- <?php
- /**
- * Created by PhpStorm.
- * User: Steven
- * Date: 2016/10/15
- * Time: 17:41
- */
- //一下公用库文件需要用到的两个常量
- define( "TICKET_QR_URL", "http://ticket.zhizhuchuxing.com/ticket.php?orderid=" );
- define("SEND_MESSAGE", true);
- //为了和原cs和微信等模块统一,引入共通的短信和新浪短网址库文件
- require_once ROOT_PATH . '/ZZCS/coding/st-xm/Common/Function.php';
- require_once ROOT_PATH . '/ZZCS/coding/st-xm/Common/sinaAPI.php';
- /**
- * Class singleOrder 单一线路订单相关
- */
- class singleOrder extends base
- {
- /**
- * 获取产品详细信息
- * @param $param
- */
- public function getProductDetail($param)
- {
- $run_id = isset($param['run_id']) ? trim($param['run_id']) : false;//班次id;
- // $start_area_id = isset($param['start_area_id'])?trim($param['start_area_id']):false;//出发地id;
- // $end_area_id = isset($param['end_area_id'])?trim($param['end_area_id']):false;//目的地id;
- if (!$run_id) {
- $json['code'] = '2';
- $json['info'] = '缺少必要参数';
- return $json;
- }
- /*$sql = "SELECT
- r.run_id,r.run_date,r.run_time,l.line_name,l.line_code,l.line_id
- run_main AS r,
- opera_line AS l
- r.prod_id = l.line_id
- AND r.run_id = " . $run_id . "
- and l.cancel_flag = 0
- and l.is_onsale = 1
- and l.if_disabled = 0
- and r.run_status = 138";*/
- $sql = "SELECT
- r.run_id,r.run_date,r.run_time,l.line_name,l.line_code,l.line_id
- run_main AS r,
- opera_line AS l
- r.prod_id = l.line_id
- AND r.run_id = " . $run_id . "
- and l.cancel_flag = 0
- and l.is_onsale = 1
- and l.if_disabled = 0
- and r.run_status not in(137,142)";
- $line_info = $this->query($sql);
- if (count($line_info) == 0) {
- $json['code'] = '1';
- $json['info'] = '该产品已不存在';
- return $json;
- }
- //机场接驳,出发时间自由选择
- // if(in_array($line_info[0]['line_id'], array('450916', '450917'))){
- // $line_id = $line_info[0]['line_id'];
- // $run_date = $line_info[0]['run_date'];
- // $sql = "select prod_id line_id, run_time from run_main r where r.prod_id = $line_id and r.run_date = '$run_date' and r.run_status = 138 group by run_time";
- // $res = $this->query($sql);
- // if($res && !empty($res)){
- // $line_info[0]['run_time'] = $res;
- // }
- // }
- //在这里得到该班次的站点区域数量,如果大于0则隐藏返程选择
- $res = $this->judgeArea($param);
- if ($res['code'] != '0') {
- $json['code'] = '2';
- $json['info'] = $res['info'];
- } else {
- $area_num = $res['num'];
- }
- $json['code'] = '0';
- $json['info'] = '返回产品数据成功';
- $json['area_num'] = $area_num;
- $json['list'] = $line_info[0];
- return $json;
- }
- /**
- * 上车下车站点为区域,获取该区域内的站点信息
- * 温依莅
- * @param $param
- */
- public function getDetailStation($param)
- {
- //根据传过来的区域res_id,得到下属的站点信息列表
- $valid = zzcsUtils::validateParams(
- array('res_id' => 'amount'), $param); //参数验证
- $res_id = trim($param['res_id']);
- if (!$valid['status']) {
- $json['code'] = (string)$valid['status'];
- $json['info'] = $json['info'];
- return $json;
- }
- $sql = "select res_id as sub_res_id,parent_id as parent_res_id,res_name as sub_res_name from base_resource where parent_id=$res_id and CANCEL_FLAG=0 and ZONE_MARK=0;";
- $res = $this->query($sql);
- if (false === $res) {
- $json['code'] = '1';
- $json['info'] = '获取失败' . $sql;
- return $json;
- } else if (count($res) == 0) {
- $json['code'] = '2';
- $json['info'] = '此区域无站点信息';
- $json['list'] = array();
- return $json;
- } else {
- $json['code'] = '0';
- $json['info'] = '返回区域站点信息成功';
- $json['list'] = $res;
- return $json;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Function Description:根据user_id获取所属的运营主体main_corp_id
- * Function Name: getMainCorpId
- * @param int $user_id 用户id
- *
- * @return int 运营主体id
- *
- * @author 温依莅
- */
- public function getMainCorpId($user_id=-1)
- {
- //如果未传user_id,使用cookie中的user_id
- if($user_id==-1){
- $user_id=$this->user_id;
- }
- $user_id=$user_id+0;
- //如果根据user_id未查到相应的main_corp_id,则使用cookie中的main_corp_id,如果cookie中没有,返回-1
- $sql = 'select id,main_corp_id from base_user where id=' . $user_id . ' limit 1';
- $res = $this->query($sql);
- if (count($res) == 0) {
- $real_main_corp_id=isset($_COOKIE['user_main_corp'])?$_COOKIE['user_main_corp']:-1;
- }else{
- $real_main_corp_id = $res[0]['main_corp_id'];
- }
- return $real_main_corp_id;
- }
- /**
- * Function Description:根据运营主体获取班次可售票种信息(判断是自营还是代收)
- * Function Name: getAgentTicket
- * @param int $run_id
- * @param int $main_corp_id
- *
- * @return array
- *
- * @author 温依莅
- */
- public function getAgentTicket($run_id, $main_corp_id = -1)
- {
- $user_id = $this->user_id + 0;
- //如果未传main_corp_id,则使用user_id所属的main_corp_id
- if ($main_corp_id == -1) {
- $sql = 'select id,main_corp_id from base_user where id=' . $user_id . ' limit 1';
- $res = $this->query($sql);
- if (count($res) == 0) {
- $json['code'] = '1';
- $json['info'] = '用户信息错误';
- return $json;
- }
- $real_main_corp_id = $res[0]['main_corp_id'];
- } else {
- $real_main_corp_id = $main_corp_id;
- }
- if($real_main_corp_id==0){
- $real_main_corp_id=1;//main_corp_id是0的视为 蜘蛛国旅运营主体
- }
- //根据线路的运营主体判断是自营线路还是代售线路,根据运营主体,和班次得到该线路可售票种(自营线路或代收线路的票种)
- $sql = 'select a.line_id,b.run_id,b.run_date,a.main_corp_id from opera_line a left join run_main b on a.line_id=b.prod_id where b.run_id=' . $run_id . ' limit 1';
- $res2 = $this->query($sql);
- if (count($res) == 0) {
- $json['code'] = '2';
- $json['info'] = '班次信息错误';
- return $json;
- }
- #如果是自营线路->opera_tickets,代售->opera_tickets_agent
- $is_agent = 0;
- if ($res2[0]['main_corp_id'] == $real_main_corp_id) {
- $sql_alt = 'select group_concat(ticket_id) as tickets from opera_tickets where cancel_flag=0 and is_onsale=1 and line_id=' . $res2[0]['line_id'];
- //$res_self = $this->query($sql_self);
- } else {
- $is_agent = 1;
- $sql_alt = 'select group_concat(ticket_id) as tickets from opera_tickets_agent where cancel_flag=0 and authority_status=1 and is_onsale=1 and line_id=' . $res2[0]['line_id'] . ' and to_main_corp_id=' . $real_main_corp_id;
- //$res_self = $this->query($sql_agent);
- }
- $res3 = $this->query($sql_alt);
- if (!$res3[0]['tickets']) {
- $json['code'] = '3';
- $json['info'] = '该班次无有效票种';
- return $json;
- }
- $json['code'] = '0';
- $json['info'] = '返回可用票种成功';
- $json['is_agent'] = $is_agent;
- $json['tickets'] = $res3[0]['tickets'];
- return $json;
- }
- /**
- * 获取上车站点
- * @param $param
- */
- public function getStartStation($param)
- {
- $run_id = isset($param['run_id']) ? trim($param['run_id']) : false;//班次id;
- $start_area_id = isset($param['start_area_id']) ? trim($param['start_area_id']) : false;//出发地id;
- if (!$run_id || !$start_area_id) {
- $json['code'] = '2';
- $json['info'] = '缺少必要参数';
- return $json;
- }
- //根据run_id,和main_corp_id得到,可售票种(自营或代售的票种)
- $arr = $this->getAgentTicket($run_id);
- if ($arr['code'] != '0') {
- $json['code'] = '2';
- $json['info'] = $arr['info'];
- return $json;
- }
- $tickets = $arr['tickets'];
- $tickets_str = '(' . $tickets . ')';
- $sql = "SELECT
- a.start_station_res_id as res_id,
- (SELECT res_name FROM base_resource WHERE res_id = a.start_station_res_id LIMIT 1) as res_name,
- (SELECT start_time from run_station where run_id = a.run_id and station_res_id = a.start_station_res_id LIMIT 1) as res_time
- run_prod a
- LEFT JOIN run_station b ON a.run_id=b.run_id and a.start_station_res_id=b.station_res_id
- a.run_id = " . $run_id . "
- AND a.start_station_area_id = " . $start_area_id . "
- AND a.cancel_flag = 0
- AND b.station_inout_type in (108,109)
- AND a.prod_id in $tickets_str
- GROUP BY a.start_station_res_id";
- $start_station = $this->query($sql);
- if (count($start_station) == 0) {
- $json['code'] = '1';
- $json['info'] = '没有上车站';
- return $json;
- }
- $json['code'] = '0';
- $json['info'] = '返回上车站点数据成功';
- $json['list'] = $start_station;
- return $json;
- }
- /**
- * 根据班次id得到该班次是否有站点是区域
- * 温依莅
- * @param $param
- */
- public function judgeArea($param)
- {
- //判断参数
- $valid = zzcsUtils::validateParams(
- array(
- 'run_id' => 'number',
- ), $param); //参数验证
- if (!$valid['status']) {
- $result['code'] = (string)$valid['status'];
- $result['info'] = $valid['info'];
- return $result;
- }
- //获取该班次的站点中站点为区域的数量
- $sql = 'SELECT sum(b.ZONE_MARK) as area_num FROM `run_station` a left join base_resource b on a.STATION_RES_ID=b.RES_ID where run_id=' . $param['run_id'];
- $res = $this->query($sql);
- if (false === $res) {
- $json['code'] = '1';
- $json['info'] = '获取数据失败';
- return $json;
- }
- $total_num = $res[0]['area_num'];
- $json['code'] = '0';
- $json['info'] = '返回班次区域数量成功';
- $json['num'] = $total_num;
- return $json;
- }
- /**
- * 获取下车站点(在该接口里加入获取上车区域具体站点功能--温依莅)
- * @param $param
- */
- public function getEndStation($param)
- {
- $run_id = isset($param['run_id']) ? trim($param['run_id']) : false;//班次id;
- $start_res_id = isset($param['start_res_id']) ? trim($param['start_res_id']) : false;//出发站点id;
- $end_area_id = isset($param['end_area_id']) ? trim($param['end_area_id']) : false;//目的地id;
- if (!$run_id || !$start_res_id || !$end_area_id) {
- $json['code'] = '2';
- $json['info'] = '缺少必要参数';
- return $json;
- }
- //根据run_id,和main_corp_id得到,可售票种(自营或代售的票种)
- $arr = $this->getAgentTicket($run_id);
- if ($arr['code'] != '0') {
