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  34. <span id="start_area" style="font-size:16px;color:#343434;">上海</span>
  35. <span id="go_info" style="float:right;color:#808080;font-size:14px;">04.15 07:30 出发</span>
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  44. <div id="prod_name" style="float:left;color:#808080;font-size:13px;">豪华大巴陆地航空式顶级商务座</div>
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  58. <span>¥</span>
  59. <span>360</span>
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  84. <img class="cell-image" src="../img/guanyinhao.png" style=""/>
  85. <div class="ticket-name">普陀山-朱家尖 不肯去观音号</div>
  86. <div class="ticketprice txty">
  87. <span>¥</span>
  88. <span>360</span>
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  93. <div class="ticket-name">普陀山-朱家尖 不肯去观音号</div>
  94. <div class="ticketprice txty">
  95. <span>¥</span>
  96. <span>360</span>
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