- <?php
- /**
- *
- * ============================================================================
- * * 版权所有 蜘蛛出行 * *
- * 网站地址: http://www.zhizhuchuxing.com
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * 这不是一个自由软件!您只能在不用于商业目的的前提下对程序代码进行修改和
- * 使用;不允许对程序代码以任何形式任何目的的再发布。
- * ============================================================================
- * Author By: 张帅
- * PhpStorm site1.php
- * Create By 2016/12/1 14:15 $
- */
- header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin:*");
- $user_type = 0;
- $pdo=conn();
- $back = $_POST['back'];
- $operate = $_POST['operate'];
- $channel_id = isset($_COOKIE['org_id']) ? $_COOKIE['org_id'] : 0;
- //判断去程或返程 1去 2返
- if($back == 1){
- //判断触发事件
- if($operate == 'initial'){
- $run_id = $_POST['run_id'];
- $start_area_id = $_POST['start_area_id'];
- $end_area_id = $_POST['end_area_id'];
- $run = getGoRunDetail($run_id, $start_area_id, $end_area_id, $channel_id);
- }elseif($operate == 'start'){
- $run_id = $_POST['run_id'];
- $start_res_id = $_POST['start_res_id'];
- $end_area_id = $_POST['end_area_id'];
- $line_type = $_POST['line_type'];
- $run = getGoRunDetailByStart($run_id, $start_res_id, $end_area_id, $channel_id,$line_type);
- }else{
- $run_id = $_POST['run_id'];
- $start_res_id = $_POST['start_res_id'];
- $end_res_id = $_POST['end_res_id'];
- $line_type = $_POST['line_type'];
- $run = getGoRunDetailByEnd($run_id, $start_res_id, $end_res_id, $channel_id,$line_type);
- }
- }else{
- //判断触发事件
- if($operate == 'initial'){
- $go_run_id = $_POST['go_run_id'];
- $go_start_res_id = $_POST['go_start_res_id'];
- $go_end_res_id = $_POST['go_end_res_id'];
- $run_id = $_POST['run_id'];
- $start_area_id = $_POST['start_area_id'];
- $end_area_id = $_POST['end_area_id'];
- $run = getBackRunDetail($run_id, $start_area_id, $end_area_id, $channel_id,$go_run_id,$go_start_res_id,$go_end_res_id);
- }elseif($operate == 'start'){
- $go_run_id = $_POST['go_run_id'];
- $go_start_res_id = $_POST['go_start_res_id'];
- $go_end_res_id = $_POST['go_end_res_id'];
- $run_id = $_POST['run_id'];
- $start_res_id = $_POST['start_res_id'];
- $end_area_id = $_POST['end_area_id'];
- $line_type = $_POST['line_type'];
- $run = getBackRunDetailByStart($run_id, $start_res_id, $end_area_id, $channel_id,$line_type,$go_run_id,$go_start_res_id,$go_end_res_id);
- }else{
- $go_run_id = $_POST['go_run_id'];
- $go_start_res_id = $_POST['go_start_res_id'];
- $go_end_res_id = $_POST['go_end_res_id'];
- $run_id = $_POST['run_id'];
- $start_res_id = $_POST['start_res_id'];
- $end_res_id = $_POST['end_res_id'];
- $line_type = $_POST['line_type'];
- $run = getBackRunDetailByEnd($run_id, $start_res_id, $end_res_id, $channel_id,$line_type,$go_run_id,$go_start_res_id,$go_end_res_id);
- }
- }
- $json['code'] = '0';
- $json['info'] = '返回数据成功';
- $json['list'] = $run;
- echo json_encode($json);die;
- print_r($run);die;
- #region 去程的方法
- /**
- * Function Description:获取初始化数据
- * Function Name: getRunDetail
- * @param $run_id
- * @param $start_area_id
- * @param $end_area_id
- * @param $channel_id
- *
- * @return array|mixed|string
- *
- * @author 张帅
- */
- function getGoRunDetail($run_id, $start_area_id, $end_area_id, $channel_id)
- {
- //获取班次详情
- $run_info = getRunInfo($run_id);