- $json['code'] = '2';
- $json['info'] = $arr['info'];
- return $json;
- }
- $tickets = $arr['tickets'];
- $tickets_str = '(' . $tickets . ')';
- $sql = "SELECT
- a.end_station_res_id as res_id,
- (SELECT zone_mark FROM base_resource WHERE res_id = a.end_station_res_id LIMIT 1) as zone_mark,
- (SELECT res_name FROM base_resource WHERE res_id = a.end_station_res_id LIMIT 1) as res_name,
- (SELECT start_time from run_station where run_id = a.run_id and station_res_id = a.end_station_res_id LIMIT 1) as res_time
- run_prod a
- LEFT JOIN run_station b ON a.run_id=b.run_id and a.end_station_res_id=b.station_res_id
- a.run_id = " . $run_id . "
- AND a.end_station_area_id = " . $end_area_id . "
- AND a.cancel_flag = 0
- AND b.station_inout_type in (109,110)
- AND a.start_station_res_id = " . $start_res_id . "
- AND a.prod_id in $tickets_str
- GROUP BY a.end_station_res_id";
- $end_station = $this->query($sql);
- if (count($end_station) == 0) {
- $json['code'] = '1';
- $json['info'] = '没有下车站';
- return $json;
- }
- //以下加入 得到(上车站点若为区域时)的具体站点信息功能---温依莅
- #上车区域附属站点信息
- $par['res_id'] = $start_res_id;
- $res = $this->getDetailStation($par);
- if ($res['code'] == '1') { //数据库错误直接返回
- $json['code'] = '1';
- $json['info'] = '获取失败';
- return $json;
- } else {
- $start_detail = $res['list']; //返回区域下属站点信息
- }
- //以上,得到区域站点信息结束
- //返回信息
- $json['code'] = '0';
- $json['info'] = '返回下车站点数据成功';
- $json['list'] = $end_station;
- $json['start_detail'] = '';//$start_detail;
- return $json;
- }
- /**
- * 获取票种信息
- * @param $param
- */
- public function getTicketInfo($param)
- {
- $channel_id = isset($param['channel_id']) ? trim($param['channel_id']) : false;//渠道商id;
- $run_id = isset($param['run_id']) ? trim($param['run_id']) : false;//班次id;
- $start_res_id = isset($param['start_res_id']) ? trim($param['start_res_id']) : false;//出发站点id;
- $end_res_id = isset($param['end_res_id']) ? trim($param['end_res_id']) : false;//目的站点id;
- $line_type = isset($param['line_type']) ? trim($param['line_type']) : false;//线路类型;
- if (!$run_id || !$start_res_id || !$end_res_id || !$channel_id || !$line_type) {
- $json['code'] = '2';
- $json['info'] = '缺少必要参数';
- return $json;
- }
- //判断是否是代售
- $arr = $this->getAgentTicket($run_id);
- if ($arr['code'] != '0') {
- $json['code'] = '2';
- $json['info'] = $arr['info'];
- return $json;
- }
- $is_agent = $arr['is_agent'];
- $opera_ticket_name = $is_agent ? 'opera_tickets_agent' : 'opera_tickets';
- $main_corp_id=$this->getMainCorpId();
- if($main_corp_id==0){
- $main_corp_id=1;
- }
- $agent_condition=$is_agent?"and a.to_main_corp_id=$main_corp_id":'';
- $sql = "SELECT
- a.ticket_id,a.seat_type,
- (SELECT type_name FROM dict_type WHERE id = a.seat_type LIMIT 1) AS seat_type_name,
- a.human_type,
- (SELECT type_name FROM dict_type WHERE id = a.human_type LIMIT 1) AS human_type_name,
- a.prod_price, a.cus_price,
- (
- min(total_count - saled_count)
- run_stock
- run_id = " . $run_id . "
- AND cancel_flag = 0
- AND seq_id >= (SELECT seq_id FROM run_stock WHERE run_id = " . $run_id . " AND cancel_flag = 0 AND res_id = " . $start_res_id . " AND seat_type = a.seat_type limit 1)
- AND seq_id < (SELECT seq_id FROM run_stock WHERE run_id = " . $run_id . " AND cancel_flag = 0 AND res_id = " . $end_res_id . " AND seat_type = a.seat_type limit 1)
- AND seat_type = a.seat_type
- ) AS stock
- $opera_ticket_name as a
- ticket_type = 1
- and cancel_flag=0
- $agent_condition
- AND ticket_id IN (
- prod_id
- run_prod
- run_id = " . $run_id . "
- AND start_station_res_id = " . $start_res_id . "
- AND end_station_res_id = " . $end_res_id . "
- )";
- //zzcsUtils::writeLog($sql);
- $ticket_info = $this->query($sql);
- if (false === $ticket_info) {
- $json['code'] = '2';
- $json['info'] = '获取该渠道票种失败';
- return $json;
- }
- if (count($ticket_info) == 0) {
- $json['code'] = '1';
- $json['info'] = '该渠道无可销售的票种';
- return $json;
- }
- foreach ($ticket_info as $k => $v) {
- $sale_type = $this->getTicketChannelSaleType($channel_id, $v['ticket_id'], $line_type);//获取销售类型
- if ($sale_type)//如果该销售方式被关掉
- {
- if ($sale_type['sale_type'] == "177") {
- if ($sale_type['price'] == '0') {
- $ticket_info[$k]['price'] = $v['prod_price'];
- } else {
- $ticket_info[$k]['price'] = $sale_type['price'];
- }
- } else {
- $ticket_info[$k]['price'] = $v['cus_price'];
- }
- } else {
- unset($ticket_info[$k]);
- }
- }
- $json['code'] = '0';
- $json['info'] = '返回票种信息成功';
- $json['list'] = $ticket_info;
- return $json;
- }
- /**
- * 获取返程的班次情况
- * @param $param
- * @return mixed
- */
- public function getBackProductList($param)
- {
- $run_date = isset($param['run_date']) ? (empty($param['run_date']) ? date('Y-m-d', time()) : trim($param['run_date'])) : false;//返程出发日期
- $start_area = isset($param['start_area']) ? (empty($param['start_area']) ? "''" : "'" . trim($param['start_area']) . "'") : false;//出发地
- $end_area = isset($param['end_area']) ? (empty($param['end_area']) ? "''" : "'" . trim($param['end_area']) . "'") : false;//目的地
- $line_type = isset($param['line_type']) ? trim($param['line_type']) : false;//线路类型;
- $now_date = date('Y-m-d', time());
- if (!$run_date || !$start_area || !$end_area || !$line_type) {
- $json['code'] = '2';
- $json['info'] = '缺少必要参数';
- return $json;
- }
- $sql = "SELECT
- m.run_id,
- m.run_time
- run_main AS m,
- run_prod AS p,
- opera_line AS l
- m.run_id = p.run_id
- AND m.prod_id = l.line_id
- AND p.start_station_area_id = " . $start_area . "
- AND p.end_station_area_id = " . $end_area . "
- AND m.run_date = '" . $run_date . "'
- AND m.run_status not in(137,142)
- AND l.line_type = " . $line_type . "
- GROUP BY m.run_id order by m.run_time ASC";
- $run_list = $this->query($sql);
- if (count($run_list) == 0) {
- $json['code'] = '1';
- $json['info'] = '没有符合的班次情况';
- return $json;
- }
- $json['code'] = '0';
- $json['info'] = '返回班次列表成功';
- $json['run_list'] = $run_list;
- return $json;
- }
- /**
- * 获取去程票种的订单渠道
- */
- public function getGoChannel($param)
- {
- $run_id = isset($param['run_id']) ? trim($param['run_id']) : false;//班次id;
- $start_res_id = isset($param['start_res_id']) ? trim($param['start_res_id']) : false;//出发站点id;
- $end_res_id = isset($param['end_res_id']) ? trim($param['end_res_id']) : false;//目的站点id;
- $line_type = isset($param['line_type']) ? trim($param['line_type']) : false;//线路类型;
- if (!$run_id || !$start_res_id || !$end_res_id || !$line_type) {
- $json['code'] = '2';
- $json['info'] = '缺少必要参数';
- return $json;
- }
- $date_month = date('Y-m', strtotime("-1 month "));
- //$main_corp_id = isset($_COOKIE["user_main_corp"]) ? $_COOKIE["user_main_corp"] : 0;
- $main_corp_id=$this->getMainCorpId($this->user_id);
- $extra_sql = "";
- if ($main_corp_id > 0) {
- $extra_sql = $main_corp_id == 1 ? " AND b.MAIN_CORP_ID = $main_corp_id " : " AND b.MAIN_CORP_ID IN(0,{$main_corp_id}) ";
- }
- //原厦门渠道,暂不再虑
- /*if ($main_corp_id != 3) {
- $extra_sql = " AND b.MAIN_CORP_ID NOT IN(3) ";
- }*/
- //如果只需要一个渠道商信息
- $where_supplier = isset($param['supplier_id']) ? " and a.supplier_id = " . $param['supplier_id'] : "";
- $sql = "SELECT
- a.supplier_id,b.supplier_name,b.sales_man
- base_supplier_sale AS a
- INNER JOIN base_supplier AS b ON a.supplier_id = b.id
- LEFT JOIN base_supplier_sequence AS s ON b.id = s.supplier_id and s.date_month = '" . $date_month . "'
- a.parent_type = 310
- $where_supplier
- AND a.product_type in (" . $line_type . ",0)
- AND a.cancel_flag = 0
- AND b.cancel_flag = 0
- {$extra_sql}
- AND b.is_disabled = 0
- AND a.supplier_id NOT IN (
- SELECT supplier_id FROM opera_tickets_distrib
- WHERE cancel_flag = 0
- AND authority_status = 0
- AND ticket_id IN (
- prod_id
- run_prod
- run_id = " . $run_id . "
- AND start_station_res_id = " . $start_res_id . "
- AND end_station_res_id = " . $end_res_id . "
- )
- )
- a.supplier_id
- s.order_num DESC,s.person_trip DESC,s.sales DESC";
- $channel_list = $this->query($sql);
- if (count($channel_list) == 0) {
- $json['code'] = '0';
- $json['info'] = '无销售渠道';
- $json['list'] = array();
- return $json;
- }
- //以下加入 得到(下车站点若为区域时)的具体站点信息功能---温依莅
- #下车区域附属站点信息
- $par['res_id'] = $end_res_id;
- $res = $this->getDetailStation($par);
- if ($res['code'] == '1') { //数据库错误直接返回
- $json['code'] = '1';
- $json['info'] = $res['info'];
- return $json;
- } else {
- $end_detail = $res['list']; //返回区域下属站点信息
- }
- //以上,得到区域站点信息结束
- /*$end_detail=array(
- '0'=>array('parent_res_id'=>'10368','sub_res_id'=>'10369','sub_res_name'=>'厦门安兜'),
- '1'=>array('parent_res_id'=>'10368','sub_res_id'=>'10370','sub_res_name'=>'厦门车管所车站'),
- '2'=>array('parent_res_id'=>'10368','sub_res_id'=>'10371','sub_res_name'=>'厦门大唐世家')
- );*/
- $json['code'] = '0';
- $json['info'] = '返回渠道商信息成功';
- $json['list'] = $channel_list;
- $json['end_detail'] = $end_detail;
- return $json;
- }
- /**
- * 获取返程票种和去程票种清单渠道的交集
- * @param $param
- */
- public function getBackChannel($param)
- {
- $go_run_id = isset($param['go_run_id']) ? trim($param['go_run_id']) : false;//去程班次id;
- $go_start_res_id = isset($param['go_start_res_id']) ? trim($param['go_start_res_id']) : false;//去程出发站点id;
