/** * Created by admin on 2017/1/3. */ var fileSize = 3000000; //文件上传大小限制 window.z = (function ($) { }); jQuery(document).ready(function () { // if (typeof bootbox != 'undefined') { // bootbox.setDefaults({ // /** // * @optional String // * @default: en // * which locale settings to use to translate the three // * standard button labels: OK, CONFIRM, CANCEL // */ // locale: "zh_CN", // // }); // //bootbox设置语言不起作用,修改了源码 // // bootbox.removeLocale('zh_CN'); // // bootbox.setLocale('zh_CN', {OK:"好",CANCEL:"取消",CONFIRM:"确认" // // }) // } //点击缩略图,弹出显示大图 $(".thumbnail").on('click', "img[data-trigger='openImage']", function () { if (self.frameElement && self.frameElement.tagName == "IFRAME") { parent.z.showImage(z.thumbnailToHeight($(this).attr('src'))); } else { z.showImage(z.thumbnailToHeight($(this).attr('src'))); } var type = $(this).parent().siblings().attr('data-type'); if(type) { switch (type) { case '1': $('.bigImage').css('width', '180px'); $('.bigImage').css('height', '180px'); $('.bigImage').find('img').css('width', '170px'); $('.bigImage').find('img').css('height', '170px'); break; case '2': $('.bigImage').css('width', '160px'); $('.bigImage').css('height', '130px'); $('.bigImage').find('img').css('width', '150px'); $('.bigImage').find('img').css('height', '120px'); break; } } }) $(".fileinput").on('click', "div[data-trigger='openDivImage']", function () { if (self.frameElement && self.frameElement.tagName == "IFRAME") { parent.z.showImage($(this).find('img').attr('src')); } else { z.showImage($(this).find('img').attr('src')); } var type = $(this).attr('data-type'); if(type) { switch (type) { case '1': $('.bigImage').css('width', '180px'); $('.bigImage').css('height', '180px'); $('.bigImage').find('img').css('width', '170px'); $('.bigImage').find('img').css('height', '170px'); break; case '2': $('.bigImage').css('width', '160px'); $('.bigImage').css('height', '130px'); $('.bigImage').find('img').css('width', '150px'); $('.bigImage').find('img').css('height', '120px'); break; } } }) $("._image").on('click', "img[data-trigger='openImage']", function () { if (self.frameElement && self.frameElement.tagName == "IFRAME") { parent.z.showImage(z.thumbnailToHeight($(this).attr('src'))); } else { z.showImage(z.thumbnailToHeight($(this).attr('src'))); } }) $("body").on('click', ".bigDivImage", function () { $(".bigDivImage").remove(); }) $('.loading-form').on('beforeValidate', function (e) { loading(); return true; }).on('beforeSubmit', function (e) { loading(); return true; }).on('ajaxComplete', function (e) { closeLoading(); return true; }).on('afterValidate', function (e) { closeLoading(); return true; }); //如果使用了pajx,重载后,需要closeLoading() $(document).on('click', '.zLoading', function (e) { loading(); if ($(this).attr('type') !== undefined && $(this).attr('type').toLowerCase() === 'submit') { $('form').submit(); } return true; }); $(document).on('pjax:success', '[data-pjax-container]', function () { closeLoading(); }); if (typeof initFlag !== 'undefined' && initFlag === true) z.init(); }); //在iframe中,如果需要新窗口中打开某链接 //@param location 主窗口 URL,一般就是module名,例如 hotel motorcade zzcs //@param url iframe中实际 URL //@param data_role 导航选中id //@param path_role 左侧菜单激活id function zNewWin(location, url, data_role, path_role) { // parent.window.open('/' + location + "?iframeURL=" + encodeURIComponent(url)); if(location === 'CS'){ $.cookie('path_url', url, {domain: domain_path, path: "/"}); $.cookie('user_path', "2", {path: "/", domain: domain_path}); }else{ $.cookie('fo_url', url, {domain: domain_path, path: "/"}); $.cookie('home_page_show', 'hide', {domain: domain_path, path: "/"}); } if (typeof path_role !== 'undefined') { $.cookie('path_role', path_role, {path: "/", domain: domain_path}); } if (typeof data_role !== 'undefined') { $.cookie('data-role', data_role, {path: "/", domain: domain_path}); } window.open(parent.window.location.href); } var getUrlParameter = function getUrlParameter(sParam) { var sPageURL = window.location.search.substring(1), sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&'), sParameterName, i; for (i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) { sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('='); if (sParameterName[0] === sParam) { return sParameterName[1] === undefined ? true : sParameterName[1]; } } }; //由于没有标题只有内容,以双竖线分隔||,message要包含1、类型、2、标题、3、内容 yii.confirm = function (message, okCallback, cancelCallback) { data = message.split('||'); var title = '操作确认'; if (data.length > 1) { title = data[1] !== '' ? data[1] : '操作确认'; message = data[2]; message = (data[0] !== '' ? 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0' + i + '
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