setScale(2); // Resolution $code->setThickness(30); // Thickness $code->setForegroundColor($color_black); // Color of bars $code->setBackgroundColor($color_white); // Color of spaces $code->setFont($font); // Font (or 0) $code->parse($text); // Text } catch(Exception $exception) { $drawException = $exception; } /* Here is the list of the arguments 1 - Filename (empty : display on screen) 2 - Background color */ $drawing = new BCGDrawing('', $color_white); if($drawException) { $drawing->drawException($drawException); } else { $drawing->setBarcode($code); $drawing->draw(); } // Header that says it is an image (remove it if you save the barcode to a file) header('Content-Type: image/png'); header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="barcode.png"'); // Draw (or save) the image into PNG format. $drawing->finish(BCGDrawing::IMG_FORMAT_PNG); ?>