- /*!
- * sweetalert2 v6.2.9
- * Released under the MIT License.
- */
- (function (global, factory) {
- typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
- typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
- (global.Sweetalert2 = factory());
- }(this, (function () { 'use strict';
- var swalPrefix = 'swal2-';
- var prefix = function prefix(items) {
- var result = {};
- for (var i in items) {
- result[items[i]] = swalPrefix + items[i];
- }
- return result;
- };
- var swalClasses = prefix(['container', 'in', 'iosfix', 'modal', 'overlay', 'fade', 'show', 'hide', 'noanimation', 'close', 'title', 'content', 'spacer', 'confirm', 'cancel', 'icon', 'image', 'input', 'file', 'range', 'select', 'radio', 'checkbox', 'textarea', 'inputerror', 'validationerror', 'progresssteps', 'activeprogressstep', 'progresscircle', 'progressline', 'loading', 'styled']);
- var iconTypes = prefix(['success', 'warning', 'info', 'question', 'error']);
- var defaultParams = {
- title: '',
- titleText: '',
- text: '',
- html: '',
- type: null,
- customClass: '',
- animation: true,
- allowOutsideClick: true,
- allowEscapeKey: true,
- showConfirmButton: true,
- showCancelButton: false,
- preConfirm: null,
- confirmButtonText: 'OK',
- confirmButtonColor: '#3085d6',
- confirmButtonClass: null,
- cancelButtonText: 'Cancel',
- cancelButtonColor: '#aaa',
- cancelButtonClass: null,
- buttonsStyling: true,
- reverseButtons: false,
- focusCancel: false,
- showCloseButton: false,
- showLoaderOnConfirm: false,
- imageUrl: null,
- imageWidth: null,
- imageHeight: null,
- imageClass: null,
- timer: null,
- width: 500,
- padding: 20,
- background: '#fff',
- input: null,
- inputPlaceholder: '',
- inputValue: '',
- inputOptions: {},
- inputAutoTrim: true,
- inputClass: null,
- inputAttributes: {},
- inputValidator: null,
- progressSteps: [],
- currentProgressStep: null,
- progressStepsDistance: '40px',
- onOpen: null,
- onClose: null
- };
- var sweetHTML = ('\n <div class="' + swalClasses.modal + '" tabIndex="-1">\n <ul class="' + swalClasses.progresssteps + '"></ul>\n <div class="' + swalClasses.icon + ' ' + iconTypes.error + '">\n <span class="x-mark"><span class="line left"></span><span class="line right"></span></span>\n </div>\n <div class="' + swalClasses.icon + ' ' + iconTypes.question + '">?</div>\n <div class="' + swalClasses.icon + ' ' + iconTypes.warning + '">!</div>\n <div class="' + swalClasses.icon + ' ' + iconTypes.info + '">i</div>\n <div class="' + swalClasses.icon + ' ' + iconTypes.success + '">\n <span class="line tip"></span> <span class="line long"></span>\n <div class="placeholder"></div> <div class="fix"></div>\n </div>\n <img class="' + swalClasses.image + '">\n <h2 class="' + swalClasses.title + '"></h2>\n <div class="' + swalClasses.content + '"></div>\n <input class="' + swalClasses.input + '">\n <input type="file" class="' + swalClasses.file + '">\n <div class="' + swalClasses.range + '">\n <output></output>\n <input type="range">\n </div>\n <select class="' + swalClasses.select + '"></select>\n <div class="' + swalClasses.radio + '"></div>\n <label for="' + swalClasses.checkbox + '" class="' + swalClasses.checkbox + '">\n <input type="checkbox">\n </label>\n <textarea class="' + swalClasses.textarea + '"></textarea>\n <div class="' + swalClasses.validationerror + '"></div>\n <hr class="' + swalClasses.spacer + '">\n <button type="button" class="' + swalClasses.confirm + '">OK</button>\n <button type="button" class="' + swalClasses.cancel + '">Cancel</button>\n <span class="' + swalClasses.close + '">×</span>\n </div>\n').replace(/(^|\n)\s*/g, '');
- var sweetContainer = void 0;
- var existingSweetContainers = document.getElementsByClassName(swalClasses.container);
- if (existingSweetContainers.length) {
- sweetContainer = existingSweetContainers[0];
- } else {
- sweetContainer = document.createElement('div');
- sweetContainer.className = swalClasses.container;
- sweetContainer.innerHTML = sweetHTML;
- }
- /*
- * Set hover, active and focus-states for buttons (source: http://www.sitepoint.com/javascript-generate-lighter-darker-color)
- */
- var colorLuminance = function colorLuminance(hex, lum) {
- // Validate hex string
- hex = String(hex).replace(/[^0-9a-f]/gi, '');
- if (hex.length < 6) {
- hex = hex[0] + hex[0] + hex[1] + hex[1] + hex[2] + hex[2];
- }
- lum = lum || 0;
- // Convert to decimal and change luminosity
- var rgb = '#';
- for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- var c = parseInt(hex.substr(i * 2, 2), 16);
- c = Math.round(Math.min(Math.max(0, c + c * lum), 255)).toString(16);
- rgb += ('00' + c).substr(c.length);
- }
- return rgb;
- };
- /* global MouseEvent */
- // Remember state in cases where opening and handling a modal will fiddle with it.