- $go_end_res_id = isset($param['go_end_res_id']) ? trim($param['go_end_res_id']) : false;//去程目的站点id;
- $back_run_id = isset($param['back_run_id']) ? trim($param['back_run_id']) : false;//反程班次id;
- $back_start_res_id = isset($param['back_start_res_id']) ? trim($param['back_start_res_id']) : false;//反程出发站点id;
- $back_end_res_id = isset($param['back_end_res_id']) ? trim($param['back_end_res_id']) : false;//反程目的站点id;
- $line_type = isset($param['line_type']) ? trim($param['line_type']) : false;//线路类型;
- if (!$go_run_id || !$go_start_res_id || !$go_end_res_id || !$line_type || !$back_run_id || !$back_start_res_id || !$back_end_res_id) {
- $json['code'] = '2';
- $json['info'] = '缺少必要参数';
- return $json;
- }
- $go_array = array(
- 'run_id' => $go_run_id,
- 'start_res_id' => $go_start_res_id,
- 'end_res_id' => $go_end_res_id,
- 'line_type' => $line_type
- );
- $back_array = array(
- 'run_id' => $back_run_id,
- 'start_res_id' => $back_start_res_id,
- 'end_res_id' => $back_end_res_id,
- 'line_type' => $line_type
- );
- $go_channel_list = $this->getGoChannel($go_array);
- $back_channel_list = $this->getGoChannel($back_array);
- $go_channel_list = $go_channel_list['list'];
- $back_channel_list = $back_channel_list['list'];
- $channel_list = array();
- if (count($go_channel_list) > 0 && count($back_channel_list) > 0) {
- foreach ($go_channel_list as $k => $v) {
- $channel_list1[$v['supplier_id']] = $v;
- }
- foreach ($back_channel_list as $k => $v) {
- $channel_list2[$v['supplier_id']] = $v;
- }
- foreach ($channel_list1 as $k => $v) {
- if (isset($channel_list2[$k])) {
- $channel_list[] = $v;
- }
- }
- }
- $json['code'] = '0';
- $json['info'] = '返回渠道列表信息成功';
- $json['list'] = $channel_list;
- return $json;
- }
- /**
- * 获取返程的票种详情
- * @param $param
- */
- public function getBackTicketInfo($param)
- {
- $channel_id = isset($param['channel_id']) ? trim($param['channel_id']) : false;//渠道商id;
- $go_run_id = isset($param['go_run_id']) ? trim($param['go_run_id']) : false;//去程班次id;
- $go_start_res_id = isset($param['go_start_res_id']) ? trim($param['go_start_res_id']) : false;//去程出发站点id;
- $go_end_res_id = isset($param['go_end_res_id']) ? trim($param['go_end_res_id']) : false;//去程目的站点id;
- $back_run_id = isset($param['back_run_id']) ? trim($param['back_run_id']) : false;//反程班次id;
- $back_start_res_id = isset($param['back_start_res_id']) ? trim($param['back_start_res_id']) : false;//反程出发站点id;
- $back_end_res_id = isset($param['back_end_res_id']) ? trim($param['back_end_res_id']) : false;//反程目的站点id;
- $line_type = isset($param['line_type']) ? trim($param['line_type']) : false;//线路类型;
- if (!$channel_id || !$go_run_id || !$go_start_res_id || !$go_end_res_id || !$line_type || !$back_run_id || !$back_start_res_id || !$back_end_res_id) {
- $json['code'] = '2';
- $json['info'] = '缺少必要参数';
- return $json;
- }
- $go_array = array(
- 'channel_id' => $channel_id,
- 'run_id' => $go_run_id,
- 'start_res_id' => $go_start_res_id,
- 'end_res_id' => $go_end_res_id,
- 'line_type' => $line_type
- );
- $back_array = array(
- 'channel_id' => $channel_id,
- 'run_id' => $back_run_id,
- 'start_res_id' => $back_start_res_id,
- 'end_res_id' => $back_end_res_id,
- 'line_type' => $line_type
- );
- //获取去程票种详情
- $go_ticket_info = $this->getTicketInfo($go_array);
- if ($go_ticket_info['code'] != '0') {
- $json['code'] = '1';
- $json['info'] = '去程有问题';
- return $json;
- }
- $go_ticket_info = $go_ticket_info['list'];
- //获取返程票种详情
- $back_ticket_info = $this->getTicketInfo($back_array);
- if ($back_ticket_info['code'] != '0') {
- $json['code'] = '1';
- $json['info'] = '返程有问题';
- return $json;
- }
- $back_ticket_info = $back_ticket_info['list'];
- foreach ($go_ticket_info as $k => $v) {
- $go_ticket_array[$v['seat_type'] . "-" . $v['human_type']] = $v;
- $ticket_array_id[] = $v['ticket_id'];
- }
- foreach ($back_ticket_info as $k => $v) {
- $back_ticket_array[$v['seat_type'] . "-" . $v['human_type']] = $v;
- $ticket_array_id[] = $v['ticket_id'];
- }
- //获取促销优惠
- $sql = "SELECT
- ticket_id,
- off_value
- opera_tickets_discount
- ticket_id IN (" . implode(",", $ticket_array_id) . ")
- AND supplier_id = " . $channel_id . "
- AND is_onsale = 1
- AND cancel_flag = 0
- AND discount_type = 332
- AND discount_day_type = 0
- GROUP BY ticket_id";
- //zzcsUtils::writeLog($sql);
- $discount_info = $this->query($sql);
- if (false === $discount_info) {
- $json['code'] = '1';
- $json['info'] = '获取促销优惠失败';
- return $json;
- }
- $discount_info_array = array();
- if (count($discount_info) > 0) {
- foreach ($discount_info as $k => $v) {
- $discount_info_array[$v['ticket_id']] = $v['off_value'];
- }
- }
- foreach ($go_ticket_array as $k => $v) {
- if (isset($back_ticket_array[$k])) {
- $go_discount = '0';
- if (isset($discount_info_array[$go_ticket_array[$k]['ticket_id']])) {
- $go_discount = $discount_info_array[$go_ticket_array[$k]['ticket_id']];
- }
- $back_discount = '0';
- if (isset($discount_info_array[$back_ticket_array[$k]['ticket_id']])) {
- $back_discount = $discount_info_array[$back_ticket_array[$k]['ticket_id']];
- }
- $ticket_one = array(
- 'go_run_id' => $go_run_id,
- 'go_ticket_id' => $go_ticket_array[$k]['ticket_id'],
- 'go_price' => $go_ticket_array[$k]['price'],
- 'go_discount_price' => $go_ticket_array[$k]['price'] - $go_discount,
- 'go_discount' => $go_discount,
- 'go_stock' => $go_ticket_array[$k]['stock'],
- 'back_run_id' => $back_run_id,
- 'back_ticket_id' => $back_ticket_array[$k]['ticket_id'],
- 'back_price' => $back_ticket_array[$k]['price'],
- 'back_discount_price' => $back_ticket_array[$k]['price'] - $back_discount,
- 'back_discount' => $back_discount,
- 'back_stock' => $back_ticket_array[$k]['stock'],
- 'seat_type' => $go_ticket_array[$k]['seat_type'],
- 'seat_type_name' => $go_ticket_array[$k]['seat_type_name'],
- 'human_type' => $go_ticket_array[$k]['human_type'],
- 'human_type_name' => $go_ticket_array[$k]['human_type_name'],
- 'price' => $go_ticket_array[$k]['price'] + $back_ticket_array[$k]['price'] - $go_discount - $back_discount,
- 'stock' => min($go_ticket_array[$k]['stock'], $back_ticket_array[$k]['stock'])
- );
- $ticket_array[] = $ticket_one;
- }
- }
- $json['code'] = '0';
- $json['info'] = '成功';
- $json['list'] = $ticket_array;
- return $json;
- }
- /**
- * 提交单一线路订单(统一cs系统和厦门的单一线路下单)
- */
- public function submitOrder($param)
- {
- $valid = zzcsUtils::validateParams(
- array(
- 'channel_id,ticket_info,customer_info,travel_peoples,sub_start_res_id,sub_end_res_id,count_num' => 'empty',
- 'receive_value' => 'amount'
- ), $param); //参数验证
- if (!$valid['status']) {
- $result['code'] = (string)$valid['status'];
- $result['info'] = $valid['info'];
- return $result;
- }
- $channel_id = $param['channel_id'];//渠道商id;
- $channel_order_id = isset($param['channel_order_id']) ? $param['channel_order_id'] : '';
- $salesman = isset($param['salesman']) ? $param['salesman'] : '';
- $ticket_info = $param['ticket_info'];
- $customer_info = $param['customer_info'];
- $travel_peoples = $param['travel_peoples']; //fuhc 2017-11-07
- $receive_value = $param['receive_value'];//代收总价
- $count_num = $param['count_num']; //订单人数
- $id_card = $param['id_card']; //身份证号
- $door_price = $param['door_price'] ? $param['door_price'] : 0; //套餐产品--门票价格
- $hotel_price = $param['hotel_price'] ? $param['hotel_price'] : 0; //套餐产品--酒店价格
- $pay_type = 275;
- $start_res_id = $param['sub_start_res_id']; //如果上车为区域,传入具体上车站点res_id,否则传 0
- $end_res_id = $param['sub_end_res_id']; //如果下车为区域,传入具体下车站点res_id,否则传 0
- //customer_info中,手机和联系人只要有1个信息就可以
- $tmp = substr($customer_info, 1, -1);
- $tmpArray = explode(',', $tmp);
- //前台传过来的顺序不能变 1、联系人 2、手机号 3、备注 4、后期添加的新字段
- if (trim($tmpArray[0]) == '' && trim($tmpArray[1]) == '')
- $customer_info = false;
- $user_id = $this->user_id;
- $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
- if (false === $channel_id || false === $ticket_info || false === $customer_info) {
- $json['code'] = '2';
- $json['info'] = '缺少必要参数';
- return $json;
- }
- #===================================以下 调用巴士统一下单接口下单===================================================#
- //1,获取参数
- $customer_info_arr = array($tmpArray[0], $tmpArray[1], 150, $id_card, $tmpArray[2]);
- $customer_info_str = '{' . implode(',', $customer_info_arr) . '}';//联系人信息,格式为{联系人,联系电话,z证件类型,联系人身份证,备注}
- $order_info_str = '{' . $user_id . ',' . $user_id . ',' . $channel_id . ',' . $channel_order_id . ',1,275,1,' . $salesman . '}';//'订单信息 {下单用户,会员号,渠道id,渠道订单号,是否自动退票(0否1是),支付方式(授信275),是否支付(0否1是),业务员}'
- $order_append_str = '{' . $door_price . ',' . $hotel_price . '}';//订单附加 ,格式为{门票价格,酒店价格}
- $sin_rec = round($receive_value / $count_num, 2);//单价
- $receiver_value_str = '{' . $sin_rec . ',' . $receive_value . '}';//代收,格式为{代收单价,代收总价}
- $buy_insurance = $param['buy_insurance'];//购买保险;
- //2,整理参数
- $url = 'http://' . CS1_DOMAIN . '/api/submit-order';
- $data = array();
- $data['action'] = 'submit_bus_order';
- $data['prod_str'] = $ticket_info;//购买票种列表 格式为{去程/返程标志(1:去程 2:返程),去程/返程班次ID,票种ID,票种单价,预定数量,车号}...
