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3 年之前
  1. <?php
  2. /*
  3. Author:XM
  4. Compeny:Spiders Travel
  5. */
  6. if(empty($_SERVER['APPLICATION_ENV']) || $_SERVER['APPLICATION_ENV']=='production') {
  7. defined('APPLICATION_ENV') || define('APPLICATION_ENV', 'production');
  8. } else {
  9. defined('APPLICATION_ENV') || define('APPLICATION_ENV', 'dev');
  10. }
  11. $getDbConfig = require dirname(dirname(__DIR__)).'/config/dbConfig/db.'.APPLICATION_ENV.'.config.php';
  12. $config = $getDbConfig['CST'];
  13. define("MYSQL_HOST", $config['host']);
  14. define("MYSQL_USER", $config['user']);
  15. define("MYSQL_PASSWORD", $config['pwd']);
  16. define("MYSQL_DB", $config['db']);
  17. define("MYSQL_PORT", $config['port']);
  18. define("TOKEN", "xm-zzcx8888!@#");
  19. define("ALLOW_ORIGIN", true);
  20. define("SEND_MESSAGE", true);
  21. define('APPID', 'wxbe6da4af3e529e0c');
  22. define('APPSECRET', '7c1b14020e87e9e213696e870da0e549');
  23. define("MYSQL_HOST2", "");
  24. define("MYSQL_USER2", "root");
  25. define("MYSQL_PASSWORD2", "123456");
  26. define("MYSQL_DB2", "disney");
  27. define("MYSQL_PORT2", 3306);
  28. define("MEMCACHE_HOST", "");
  29. define("MEMCACHE_PORT", "11211");
  30. define("MEMCACHE_USER", "memcached");
  31. define("API_GPS_ACCOUNT", "15618818219");
  32. define("API_GPS_PASSWORD", "123456");