- <?php
- /*
- Author:XM
- Compeny:Spiders Travel
- */
- require_once '../Common/Mysql.php';
- require_once '../Common/Function.php';
- header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin:*");
- $userid = getUserId();
- if ($userid === false) {
- echo json_encode(array("code" => 1, "info" => "用户未登录"));
- exit;
- }
- $runid = $_GET['runid'];
- $startime = $_GET['startime'];
- $allstation = $_GET['allstation'];
- $allcar = $_GET['allcar'];
- $allticket = $_GET['allticket'];
- $sellday = $_GET['sellday'];
- $pdo = conn();
- $flag = checkData($pdo, $runid, $allcar);
- if (!$flag) {
- $data = array('errcode' => '1', 'errinfo' => '保存失败,已派车的数据不能进行数据修改');
- echo json_encode($data);
- return;
- }
- $yii_url = 'http://'.CS1_DOMAIN.'/api/dynamic-bus/run-bus-update';
- $send_data = array(
- 'user_id'=>$userid,
- 'run_id'=>$runid,
- 'start_time'=>$startime,
- 'all_station'=>$allstation,
- 'all_car'=>$allcar,
- 'all_ticket'=>$allticket,
- 'sell_day'=>$sellday
- );
- //$sql = "call sp_bus_run_update(" . $userid . "," . $runid . ",'" . $startime . "','" . $allstation . "','" . $allcar . "','" . $allticket . "'," . $sellday . ")";
- //writeLog("sp_bus_run_update: " . $sql);
- if (is_object($pdo)) {
- /* $result = $pdo->query($sql);
- $rowset = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
- $result->closeCursor();*/
- $res = httpRequest($yii_url,$send_data);
- $allcar = substr($allcar, 1, -1);
- $allcar = explode('}{', $allcar);
- $content = '';
- foreach ($allcar as $key => $vel) {
- $vel = explode(',', $vel);
- if ($vel[0] != 0) {
- $title = '';
- $content .= get_send_mail_info($pdo, $runid, $vel[0], $vel[5], $vel[6], $vel[4], $title);
- $sql = "update run_bus set cost_motorcade_id = " . $vel[4] . ",cost_type = " . $vel[5] . ",cost_price = " . $vel[6] . " where run_id = " . $runid . " and bus_order_id = " . $vel[0] . " and cancel_flag = 0";
- $result = $pdo->exec($sql);
- //获取run_bus id
- $sql = "select id from run_bus where run_id = {$runid} and bus_order_id = {$vel[0]} and cancel_flag = 0";
- $result = $pdo->query($sql);
- $rowset1 = $result->fetch();
- //发送完之后进行车管系统接口调用
- $motor_request = httpRequest(CS1_DOMAIN . '/motorcade/bus/sync-one?run_bus_id_str=' . $rowset1['id']);
- writeLog("sp_bus_run_update httpRequest: " . $motor_request);
- }
- }
- $to_message_person_arr = array(
- 'qius@zhizhuchuxing.com',
- 'liuxm@zhizhuchuxing.com',
- 'panb@zhizhuchuxing.com',
- 'chenjz@zhizhuchuxing.com',
- 'shiql@zhizhuchuxing.com',
- 'huhh@zhizhuchuxing.com',
- 'wangyj@zhizhuchuxing.com',
- 'linjf@zhizhuchuxing.com'
- );
- $to_persons_str = implode(',', $to_message_person_arr);
- if (strlen($content) > 0) {
- // foreach ($to_message_person_arr as $value) {
- send_mail('operations@zhizhuchuxing.com', 'Zzcx88888', $to_persons_str, $title . '发车的 线路派车价格有变动请确认', $content);
- // }
- }
- // //发送完之后进行车管系统接口调用
- // $motor_request = httpRequest(CS1_DOMAIN . '/motorcade/bus/sync-one?run_bus_id_str=' . $runid);
- // writeLog("sp_bus_run_update httpRequest: " . $motor_request);
- // if ($send_mail_res['code'] != '0') {
- // $rowset[0]['errcode'] = '3';
- // $rowset[0]['errcode'] = '数据保存成功,但是邮件发送失败,请手动发送邮件';
- // }
- echo $res;
- }
- /**
- * Function Description:检查数据
- * Function Name: checkData
- * @param PDO $pdo
- * @param $run_id
- * @param $allcar
- *
- * @return bool
- *
- * @author LUOCJ
- */
- function checkData(PDO $pdo, $run_id, $allcar)
- {
- $tmp_str = substr($allcar, 1, strlen($allcar) - 2);
- $tmp_arr = explode('}{', $tmp_str);
- foreach ($tmp_arr as $value) {
- $value_arr = explode(',', $value);
- if ($value_arr[0] != 0) {
