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  1. <?php
  2. defined('DOMAIN') or define('DOMAIN', '');
  3. defined('CS_DOMAIN') or define('CS_DOMAIN', '');
  4. defined('CS1_DOMAIN') or define('CS1_DOMAIN', '');
  5. return [
  6. 'adminEmail' => '',
  7. 'supportEmail' => '',
  8. 'user.passwordResetTokenExpire' => 3600,
  9. 'sendRTX' => true, //是否发送RTX,企业微信
  10. 'motorcadeDefaultImage' => '/resource/img/default-thumbnail.png',
  11. 'motorcadeImagePath' => '/resource/motorcade/',
  12. 'hotelImagePath' => '/resource/hotel/',
  13. 'systemVersion' => [
  14. 'CS' => 'CS System Ver 2.11.6 Sinope', //CS系统
  15. 'FO' => '蜘蛛行车队管理系统 V3.4.0', //车队系统
  16. 'HOTEL' => '酒店供应商管理系统 V1.1.0' //酒店供应商后台
  17. ],
  18. 'systemName' => [
  19. 'HOTEL' => '酒店供应商管理系统' //酒店供应商后台
  20. ],
  21. 'systemUser' => 2, //system账号对应id,系统自动
  22. 'supplier_dict_id' => 187, // 供应商对应的dict_type id
  23. 'channel_dict_id' => 301, // 渠道商对应的dict_type id
  24. 'prepay_interface' => 'http://' . CS1_DOMAIN . '/hotel/api/supplier-and-channel-p-p',
  25. 'push_info_interface' => 'http://' . CS1_DOMAIN . '/hotel/api/push-room-info',
  26. 'ctrip' => [
  27. 'flag' => true, //是否推送,和sendRTX配合使用
  28. 'base_user_id' => '648', //蜘蛛 携程下单人员id
  29. 'supplier_id' => '669', //蜘蛛 携程渠道商id
  30. 'relation_supplier_id' => '669', //蜘蛛 mapping表中,对接渠道的id
  31. 'currency_type' => 'RMB',//币种
  32. 'balance_type' => 'PP',//产品类型:预付产品
  33. 'price_type' => 'Cost', // 价格类型(PriceType) :底价 (不需要变价审核)
  34. 'submitor' => 'zhizhuchuxing', //提交人,集团名拼音
  35. 'soap' => [
  36. 'SupplierID' => 4297, //携程 蜘蛛供应商id 测试环境:SupplierID=3272
  37. 'UserID' => 428, //携程 蜘蛛账号id
  38. 'RequestorId' => '',
  39. 'AsyncRequest' => 'false',
  40. 'UserName' => 'zhilianjishuzhuanshu',
  41. 'Password' => 'zhilianzhuanshu11!!',
  42. 'UserNameRemain' => 'ZhizhSXyGBB',
  43. 'PasswordRemain' => '!!abc123',
  44. 'VersionRemain' => '1.5',
  45. 'Version' => '1.3.3',
  46. 'url' => ''
  47. ]
  48. ],
  49. //阿里酒店直连
  50. 'ali' => [
  51. 'flag' => true, //是否推送,和sendRTX配合使用
  52. 'base_user_id' => '742', //阿里下单人员id
  53. 'supplier_id' => '675', //蜘蛛 阿里渠道商id
  54. 'relation_supplier_id' => '675', //阿里 mapping表中,对接渠道的id
  55. 'currency_type' => 'RMB',//币种
  56. 'operator' => 'zhizhuchuxing', //操作人
  57. ],
  58. //携程代理通多渠道Switch直连相关参数配置 (正式)
  59. 'ctrip_switch' => [
  60. 'switch_supplier_id' => '',
  61. 'interfacekey' => '',
  62. 'base_url' => '',
  63. 'requestor' => [
  64. 'invoker' => '1.0',
  65. 'operatorName' => 'zhizhu',
  66. 'opClientIP' => '',