- $poi = getPoiInfoArr();
- $poi_info = $poi['poi_info_array'];
- //print_r($poi_info);die;
- $run['run_id'] = $run_info['run_id'];
- $run['start_area_id'] = $start_area_id;
- $run['start_area_name'] = $poi_info[$start_area_id]['area_name'];
- $run['end_area_id'] = $end_area_id;
- $run['end_area_name'] = $poi_info[$end_area_id]['area_name'];
- $run['run_date'] = $run_info['run_date'];
- $run['run_time'] = $run_info['run_time'];
- $run['line_type'] = $run_info['line_type'];
- $line_type = $run['line_type'];
- //获取上车站点
- $start_res_arr = getStartStation($run_id, $start_area_id);
- $run['start_res_arr'] = $start_res_arr;
- //获取默认选中的上车站
- $start_res_id = $start_res_arr[0]['res_id'];
- $run['select_start_res']['res_id'] = $start_res_arr[0]['res_id'];
- $run['select_start_res']['res_name'] = $start_res_arr[0]['res_name'];
- $run['select_start_res']['res_time'] = $start_res_arr[0]['res_time'];
- //获取下车站点
- $end_res_arr = getEndStation($run_id, $start_res_id, $end_area_id);
- $run['end_res_arr'] = $end_res_arr;
- //获取默认选中的上车站
- $end_res_id = $end_res_arr[0]['res_id'];
- $run['select_end_res']['res_id'] = $end_res_arr[0]['res_id'];
- $run['select_end_res']['res_name'] = $end_res_arr[0]['res_name'];
- $run['select_end_res']['res_time'] = $end_res_arr[0]['res_time'];
- //获取票种信息
- $ticket_info = getTicketInfo($run_id, $start_res_id, $end_res_id,$channel_id,$line_type);
- $run['ticket_info'] = $ticket_info[0];
- return $run;
- }
- /**
- * Function Description:通过上车站点获取初始化数据
- * Function Name: getRunDetailByStart
- * @param $run_id
- * @param $start_res_id
- * @param $end_area_id
- * @param $channel_id
- *
- * @return array|mixed|string
- *
- * @author 张帅
- */
- function getGoRunDetailByStart($run_id, $start_res_id, $end_area_id, $channel_id,$line_type)
- {
- //获取下车站点
- $end_res_arr = getEndStation($run_id, $start_res_id, $end_area_id);
- $run['end_res_arr'] = $end_res_arr;
- //获取默认选中的上车站
- $end_res_id = $end_res_arr[0]['res_id'];
- $run['select_end_res']['res_id'] = $end_res_arr[0]['res_id'];
- $run['select_end_res']['res_name'] = $end_res_arr[0]['res_name'];
- $run['select_end_res']['res_time'] = $end_res_arr[0]['res_time'];
- //获取票种信息
- $ticket_info = getTicketInfo($run_id, $start_res_id, $end_res_id,$channel_id,$line_type);
- $run['ticket_info'] = $ticket_info[0];
- return $run;
- }
- /**
- * Function Description:通过下车站点获取初始化数据
- * Function Name: getRunDetailByEnd
- * @param $run_id
- * @param $start_res_id
- * @param $end_res_id
- * @param $channel_id
- *
- * @return array|mixed|string
- *
- * @author 张帅
- */
- function getGoRunDetailByEnd($run_id, $start_res_id, $end_res_id, $channel_id,$line_type)
- {
- //获取票种信息
- $ticket_info = getTicketInfo($run_id, $start_res_id, $end_res_id,$channel_id,$line_type);
- $run['ticket_info'] = $ticket_info[0];
- return $run;
- }
- #endregion
- /**
- * Function Description:获取返程初始化数据
- * Function Name: getRunDetail
- * @param $run_id
- * @param $start_area_id
- * @param $end_area_id
- * @param $channel_id
- *
- * @return array|mixed|string
- *
- * @author 张帅
- */
- function getBackRunDetail($run_id, $start_area_id, $end_area_id, $channel_id,$go_run_id,$go_start_res_id,$go_end_res_id)
- {
- //获取班次详情
- $run_info = getRunInfo($run_id);
- $poi = getPoiInfoArr();
