123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160 |
- <?php
- /*
- Author:XM
- Compeny:Spiders Travel
- */
- //检查订单出行提醒
- require_once __DIR__.'/../Common/Mysql.php';
- $pdo=conn1();
- if(is_object($pdo)){
- $sql="select ORDER_ID from order_main where RUN_ID=0 and ORDER_STATUS=218 and CANCEL_FLAG=0 and RUN_DATE=DATE_ADD(current_date,INTERVAL 1 day)";
- $result=$pdo->query($sql);
- $rowset=$result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
- $result->closeCursor();
- }
- if ($rowset){
- writeLog("check_hotel_travel_remind.php HT_CHECK_TRAVEL_REMIND()::".json_encode($rowset));
- if (SEND_MESSAGE == true) {
- foreach ($rowset as $v){
- $order_id=$v['ORDER_ID'];
- $res_content=get_msg_info($order_id);
- $name=$res_content[0];
- $tel=$res_content[1];
- $content=$res_content[2];
- // $content = "单号:" . $order_id . ',订单状态变更为' . $order_status . "随机数" . rand(1, 10000);
- writeLog("短信模板内容:【" . $content . "】");
- $response = sendTelMessage($tel, $name, $content, $order_id);
- writeLog(json_encode($response));
- $sql1 = "CALL HT_ADD_MSG_COMMENT(2,'addmsg'," . $order_id . ",0,'','" . $tel . "','" . $content . "','" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "')";
- $result1 = $pdo -> query($sql1);
- $rowset1 = $result1 -> fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
- $result1 -> closeCursor();
- writeLog("check_hotel_travel_remind.php HT_ADD_MSG_COMMENT()::" . $sql1);
- }
- }
- }
- function get_msg_info($order_id) {
- $msg_sql = "CALL HT_GET_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE(" . $order_id . ");";
- $msg_pdo = conn1();
- $msg_result = $msg_pdo -> query($msg_sql);
- $msg_re_da = array();
- do {
- $msg_rowset = $msg_result -> fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
- if ($msg_rowset) {
- $msg_re_da[] = $msg_rowset;
- }
- } while($msg_result->nextRowset());
- $data['code'] = "0";
- $data['info'] = "";
- if (!$msg_re_da) {
- $data['code'] = "-1";
- $data['info'] = "没有查询到结果";
- if (is_array($data)) {
- echo json_encode($data);
- exit();
- }
- }
- $data['message_info'] = isset($msg_re_da[1]) ? $msg_re_da[1] : array();
- if (!isset($msg_re_da[1])) {
- $data['code'] = "-1";
- $data['info'] = "失败";
- if (is_array($data)) {
- echo json_encode($data);
- exit();
- }
- }
- $data['days'] = $msg_re_da[0][0]['days'];
- $data['all_price'] = $msg_re_da[0][0]['all_price'];
- $data['message_info'] = $msg_re_da[1];
- writeLog("get_msg_info:::".json_encode($data));
- $json_obj = json_decode(json_encode($data), TRUE);
- $message_info = $json_obj['message_info'];
- //$msg_customer_name=$message_info[0]['customer_name'];//用户姓名
- $name = $message_info[0]['customer_name'];
- $tel = $message_info[0]['customer_mobile'];
- $order_status = $message_info[0]['order_status'];
- //入住日期-主订单的入住日期=子订单第一个的日期
- $check_in_date = $message_info[0]['check_in_date'];
- //产品名称-所有日期的产品名称相同
- $prod_name = $message_info[0]['prod_name'];
- $ht_rooms = $message_info[0]['ht_rooms'];
- //酒店间数 -1表示没有
- for ($i = 0, $m = count($message_info); $i < $m; $i++) {
- $tm_day = $message_info[$i]['ht_rooms'];
- if ($ht_rooms == $tm_day) {
