- <?php
- namespace backend\modules\motorcade\controllers;
- use backend\modules\motorcade\models\BusOrder;
- use common\models\User;
- use dosamigos\qrcode\QrCode;
- use Yii;
- use yii\filters\AccessControl;
- use backend\modules\motorcade\models\BusReport;
- /**
- * Default controller for the `Motorcade` module
- */
- class DefaultController extends BaseController
- {
- /**
- * @inheritdoc
- */
- public function behaviors()
- {
- return [
- 'access' => [
- 'class' => AccessControl::className(),
- 'rules' => [
- [
- 'actions' => ['login', 'error', 'qrcode'], //首页可能是从cs跳转过来,还没有登录信息,
- 'allow' => true,
- ],
- [
- 'actions' => ['logout', 'index'],
- 'allow' => true,
- 'roles' => ['@'],
- ],
- ],
- ]
- ];
- }
- /**
- * Renders the index view for the module
- * 业绩数据,公告数据
- * @return string
- */
- public function actionIndex()
- {
- $today = date('Y-m-d');
- //系统权限列表,车队系统 CS系统
- $user = Yii::$app->getUser()->getIdentity();
- /* @var $user User */
- $sysList = $user->getMainCorpArray();
- //昨日 省际
- $yesterday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 day'));
- $yesData = BusReport::getHomePageData($yesterday, $yesterday);
- if ($yesData['count'] == 0) {
- $yesData = [
- 'income' => 0,
- 'count' => 0,
- 'cost' => 0
- ];
- }
- //昨日 市内
- $yesDataCity = BusReport::getHomePageData($yesterday, $yesterday, false, BusOrder::LINE_TYPE_CITY);
- if ($yesDataCity['count'] == 0) {
- $yesDataCity = [
- 'income' => 0,
- 'count' => 0,
- 'cost' => 0
- ];
- }
- //一周 省际
- $lastWeek = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-6 days'));
- $weekData = BusReport::getHomePageData($lastWeek, $today, true);
- $jsStr = 'var chartWeek = [';
- $jsDay = 'var chartDay = [';
- if (count($weekData) > 0) {
- foreach ($weekData as $key => $day) {
- $jsDay .= "date_tran('" . $day['run_date'] . "'),";
- $jsStr .= "{x: {$key}, y:{$day['income']}, j_name: '出车数', l_name: '利润',date: '{$day['run_date']}',income: {$day['income']}, count: {$day['count']}, profit: " . ($day['income'] - $day['cost']) . "},";
- }
- $jsDay = substr($jsDay, 0, -1);
- $jsStr = substr($jsStr, 0, -1);
- }
- $jsDay .= '];';
- $jsStr .= '];';
- //一周 市级
- $weekDataCity = BusReport::getHomePageData($lastWeek, $today, true, BusOrder::LINE_TYPE_CITY);
- $jsStrCity = 'var chartWeekCity = [';
- $jsDayCity = 'var chartDayCity = [';
- if (count($weekDataCity) > 0) {
- foreach ($weekDataCity as $key => $day) {
- $jsDayCity .= "date_tran('" . $day['run_date'] . "'),";
- $jsStrCity .= "{x: {$key}, y:{$day['income']}, j_name: '出车数', l_name: '利润',date: '{$day['run_date']}',income: {$day['income']}, count: {$day['count']}, profit: " . ($day['income'] - $day['cost']) . "},";
- }
- $jsDayCity = substr($jsDayCity, 0, -1);
- $jsStrCity = substr($jsStrCity, 0, -1);
- }
- $jsDayCity .= '];';
- $jsStrCity .= '];';
- $formatStr = '
- function date_tran(str){
- var month = str.split("-")[1];
- var day = str.split("-")[2];
- return month+\'月\'+day+\'日\';
- }';
- //本月
- $thisMonth = date('Y-m-01');
- $endMonth = date('Y-m-t');
- $monthData = BusReport::getHomePageData($thisMonth, $endMonth);
- if ($monthData['count'] == 0) {
- $monthData = [
- 'income' => 0,
- 'count' => 0,
- 'cost' => 0
- ];
- }
- //本月 市级
- $monthDataCity = BusReport::getHomePageData($thisMonth, $endMonth, false, BusOrder::LINE_TYPE_CITY);
- if ($monthDataCity['count'] == 0) {
- $monthDataCity = [
- 'income' => 0,
- 'count' => 0,
- 'cost' => 0
- ];
- }
- //公告
- $postData = BusReport::getSysPost();
- return $this->render('index',
- [
- 'sysList'=> $sysList,
- 'postData' => $postData,
- 'jsStr' => $formatStr . $jsDay . $jsStr,
- 'jsStrCity' => $jsDayCity . $jsStrCity,
- 'yesData' => $yesData,
- 'yesDataCity' => $yesDataCity,
- 'monthData' => $monthData,
- 'monthDataCity' => $monthDataCity,
- ]);
- }
- public function beforeAction($action)
- {
- if ($action->id === 'index' && Yii::$app->user->isGuest) {
- User::cs1Login();
- }
- return parent::beforeAction($action);
- }
- /**
- * User: wangxj
- *
- * 生成二维码
- *
- */
- public function actionQrcode()
- {
- QrCode::png('http://www.yii-china.com', false, 0, 6);
- }
- }