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  1. <?php
  2. require_once '../php_include/Config.php';
  3. require_once '../php_include/';
  4. require_once '../php_include/';
  5. //DB
  6. $objDbh = new Db;
  8. $objDisney = new DbDisney($objDbh);
  9. $order_common_info = $objDisney->getOrderInfoFromSN($_GET["orderno"]);
  10. if( $order_common_info == false && isset($_GET["pt"]) && $_GET["pt"] == 1 ) {
  11. $_GET["orderno"] = $_COOKIE["orderno"];
  12. $order_common_info = $objDisney->getOrderInfoFromSN($_GET["orderno"]);
  13. }
  14. $good_info = $objDisney->getGoodInfoFromId($order_common_info["prod_id"]);
  15. $base_org_info = $objDisney->getBaseOrgInfoFromCode( $_COOKIE["companycode"] );
  16. $base_org_name = false == $base_org_info ? "酒店" : $base_org_info["org_name"];
  17. $org_id = $base_org_info["org_id"];
  18. if( $good_info["good_type"] == 1 ) {
  19. $good_info["good_name"] = $order_common_info["prod_id"] == 15 ? $good_info["good_name"]."(回{$base_org_name})" : $base_org_name.$good_info["good_name"];
  20. } else if( $good_info["good_type"] == 2 ) {
  21. $good_info["good_name"] = $order_common_info["prod_id"] == 3 ? "上海迪士尼乐园一日票" : "上海迪士尼乐园两日票";
  22. };
  23. $order_good_array = $objDisney->getOrderGoodsArray( $order_common_info["id"] );
  24. ?>
  25. <!doctype html>
  26. <html lang="en">
  27. <head>
  28. <meta charset="UTF-8">
  29. <meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0;" name="viewport" />
  30. <title>蜘蛛出行</title>
  31. <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/reset.css">
  32. <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/paysuccess.css">
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  35. <script src="js/jquery-2.2.4.min.js"></script>
  36. </head>
  37. <body>
  38. <div id="paysuccess" class="paysuccess">
  39. <section class="information">
  40. <div class="a o">
  41. <?php if( $good_info["good_type"] == 1 || $good_info["good_type"] == 4 || $good_info["good_type"] == 5 ) { ?>
  42. <span class="wspacing h f">线</span><span class="h f">路:</span>
  43. <?php } else { ?>
  44. <span class="wspacing h f">商</span><span class="h f">品:</span>
  45. <?php } ?>
  46. <span class="f" style="width:7rem;"><?php echo $good_info["good_name"];?></span>
  47. </div>
  48. <div class="a o">
  49. <?php if( $good_info["good_type"] == 1 || $good_info["good_type"] == 4 || $good_info["good_type"] == 5 ) { ?>
  50. <span class="h f">线路时间:</span>
  51. <span class="f" style="width:7rem;">
  52. <?php
  53. $start_day = substr($order_common_info["start_day"],0,4)."年".substr($order_common_info["start_day"],5,2)."月".substr($order_common_info["start_day"],8,2)."日";
  54. $end_day = substr($order_common_info["end_day"],0,4)."年".substr($order_common_info["end_day"],5,2)."月".substr($order_common_info["end_day"],8,2)."日";
  55. if( $order_common_info["prod_id"] == 15 ) {
  56. echo $start_day . " " . $order_common_info["start_time"];
  57. } else {
  58. echo $start_day . " " . $order_common_info["start_time"] . "~" . $end_day . " " . $order_common_info["end_time"];
  59. }
  60. if( mb_strlen($order_common_info["start_day2"]) > 0 ) {
  61. $start_day2 = substr($order_common_info["start_day2"],0,4)."年".substr($order_common_info["start_day2"],5,2)."月".substr($order_common_info["start_day2"],8,2)."日";
  62. $end_day2 = substr($order_common_info["end_day2"],0,4)."年".substr($order_common_info["end_day2"],5,2)."月".substr($order_common_info["end_day2"],8,2)."日";
  63. echo " ".$start_day2." ".$order_common_info["start_time2"]."~".$end_day2." ".$order_common_info["end_time2"];
  64. }
  65. ?>
  66. </span>
  67. <?php if($good_info["good_type"] == 4 || $good_info["good_type"] == 5) { ?>
  68. <span class="h f">上下站点:</span>
  69. <span class="f" style="width:7rem;">
  70. <?php
  71. $station_pos = mb_strpos( $order_common_info["prod_name"], "(" );
  72. $disp_station = mb_substr($order_common_info["prod_name"], $station_pos+1, -1);
  73. echo $disp_station;
  74. ?>
  75. </span>
  76. <?php } ?>
  77. <?php } else if( $good_info["good_type"] == 2 ) {?>
  78. <span class="h f">入园日期:</span>
  79. <span class="f" style="width:7rem;">
  80. <?php
  81. echo substr($order_common_info["start_day"],0,4)."年".substr($order_common_info["start_day"],5,2)."月".substr($order_common_info["start_day"],8,2)."日";
  82. if( mb_strlen($order_common_info["end_day"]) > 0 ) { echo "~".substr($order_common_info["end_day"],0,4)."年".substr($order_common_info["end_day"],5,2)."月".substr($order_common_info["end_day"],8,2)."日"; }
  83. ?>
  84. </span>
  85. <?php } else { ?>
  86. <span class="h f">演出时间:</span>
  87. <span class="f" style="width:7rem;">
  88. <?php
  89. echo substr($order_common_info["start_day"],0,4)."年".substr($order_common_info["start_day"],5,2)."月".substr($order_common_info["start_day"],8,2)."日";
  90. echo " ".$order_common_info["start_time"];
  91. ?>
  92. </span>
  93. <?php } ?>
  94. </div>
  95. <div class="a o">
  96. <span class="wspacing f h">数</span><span class="f h">量:</span>
  97. <div class="f">
  98. <?php foreach( $order_good_array as $order_good_info ) { ?>
  99. <div class="b">
  100. <span><?php echo $_ary_tickets_type[$order_good_info["subtype"]]; ?></span>
  101. <span><?php echo $order_good_info["good_num"];?>张</span>
  102. </div>
  103. <?php } ?>
  104. </div>
  105. </div>
  106. </section>
  107. <section class="success">
  108. <div class="simg">
  109. <img src="images/icon-psuccess.png" alt="">
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  111. <div class="sz h">
  112. 预订成功!</br> 稍后留意短信
  113. </div>
  114. <?php $top_url = ( $good_info["good_type"] == 4 || $good_info["good_type"] == 5 ) ? "list_qdh.php?cc=".$_COOKIE["companycode"] : "list.php?cc=".$_COOKIE["companycode"]; ?>
  115. <a href="<?php echo $top_url;?>" class="psbutton h">返回主页逛逛</a>
  116. </section>
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