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  63. <a href="{link=author.income.manage}"><li>提现管理</li></a>
  64. <a href="{link=author.income.guarantee}"><li class="active">收益保障</li></a>
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  69. <h1 class="size18 color32 bold">尊敬的 {$}</h1>
  70. <p>您好,很荣幸您能够成为本站的签约作家,以下是您的收益签约协议</p>
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  78. <th>书籍</th>
  79. <th>千字价格(会员)</th>
  80. <th>千字价格(非会员)</th>
  81. <th>收益比例(会员)</th>
  82. <th>收益比例(非会员)</th>
  83. <th>{$kx.config.user.ticket_caption}兑换比例</th>
  84. <th>{$kx.config.user.money_caption}提现比例</th>
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  87. <tbody>
  88. {loop=$signingnovels}
  89. <tr>
  90. <td>{$}</td>
  91. <td>{$loop.charge.words_money}</td>
  92. <td>{=$loop.novel.type == \App\Model\Novel\Novel::TYPE_VIP_FREE?0:$loop.charge.words_vip_money}</td>
  93. <td>{$loop.charge.subscription_revenue_ratio}%</td>
  94. <td>{=$loop.novel.type == \App\Model\Novel\Novel::TYPE_VIP_FREE?0:$loop.charge.vip_subscription_revenue_ratio}%</td>
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