- #customize-theme-controls #accordion-section-menu_locations {
- position: relative;
- margin-bottom: 15px;
- }
- #customize-theme-controls #accordion-section-menu_locations > .accordion-section-title {
- border-bottom-color: #ddd;
- }
- .menu-in-location,
- .menu-in-locations {
- display: block;
- font-weight: 600;
- font-size: 10px;
- }
- #customize-controls .theme-location-set,
- #customize-controls .control-section .accordion-section-title:focus .menu-in-location,
- #customize-controls .control-section .accordion-section-title:hover .menu-in-location {
- color: #555;
- }
- /* The `edit-menu` button uses also the `button-link` class. */
- .customize-control-nav_menu_location .edit-menu {
- margin-left: 6px;
- vertical-align: middle;
- line-height: 28px;
- color: #0073aa;
- text-decoration: underline;
- }
- .customize-control-nav_menu_location .edit-menu:hover,
- .customize-control-nav_menu_location .edit-menu:active {
- color: #00a0d2;
- }
- .customize-control-nav_menu_location .edit-menu:focus {
- color: #124964;
- }
- .wp-customizer .menu-item-bar .menu-item-handle,
- .wp-customizer .menu-item-settings,
- .wp-customizer .menu-item-settings .description-thin {
- -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
- -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
- box-sizing: border-box;
- }
- .wp-customizer .menu-item-bar {
- margin: 0;
- }
- .wp-customizer .menu-item-bar .menu-item-handle {
- width: 100%;
- background: #fff;
- }
- .wp-customizer .menu-item-handle .item-title {
- margin-right: 0;
- }
- .wp-customizer .menu-item-handle .item-type {
- padding: 1px 21px 0 5px;
- float: right;
- text-align: right;
- }
- .wp-customizer .menu-item-handle:hover {
- z-index: 8;
- }
- .customize-control-nav_menu_item.has-notifications .menu-item-handle {
- border-left: 4px solid #00a0d2;
- }
- .wp-customizer .menu-item-settings {
- max-width: 100%;
- overflow: hidden;
- z-index: 8;
- padding: 10px;
- background: #eee;
- border: 1px solid #999;
- border-top: none;
- }
- .wp-customizer .menu-item-settings .description-thin {
- width: 100%;
- height: auto;
- margin: 0 0 8px 0;
- }
- .wp-customizer .menu-item-settings input[type="text"] {
- width: 100%;
- }
- .wp-customizer .menu-item-settings .submitbox {
- margin: 0;
- padding: 0;
- }
- .wp-customizer .menu-item-settings .link-to-original {
- padding: 5px 0;
- border: none;
- font-style: normal;
- margin: 0;
- width: 100%;
- }
- .wp-customizer .menu-item .submitbox .submitdelete {
- float: left;
- margin: 6px 0 0;
- padding: 0;
- cursor: pointer;
- }
- /**
- * Menu items reordering styles
- */
- .menu-item-reorder-nav {
- display: none;
- background-color: #fff;
- position: absolute;
- top: 0;
- right: 0;
- }
- .menus-move-left:before {
- content: "\f341";
- }
- .menus-move-right:before {
- content: "\f345";
- }
- .reordering .menu-item .item-controls,
- .reordering .menu-item .item-type {
- display: none;
- }
- .reordering .menu-item-reorder-nav {
- display: block;
- }
- .customize-control input.menu-name-field {
- width: 100%; /* Override the 98% default for customizer inputs, to align with the size of menu items. */
- margin: 12px 0;
- }
- .wp-customizer .menu-item .item-edit {
- position: absolute;
- right: -19px;
- top: 2px;
- display: block;
- width: 30px;
- height: 38px;
- margin-right: 0 !important;
- -webkit-box-shadow: none;
- box-shadow: none;
- outline: none;
- overflow: hidden;
- cursor: pointer;
- }
- .wp-customizer .menu-item.menu-item-edit-active .item-edit .toggle-indicator:after {
- content: "\f142";
- }
- .wp-customizer .menu-item-settings p.description {
- font-style: normal;
- }
- .wp-customizer .menu-settings dl {
- margin: 12px 0 0 0;
- padding: 0;
- }
- .wp-customizer .menu-settings .checkbox-input {
- margin-top: 8px;
- }
- .wp-customizer .menu-settings .menu-theme-locations {
