- //
- // TSMessage.h
- // Felix Krause
- //
- // Created by Felix Krause on 24.08.12.
- // Copyright (c) 2012 Felix Krause. All rights reserved.
- //
- #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
- // NS_ENUM is now the preferred way to do typedefs. It gives the compiler and debugger more information, which helps everyone.
- // When using SDK 6 or later, NS_ENUM is defined by Apple, so this block does nothing.
- // For SDK 5 or earlier, this is the same definition block Apple uses.
- #ifndef NS_ENUM
- #if (__cplusplus && __cplusplus >= 201103L && (__has_extension(cxx_strong_enums) || __has_feature(objc_fixed_enum))) || (!__cplusplus && __has_feature(objc_fixed_enum))
- #define NS_ENUM(_type, _name) enum _name : _type _name; enum _name : _type
- #if (__cplusplus)
- #define NS_OPTIONS(_type, _name) _type _name; enum : _type
- #else
- #define NS_OPTIONS(_type, _name) enum _name : _type _name; enum _name : _type
- #endif
- #else
- #define NS_ENUM(_type, _name) _type _name; enum
- #define NS_OPTIONS(_type, _name) _type _name; enum
- #endif
- #endif
- #define TS_SYSTEM_VERSION_LESS_THAN(v) ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:v options:NSNumericSearch] == NSOrderedAscending)
- @class TSMessageView;
- /** Define on which position a specific TSMessage should be displayed */
- @protocol TSMessageViewProtocol<NSObject>
- @optional
- /** Implement this method to pass a custom position for a specific message */
- - (CGFloat)messageLocationOfMessageView:(TSMessageView *)messageView;
- /** You can custimze the given TSMessageView, like setting its alpha or adding a subview */
- - (void)customizeMessageView:(TSMessageView *)messageView;
- @end
- typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, TSMessageNotificationType) {
- TSMessageNotificationTypeMessage = 0,
- TSMessageNotificationTypeWarning,
- TSMessageNotificationTypeError,
- TSMessageNotificationTypeSuccess
- };
- typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, TSMessageNotificationPosition) {
- TSMessageNotificationPositionTop = 0,
- TSMessageNotificationPositionNavBarOverlay,
- TSMessageNotificationPositionBottom
- };
- /** This enum can be passed to the duration parameter */
- typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger,TSMessageNotificationDuration) {
- TSMessageNotificationDurationAutomatic = 0,
- TSMessageNotificationDurationEndless = -1 // The notification is displayed until the user dismissed it or it is dismissed by calling dismissActiveNotification
- };
- @interface TSMessage : NSObject
- /** By setting this delegate it's possible to set a custom offset for the notification view */
- @property (nonatomic, assign) id <TSMessageViewProtocol>delegate;
- + (instancetype)sharedMessage;
- + (UIViewController *)defaultViewController;
- /** Shows a notification message
- @param message The title of the notification view
- @param type The notification type (Message, Warning, Error, Success)
- */
- + (void)showNotificationWithTitle:(NSString *)message
- type:(TSMessageNotificationType)type;
- /** Shows a notification message
- @param title The title of the notification view
- @param subtitle The text that is displayed underneath the title
- @param type The notification type (Message, Warning, Error, Success)
- */
- + (void)showNotificationWithTitle:(NSString *)title
- subtitle:(NSString *)subtitle
- type:(TSMessageNotificationType)type;
- /** Shows a notification message in a specific view controller
- @param viewController The view controller to show the notification in.
- You can use +setDefaultViewController: to set the the default one instead
- @param title The title of the notification view
- @param subtitle The text that is displayed underneath the title
- @param type The notification type (Message, Warning, Error, Success)
- */
- + (void)showNotificationInViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController
- title:(NSString *)title
- subtitle:(NSString *)subtitle
- type:(TSMessageNotificationType)type;
- /** Shows a notification message in a specific view controller with a specific duration
- @param viewController The view controller to show the notification in.