- $poi_info = $poi['poi_info_array'];
- //print_r($poi_info);die;
- $run['run_id'] = $run_info['run_id'];
- $run['start_area_id'] = $start_area_id;
- $run['start_area_name'] = $poi_info[$start_area_id]['area_name'];
- $run['end_area_id'] = $end_area_id;
- $run['end_area_name'] = $poi_info[$end_area_id]['area_name'];
- $run['run_date'] = $run_info['run_date'];
- $run['run_time'] = $run_info['run_time'];
- $run['line_type'] = $run_info['line_type'];
- $line_type = $run['line_type'];
- //获取上车站点
- $start_res_arr = getStartStation($run_id, $start_area_id);
- $run['start_res_arr'] = $start_res_arr;
- //获取默认选中的上车站
- $start_res_id = $start_res_arr[0]['res_id'];
- $run['select_start_res']['res_id'] = $start_res_arr[0]['res_id'];
- $run['select_start_res']['res_name'] = $start_res_arr[0]['res_name'];
- $run['select_start_res']['res_time'] = $start_res_arr[0]['res_time'];
- //获取下车站点
- $end_res_arr = getEndStation($run_id, $start_res_id, $end_area_id);
- $run['end_res_arr'] = $end_res_arr;
- //获取默认选中的上车站
- $end_res_id = $end_res_arr[0]['res_id'];
- $run['select_end_res']['res_id'] = $end_res_arr[0]['res_id'];
- $run['select_end_res']['res_name'] = $end_res_arr[0]['res_name'];
- $run['select_end_res']['res_time'] = $end_res_arr[0]['res_time'];
- //获取票种信息
- $ticket_info = getBackTicketInfo($run_id, $start_res_id, $end_res_id,$channel_id,$line_type,$go_run_id,$go_start_res_id,$go_end_res_id);
- $run['ticket_info'] = $ticket_info[0];
- return $run;
- }
- /**
- * Function Description:通过上车站点获取初始化数据 --返程
- * Function Name: getRunDetailByStart
- * @param $run_id
- * @param $start_res_id
- * @param $end_area_id
- * @param $channel_id
- *
- * @return array|mixed|string
- *
- * @author 张帅
- */
- function getBackRunDetailByStart($run_id, $start_res_id, $end_area_id, $channel_id,$line_type,$go_run_id,$go_start_res_id,$go_end_res_id)
- {
- //获取下车站点
- $end_res_arr = getEndStation($run_id,$start_res_id, $end_area_id);
- $run['end_res_arr'] = $end_res_arr;
- //获取默认选中的上车站
- $end_res_id = $end_res_arr[0]['res_id'];
- $run['select_end_res']['res_id'] = $end_res_arr[0]['res_id'];
- $run['select_end_res']['res_name'] = $end_res_arr[0]['res_name'];
- $run['select_end_res']['res_time'] = $end_res_arr[0]['res_time'];
- //获取票种信息
- $ticket_info = getBackTicketInfo($run_id, $start_res_id, $end_res_id,$channel_id,$line_type,$go_run_id,$go_start_res_id,$go_end_res_id);
- $run['ticket_info'] = $ticket_info[0];
- return $run;
- }
- /**
- * Function Description:通过下车站点获取初始化数据 --返程
- * Function Name: getRunDetailByEnd
- * @param $run_id
- * @param $start_res_id
- * @param $end_res_id
- * @param $channel_id
- *
- * @return array|mixed|string
- *
- * @author 张帅
- */
- function getBackRunDetailByEnd($run_id, $start_res_id, $end_res_id, $channel_id,$line_type,$go_run_id,$go_start_res_id,$go_end_res_id)
- {
- //获取票种信息
- // $ticket_info = getTicketInfo($run_id, $start_res_id, $end_res_id,$channel_id,$line_type,$go_run_id,$go_start_res_id,$go_end_res_id);
- $ticket_info = getBackTicketInfo($run_id, $start_res_id, $end_res_id,$channel_id,$line_type,$go_run_id,$go_start_res_id,$go_end_res_id);
- $run['ticket_info'] = $ticket_info[0];
- return $run;
- }
- /**
- * Function Description:获取班次信息详情
- * Function Name: getRunInfo