- var states = {
- previousWindowKeyDown: null,
- previousActiveElement: null,
- previousBodyPadding: null
- };
- /*
- * Add modal + overlay to DOM
- */
- var init = function init() {
- if (typeof document === 'undefined') {
- console.error('SweetAlert2 requires document to initialize');
- return;
- } else if (document.getElementsByClassName(swalClasses.container).length) {
- return;
- }
- document.body.appendChild(sweetContainer);
- var modal = getModal();
- var input = getChildByClass(modal, swalClasses.input);
- var file = getChildByClass(modal, swalClasses.file);
- var range = modal.querySelector('.' + swalClasses.range + ' input');
- var rangeOutput = modal.querySelector('.' + swalClasses.range + ' output');
- var select = getChildByClass(modal, swalClasses.select);
- var checkbox = modal.querySelector('.' + swalClasses.checkbox + ' input');
- var textarea = getChildByClass(modal, swalClasses.textarea);
- input.oninput = function () {
- sweetAlert.resetValidationError();
- };
- input.onkeydown = function (event) {
- setTimeout(function () {
- if (event.keyCode === 13) {
- event.stopPropagation();
- sweetAlert.clickConfirm();
- }
- }, 0);
- };
- file.onchange = function () {
- sweetAlert.resetValidationError();
- };
- range.oninput = function () {
- sweetAlert.resetValidationError();
- rangeOutput.value = range.value;
- };
- range.onchange = function () {
- sweetAlert.resetValidationError();
- range.previousSibling.value = range.value;
- };
- select.onchange = function () {
- sweetAlert.resetValidationError();
- };
- checkbox.onchange = function () {
- sweetAlert.resetValidationError();
- };
- textarea.oninput = function () {
- sweetAlert.resetValidationError();
- };
- return modal;
- };
- /*
- * Manipulate DOM
- */
- var elementByClass = function elementByClass(className) {
- return sweetContainer.querySelector('.' + className);
- };
- var getModal = function getModal() {
- return document.body.querySelector('.' + swalClasses.modal) || init();
- };
- var getIcons = function getIcons() {
- var modal = getModal();
- return modal.querySelectorAll('.' + swalClasses.icon);
- };
- var getTitle = function getTitle() {
- return elementByClass(swalClasses.title);
- };
- var getContent = function getContent() {
- return elementByClass(swalClasses.content);
- };
- var getImage = function getImage() {
- return elementByClass(swalClasses.image);
- };
- var getSpacer = function getSpacer() {
- return elementByClass(swalClasses.spacer);
- };
- var getProgressSteps = function getProgressSteps() {
- return elementByClass(swalClasses.progresssteps);
- };
- var getValidationError = function getValidationError() {
- return elementByClass(swalClasses.validationerror);
- };
- var getConfirmButton = function getConfirmButton() {
- return elementByClass(swalClasses.confirm);
- };
- var getCancelButton = function getCancelButton() {
- return elementByClass(swalClasses.cancel);
- };
- var getCloseButton = function getCloseButton() {
- return elementByClass(swalClasses.close);
- };
- var getFocusableElements = function getFocusableElements(focusCancel) {
- var buttons = [getConfirmButton(), getCancelButton()];
- if (focusCancel) {
- buttons.reverse();
- }
- return buttons.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(getModal().querySelectorAll('button:not([class^=' + swalPrefix + ']), input:not([type=hidden]), textarea, select')));
- };
- var hasClass = function hasClass(elem, className) {
- if (elem.classList) {
- return elem.classList.contains(className);
- }
- return false;
- };
- var focusInput = function focusInput(input) {
- input.focus();
- // place cursor at end of text in text input
- if (input.type !== 'file') {
- // http://stackoverflow.com/a/2345915/1331425
- var val = input.value;
- input.value = '';
- input.value = val;
- }
- };
- var addClass = function addClass(elem, className) {
- if (!elem || !className) {
- return;
- }
- var classes = className.split(/\s+/).filter(Boolean);
- classes.forEach(function (className) {
- elem.classList.add(className);
- });
- };
- var removeClass = function removeClass(elem, className) {
- if (!elem || !className) {
- return;
- }
- var classes = className.split(/\s+/).filter(Boolean);
- classes.forEach(function (className) {
- elem.classList.remove(className);
- });
- };
- var getChildByClass = function getChildByClass(elem, className) {
- for (var i = 0; i < elem.childNodes.length; i++) {
- if (hasClass(elem.childNodes[i], className)) {
- return elem.childNodes[i];
- }
- }
- };
- var show = function show(elem, display) {
- if (!display) {
- display = 'block';
- }
- elem.style.opacity = '';
- elem.style.display = display;
- };
- var hide = function hide(elem) {
- elem.style.opacity = '';
- elem.style.display = 'none';
- };
- var empty = function empty(elem) {
- while (elem.firstChild) {
- elem.removeChild(elem.firstChild);
- }
- };
- // borrowed from jqeury $(elem).is(':visible') implementation
- var isVisible = function isVisible(elem) {
- return elem.offsetWidth || elem.offsetHeight || elem.getClientRects().length;
- };
- var removeStyleProperty = function removeStyleProperty(elem, property) {
- if (elem.style.removeProperty) {
- elem.style.removeProperty(property);
- } else {
- elem.style.removeAttribute(property);
- }
- };
- var fireClick = function fireClick(node) {
- if (!isVisible(node)) {
- return false;
- }
- // Taken from http://www.nonobtrusive.com/2011/11/29/programatically-fire-crossbrowser-click-event-with-javascript/
- // Then fixed for today's Chrome browser.
