=') !== true) { exit('Sorry, but you have to run this script with PHP5... You currently have the version ' . phpversion() . '.'); } if (!function_exists('imagecreate')) { exit('Sorry, make sure you have the GD extension installed before running this script.'); } include_once('function.php'); // FileName & Extension $system_temp_array = explode('/', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $filename = $system_temp_array[count($system_temp_array) - 1]; $system_temp_array2 = explode('.', $filename); $availableBarcodes = listBarcodes(); $barcodeName = findValueFromKey($availableBarcodes, $filename); $code = $system_temp_array2[0]; // Check if the code is valid if (file_exists('config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $code . '.php')) { include_once('config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $code . '.php'); } ?> <?php echo $barcodeName; ?> - Barcode Generator

Barcode Generator


'PNG - Portable Network Graphics', 'JPEG' => 'JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group', 'GIF' => 'GIF - Graphics Interchange Format')); ?>
'number', 'min' => 72, 'max' => 300, 'required' => 'required')); ?> DPI is available only for PNG and JPEG.
'number', 'min' => 1, 'max' => 4, 'required' => 'required')); ?>
'No rotation', 90 => '90° clockwise', 180 => '180° clockwise', 270 => '270° clockwise')); ?>
'number', 'min' => 1, 'max' => 30)); ?>
'text', 'required' => 'required')); ?>