- * @param $run_id
- *
- * @return mixed
- *
- * @author 张帅
- */
- function getRunInfo($run_id)
- {
- global $pdo;
- $sql = 'SELECT
- r.run_id,r.run_date,r.run_time,l.line_name,l.line_code,l.line_id,l.line_type
- run_main AS r,
- opera_line AS l
- r.prod_id = l.line_id
- AND r.run_id = ' . $run_id . '
- AND l.cancel_flag = 0
- AND l.is_onsale = 1
- AND l.if_disabled = 0
- AND r.run_status = 138
- LIMIT 1';
- $result = $pdo->query($sql);
- $run_info = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
- return $run_info[0];
- }
- /**
- * Function Description:获取上车站点数据
- * Function Name: getStartStation
- * @param $run_id
- * @param $start_area_id
- *
- * @return array
- *
- * @author 张帅
- */
- function getStartStation($run_id, $start_area_id)
- {
- global $pdo;
- $sql = 'SELECT
- run_prod.start_station_res_id as res_id,
- (SELECT res_name FROM base_resource WHERE res_id = run_prod.start_station_res_id LIMIT 1) as res_name,
- (SELECT start_time from run_station where run_id = run_prod.run_id and station_res_id = run_prod.start_station_res_id LIMIT 1) as res_time
- run_prod
- LEFT JOIN run_station as rs ON rs.run_id = run_prod.run_id AND rs.station_res_id = run_prod.start_station_res_id
- run_prod.run_id = ' . $run_id . '
- AND run_prod.start_station_area_id = ' . $start_area_id . '
- AND run_prod.cancel_flag = 0
- AND rs.station_inout_type <> 114
- AND (SELECT ticket_type FROM opera_tickets WHERE ticket_id = run_prod.prod_id AND cancel_flag = 0) = 1
- GROUP BY run_prod.start_station_res_id';
- $result = $pdo->query($sql);
- $start_station = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
- $user_id =$_COOKIE['user_id'];
- $status = 0;
- if($user_id == 141){
- foreach ($start_station as $k => $v) {
- if($v['res_id'] == 9680){
- $status = 1;
- $station_arr = $v;
- }
- }
- }elseif($user_id == 121){
- foreach ($start_station as $k => $v) {
- if ($v['res_id'] == 9321) {
- $status = 1;
- $station_arr = $v;
- }
- }
- }
- if($status == 1){
- $start_station = array();
- $start_station[0] = $station_arr;
- }
- return $start_station;
- }
- /**
- * Function Description:获取下车站点数据
- * Function Name: getEndStation
- * @param $run_id
- * @param $run_id
- * @param $start_res_id
- * @param $end_area_id
- *
- * @return array
- *
- * @author 张帅
- */
- function getEndStation($run_id, $start_res_id, $end_area_id)
- {
- global $pdo;
- $sql = 'SELECT
- run_prod.end_station_res_id as res_id,
- (SELECT res_name FROM base_resource WHERE res_id = run_prod.end_station_res_id LIMIT 1) as res_name,
- (SELECT start_time from run_station where run_id = run_prod.run_id and station_res_id = run_prod.end_station_res_id LIMIT 1) as res_time
- run_prod
- LEFT JOIN run_station as rs ON rs.run_id = run_prod.run_id AND rs.station_res_id = run_prod.end_station_res_id
- run_prod.run_id = ' . $run_id . '
- AND run_prod.end_station_area_id = ' . $end_area_id . '
- AND run_prod.cancel_flag = 0
- AND rs.station_inout_type <> 114
- AND run_prod.start_station_res_id = ' . $start_res_id . '
- AND (SELECT ticket_type FROM opera_tickets WHERE ticket_id = run_prod.prod_id AND cancel_flag = 0) = 1
- GROUP BY run_prod.end_station_res_id';
- $result = $pdo->query($sql);
- $end_station = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