- continue;
- } else {
- $ht_rooms = "-1";
- break;
- }
- }
- $days = $json_obj['days'];
- //预订天数
- $all_price = $json_obj['all_price'];
- //总价格
- $breakfast = $message_info[0]['breakfast'];
- //早餐
- for ($i = 0, $m = count($message_info); $i < $m; $i++) {
- $tm_breakfast = $message_info[$i]['breakfast'];
- if ($breakfast == $tm_breakfast) {
- continue;
- } else {
- $breakfast = "-1";
- break;
- }
- }
- $content = "";
- //判断order_status的值
- if ($order_status == "145") {//待支付
- //$content="【蜘蛛出行】{用户姓名}预订的{入住日期}{产品名称},{酒店间数}间{预订天数}晚,总价{订单总价}({早餐}),订单已生成,请尽快支付以免影响您的出行。";
- $content = "{customer_name}预订的{check_in_date}{prod_name},{ht_rooms}间{days}晚,总价{order_price}({breakfast}),订单已生成,请尽快支付以免影响您的出行。";
- } else if ($order_status == "198") {//待确定
- //【蜘蛛出行】已支付,待确认:{用户姓名}预订的{入住日期}{产品名称},{酒店间数}间{预订天数}晚,总价{订单总价}({早餐}),房间将在2小时内确认,请耐心等待确认信息。
- $content = "已支付,待确认:{customer_name}预订的{check_in_date}{prod_name},{ht_rooms}间{days}晚,总价{order_price}({breakfast}),房间将在2小时内确认,请耐心等待确认信息。";
- } else if ($order_status == "199") {//待通知
- //【蜘蛛出行】已确认:{用户姓名}预订的{入住日期}{产品名称},{酒店间数}间{预订天数}晚,总价{订单总价}({早餐}),已安排房间。
- $content = "已确认:{customer_name}预订的{check_in_date}{prod_name},{ht_rooms}间{days}晚,总价{order_price}({breakfast}),已安排房间。";
- } else if ($order_status == "201") {//退改中
- //【蜘蛛出行】{用户姓名}预订的{入住日期}{产品名称},{酒店间数}间{预订天数}晚,总价{订单总价}({早餐}),酒店方确认当日无房,正在安排退款,请耐心等待。联系客服:021-33280578。
- $content = "{customer_name}预订的{check_in_date}{prod_name},{ht_rooms}间{days}晚,总价{order_price}({breakfast}),酒店方确认当日无房,正在安排退款,请耐心等待。联系客服:021-33280578。";
- } else if ($order_status == "238") {//已退单
- //【蜘蛛出行】退款成功:{用户姓名}预订的{入住日期}{产品名称},{酒店间数}间{预订天数}晚,总价{订单总价}({早餐}),酒店方确认当日无房,已成功退款,请留意银行相关退款信息。联系客服:021-33280578。
- $content = "退款成功:{customer_name}预订的{check_in_date}{prod_name},{ht_rooms}间{days}晚,总价{order_price}({breakfast}),酒店方确认当日无房,已成功退款,请留意银行相关退款信息。联系客服:021-33280578。";
- } else if ($order_status == "148") {
- //【蜘蛛出行】已取消:{用户姓名}预订的{入住日期}{产品名称},{酒店间数}间{预订天数}晚,总价{订单总价}({早餐}),已取消。联系客服:021-33280578。
- $content = "已取消:{customer_name}预订的{check_in_date}{prod_name},{ht_rooms}间{days}晚,总价{order_price}({breakfast}),已取消。联系客服:021-33280578。";
- }else if ($order_status=="218"){
- $content = "出行提醒:{customer_name}预订的{check_in_date}{prod_name},{ht_rooms}间{days}晚,总价{order_price}({breakfast}),请带相关证件于{check_in_date}登记入住。";
- }else {
- $content = "短信模板错误---严重错误:500当前状态".$order_status;
- writeLog($content);
- exit();
- }
- $content = str_replace("{customer_name}", $name, $content);
- $content = str_replace("{check_in_date}", $check_in_date, $content);
- $content = str_replace("{prod_name}", $prod_name, $content);
- //判断房间数是否该显示
- if ($ht_rooms != "-1") {
- $content = str_replace("{ht_rooms}", $ht_rooms, $content);
- } else {
- $content = str_replace("{ht_rooms}间", "", $content);
- }
- $content = str_replace("{days}", $days, $content);
- $content = str_replace("{order_price}", $all_price, $content);
- //判断早餐是否该显示
- if ($breakfast != "-1") {
- $content = str_replace("{breakfast}", $breakfast, $content);
- } else {
- $content = str_replace("({breakfast})", "", $content);
- }
- return array($name,$tel,$content);
- }
- exit;