window.onload = function(){
var sourceTable = $("#table-data");//table id 获取表对象
var sourceTableHead = $("#table_head");//table thead tr id 获取表头thead
var headHeight = sourceTableHead.outerHeight();//table thead tr height 获取资源表的宽度
//copy table and thead html tag from source table,
'); //重建一个table添加到body中
//only set top and left,beacuse i need the top bar can scroll left
$("#shelter").css({'height':headHeight,'position':'fixed','top':'0','left':'25'}); // 设置目标表格的高度等于源表格的高度,高度是一定的
// 克隆源表格的头部并设置目标表格的id=fix_head
var targetHead = sourceTableHead.clone();
targetHead.appendTo('#fixed_table thead');
targetHead.find('input').attr('onclick', 'alterCheck(this)');
// 根据源表的宽度和高度设置目标的宽和高
$("#table_head th").each(function(index,value){
var tempWidth = $(value).outerWidth();
// var tempHeight = $(value).outerHeight();
$("#fixed_table th").eq(index).css({'width':tempWidth + "px", 'height':35+"px"});
var myThead = $('#shelter');
// 当窗口变化时重复以上步骤
var sourceTable = $("#table-data");//table id
var sourceTableHead = $("#table_head");//table thead tr id
var headHeight = sourceTableHead.outerHeight();//table thead tr height
//only set top and left,beacuse i need the top bar can scroll left
var sourceTableWidth = sourceTable.outerWidth(); //get source table width
// 窗口变化时获取源表格的头部,遍历头部的th标签,设置目标表格的头的宽度
$("#table_head th").each(function(index,value){
var tempWidth = $(value).outerWidth();
// var tempHeight = $(value).outerHeight();
$("#fixed_table th").eq(index).css({'width':tempWidth + "px",'height':35+"px"});
$('#table_head th').bind('DOMNodeInserted', function(e){
// 当窗口变化时重复以上步骤
var sourceTable = $("#table-data");//table id
var sourceTableHead = $("#table_head");//table thead tr id
var headHeight = sourceTableHead.outerHeight();//table thead tr height
//only set top and left,beacuse i need the top bar can scroll left
var targetHead = sourceTableHead.clone();
targetHead.appendTo('#fixed_table thead');
targetHead.find('input').attr('onclick', 'alterCheck(this)');
var sourceTableWidth = sourceTable.outerWidth(); //get source table width
$("#fixed_table").css({'width': sourceTableWidth + "px"});
// $('.shelter').remove();
// 获取源表格的头部,遍历头部的th标签,设置目标表格的头的宽度
$("#table_head th").each(function(index,value){
var tempWidth = $(value).outerWidth();
var tempHeight = $(value).outerHeight();
$("#fixed_table th").eq(index).css({'width':tempWidth+"px",'height':tempHeight+"px"});
// 先将目标表头隐藏d
// 窗口滚动时触发的事件
//scroll left method
var sl=-Math.max($('body').scrollLeft(), $('document').scrollLeft());
sl = - $(window).scrollLeft();
$('#shelter').css("left", 25 + sl +'px');
var scroll_top = $(document).scrollTop() - sourceTable.offset().top;
//control show or hide
if (scroll_top > 0) {
}else {