- $user_id =$_COOKIE['user_id'];
- $status = 0;
- if($user_id == 141){
- foreach ($end_station as $k => $v) {
- if($v['res_id'] == 9680){
- $status = 1;
- $station_arr = $v;
- }
- }
- }elseif($user_id == 121){
- foreach ($end_station as $k => $v) {
- if ($v['res_id'] == 9321) {
- $status = 1;
- $station_arr = $v;
- }
- }
- }
- if($status == 1){
- $end_station = array();
- $end_station[0] = $station_arr;
- }
- return $end_station;
- }
- /**
- * Function Description:获取票种信息
- * Function Name: getTicketInfo
- * @param $run_id
- * @param $start_res_id
- * @param $end_res_id
- *
- * @return array
- *
- * @author 张帅
- */
- function getTicketInfo($run_id, $start_res_id, $end_res_id,$channel_id,$line_type)
- {
- global $pdo;
- $sql = "SELECT
- ticket_id,seat_type,
- (SELECT type_name FROM dict_type WHERE id = seat_type LIMIT 1) AS seat_type_name,
- human_type,
- (SELECT type_name FROM dict_type WHERE id = human_type LIMIT 1) AS human_type_name,
- prod_price, cus_price,
- (
- min(total_count - saled_count)
- run_stock
- run_id = " . $run_id . "
- AND cancel_flag = 0
- AND seq_id >= (SELECT seq_id FROM run_stock WHERE run_id = " . $run_id . " AND cancel_flag = 0 AND res_id = " . $start_res_id . " AND seat_type = opera_tickets.seat_type limit 1)
- AND seq_id < (SELECT seq_id FROM run_stock WHERE run_id = " . $run_id . " AND cancel_flag = 0 AND res_id = " . $end_res_id . " AND seat_type = opera_tickets.seat_type limit 1)
- AND seat_type = opera_tickets.seat_type
- ) AS stock
- opera_tickets
- ticket_type = 1
- AND ticket_id IN (
- prod_id
- run_prod
- run_id = " . $run_id . "
- AND start_station_res_id = " . $start_res_id . "
- AND end_station_res_id = " . $end_res_id . "
- )
- AND cancel_flag = 0";
- $result = $pdo->query($sql);
- $ticket_info = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
- if (count($ticket_info) == 0) {
- return array();
- }
- foreach ($ticket_info as $k => $v) {
- $sale_type = getTicketChannelSaleType($channel_id, $v['ticket_id'], $line_type);//获取销售类型
- if ($sale_type)//如果该销售方式被关掉
- {
- if ($sale_type['sale_type'] == "177") {
- if ($sale_type['price'] == '0') {
- $ticket_info[$k]['price'] = $v['prod_price'];
- } else {
- $ticket_info[$k]['price'] = $sale_type['price'];
- }
- } else {
- $ticket_info[$k]['price'] = $v['cus_price'];
- }
- //$ticket_info[$k]['price'] = $v['cus_price'];//暂时全部都是销售价格
- } else {
- unset($ticket_info[$k]);
- }
- }
- return $ticket_info;
- }
- /**
- * 获取返程票种详情
- */
- function getBackTicketInfo($back_run_id, $back_start_res_id, $back_end_res_id,$channel_id,$line_type,$go_run_id,$go_start_res_id,$go_end_res_id){
- global $pdo;
- $go_ticket_info = getTicketInfo($go_run_id,$go_start_res_id,$go_end_res_id,$channel_id,$line_type);
- $back_ticket_info = getTicketInfo($back_run_id, $back_start_res_id, $back_end_res_id,$channel_id,$line_type);
- foreach ($go_ticket_info as $k => $v) {
- $go_ticket_array[$v['seat_type'] . "-" . $v['human_type']] = $v;
- $ticket_array_id[] = $v['ticket_id'];
- }
- foreach ($back_ticket_info as $k => $v) {
- $back_ticket_array[$v['seat_type'] . "-" . $v['human_type']] = $v;
- $ticket_array_id[] = $v['ticket_id'];
- }
- //获取促销优惠
- $sql = "SELECT
- ticket_id,
- off_value
- opera_tickets_discount