- $data['order_info_str'] = $order_info_str;//'订单信息 {下单用户,会员号,渠道id,渠道订单号,是否自动退票(0否1是),支付方式(授信275),是否支付(0否1是),业务员}'
- $data['customer_info_str'] = $customer_info_str;//联系人信息,格式为{联系人,联系电话,z证件类型,联系人身份证,备注}
- $data['passenger_info'] = $travel_peoples;
- $data['order_append_str'] = $order_append_str;//订单附加 ,格式为{门票价格,酒店价格}
- $data['receiver_value_str'] = $receiver_value_str;//代收,格式为{代收单价,代收总价}
- $data['buy_insurance'] = $buy_insurance;//购买保险
- $data['is_send_msg'] = 1;//是否发短信(0否1是) 默认1
- //3,发送请求到巴士统一下单接口
- $result = httpRequest($url, $data);
- $final_result = json_decode($result, true);
- return $final_result;
- #====================================以上 调用巴士统一下单接口下单==================================================#
- /*----------------原下单逻辑
- //如果修改了存储过程的参数,批量订单的下单的参数也要修改
- $sql = "call sp_make_order_xm(" . $user_id . ",'" . $ticket_info . "','" . $customer_info . "'," . $channel_id . ",'" . $channel_order_id . "','" . $salesman . "'," . $pay_type . "," . $start_res_id . "," . $end_res_id . "," . $receive_value . ")";
- //$sql = "call sp_make_order_xm(" . $user_id . ",'" . $ticket_info . "','" . $customer_info . "'," . $channel_id . ",'" . $channel_order_id . "','" . $salesman . "'," . $pay_type . "," . $start_res_id . "," . $end_res_id . "," . $receive_value.")";
- zzcsUtils::writeLog($sql);
- //----------------
- $res = $this->procQuery($sql);
- if ($res['code'] != 0) { //存储过程执行出错
- $json["code"] = (string)$res['code'];
- $json["info"] = $res['info'];
- return $json;
- }
- //下单成功后,分单程和往返程对部分信息(1,订单状态,2,联系人身份证号,3,门票价格和酒店价格,4,代收单价总价)进行修改
- $order_ids = $res['data'][0][0]['order_id'];
- $order_arr = explode(',', $order_ids);
- $update_sql = '';//拼接的sql语句
- //得到插入后的订单信息
- $get_sql = "SELECT
- a.order_id,
- b.run_date,
- a.outside_sale_org_id,
- c.supplier_name,
- b.order_price AS sin_price,
- a.order_price AS total_price,
- a.customer_name,
- a.customer_mobile,
- a.customer_id_no,
- a.customer_memo
- order_main a
- LEFT JOIN order_main b ON a.order_id = b.PARENT_ORDER_ID
- left join base_supplier c on a.OUTSIDE_SALE_ORG_ID=c.ID
- a.order_id in ($order_ids)
- group by a.order_id;";
- $orders = $this->query($get_sql);
- if (count($order_arr) == 1) {
- //单程下单
- $sin_rec = round($receive_value / $count_num, 2);//单价
- $total_rec = $receive_value;//总价
- #0写入订单日志
- $detail_extra = ''; //如果有套餐产品,代收单价,代收总价也记录下来
- $door_price && ($detail_extra .= '门票价格:' . $door_price);
- $hotel_price && ($detail_extra .= '酒店价格:' . $hotel_price);
- $total_rec && ($detail_extra .= '代收单价:' . $sin_rec . ',代收总价:' . $total_rec);
- $opera_detail = "创建订单,出发日期{$orders[0]['run_date']},订单渠道:{$orders[0]['supplier_name']},人数:{$count_num},金额{$orders[0]['sin_price']}总额{$orders[0]['total_price']}" . $detail_extra . ",联系人信息:{$orders[0]['customer_name']},{$orders[0]['customer_mobile']},{$id_card},备注信息:{$orders[0]['customer_memo']}";
- $update_sql .= "insert into order_opera_log(order_id,opera_user_id,opera_type,opera_time,opera_detail,opera_platform) VALUES ({$orders[0]['order_id']},$user_id,1,'{$time}','{$opera_detail}','CS系统');";
- #1修改代收价(主订单代收总价,子订单代收单价)
- $update_sql .= "UPDATE order_main SET RECEIVE_VALUE=$total_rec WHERE order_id in ($order_ids) ;UPDATE order_main SET RECEIVE_VALUE=$sin_rec WHERE parent_order_id in($order_ids);";
- #2修改订单状态和联系人身份证号
- $update_sql .= "UPDATE order_main
- SET update_user_id = " . $user_id . ",
- update_time = '" . $time . "',
- order_status = 146,
- customer_id_no ='$id_card'
- order_id in ($order_ids)
- OR parent_order_id in ($order_ids);";
- #3对order_extra_info表插入(如果门票价格和酒店价格有一个不为空则插入)
- if ($hotel_price || $door_price) {
- $update_sql .= "INSERT INTO order_extra_info (
- order_id,
- hotel_price,
- gate_price
- )
- ($order_arr[0], $hotel_price, $door_price);";
- }
- zzcsUtils::writeLog($update_sql);
- $res2 = $this->exec($update_sql);
- if (false === $res2) {
- $json['code'] = '1';
- $json['info'] = '增加单程订单项失败';
- return $json;
- }
- //region 短信发送模块
- #对时间和班次发车时间做判断,如果当前时间小于发车时间则发送短信
- $time_diff = $this->get_time_diff($order_arr[0]);
- if ($time_diff >= 0) {
- //$res_content = $this->send_msg($order_arr[0]);
- $url = 'http://' . CS1_DOMAIN . '/api/msg/order-send-msg';
- $sendInfo = array();
- $sendInfo['order_id'] = $order_arr[0];
- $sendInfo['msg_type'] = 'cs';
- $res_content = httpRequest($url, $sendInfo);
- }
- //endregion
- } else if (count($order_arr) == 2) {
- //往返程下单
- $sin_rec = round($receive_value / (2 * $count_num), 2);//单价
- $total_rec = $receive_value / 2;//总价
- #0写入订单日志
- $detail_extra = ''; //如果有套餐产品,代收单价,代收总价也记录下来
- $door_price && ($detail_extra .= '门票价格:' . $door_price);
- $hotel_price && ($detail_extra .= '酒店价格:' . $hotel_price);
- $total_rec && ($detail_extra .= '代收单价:' . $sin_rec . ',代收总价:' . $total_rec);
- $opera_detail1 = "创建订单,出发日期{$orders[0]['run_date']},订单渠道:{$orders[0]['supplier_name']},人数:{$count_num},金额{$orders[0]['sin_price']}总额{$orders[0]['total_price']}" . $detail_extra . ",联系人信息:{$orders[0]['customer_name']},{$orders[0]['customer_mobile']},{$id_card},备注信息:{$orders[0]['customer_memo']}";
- $opera_detail2 = "创建订单,出发日期{$orders[1]['run_date']},订单渠道:{$orders[1]['supplier_name']},人数:{$count_num},金额{$orders[1]['sin_price']}总额{$orders[1]['total_price']}" . $detail_extra . ",联系人信息:{$orders[1]['customer_name']},{$orders[1]['customer_mobile']},{$id_card},备注信息:{$orders[1]['customer_memo']}";
- $update_sql .= "insert into order_opera_log(order_id,opera_user_id,opera_type,opera_time,opera_detail,opera_platform) VALUES ({$orders[0]['order_id']},$user_id,1,'{$time}','{$opera_detail1}','CS系统'),({$orders[1]['order_id']},$user_id,1,'{$time}','{$opera_detail2}','CS系统');";
- #1修改代收价(主订单总价,子订单单价)
- $update_sql .= "UPDATE order_main SET RECEIVE_VALUE=$total_rec WHERE order_id in ($order_ids) ;UPDATE order_main SET RECEIVE_VALUE=$sin_rec WHERE parent_order_id in($order_ids);";
- #2修改订单状态和联系人身份证号
- $update_sql .= "UPDATE order_main
- SET update_user_id = " . $user_id . ",
- update_time = '" . $time . "',
- order_status = 146,
- customer_id_no ='$id_card'
- order_id in ($order_ids)
- OR parent_order_id in ($order_ids);";
- #3对order_extra_info表插入(如果门票价格和酒店价格有一个不为空则插入)
- if ($hotel_price || $door_price) {
- $update_sql .= "INSERT INTO order_extra_info (
- order_id,
- hotel_price,
- gate_price
- )
- ($order_arr[0], $hotel_price, $door_price),
- ($order_arr[1], $hotel_price, $door_price);";
- }
- zzcsUtils::writeLog($update_sql);
- $res2 = $this->exec($update_sql);
- if (false === $res2) {
- $json['code'] = '1';
- $json['info'] = '增加往返程订单项失败';
- return $json;
- }
- //往返订单需要插入关联表
- $sql = "insert into to_from(to_orderid,back_orderid) VALUES ({$order_arr[0]},{$order_arr[1]})";
- $result = $this->exec($sql);
- //region 短信发送模块
- #对时间和班次发车时间做判断,如果当前时间小于发车时间则发送短信
- $time_diff1 = $this->get_time_diff($order_arr[0]);
- if ($time_diff1 >= 0) {
- //$res_content1 = $this->send_msg($order_arr[0]);
- $url = 'http://' . CS1_DOMAIN . '/api/msg/order-send-msg';
- $sendInfo = array();
- $sendInfo['order_id'] = $order_arr[0];
- $sendInfo['msg_type'] = 'cs';
- $res_content = httpRequest($url, $sendInfo);
- }
- $time_diff2 = $this->get_time_diff($order_arr[1]);
- if ($time_diff2 >= 0) {
- //$res_content2 = $this->send_msg($order_arr[1]);
- $url = 'http://' . CS1_DOMAIN . '/api/msg/order-send-msg';
- $sendInfo = array();
- $sendInfo['order_id'] = $order_arr[1];
- $sendInfo['msg_type'] = 'cs';
- $res_content = httpRequest($url, $sendInfo);
- }
- //endregion
- }
- //添加订单状态记录
- $post_data['order_id'] = $order_ids;
- $post_data['order_status'] = "451,452,453";
- $res = $this->post2("http://" . CS_DOMAIN . "/st-xm/Api/add_order_status_log.php", $post_data);//这里线下测试时应该屏蔽掉,否则会把数据插入到正式数据库
- $final_json["code"] = '0';
- $final_json["info"] = '下单成功';
- return $final_json;*/
- }
- /**
- * Function Description:根据订单id得到 【(班次发车时间-现在时间)的时间戳差值】
- * Function Name: get_run_time
- * @param $order_id
- * @author 温依莅
- */
- public function get_time_diff($order_id)
- {
- $now = time();
- //$sql="select b.run_date,b.RUN_MINUTES,(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(b.run_date)+b.run_minutes*60) as stamp from order_main a left join run_main b on a.run_id=b.run_id where a.PARENT_ORDER_ID=$order_id limit 1";
- $sql = "select b.run_date,b.RUN_MINUTES,(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(b.run_date)) as stamp from order_main a left join run_main b on a.run_id=b.run_id where a.PARENT_ORDER_ID=$order_id limit 1";
- $res = $this->query($sql);
- $run_stamp = $res[0]['stamp'];