- You can use +setDefaultViewController: to set the the default one instead
- @param title The title of the notification view
- @param subtitle The text that is displayed underneath the title
- @param type The notification type (Message, Warning, Error, Success)
- @param duration The duration of the notification being displayed
- */
- + (void)showNotificationInViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController
- title:(NSString *)title
- subtitle:(NSString *)subtitle
- type:(TSMessageNotificationType)type
- duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration;
- /** Shows a notification message in a specific view controller with a specific duration
- @param viewController The view controller to show the notification in.
- You can use +setDefaultViewController: to set the the default one instead
- @param title The title of the notification view
- @param subtitle The text that is displayed underneath the title
- @param type The notification type (Message, Warning, Error, Success)
- @param duration The duration of the notification being displayed
- @param dismissingEnabled Should the message be dismissed when the user taps/swipes it
- */
- + (void)showNotificationInViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController
- title:(NSString *)title
- subtitle:(NSString *)subtitle
- type:(TSMessageNotificationType)type
- duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration
- canBeDismissedByUser:(BOOL)dismissingEnabled;
- /** Shows a notification message in a specific view controller
- @param viewController The view controller to show the notification in.
- @param title The title of the notification view
- @param subtitle The message that is displayed underneath the title (optional)
- @param image A custom icon image (optional)
- @param type The notification type (Message, Warning, Error, Success)
- @param duration The duration of the notification being displayed
- @param callback The block that should be executed, when the user tapped on the message
- @param buttonTitle The title for button (optional)
- @param buttonCallback The block that should be executed, when the user tapped on the button
- @param messagePosition The position of the message on the screen
- @param dismissingEnabled Should the message be dismissed when the user taps/swipes it
- */
- + (void)showNotificationInViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController
- title:(NSString *)title
- subtitle:(NSString *)subtitle
- image:(UIImage *)image
- type:(TSMessageNotificationType)type
- duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration
- callback:(void (^)())callback
- buttonTitle:(NSString *)buttonTitle
- buttonCallback:(void (^)())buttonCallback
- atPosition:(TSMessageNotificationPosition)messagePosition
- canBeDismissedByUser:(BOOL)dismissingEnabled;
- /** Fades out the currently displayed notification. If another notification is in the queue,
- the next one will be displayed automatically
- @return YES if the currently displayed notification was successfully dismissed. NO if no notification
- was currently displayed.
- */
- + (BOOL)dismissActiveNotification;
- /** Fades out the currently displayed notification with a completion block after the animation has finished. If another notification is in the queue,
- the next one will be displayed automatically
- @return YES if the currently displayed notification was successfully dismissed. NO if no notification
- was currently displayed.
- */
- + (BOOL)dismissActiveNotificationWithCompletion:(void (^)())completion;
- /** Use this method to set a default view controller to display the messages in */
- + (void)setDefaultViewController:(UIViewController *)defaultViewController;
- /** Set a delegate to have full control over the position of the message view */
- + (void)setDelegate:(id<TSMessageViewProtocol>)delegate;
- /** Use this method to use custom designs in your messages. */
- + (void)addCustomDesignFromFileWithName:(NSString *)fileName;
- /** Indicates whether a notification is currently active. */
- + (BOOL)isNotificationActive;
- /** Returns the currently queued array of TSMessageView */
- + (NSArray *)queuedMessages;
- /** Prepares the notification view to be displayed in the future. It is queued and then
- displayed in fadeInCurrentNotification.
- You don't have to use this method. */
- + (void)prepareNotificationToBeShown:(TSMessageView *)messageView;
- /** Indicates whether currently the iOS 7 style of TSMessages is used
- This depends on the Base SDK and the currently used device */
- + (BOOL)iOS7StyleEnabled;
- /** Indicates whether the current navigationBar is hidden by isNavigationBarHidden
- on the UINavigationController or isHidden on the navigationBar of the current
- UINavigationController */
- + (BOOL)isNavigationBarInNavigationControllerHidden:(UINavigationController *)navController;
- @end