user_id; $dispatch_status = isset($web_data['dispatch_status']) ? $web_data['dispatch_status'] : 0; $sort_id = isset($web_data['sort_id']) ? $web_data['sort_id'] : 0; $current_page = isset($web_data['current_page']) ? $web_data['current_page'] : 1; $page_size = isset($web_data['page_size']) ? $web_data['page_size'] : 10; $start_area = isset($web_data['start_area']) ? $web_data['start_area'] : ''; $end_area = isset($web_data['end_area']) ? $web_data['end_area'] : ''; $line = isset($web_data['line']) ? $web_data['line'] : ''; $start_date = isset($web_data['start_date']) ? $web_data['start_date'] : ''; $end_date = isset($web_data['end_date']) ? $web_data['end_date'] : ''; $bus_type = isset($web_data['bus_type']) ? $web_data['bus_type'] : '0'; //得到车次调度列表 $sql = "CALL SP_GET_RUN_NO_LIST_XM({$user_id},{$current_page},{$page_size},'{$start_area}','{$end_area}','{$line}','{$start_date}','{$end_date}',{$dispatch_status},{$bus_type},{$sort_id})"; zzcsUtils::writeLog($sql); $result = $this->procQuery($sql); $data = array(); if ($result === false) { $data['code'] = '500'; $data['info'] = '数据库存储过程错误'; return $data; } $data['code'] = "0"; $data['info'] = '获得车次调度列表成功'; if ($result['code'] != "0") { $data['code'] = $result['code']; $data['info'] = $result['info']; return $data; } $data['page']['current_page'] = $result['data'][0][0]['currpage']; $data['page']['page_size'] = $result['data'][0][0]['page_size']; $data['page']['total_page'] = $result['data'][0][0]['total_page']; $data['page']['total_count'] = $result['data'][0][0]['total']; foreach ($result['data'][1] as $k => $v) { $tv = (string)$v['send_status']; $data['status_count'][$tv] = $v['count']; } // 线路类型 $data['bus_group_list'] = array( array('group_id' => '1', 'group_name' => '苏州线A'), array('group_id' => '2', 'group_name' => '苏州线B'), array('group_id' => '3', 'group_name' => '周庄线'), array('group_id' => '4', 'group_name' => '杭州线') ); $data['run_list'] = isset($result['data'][2]) ? $result['data'][2] : array(); return $data; } //根据车牌号和公司查询车辆 public function getVehicleList($param) { #region 获取渠道权限 $user_id = $this->user_id; $opera_org_id_sql = "select opera_org_id from base_user where id = " . $user_id . " and cancel_flag = 0"; $opera_org_id_result = $this->query($opera_org_id_sql); $opera_org_id = $opera_org_id_result[0]['opera_org_id']; if($opera_org_id == ''){ $and_sql = ''; }else{ $and_sql = " and org_id in (" . $opera_org_id . ") "; } #endregion $keyword = isset($param['keyword']) ? "'" . $param['keyword'] . "'" : "''"; $company = isset($param['company']) ? (empty($param['company']) ? "0" : $param['company']) : "0"; $salecount = isset($param['salecount']) ? (empty($param['salecount']) ? "0" : $param['salecount']) : "0"; $run_date = isset($param['run_date']) ? (empty($param['run_date']) ? "" : $param['run_date']) : ""; $run_time = isset($param['run_time']) ? (empty($param['run_time']) ? "" : $param['run_time']) : ""; if (date('Y-m-d', strtotime($run_date)) == date('Y-m-d', time())) { //派今天的车 $sql_car_list = "select bus_id as res_id, bus_no as vihicle_number, ifnull((select res_name from base_resource where res_id = base_bus.brand_id and res_type_id = 134 and cancel_flag =0),'') as vihicle_brand, seat_desc as vihicle_seat, ifnull((select supplier_name as res_name from base_supplier where id = base_bus.org_id and cancel_flag =0),'') as company_name, seat_count, bus_state as bus_status from base_bus where bus_state = 336 and cancel_flag = 0 and bus_id not in ( select