您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

3 年前
  1. <?php
  2. return [
  3. 'components' => [
  4. 'db' => [
  5. 'class' => 'yii\db\Connection',
  6. 'dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=yii2advanced',
  7. 'username' => 'root',
  8. 'password' => '',
  9. 'charset' => 'utf8',
  10. ],
  11. 'mailer' => [
  12. 'class' => 'yii\swiftmailer\Mailer',
  13. 'viewPath' => '@common/mail',
  14. // send all mails to a file by default. You have to set
  15. // 'useFileTransport' to false and configure a transport
  16. // for the mailer to send real emails.
  17. 'useFileTransport' => true,
  18. ],
  19. ],
  20. ];