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  1. <%@ language=vbscript codepage="65001" %>
  2. <!--#include file="conn.asp"-->
  3. <!--#include file="function.asp"-->
  4. <%
  5. Response.Charset = "UTF-8"
  6. c_orderno = deal_num_beforesql(request("orderno"))
  7. csql = "update app_order_main set if_payed=1,payed_time=getdate() where main_id=" & c_orderno
  8. conn.execute(csql)
  9. linksysuser = 0
  10. c_lsuser = "shnswx01"
  11. c_lssign = "5AE42D0AD35EEEF45B79C7A533CC509D"
  12. csql = "select top 1 b.link_system_user from app_order_main a inner join circuit b on a.prod_code=b.circuitcode where a.main_id=" & c_orderno
  13. set rs=conn.execute(csql)
  14. if not rs.eof then linksysuser = rs("link_system_user")
  15. rs.close
  16. if linksysuser-1=0 then
  17. c_lsuser = "nssale01"
  18. c_lssign = "796E85AC11598C9C32D9979C7B82042C"
  19. end if
  20. 'm_url = "" & c_orderno
  21. 'm_url = "" & c_orderno
  22. m_url = "" & c_lsuser & "&sign=" & c_lssign & "&op=eticket&tradeno=" & c_orderno
  23. Set objXML = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
  24. "GET",m_url,false
  25. objXML.send
  26. c_rtn = objXML.responseText
  27. Set objXML = nothing
  28. cstr1 = c_rtn
  29. nnum1 = instr(cstr1,"""code"":""0"",")
  30. if nnum1 -0 > 0 then
  31. csql = "update app_order_main set order_status= 2 where main_id=" & c_orderno
  32. conn.execute(csql)
  33. 'response.write "支付成功!"
  34. response.redirect "/bookingHomePage/paySuccess.html?orderno=" & c_orderno
  35. else
  36. nnum2 = instr(cstr1,"""info"":")
  37. if nnum2 - 0 > 0 then
  38. cstr1 = mid(cstr1,nnum2 - 0 + 8)
  39. nnum3 = instr(cstr1,",")
  40. cstr1 = left(cstr1,nnum3-1)
  41. response.redirect "/bookingHomePage/payFailure.html?orderno=" & c_orderno & "&info=" & cstr1
  42. 'response.write "支付失败!" & cstr1
  43. else
  44. response.redirect "/bookingHomePage/payFailure.html?orderno=" & c_orderno & "&info=unknow_error"
  45. end if
  46. end if
  47. %>