- //
- // TSMessage.m
- // Felix Krause
- //
- // Created by Felix Krause on 24.08.12.
- // Copyright (c) 2012 Felix Krause. All rights reserved.
- //
- #import "TSMessage.h"
- #import "TSMessageView.h"
- #define kTSMessageDisplayTime 1.5
- #define kTSMessageExtraDisplayTimePerPixel 0.04
- #define kTSMessageAnimationDuration 0.3
- @interface TSMessage ()
- /** The queued messages (TSMessageView objects) */
- @property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *messages;
- @end
- @implementation TSMessage
- static TSMessage *sharedMessage;
- static BOOL notificationActive;
- static BOOL _useiOS7Style;
- __weak static UIViewController *_defaultViewController;
- + (TSMessage *)sharedMessage
- {
- if (!sharedMessage)
- {
- sharedMessage = [[[self class] alloc] init];
- }
- return sharedMessage;
- }
- #pragma mark Public methods for setting up the notification
- + (void)showNotificationWithTitle:(NSString *)title
- type:(TSMessageNotificationType)type
- {
- [self showNotificationWithTitle:title
- subtitle:nil
- type:type];
- }
- + (void)showNotificationWithTitle:(NSString *)title
- subtitle:(NSString *)subtitle
- type:(TSMessageNotificationType)type
- {
- [self showNotificationInViewController:[self defaultViewController]
- title:title
- subtitle:subtitle
- type:type];
- }
- + (void)showNotificationInViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController
- title:(NSString *)title
- subtitle:(NSString *)subtitle
- type:(TSMessageNotificationType)type
- duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration
- {
- [self showNotificationInViewController:viewController
- title:title
- subtitle:subtitle
- image:nil
- type:type
- duration:duration
- callback:nil
- buttonTitle:nil
- buttonCallback:nil
- atPosition:TSMessageNotificationPositionTop
- canBeDismissedByUser:YES];
- }
- + (void)showNotificationInViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController
- title:(NSString *)title
- subtitle:(NSString *)subtitle
- type:(TSMessageNotificationType)type
- duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration
- canBeDismissedByUser:(BOOL)dismissingEnabled
- {
- [self showNotificationInViewController:viewController
- title:title
- subtitle:subtitle
- image:nil
- type:type
- duration:duration
- callback:nil
- buttonTitle:nil
- buttonCallback:nil
- atPosition:TSMessageNotificationPositionTop
- canBeDismissedByUser:dismissingEnabled];
- }
- + (void)showNotificationInViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController
- title:(NSString *)title
- subtitle:(NSString *)subtitle
- type:(TSMessageNotificationType)type
- {
- [self showNotificationInViewController:viewController
- title:title
- subtitle:subtitle
- image:nil
- type:type
- duration:TSMessageNotificationDurationAutomatic
- callback:nil
- buttonTitle:nil
- buttonCallback:nil
- atPosition:TSMessageNotificationPositionTop
- canBeDismissedByUser:YES];
- }
- + (void)showNotificationInViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController
- title:(NSString *)title
- subtitle:(NSString *)subtitle
- image:(UIImage *)image
- type:(TSMessageNotificationType)type
- duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration
- callback:(void (^)())callback
- buttonTitle:(NSString *)buttonTitle
- buttonCallback:(void (^)())buttonCallback
- atPosition:(TSMessageNotificationPosition)messagePosition
- canBeDismissedByUser:(BOOL)dismissingEnabled
- {
- // Create the TSMessageView
- TSMessageView *v = [[TSMessageView alloc] initWithTitle:title
- subtitle:subtitle
- image:image
- type:type
- duration:duration
- inViewController:viewController
- callback:callback
- buttonTitle:buttonTitle
- buttonCallback:buttonCallback
- atPosition:messagePosition
- canBeDismissedByUser:dismissingEnabled];
- [self prepareNotificationToBeShown:v];
- }
- + (void)prepareNotificationToBeShown:(TSMessageView *)messageView
- {
- NSString *title = messageView.title;
- NSString *subtitle = messageView.subtitle;
- for (TSMessageView *n in [TSMessage sharedMessage].messages)
- {
- if (([n.title isEqualToString:title] || (!n.title && !title)) && ([n.subtitle isEqualToString:subtitle] || (!n.subtitle && !subtitle)))
- {
- return; // avoid showing the same messages twice in a row
- }
- }
- [[TSMessage sharedMessage].messages addObject:messageView];