- return ($run_stamp + 3600 * 24) - $now;
- }
- /**
- * Function Description:发短信
- * Function Name: send_msg
- * @param $ORDER_ID
- *
- * @return array|bool|string
- *
- */
- public function send_msg($ORDER_ID)
- {
- $order_id = $ORDER_ID;
- $res_content = $this->get_msg_info($order_id);
- if (false == $res_content) {
- return false;
- }
- //$url = BASE_TICKET_URL.$order_id;
- //$short_url = sinaShortenUrl(filterUrl($url)); //根据传入的长网址生产短网址
- $name = $res_content[0];
- $tel = $res_content[1];
- $content = $res_content[2];
- //$content .= "或者点击以下链接生成二维码:".$short_url;
- $response = null;
- $send_success = "-100"; // 默认-100
- zzcsUtils::writeLog("短信模板内容:" . $name . "tel" . $tel . "【" . $content . "】");
- if ($tel != "-1") {
- //..发短信
- $send_success = "-90"; // 说明手机号不是-1
- $response = sendTelMessage($tel, $name, $content, $order_id);
- zzcsUtils::writeLog(json_encode($response));
- } else {
- $send_success = "-1"; // 说明手机号为-1
- zzcsUtils::writeLog('send_msg==tel===' . $tel . ":内容:==》" . $content);
- }
- $comment_type = 0;
- $comment_text = "";
- $current_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
- $user_id = $this->user_id;
- if ($response != null) {
- //$send_success = (int)$response;//原代码
- //这里用正则处理返回的xml信息得到error值
- $pattern = "/\<error\>([-0-9]*?)\<\/error\>/";
- preg_match($pattern, $response, $match);
- $send_success = $match[1];
- }
- $sql1 = "insert into order_send_message(ORDER_ID,SEND_MOBILE,SEND_MESSAGE,SEND_TIME,SEND_ERROR,CREATE_USER_ID,CREATE_TIME,UPDATE_USER_ID,UPDATE_TIME) VALUES ({$order_id},'{$tel}', '{$content}','{$current_time}', {$send_success}, {$user_id},'{$current_time}', {$user_id},'{$current_time}' )";
- $this->exec($sql1);
- //zzcsUtils::writeLog("hotel_order_status.php HT_ADD_MSG_COMMENT()::" . $sql1);
- return $res_content;
- }
- /**
- * Function Description:..短信模板-改为17:30后OK,当天下单也OK
- * Function Name: get_msg_info
- * @param $ORDER_ID
- *
- * @return array
- *
- */
- public function get_msg_info($ORDER_ID)
- {
- $not_send_prod = array(451023, 451024, 451025, 451026, 451027, 451028, 451623, 451624, 451625, 451626, 451627, 451628, 451629, 451630, 451636, 451637);
- $msg_pdo = $this->conn_waice();
- $msg_sql = "CALL SP_GET_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE('" . $ORDER_ID . "')";
- $content = '';
- if (is_object($msg_pdo)) {
- $msg_result = $msg_pdo->query($msg_sql);
- $i = 1;
- $data = array();
- if ($msg_result) {
- $data['code'] = "0";
- $data['info'] = "";
- do {
- $row = $msg_result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
- if ($i == 1) {
- $data['seat'] = isset($row) ? $row : array();
- } else if ($i == 2) {
- $data['run_info'] = isset($row) ? $row : array();
- } else if ($i == 3) {
- $data['driver'] = isset($row) ? $row : array();
- } else if ($i == 4) {
- $data['dsn_prod'] = isset($row) ? $row : array();
- } else if ($i == 5) {
- $data['zhou_su_prod'] = isset($row) ? $row : array();
- }
- $i++;
- } while ($msg_result->nextRowset());
- }
- $json_obj = json_decode(json_encode($data), TRUE);
- $seat = isset($json_obj['seat'][0]) ? $json_obj['seat'][0] : array();
- $run_info = isset($json_obj['run_info'][0]) ? $json_obj['run_info'][0] : array();
- $driver = isset($json_obj['driver'][0]) ? $json_obj['driver'][0] : array();
- $dsn_prod = isset($json_obj['dsn_prod']) ? $json_obj['dsn_prod'] : array();
- $zhou_su_prod = isset($json_obj['zhou_su_prod']) ? $json_obj['zhou_su_prod'] : array();
- $bus_res_id = isset($json_obj['driver'][0]) ? $json_obj['driver'][0]["bus_res_id"] : 0;
- if (in_array($run_info['parent_prod_id'], $not_send_prod)) {
- return false;
- }
- //出票成功
- // $content = "您预订的{出发日期 出发时间}{出发地}-{目的地}{票种名}{张数}张,已购票成功。乘车订单号为{订单号},请凭订单号或绑定微信(微信服务号“蜘蛛出行”)扫码上车,车牌号{车牌号},司机电话{司机姓司机电话}。";
- // 得到明天的时间
- date_default_timezone_set('PRC');
- //解决时区问题
- $tomorrow = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+1 day"));
- $now_time = date('H:i:s', time());
- //判断当前时间是否在17:30:00之后
- $cur_date = date('Y-m-d', time());
- //迪士尼特殊情况parent_prod_id
- // $dsn_arr_prod = array(152752, 152759, 152763, 152770, 152777, 152784, 152791, 152801, 152808, 152815, 152822, 152832, 152842, 152852, 152859, 152866, 152873, 152877, 152884, 152891, 152898, 152905, 152915, 152922, 152929, 152936, 152946, 152956, 152966, 152973, 152980, 152990, 153003, 153016, 153023, 153033, 153034, 153044, 153057, 153070, 153083, 153090, 153100, 153110);
- $dsn_arr_prod = array(); //用来保存迪士尼产品的prod_id
- foreach ($dsn_prod as $temp) {
- $dsn_arr_prod[] = $temp['prod_id'];
- }
- $zhou_su_arr_prod = array();
- foreach ($zhou_su_prod as $temp) {
- $zhou_su_arr_prod[] = $temp['prod_id'];
- }
- $short_url = false;
- $ticket_url = TICKET_QR_URL . $ORDER_ID;
- $short_url = sinaShortenUrl($ticket_url);
- $extra_message = "";
- if ($short_url != false) {
- $extra_message = "您的电子车票链接{$short_url},请在上车前点开,扫码乘车。";
- }
- if (($now_time > "18:30:00" && $run_info['start_date'] == $tomorrow) || $cur_date == $run_info['start_date']) {//17:30之后的订单或者下单时间为今天出行为今天下午 发送短信模板
- // if("18:30:00">"17:30:00" && $run_info['start_date']==$tomorrow){ //17:30之后的订单 发送短信模板
- // $content = "您预订的{出发日期 出发时间}{出发地}-{目的地}{票种名}{张数}张,已购票成功。乘车订单号为{订单号},请凭订单号或绑定微信(微信服务号“蜘蛛出行”)扫码上车,车牌号{车牌号},司机电话{司机姓司机电话}。";
- $content = "订单号{订单号},{出发地}({上车站点})—{目的地}({下车站点})标准票{张数}张将于{出发日期} {出发时间}准点发车。车牌号{车牌号},司机电话{司机姓司机电话},请提前10分钟抵达上车地点:{上车站点详细地址}并点开电子车票 {$short_url} 进行验票。如有疑问请拨打客服电话021-33280519。";
- } else {
- $content = "订单号{订单号},{出发日期} {出发时间}{出发地}({上车站点})—{目的地}({下车站点})标准票{张数}张预定成功。发车前一天19点会短信通知您车牌号及司机电话,如未收到短信请拨打客服电话021-33280519。";
- }
- $new_message_array3 = array(450517, 450522);
- if (in_array($run_info['parent_prod_id'], $new_message_array3)) {
- if ($run_info['parent_prod_id'] == 450517) {
- $address_txt = "上车地点:吴山广场西侧河坊巷8号(吴山广场旅游集散中心候车室); 上车方式:请至吴山广场旅游集散中心候车室服务台,凭预定姓名和手机号码上车。";
- } else {
- $address_txt = "上车地点:普陀城北长途客运中心;取票方式:请提前到达(学运路18号)普陀城北长途客运中心候车大厅服务台报预订名字和电话取票。";
- }
- $content = "您已成功预定{出发日期} {出发时间} {出发地}-{目的地}汽车票{张数}张(请最晚提前10分钟到达)。{$address_txt}紧急电话:15888866564。";
- }
- $new_message_array4 = array(450588, 450589);
- if (in_array($run_info['parent_prod_id'], $new_message_array4)) {
- $content .= "紧急联系电话:18100158199。";
- }
- //$content .= "提前一天19点之前,如未收到司机电话,请速与021-52218088联系。";
- $new_message_array5 = array(451437, 451438);
- if (in_array($run_info['parent_prod_id'], $new_message_array5)) {
- $content = "车票订单号{订单号}:您预订的{上车站点}-{下车站点}标准票{张数}张已经预订成功,车牌号{车牌号},司机电话{司机姓司机电话}。发车时间为{出发日期} {出发时间},发车地址为:{上车站点详细地址}。 您的电子车票链接 {$short_url} ,请在上车前点开扫码,或凭短信乘车。请关注微信公众号[蜘蛛出行],提前获取车辆信息。司机会提前与您联系,如有疑问,请联系021-33280578 。";
- }
- $new_message_array5 = array(451440, 451441);
- $new_message_array6 = array(448780, 450008, 448781);
- if (in_array($run_info['parent_prod_id'], $new_message_array5)) {
- $content = "订单号{订单号},{出发日期} {出发时间}{上车站点}—{目的地}标准票{张数}张预定成功。发车前一天19点会短信通知您车牌号及司机电话,如未收到短信请拨打客服电话021-33280519。";
- } else if (in_array($run_info['parent_prod_id'], $new_message_array6)) {
- $content = "订单号{订单号},{出发日期} {出发时间}{上车站点}—{目的地}标准票{张数}张预定成功。发车前一天19点会短信通知您乘车信息,如未收到短信请拨打客服电话021-33280519。";
- }
- if ($seat) {
- $seat_x = isset($seat['seat_x']) ? $seat['seat_x'] : "";
- $seat_y = isset($seat['seat_y']) ? $seat['seat_y'] : "";
- $seat_name = isset($seat['seat_name']) ? $seat['seat_name'] : "";
- $order_main_id = isset($seat['order_main_id']) ? $seat['order_main_id'] : "";
- } else {
- }
- if ($run_info) {
- $order_count = $run_info['order_count'];
- $start_date = $run_info['start_date'];
- $start_time = $run_info['start_time'];
- $parent_order_id = $run_info['parent_order_id'];
- $end_date = $run_info['end_date'];
- $start_area = $run_info['start_area'];
- $end_area = $run_info['end_area'];
- $res_name = $run_info['res_name'];
- $parent_prod_id = $run_info['parent_prod_id'];
- $prod_name = $run_info['prod_name'];
- $prod_name = "标准票";
- $customer_name = $run_info['customer_name'];
- $customer_mobile = $run_info['customer_mobile'];
- $start_station_address = $run_info['start_station_address'];
- $start_end_date = $start_date . "," . $start_time;
- if ($parent_prod_id == 450504 && $start_date >= "2017-01-27" && $start_date <= "2017-02-02") {
- $res_name = "迪士尼唐老鸭P停车场";
- $start_station_address = "上海迪士尼度假区迪士尼唐老鸭P停车场";
- }
- $content = str_replace("{下车站点}", $run_info['end_res_name'], $content);
- $content = str_replace("{出发日期}", $start_date, $content);
- $content = str_replace("{出发时间}", $start_time, $content);
- $content = str_replace("{上车站点}", $res_name, $content);
- $content = str_replace("{出发地}", $start_area, $content);
