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  1. window.master = {
  2. loadcss:function(src){
  3. var head=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
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  10. loadModul:function(ev){
  11. var src = $(this).attr("load-href");
  12. if($(".control-show").find('.'+src).length===0){
  13. master.loadcss("css/"+src+".css")
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  15. url:src+".html",
  16. success:function(text){
  17. $(".control-show").append(text);
  18. console.log(text);
  19. $("#x_guanli0").css("color","#000");
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  23. $.getScript("js/"+src+".js");
  24. }else{
  25. console.log(1)
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  28. dropDown:function(){
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  35. $(document).ready(function(){
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  42. success:function(data){
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  45. $("#show_html").show();
  46. master.dropDown()
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  48. })
  49. });
  50. // onClick="showIframe('',460,280)"
  51. function showIframe(url){
  52. //添加iframe
  53. $("title").html('酒店业务统计');
  54. var if_w = $(window).width() - $('.control-bar').width();
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  56. //allowTransparency='true' 设置背景透明
  57. $('.control-show').empty();
  58. $("<iframe width='" + 1433 + "' height='" + if_h + "' id='YuFrame1' name='YuFrame1' style='position:absolute;z-index:4;' frameborder='no' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' allowTransparency='true'></iframe>").prependTo('.control-show');
  59. $(".navbar").width(1626);
  60. $("#YuFrame1").attr("src", url)
  61. }