- border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
- }
- .wp-customizer .menu-settings {
- margin-top: 36px;
- border-top: none;
- }
- .menu-settings .customize-control-checkbox label {
- line-height: 1;
- }
- /* @todo update selector or potentially remove */
- .menu-settings .customize-control.customize-control-checkbox {
- margin-bottom: 8px; /* Override collapsing at smaller viewports. */
- }
- .customize-control-menu {
- margin-top: 4px;
- }
- #customize-controls .customize-info.open.active-menu-screen-options .customize-help-toggle {
- color: #555;
- }
- /* Screen Options */
- .customize-screen-options-toggle {
- background: none;
- border: none;
- color: #555;
- cursor: pointer;
- margin: 0;
- padding: 20px;
- position: absolute;
- right: 0;
- top: 30px;
- }
- #customize-controls .customize-info .customize-help-toggle {
- padding: 20px;
- }
- #customize-controls .customize-info .customize-help-toggle:before {
- padding: 4px;
- }
- .customize-screen-options-toggle:hover,
- .customize-screen-options-toggle:active,
- .customize-screen-options-toggle:focus,
- .active-menu-screen-options .customize-screen-options-toggle,
- #customize-controls .customize-info.open.active-menu-screen-options .customize-help-toggle:hover,
- #customize-controls .customize-info.open.active-menu-screen-options .customize-help-toggle:active,
- #customize-controls .customize-info.open.active-menu-screen-options .customize-help-toggle:focus {
- color: #0073aa;
- }
- .customize-screen-options-toggle:focus,
- #customize-controls .customize-info .customize-help-toggle:focus {
- outline: none;
- }
- .customize-screen-options-toggle:before {
- -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
- border: none;
- content: "\f111";
- display: block;
- font: 18px/1 dashicons;
- padding: 5px;
- text-align: center;
- text-decoration: none !important;
- text-indent: 0;
- left: 6px;
- position: absolute;
- top: 6px;
- }
- .customize-screen-options-toggle:focus:before,
- #customize-controls .customize-info .customize-help-toggle:focus:before {
- -webkit-border-radius: 100%;
- border-radius: 100%;
- }
- .wp-customizer #screen-options-wrap {
- display: none;
- background: #fff;
- border-top: 1px solid #ddd;
- padding: 4px 15px 15px;
- }
- .wp-customizer .metabox-prefs label {
- display: block;
- padding-right: 0;
- line-height: 30px;
- }
- /* rework the arrow indicator implementation for NVDA bug same as #32715 */
- .wp-customizer .toggle-indicator {
- display: inline-block;
- font-size: 20px;
- line-height: 1;
- text-indent: -1px; /* account for the dashicon alignment */
- }
- .rtl .wp-customizer .toggle-indicator {
- text-indent: 1px; /* account for the dashicon alignment */
- }
- .wp-customizer .toggle-indicator:after {
- content: "\f140";
- speak: none;
- vertical-align: top;
- -webkit-border-radius: 50%;
- border-radius: 50%;
- color: #72777c;
- font: normal 20px/1 dashicons;
- -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
- -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
- text-decoration: none !important;
- }
- .control-section-nav_menu .field-link-target,
- .control-section-nav_menu .field-title-attribute,
- .control-section-nav_menu .field-css-classes,
- .control-section-nav_menu .field-xfn,
- .control-section-nav_menu .field-description {
- display: none;
- }
- .control-section-nav_menu.field-link-target-active .field-link-target,
- .control-section-nav_menu.field-title-attribute-active .field-title-attribute,
- .control-section-nav_menu.field-css-classes-active .field-css-classes,
- .control-section-nav_menu.field-xfn-active .field-xfn,
- .control-section-nav_menu.field-description-active .field-description {
- display: block;
- }
- /* WARNING: The 20px factor is hard-coded in JS. */
- .menu-item-depth-0 { margin-left: 0; }
- .menu-item-depth-1 { margin-left: 20px; }
