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  6. <title>行车路线</title>
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  24. #visit{bottom:20px;}
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  29. <body>
  30. <div style="width: 100%;height: 0.5rem;position: fixed;z-index: 2;top: 0;background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.6);line-height: 0.5rem;">
  31. <img style="width: 0.12rem;margin-left: 0.2rem;" src="images/a3/img_pro_d.png"/>
  32. <span style="color: #ccc;font-size: 0.14rem;margin-left: 0.05rem;" id="guid_name">罗师傅</span>
  33. <span style="color: #eee;font-size: 0.14rem;margin-left: 0.1rem;" id="guid_phone">沪A12345</span>
  34. <span style="color: #ccc;font-size: 0.14rem;margin-left: 0.05rem;" id="bus_name">罗师傅</span>
  35. <span style="color: #eee;font-size: 0.14rem;margin-left: 0.1rem;" id="bus_num">沪A12345</span>
  36. <a style="height: 0.5rem;width: 0.5rem;float: right;text-align: center;line-height: 0.65rem;" id="call_phone" href="tel:"><img style="text-align: right;height: 0.22rem;" src="images/a1/ic_call.png"/></a>
  37. </div>
  38. <div style="display: none;" id="panner">
  39. <div id="r_title"><b>定位结果:</b></div>
  40. <div id="result"></div>
  41. </div>
  42. <!--<div class="float_div" id="visit">
  43. 监控
  44. </div>-->
  45. <div id="map"></div>
  46. </body>
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  50. <script language="javascript" src=""></script>
  51. <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  52. <script type="text/javascript">
  53. var bus_num = getStorage("bus_num");
  54. var bus_name = getStorage("bus_name");
  55. var bus_phone = getStorage("bus_phone");
  56. var guid_phone = getStorage("guid_phone");
  57. var guid_name = getStorage("guid_name");
  58. $("#call_phone").attr("href","tel:"+bus_phone);
  59. $("#bus_name").text(bus_name);
  60. $("#bus_num").text(bus_num);
  61. $("#guid_phone").text(guid_phone);
  62. $("#guid_name").text(guid_name);
  63. var jing = "";
  64. var wei = "";
  65. var markers = [];
  66. (function (){
  67. var mapHeight = document.body.clientHeight - 200;
  68. document.getElementById('map').style.height = mapHeight + 'px';
  69. var map = new AMap.Map('map',{zoom:13,resizeEnable: true,panToLocation:true}), geolocation, result = document.getElementById('result');
  70. setInterval(show1,10000);
  71. map.plugin('AMap.Geolocation', function () {
  72. geolocation = new AMap.Geolocation({
  73. enableHighAccuracy: true,//是否使用高精度定位,默认:true
  74. noIpLocate:true,
  75. timeout: 10000, //超过10秒后停止定位,默认:无穷大
  76. maximumAge: 0, //定位结果缓存0毫秒,默认:0
  77. convert: true, //自动偏移坐标,偏移后的坐标为高德坐标,默认:true
  78. showButton: true, //显示定位按钮,默认:true
  79. buttonPosition: 'LB', //定位按钮停靠位置,默认:'LB',左下角
  80. buttonOffset: new AMap.Pixel(10, 20),//定位按钮与设置的停靠位置的偏移量,默认:Pixel(10, 20)
  81. showMarker: true, //定位成功后在定位到的位置显示点标记,默认:true
  82. showCircle: true, //定位成功后用圆圈表示定位精度范围,默认:true
  83. //panToLocation: false, //定位成功后将定位到的位置作为地图中心点,默认:true
  84. zoomToAccuracy:false, //定位成功后调整地图视野范围使定位位置及精度范围视野内可见,默认:false
  85. zoom:15
  86. });
  87. map.addControl(geolocation);
  88. geolocation.getCurrentPosition();
  89. AMap.event.addListener(geolocation, 'error', onError); //返回定位出错信息