  67. 'userId' => 16551,
  68. 'languageType' => 'CN'
  69. ],
  70. ],
  71. 'wx_hotel' => [
  72. 'flag' => true, //是否推送,和sendRTX配合使用
  73. 'base_user_id' => '698', //微信下单人员id
  74. 'supplier_id' => '164', //微信商城渠道商id
  75. 'relation_supplier_id' => '164', //
  76. 'currency_type' => 'RMB',//币种
  77. 'operator' => 'zhizhuchuxing', //操作人
  78. ],
  79. 'tourist_img_url' => '/resource/zzcs/upload/tourist/', //组合订单图片路径
  80. 'tourist_profit' => 10,//自由行产品固定加价
  81. 'insurance' => [
  82. 'main_prod_id' => '3873593',//意外险ID
  83. 'sun_prod_id' => '3873594'//意外险票种ID
  84. ],//保险产品票种ID(车票保险)
  85. 'tourist_insurance' => [
  86. 'main_prod_id' => '3873773',//旅行意外险
  87. 'sun_prod_id' => [
  88. '0' => '3873774',//旅行1日险
  89. '1' => '3873775',//旅行2日险
  90. '2' => '3873776',//旅行3日险
  91. ],
  92. ],//保险产品票种ID(巴士自由行保险)
  93. 'YunYinPhone' => [15950517938],//运营通知电话
  94. 'tickets_design_wildcard' => '{订单号}{出发地}{上车站点}{目的地}{下车站点}{出发日期}{出发时间}{乘客姓名}{身份证号}{乘客电话}',//票样设计通配符
  95. 'tickets_designs_default_value' => [
  96. 'order_id' => ['key' => '{订单号}', 'val' => '1523628'],
  97. 'prod_start_station_area_name' => ['key' => '{出发地}', 'val' => '上海市'],
  98. 'prod_start_station_res_name' => ['key' => '{上车站点}', 'val' => '上海南方商城'],
  99. 'prod_end_station_area_name' => ['key' => '{目的地}', 'val' => '杭州市'],
  100. 'prod_end_station_res_name' => ['key' => '{下车站点}', 'val' => '杭州火车东站'],
  101. 'prod_start_station_date' => ['key' => '{出发日期}', 'val' => '2017-11-18'],
  102. 'prod_start_station_time' => ['key' => '{出发时间}', 'val' => '15:15'],
  103. 'cus_name' => ['key' => '{乘客姓名}', 'val' => '张三'],
  104. 'cus_id_no' => ['key' => '{身份证号}', 'val' => '123456789012345678'],
  105. 'customer_mobile' => ['key' => '{乘客电话}', 'val' => '13312345678'],
  106. 'seat_no' => ['key' => '{座位号}', 'val' => '31'],
  107. ],
  108. 'ugo_main_corp_arr' => [0, 1, 4, 34,36,37],//有权限进行移动分销的运营主体数组
  109. 'wx_supplier_id' => 164,//微信商城渠道号
  110. #携程自由行对接配置
  111. 'ctrip_config' => [//自由行携程配置
  112. 'supplier_id' => 1436,//携程当地玩乐
  113. 'accountId' => '8f112478285bf069',
  114. 'signkey' => '8e467b9a887565a40af5b31c01e612b9',
  115. 'api' => ''
  116. ],
  117. # 阳光保险
  118. 'sunshine_config' => [
  119. 'username' => 'C8FCECACC379E484DE71EDD1CDA55CAD',
  120. 'password' => 'E8E2830A3D452EA8D96D8EB8A3BB7D9F',
  121. 'signkey' => 'D598E08898FEEF54A76474A9DF9F09A1',
  122. 'prod_arr' => [
  123. 'passengerAccidentInsurance' => [
  124. 'QP120006' => [
  125. 'CSPRODID' => '3873593',
  126. 'PRODUCTCODE' => 'QP120006',
