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3 年之前
  1. from common import curl_interface
  2. from django.conf import settings
  3. from urllib import parse
  4. def get_make_order_params(request):
  5. params = {
  6. 'days': request.POST.get('days', '1'), # 经历的天数
  7. 'pro_cate_id': request.POST.get('pro_cate_id', ''), # 去的产品品类ID
  8. 'start_date': request.POST.get('start_date', ''), # 出发日期
  9. 'start_time': request.POST.get('start_time', '00:00:00'), # 去程出发时间
  10. 'run_id': request.POST.get('run_id', ''), # 去除班次ID
  11. # 巴士才有的参数
  12. 'prod_arr': request.POST.get('prod_arr', ''), # 去的产品列表
  13. 'contacts_name': request.POST.get('contacts_name', ''), # 联系人名称
  14. 'contacts_phone': request.POST.get('contacts_phone', ''), # 联系人手机
  15. 'contacts_ID': request.POST.get('contacts_ID', ''), # 联系人身份证
  16. 'is_buy_insurance': request.POST.get('is_buy_insurance', '0'), # 是否购买保险,0:不购买,1:购买
  17. 'insurance_list': request.POST.get('insurance_list', '[]'), # 保险受保人数组
  18. 'insurance_price': request.POST.get('insurance_price', 2), # 保险价格
  19. 'passanger_arr': request.POST.get('passanger_arr', '[]'), # 出行人数组
  20. 'system': request.POST.get('system', 2), # 系统ID
  21. }
  22. return params
  23. def make_order(params):
  24. """
  25. 调用下单接口
  26. :param params:
  27. :return:
  28. """
  29. curl = curl_interface.CurlInterface(params, 4)
  30. result = curl.exec(settings.WX_HOST + '/zzcx/order/order/make-order', 'POST')
  31. if result['flag'] is True:
  32. result['data']['pay_url'] = settings.FX_HOST + '/fx/?r=weChat/we-chat/q-code&qCode=' + parse.quote_plus(
  33. result['data']['pay_url'])
  34. return result
  35. def check_order(order_id):
  36. """
  37. 校验订单状态
  38. :param order_id:
  39. :return:
  40. """
  41. params = {
  42. 'order_id': order_id,
  43. 'money': 1
  44. }
  45. curl = curl_interface.CurlInterface(params, 4)
  46. result = curl.exec(settings.WX_HOST + '/zzcx/order/order/check-order-status', 'POST')
  47. return result