render('index'); } public function actionBusList() { // $bus_no = isset($_REQUEST['bus_no']) && $_REQUEST['bus_no'] != '' ? $_REQUEST['bus_no'] : '-1'; // $bus_company = isset($_REQUEST['bus_company']) ? $_REQUEST['bus_company'] : '-1'; // $bus_supply = isset($_REQUEST['bus_supply']) ? $_REQUEST['bus_supply'] : '-1'; // $brand = isset($_REQUEST['brand']) && $_REQUEST['bus_no'] != '' ? $_REQUEST['brand'] : '-1'; $searchModel = new BusSearch(['scenario' => 'search']); $queryParams = Yii::$app->request->queryParams; $queryParams['BusSearch']['ORG_ID'] = isset($queryParams['BusSearch']['ORG_ID']) ? $queryParams['BusSearch']['ORG_ID'] : $_COOKIE['user_org_id']; $dataProvider = $searchModel->search($queryParams); // return $this->render('index', [ // 'searchModel' => $searchModel, // 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider, // ]); $obj = new BaseResource(); // $data = $obj->getBusList($bus_no, $bus_company, $bus_supply, $brand); $brand = $obj->getBrand(); $bus_company = $obj->getBusCompany(); return $this->render('resource', [ 'view' => '_busList', 'brand' => $brand, 'bus_company' => $bus_company, 'searchModel' => $searchModel, 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider ]); } public function actionBusDetail() { $obj = new BaseResource(); $bus_id = isset($_REQUEST['bus_id']) ? $_REQUEST['bus_id'] : ''; $data = $obj->getBusDetail($bus_id); $pic_type = $obj->getPicType(); if (isset($data['data'][0]['bus_img_path_ori'])) { $path_tmp = explode(',', $data['data'][0]['bus_img_path_ori']); $type_tmp = explode(',', $data['data'][0]['bus_img_type']); foreach ($path_tmp as $k => $v) { $img_arr[$k]['img_path'] = $v; $img_arr[$k]['img_type'] = $type_tmp[$k]; } } return $this->render('resource', ['view' => '_busDetail', 'data' => $data, 'img_arr' => isset($img_arr) ? $img_arr : '', 'pic_type' => $pic_type]); } public function actionBusDetailModify() { $get_seat_type = isset($_REQUEST['seat_type']) ? $_REQUEST['seat_type'] : '-1'; $obj = new BaseResource(); $bus_id = isset($_REQUEST['bus_id']) ? $_REQUEST['bus_id'] : ''; if ($bus_id == '') { $json = array(); $json["code"] = "2"; $json["info"] = "获取信息失败!"; return json_encode($json); } $data = $obj->getBusDetail($bus_id); if (isset($data['data'][0]['bus_img_path_ori'])) { $path_tmp = explode(',', $data['data'][0]['bus_img_path_ori']); $type_tmp = explode(',', $data['data'][0]['bus_img_type']); foreach ($path_tmp as $k => $v) { $img_arr[$k]['img_path'] = $v; $img_arr[$k]['img_type'] = $type_tmp[$k]; } } $user_bus_company = $obj->getUserCompany(); $brand = $obj->getBrand(); $bus_company = $obj->getBusCompany(); $seat_type = $obj->getSeatType(); $fuel = $obj->getFuel(); $color = $obj->getColor(); $pic_type = $obj->getPicType(); $seat_count = $obj->getSeatCount($get_seat_type == '-1' ? $data['data'][0]['seat_type'] : $get_seat_type); return $this->render('resource', ['view' => '_busDetailModify', 'data' => $data, 'img_arr' => isset($img_arr) ? $img_arr : '', 'brand' => $brand, 'bus_company' => $bus_company, 'seat_type' => $seat_type, 'seat_count' => $seat_count, 'fuel' => $fuel, 'color' => $color, 'pic_type' => $pic_type, 'user_bus_company' => $user_bus_company]); } public function actionModify() { //车子所属公司 $bus_company_type = $_REQUEST['bus_company_type'] ? $_REQUEST['bus_company_type'] : ''; $bus_company_tp = $_REQUEST['bus_company'] ? $_REQUEST['bus_company'] : ''; $model = Yii::$app->user->id; if ($bus_company_type == '1') { $bus_company_sql = "select org_id from base_user where id = '$model'"; $bus_company_do = Yii::$app->db->createCommand($bus_company_sql)->queryOne(); $bus_company = $bus_company_do['org_id']; } else if ($bus_company_type == '2') { $bus_company = $bus_company_tp; } //判断车牌是否重复 $bus_no = $_REQUEST['bus_no'] ? $_REQUEST['bus_no'] : ''; $bus_id = $_REQUEST['bus_id']; $sql_temp = "select bus_no from base_bus where bus_id = '$bus_id'"; $sql_temp1 = "select count(bus_id) as num from base_bus where BUS_NO = '$bus_no'"; $old_bus_no = Yii::$app->db->createCommand($sql_temp)->queryAll(); $num = Yii::$app->db->createCommand($sql_temp1)->queryAll(); if ($old_bus_no[0]['bus_no']==$bus_no){ }else{ if ($num[0]) { $json = array(); $json["code"] = "2"; $json["info"] = "车牌号不能重复"; return json_encode($json); } } //end $brand_id = $_REQUEST['brand_id'] ? $_REQUEST['brand_id'] : ''; $bus_license = $_REQUEST['bus_license']; $buy_date = $_REQUEST['buy_date']; $seat_type = $_REQUEST['seat_type'] ? $_REQUEST['seat_type'] : ''; $seat_desc = $_REQUEST['seat_desc'] ? $_REQUEST['seat_desc'] : ''; $seat_count = $_REQUEST['seat_count'] ? $_REQUEST['seat_count'] : ''; $seat_count_num_temp = isset($_REQUEST['seat_count_num']) ? $_REQUEST['seat_count_num'] : ''; $seat_count_num = mb_substr($seat_count_num_temp,0,strlen($seat_count_num_temp)-3); $driver_count = $_REQUEST['driver_count']; $tour_count = $_REQUEST['tour_count']; $extra_count = $_REQUEST['extra_count']; $fuel_id = $_REQUEST['fuel_id']; $mpg = $_REQUEST['mpg']; $register_time = $_REQUEST['register_time']; $bus_color = $_REQUEST['bus_color']; $old_path = ''; $old_type = ''; $img_path_old_tp = $_REQUEST['bus_img_path_old']; $img_type_old_tp = $_REQUEST['bus_img_type_old']; $img_path_old = explode(',', $img_path_old_tp); $img_type_old = explode(',', $img_type_old_tp); if (isset($img_path_old)) { foreach ($img_path_old as $key => $item) { if ($item != '' || $img_type_old[$key] != '') { $type = $img_type_old[$key]; if ($old_path == '') { $old_path .= $item; $old_type .= $type; } else { $old_path .= ',' . $item; $old_type .= ',' . $type; } } } } $imgType = ''; $imgPath = ''; $imgMeta = zzcsUtils::uploadMultiple('bus_img'); if ($imgMeta) { $imgType = $imgMeta['type']; $imgPath = $imgMeta['path']; } $imgPath = $old_path == '' ? $imgPath : $old_path . ($imgPath != '' ? (',' . $imgPath) : ''); $imgType = $old_type == '' ? $imgType : $old_type . ($imgType != '' ? (',' . $imgType) : ''); $tmpArray = explode(',', $imgPath); $newArray = array_reverse($tmpArray); $csArray = array(); foreach ($newArray as $k => $v) { if ($v) { $csArray[$k] = 'http://' . CS1_DOMAIN .'' . $v; } } $imgPath = implode(',', $newArray); $imgPath2 = implode(',', $csArray); $tmpArray = explode(',', $imgType); $newArray = array_reverse($tmpArray); $imgType = implode(',', $newArray); if ($bus_company_type == '' || $bus_no == '' || $bus_company == '' || $brand_id == '' || $seat_type == '' || $seat_count == '') { $json = array(); $json["code"] = "2"; $json["info"] = "缺少必要参数"; return json_encode($json); } else { $sql = "update base_bus set update_user_id = '$model',bus_no = '$bus_no',org_id='$bus_company',brand_id='$brand_id',bus_license = '$bus_license',seat_count='$seat_count_num', buy_date = '$buy_date',seat_type = '$seat_type',seat_desc = '$seat_desc',bus_type_res_id = '$seat_count',driver_count='$driver_count',tour_count='$tour_count', extra_count = '$extra_count',fuel_form = '$fuel_id',mpg='$mpg',register_time ='$register_time',bus_color = '$bus_color', bus_img_path_ori = '$imgPath',bus_img_path = '$imgPath2',bus_img_type = '$imgType' where bus_id = '$bus_id'"; try { $res = Yii::$app->db->createCommand($sql)->query(); if (!