- if (!notificationActive)
- {
- [[TSMessage sharedMessage] fadeInCurrentNotification];
- }
- }
- #pragma mark Fading in/out the message view
- - (id)init
- {
- if ((self = [super init]))
- {
- _messages = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
- }
- return self;
- }
- - (void)fadeInCurrentNotification
- {
- if ([self.messages count] == 0) return;
- notificationActive = YES;
- TSMessageView *currentView = [self.messages objectAtIndex:0];
- __block CGFloat verticalOffset = 0.0f;
- void (^addStatusBarHeightToVerticalOffset)() = ^void() {
- if (currentView.messagePosition == TSMessageNotificationPositionNavBarOverlay){
- return;
- }
- CGSize statusBarSize = [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarFrame.size;
- verticalOffset += MIN(statusBarSize.width, statusBarSize.height);
- };
- if ([currentView.viewController isKindOfClass:[UINavigationController class]] || [currentView.viewController.parentViewController isKindOfClass:[UINavigationController class]])
- {
- UINavigationController *currentNavigationController;
- if([currentView.viewController isKindOfClass:[UINavigationController class]])
- currentNavigationController = (UINavigationController *)currentView.viewController;
- else
- currentNavigationController = (UINavigationController *)currentView.viewController.parentViewController;
- BOOL isViewIsUnderStatusBar = [[[currentNavigationController childViewControllers] firstObject] wantsFullScreenLayout];
- if (!isViewIsUnderStatusBar && currentNavigationController.parentViewController == nil) {
- isViewIsUnderStatusBar = ![TSMessage isNavigationBarInNavigationControllerHidden:currentNavigationController]; // strange but true
- }
- if (![TSMessage isNavigationBarInNavigationControllerHidden:currentNavigationController] && currentView.messagePosition != TSMessageNotificationPositionNavBarOverlay)
- {
- [currentNavigationController.view insertSubview:currentView
- belowSubview:[currentNavigationController navigationBar]];
- verticalOffset = [currentNavigationController navigationBar].bounds.size.height;
- if ([TSMessage iOS7StyleEnabled] || isViewIsUnderStatusBar) {
- addStatusBarHeightToVerticalOffset();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- [currentView.viewController.view addSubview:currentView];
- if ([TSMessage iOS7StyleEnabled] || isViewIsUnderStatusBar) {
- addStatusBarHeightToVerticalOffset();
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- [currentView.viewController.view addSubview:currentView];
- if ([TSMessage iOS7StyleEnabled]) {
- addStatusBarHeightToVerticalOffset();
- }
- }
- CGPoint toPoint;
- if (currentView.messagePosition != TSMessageNotificationPositionBottom)
- {
- CGFloat navigationbarBottomOfViewController = 0;
- if (self.delegate && [self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(messageLocationOfMessageView:)])
- {
- navigationbarBottomOfViewController = [self.delegate messageLocationOfMessageView:currentView];
- }
- toPoint = CGPointMake(currentView.center.x,
- navigationbarBottomOfViewController + verticalOffset + CGRectGetHeight(currentView.frame) / 2.0);
- }
- else
- {
- CGFloat y = currentView.viewController.view.bounds.size.height - CGRectGetHeight(currentView.frame) / 2.0;
- if (!currentView.viewController.navigationController.isToolbarHidden)
- {
- y -= CGRectGetHeight(currentView.viewController.navigationController.toolbar.bounds);
- }
- toPoint = CGPointMake(currentView.center.x, y);
- }
- if (self.delegate && [self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(customizeMessageView:)])
- {
- [self.delegate customizeMessageView:currentView];
- }
- dispatch_block_t animationBlock = ^{
- currentView.center = toPoint;
- if (![TSMessage iOS7StyleEnabled]) {
- currentView.alpha = TSMessageViewAlpha;
- }
- };
- void(^completionBlock)(BOOL) = ^(BOOL finished) {
- currentView.messageIsFullyDisplayed = YES;
- };
- if (![TSMessage iOS7StyleEnabled]) {
- [UIView animateWithDuration:kTSMessageAnimationDuration
- delay:0.0
- options:UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseInOut | UIViewAnimationOptionBeginFromCurrentState | UIViewAnimationOptionAllowUserInteraction
- animations:animationBlock
- completion:completionBlock];
- } else {
- [UIView animateWithDuration:kTSMessageAnimationDuration + 0.1