- $content = str_replace("{目的地}", $end_area, $content);
- $content = str_replace("{票种名}", $prod_name, $content);
- $content = str_replace("{张数}", $order_count, $content);
- $content = str_replace("{上车站点详细地址}", $start_station_address, $content);
- $content = str_replace("{订单号}", $ORDER_ID, $content);
- } else {
- $content = str_replace("{下车站点}", "", $content);
- $content = str_replace("{出发日期}", "", $content);
- $content = str_replace("{出发时间}", "", $content);
- $content = str_replace("{出发地}", "", $content);
- $content = str_replace("{目的地}", "", $content);
- $content = str_replace("{票种名}", "", $content);
- $content = str_replace("{张数}", "", $content);
- $content = str_replace("{订单号}", "", $content);
- $content = str_replace("{上车站点详细地址}", "", $content);
- }
- if ($driver) {
- $bus_no = isset($driver['bus_no']) ? $driver['bus_no'] : "";
- $driver_name = isset($driver['driver_name']) ? $driver['driver_name'] : "";
- $driver_mobile = isset($driver['driver_mobile']) ? $driver['driver_mobile'] : "";
- if ($bus_no == "") {
- $content = str_replace(",车牌号{车牌号}", "", $content);
- } else {
- $content = str_replace("{车牌号}", $bus_no, $content);
- }
- if ($driver_name == "") {
- $content = str_replace(",司机电话{司机姓司机电话},", "。", $content);
- } else {
- $driver_xing = mb_substr($driver_name, 0, 1, 'utf-8');
- $driver_name_mobile = $driver_xing . $driver_mobile;
- $content = str_replace("{司机姓司机电话}", $driver_name_mobile, $content);
- }
- } else {
- $content = str_replace("车牌号{车牌号},", "", $content);
- $content = str_replace("司机电话{司机姓司机电话},", "", $content);
- }
- /*
- if( $now_time < "18:30:00" ) {
- //判断是不是苏州或周庄
- // 判断如果不是迪士尼的票就不发短信
- if (!in_array($run_info['parent_prod_id'], $dsn_arr_prod) && !in_array($run_info['parent_prod_id'], $zhou_su_arr_prod)) {
- return array("", "-1", "不是迪士尼、苏州、周庄的票,目前不发送短信");
- }
- }*/
- return array(isset($customer_name) ? $customer_name : "", isset($customer_mobile) ? $customer_mobile : "", isset($content) ? $content : "短信错误,联系客服!!!", $run_info);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Function Description:发送post数据
- * Function Name: post2
- * @param $url
- * @param $data
- *
- * @return string
- *
- */
- public function post2($url, $data){//file_get_content
- $postdata = http_build_query(
- $data
- );
- $opts = array('http' =>
- array(
- 'method' => 'POST',
- 'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
- 'content' => $postdata
- )
- );
- $context = stream_context_create($opts);
- $result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
- return $result;
- }
- /**
- * 获取渠道的票种销售方式
- * @param $channel_id
- * @param $ticket_id
- */
- public function getTicketChannelSaleType($channel_id, $ticket_id, $line_type)
- {
- $sql = "SELECT
- sale_type,
- '0' as price
- base_supplier_sale as a
- (
- supplier_id
- opera_tickets_distrib
- supplier_id = a.supplier_id
- AND ticket_id = " . $ticket_id . "
- AND cancel_flag = 0
- )
- AND supplier_id = " . $channel_id . "
- AND parent_type = 310
- AND product_type IN (" . $line_type . ", 0)
- AND cancel_flag = 0
- sale_type,
- prod_price as price
- opera_tickets_distrib
- supplier_id = " . $channel_id . "
- AND ticket_id = " . $ticket_id . "
- AND authority_status = 1
- AND cancel_flag = 0";
- //zzcsUtils::writeLog($sql);
- $sale_type = $this->query($sql);
- if (count($sale_type) == 0) {
- return false;
- }
- $sale_type = $sale_type[0];
- return $sale_type;
- }
- /**
- * ////单产品和组合产品订单列表头文件
- * //hyk
- * @param $web_date
- * @return array
- */
- function singleOrderListHeadInfo($web_date)
- {
- ////单产品和组合产品订单列表头文件
- //hyk
- // if (isset($web_date['type']) && $web_date['type'] != 0) {
- // $res1 = $this->productLine();
- // $sql = "SELECT
- // a.supplier_id,
- // b.supplier_name
- // FROM
- // base_supplier_sale AS a
- // INNER JOIN base_supplier AS b ON a.supplier_id = b.id
- // WHERE
- // a.parent_type = 310
- // AND a.product_type in(" . $web_date['type'] . ",0)
- // AND a.cancel_flag = 0
- // AND b.cancel_flag = 0
- // AND b.is_disabled = 0
- // a.supplier_id";
- // $res = $this->query($sql);
- // $biller_list = $this->getBiller();
- // $json = array();
- // $json['code'] = '0';
- // $json['info'] = '渠道商和产品线,计调员返回';
- // $json['supplier_list'] = $res;
- // $json['product_line'] = $res1;
- // $json['biller_list'] = $biller_list;
- // return $json;
- // } else {
- // $res1 = $this->productLine();
- // $biller_list = $this->getBiller();
- // $sql = "SELECT
- // a.supplier_id,
- // b.supplier_name
- // FROM
- // base_supplier_sale AS a
- // INNER JOIN base_supplier AS b ON a.supplier_id = b.id
- // WHERE
- // a.parent_type = 310
- // AND a.cancel_flag = 0
- // AND b.cancel_flag = 0
- // AND b.is_disabled = 0
- // a.supplier_id";
- // $res = $this->query($sql);
- // $json = array();
- // $json['code'] = '0';
- // $json['info'] = '渠道商和产品线,计调员返回';
- // $json['supplier_list'] = $res;
- // $json['product_line'] = $res1;
- // $json['biller_list'] = $biller_list;
- // return $json;
- // }
- //娄梦宁2017.1.17修改订单列表头部信息获取
- $res1 = $this->productLine();
- $biller_list = $this->getBiller();
- $sql = ''."SELECT
- a.supplier_id,
- b.supplier_name
- base_supplier_sale AS a
- INNER JOIN base_supplier AS b ON a.supplier_id = b.id
- a.parent_type = 310
- AND a.cancel_flag = 0
- AND b.cancel_flag = 0
- AND b.is_disabled = 0
- a.supplier_id";
- $res = $this->query($sql);
- //厦门上车区域数组
- $sql=''."select id,area_name as name from base_area where parent_id=1161";
- $start_area_arr=$this->query($sql);
- //厦门上车点数组
- $sql=''."select id,res_name as name from base_resource where area_id in (select id from base_area where parent_id=1161) and zone_mark =0 and res_type_id=24";
- $start_res_arr=$this->query($sql);
- //车牌号数组
- $sql=''."select bus_id as id,bus_no as num from base_bus where bus_no like '闽%'";
- $bus_no_arr=$this->query($sql);
- //司机导游姓名id数组
- $sql=''."select guide_id as id ,guide_name as name from base_guide
- UNION select driver_id as id,driver_name as name from base_driver where org_id in (417,10997)";
- $send_driver_arr=$this->query($sql);
- $json = array();
- $json['code'] = '0';
- $json['info'] = '渠道商和产品线,计调员返回';
- $json['supplier_list'] = $res;
- $json['product_line'] = $res1;
- $json['biller_list'] = $biller_list;
- $json['start_area_arr'] = $start_area_arr;
- $json['start_res_arr'] = $start_res_arr;
- $json['bus_no_arr'] = $bus_no_arr;
- $json['send_driver_arr'] = $send_driver_arr;
- return $json;
- }
- /**
- * //单产品订单列表
- * @param $web_data
- * @return int
- */
- function singleOrderList1($web_data)
- {
- //单产品订单列表
- //hyk
- $user_id = $this->user_id;
- $time_limit = isset($web_data['time_limit']) ? trim($web_data['time_limit']) : false;
- $start_time = isset($web_data["start_time"]) ? trim($web_data["start_time"]) : false;
- $end_time = isset($web_data["end_time"]) ? trim($web_data["end_time"]) : false;
- $order_source = isset($web_data["order_source"]) ? trim($web_data["order_source"]) : false;
- $order_status = isset($web_data["order_status"]) ? trim($web_data["order_status"]) : false;
- $current_page = isset($web_data["current_page"]) ? trim($web_data["current_page"]) : false;
- $page_size = isset($web_data["page_size"]) ? trim($web_data["page_size"]) : false;
- $product_line = isset($web_data["product_line"]) ? trim($web_data["product_line"]) : false;
- $biller = isset($web_data["biller"]) ? trim($web_data["biller"]) : false;//添加计调员id
- $create_user_id = $biller;
- $line = isset($web_data["line"]) ? trim($web_data["line"]) : false;
- $more_search = isset($web_data["more_search"]) ? trim($web_data["more_search"]) : false;
- $search_type = isset($web_data["search_type"]) ? trim($web_data["search_type"]) : false;
- if ($time_limit === false || $start_time === false || $end_time === false || $order_source === false || $order_status === false || $current_page === false || $page_size === false || $product_line === false || $search_type === false || $line === false || $more_search === false || $biller === false) {
- //参数不完整;
- $json["code"] = '2';
- $json["info"] = "缺少必要参数";
- return $json;
- }
- //此处添加计调员id后存储过程为
- /*$sql = "CALL xm_order_get_list_xm(" . $user_id . "," . $time_limit . ",'" .
- $start_time . "','" . $end_time . "'," . $order_source . "," . $order_status . ",'"
- . $more_search . "'," . $current_page . "," . $page_size . ",'" . $line . "','',''," . $search_type . "," . $product_line . "," . $biller.")";*/
- $sql = "CALL xm_order_get_list_xm(" . $user_id . "," . $create_user_id . "," . $time_limit . ",'" .