- .menu-item-depth-2 { margin-left: 40px; }
- .menu-item-depth-3 { margin-left: 60px; }
- .menu-item-depth-4 { margin-left: 80px; }
- .menu-item-depth-5 { margin-left: 100px; }
- .menu-item-depth-6 { margin-left: 120px; }
- .menu-item-depth-7 { margin-left: 140px; }
- .menu-item-depth-8 { margin-left: 160px; } /* Not likely to be used or useful beyond this depth */
- .menu-item-depth-9 { margin-left: 180px; }
- .menu-item-depth-10 { margin-left: 200px; }
- .menu-item-depth-11 { margin-left: 220px; }
- /* @todo handle .menu-item-settings width */
- .menu-item-depth-0 > .menu-item-bar { margin-right: 0; }
- .menu-item-depth-1 > .menu-item-bar { margin-right: 20px; }
- .menu-item-depth-2 > .menu-item-bar { margin-right: 40px; }
- .menu-item-depth-3 > .menu-item-bar { margin-right: 60px; }
- .menu-item-depth-4 > .menu-item-bar { margin-right: 80px; }
- .menu-item-depth-5 > .menu-item-bar { margin-right: 100px; }
- .menu-item-depth-6 > .menu-item-bar { margin-right: 120px; }
- .menu-item-depth-7 > .menu-item-bar { margin-right: 140px; }
- .menu-item-depth-8 > .menu-item-bar { margin-right: 160px; }
- .menu-item-depth-9 > .menu-item-bar { margin-right: 180px; }
- .menu-item-depth-10 > .menu-item-bar { margin-right: 200px; }
- .menu-item-depth-11 > .menu-item-bar { margin-right: 220px; }
- /* Submenu left margin. */
- .menu-item-depth-0 .menu-item-transport { margin-left: 0; }
- .menu-item-depth-1 .menu-item-transport { margin-left: -20px; }
- .menu-item-depth-3 .menu-item-transport { margin-left: -60px; }
- .menu-item-depth-4 .menu-item-transport { margin-left: -80px; }
- .menu-item-depth-2 .menu-item-transport { margin-left: -40px; }
- .menu-item-depth-5 .menu-item-transport { margin-left: -100px; }
- .menu-item-depth-6 .menu-item-transport { margin-left: -120px; }
- .menu-item-depth-7 .menu-item-transport { margin-left: -140px; }
- .menu-item-depth-8 .menu-item-transport { margin-left: -160px; }
- .menu-item-depth-9 .menu-item-transport { margin-left: -180px; }
- .menu-item-depth-10 .menu-item-transport { margin-left: -200px; }
- .menu-item-depth-11 .menu-item-transport { margin-left: -220px; }
- /* WARNING: The 20px factor is hard-coded in JS. */
- .reordering .menu-item-depth-0 { margin-left: 0; }
- .reordering .menu-item-depth-1 { margin-left: 15px; }
- .reordering .menu-item-depth-2 { margin-left: 30px; }
- .reordering .menu-item-depth-3 { margin-left: 45px; }
- .reordering .menu-item-depth-4 { margin-left: 60px; }
- .reordering .menu-item-depth-5 { margin-left: 75px; }
- .reordering .menu-item-depth-6 { margin-left: 90px; }
- .reordering .menu-item-depth-7 { margin-left: 105px; }
- .reordering .menu-item-depth-8 { margin-left: 120px; } /* Not likely to be used or useful beyond this depth */
- .reordering .menu-item-depth-9 { margin-left: 135px; }
- .reordering .menu-item-depth-10 { margin-left: 150px; }
- .reordering .menu-item-depth-11 { margin-left: 165px; }
- .reordering .menu-item-depth-0 > .menu-item-bar { margin-right: 0; }
- .reordering .menu-item-depth-1 > .menu-item-bar { margin-right: 15px; }
- .reordering .menu-item-depth-2 > .menu-item-bar { margin-right: 30px; }
- .reordering .menu-item-depth-3 > .menu-item-bar { margin-right: 45px; }
- .reordering .menu-item-depth-4 > .menu-item-bar { margin-right: 60px; }
- .reordering .menu-item-depth-5 > .menu-item-bar { margin-right: 75px; }
- .reordering .menu-item-depth-6 > .menu-item-bar { margin-right: 90px; }
- .reordering .menu-item-depth-7 > .menu-item-bar { margin-right: 105px; }
- .reordering .menu-item-depth-8 > .menu-item-bar { margin-right: 120px; }
- .reordering .menu-item-depth-9 > .menu-item-bar { margin-right: 135px; }
- .reordering .menu-item-depth-10 > .menu-item-bar { margin-right: 150px; }
- .reordering .menu-item-depth-11 > .menu-item-bar { margin-right: 165px; }
