No puede seleccionar más de 25 temas Los temas deben comenzar con una letra o número, pueden incluir guiones ('-') y pueden tener hasta 35 caracteres de largo.

52 líneas
2.7 KiB

  1. <?php
  2. // +----------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. // | ThinkPHP [ WE CAN DO IT JUST THINK IT ]
  4. // +----------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. // | Copyright (c) 2006-2014 All rights reserved.
  6. // +----------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. // | Licensed ( )
  8. // +----------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. // | Author: liu21st <>
  10. // +----------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. /**
  12. * ThinkPHP English language package
  13. */
  14. return array(
  15. /* core language package */
  16. '_MODULE_NOT_EXIST_' => "Module can't be loaded",
  17. '_CONTROLLER_NOT_EXIST_' => "Controller can't be loaded",
  18. '_ERROR_ACTION_' => 'Illegal Action',
  19. '_LANGUAGE_NOT_LOAD_' => "Can't load language package",
  20. '_TEMPLATE_NOT_EXIST_' => "Template doesn't exist",
  21. '_MODULE_' => 'Module',
  22. '_ACTION_' => 'Action',
  23. '_MODEL_NOT_EXIST_' => "Model can't be loaded",
  24. '_VALID_ACCESS_' => 'No access',
  25. '_XML_TAG_ERROR_' => 'XML tag syntax errors',
  26. '_DATA_TYPE_INVALID_' => 'Illegal data objects!',
  27. '_OPERATION_WRONG_' => 'Operation error occurs',
  28. '_NOT_LOAD_DB_' => 'Unable to load the database',
  29. '_NO_DB_DRIVER_' => 'Unable to load database driver',
  30. '_NOT_SUPPORT_DB_' => 'The system is temporarily not support database',
  31. '_NO_DB_CONFIG_' => 'Not define the database configuration',
  32. '_NOT_SUPPORT_' => 'The system does not support',
  33. '_CACHE_TYPE_INVALID_' => 'Unable to load the cache type',
  34. '_FILE_NOT_WRITABLE_' => 'Directory (file) is not writable',
  35. '_METHOD_NOT_EXIST_' => 'The method you requested does not exist!',
  36. '_CLASS_NOT_EXIST_' => 'Instantiating a class does not exist!',
  37. '_CLASS_CONFLICT_' => 'Class name conflicts',
  38. '_TEMPLATE_ERROR_' => 'Template Engine errors',
  39. '_CACHE_WRITE_ERROR_' => 'Cache file write failed!',
  40. '_TAGLIB_NOT_EXIST_' => 'Tag library is not defined',
  41. '_OPERATION_FAIL_' => 'Operation failed!',
  42. '_OPERATION_SUCCESS_' => 'Operation succeed!',
  43. '_SELECT_NOT_EXIST_' => 'Record does not exist!',
  44. '_EXPRESS_ERROR_' => 'Expression errors',
  45. '_TOKEN_ERROR_' => "Form's token errors",
  46. '_RECORD_HAS_UPDATE_' => 'Record has been updated',
  47. '_NOT_ALLOW_PHP_' => 'PHP codes are not allowed in the template',
  48. '_PARAM_ERROR_' => 'Parameter error or undefined',
  49. '_ERROR_QUERY_EXPRESS_' => 'Query express error',
  50. );