- $start_time . "','" . $end_time . "'," . $order_source . "," . $order_status . ",'"
- . $more_search . "'," . $current_page . "," . $page_size . ",'" . $line . "','',''," . $search_type . "," . $product_line . ")";
- zzcsUtils::writeLog($sql);
- $res = $this->procQuery($sql);
- if ($res['code'] != 0) {
- //执行存储过程出错
- $json["code"] = $res['code'];
- $json["info"] = $res['info'];
- return $json;
- } else {
- $json["code"] = "0";
- $json["info"] = "订单列表";
- $json["page"]["total_count"] = $res["data"][0][0]["num"];
- $json["page"]["page_count"] = $res["data"][0][0]["pagecount"];
- $json["page"]["curr_page"] = $res["data"][0][0]["currpage"];
- $json["page"]["page_size"] = $res["data"][0][0]["pagesize"];
- $json["order_list"] = $res["data"][1];
- $label_data = array();
- if (empty($res["data"][2])) {
- // $json["label"]["pay"]=$res["data"][2];
- $label_data["pay"] = 0;
- $label_data["out"] = 0;
- $label_data["end"] = 0;
- $label_data["cancle"] = 0;
- $label_data["all"] = 0;
- } else {
- $label_data["pay"] = 0;
- $label_data["out"] = 0;
- $label_data["end"] = 0;
- $label_data["cancle"] = 0;
- $label_data["all"] = 0;
- $ttt = 0;
- foreach ($res["data"][2] as $temp) {
- $ttt = $ttt + $temp["order_cnt"];
- switch ($temp["order_status"]) {
- case 145:
- $label_data["pay"] = $temp["order_cnt"];
- break;
- case 146:
- $label_data["out"] = $temp["order_cnt"];
- break;
- case 147:
- $label_data["end"] = $temp["order_cnt"];
- break;
- case 148:
- $label_data["cancle"] = $temp["order_cnt"];
- break;
- }
- }
- $label_data["all"] = $ttt;
- }
- $json["label"] = $label_data;
- return $json;
- }
- }
- /**
- * ZS
- * 取消订单
- */
- public function cancelOrder($param)
- {
- $order_id = isset($param["order_id"]) ? trim($param["order_id"]) : false;
- $user_id = $this->user_id;
- if (!$order_id) {
- //参数不完整;
- $json["code"] = '2';
- $json["info"] = "缺少必要参数";
- return $json;
- }
- $sql = "call sp_cancel_order(" . $user_id . "," . $order_id . ")";
- zzcsUtils::writeLog($sql);
- $res = $this->procQuery($sql);
- if ($res['code'] != 0) {
- //执行存储过程出错
- $json["code"] = $res['code'];
- $json["info"] = $res['info'];
- } else {
- $json["code"] = "0";
- $json["info"] = "退票成功";
- }
- return $json;
- }
- /**
- * User: wangxj
- *
- * excel导入订单
- *
- * @params
- *
- * @return array 返回没有生成订单的数据
- */
- public function importOrder($param)
- {
- $channel_id = 9; //渠道商,目前先固定 渠道商对应业务员sales_man
- $flag = 0; //1上传全部成功,-1全部失败,2部分成功
- $line_id_fly = 0;
- $line_id_back = 0;
- $result = array('code' => 0, 'info' => 'sheet名称必须为“专车接机”和“专车送机”', 'data' => array());
- $line_id = 0;
- $sql = "select line_id, line_name from opera_line where cancel_flag = 0 and (line_name='机场接驳接机' or line_name = '机场接驳送机')";
- $res = $this->query($sql);
- if (!$res || count($res) == 0) {
- foreach ($res as $line) {
- if (trim($line['line_name']) == '机场接驳接机')
- $line_id_back = $line['line_id'];
- else if (trim($line['line_name']) == '机场接驳送机')
- $line_id_fly = $line['line_id'];
- }
- } else {
- $result['code'] = '2';
- $result["info"] = "缺少必要参数";
- return $result;
- }
- if (isset($_FILES['file']) && file_exists($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'])) {
- require_once ROOT_PATH . '/ZZCS/Common/PHPExcel/IOFactory.php';
- $excel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']);
- $allSheet = array('专车接机', '专车送机');
- foreach ($allSheet as $type => $sheetName) {
- //run_main查找run_id取prod_id,在opera_line可以查看line_id
- if ($sheetName == '专车送机')
- $line_id = $line_id_fly; //450917;
- else
- $line_id = $line_id_back; //450916;
- $worksheet = $excel->getSheetByName($sheetName);
- if (!$worksheet || $line_id == 0)
- continue;
- $worksheet = $worksheet->toArray();
- $worksheet = array_slice($worksheet, 1);
- //先按酒店排序,再按出发或抵达时间排序
- // usort($worksheet, function ($a, $b) {
- // $c = $a['8'] - $b['8'];
- // return $c != 0 ? $c : $a['6'] - $b['6'];
- // });
- foreach ($worksheet as $key => $item) {
- $valid = zzcsUtils::validateParams(array(
- '1,2,3,4' => 'empty'
- ), $item);
- if (!$valid['status']) {
- continue;
- }
- $res = $this->initOrder($line_id, $channel_id, $item, $type);
- if ($res['code'] != 0) { //为0下单成功
- $result['data'][] = $item + array('error' => $res['info'], 'type' => $sheetName);
- if ($flag == 0)
- $flag = -1;
- elseif ($flag == 1)
- $flag = 2;
- } else {
- if ($flag == 0)
- $flag = 1;
- elseif ($flag == -1)
- $flag = 2;
- }
- }
- }
- if ($flag == "1") {
- $result['info'] = "批量导入成功";
- } else if ($flag == "2") {
- $result['info'] = "部分导入成功";
- } else if ($flag == "-1") {
- $result['info'] = "导入失败";
- }
- $result['code'] = $flag;
- } else {
- $result['code'] = '2';
- $result["info"] = "缺少必要参数";
- }
- return $result;
- }
- /**
- * User: wangxj
- *
- * 加载接送机数据
- *
- * @params
- *
- * @return array
- */
- protected function initOrder($line_id, $channel_id, $params, $type)
- {
- $EXCEL_NAME = 3;
- $EXCEL_TEL = 4;
- $EXCEL_DATE = 6;
- $EXCEL_TIME = 8;
- $EXCEL_HOTEL = 10;
- $EXCEL_NOTE = 11;
- $result = array();
- $airport_res_id = 10575; //目前先固定
- $pay_type = 275;
- $supplier_name = $params[$EXCEL_SUPPLIER];
- //渠道商ID
- $sql = "select id from base_supplier where supplier_name = '$supplier_name' and cancel_flag = 0 and SUPPLIER_TYPE = 301 and is_disabled = 0 ";
- $res = $this->query($sql);
- if (!$res || count($res) == 0)
- return array('code' => 2, 'info' => '没有对应渠道商: ' . $supplier_name);
- else {
- $channel_id = $res[0]['id'];
- }
- //代收金额
- $receive_value = 0;
- $user_id = $this->user_id;
- $channel_order_id = $params[$EXCEL_ORDER_ID];
- // $run_date = date('Y-M-d', strtotime($params[4]));
- // ::todo 日期格式有待匹配优化
- if (DateTime::createFromFormat('m-d-y', $params[$EXCEL_DATE]))
- $run_date = DateTime::createFromFormat('m-d-y', $params[$EXCEL_DATE])->format('Y-m-d');
- else
- $run_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($params[$EXCEL_DATE]));
- //查看商家自己的订单号在数据库中是否存在,如果已经存在说明已经导入过订单,提示重复
- if (trim($params[$EXCEL_ORDER_ID]) != '') {
- $sql = "select order_id from order_main where cancel_flag = 0 and ORDER_STATUS <> 148 and OUTSIDE_ORDER_NO='" . $params[$EXCEL_ORDER_ID] . "' limit 1";
- $res = $this->query($sql);
- if ($res && !empty($res)) {
- return array('code' => 2, 'info' => '商家订单号已经录入过订单');
- }
- }
- $reg = '/^\d?\d:\d?\d/';
- $run_minutes = 0;
- if (!preg_match($reg, $params[$EXCEL_TIME], $run_time)) {
- return array('code' => 2, 'info' => '时间格式不正确');
- } else {
- //把时间转换为 分钟
- $tmpArray = explode(':', $run_time[0]);
- $run_minutes += $tmpArray[0] * 60 + $tmpArray[1];
- }
- // 去程票种,格式为{去程/返程标志(1:去程 2:返程),去程/返程班次ID,票种ID,票种单价,预定数量}
- $sql = "select run_id from RUN_MAIN where RUN_DATE='$run_date' and RUN_MINUTES >= '$run_minutes' and PROD_ID = $line_id and RUN_STATUS=138 order by RUN_MINUTES limit 1";
- $res = $this->query($sql);
- if (!$res || empty($res)) {
- return array('code' => 2, 'info' => '对应线路无该时间段班次');
- }
- $run_id = $res[0]['run_id'];
- //先获取起始站点和目的站点的res_id, zone_mark:0为站点 1为区域,需要根据具体站点查出区域,票种都是以区域为准
- $res_name = trim($params[$EXCEL_HOTEL]);
- //需要用正则匹配删除部分多余字符
- $reg = "/[^\x{4e00}-\x{9fa5}a-zA-Z]/u";
- $res_name = preg_replace($reg, '', $res_name);
- $full_res_name = $res_name;
- $res_name = str_replace(array("大酒店", "客栈", "酒店"), '', $res_name);
- $sql = "select parent_id,area_id, res_id from base_resource where cancel_flag = 0 and zone_mark = 0 and res_name like '$res_name%' limit 1";
- $res = $this->query($sql);
- if (!$res || empty($res)) {
- return array('code' => 2, 'info' => '当前线路没有这个站点: ' . $full_res_name);
- }
- $res_station_area_id = $res[0]['parent_id'] != 0 ? $res[0]['parent_id'] : $res[0]['res_id'];
- $res_station_id = $res[0]['res_id'];
- $line_type = 256; //穿梭巴士
- if ($type == 0) {
- $start_area_res_id = $airport_res_id;
- $end_area_res_id = $res_station_area_id;
- $start_res_id = $airport_res_id;
- $end_res_id = $res_station_id;
- } else {
- $start_area_res_id = $res_station_area_id;
- $end_area_res_id = $airport_res_id;
- $start_res_id = $res_station_id;
- $end_res_id = $airport_res_id;
- }
- $ticket_info = $this->getTicketInfo(array(
- 'channel_id' => $channel_id,
- 'run_id' => $run_id,
- 'start_res_id' => $start_area_res_id,
- 'end_res_id' => $end_area_res_id,
- 'line_type' => $line_type,
- ));
- if ($ticket_info['code'] != 0)
- return $ticket_info;
- $ticket_id = $ticket_info['list'][0]['ticket_id'];
- $ticket_amount = $ticket_info['list'][0]['price'];
- $count = $params[$EXCEL_MOUNT];
- $ticket_info = "{1,$run_id,$ticket_id,$ticket_amount,$count}";
- //渠道商信息,
- $chanel_info = $this->getGoChannel(array(
- 'run_id' => $run_id,
- 'start_res_id' => $start_res_id,
- 'end_res_id' => $end_res_id,
- 'line_type' => $line_type,
- 'supplier_id' => $channel_id
- ));
- if ($chanel_info['code'] != 0)
- return $chanel_info;
- $salesman = $chanel_info['list'][0]['sales_man'];
- //{联系人,联系电话,备注}
- $customer_info = "{" . $params[$EXCEL_NAME] . "," . $params[$EXCEL_TEL] . "," . $params[$EXCEL_NOTE] . "_" . $params[$EXCEL_FLIGHT] . "_" . $params[$EXCEL_FLIGHT_T] . "}";
- //由于穿梭巴士下单时,票种信息是区域到区域,实际订单其实需要定位到具体站点,所以加2个参数,start_res_id, end_res_id
- //$sql = "call sp_make_order_xm(" . $user_id . ",'" . $ticket_info . "','" . $customer_info . "'," . $channel_id . ",'" . $channel_order_id . "','" . $salesman . "'," . $pay_type . ")";
- $sql = "call sp_make_order_xm(" . $user_id . ",'" . $ticket_info . "','" . $customer_info . "'," . $channel_id . ",'" . $channel_order_id . "','" . $salesman . "'," . $pay_type . "," . $start_res_id . "," . $end_res_id . "," . $receive_value . ")";
- $res = $this->procQuery($sql);
- if ($res['code'] == 0) {
- $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
- $json['code'] = '0';
- $json['info'] = '录入订单成功';
- $json['order_id'] = $res['data'][0][0]['order_id'];
- $update_status_sql = "UPDATE order_main
- SET update_user_id = " . $user_id . ",
- update_time = '" . $time . "',
- order_status = 146
- order_id in (" . $json["order_id"] . ")
- OR parent_order_id in (" . $json["order_id"] . ")";
- $this->query($update_status_sql);
- }
- $result = $res;
- return $result;
- }
- /**
- * User:温依莅
- * 获取计调员信息
- * @param
- */
- public function getBiller()
- {
- $sql = "select id,user_name,IF(true_name='',user_name,true_name) 'true_name' from base_user where cancel_flag=0 and user_role in(6,7,14)";
- $biller_info = $this->query($sql);
- if (count($biller_info) == 0) {
- return array();
- }
- return $biller_info;
- }
- /**
- * Function Description:订单列表统一查询入口
- * Function Name: singleOrderList1
