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3 years ago
  1. <script type="text/javascript">
  2. document.addEventListener('WeixinJSBridgeReady', function onBridgeReady() {
  3. // 发送给好友
  4. WeixinJSBridge.on('menu:share:appmessage', function (argv) {
  5. WeixinJSBridge.invoke('sendAppMessage', {
  6. "appid": "wx34e2f2b38cfb15a1",
  7. "img_url": "",
  8. "img_width": "160",
  9. "img_height": "160",
  10. "link": "",
  11. "desc": "山无陵,天地合,乃敢与君绝。",
  12. "title": "爱情贺卡"
  13. }, function (res) {
  14. _report('send_msg', res.err_msg);
  15. })
  16. });
  17. // 分享到朋友圈
  18. WeixinJSBridge.on('menu:share:timeline', function (argv) {
  19. WeixinJSBridge.invoke('shareTimeline', {
  20. "img_url": "",
  21. "img_width": "160",
  22. "img_height": "160",
  23. "link": "",
  24. "desc": "Best wishes for a wonderful new year.",
  25. "title": "新年贺卡"
  26. }, function (res) {
  27. _report('timeline', res.err_msg);
  28. });
  29. });
  30. }, false)
  31. </script>