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  120. <span style="display: inline-block; margin-top: 5px;;margin-left: 30px">酒店名称:</span>
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  148. <thead>
  149. <tr style="color: rgba(0, 0, 3, 0.7)">
  150. <th>订单编号</th>
  151. <th>母订单编号</th>
  152. <th>预订日期</th>
  153. <th>入住日期</th>
  154. <th>离店日期</th>
  155. <th>客人姓名</th>
  156. <th>客人手机号</th>
  157. <th>预订产品</th>
  158. <th>间夜数</th>
  159. <th>订单金额</th>
  160. <th>采购成本</th>
  161. <th>支付方式</th>
  162. <th>支付日期</th>
  163. <th>毛利</th>
  164. <th>产品编号</th>
  165. <th>产品名称</th>
  166. <!--</tr>-->
  167. <!--<tr style="color: rgba(0, 0, 3, 0.37)">-->
  168. <th>订单项目</th>
  169. <th>产品数量</th>
  170. <th>销售单价</th>
  171. <th>采购单价</th>
  172. <th>状态</th>
  173. <th>地区</th>
  174. <th>跟单客服</th>
  175. <th>订单渠道</th>
  176. <th>渠道订单号</th>
  177. <th>供应商</th>
  178. <th>采购人</th>
  179. <th>供应商订单ID</th>
  180. <th>票号确认号</th>
  181. <th>内部备注</th>
  182. <th>备注</th>
  183. </tr>
  184. </thead>
  185. <tbody id="order_list" style="display: none">
  186. <tr id="tr_order_1" style="color: rgba(0, 0, 3, 0.7)">
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  188. <td rowspan="[rowM]">[parent_order_id]</td>
  189. <td rowspan="[rowM]">[book_time]</td>
  190. <td rowspan="[rowM]">[start_time]</td>
  191. <td rowspan="[rowM]">[end_time]</td>
  192. <td rowspan="[rowM]">[contact_name]</td>
  193. <td rowspan="[rowM]">[contact_phone]</td>
  194. <td rowspan="[rowM]" style="width: 150px;">[order_content]</td>
  195. <td rowspan="[rowM]">[amount]</td>
  196. <td rowspan="[rowM]">[total_price]</td>
  197. <td rowspan="[rowM]">[cg_total_price]</td>
  198. <td rowspan="[rowM]">[receipt_type]</td>
  199. <td rowspan="[rowM]">[receipt_time]</td>
  200. <td rowspan="[rowM]">[gy_profit]</td>
  201. <td>[prod_id]</td>
  202. <td>[prod_name]</td>
  203. <td>[order_project]</td>
  204. <td>[prod_num]</td>
  205. <td>[fx_price]</td>
  206. <td>[cg_price]</td>
  207. <td rowspan="[rowM]">[status]</td>
  208. <td rowspan="[rowM]">[area]</td>
  209. <td rowspan="[rowM]">[write_user]</td>
  210. <td rowspan="[rowM]">[fx_code]</td>
  211. <td rowspan="[rowM]">[fx_order_id]</td>
  212. <td rowspan="[rowM]">[gy_code]</td>
  213. <td rowspan="[rowM]">[gy_man]</td>
  214. <td rowspan="[rowM]">[gy_order_id]</td>
  215. <td rowspan="[rowM]">[ticket_verify_id]</td>
  216. <td rowspan="[rowM]">[inside_comment]</td>
  217. <td rowspan="[rowM]">[comment]</td>
  218. </tr>
  219. <tr id="tr_order_2" style="color: rgba(0, 0, 3, 0.7)">
  220. <td>[prod_id]</td>
  221. <td>[prod_name]</td>
  222. <td>[order_project]</td>
  223. <td>[prod_num]</td>
  224. <td>[fx_price]</td>
  225. <td>[cg_price]</td>
  226. </tr>
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  245. var current = 1;
  246. var page_size = 15;
  247. var tr_order_str_1 = $('#tr_order_1').prop('outerHTML');//获取tr1中所有的字符串
  248. var tr_order_str_2 = $('#tr_order_2').prop('outerHTML');//获取tr2中所有的字符串
  249. $(document).ready(function () {
  250. //昨日日期
  251. $('#yesterday').bind('click', function () {
  252. $("#start_date").val(getDateTime(10));
  253. $("#end_date").val(getDateTime(10));
  254. search(1);