- ticket_id IN (" . implode(",", $ticket_array_id) . ")
- AND supplier_id = " . $channel_id . "
- AND is_onsale = 1
- AND cancel_flag = 0
- AND discount_type = 332
- AND discount_day_type = 0
- GROUP BY ticket_id";
- $result = $pdo->query($sql);
- $discount_info = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
- $discount_info_array = array();
- if (count($discount_info) > 0) {
- foreach ($discount_info as $k => $v) {
- $discount_info_array[$v['ticket_id']] = $v['off_value'];
- }
- }
- foreach ($go_ticket_array as $k => $v) {
- if (isset($back_ticket_array[$k])) {
- $go_discount = '0';
- if (isset($discount_info_array[$go_ticket_array[$k]['ticket_id']])) {
- $go_discount = $discount_info_array[$go_ticket_array[$k]['ticket_id']];
- }
- $back_discount = '0';
- if (isset($discount_info_array[$back_ticket_array[$k]['ticket_id']])) {
- $back_discount = $discount_info_array[$back_ticket_array[$k]['ticket_id']];
- }
- $ticket_one = array(
- 'go_run_id' => $go_run_id,
- 'go_ticket_id' => $go_ticket_array[$k]['ticket_id'],
- 'go_price' => $go_ticket_array[$k]['price'],
- 'go_discount_price' => $go_ticket_array[$k]['price'] - $go_discount,
- 'go_discount' => $go_discount,
- 'go_stock' => $go_ticket_array[$k]['stock'],
- 'back_run_id' => $back_run_id,
- 'back_ticket_id' => $back_ticket_array[$k]['ticket_id'],
- 'back_price' => $back_ticket_array[$k]['price'],
- 'back_discount_price' => $back_ticket_array[$k]['price'] - $back_discount,
- 'back_discount' => $back_discount,
- 'back_stock' => $back_ticket_array[$k]['stock'],
- 'seat_type' => $go_ticket_array[$k]['seat_type'],
- 'seat_type_name' => $go_ticket_array[$k]['seat_type_name'],
- 'human_type' => $go_ticket_array[$k]['human_type'],
- 'human_type_name' => $go_ticket_array[$k]['human_type_name'],
- 'price' => $go_ticket_array[$k]['price'] + $back_ticket_array[$k]['price'] - $go_discount - $back_discount,
- 'stock' => min($go_ticket_array[$k]['stock'], $back_ticket_array[$k]['stock'])
- );
- $ticket_array[] = $ticket_one;
- }
- }
- return $ticket_array;
- }
- /**
- * Function Description:获取渠道价
- * Function Name: getTicketChannelSaleType
- * @param $channel_id
- * @param $ticket_id
- * @param $line_type
- *
- * @return bool
- *
- * @author 张帅
- */
- function getTicketChannelSaleType($channel_id, $ticket_id, $line_type)
- {
- global $pdo;
- $channel_id = $_COOKIE['org_id'];
- $sql = "select supplier_name from base_supplier WHERE id = " . $channel_id . " and cancel_flag = 0";
- $result = $pdo->query($sql);
- $supplier_count = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
- if(count($supplier_count) == 0){
- $channel_id = 39;
- }
- $sql = "SELECT
- sale_type,
- '0' as price
- base_supplier_sale as a
- (
- supplier_id
- opera_tickets_distrib
- supplier_id = a.supplier_id
- AND ticket_id = " . $ticket_id . "
- AND cancel_flag = 0
- )
- AND supplier_id = " . $channel_id . "
- AND parent_type = 310
- AND product_type IN (" . $line_type . ", 0)
- AND cancel_flag = 0
- sale_type,
- prod_price as price
- opera_tickets_distrib
- supplier_id = " . $channel_id . "
- AND ticket_id = " . $ticket_id . "
- AND authority_status = 1
- AND cancel_flag = 0";
- $result = $pdo->query($sql);
- $sale_type = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