$res) { $json = array(); $json["code"] = "2"; $json["info"] = "修改车辆信息失败!"; return json_encode($json); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $json = array(); $json["code"] = "1"; $json["info"] = "修改车辆信息失败!"; return json_encode($json); } $json = array(); $json["code"] = "0"; $json["info"] = "修改车辆信息成功!"; return json_encode($json); } } // 删除车辆 public function actionCancelBus() { $bus_id = isset($_REQUEST['bus_id']) ? $_REQUEST['bus_id'] : ''; if ($bus_id == '') { $json = array(); $json["code"] = "1"; $json["info"] = "删除车辆失败!"; return json_encode($json); } else { $obj = new BaseResource(); $data = $obj->cancelBus($bus_id); return json_encode($data); } } // 删除车辆 public function actionCancelDriver() { $driver_id = isset($_REQUEST['driver_id']) ? $_REQUEST['driver_id'] : ''; if ($driver_id == '') { $json = array(); $json["code"] = "1"; $json["info"] = "删除车辆失败!"; return json_encode($json); } else { $obj = new BaseResource(); $data = $obj->cancelDriver($driver_id); return json_encode($data); } } // 获取添加车辆信息 public function actionAddBus() { $get_seat_type = isset($_REQUEST['seat_type']) ? $_REQUEST['seat_type'] : '-1'; $obj = new BaseResource(); $brand = $obj->getBrand(); $bus_company = $obj->getBusCompany(); $seat_type = $obj->getSeatType(); $fuel = $obj->getFuel(); $color = $obj->getColor(); $pic_type = $obj->getPicType(); $seat_count = $obj->getSeatCount($get_seat_type); return $this->render('resource', ['view' => '_addBus', 'brand' => $brand, 'bus_company' => $bus_company, 'seat_count' => $seat_count, 'seat_type' => $seat_type, 'fuel' => $fuel, 'color' => $color, 'pic_type' => $pic_type]); } // 添加车辆信息 public function actionCommitAdd() { $bus_company_type = $_REQUEST['bus_company_type'] ? $_REQUEST['bus_company_type'] : ''; $bus_company_tp = $_REQUEST['bus_company'] ? $_REQUEST['bus_company'] : ''; $model = Yii::$app->user->id; $obj = new BusReport; $main_corp = $obj->getUserMainCorp(); $main_corp_id = $main_corp; if ($bus_company_type == '1') { $bus_company_sql = "select org_id from base_user where id = '$model'"; $bus_company_do = Yii::$app->db->createCommand($bus_company_sql)->queryOne(); $bus_company = $bus_company_do['org_id']; } else if ($bus_company_type == '2') { $bus_company = $bus_company_tp; } //判断车牌是否重复 $bus_no = $_REQUEST['bus_no'] ? $_REQUEST['bus_no'] : ''; $sql_temp = "select count(bus_id) as num from base_bus where BUS_NO = '$bus_no'"; $num = Yii::$app->db->createCommand($sql_temp)->queryAll(); if ($num[0]['num']) { $json = array(); $json["code"] = "2"; $json["info"] = "车牌号不能重复"; return json_encode($json); } //end $brand_id = isset($_REQUEST['brand_id']) ? $_REQUEST['brand_id'] : ''; $bus_license = $_REQUEST['bus_license']; $buy_date = $_REQUEST['buy_date']; $seat_type = isset($_REQUEST['seat_type']) ? $_REQUEST['seat_type'] : ''; $seat_desc = isset($_REQUEST['seat_desc']) ? $_REQUEST['seat_desc'] : ''; $seat_count = isset($_REQUEST['seat_count']) ? $_REQUEST['seat_count'] : ''; $seat_count_num_temp = isset($_REQUEST['seat_count_num']) ? $_REQUEST['seat_count_num'] : ''; $seat_count_num = mb_substr($seat_count_num_temp,0,strlen($seat_count_num_temp)-3); $driver_count = $_REQUEST['driver_count']; $tour_count = $_REQUEST['tour_count']; $extra_count = $_REQUEST['extra_count']; $fuel_id = $_REQUEST['fuel_id']; $mpg = $_REQUEST['mpg']; $register_time = $_REQUEST['register_time']; $bus_color = $_REQUEST['bus_color']; $old_path = ''; $old_type = ''; $imgType = ''; $imgPath = ''; $imgMeta = zzcsUtils::uploadMultiple('bus_img'); if ($imgMeta) { $imgType = $imgMeta['type']; $imgPath = $imgMeta['path']; } $imgPath = $old_path == '' ? $imgPath : $old_path . ($imgPath != '' ? (',' . $imgPath) : ''); $imgType = $old_type == '' ? $imgType : $old_type . ($imgType != '' ? (',' . $imgType) : ''); $tmpArray = explode(',', $imgPath); $newArray = array_reverse($tmpArray); $csArray = array(); foreach ($newArray as $k => $v) { if ($v) { $csArray[$k] = 'http://' . CS1_DOMAIN .'' . $v; } } $imgPath = implode(',', $newArray); $imgPath2 = implode(',', $csArray); $tmpArray = explode(',', $imgType); $newArray = array_reverse($tmpArray); $imgType = implode(',', $newArray); if ($bus_company_type == '' || $bus_no == '' || $bus_company == '' || $brand_id == '' || $seat_type == '' || $seat_count == '') { $json = array(); $json["code"] = "2"; $json["info"] = "缺少必要参数"; return $json; } else { $sql = "insert into base_bus (main_corp_id,create_user_id,bus_no,org_id,brand_id,bus_license,buy_date,seat_type,seat_desc,seat_count, bus_type_res_id,driver_count,tour_count,extra_count,fuel_form , mpg,register_time,bus_color,bus_img_path_ori,bus_img_path,bus_img_type) values ('$main_corp_id','$model','$bus_no','$bus_company','$brand_id','$bus_license','$buy_date','$seat_type','$seat_desc','$seat_count_num','$seat_count','$driver_count','$tour_count','$extra_count','$fuel_id', '$mpg','$register_time','$bus_color','$imgPath','$imgPath2','$imgType')"; try { $res = Yii::$app->db->createCommand($sql)->query(); if (!$res) { $json = array(); $json["code"] = "2"; $json["info"] = "添加车辆信息失败!"; return json_encode($json); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $json = array(); $json["code"] = "1"; $json["info"] = "添加车辆信息失败!"; return json_encode($json); } $json = array(); $json["code"] = "0"; $json["info"] = "添加车辆信息成功!"; return json_encode($json); } } // 司机列表 public function actionDriverList() { $sex = isset($_REQUEST['sex']) ? $_REQUEST['sex'] : '-1'; $name = isset($_REQUEST['name']) ? $_REQUEST['name'] : '-1'; $driver_number = isset($_REQUEST['driver_number']) ? $_REQUEST['driver_number'] : '-1'; $phone_no = isset($_REQUEST['phone_no']) ? $_REQUEST['phone_no'] : '-1'; $license_no = isset($_REQUEST['license_no']) ? $_REQUEST['license_no'] : '-1'; $bus_supply = isset($_REQUEST['bus_supply']) ? $_REQUEST['bus_supply'] : '-1'; $bus_company = isset($_REQUEST['bus_company']) ? $_REQUEST['bus_company'] : '-1'; $obj = new BaseResource(); $data = $obj->getDriverList($sex, $name, $driver_number, $phone_no, $license_no, $bus_supply, $bus_company); $bus_company = $obj->getBusCompany(); $driver = $obj->getDriver(); $dataProvider = new SqlDataProvider([ 'sql' => $data['sql'], 'totalCount' => $data['total'], 'pagination' => ['pagesize' => 20], ]); return $this->render('resource', ['view' => '_driverList', 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider, 'bus_company' => $bus_company, 'driver' => $driver]); } // 添加司机 public function actionAddDriver() { $get_area1 = isset($_REQUEST['area1']) ? $_REQUEST['area1'] : ''; $get_area2 = isset($_REQUEST['area2']) ? $_REQUEST['area2'] : ''; // $get_area3 = isset($_REQUEST['area3'])?$_REQUEST['area3']:''; $obj = new BaseResource(); $bus_company = $obj->getBusCompany(); $area1 = $obj->getArea(); if ($get_area1 != '') { $area2 = $obj->getArea($get_area1); } if ($get_area2 != '') { $area3 = $obj->getArea($get_area2); } return $this->render('resource', ['view' => '_addDriver', 'bus_company' => $bus_company, 'area1' => $area1, 'area2' => isset($area2) ? $area2 : '', 'area3' => isset($area3) ? $area3 : '']); } //提交添加 public function actionCommitDriver() { $bus_company_type = $_REQUEST['bus_company_type'] ? $_REQUEST['bus_company_type'] : ''; $bus_company_tp = $_REQUEST['bus_company'] ? $_REQUEST['bus_company'] : ''; $model = Yii::$app->user->id; $obj = new BusReport; $main_corp = $obj->getUserMainCorp(); $main_corp_id = $main_corp; if ($bus_company_type == '1') { $bus_company_sql = "select org_id from base_user where id = '$model'"; $bus_company_do = Yii::$app->db->createCommand($bus_company_sql)->queryOne(); $bus_company = $bus_company_do['org_id']; } else if ($bus_company_type == '2') { $bus_company = $bus_company_tp; } $name = isset($_REQUEST['name']) ? $_REQUEST['name'] : ''; $status = isset($_REQUEST['status']) ? $_REQUEST['status'] : ''; $driver_number = isset($_REQUEST['driver_number']) ? $_REQUEST['driver_number'] : ''; $license_no = isset($_REQUEST['license_no']) ? $_REQUEST['license_no'] : ''; $phone_no = isset($_REQUEST['phone_no']) ? $_REQUEST['phone_no'] : ''; $sex = isset($_REQUEST['sex']) ? $_REQUEST['sex'] : '-1'; $birth = isset($_REQUEST['birth']) ? $_REQUEST['birth'] : ''; $first_date = isset($_REQUEST['first_date']) ? $_REQUEST['first_date'] : ''; $address = isset($_REQUEST['address']) ? $_REQUEST['address'] : ''; $license_start_date = isset($_REQUEST['license_start_date']) ? $_REQUEST['license_start_date'] : ''; $valid_years = isset($_REQUEST['valid_years']) ? $_REQUEST['valid_years'] : ''; $area = isset($_REQUEST['area']) ? $_REQUEST['area'] : ''; $cur_time = date('Y-m-d h:i:s', time()); if ($bus_company_type == '' || $name == '' || $bus_company == '' || $status == '' || $license_no == '' || $phone_no == '' || $sex == '-1') { $json = array(); $json["code"] = "1"; $json["info"] = "添加车辆信息失败!"; return json_encode($json); } else { $sql = "insert into base_driver (main_corp_id,create_user_id,driver_name,driver_status,org_id,driver_number,license_no, phone_no,sex,driver_birthday,first_license_date,address,license_start_date,valid_years,area_id,create_time) values ( '$main_corp_id','$model','$name','$status','$bus_company','$driver_number','$license_no','$phone_no','$sex','$birth','$first_date','$address','$license_start_date','$valid_years','$area','$cur_time')"; $res = Yii::$app->db->createCommand($sql)->query(); if (!$res) { $json = array(); $json["code"] = "2"; $json["info"] = "添加司机信息失败!"; return json_encode($json); } $json = array(); $json["code"] = "0"; $json["info"] = "添加司机信息成功!"; return json_encode($json); } } public function actionDriverDetail() { $driver_id = isset($_REQUEST['driver_id']) ? $_REQUEST['driver_id'] : ''; $obj = new BaseResource(); if ($driver_id == '') { return false; } $sql = "select driver_id,driver_name,if(driver_status=0,'正常','有请假') as status,(select res_name from base_resource where res_id = org_id) as bus_company,org_id,driver_number,license_no, phone_no,if(sex=1,'男','女') as sex,driver_birthday,first_license_date,address,license_start_date,valid_years,area_id,(select area_name from base_area_view a where a.area_id=b.area_id ) as area_name,(select parent_area_name from base_area_view a where a.area_id=b.area_id ) as parent_area_name,(select top_area_name from base_area_view a where a.area_id=b.area_id ) as top_area_name from base_driver b where cancel_flag=0 and driver_id = $driver_id"; $data = Yii::$app->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll(); $user_bus_company = $obj->getUserCompany(); return $this->render('resource', ['view' => '_driverDetail', 'data' => $data,'user_bus_company'=>$user_bus_company]); } public function actionDriverModify() { $driver_id = isset($_REQUEST['driver_id']) ? $_REQUEST['driver_id'] : ''; if ($driver_id == '') { return false; } $get_area1 = isset($_REQUEST['area1']) ? $_REQUEST['area1'] : ''; $get_area2 = isset($_REQUEST['area2']) ? $_REQUEST['area2'] : ''; // $get_area3 = isset($_REQUEST['area3'])?