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- iOS-Category
- ===
- iOS Category for UIKit and Foundation classes like UIColor, UIView, NSDate, NSData, etc.
- ##Installation
- ### Cocoapods
- pod 'iOS-Category', '~> 1.0.4'
- ### From Source
- Pretty simple. Just download or clone in Desktop. Drag and drop Source folder in your project. Add following statement into ***projectname*-Prefix.pch** file.
- #import "Categories.h"
- ##Screenshot
- **Gradient color to Label using UIColor Category class**
- **List of Categories:~**
- ##Next Step
- Please feel free to contribute the project as much as you can. Planning to add more methods.
- ##Contact
- Follow me on
- 1. **Twitter** ([@milan_panchal24](https://twitter.com/milan_panchal24))
- 2. **Github** ([/milanpanchal](https://github.com/milanpanchal/))
- 3. **Blog** ([https://techfuzionwithsam.wordpress.com/](https://techfuzionwithsam.wordpress.com/))
- ##License
- This Project is available under the MIT license. See the [LICENSE](https://github.com/milanpanchal/iOS-Category/blob/master/LICENSE) file for more info.