- if (count($sale_type) == 0) {
- return false;
- }
- $sale_type = $sale_type[0];
- return $sale_type;
- }
- #region 站点详情
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * 站点详情
- */
- /**
- * Function Description:获取所有线路中开始POI-结束POI的连接关系
- * Function Name: getPoiId
- *
- * @return mixed
- *
- * @author 张帅
- */
- function getPoiId()
- {
- global $pdo;
- $sql = 'SELECT
- start_area,
- end_area,
- line_type
- (
- SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.start_area, \',\', sequence.help_topic_id),\',\' ,-1) AS start_area,
- SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.end_area, \',\', sequence1.help_topic_id),\',\' ,-1) AS end_area,
- line_type
- mysql.help_topic as sequence,
- mysql.help_topic as sequence1,
- (
- SELECT @id := @id +1 as id,
- if(length(start_parent)=0,start_area_id,concat(start_area_id,\',\',start_parent)) as start_area,
- if(length(end_parent)=0,end_area_id,concat(end_area_id,\',\',end_parent)) as end_area,
- line_type
- FROM (
- SELECT distinct
- t.start_station_area_id as start_area_id,
- replace(substring(v1.parent_area_id_list,2,length(v1.parent_area_id_list)-2),\'}{\',\',\') AS start_parent,
- t.end_station_area_id as end_area_id,
- replace(substring(v2.parent_area_id_list,2,length(v2.parent_area_id_list)-2),\'}{\',\',\') AS end_parent,
- l.line_type
- opera_line AS l,
- opera_tickets AS t,
- base_area_view as v1,
- base_area_view as v2,
- base_area as a1,
- base_area as a2
- l.line_id = t.line_id
- and v1.area_id = t.start_station_area_id
- and v2.area_id = t.end_station_area_id
- and a1.id = t.start_station_area_id
- and a2.id = t.end_station_area_id
- and a1.cancel_flag = 0
- and a2.cancel_flag = 0
- AND l.cancel_flag = 0
- AND l.if_disabled = 0
- AND l.line_type in(255,256)
- AND l.is_onsale = 1
- AND t.cancel_flag = 0
- AND t.start_station_area_id != 0
- AND t.end_station_area_id != 0
- ) a,
- (select @id:= 0) as i
- ) b
- sequence.help_topic_id BETWEEN 1 AND ( SELECT 1 + LENGTH(b.start_area) - LENGTH(REPLACE(b.start_area, \',\', \'\')))
- AND sequence1.help_topic_id BETWEEN 1 AND ( SELECT 1 + LENGTH(b.end_area) - LENGTH(REPLACE(b.end_area, \',\', \'\')))
- SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.start_area, \',\', sequence.help_topic_id),\',\' ,-1),
- SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.end_area, \',\', sequence1.help_topic_id),\',\' ,-1),
- line_type
- )as tb';
- $result = $pdo->query($sql);
- $rowset = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
- return $rowset;
- }
- /**
- * Function Description:获取poi详情
- * Function Name: getPoiInfo
- * @param $poi_id
- *
- * @return array
- *
- * @author 张帅
- */
- function getPoiInfoDb($poi_id)
- {
- global $pdo;
- $sql = 'SELECT
- a.id as area_id,
- a.area_name,
- a.poi_type,
- REPLACE(substring(v.parent_area_id_list,2,length(v.parent_area_id_list)-2),\'}{\',\',\') AS parent_area_id,
- REPLACE(REPLACE(substring(v.parent_area_name_list,2),\'}{\',\',\'),\'}\',\'\') AS parent_area_name,
- v.area_level
- base_area AS a,
- base_area_view AS v
- a.id = v.area_id
- AND a.cancel_flag = 0
- AND a.id in (' . $poi_id . ')';
- $result = $pdo->query($sql);
- $rowset = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
- return $rowset;