- if (typeof MouseEvent === 'function') {
- // Up-to-date approach
- var mevt = new MouseEvent('click', {
- view: window,
- bubbles: false,
- cancelable: true
- });
- node.dispatchEvent(mevt);
- } else if (document.createEvent) {
- // Fallback
- var evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
- evt.initEvent('click', false, false);
- node.dispatchEvent(evt);
- } else if (document.createEventObject) {
- node.fireEvent('onclick');
- } else if (typeof node.onclick === 'function') {
- node.onclick();
- }
- };
- var animationEndEvent = function () {
- var testEl = document.createElement('div');
- var transEndEventNames = {
- 'WebkitAnimation': 'webkitAnimationEnd',
- 'OAnimation': 'oAnimationEnd oanimationend',
- 'msAnimation': 'MSAnimationEnd',
- 'animation': 'animationend'
- };
- for (var i in transEndEventNames) {
- if (transEndEventNames.hasOwnProperty(i) && testEl.style[i] !== undefined) {
- return transEndEventNames[i];
- }
- }
- return false;
- }();
- // Reset the page to its previous state
- var resetPrevState = function resetPrevState() {
- var modal = getModal();
- window.onkeydown = states.previousWindowKeyDown;
- if (states.previousActiveElement && states.previousActiveElement.focus) {
- states.previousActiveElement.focus();
- }
- clearTimeout(modal.timeout);
- };
- // Measure width of scrollbar
- // https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/js/modal.js#L279-L286
- var measureScrollbar = function measureScrollbar() {
- var scrollDiv = document.createElement('div');
- scrollDiv.style.width = '50px';
- scrollDiv.style.height = '50px';
- scrollDiv.style.overflow = 'scroll';
- document.body.appendChild(scrollDiv);
- var scrollbarWidth = scrollDiv.offsetWidth - scrollDiv.clientWidth;
- document.body.removeChild(scrollDiv);
- return scrollbarWidth;
- };
- // JavaScript Debounce Function
- // Simplivied version of https://davidwalsh.name/javascript-debounce-function
- var debounce = function debounce(func, wait) {
- var timeout = void 0;
- return function () {
- var later = function later() {
- timeout = null;
- func();
- };
- clearTimeout(timeout);
- timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
- };
- };
- var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) {
- return typeof obj;
- } : function (obj) {
- return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj;
- };
- var asyncGenerator = function () {
- function AwaitValue(value) {
- this.value = value;
- }
- function AsyncGenerator(gen) {
- var front, back;
- function send(key, arg) {
- return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
- var request = {
- key: key,
- arg: arg,
- resolve: resolve,
- reject: reject,
- next: null
- };
- if (back) {
- back = back.next = request;
- } else {
- front = back = request;
- resume(key, arg);
- }
- });
- }
- function resume(key, arg) {
- try {
- var result = gen[key](arg);
- var value = result.value;
- if (value instanceof AwaitValue) {
- Promise.resolve(value.value).then(function (arg) {
- resume("next", arg);
- }, function (arg) {
- resume("throw", arg);
- });
- } else {
- settle(result.done ? "return" : "normal", result.value);
- }
- } catch (err) {
- settle("throw", err);
- }
- }
- function settle(type, value) {
- switch (type) {
- case "return":
- front.resolve({
- value: value,
- done: true
- });
- break;
- case "throw":
- front.reject(value);
- break;
- default:
- front.resolve({
- value: value,
- done: false
- });
- break;
- }
- front = front.next;
- if (front) {
- resume(front.key, front.arg);
- } else {
- back = null;
- }
- }
- this._invoke = send;
- if (typeof gen.return !== "function") {
- this.return = undefined;
- }
- }
- if (typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.asyncIterator) {
- AsyncGenerator.prototype[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () {
- return this;
- };
- }
- AsyncGenerator.prototype.next = function (arg) {
- return this._invoke("next", arg);
- };
- AsyncGenerator.prototype.throw = function (arg) {
- return this._invoke("throw", arg);
- };
- AsyncGenerator.prototype.return = function (arg) {
- return this._invoke("return", arg);
- };
- return {
- wrap: function (fn) {
- return function () {
- return new AsyncGenerator(fn.apply(this, arguments));
- };
- },
- await: function (value) {
- return new AwaitValue(value);
- }
- };
- }();
- var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) {
- for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- var source = arguments[i];
- for (var key in source) {
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
- target[key] = source[key];
- }
- }
- }
- return target;
- };
- var get = function get(object, property, receiver) {
- if (object === null) object = Function.prototype;
- var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, property);
- if (desc === undefined) {
- var parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(object);
- if (parent === null) {
- return undefined;
- } else {
- return get(parent, property, receiver);
- }
- } else if ("value" in desc) {
- return desc.value;
- } else {
- var getter = desc.get;
- if (getter === undefined) {
- return undefined;
- }
- return getter.call(receiver);
- }
- };
- var set = function set(object, property, value, receiver) {
- var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, property);
- if (desc === undefined) {
- var parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(object);
- if (parent !== null) {
- set(parent, property, value, receiver);
- }
- } else if ("value" in desc && desc.writable) {
- desc.value = value;
- } else {
- var setter = desc.set;
- if (setter !== undefined) {
- setter.call(receiver, value);
- }
- }
- return value;
- };
- var modalParams = _extends({}, defaultParams);
- var queue = [];
- var swal2Observer = void 0;
- /*
- * Set type, text and actions on modal
- */
- var setParameters = function setParameters(params) {
- var modal = getModal();
- for (var param in params) {