  127. 'PLANCODE' => ['', ''],
  128. 'PREMIUM' => '3',
  129. 'AMOUNT' => [
  130. 55000, 110000
  131. ]
  132. ],
  133. 'QP120007' => [
  134. 'CSPRODID' => '3873593',
  135. 'PRODUCTCODE' => 'QP120007',
  136. 'PLANCODE' => ['', ''],
  137. 'PREMIUM' => '5',
  138. 'AMOUNT' => [
  139. 105000, 210000
  140. ]
  141. ],
  142. 'QP120008' => [
  143. 'CSPRODID' => '3873593',
  144. 'PRODUCTCODE' => 'QP120008',
  145. 'PLANCODE' => ['', ''],
  146. 'PREMIUM' => '10',
  147. 'AMOUNT' => [
  148. 155000, 310000
  149. ]
  150. ]
  151. ],
  152. 'travelAccidentInsurance' => [
  153. 'QP120276' => [
  154. 'CSPRODID' => '3873773',
  155. 'PRODUCTCODE' => 'QP120276',
  156. 'PLANCODE' => [
  157. 'QP120276_1',
  158. 'QP120276_2',
  159. 'QP120276_3',
  160. 'QP120276_4',
  161. 'QP120276_5',
  162. ],
  163. 'PREMIUM' => '2',
  164. 'AMOUNT' => [60000, 120000]
  165. ],
  166. 'QP120277' => [
  167. 'CSPRODID' => '3873773',
  168. 'PRODUCTCODE' => 'QP120277',
  169. 'PLANCODE' => [
  170. 'QP120277_1',
  171. 'QP120277_2',
  172. 'QP120277_3',
  173. 'QP120277_4',
  174. 'QP120277_5',
  175. ],
  176. 'PREMIUM' => '5',
  177. 'AMOUNT' => [115000, 230000]
  178. ],
  179. 'QP120278' => [
  180. 'CSPRODID' => '3873773',
  181. 'PRODUCTCODE' => 'QP120278',
  182. 'PLANCODE' => [
  183. 'QP120278_1',
  184. 'QP120278_2',
  185. 'QP120278_3',
  186. 'QP120278_4',
  187. 'QP120278_5',
  188. ],
  189. 'PREMIUM' => '10',
  190. 'AMOUNT' => [175000, 350000]
  191. ]
  192. ]
  193. ],
  194. 'api' => ''
  195. ], //3873773=旅行意外险 3873593=乘客意外险
  196. #微信渠道配置
  197. 'wechat_notice_list' => [
  198. '1285' => '',
  199. '164' => '',
  200. '1590' => '',
  201. '1660' => '',
  202. ],
  203. 'ctrip_bus_config' => [//携程城际约车
  204. 'supplier_id' => 17,//携程汽车票
  205. 'accountId' => '8f112478285bf069',
  206. 'signkey' => '8e467b9a887565a40af5b31c01e612b9',
  207. ],
  208. "msg_web_name" => [
  209. 1 => "【蜘蛛出行】",
  210. 34 => "【昆山集散中心】",
  211. 37 => "【快行漫游】",
  212. 36 => "【舟山群岛旅游】"
  213. ],
  214. "wechat_name"=>[
  215. 1=>"蜘蛛出行",
  216. 34=>"昆旅集散中心",
  217. 37 => "快行漫游",
  218. 36 => "舟山群岛旅游服务中心"
  219. ],
  220. //快行配置
  221. "kxTicket" => [
  222. "busUrl" => "",
  223. "busCorpCode" => "gzhgsztc",
  224. "busUserName" => "gzhltc",
  225. "busKey" => "2A013E30B8D1119242D4117C949E0BD6",
  226. "url" => "",
  227. "corpCode" => "TESTFX",
  228. "userName" => "admin",
  229. "key" => "34315E2DAD1D55BEE3F0883F3910415A",
  230. "prodList" => [
  231. "PST20180111016903"
  232. ]
  233. ]
  234. ];