$_REQUEST['area3']:''; $obj = new BaseResource(); $bus_company = $obj->getBusCompany(); $area1 = $obj->getArea(); $sql = "select driver_id,driver_name,driver_status,org_id,driver_number,license_no, phone_no,sex,driver_birthday,first_license_date,address,license_start_date,valid_years,area_id,(select parent_area_id from base_area_view a where a.area_id=b.area_id ) as parent_area_id,(select top_area_id from base_area_view a where a.area_id=b.area_id ) as top_area_id from base_driver b where cancel_flag=0 and driver_id = $driver_id"; $data = Yii::$app->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll(); if ($get_area1 != '') { $area2 = $obj->getArea($get_area1); } else { $area2 = $obj->getArea($data[0]['top_area_id']); } if ($get_area2 != '') { $area3 = $obj->getArea($data[0]['parent_area_id']); } $user_bus_company = $obj->getUserCompany(); return $this->render('resource', ['view' => '_driverDetailModify', 'data' => $data, 'bus_company' => $bus_company, 'area1' => $area1, 'area2' => isset($area2) ? $area2 : '', 'area3' => isset($area3) ? $area3 : '','user_bus_company'=>$user_bus_company]); } public function actionCommitModifyDriver() { $bus_company_type = $_REQUEST['bus_company_type'] ? $_REQUEST['bus_company_type'] : ''; $bus_company_tp = $_REQUEST['bus_company'] ? $_REQUEST['bus_company'] : ''; $model = Yii::$app->user->id; if ($bus_company_type == '1') { $bus_company_sql = "select org_id from base_user where id = '$model'"; $bus_company_do = Yii::$app->db->createCommand($bus_company_sql)->queryOne(); $bus_company = $bus_company_do['org_id']; } else if ($bus_company_type == '2') { $bus_company = $bus_company_tp; } $driver_id = isset($_REQUEST['driver_id']) ? $_REQUEST['driver_id'] : ''; $name = isset($_REQUEST['name']) ? $_REQUEST['name'] : ''; $status = isset($_REQUEST['status']) ? $_REQUEST['status'] : ''; $driver_number = isset($_REQUEST['driver_number']) ? $_REQUEST['driver_number'] : ''; $license_no = isset($_REQUEST['license_no']) ? $_REQUEST['license_no'] : ''; $phone_no = isset($_REQUEST['phone_no']) ? $_REQUEST['phone_no'] : ''; $sex = isset($_REQUEST['sex']) ? $_REQUEST['sex'] : '-1'; $birth = isset($_REQUEST['birth']) ? $_REQUEST['birth'] : ''; $first_date = isset($_REQUEST['first_date']) ? $_REQUEST['first_date'] : ''; $address = isset($_REQUEST['address']) ? $_REQUEST['address'] : ''; $license_start_date = isset($_REQUEST['license_start_date']) ? $_REQUEST['license_start_date'] : ''; $valid_years = isset($_REQUEST['valid_years']) ? $_REQUEST['valid_years'] : ''; $area = isset($_REQUEST['area']) ? $_REQUEST['area'] : ''; $cur_time = date('Y-m-d h:i:s', time()); if ($bus_company_type == '' || $driver_id == '' || $name == '' || $bus_company == '' || $status == '' || $license_no == '' || $phone_no == '' || $sex == '-1') { $json = array(); $json["code"] = "1"; $json["info"] = "修改司机信息失败!"; return json_encode($json); } else { $sql = "update base_driver set UPDATE_USER_ID='$model',DRIVER_NAME= '$name',DRIVER_STATUS='$status',ORG_ID='$bus_company',DRIVER_NUMBER='$driver_number',LICENSE_NO='$license_no', PHONE_NO= '$phone_no',SEX= '$sex',DRIVER_BIRTHDAY='$birth',FIRST_LICENSE_DATE='$first_date',ADDRESS='$address',LICENSE_START_DATE='$license_start_date', VALID_YEARS='$valid_years',AREA_ID='$area' where DRIVER_ID = '$driver_id' and cancel_flag = 0"; $res = Yii::$app->db->createCommand($sql)->query(); if (!$res) { $json = array(); $json["code"] = "2"; $json["info"] = "修改司机信息失败!"; return json_encode($json); } $json = array(); $json["code"] = "0"; $json["info"] = "修改司机信息成功!"; return json_encode($json); } } }