- if (!defaultParams.hasOwnProperty(param) && param !== 'extraParams') {
- console.warn('SweetAlert2: Unknown parameter "' + param + '"');
- }
- }
- // set modal width and margin-left
- modal.style.width = typeof params.width === 'number' ? params.width + 'px' : params.width;
- modal.style.padding = params.padding + 'px';
- modal.style.background = params.background;
- var title = getTitle();
- var content = getContent();
- var confirmButton = getConfirmButton();
- var cancelButton = getCancelButton();
- var closeButton = getCloseButton();
- // Title
- if (params.titleText) {
- title.innerText = params.titleText;
- } else {
- title.innerHTML = params.title.split('\n').join('<br>');
- }
- // Content
- if (params.text || params.html) {
- if (_typeof(params.html) === 'object') {
- content.innerHTML = '';
- if (0 in params.html) {
- for (var i = 0; i in params.html; i++) {
- content.appendChild(params.html[i].cloneNode(true));
- }
- } else {
- content.appendChild(params.html.cloneNode(true));
- }
- } else if (params.html) {
- content.innerHTML = params.html;
- } else if (params.text) {
- content.textContent = params.text;
- }
- show(content);
- } else {
- hide(content);
- }
- // Close button
- if (params.showCloseButton) {
- show(closeButton);
- } else {
- hide(closeButton);
- }
- // Custom Class
- modal.className = swalClasses.modal;
- if (params.customClass) {
- addClass(modal, params.customClass);
- }
- // Progress steps
- var progressStepsContainer = getProgressSteps();
- var currentProgressStep = parseInt(params.currentProgressStep === null ? sweetAlert.getQueueStep() : params.currentProgressStep, 10);
- if (params.progressSteps.length) {
- show(progressStepsContainer);
- empty(progressStepsContainer);
- if (currentProgressStep >= params.progressSteps.length) {
- console.warn('SweetAlert2: Invalid currentProgressStep parameter, it should be less than progressSteps.length ' + '(currentProgressStep like JS arrays starts from 0)');
- }
- params.progressSteps.forEach(function (step, index) {
- var circle = document.createElement('li');
- addClass(circle, swalClasses.progresscircle);
- circle.innerHTML = step;
- if (index === currentProgressStep) {
- addClass(circle, swalClasses.activeprogressstep);
- }
- progressStepsContainer.appendChild(circle);
- if (index !== params.progressSteps.length - 1) {
- var line = document.createElement('li');
- addClass(line, swalClasses.progressline);
- line.style.width = params.progressStepsDistance;
- progressStepsContainer.appendChild(line);
- }
- });
- } else {
- hide(progressStepsContainer);
- }
- // Icon
- var icons = getIcons();
- for (var _i = 0; _i < icons.length; _i++) {
- hide(icons[_i]);
- }
- if (params.type) {
- var validType = false;
- for (var iconType in iconTypes) {
- if (params.type === iconType) {
- validType = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!validType) {
- console.error('SweetAlert2: Unknown alert type: ' + params.type);
- return false;
- }
- var icon = modal.querySelector('.' + swalClasses.icon + '.' + iconTypes[params.type]);
- show(icon);
- // Animate icon
- switch (params.type) {
- case 'success':
- addClass(icon, 'animate');
- addClass(icon.querySelector('.tip'), 'animate-success-tip');
- addClass(icon.querySelector('.long'), 'animate-success-long');
- break;
- case 'error':
- addClass(icon, 'animate-error-icon');
- addClass(icon.querySelector('.x-mark'), 'animate-x-mark');
- break;
- case 'warning':
- addClass(icon, 'pulse-warning');
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- // Custom image
- var image = getImage();
- if (params.imageUrl) {
- image.setAttribute('src', params.imageUrl);
- show(image);
- if (params.imageWidth) {
- image.setAttribute('width', params.imageWidth);
- } else {
- image.removeAttribute('width');
- }
- if (params.imageHeight) {
- image.setAttribute('height', params.imageHeight);
- } else {
- image.removeAttribute('height');
- }
- image.className = swalClasses.image;
- if (params.imageClass) {
- addClass(image, params.imageClass);
- }
- } else {
- hide(image);
- }
- // Cancel button
- if (params.showCancelButton) {
- cancelButton.style.display = 'inline-block';
- } else {
- hide(cancelButton);
- }
- // Confirm button
- if (params.showConfirmButton) {
- removeStyleProperty(confirmButton, 'display');
- } else {
- hide(confirmButton);
- }
- // Buttons spacer
- var spacer = getSpacer();
- if (!params.showConfirmButton && !params.showCancelButton) {
- hide(spacer);
- } else {
- show(spacer);
- }
- // Edit text on cancel and confirm buttons
- confirmButton.innerHTML = params.confirmButtonText;
- cancelButton.innerHTML = params.cancelButtonText;
- // Set buttons to selected background colors
- if (params.buttonsStyling) {
- confirmButton.style.backgroundColor = params.confirmButtonColor;
- cancelButton.style.backgroundColor = params.cancelButtonColor;
- }
- // Add buttons custom classes
- confirmButton.className = swalClasses.confirm;
- addClass(confirmButton, params.confirmButtonClass);
- cancelButton.className = swalClasses.cancel;
- addClass(cancelButton, params.cancelButtonClass);
- // Buttons styling
- if (params.buttonsStyling) {
- addClass(confirmButton, swalClasses.styled);
- addClass(cancelButton, swalClasses.styled);
- } else {
- removeClass(confirmButton, swalClasses.styled);
- removeClass(cancelButton, swalClasses.styled);
- confirmButton.style.backgroundColor = confirmButton.style.borderLeftColor = confirmButton.style.borderRightColor = '';
- cancelButton.style.backgroundColor = cancelButton.style.borderLeftColor = cancelButton.style.borderRightColor = '';
- }
- // CSS animation
- if (params.animation === true) {
- removeClass(modal, swalClasses.noanimation);
- } else {
- addClass(modal, swalClasses.noanimation);
- }
- };
- /*
- * Animations
- */
- var openModal = function openModal(animation, onComplete) {
- var modal = getModal();
- if (animation) {
- addClass(modal, swalClasses.show);