- * @param $web_data
- *
- * @return array
- *
- * @author 娄梦宁
- */
- public function singleOrderList($web_data){
- $time_limit = isset($web_data["time_limit"]) ? trim($web_data["time_limit"]) : false;
- $start_time = isset($web_data["start_time"]) ? trim($web_data["start_time"]) : false;
- $end_time = isset($web_data["end_time"]) ? trim($web_data["end_time"]) : false;
- $order_source = isset($web_data["order_source"]) ? trim($web_data["order_source"]) : false;
- $order_status = isset($web_data["order_status"]) ? trim($web_data["order_status"]) : false;
- $current_page = isset($web_data["current_page"]) ? trim($web_data["current_page"]) : false;
- $page_size = isset($web_data["page_size"]) ? trim($web_data["page_size"]) : false;
- $product_line = isset($web_data["product_line"]) ? trim($web_data["product_line"]) : false;
- $biller = isset($web_data["biller"]) ? trim($web_data["biller"]) : false;//添加计调员id
- $user_id = $this->user_id;
- $line = isset($web_data["line"]) ? trim($web_data["line"]) : false;
- $more_search = isset($web_data["more_search"]) ? trim($web_data["more_search"]) : false;
- $search_type = isset($web_data["search_type"]) ? trim($web_data["search_type"]) : false;
- //1.13新增条件参数
- $start_area_id=isset($web_data["start_area_id"]) ? trim($web_data["start_area_id"]) : false;
- $start_res_id=isset($web_data["start_res_id"]) ? trim($web_data["start_res_id"]) : false;
- $end_area_id=isset($web_data["end_area_id"]) ? trim($web_data["end_area_id"]) : false;
- $end_res_id=isset($web_data["end_res_id"]) ? trim($web_data["end_res_id"]) : false;
- $run_length=isset($web_data["run_length"]) ? trim($web_data["run_length"]) : false;
- $bus_send_no=isset($web_data["bus_send_no"]) ? trim($web_data["bus_send_no"]) : false;
- $send_driver_name=isset($web_data["send_driver_name"]) ? trim($web_data["send_driver_name"]) : false;
- $send_driver_mobile=isset($web_data["send_driver_mobile"]) ? trim($web_data["send_driver_mobile"]) : false;
- if ($time_limit === false || $start_time === false || $end_time === false || $order_source === false || $order_status === false || $current_page === false || $page_size === false || $product_line === false || $search_type === false || $line === false || $more_search === false || $biller === false ||
- $start_area_id === false || $start_res_id === false || $bus_send_no === false ||$send_driver_name === false ||$send_driver_mobile === false ) {
- //参数不完整;
- $json["code"] = '2';
- $json["info"] = "缺少必要参数";
- return $json;
- }
- //1. 筛选所有出行信息符合条件的订单
- //1.1拼接where语句
- if($time_limit==1){//下单时间或者出发时间
- $start_time_where=" a.CREATE_TIME between '$start_time' and '$end_time' ";
- }else{
- $start_time_where=" a.prod_start_station_date between '$start_time' and '$end_time' ";
- }
- if($order_source==0){//订单渠道
- $order_source_where=" ";
- }else{
- $order_source_where=" and a.OUTSIDE_SALE_ORG_ID=$order_source ";
- }
- if($product_line==0){//产品线
- $product_line_where=" ";
- }else{
- $product_line_where=" and b.product_type=$product_line ";
- }
- if($line==''){//线路编号或名称
- $line_where=" ";
- }else{
- $line_where=" and ( a.parent_prod_name='$line' or a.PARENT_PROD_ID=$line) ";
- }
- if($order_status==0){//订单状态
- $order_status_where=" ";
- }else{
- $order_status_where=" and a.order_status=$order_status ";
- }
- if($more_search==''){//更多查询
- $more_search_where=" ";
- }else{
- $more_search_where=" and ( a.order_id=$more_search or a.customer_name ='$more_search' or a.customer_mobile='$more_search' or a.SALES_MAN='$more_search' or a.OUTSIDE_ORDER_NO='$more_search' ) ";
- }
- if($biller==0){//计调
- $biller_where=" ";
- }else{
- $biller_where="and a.main_create_user_id=$biller ";
- }
- if($search_type==0){//上车区域
- $search_type_where=" ";
- }else{
- $search_type_where=" and e.line_type=$search_type ";
- }
- if($start_area_id==0){//上车区域
- $start_area_id_where=" ";
- }else{
- $start_area_id_where=" and a.PROD_START_STATION_AREA_ID=$start_area_id ";
- }
- if($start_res_id==0){//上车点
- $start_res_id_where=" ";
- }else{
- $start_res_id_where=" and a.PROD_START_STATION_res_ID=$start_res_id ";
- }
- if($end_area_id==0){//下车区域
- $end_area_id_where=" ";
- }else{
- $end_area_id_where=" and and a.PROD_end_STATION_AREA_ID=$end_area_id ";
- }
- if($end_res_id==0){//下车点
- $end_res_id_where=" ";
- }else{
- $end_res_id_where=" and and a.PROD_end_STATION_AREA_ID=$end_area_id ";
- }
- if($run_length==0){//行程段
- $run_length_where ='';
- }elseif($run_length==1){
- $run_length_where =" and c.parent_prod_name ='岛内接驳' ";
- }elseif($run_length==2){
- $run_length_where =" and c.parent_prod_name != '岛内接驳' and c.prod_start_station_date =a.prod_start_station_date ";
- }else{
- $run_length_where =" and c.prod_start_station_date !=a.prod_start_station_date ";
- }
- if($bus_send_no=='请选择'){//车牌号
- $bus_send_no_where=" ";
- }else{
- $bus_send_no_where=" AND b.SEND_BUS_NO = '$bus_send_no' ";
- }
- if($send_driver_name=='请选择'){//司机或导游名
- $send_driver_name_where=" ";
- }else{
- $send_driver_name_where=" AND (b.SEND_DRIVER_NAME = '$send_driver_name' OR b.SEND_TOUR_GUIDE_NAME = '$send_driver_name') ";
- }
- if($send_driver_mobile==0){//司机或导游手机号
- $send_driver_mobile_where=" ";
- }else{
- $send_driver_mobile_where=" AND (b.SEND_DRIVER_MOBILE = '$send_driver_mobile' OR b.SEND_TOUR_GUIDE_MOBILE = '$send_driver_mobile') ";
- }
- $current_page=($current_page-1)*$page_size;
- //符合条件的订单ID
- $sql=''."SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(x.M_ID) as arr
- from(
- IFNULL(d.status,2) as status,
- a.order_id M_ID
- order_main a
- inner join order_main c on a.order_id=c.parent_order_id
- INNER JOIN run_bus b ON c.run_id = b.run_id
- LEFT JOIN order_unusual_process d on d.order_id= a.order_id
- LEFT JOIN opera_line e on a.PARENT_PROD_ID= e.line_id
- where
- $start_time_where
- $order_source_where
- $product_line_where
- $line_where
- $order_status_where
- $more_search_where
- $biller_where
- $start_area_id_where
- $start_res_id_where
- $end_area_id_where
- $end_res_id_where
- $run_length_where
- $bus_send_no_where
- $send_driver_name_where
- $send_driver_mobile_where
- and a.CANCEL_FLAG=0
- and b.CANCEL_FLAG=0
- and c.CANCEL_FLAG=0
- and e.CANCEL_FLAG=0
- $search_type_where
- a.order_id
- order by status,a.create_time desc
- limit $current_page,$page_size )x";
- $order_id_arr=$this->query($sql);
- $id_arr=$order_id_arr[0]['arr'];
- //查询展示数据
- $sql=''."SELECT
- a.order_id M_ID,
- a.create_time,
- ifnull((SELECT true_name FROM base_user WHERE id = a.main_create_user_id),'') create_user_name,
- ifnull((SELECT supplier_name FROM base_supplier WHERE id = a.OUTSIDE_SALE_ORG_ID),'') org_name,
- a.outside_order_no,
- ifnull(a.sales_man,'') as sales_man_name,
- a.parent_prod_name line,
- a.order_description,
- a.PROD_START_STATION_RES_name start_station,
- a.PROD_START_STATION_area_name AS start_area,
- a.prod_start_station_date AS travel_time,
- a.customer_name contacts,
- a.customer_mobile AS tel,
- a.order_price AS total_price,
- ifnull((SELECT type_name FROM dict_type WHERE id = (SELECT pay_type_id_1 FROM order_pay_detail WHERE id = (SELECT id FROM order_pay_main WHERE order_id = a.order_id))),'授信支付') as pay_type_name,
- a.order_status,
- (a.receive_value) as receive_value,
- ifnull(a.customer_memo,'') as memo,
- IFNULL(d.status,2) as status,
- ifnull(d.special_state,'') as special_state,
- a.real_passenger_num real_passager_num
- order_main a
- inner join order_main c on a.order_id=c.parent_order_id
- INNER JOIN run_bus b ON c.run_id = b.run_id
- LEFT JOIN order_unusual_process d on d.order_id= a.order_id
- LEFT JOIN opera_line e on a.PARENT_PROD_ID= e.line_id
- a.order_id in($id_arr)
- a.order_id
- order by status,a.create_time desc
- ";
- //获取订单状态分组信息
- $order_list=$this->query($sql);
- $sql=''."SELECT ifnull(SUM(x.145cnt),0) as pay,ifnull(SUM(x.146cnt),0) as `out`, ifnull(SUM(x.147cnt),0) as end,ifnull(SUM(x.148cnt),0) as cancel,ifnull(SUM(1),0) as `all`
- from(
- a.order_id M_ID,
- if(a.order_status ='145', 1,0) '145cnt',
- if(a.order_status ='146', 1,0) '146cnt',
- if(a.order_status ='147', 1,0) '147cnt',
- if(a.order_status ='148', 1,0) '148cnt',
- a.order_status
- order_main a
- inner join order_main c on a.order_id=c.parent_order_id
- INNER JOIN run_bus b ON c.run_id = b.run_id
- LEFT JOIN order_unusual_process d on d.order_id= a.order_id
- LEFT JOIN opera_line e on a.PARENT_PROD_ID= e.line_id
- $start_time_where
- $order_source_where
- $product_line_where
- $line_where
- $order_status_where
- $more_search_where
- $biller_where
- $start_area_id_where
- $start_res_id_where
- $end_area_id_where
- $end_res_id_where
- $run_length_where
- $bus_send_no_where
- $send_driver_name_where
- $send_driver_mobile_where
- and a.CANCEL_FLAG=0
- and b.CANCEL_FLAG=0
- and c.CANCEL_FLAG=0
- and e.CANCEL_FLAG=0
- $search_type_where
- a.order_id
- )x";
- $label=$this->query($sql);
- $total_count=intval($label[0]['all']);
- $page_count=ceil($total_count/$page_size);
- //出行信息内容拼接
- foreach ($order_list as $key=>$val){
- $order_id=$val['M_ID'];
- $sql=''."SELECT
- if(b.parent_prod_name ='岛内接驳','1. ',(if(b.PROD_START_STATION_DATE=c.PROD_START_STATION_DATE,'2. ','3. '))) as seq
- order_main c,run_bus a
- INNER JOIN order_main b ON a.run_id = b.run_id
- b.parent_order_id = $order_id
- and c.order_id=$order_id
- a.run_id
- seq";
- $trip_info=$this->query($sql);
- $trip_str='';
- foreach($trip_info as $v){
- $trip_str.=$v['seq'].$v['SEND_BUS_NO'].' '.$v['SEND_DRIVER_NAME'].' '.$v['SEND_DRIVER_MOBILE'].' '.$v['SEND_TOUR_GUIDE_NAME'].' '.$v['SEND_TOUR_GUIDE_MOBILE'].'</br> ';
- }
- $order_list[$key]['trip_info']=$trip_str;
- }
- $json=array(
- 'code'=>0,
- 'info'=>'订单列表',
- 'page'=>array(
- 'total_count'=>$total_count,
- 'curr_page'=>$current_page+1,
- 'page_size'=>intval($page_size),
- 'page_count'=>$page_count
- ),
- 'label'=>$label[0],
- 'order_list'=>$order_list
- );
- return $json;
- }
- /**
- * Function Description:校验渠道订单号是否唯一存在
- * Function Name: checkOutsideNo
- * @param $post
- *
- * @return array
- *
- * @author 娄梦宁
- */
- public function checkOutsideNo($post){
- $ouside_no = isset($post["outside_no"]) ? trim($post["outside_no"]) : false;
- $sql='select count(1) as cnt from order_main where cancel_flag=0 and outside_order_no = "'.$ouside_no.'"';
- $res=$this->query($sql);
- $cnt=$res[0]['cnt'];
- if($cnt!=0){
- return array(
- 'code'=>1,
- 'info'=>'该渠道订单号已存在!',
- );
- }
- return array(
- 'code'=>0,
- 'info'=>'该渠道订单号可添加!'
- );
- }
- }