  255. });
  256. //今日日期
  257. $('#today').bind('click', function () {
  258. $("#start_date").val(getDateTime(0));
  259. $("#end_date").val(getDateTime(0));
  260. search(1);
  261. });
  262. //本周日期
  263. $('#thisweek').bind('click', function () {
  264. $("#start_date").val(after(getDateTime(12)));
  265. $("#end_date").val(after(getDateTime(13)));
  266. search(1);
  267. });
  268. //本月日期
  269. $('#thismonth').bind('click', function () {
  270. $("#start_date").val(getDateTime(14));
  271. $("#end_date").val(getDateTime(15));
  272. search(1);
  273. });
  274. });
  275. $("#start_date").val(getDateByDay(-3, getDateTime(0)));
  276. start_date = getDateByDay(-3, getDateTime(0));
  277. $("#end_date").val(getDateTime(0));
  278. end_date = getDateTime(0);
  279. function search(page) {
  280. var param = {
  281. op: 'getOrderList',
  282. date_type: $('#date_type').val(),
  283. start_date: $('#start_date').val(),
  284. end_date: $('#end_date').val(),
  285. hotel_name: $('#hotel_name').val(),
  286. org_name: $('#org_name').val(),
  287. order_id: $('#order_id').val(),
  288. current: page,
  289. };
  290. var url = base_api + "?type=order_ZwyOrderList";
  291. $.getJSON(url, param, function (data) {
  292. if (data['code']) {
  293. alert(data['info']);
  294. } else {
  295. current = data['current'];
  296. $(".pageDiv").createPage({
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  298. current: current,//当前页
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  300. backFn: function (p) {
  301. current = p;
  302. search(p);
  303. }
  304. });
  305. $('.pageDiv').show();
  306. setDataBody(data);
  307. }
  308. });
  309. }
  310. function setDataBody(data) {
  311. var order_list = data['order_list'];
  312. var comHTML = '';
  313. var rowM = '';
  314. for (var i = 0; i < order_list.length; i++) {
  315. var dict = order_list[i];
  316. if (dict['order_id'] != rowM) {
  317. var HTML = tr_order_str_1;
  318. rowM = dict['order_id'];
  319. HTML = HTML.replace(/\[rowM\]/g, dict['cnt'] === null ? 1 : dict['cnt']);
  320. } else {
  321. var HTML = tr_order_str_2;
  322. }
  323. for (var key in dict) {
  324. HTML = HTML.replace('[' + key + ']', dict[key] === null ? '-' : dict[key]);
  325. }
  326. comHTML += HTML;
  327. }
  328. $('#order_list').html(comHTML);
  329. $('#order_list').show();
  330. }
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  332. function excel() {
  333. var param = {
  334. date_type: $('#date_type').val(),
  335. start_date: $('#start_date').val(),
  336. end_date: $('#end_date').val(),
  337. hotel_name: $('#hotel_name').val(),
  338. org_name: $('#org_name').val(),
  339. order_id: $('#order_id').val(),
  340. };
  341. var toUrl = "/zz-jd/st-ht/HTcontrol.php?type=order_ZwyOrderList&op=excel&date_type=" +
  342. param['date_type'] + "&start_date=" + param['start_date'] + "&end_date=" + param['end_date'] + "&hotel_name=" + param['hotel_name']
  343. + "&org_name=" + param['org_name'] + "&order_id=" + param['order_id'];
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  352. win.document.title = "导出excel中,导出较慢,请耐心等候。。。";
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