b.send_bus_res_id from run_main m, run_bus b where m.run_id = b.run_id and m.run_date = '{$run_date}' and b.run_bus_status in (138,139,140) and b.send_bus_res_id > 0 ) and seat_count >= $salecount " . $and_sql . " and if(length(trim({$keyword}))=0,0=0,bus_no like concat('%',{$keyword},'%')) and if({$company}<=0,0=0,org_id = {$company}) order by seat_count desc;"; } else { $sql_car_list = "select bus_id as res_id, bus_no as vihicle_number, ifnull((select res_name from base_resource where res_id = a.brand_id and res_type_id = 134 and cancel_flag =0),'') as vihicle_brand, seat_desc as vihicle_seat, ifnull((select res_name from base_resource where res_id = a.org_id and res_type_id = 18 and cancel_flag =0),'') as company_name, seat_count, bus_state as bus_status from base_bus a where a.bus_state = 336 and a.cancel_flag = 0 and a.bus_id not in ( select b.send_bus_res_id from run_main m, run_bus b, run_station s where m.run_id = b.run_id and m.run_id = s.RUN_ID and m.prod_id = s.prod_id and m.run_date = '{$run_date}' and m.prod_id > 0 and b.send_bus_res_id > 0 group by m.run_id,b.send_bus_res_id having max(START_MINUTES) > (select min(prod_start_station_time_minutes) from order_main where parent_order_id = 0 and prod_start_station_date = '{$run_date}' and parent_prod_id in (select line_id from opera_line where line_type = 316 and cancel_flag = 0) and order_valid_status = 1 and cancel_flag = 0) ) and seat_count >= $salecount " . $and_sql . " and if(length(trim({$keyword}))=0,0=0,bus_no like concat('%',{$keyword},'%')) and if({$company}<=0,0=0,org_id = {$company}) order by seat_count desc;"; } zzcsUtils::writeLog($sql_car_list); $result = $this->query($sql_car_list); if (false === $result) { $json['code'] = '1'; $json['info'] = '数据库错误'; } else { $json['code'] = '0'; $json['info'] = '返回数据成功'; $json['vehicle_list'] = $result; } return $json; } //根据司机姓名手机号和公司查询司机 public function getDriverList($param) { #region 获取渠道权限 $user_id = $this->user_id; $opera_org_id_sql = "select opera_org_id from base_user where id = " . $user_id . " and cancel_flag = 0"; $opera_org_id_result = $this->query($opera_org_id_sql); $opera_org_id = $opera_org_id_result[0]['opera_org_id']; if($opera_org_id == ''){ $and_sql = ''; }else{ $and_sql = " and org_id in (" . $opera_org_id . ") "; } #endregion $keyword = isset($param['keyword']) ? "'" . $param['keyword'] . "'" : "''"; $company = isset($param['company']) ? (empty($param['company']) ? '0' : $param['company']) : '0'; $run_date = isset($param['run_date']) ? (empty($param['run_date']) ? "" : $param['run_date']) : ""; $run_time = isset($param['run_time']) ? (empty($param['run_time']) ? "" : $param['run_time']) : ""; if ($run_date == '' && $run_time == '') { $driver_status = "'0' as driver_status"; } else { $driver_status = "(select count(id) FROM run_bus WHERE SEND_BUS_DRIVER_RES_ID = base_driver.driver_id AND CANCEL_FLAG = 0 AND RUN_ID in(SELECT run_id FROM RUN_MAIN WHERE RUN_DATE = '" . $run_date . "' AND RUN_TIME <= '" . $run_time . "') LIMIT 1) as driver_status"; } $sql = "select driver_id as res_id, driver_name, driver_number, ifnull(phone_no,'') as driver_phone, (select supplier_name from base_supplier where id = base_driver.org_id) as company_name, " . $driver_status . " from base_driver where cancel_flag = 0 " . $and_sql . " AND IF(length(trim(" . $keyword . "))<=0,0=0,(driver_name LIKE CONCAT('%'," . $keyword . ",'%') OR phone_no LIKE CONCAT('%'," . $keyword . ",'%'))) AND IF(" . $company . "<=0,0=0,org_id=" . $company . ")"; zzcsUtils::writeLog($sql); $result = $this->query($sql); if (false === $result) { $json['code'] = '1'; $json['info'] = '数据库错误'; } else { $json['code'] = '0'; $json['info'] = '返回数据成功'; $json['driver_list'] = $result; } return $json; } //根据导游姓名手机号和公司查询导游 public function getGuideList($param) { #region 获取渠道权限 $user_id = $this->user_id; $opera_org_id_sql = "select opera_org_id from base_user where id = " . $user_id . " and cancel_flag = 0"; $opera_org_id_result = $this->query($opera_org_id_sql); $opera_org_id = $opera_org_id_result[0]['opera_org_id']; if($opera_org_id == ''){ $and_sql = ''; }else{ $and_sql = " and org_id in (" . $opera_org_id . ") "; } #endregion $keyword = isset($param['keyword']) ? "'" . $param['keyword'] . "'" : "''"; $company = isset($param['company']) ? (empty($param['company']) ? '0' : $param['company']) : '0'; $run_date = isset($param['run_date']) ? (empty($param['run_date']) ? "" : $param['run_date']) : ""; $run_time = isset($param['run_time']) ? (empty($param['run_time']) ? "" : $param['run_time']) : ""; if ($run_date == '' && $run_time == '') { $guide_status = "'0' as guide_status"; } else { $guide_status = "(select count(id) FROM run_bus WHERE SEND_TOUR_GUIDE_RES_ID = base_guide.guide_id AND CANCEL_FLAG = 0 AND RUN_ID in(SELECT run_id FROM RUN_MAIN WHERE RUN_DATE = '" . $run_date . "' AND RUN_TIME <= '" . $run_time . "') LIMIT 1) as guide_status"; } $sql = "select guide_id as res_id, guide_name, phone_no as guide_phone, (select supplier_name from base_supplier where id = base_guide.org_id) as company_name, " . $guide_status . " from base_guide where cancel_flag = 0 " . $and_sql . " AND IF(length(trim(" . $keyword . "))<=0,0=0,(guide_name LIKE CONCAT('%'," . $keyword . ",'%') OR phone_no LIKE CONCAT('%'," . $keyword . ",'%'))) AND IF(" . $company . "<=0,0=0,org_id=" . $company . ")"; zzcsUtils::writeLog($sql); $result = $this->query($sql); if (false === $result) { $json['code'] = '1'; $json['info'] = '数据库错误'; } else { $json['code'] = '0'; $json['info'] = '返回数据成功'; $json['guide_list'] = $result; } return $json; } //得到公司列表 public function getCompanyList() { #region 获取渠道权限 $user_id = $this->user_id; $opera_org_id_sql = "select opera_org_id from base_user where id = " . $user_id . " and cancel_flag = 0"; $opera_org_id_result = $this->query($opera_org_id_sql); $opera_org_id = $opera_org_id_result[0]['opera_org_id']; if($opera_org_id == ''){ $and_sql = ''; }else{ $and_sql = " and in (" . $opera_org_id . ") "; } #endregion if (!$this->company_list) { $sql = "SELECT as res_id, s.supplier_name as res_name from base_supplier as s, base_supplier_purchase as p WHERE = p.supplier_id and s.cancel_flag = 0 and p.cancel_flag = 0 and p.product_type = 259 " . $and_sql . " group by"; $result = $this->query($sql); $data = array(); $data['code'] = '0'; $data['info'] = ''; $data['company_list'] = array(); if ($result === false) { $data['code'] = '1'; $data['info'] = '获取公司列表失败'; } else { $data['code'] = '0'; $data['info'] = '获取公司列表成功'; $data['company_list'] = $result; } } if ($data['code'] != '0') { $this->company_list = array(); } else { $this->company_list = $data; } return $this->company_list; } /* * 车辆派遣 * @bus_id run_bus表中的id,参数名称有点乱 * @res_id bus_base表中的bus_id * @user_id user_id */ public function vehicleDispatch($param) { $user_id = $this->user_id; $bus_id = isset($param['bus_id']) ? (empty($param['bus_id']) ? '' : $param['bus_id']) : '';//这里的bus_id是run_bus表里的第一列唯一ID值 $res_id = isset($param['res_id']) ? (empty($param['res_id']) ? '' : $param['res_id']) : ''; if ('' == $bus_id || '' == $res_id) { $data['code'] = '1'; $data['info'] = '缺少必要参数'; return $data; } //这里加一个判断,判断该bus_id的车次已售座位数是否小于等于 所拍车的座位数--如果是,则返回错误信息---温依莅 $sql="select ((select seat_count from base_bus where bus_id=$res_id limit 1)-(select SALED_COUNT from run_bus where id=$bus_id limit 1)) as diff_num;"; $res = $this->query($sql); if(false===$res){ $data['code'] = '1'; $data['info'] = '获取数据失败'; return $data; } $diff_num=$res[0]['diff_num'];//表示 所选车的座位数-所选车次的已售人数;如果该数值小于0,则不可派该车。 if($diff_num<0){ $data['code'] = '2'; $data['info'] = '所选车座位数小于该车次已售人数,请选择其他车辆'; return $data; } //----// $sql = "CALL SP_VEHICLE_DISPATCH($user_id,$bus_id,$res_id)"; zzcsUtils::writeLog($sql); $result = $this->procQuery($sql); $data = array(); if ($result === false) { $data['code'] = '500'; $data['info'] = '数据库存储过程错误'; return $data; } $data['code'] = isset($result['data'][0][0]['errorcode']) ? $result['data'][0][0]['errorcode'] : '1'; $data['info'] = isset($result['data'][0][0]['errorinfo']) ? $result['data'][0][0]['errorinfo'] : '未从数据库获得返回值'; return $data; } //司机派遣 public function driverDispatch($param) { $user_id = $this->user_id; $bus_id = isset($param['bus_id']) ? (empty($param['bus_id']) ? '' : $param['bus_id']) : ''; $res_id = isset($param['res_id']) ? (empty($param['res_id']) ? '' : $param['res_id']) : ''; if ('' == $bus_id || '' == $res_id) { $data['code'] = '1'; $data['info'] = '缺少必要参数'; return $data; } $sql = "CALL SP_DRIVER_DISPATCH($user_id,$bus_id,$res_id)"; zzcsUtils::writeLog($sql); $result = $this->procQuery($sql); $data = array(); if ($result === false) { $data['code'] = '500'; $data['info'] = '数据库存储过程错误'; return $data; } $data['code'] = isset($result['data'][0][0]['errorcode']) ? $result['data'][0][0]['errorcode'] : '1'; $data['info'] = isset($result['data'][0][0]['errorinfo']) ? $result['data'][0][0]['errorinfo'] : '未从数据库获得返回值'; return $data; } //导游派遣 public function guideDispatch($param) { $user_id = $this->user_id; $bus_id = isset($param['bus_id']) ? (empty($param['bus_id']) ? '' : $param['bus_id']) : ''; $res_id = isset($param['res_id']) ? (empty($param['res_id']) ? '' : $param['res_id']) : ''; if ('' == $bus_id || '' == $res_id) { $data['code'] = '1'; $data['info'] = '缺少必要参数'; return $data; } $sql = "CALL SP_GUIDE_DISPATCH($user_id,$bus_id,$res_id)"; zzcsUtils::writeLog($sql); $result = $this->procQuery($sql); $data = array(); if ($result === false) { $data['code'] = '500'; $data['info'] = '数据库存储过程错误'; return $data; } $data['code'] = isset($result['data'][0][0]['errorcode']) ? $result['data'][0][0]['errorcode'] : '1'; $data['info'] = isset($result['data'][0][0]['errorinfo']) ? $result['data'][0][0]['errorinfo'] : '未从数据库获得返回值'; return $data; } //重置车辆-司机-导游的派遣 public function resetDispatch($param) { $user_id = $this->user_id; $idstr = isset($param['idstr']) ? $param['idstr'] : ''; if ('' == $idstr) { $data['code'] = '1'; $data['info'] = '缺少必要参数'; return $data; } $sql = "CALL sp_update_run_dispatch_xm(" . $user_id . ",'" . $idstr . "')"; zzcsUtils::writeLog($sql); $result = $this->procQuery($sql); $data = array(); if ($result === false) { $data['code'] = '500'; $data['info'] = '数据库存储过程错误'; return $data; } $data['code'] = isset($result['data'][0][0]['errorcode']) ? $result['data'][0][0]['errorcode'] : '1'; $data['info'] = isset($result['data'][0][0]['errorinfo']) ? $result['data'][0][0]['errorinfo'] : '未从数据库获得返回值'; return $data; } }