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  111. <span style="float: left;line-height: 30px;margin-left: 10px;">座号:</span><input id="sseatNo" style="width: 90px;" type="text">
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  133. <th style="width: 240;">线路</th>
  134. <th style="width: 90;">出发地</th>
  135. <th style="width: 90;">目的地</th>
  136. <th style="width: 140;">出行时间</th>
  137. <th style="width: 70;">车次</th>
  138. <th style="width: 80;">座位等级</th>
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  141. <th style="width: 60;">售价</th>
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  143. <th style="width: 150;">订单号</th>
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