- .control-section-nav_menu.menu .menu-item-edit-active {
- margin-left: 0;
- }
- .control-section-nav_menu.menu .menu-item-edit-active .menu-item-bar {
- margin-right: 0;
- }
- .control-section-nav_menu.menu .sortable-placeholder {
- margin-top: 0;
- margin-bottom: 1px;
- max-width: -webkit-calc(100% - 2px);
- max-width: calc(100% - 2px);
- float: left;
- display: list-item;
- border-color: #a0a5aa;
- }
- .menu-item-transport li.customize-control {
- float: none;
- }
- .control-section-nav_menu.menu ul.menu-item-transport .menu-item-bar {
- margin-top: 0;
- }
- /**
- * Add-menu-items mode
- */
- .adding-menu-items .control-section {
- opacity: .4;
- }
- .adding-menu-items .control-panel.control-section,
- .adding-menu-items .control-section.open {
- opacity: 1;
- }
- .menu-item-bar .item-delete {
- color: #a00;
- position: absolute;
- top: 2px;
- right: -19px;
- width: 30px;
- height: 38px;
- cursor: pointer;
- display: none;
- }
- .menu-item-bar .item-delete:before {
- content: "\f335";
- position: absolute;
- top: 9px;
- left: 5px;
- -webkit-border-radius: 50%;
- border-radius: 50%;
- font: normal 20px/1 dashicons;
- -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
- -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
- }
- .ie8 .menu-item-bar .item-delete:before {
- top: -10px;
- }
- .menu-item-bar .item-delete:hover,
- .menu-item-bar .item-delete:focus {
- -webkit-box-shadow: none;
- box-shadow: none;
- outline: none;
- color: #f00;
- }
- .adding-menu-items .menu-item-bar .item-edit {
- display: none;
- }
- .adding-menu-items .menu-item-bar .item-delete {
- display: block;
- }
- /**
- * Styles for menu-item addition panel
- */
- #available-menu-items.opening {
- overflow-y: hidden; /* avoid scrollbar jitter with animating heights */
- }
- #available-menu-items #available-menu-items-search.open {
- height: 100%;
- border-bottom: none;
- }
- #available-menu-items .accordion-section-title {
- border-left: none;
- border-right: none;
- background: #fff;
- -webkit-transition: background-color 0.15s;
- transition: background-color 0.15s;
- /* Reset the value inherited from the base .accordion-section-title style. Ticket #37589. */
- -webkit-user-select: auto;
- -moz-user-select: auto;
- -ms-user-select: auto;
- user-select: auto;
- }
- #available-menu-items .open .accordion-section-title,
- #available-menu-items #available-menu-items-search .accordion-section-title {
- background: #eee;
- }
- /* rework the arrow indicator implementation for NVDA bug see #32715 */
- #available-menu-items .accordion-section-title:after {
- content: none !important;
- }
- #available-menu-items .accordion-section-title:hover .toggle-indicator:after,
- #available-menu-items .button-link:hover .toggle-indicator:after,
- #available-menu-items .button-link:focus .toggle-indicator:after {
- color: #23282d;
- }
- #available-menu-items .open .accordion-section-title .toggle-indicator:after {
- content: "\f142";
- color: #23282d;
- }
- #available-menu-items .available-menu-items-list {
- overflow-y: auto;
- max-height: 200px; /* This gets set in JS to fit the screen size, and based on # of sections. */
- background: transparent;
- }
- #available-menu-items .accordion-section-title button {
- display: block;
- width: 28px;
- height: 35px;
- position: absolute;
- top: 5px;
- right: 5px;
- -webkit-box-shadow: none;
- box-shadow: none;
- outline: none;
- cursor: pointer;
- }
- #available-menu-items .accordion-section-title .no-items,
- #available-menu-items .cannot-expand .accordion-section-title .spinner,
- #available-menu-items .cannot-expand .accordion-section-title > button {
- display: none;
- }
- #available-menu-items-search.cannot-expand .accordion-section-title .spinner {
- display: block;
- }
- #available-menu-items .cannot-expand .accordion-section-title .no-items {
