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  1. PODS:
  2. - AFNetworking (3.1.0):
  3. - AFNetworking/NSURLSession (= 3.1.0)
  4. - AFNetworking/Reachability (= 3.1.0)
  5. - AFNetworking/Security (= 3.1.0)
  6. - AFNetworking/Serialization (= 3.1.0)
  7. - AFNetworking/UIKit (= 3.1.0)
  8. - AFNetworking/NSURLSession (3.1.0):
  9. - AFNetworking/Reachability
  10. - AFNetworking/Security
  11. - AFNetworking/Serialization
  12. - AFNetworking/Reachability (3.1.0)
  13. - AFNetworking/Security (3.1.0)
  14. - AFNetworking/Serialization (3.1.0)
  15. - AFNetworking/UIKit (3.1.0):
  16. - AFNetworking/NSURLSession
  17. - CocoaLumberjack (2.0.3):
  18. - CocoaLumberjack/Default (= 2.0.3)
  19. - CocoaLumberjack/Extensions (= 2.0.3)
  20. - CocoaLumberjack/Core (2.0.3)
  21. - CocoaLumberjack/Default (2.0.3):
  22. - CocoaLumberjack/Core
  23. - CocoaLumberjack/Extensions (2.0.3):
  24. - CocoaLumberjack/Default
  25. - FDFullscreenPopGesture (1.1)
  26. - HexColors (2.2.1)
  27. - iOS-Category (1.0.5)
  28. - MBProgressHUD (1.0.0)
  29. - MJExtension (3.0.13)
  30. - MJRefresh (3.1.12)
  31. - SDAutoLayout (1.53)
  32. - SDWebImage (3.7.6):
  33. - SDWebImage/Core (= 3.7.6)
  34. - SDWebImage/Core (3.7.6)
  35. - TSMessages (0.9.12):
  36. - HexColors (~> 2.2.0)
  38. - AFNetworking (~> 3.1)
  39. - CocoaLumberjack (~> 2.0.0)
  40. - FDFullscreenPopGesture (~> 1.1)
  41. - iOS-Category (~> 1.0.5)
  42. - MBProgressHUD (~> 1.0.0)
  43. - MJExtension (~> 3.0.13)
  44. - MJRefresh (~> 3.1.12)
  45. - SDAutoLayout (~> 1.52)
  46. - SDWebImage (~> 3.7.5)
  47. - TSMessages (~> 0.9.12)
  49. AFNetworking: 5e0e199f73d8626b11e79750991f5d173d1f8b67
  50. CocoaLumberjack: f58d8a19629f4d8379ae14bb3534def24161430e
  51. FDFullscreenPopGesture: a8a620179e3d9c40e8e00256dcee1c1a27c6d0f0
  52. HexColors: abfd172e329dab59888614ccba6f216cec59289d
  53. iOS-Category: 295d0eb4cc2b937a0fa47effab4f30c48d121869
  54. MBProgressHUD: 4890f671c94e8a0f3cf959aa731e9de2f036d71a
  55. MJExtension: 5932755f451458eefa24239358817f8d291240c7
  56. MJRefresh: b96cdb21c4aa75a7b07654311ab2f315c497e806
  57. SDAutoLayout: ea6e2ae9fbb438aa2feb0c4363dba9297e98638a
  58. SDWebImage: c325cf02c30337336b95beff20a13df489ec0ec9
  59. TSMessages: c8cc7b80f2a833af533872cd02010cac061532cc
  60. PODFILE CHECKSUM: 9ae5c54d8c335ee6bc7339aaa859206c02750032
  61. COCOAPODS: 1.0.1