- addClass(sweetContainer, swalClasses.fade);
- removeClass(modal, swalClasses.hide);
- } else {
- removeClass(modal, swalClasses.fade);
- }
- show(modal);
- // scrolling is 'hidden' until animation is done, after that 'auto'
- sweetContainer.style.overflowY = 'hidden';
- if (animationEndEvent && !hasClass(modal, swalClasses.noanimation)) {
- modal.addEventListener(animationEndEvent, function swalCloseEventFinished() {
- modal.removeEventListener(animationEndEvent, swalCloseEventFinished);
- sweetContainer.style.overflowY = 'auto';
- });
- } else {
- sweetContainer.style.overflowY = 'auto';
- }
- addClass(sweetContainer, swalClasses.in);
- addClass(document.body, swalClasses.in);
- fixScrollbar();
- iOSfix();
- states.previousActiveElement = document.activeElement;
- if (onComplete !== null && typeof onComplete === 'function') {
- onComplete(modal);
- }
- };
- var fixScrollbar = function fixScrollbar() {
- // for queues, do not do this more than once
- if (states.previousBodyPadding !== null) {
- return;
- }
- // if the body has overflow
- if (document.body.scrollHeight > window.innerHeight) {
- // add padding so the content doesn't shift after removal of scrollbar
- states.previousBodyPadding = document.body.style.paddingRight;
- document.body.style.paddingRight = measureScrollbar() + 'px';
- }
- };
- var undoScrollbar = function undoScrollbar() {
- if (states.previousBodyPadding !== null) {
- document.body.style.paddingRight = states.previousBodyPadding;
- states.previousBodyPadding = null;
- }
- };
- // Fix iOS scrolling http://stackoverflow.com/q/39626302/1331425
- var iOSfix = function iOSfix() {
- var iOS = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.MSStream;
- if (iOS && !hasClass(document.body, swalClasses.iosfix)) {
- var offset = document.body.scrollTop;
- document.body.style.top = offset * -1 + 'px';
- addClass(document.body, swalClasses.iosfix);
- }
- };
- var undoIOSfix = function undoIOSfix() {
- if (hasClass(document.body, swalClasses.iosfix)) {
- var offset = parseInt(document.body.style.top, 10);
- removeClass(document.body, swalClasses.iosfix);
- document.body.style.top = '';
- document.body.scrollTop = offset * -1;
- }
- };
- var modalDependant = function modalDependant() {
- for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
- args[_key] = arguments[_key];
- }
- if (args[0] === undefined) {
- console.error('SweetAlert2 expects at least 1 attribute!');
- return false;
- }
- var params = _extends({}, modalParams);
- switch (_typeof(args[0])) {
- case 'string':
- params.title = args[0];
- params.html = args[1];
- params.type = args[2];
- break;
- case 'object':
- _extends(params, args[0]);
- params.extraParams = args[0].extraParams;
- if (params.input === 'email' && params.inputValidator === null) {
- params.inputValidator = function (email) {
- return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
- var emailRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$/;
- if (emailRegex.test(email)) {
- resolve();
- } else {
- reject('Invalid email address');
- }
- });
- };
- }
- break;
- default:
- console.error('SweetAlert2: Unexpected type of argument! Expected "string" or "object", got ' + _typeof(args[0]));
- return false;
- }
- setParameters(params);
- var modal = getModal();
- return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
- // Close on timer
- if (params.timer) {
- modal.timeout = setTimeout(function () {
- sweetAlert.closeModal(params.onClose);
- reject('timer');
- }, params.timer);
- }
- // Get input element by specified type or, if type isn't specified, by params.input
- var getInput = function getInput(inputType) {
- inputType = inputType || params.input;
- switch (inputType) {
- case 'select':
- case 'textarea':
- case 'file':
- return getChildByClass(modal, swalClasses[inputType]);
- case 'checkbox':
- return modal.querySelector('.' + swalClasses.checkbox + ' input');
- case 'radio':
- return modal.querySelector('.' + swalClasses.radio + ' input:checked') || modal.querySelector('.' + swalClasses.radio + ' input:first-child');
- case 'range':
- return modal.querySelector('.' + swalClasses.range + ' input');
- default:
- return getChildByClass(modal, swalClasses.input);
- }
- };
- // Get the value of the modal input
- var getInputValue = function getInputValue() {
- var input = getInput();
- if (!input) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (params.input) {
- case 'checkbox':
- return input.checked ? 1 : 0;
- case 'radio':
- return input.checked ? input.value : null;
- case 'file':
- return input.files.length ? input.files[0] : null;
- default:
- return params.inputAutoTrim ? input.value.trim() : input.value;
- }
- };
- // input autofocus
- if (params.input) {
- setTimeout(function () {
- var input = getInput();
- if (input) {
- focusInput(input);
- }
- }, 0);
- }
- var confirm = function confirm(value) {
- if (params.showLoaderOnConfirm) {
- sweetAlert.showLoading();
- }
- if (params.preConfirm) {
- params.preConfirm(value, params.extraParams).then(function (preConfirmValue) {
- sweetAlert.closeModal(params.onClose);
- resolve(preConfirmValue || value);
- }, function (error) {
- sweetAlert.hideLoading();
- if (error) {
- sweetAlert.showValidationError(error);
- }
- });
- } else {
- sweetAlert.closeModal(params.onClose);
- resolve(value);
- }
- };
- // Mouse interactions
- var onButtonEvent = function onButtonEvent(event) {
- var e = event || window.event;
- var target = e.target || e.srcElement;
- var confirmButton = getConfirmButton();
- var cancelButton = getCancelButton();
- var targetedConfirm = confirmButton === target || confirmButton.contains(target);
- var targetedCancel = cancelButton === target || cancelButton.contains(target);
- switch (e.type) {
- case 'mouseover':
- case 'mouseup':
- if (params.buttonsStyling) {
- if (targetedConfirm) {
- confirmButton.style.backgroundColor = colorLuminance(params.confirmButtonColor, -0.1);
- } else if (targetedCancel) {