- float: right;
- color: #555d66;
- font-weight: 400;
- margin-left: 5px;
- }
- #available-menu-items .accordion-section-content {
- max-height: 290px;
- margin: 0;
- padding: 0;
- position: relative;
- background: transparent;
- }
- #available-menu-items .accordion-section-content .available-menu-items-list {
- margin: 0 0 45px 0;
- padding: 1px 15px 15px 15px;
- }
- #available-menu-items .accordion-section-content .available-menu-items-list:only-child { /* Types that do not support new items for the current user */
- margin-bottom: 0;
- }
- #new-custom-menu-item .accordion-section-content {
- padding: 0 15px 15px 15px;
- }
- #available-menu-items .menu-item-tpl {
- margin: 0;
- }
- #custom-menu-item-name.invalid,
- #custom-menu-item-url.invalid,
- .menu-name-field.invalid,
- .menu-name-field.invalid:focus,
- #available-menu-items .new-content-item .create-item-input.invalid,
- #available-menu-items .new-content-item .create-item-input.invalid:focus {
- border: 1px solid #f00;
- }
- #available-menu-items .menu-item-handle .item-type {
- padding-right: 0;
- }
- #available-menu-items .menu-item-handle .item-title {
- padding-left: 20px;
- }
- #available-menu-items .menu-item-handle {
- cursor: pointer;
- }
- #available-menu-items .menu-item-handle {
- -webkit-box-shadow: none;
- box-shadow: none;
- margin-top: -1px;
- }
- #available-menu-items .menu-item-handle:hover {
- z-index: 1;
- }
- #available-menu-items .item-title h4 {
- padding: 0 0 5px;
- font-size: 14px;
- }
- #available-menu-items .item-add {
- position: absolute;
- top: 1px;
- left: 1px;
- color: #82878c;
- width: 30px;
- height: 38px;
- -webkit-box-shadow: none;
- box-shadow: none;
- outline: none;
- cursor: pointer;
- }
- #available-menu-items .menu-item-handle .item-add:focus {
- color: #23282d;
- }
- #available-menu-items .item-add:before {
- content: "\f543";
- position: relative;
- left: 2px;
- top: 3px;
- display: inline-block;
- height: 20px;
- -webkit-border-radius: 50%;
- border-radius: 50%;
- font: normal 20px/1.05 dashicons; /* line height is to account for the dashicon's vertical alignment */
- }
- #available-menu-items .menu-item-handle.item-added .item-type,
- #available-menu-items .menu-item-handle.item-added .item-title,
- #available-menu-items .menu-item-handle.item-added:hover .item-add,
- #available-menu-items .menu-item-handle.item-added .item-add:focus {
- color: #82878c;
- }
- #available-menu-items .menu-item-handle.item-added .item-add:before {
- content: "\f147";
- }
- #available-menu-items .accordion-section-title.loading .spinner,
- #available-menu-items-search.loading .accordion-section-title .spinner {
- visibility: visible;
- margin: 0 20px;
- }
- #available-menu-items-search .spinner {
- position: absolute;
- top: 20px; /* 13 container padding +1 input margin +6 ( ( 32 input height - 20 spinner height ) / 2 ) */
- right: 21px;
- margin: 0 !important;
- }
- /* search results list */
- #available-menu-items #available-menu-items-search .accordion-section-content {
- position: absolute;
- left: 0;
- top: 60px; /* below title div / search input */
- bottom: 0px; /* 100% height that still triggers lazy load */
- max-height: none;
- width: 100%;
- padding: 1px 15px 15px;
- -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
- -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
- box-sizing: border-box;
- }
- #available-menu-items-search .nothing-found {
- /* Compensate the 1px top padding of the container. */
- margin-top: -1px;
- }
- #available-menu-items-search .accordion-section-title:after {
- display: none;
- }
- #available-menu-items-search .accordion-section-content:empty {
- min-height: 0;
- padding: 0;
- }
- #available-menu-items-search.loading .accordion-section-content div {
- opacity: .5;
- }
- #available-menu-items-search.loading.loading-more .accordion-section-content div {