- delay:0
- usingSpringWithDamping:0.8
- initialSpringVelocity:0.f
- options:UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseInOut | UIViewAnimationOptionBeginFromCurrentState | UIViewAnimationOptionAllowUserInteraction
- animations:animationBlock
- completion:completionBlock];
- #endif
- }
- if (currentView.duration == TSMessageNotificationDurationAutomatic)
- {
- currentView.duration = kTSMessageAnimationDuration + kTSMessageDisplayTime + currentView.frame.size.height * kTSMessageExtraDisplayTimePerPixel;
- }
- if (currentView.duration != TSMessageNotificationDurationEndless)
- {
- dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^
- {
- [self performSelector:@selector(fadeOutNotification:)
- withObject:currentView
- afterDelay:currentView.duration];
- });
- }
- }
- + (BOOL)isNavigationBarInNavigationControllerHidden:(UINavigationController *)navController
- {
- if([navController isNavigationBarHidden]) {
- return YES;
- } else if ([[navController navigationBar] isHidden]) {
- return YES;
- } else {
- return NO;
- }
- }
- - (void)fadeOutNotification:(TSMessageView *)currentView
- {
- [self fadeOutNotification:currentView animationFinishedBlock:nil];
- }
- - (void)fadeOutNotification:(TSMessageView *)currentView animationFinishedBlock:(void (^)())animationFinished
- {
- currentView.messageIsFullyDisplayed = NO;
- [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self
- selector:@selector(fadeOutNotification:)
- object:currentView];
- CGPoint fadeOutToPoint;
- if (currentView.messagePosition != TSMessageNotificationPositionBottom)
- {
- fadeOutToPoint = CGPointMake(currentView.center.x, -CGRectGetHeight(currentView.frame)/2.f);
- }
- else
- {
- fadeOutToPoint = CGPointMake(currentView.center.x,
- currentView.viewController.view.bounds.size.height + CGRectGetHeight(currentView.frame)/2.f);
- }
- [UIView animateWithDuration:kTSMessageAnimationDuration animations:^
- {
- currentView.center = fadeOutToPoint;
- if (![TSMessage iOS7StyleEnabled]) {
- currentView.alpha = 0.f;
- }
- } completion:^(BOOL finished)
- {
- [currentView removeFromSuperview];
- if ([self.messages count] > 0)
- {
- [self.messages removeObjectAtIndex:0];
- }
- notificationActive = NO;
- if ([self.messages count] > 0)
- {
- [self fadeInCurrentNotification];
- }
- if(animationFinished) {
- animationFinished();
- }
- }];
- }
- + (BOOL)dismissActiveNotification
- {
- return [self dismissActiveNotificationWithCompletion:nil];
- }
- + (BOOL)dismissActiveNotificationWithCompletion:(void (^)())completion
- {
- if ([[TSMessage sharedMessage].messages count] == 0) return NO;
- dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^
- {
- if ([[TSMessage sharedMessage].messages count] == 0) return;
- TSMessageView *currentMessage = [[TSMessage sharedMessage].messages objectAtIndex:0];
- if (currentMessage.messageIsFullyDisplayed)
- {
- [[TSMessage sharedMessage] fadeOutNotification:currentMessage animationFinishedBlock:completion];
- }
- });
- return YES;
- }
- #pragma mark Customizing TSMessages
- + (void)setDefaultViewController:(UIViewController *)defaultViewController
- {
- _defaultViewController = defaultViewController;
- }
- + (void)setDelegate:(id<TSMessageViewProtocol>)delegate
- {
- [TSMessage sharedMessage].delegate = delegate;
- }
- + (void)addCustomDesignFromFileWithName:(NSString *)fileName
- {
- [TSMessageView addNotificationDesignFromFile:fileName];
- }
- #pragma mark Other methods
- + (BOOL)isNotificationActive
- {
- return notificationActive;
- }
- + (NSArray *)queuedMessages
- {
- return [TSMessage sharedMessage].messages;
- }
- + (UIViewController *)defaultViewController
- {
- __strong UIViewController *defaultViewController = _defaultViewController;
- if (!defaultViewController) {
- defaultViewController = [UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow.rootViewController;
- }
- return defaultViewController;
- }
- + (BOOL)iOS7StyleEnabled
- {
- static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
- dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
- // Decide wheter to use iOS 7 style or not based on the running device and the base sdk
- iOS7SDK = YES;
- #endif
- _useiOS7Style = ! (TS_SYSTEM_VERSION_LESS_THAN(@"7.0") || !iOS7SDK);
- });
- return _useiOS7Style;
- }
- @end