
  56. }
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  59. }
  60. .pt-booklist-create .input.addnovel input{
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  63. .pt-booklist-create .input.addnovel button{
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  89. {block booklistid=$ name=info}
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  93. <form method="post">
  94. <div class="pt-booklist-create">
  95. {if !empty($info)}
  96. <input type="hidden" name="id" value="{$}">
  97. {/if}
  98. <div class="mb20 input clearfix">
  99. <label for="title">书单名称</label>
  100. <div>
  101. <input class="field-input" type="text" name="title" value="{$info.title}" placeholder="请输入书单名称">
  102. </div>
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  105. <label for="tags">标签</label>
  106. <div>
  107. <select class="field-select select-tags none" name="tags[]" multiple>
  108. {~$tags=array_column($info.tags,'id')}
  109. {block method="tag" name=list}
  110. {loop}
  111. <option value="{$}" {=in_array($,$tags)?'selected':''}>{$}</option>
  112. {/loop}
  113. </select>
  114. </div>
  115. </div>
  116. <div class="mb20 input clearfix">
  117. <label for="intro">书单简介</label>
  118. <div>
  119. <textarea class="field-textarea" name="intro" id="intro" rows="5" placeholder="请输入书单简介">{$info.intro
  120. }</textarea>
  121. </div>
  122. </div>
  123. <div class="mb20 input clearfix addnovel">
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  138. {loop=$info.novels}
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  140. <img class="fl pt-booklist-cover" src="{$loop.novel.cover}" alt="">
  141. <div class="fl pt-booklist-info">
  142. <input type="hidden" name="novels[id][]" value="{$}">
  143. <span class="mr60 size24 color3">{$}</span>
  144. <div class="star">
  145. <input type="hidden" name="novels[star][]" value="{$}">
  146. <span class="color5 mr10 size16">推荐指数:</span>
  147. <span class="pt-photo" data-star="{$}">
  148. <span title="不知所云">
  149. <img src="{$kx.config.resurl}/template/kxwebno1/images/star1.png" class="high">
  150. <img src="{$kx.config.resurl}/template/kxwebno1/images/star.png" class="nohigh">
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  152. <span title="随便看看">
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  155. </span>
  156. <span title="值得一读">
  157. <img src="{$kx.config.resurl}/template/kxwebno1/images/star1.png" class="high">
  158. <img src="{$kx.config.resurl}/template/kxwebno1/images/star.png" class="nohigh">
  159. </span>
  160. <span title="不容错过">
  161. <img src="{$kx.config.resurl}/template/kxwebno1/images/star1.png" class="high">
  162. <img src="{$kx.config.resurl}/template/kxwebno1/images/star.png" class="nohigh">
  163. </span>
  164. <span title="经典必读">
  165. <img src="{$kx.config.resurl}/template/kxwebno1/images/star1.png" class="high">
  166. <img src="{$kx.config.resurl}/template/kxwebno1/images/star.png" class="nohigh">
  167. </span>
  168. </span>
  169. </div>
  170. <textarea rows="2" placeholder="请填写书评" name="novels[comment][]">{$loop.comment}</textarea>
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  172. <a class="remove">移除</a>
  173. </li>
  174. {/loop}
  175. </ul>
  176. </form>
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  181. <div style="display: none;" id="tpl_novel_search">
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  183. <div class="mlr35 mtb35">
  184. <h1 class="pl10" style="border-left: 5px solid #FF5555">搜索结果</h1>
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  186. <thead class="color92 bg" style="line-height: 35px;background-color: #F5F5F5;">
  187. <tr class="border-e9">
  188. <th style="width: 35%;padding: 0">书名</th>
  189. <th style="width: 35%;padding: 0">作者</th>
  190. <th style="width: 10%;padding: 0">分类</th>
  191. <th style="width: 10%;padding: 0">点击</th>
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  201. <!--书籍模板-->
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  204. <img class="fl pt-booklist-cover" src="" alt="">
  205. <div class="fl pt-booklist-info">
  206. <input class="id" type="hidden" name="novels[id][]">
  207. <span class="mr60 size24 color3 name"></span>
  208. <div class="star">
  209. <input class="star" type="hidden" name="novels[star][]" value="0">
  210. <span class="color5 mr10 size16">推荐指数:</span>
  211. <span class="pt-photo" data-star="0">
  212. <span title="不知所云">
  213. <img src="{$kx.config.resurl}/template/kxwebno1/images/star1.png" class="high">
  214. <img src="{$kx.config.resurl}/template/kxwebno1/images/star.png" class="nohigh">
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  219. </span>
  220. <span title="值得一读">
  221. <img src="{$kx.config.resurl}/template/kxwebno1/images/star1.png" class="high">
  222. <img src="{$kx.config.resurl}/template/kxwebno1/images/star.png" class="nohigh">
  223. </span>
  224. <span title="不容错过">
  225. <img src="{$kx.config.resurl}/template/kxwebno1/images/star1.png" class="high">
  226. <img src="{$kx.config.resurl}/template/kxwebno1/images/star.png" class="nohigh">
  227. </span>
  228. <span title="经典必读">
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  232. </span>
  233. </div>
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  248. placeholder: '请选择标签分类',
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  251. });
  252. $('.addnovel').on('click', 'button', function (e) {
  253. $.ajax('{}', {
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  256. data: {'searchkey': $('.addnovel input').val()},
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  275. content: '',
  276. success: function (layero, index) {
  277. var html = $(tpl_novel_search.innerHTML);
  278. tbody = html.find('tbody');
  279. $.each(, function (k, v) {
  280. tbody.append('<tr data-id="' + + '" data-name="' + + '" data-cover="' + v.cover + '">' +
  281. '<td>' + + '</td>' +
  282. '<td>' + + '</td>' +
  283. '<td>' + v.category + '</td>' +
  284. '<td>' + v.allvisit + '</td>' +
  285. '<td><a style="color: #FF5555;">添加</a></td>' +
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  294. return layer.msg('本书已存在',function(){});
  295. }
  296. var html = $(tpl_novel.innerHTML);
  297. html.find('.id').val('id'));
  298. html.find('.name').text('name'));
  299. html.find('.pt-booklist-cover').attr('src','cover'));
  300. html.prependTo('.pt-booklist-novel-list');
  301. })
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  307. }
  308. });
  309. }).on('keyup','input',function(e){
  310. if (e.keyCode === 13){
  311. $('.addnovel button').click();
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  357. layer.msg('标题不能为空', function () {
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  359. return false;
  360. }
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  362. layer.msg('标签不能多于3个', function () {
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  364. return false;
  365. }
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  367. layer.msg('简介不能为空', function () {
  368. });
  369. return false;
  370. }
  371. if ($(this).find('input[name="novels[id][]"]').length < 3) {
  372. layer.msg('书籍不能少于三本', function () {
  373. });
  374. return false;
  375. }
  376. for (var i = 0; i < $(this).find('input[name="novels[id][]"]').length; i++) {
  377. if (!$(this).find('textarea[name="novels[comment][]"]:eq(' + i + ')').val()) {
  378. layer.msg('书评不能为空', function () {
  379. });
  380. return false;
  381. }
  382. star = parseInt($(this).find('input[name="novels[star][]"]:eq(' + i + ')').val());
  383. if (!star || star < 1 || star > 5) {
  384. layer.msg('评分必须介于1 - 5之间', function () {
  385. });
  386. return false;
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