- $sql = "select send_bus_res_id,cost_motorcade_id,cost_type,cost_price from run_bus where run_id ={$run_id} and bus_order_id ={$value_arr[0]} and cancel_flag = 0";
- $result = $pdo->query($sql);
- $rowset = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
- $result->closeCursor();
- if ($rowset['send_bus_res_id'] == 0)
- continue;
- if ($rowset['cost_motorcade_id'] != $value_arr[4] || $rowset['cost_type'] != $value_arr[5] || $rowset['cost_price'] != $value_arr[6]) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- function get_send_mail_info(PDO $pdo, $run_id, $bus_order_id, $cost_type, $cost_price, $cost_motorcade_id, &$title)
- {
- $sql = "select line_name,line_code from run_prod inner join opera_line on opera_line.line_id = run_prod.parent_prod_id where run_prod.run_id =$run_id and run_prod.cancel_flag=0";
- $result = $pdo->query($sql);
- $rowset = $result->fetch();
- $result->closeCursor();
- $sql = "select run_bus.cost_motorcade_id,run_bus.cost_price,run_bus.cost_type,base_supplier.supplier_name from run_bus left join base_supplier on base_supplier.id = run_bus.cost_motorcade_id where run_bus.run_id = $run_id and run_bus.bus_order_id = $bus_order_id and run_bus.cancel_flag = 0";
- $result = $pdo->query($sql);
- $rowset1 = $result->fetch();
- $result->closeCursor();
- $sql = "select supplier_name from base_supplier where id = $cost_motorcade_id";
- $result = $pdo->query($sql);
- $rowset2 = $result->fetch();
- $result->closeCursor();
- $sql = "select run_date,run_time from run_main where run_id = {$run_id}";
- $result = $pdo->query($sql);
- $rowset3 = $result->fetch();
- $result->closeCursor();
- $show_now_cost_type = $cost_type == 477 ? '包车计价' : '车座计价';
- $show_now_cost_price = $cost_price;
- $show_past_cost_type = $rowset1['cost_type'] == 477 ? '包车计价' : '车座计价';
- $show_past_cost_price = $rowset1['cost_price'];
- $show_past_supplier_name = $rowset1['supplier_name'];
- $show_now_supplier_name = $rowset2['supplier_name'];
- if (
- (
- $show_now_cost_type == $show_past_cost_type &&
- $show_now_cost_price == $show_past_cost_price &&
- (in_array($cost_motorcade_id, array(628)) && in_array($rowset1['cost_motorcade_id'], array(628))) &&
- $show_now_supplier_name == $show_past_supplier_name
- ) || (!in_array($cost_motorcade_id, array(628)) && !in_array($rowset1['cost_motorcade_id'], array(628)))
- ) {
- return '';
- }
- $title .= "{$rowset3['run_date']} {$rowset3['run_time']}";
- // $content = "{$rowset3['run_date']} {$rowset3['run_time']} 发车的 线路:{$rowset['line_name']} 线路代码: {$rowset['line_code']} 车次:{$bus_order_id} 的用车成本已被修改,具体修改信息如下:";
- // if ($show_past_supplier_name != $show_now_supplier_name) {
- // $content .= " 车队由{$show_past_supplier_name}变更为{$show_now_supplier_name}";
- // }
- // if (!($show_past_cost_type == $show_now_cost_type && $show_past_cost_price == $show_now_cost_price)) {
- // $content .= " 旧:{$show_past_cost_type} :{$show_past_cost_price} 新:{$show_now_cost_type} :{$show_now_cost_price}";
- // }
- $content = "发车时间:{$rowset3['run_date']} {$rowset3['run_time']}<br/>";
- $content .= "线路名称:{$rowset['line_name']}<br/>";
- $content .= "线路代码:{$rowset['line_code']}<br/>";
- $content .= "车次号:{$bus_order_id}<br/>";
- if ($show_past_supplier_name != $show_now_supplier_name) {
- $content .= "车队变更情况:车队由{$show_past_supplier_name}变更为{$show_now_supplier_name}";
- }
- if (!($show_past_cost_type == $show_now_cost_type && $show_past_cost_price == $show_now_cost_price)) {
- $show_past_cost_price = number_format($show_past_cost_price, 2);
- $show_now_cost_price = number_format($show_now_cost_price, 2);
- $content .= "成本变更情况:由{$show_past_cost_price}({$show_past_cost_type})变更为{$show_now_cost_price}({$show_now_cost_type})";
- }
- return $content;
- }