- cancelButton.style.backgroundColor = colorLuminance(params.cancelButtonColor, -0.1);
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'mouseout':
- if (params.buttonsStyling) {
- if (targetedConfirm) {
- confirmButton.style.backgroundColor = params.confirmButtonColor;
- } else if (targetedCancel) {
- cancelButton.style.backgroundColor = params.cancelButtonColor;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'mousedown':
- if (params.buttonsStyling) {
- if (targetedConfirm) {
- confirmButton.style.backgroundColor = colorLuminance(params.confirmButtonColor, -0.2);
- } else if (targetedCancel) {
- cancelButton.style.backgroundColor = colorLuminance(params.cancelButtonColor, -0.2);
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'click':
- // Clicked 'confirm'
- if (targetedConfirm && sweetAlert.isVisible()) {
- if (params.input) {
- (function () {
- var inputValue = getInputValue();
- if (params.inputValidator) {
- sweetAlert.disableInput();
- params.inputValidator(inputValue, params.extraParams).then(function () {
- sweetAlert.enableInput();
- confirm(inputValue);
- }, function (error) {
- sweetAlert.enableInput();
- if (error) {
- sweetAlert.showValidationError(error);
- }
- });
- } else {
- confirm(inputValue);
- }
- })();
- } else {
- confirm(true);
- }
- // Clicked 'cancel'
- } else if (targetedCancel && sweetAlert.isVisible()) {
- sweetAlert.closeModal(params.onClose);
- reject('cancel');
- }
- break;
- default:
- }
- };
- var buttons = modal.querySelectorAll('button');
- for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
- buttons[i].onclick = onButtonEvent;
- buttons[i].onmouseover = onButtonEvent;
- buttons[i].onmouseout = onButtonEvent;
- buttons[i].onmousedown = onButtonEvent;
- }
- // Closing modal by close button
- getCloseButton().onclick = function () {
- sweetAlert.closeModal(params.onClose);
- reject('close');
- };
- // Closing modal by overlay click
- sweetContainer.onclick = function (e) {
- if (e.target !== sweetContainer) {
- return;
- }
- if (params.allowOutsideClick) {
- sweetAlert.closeModal(params.onClose);
- reject('overlay');
- }
- };
- var confirmButton = getConfirmButton();
- var cancelButton = getCancelButton();
- // Reverse buttons if neede d
- if (params.reverseButtons) {
- confirmButton.parentNode.insertBefore(cancelButton, confirmButton);
- } else {
- confirmButton.parentNode.insertBefore(confirmButton, cancelButton);
- }
- // Focus handling
- var setFocus = function setFocus(index, increment) {
- var focusableElements = getFocusableElements(params.focusCancel);
- // search for visible elements and select the next possible match
- for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < focusableElements.length; _i2++) {
- index = index + increment;
- // rollover to first item
- if (index === focusableElements.length) {
- index = 0;
- // go to last item
- } else if (index === -1) {
- index = focusableElements.length - 1;
- }
- // determine if element is visible
- var el = focusableElements[index];
- if (isVisible(el)) {
- return el.focus();
- }
- }
- };
- var handleKeyDown = function handleKeyDown(event) {
- var e = event || window.event;
- var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which;
- if ([9, 13, 32, 27].indexOf(keyCode) === -1) {
- // Don't do work on keys we don't care about.
- return;
- }
- var targetElement = e.target || e.srcElement;
- var focusableElements = getFocusableElements(params.focusCancel);
- var btnIndex = -1; // Find the button - note, this is a nodelist, not an array.
- for (var _i3 = 0; _i3 < focusableElements.length; _i3++) {
- if (targetElement === focusableElements[_i3]) {
- btnIndex = _i3;
- break;
- }
- }
- // TAB
- if (keyCode === 9) {
- if (!e.shiftKey) {
- // Cycle to the next button
- setFocus(btnIndex, 1);
- } else {
- // Cycle to the prev button
- setFocus(btnIndex, -1);
- }
- e.stopPropagation();
- e.preventDefault();
- } else {
- if (keyCode === 13 || keyCode === 32) {
- if (btnIndex === -1) {
- // ENTER/SPACE clicked outside of a button.
- if (params.focusCancel) {
- fireClick(cancelButton, e);
- } else {
- fireClick(confirmButton, e);
- }
- }
- } else if (keyCode === 27 && params.allowEscapeKey === true) {
- sweetAlert.closeModal(params.onClose);
- reject('esc');
- }
- }
- };
- states.previousWindowKeyDown = window.onkeydown;
- window.onkeydown = handleKeyDown;
- // Loading state
- if (params.buttonsStyling) {
- confirmButton.style.borderLeftColor = params.confirmButtonColor;
- confirmButton.style.borderRightColor = params.confirmButtonColor;
- }
- /**
- * Show spinner instead of Confirm button and disable Cancel button
- */
- sweetAlert.showLoading = sweetAlert.enableLoading = function () {
- show(getSpacer());
- show(confirmButton, 'inline-block');
- addClass(confirmButton, swalClasses.loading);
- addClass(modal, swalClasses.loading);
- confirmButton.disabled = true;
- cancelButton.disabled = true;
- };
- /**
- * Show spinner instead of Confirm button and disable Cancel button
- */
- sweetAlert.hideLoading = sweetAlert.disableLoading = function () {
- if (!params.showConfirmButton) {
- hide(confirmButton);
- if (!params.showCancelButton) {
- hide(getSpacer());
- }
- }
- removeClass(confirmButton, swalClasses.loading);
- removeClass(modal, swalClasses.loading);
- confirmButton.disabled = false;
- cancelButton.disabled = false;
- };
- sweetAlert.enableButtons = function () {
- confirmButton.disabled = false;
- cancelButton.disabled = false;
- };
- sweetAlert.disableButtons = function () {
- confirmButton.disabled = true;
- cancelButton.disabled = true;
- };
- sweetAlert.enableConfirmButton = function () {
- confirmButton.disabled = false;
- };
- sweetAlert.disableConfirmButton = function () {
- confirmButton.disabled = true;
- };
- sweetAlert.enableInput = function () {
- var input = getInput();
- if (!input) {
- return false;
- }
- if (input.type === 'radio') {
- var radiosContainer = input.parentNode.parentNode;
