- <?php
- define('IN_CB', true);
- include_once('include/function.php');
- function showError() {
- header('Content-Type: image/png');
- readfile('error.png');
- exit;
- }
- $requiredKeys = array('code', 'filetype', 'dpi', 'scale', 'rotation', 'font_family', 'font_size', 'text');
- // Check if everything is present in the request
- foreach ($requiredKeys as $key) {
- if (!isset($_GET[$key])) {
- showError();
- }
- }
- if (!preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/', $_GET['code'])) {
- showError();
- }
- $code = $_GET['code'];
- // Check if the code is valid
- if (!file_exists('config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $code . '.php')) {
- showError();
- }
- include_once('config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $code . '.php');
- $class_dir = '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'class';
- require_once($class_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'BCGColor.php');
- require_once($class_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'BCGBarcode.php');
- require_once($class_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'BCGDrawing.php');
- require_once($class_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'BCGFontFile.php');
- if (!include_once($class_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $classFile)) {
- showError();
- }
- include_once('config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $baseClassFile);
- $filetypes = array('PNG' => BCGDrawing::IMG_FORMAT_PNG, 'JPEG' => BCGDrawing::IMG_FORMAT_JPEG, 'GIF' => BCGDrawing::IMG_FORMAT_GIF);
- $drawException = null;
- try {
- $color_black = new BCGColor(0, 0, 0);
- $color_white = new BCGColor(255, 255, 255);
- $code_generated = new $className();
- if (function_exists('baseCustomSetup')) {
- baseCustomSetup($code_generated, $_GET);
- }
- if (function_exists('customSetup')) {
- customSetup($code_generated, $_GET);
- }
- $code_generated->setScale(max(1, min(4, $_GET['scale'])));
- $code_generated->setBackgroundColor($color_white);
- $code_generated->setForegroundColor($color_black);
- if ($_GET['text'] !== '') {
- $text = convertText($_GET['text']);
- $code_generated->parse($text);
- }
- } catch(Exception $exception) {
- $drawException = $exception;
- }
- $drawing = new BCGDrawing('', $color_white);
- if($drawException) {
- $drawing->drawException($drawException);
- } else {
- $drawing->setBarcode($code_generated);
- $drawing->setRotationAngle($_GET['rotation']);
- $drawing->setDPI($_GET['dpi'] === 'NULL' ? null : max(72, min(300, intval($_GET['dpi']))));
- $drawing->draw();
- }
- switch ($_GET['filetype']) {
- case 'PNG':
- header('Content-Type: image/png');
- break;
- case 'JPEG':
- header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
- break;
- case 'GIF':
- header('Content-Type: image/gif');
- break;
- }
- $drawing->finish($filetypes[$_GET['filetype']]);
- ?>