- opacity: 1;
- }
- #customize-preview {
- -webkit-transition: all 0.2s;
- transition: all 0.2s;
- }
- body.adding-menu-items #available-menu-items {
- left: 0;
- visibility: visible;
- }
- body.adding-menu-items .wp-full-overlay-main {
- left: 300px;
- }
- body.adding-menu-items #customize-preview {
- opacity: 0.4;
- }
- .menu-item-handle .spinner {
- display: none;
- float: left;
- margin: 0 8px 0 0;
- }
- .nav-menu-inserted-item-loading .spinner {
- display: block;
- }
- .nav-menu-inserted-item-loading .menu-item-handle .item-type {
- padding: 0 0 0 8px;
- }
- .nav-menu-inserted-item-loading .menu-item-handle,
- .added-menu-item .menu-item-handle.loading {
- padding: 10px 15px 10px 8px;
- cursor: default;
- opacity: .5;
- background: #fff;
- color: #727773;
- }
- .added-menu-item .menu-item-handle {
- -webkit-transition-property: opacity, background, color;
- transition-property: opacity, background, color;
- -webkit-transition-duration: 1.25s;
- transition-duration: 1.25s;
- -webkit-transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier( .25, -2.5, .75, 8 );
- transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier( .25, -2.5, .75, 8 ); /* Replacement for .hide().fadeIn('slow') in JS to add emphasis when it's loaded. */
- }
- /* Add/delete Menus */
- #customize-theme-controls .control-panel-content .control-section-nav_menu:nth-last-child(2) .accordion-section-title {
- border-bottom-color: #ddd;
- }
- /* @todo update selector */
- #accordion-section-add_menu {
- margin: 15px 12px;
- overflow: hidden;
- }
- .new-menu-section-content {
- display: none;
- padding: 15px 0 0 0;
- clear: both;
- }
- /* @todo update selector */
- #accordion-section-add_menu .accordion-section-title {
- padding-left: 45px;
- }
- /* @todo update selector */
- #accordion-section-add_menu .accordion-section-title:before {
- font: normal 20px/1 dashicons;
- position: absolute;
- top: 12px;
- left: 14px;
- content: "\f132";
- }
- #create-new-menu-submit {
- float: right;
- margin: 0 0 12px 0;
- }
- .menu-delete-item {
- float: left;
- padding: 1em 0;
- width: 100%;
- }
- li.assigned-to-menu-location .menu-delete-item {
- display: none;
- }
- li.assigned-to-menu-location .add-new-menu-item {
- margin-bottom: 1em;
- }
- .menu-delete {
- color: #a00;
- cursor: pointer;
- text-decoration: underline;
- }
- .menu-delete:hover,
- .menu-delete:focus {
- color: #f00;
- }
- .menu-item-handle {
- margin-top: -1px;
- }
- .ui-sortable-disabled .menu-item-handle {
- cursor: default;
- }
- .menu-item-handle:hover {
- position: relative;
- z-index: 10;
- color: #0073aa;
- }
- .menu-item-handle:hover .item-type,
- .menu-item-handle:hover .item-edit,
- #available-menu-items .menu-item-handle:hover .item-add {
- color: #0073aa;
- }
- .menu-item-edit-active .menu-item-handle {
- border-color: #999;
- border-bottom: none;
- }
- .customize-control-nav_menu_item {
- margin-bottom: 0;
- }
- .customize-control-nav_menu {
- margin-top: 12px;
- }
- /**
- * box-shadows
- */
- .wp-customizer .menu-item .submitbox .submitdelete:focus,
- .customize-screen-options-toggle:focus:before,
- #customize-controls .customize-info .customize-help-toggle:focus:before,
- .wp-customizer button:focus .toggle-indicator:after,
- .menu-delete:focus,
- .menu-item-bar .item-delete:focus:before,
- #available-menu-items .item-add:focus:before {
- -webkit-box-shadow:
- 0 0 0 1px #5b9dd9,
- 0 0 2px 1px rgba(30, 140, 190, .8);
- box-shadow:
- 0 0 0 1px #5b9dd9,
- 0 0 2px 1px rgba(30, 140, 190, .8);
- }
- @media screen and ( max-width: 782px ) {
- #available-menu-items #available-menu-items-search .accordion-section-content {
- top: 63px;
- }
- }
- @media screen and ( max-width: 640px ) {
- #available-menu-items #available-menu-items-search .accordion-section-content {
- top: 130px;
- }
- }