- var radios = radiosContainer.querySelectorAll('input');
- for (var _i4 = 0; _i4 < radios.length; _i4++) {
- radios[_i4].disabled = false;
- }
- } else {
- input.disabled = false;
- }
- };
- sweetAlert.disableInput = function () {
- var input = getInput();
- if (!input) {
- return false;
- }
- if (input && input.type === 'radio') {
- var radiosContainer = input.parentNode.parentNode;
- var radios = radiosContainer.querySelectorAll('input');
- for (var _i5 = 0; _i5 < radios.length; _i5++) {
- radios[_i5].disabled = true;
- }
- } else {
- input.disabled = true;
- }
- };
- // Set modal min-height to disable scrolling inside the modal
- sweetAlert.recalculateHeight = debounce(function () {
- var modal = getModal();
- var prevState = modal.style.display;
- modal.style.minHeight = '';
- show(modal);
- modal.style.minHeight = modal.scrollHeight + 1 + 'px';
- modal.style.display = prevState;
- }, 50);
- // Show block with validation error
- sweetAlert.showValidationError = function (error) {
- var validationError = getValidationError();
- validationError.innerHTML = error;
- show(validationError);
- var input = getInput();
- focusInput(input);
- addClass(input, swalClasses.inputerror);
- };
- // Hide block with validation error
- sweetAlert.resetValidationError = function () {
- var validationError = getValidationError();
- hide(validationError);
- sweetAlert.recalculateHeight();
- var input = getInput();
- if (input) {
- removeClass(input, swalClasses.inputerror);
- }
- };
- sweetAlert.getProgressSteps = function () {
- return params.progressSteps;
- };
- sweetAlert.setProgressSteps = function (progressSteps) {
- params.progressSteps = progressSteps;
- setParameters(params);
- };
- sweetAlert.showProgressSteps = function () {
- show(getProgressSteps());
- };
- sweetAlert.hideProgressSteps = function () {
- hide(getProgressSteps());
- };
- sweetAlert.enableButtons();
- sweetAlert.hideLoading();
- sweetAlert.resetValidationError();
- // inputs
- var inputTypes = ['input', 'file', 'range', 'select', 'radio', 'checkbox', 'textarea'];
- var input = void 0;
- for (var _i6 = 0; _i6 < inputTypes.length; _i6++) {
- var inputClass = swalClasses[inputTypes[_i6]];
- var inputContainer = getChildByClass(modal, inputClass);
- input = getInput(inputTypes[_i6]);
- // set attributes
- if (input) {
- for (var j in input.attributes) {
- if (input.attributes.hasOwnProperty(j)) {
- var attrName = input.attributes[j].name;
- if (attrName !== 'type' && attrName !== 'value') {
- input.removeAttribute(attrName);
- }
- }
- }
- for (var attr in params.inputAttributes) {
- input.setAttribute(attr, params.inputAttributes[attr]);
- }
- }
- // set class
- inputContainer.className = inputClass;
- if (params.inputClass) {
- addClass(inputContainer, params.inputClass);
- }
- hide(inputContainer);
- }
- var populateInputOptions = void 0;
- (function () {
- switch (params.input) {
- case 'text':
- case 'email':
- case 'password':
- case 'number':
- case 'tel':
- input = getChildByClass(modal, swalClasses.input);
- input.value = params.inputValue;
- input.placeholder = params.inputPlaceholder;
- input.type = params.input;
- show(input);
- break;
- case 'file':
- input = getChildByClass(modal, swalClasses.file);
- input.placeholder = params.inputPlaceholder;
- input.type = params.input;
- show(input);
- break;
- case 'range':
- var range = getChildByClass(modal, swalClasses.range);
- var rangeInput = range.querySelector('input');
- var rangeOutput = range.querySelector('output');
- rangeInput.value = params.inputValue;
- rangeInput.type = params.input;
- rangeOutput.value = params.inputValue;
- show(range);
- break;
- case 'select':
- var select = getChildByClass(modal, swalClasses.select);
- select.innerHTML = '';
- if (params.inputPlaceholder) {
- var placeholder = document.createElement('option');
- placeholder.innerHTML = params.inputPlaceholder;
- placeholder.value = '';
- placeholder.disabled = true;
- placeholder.selected = true;
- select.appendChild(placeholder);
- }
- populateInputOptions = function populateInputOptions(inputOptions) {
- for (var optionValue in inputOptions) {
- var option = document.createElement('option');
- option.value = optionValue;
- option.innerHTML = inputOptions[optionValue];
- if (params.inputValue === optionValue) {
- option.selected = true;
- }
- select.appendChild(option);
- }
- show(select);
- select.focus();
- };
- break;
- case 'radio':
- var radio = getChildByClass(modal, swalClasses.radio);
- radio.innerHTML = '';
- populateInputOptions = function populateInputOptions(inputOptions) {
- for (var radioValue in inputOptions) {
- var id = 1;
- var radioInput = document.createElement('input');
- var radioLabel = document.createElement('label');
- var radioLabelSpan = document.createElement('span');
- radioInput.type = 'radio';
- radioInput.name = swalClasses.radio;
- radioInput.value = radioValue;
- radioInput.id = swalClasses.radio + '-' + id++;
- if (params.inputValue === radioValue) {
- radioInput.checked = true;
- }
- radioLabelSpan.innerHTML = inputOptions[radioValue];
- radioLabel.appendChild(radioInput);
- radioLabel.appendChild(radioLabelSpan);
- radioLabel.for = radioInput.id;
- radio.appendChild(radioLabel);
- }
- show(radio);
- var radios = radio.querySelectorAll('input');
- if (radios.length) {
- radios[0].focus();
- }
- };
- break;
- case 'checkbox':
- var checkbox = getChildByClass(modal, swalClasses.checkbox);
- var checkboxInput = getInput('checkbox');
- checkboxInput.type = 'checkbox';
- checkboxInput.value = 1;
- checkboxInput.id = swalClasses.checkbox;
- checkboxInput.checked = Boolean(params.inputValue);
- var label = checkbox.getElementsByTagName('span');
- if (label.length) {
- checkbox.removeChild(label[0]);
- }
- label = document.createElement('span');
- label.innerHTML = params.inputPlaceholder;
- checkbox.appendChild(label);
- show(checkbox);
- break;
- case 'textarea':
- var textarea = getChildByClass(modal, swalClasses.textarea);