  90. AMap.event.addListener(geolocation, 'complete', onComplete);//返回定位信息
  91. });
  92. watchPosition ();
  93. /*
  94. *获取当前位置信息
  95. */
  96. function getCurrentPosition () {
  97. geolocation.getCurrentPosition();
  98. };
  99. /*
  100. *监控当前位置并获取当前位置信息
  101. */
  102. function watchPosition () {
  103. geolocation.watchPosition();
  104. };
  105. /*
  106. *解析定位结果
  107. */
  108. function onComplete (data) {
  109. var str = '<p>定位成功</p>';
  110. str += '<p>经度:' + data.position.getLng() + '</p>';
  111. str += '<p>纬度:' + data.position.getLat() + '</p>';
  112. str += '<p>精度:' + data.accuracy + ' 米</p>';
  113. str += '<p>是否经过偏移:' + (data.isConverted ? '是' : '否') + '</p>';
  114. result.innerHTML = str;
  115. };
  116. /*
  117. *解析定位错误信息
  118. */
  119. function onError (data) {
  120. var str = '<p>定位失败</p>';
  121. str += '<p>错误信息:'
  122. switch( {
  123. case 'PERMISSION_DENIED':
  124. alert('定位失败,浏览器阻止了定位操作');
  125. str += '浏览器阻止了定位操作';
  126. break;
  128. alert('定位失败,无法获得当前位置');
  129. str += '无法获得当前位置';
  130. break;
  131. case 'TIMEOUT':
  132. alert('定位失败,定位超时');
  133. str += '定位超时';
  134. break;
  135. default:
  136. alert('定位失败,请检查微信是否开启定位');
  137. str += '未知错误';
  138. break;
  139. }
  140. str += '</p>';
  141. result.innerHTML = str;
  142. };
  143. function show1(){
  144. // map.clearMap();
  145. var i = 1;
  146. // geolocation.getCurrentPosition();
  147. $.ajax({
  148. url:"./zz_wxsct/control.php",
  149. type:'post',
  150. dataType: "json",
  151. data:{bus_no:bus_num,type:"travel_getposition",driver_name:bus_name},
  152. // data:{bus_no:'沪DC1720',type:"travel_getposition",driver_name:'SB'},
  153. success : function(data) {
  154. console.log(data);
  155. if(data.code=="0"){
  156. jing = data.list.j;
  157. wei = data.list.w;
  158. // AMap.event.addDomListener(document.getElementById('clearMarker'), 'click', function() {
  159. // marker.setMap(null);
  160. // }, false);
  161. // var marker = null;
  162. //
  163. //// marker = new AMap.Marker({
  164. //// map: map,
  165. //// position: [jing,wei],
  166. //// icon: new AMap.Icon({
  167. //// size: new AMap.Size(40, 40), //图标大小
  168. //// image: "images/a1/car.png",
  169. //// imageOffset: new AMap.Pixel(0, 0)
  170. //// })
  171. /*
  172. marker = new AMap.Marker({
  173. map: map,
  174. position: [jing,wei],
  175. icon: new AMap.Icon({
  176. size: new AMap.Size(40, 40), //图标大小
  177. image: "images/a1/car.png",
  178. imageOffset: new AMap.Pixel(0, 0)
  179. })
  180. })*/
  181. if(markers.length>0){
  182. markers[0].setMap(null);
  183. }
  184. markers.splice(0,markers.length);
  185. // if(!marker){
  186. marker = new AMap.Marker({
  187. map: map,
  188. position: [jing,wei],
  189. icon: new AMap.Icon({
  190. size: new AMap.Size(40, 40), //图标大小
  191. image: "images/a1/car.png",
  192. imageOffset: new AMap.Pixel(0, 0)
  193. })
  194. })
  195. markers.push(marker);
  196. // }
  197. // marker.setPosition(new AMap.LngLat( data.list.j,data.list.w));
  198. // jing = data.list.j;
  199. // wei = data.list.w;
  200. //更新点标记位置
  201. }else{
  202. alert(;
  203. }
  204. }
  205. });
  206. }
  207. document.getElementById('visit').onclick = function(){
  208. watchPosition();
  209. };
  210. })();
  211. </script>
  212. </html>