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  126. <th width="160" style="text-align: center">酒店</th>
  127. <th width="90" style="text-align: center">订单数</th>
  128. <th width="90" style="text-align: center">间夜数</th>
  129. <th width="90" style="text-align: center">间夜数月环比</th>
  130. <th width="90" style="text-align: center">销售额</th>
  131. <th width="90" style="text-align: center">销售额月环比</th>
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  134. <th width="90" style="text-align: center">毛利</th>
  135. <th width="90" style="text-align: center">毛利月环比</th>
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  141. <td>总计</td>
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  143. <td>[间夜数]</td>
  144. <td>[间夜数月环比]</td>
  145. <td>[销售额]</td>
  146. <td>[销售额月环比]</td>
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  148. <td>[渠道佣金]</td>
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  150. <td>[毛利月环比]</td>
  151. <td>[毛利率]</td>
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  157. <td>[间夜数月环比]</td>
  158. <td>[销售额]</td>
  159. <td>[销售额月环比]</td>
  160. <td>[采购成本]</td>
  161. <td>[渠道佣金]</td>
  162. <td>[毛利]</td>
  163. <td>[毛利月环比]</td>
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