- textarea.value = params.inputValue;
- textarea.placeholder = params.inputPlaceholder;
- show(textarea);
- break;
- case null:
- break;
- default:
- console.error('SweetAlert2: Unexpected type of input! Expected "text", "email", "password", "select", "checkbox", "textarea" or "file", got "' + params.input + '"');
- break;
- }
- })();
- if (params.input === 'select' || params.input === 'radio') {
- if (params.inputOptions instanceof Promise) {
- sweetAlert.showLoading();
- params.inputOptions.then(function (inputOptions) {
- sweetAlert.hideLoading();
- populateInputOptions(inputOptions);
- });
- } else if (_typeof(params.inputOptions) === 'object') {
- populateInputOptions(params.inputOptions);
- } else {
- console.error('SweetAlert2: Unexpected type of inputOptions! Expected object or Promise, got ' + _typeof(params.inputOptions));
- }
- }
- openModal(params.animation, params.onOpen);
- // Focus the first element (input or button)
- setFocus(-1, 1);
- // fix scroll
- sweetContainer.scrollTop = 0;
- // Observe changes inside the modal and adjust height
- if (typeof MutationObserver !== 'undefined' && !swal2Observer) {
- swal2Observer = new MutationObserver(sweetAlert.recalculateHeight);
- swal2Observer.observe(modal, { childList: true, characterData: true, subtree: true });
- }
- });
- };
- // SweetAlert entry point
- var sweetAlert = function sweetAlert() {
- for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
- args[_key2] = arguments[_key2];
- }
- if (sweetAlert.isVisible()) {
- sweetAlert.close();
- }
- return modalDependant.apply(undefined, args);
- };
- /*
- * Global function to determine if swal2 modal is visible
- */
- sweetAlert.isVisible = function () {
- var modal = getModal();
- return isVisible(modal);
- };
- /*
- * Global function for chaining sweetAlert modals
- */
- sweetAlert.queue = function (steps) {
- queue = steps;
- var modal = getModal();
- var resetQueue = function resetQueue() {
- queue = [];
- modal.removeAttribute('data-queue-step');
- };
- var queueResult = [];
- return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
- (function step(i, callback) {
- if (i < queue.length) {
- modal.setAttribute('data-queue-step', i);
- sweetAlert(queue[i]).then(function (result) {
- queueResult.push(result);
- step(i + 1, callback);
- }, function (dismiss) {
- resetQueue();
- reject(dismiss);
- });
- } else {
- resetQueue();
- resolve(queueResult);
- }
- })(0);
- });
- };
- /*
- * Global function for getting the index of current modal in queue
- */
- sweetAlert.getQueueStep = function () {
- return getModal().getAttribute('data-queue-step');
- };
- /*
- * Global function for inserting a modal to the queue
- */
- sweetAlert.insertQueueStep = function (step, index) {
- if (index && index < queue.length) {
- return queue.splice(index, 0, step);
- }
- return queue.push(step);
- };
- /*
- * Global function for deleting a modal from the queue
- */
- sweetAlert.deleteQueueStep = function (index) {
- if (typeof queue[index] !== 'undefined') {
- queue.splice(index, 1);
- }
- };
- /*
- * Global function to close sweetAlert
- */
- sweetAlert.close = sweetAlert.closeModal = function (onComplete) {
- var modal = getModal();
- removeClass(modal, swalClasses.show);
- addClass(modal, swalClasses.hide);
- // Reset icon animations
- var successIcon = modal.querySelector('.' + swalClasses.icon + '.' + iconTypes.success);
- removeClass(successIcon, 'animate');
- removeClass(successIcon.querySelector('.tip'), 'animate-success-tip');
- removeClass(successIcon.querySelector('.long'), 'animate-success-long');
- var errorIcon = modal.querySelector('.' + swalClasses.icon + '.' + iconTypes.error);
- removeClass(errorIcon, 'animate-error-icon');
- removeClass(errorIcon.querySelector('.x-mark'), 'animate-x-mark');
- var warningIcon = modal.querySelector('.' + swalClasses.icon + '.' + iconTypes.warning);
- removeClass(warningIcon, 'pulse-warning');
- resetPrevState();
- var hideModalAndResetState = function hideModalAndResetState() {
- hide(modal);
- modal.style.minHeight = '';
- removeClass(sweetContainer, swalClasses.in);
- removeClass(document.body, swalClasses.in);
- undoScrollbar();
- undoIOSfix();
- };
- // If animation is supported, animate
- if (animationEndEvent && !hasClass(modal, swalClasses.noanimation)) {
- modal.addEventListener(animationEndEvent, function swalCloseEventFinished() {
- modal.removeEventListener(animationEndEvent, swalCloseEventFinished);
- if (hasClass(modal, swalClasses.hide)) {
- hideModalAndResetState();
- }
- });
- } else {
- // Otherwise, hide immediately
- hideModalAndResetState();
- }
- if (onComplete !== null && typeof onComplete === 'function') {
- onComplete(modal);
- }
- };
- /*
- * Global function to click 'Confirm' button
- */
- sweetAlert.clickConfirm = function () {
- return getConfirmButton().click();
- };
- /*
- * Global function to click 'Cancel' button
- */
- sweetAlert.clickCancel = function () {
- return getCancelButton().click();
- };
- /**
- * Set default params for each popup
- * @param {Object} userParams
- */
- sweetAlert.setDefaults = function (userParams) {
- if (!userParams || (typeof userParams === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(userParams)) !== 'object') {
- return console.error('SweetAlert2: the argument for setDefaults() is required and has to be a object');
- }
- for (var param in userParams) {
- if (!defaultParams.hasOwnProperty(param) && param !== 'extraParams') {
- console.warn('SweetAlert2: Unknown parameter "' + param + '"');
- delete userParams[param];
- }
- }
- _extends(modalParams, userParams);
- };
- /**
- * Reset default params for each popup
- */
- sweetAlert.resetDefaults = function () {
- modalParams = _extends({}, defaultParams);
- };
- sweetAlert.noop = function () {};
- sweetAlert.version = '6.2.9';
- return sweetAlert;
- })));
- if (window.Sweetalert2) window.sweetAlert = window.swal = window.Sweetalert2;