- }
- /**
- * Function Description:获取站点详情
- * Function Name: getPoiInfoArr
- *
- * @return array|mixed
- *
- * @author 张帅
- */
- function getPoiInfoArr()
- {
- $result = get_memcache('FX_POI_ARR_LIST');
- if ($result) {
- return $result;
- }
- //1.获取POIid数组
- $poi_id = getPoiIdArr();
- //2.收集所有的poi_id
- $area_id_array = array();
- foreach ($poi_id as $key => $value) {
- if (!isset($area_id_array[$value['start_area']])) {
- $area_id_array[$value['start_area']] = $value['start_area'];
- }
- if (!isset($area_id_array[$value['end_area']])) {
- $area_id_array[$value['end_area']] = $value['end_area'];
- }
- }
- $poi_id = array_merge($poi_id);
- //3.根据poi_id获取poi详细信息
- if (count($area_id_array) > 0) {
- $poi_info_array1 = getPoiInfo($area_id_array);
- } else {
- $poi_info_array1 = array();
- }
- foreach ($poi_info_array1 as $key => $vel){
- $poi_info_array[$vel['area_id']] = $vel;
- }
- //4.根据线路类型及上下车类型对poi分组
- $poi_line_inout = getPoiByLineInout($poi_id);
- $result['poi_id'] = $poi_id;
- $result['poi_info_array'] = $poi_info_array;
- $result['poi_line_inout'] = $poi_line_inout;
- set_memcache('FX_POI_ARR_LIST', $result, 3600);
- return $result;
- }
- /**
- * Function Description:获取poi站点数组
- * Function Name: getPoiIdArr
- *
- * @return array
- *
- * @author 张帅
- */
- function getPoiIdArr()
- {
- $poi_array = getPoiId();
- return $poi_array;
- }
- /**
- * Function Description:获取poi详细信息
- * Function Name: getPoiInfo
- * @param $area_id_array
- *
- * @return array
- *
- * @author 张帅
- */
- function getPoiInfo($area_id_array)
- {
- $area_id_array = implode(',', $area_id_array);
- //1.获取POI的详细信息
- $poi_array = getPoiInfoDb($area_id_array);
- //2.整理poi数组
- $poi_info_array = array();
- foreach ($poi_array as $key => $vel) {
- $poi_info_array[$vel['area_id']] = $vel;
- }
- //3.整理poi的父子关系
- foreach ($poi_info_array as $key => $vel) {
- if (!empty($vel['parent_area_id'])) {
- $parent_id_arr = explode(',', $vel['parent_area_id']);
- $parent_name_arr = explode(',', $vel['parent_area_name']);
- $parent_area_arr = array();
- foreach ($parent_id_arr as $k => $v) {
- $parent_area_arr[$k]['area_id'] = $v;
- $parent_area_arr[$k]['area_name'] = $parent_name_arr[$k];
- $poi_info_array[$v]['son_area_id'][$key] = $key;
- }
- $poi_info_array[$key]['parent_area_arr'] = $parent_area_arr;
- } else {
- $poi_info_array[$key]['parent_area_arr'] = array();
- }
- }
- foreach ($poi_info_array as $key => $vel) {
- if (!isset($vel['son_area_id'])) {
- $poi_info_array[$key]['son_area_id'] = '';
- } else {
- $poi_info_array[$key]['son_area_id'] = implode(',', $vel['son_area_id']);
- }
- }
- return $poi_info_array;
- }
- /**
- * Function Description:根据线路类型及上下车类型对poi分组
- * Function Name: getPoiByLineInout
- * @param $poi_id
- *
- * @return mixed
- *
- * @author 张帅
- */
- function getPoiByLineInout($poi_id)
- {
- $poi_group = array();
- foreach ($poi_id as $k => $v) {
- if (!isset($poi_group[$v['line_type']]['start_area'][$v['start_area']])) {
- $poi_group[$v['line_type']]['start_area'][$v['start_area']] = $v['start_area'];
- }
- if (!isset($poi_group[$v['line_type']]['end_area'][$v['end_area']])) {
- $poi_group[$v['line_type']]['end_area'][$v['end_area']] = $v['end_area'];
- }
- }
- return $poi_group;
- }
- #endregion